SCHOOL UVS CHANCED NEW SYSTEM OF DISTRICT SU PERVISORS MAY 20. Percentages Required to Secure Vari ous Certlucatea at Next Exam : lnatlon in June. The two new school laws, passed by the recent Legislature, governing certification of teachers and providing for the appointment of school super visors, will go into effect May 20 Suoerintendent H. C. Seymour is in receiDt df a letter of instructions from State Superintendent of Public In struction Alderman relative to the changes to be made, and the following extracts are taken therefrom: The law regarding supervisors re quires that the county superintendent of each county having more man ou school districts shall appoint on or be fore June 1. 1911, four members of a county educational board, of which board the county superintendent is! ex-officio chairman. The members of the board receive no compensation, excepting' traveling expenses. Mem bers of this board must be legal school voters and no person holding any other county office, excepting the county superintendent, shall be eligi ble. As Polk County has nearly 70 school districts, the new law will ap ply here. Dividing Pistrk-t. On the first Monday in June, the educational board shall meet and (11- ..ii on h. school districts in the coi.ntv. excepting districts of the first class, into supervisory districts. No minervlsory district shall contain less than twnntv nor more than fifty school districts. The county superin tendent shall be counted as a super visor for one district, and the noaru shall employ supervisors for the other districts. The supervisor shall De em ployed for not less than 10 months each year, at not less tnan iuu v' month, to be paid from the general fund of the county. While it would be legal to appoint the maximum number of supervisors, Superintendent Alderman strongly recommends that only the minimum number be appointed. This will en able the plan to be tried out with the least possible cost' Certlfieate Regulations. The next examination will be held .t,in 21. 22. 23 and 24. There will be nn examination in August, hence all ,.or, hn certificates expire In Aniriist. or who wish to take teach era' examinations in order to teach next year, should write at the June examination. The new law does away with the county certificates, but county superintendents will have au thority to issue county certificates on state grades until May 20. Under the present law applicants must complete the subjects for a state certificate within three successive ex aminations. The new law provides that such persons may complete their examinations under the laws now In ' force. All persons, therefore, who are writing for state certificates should appear at the June examination. Percentage Required. Applicants for a one-year state cer tificate must make a general average of not less than 76 per cent, and shall not fall below 60 per cent In any sub ject. Applicants for a five-year state cer tificate must make a general average of not less than 85 per cent and shall not fall below 75 per cent in any subject.- Applicants for a life state certifi cate must make a general average of not less than 85 per cent and shall not fall below 70 per cent in any sub-icct. Applicants for primary five-year state certificates must make a general average of not less than 85 per cent and shall not full below 70 per cent in any subject No examination In English classics will be required in the June examina tion, on account of the lack of time for announcements and preparation. All examinations will be based upon the text-books adopted by the State Text-Book Commission. PUBLIC LIBRARY GROWING Monthly Report for Mareii biiows ' Continued Imxease In Patrons. inonrtUne to the regular monthly report of Miss Jennie Muscott, libra rian of the Dallas Public Library, that nooular institution shows an en:, couraging advancement during the month of February, in comparison with the same period of the preceding year. The records for February, liu and 1911, are shown herewitn. 1910 Children's books loaned. Non-Fiction Fiction Dallas People Must Kecogiu Heed It. 312 143 503 1911 324 173 662 Total 958 Number callers 1694 New borrowers' cards ... 18 One of the most Important tinn to the shelves of the 1159 1979 26 addi- library that has been made lately consists of the following 10 volumes of the Mod ern Readers Bible: Biblical tuyis, Chronicles, Exodus, Eecleslasticus, Taalah. Jeremiah, Psalms, Klmrs. Bible Stories, Ezeklel, frov rh. Deuteronomy, Jon, ui. iukc St. Paul, two volumes. The following list of books relating to municipal problems has been re celved from the State Library com mission, and will be available ior time: Improvement of Towns and Cities-Robinson. Water and Public Health Fuertes. vi .,.,,.!,. ni irnirlneerlnK and Sanita illUlllv.pi.. TT tlon Baker. Municipal Improvements Goodhue Municipal Waterworks Whinery. Engineering Work in Towns Small Cities McCullough. titoot Tmnrovementa and Pavin Materials Tlllson. Tjriv,.av construction In Wiscon sin nir,r.aHl of Municipal Refuse Parsons. f'ltv Roads and Pavements Jud uin. Principles of Sanitary Science ana Public Health Sedgwick. Public Water Supplies Russell. Garbage Crematories in America-Venabee. w.iirli-rk for Small Cities an Towns Goodell. CORVALLIS LINE' EXTENDED n Cnntv Seat to He Cilveii lU'tter Rail Facilities. NATURE'S WARNING. and Is Kidney ills come quietly myster iously, But nature always warns you Notice the kidney secretions. if the color is unhealthy . If there are settlings and sediment, PQa-Htres freauent. scanty, painful It's time thento use Doan's Kidney To ward off Brlghts disease or u.- Doan's have done great worn in im locality. H Drexler, Main sireei, nm rtonre. Ore., says: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills and I am glad to say that they have helped me. -l.v hack was very weak and i was out., ered by Irregular passages of the kid ney secretions. Being advised 10 u, Doan's Kidney Pills, I did so and by the time I had taken the contents of three boxes, my trouble disappeared. I have not been bothered since men nd consequently have no hesitation m recommending Doan's Kidney fins to nihcr kldnev sufferers." For sale by all dealers. Price si - l)..ffn1n cents. Foster-Mliourn io., iu. ..", New York, sole agents for the unitea States. Remember the name Doan s anu take no other. fatherland's Eagle l-J . I the best remedy ever offered tne the nesi ointment, anteed to cure. At all utn tube. Sunrise Restaurant LLOVD KOIIAM. Prepl , A in hP An Immense pear u.. r,t trP 'l " Mpflls and short hours. Everything new orders served at all and clean. tii : mm ft?nw plantea u" This is of the John Day, near , specialties, only a beginning, but a big : uea ; and may lead to many ; mo e o hard , nna same kind. saj chop SueV "u " and MillStreets of the Times. Eagle Sight Too Valuable v intl. Sutherland's Eye Ba ve w II cure any case of sore eyVs. granulated lids, optnalmis tor any inflamed condition oi me e,. lew and harmless. 2Bc a tube at all dealers. Smith Building; Main Dallas. Oregon PRO FESSIONAL CAR' CO TA !wT"..aJa1 FT ( mATT n Hi ListofLireFirmsthataremMim C M la MJMJM.XJ VMM - . I i !-'tM.iMrne tT till' Ui IMMfT H- . -r UTt - rtrr,trij i tin tin is - - --. y. How to cure a cold is a question In which many are interested jusi n. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy nas won Its great reputation and immense saie by Its remarkable cure of colds. It can always be depended upon. For sale by all good dealers. A condensed milk factory may be established at St. Helens. STAR PHOTOPLAY THEATER The Home of Good Pictures RKEYS AT M SIBLEY . . AKatraCtS In The only reliable set Polk County. Dallas Office on Court St Oregon nw"--- mITIMK 1 jr (C v ANn RVILU inDi'VVt-. .s In,iStonYour Debtor GivinSjuthoC Running the same kind of pictures Star Theater ui - ATTORNEY AT LAW ED T. COAD j Office in Courthouse i Dallas JJENT1ST M. HAYTER Oregon WU!amette Valley Lumber Co. m i x- fiT"CTTI V AND tAR- t,AIl'-- GEST PAY ROIA IX POLK COUNTY CORVALLIS, Or., Feb. 28. It was announced here yesterday that the Corvallis & Alsea River RaTlwayhus been sold to the Portlund, Eugene & Eastern Company. The stock of the Corvallis & Alsea River Railroad is held by Corvallis people, the road be ing a local line from Corvallis to Mon roe, In Benton County, and engaged largely in the logging busincs. The line will be electrified at once, and It is expected to have the motor ers running within two months. The taking over of the Corvallis & ai-ou Plver road completes another link In the system the Portland, Eu gene & Eastern Company will have extending through the Willamette Valley, when its various scattered branches are connected, says the Ore-gonlan. The Corvallis-Monroe line m at once extended to close up the gap between Salem and Eugene. The line will erosa-'the Willamette at Corvallis and follow the east bask north to Salem via Albany. From Monroe It will extend on the west side to Eu-Kene. The proposed county bridge across the Willamette at Corvallis will be widened and strengthened to carry the electric road. When her child Is In danger a wo man will risk her life to protect It. No great act of heroism or risk of life Is necessary to protect a child from croup. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and all danger Is avoided. For sale by all good dealers. State of Ohio, City of Toledo,) Lucas County. ) as. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F., J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that the said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL i Ana fnr en eh and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of De cember, A. D. 1886. (Seal.) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor exercise, insufficient mastication of food, constipation, a torpid liver, wor ry and anxiety, are the most common causes of stomach troubles. Correct vm,r hnbits and take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be well again. For sale by an good dealers. There ure 99 parts exaggeration to nno i.iirt truth In the stories of raniu covotes, declares the Wallowa Chief tain. Urn famous land. Using only licenseu ' which are approved by the National Board of Censorship of New ork City. The names of the films are the famous Biograph, Edison, Essaiiuy. Guiiinont, Kalem, Luliiii. Vrban Eclipse, George Mel lew. Pathe Freres, Sells, and Vitagraph, which are the best pictures to b- had and are used by all the leading picture houses of the East and West. Dallas Over Stafrin's Drug Store. pregon ATTORNEY AT LAW OSCAR HAYTER Rooms 5 and 6. Uglow Bldg. Modern Store fronts Are a specialty at COAD'S PLANING MILL MODERN PLANT-SKILLED . WORK m FXUP-TO-DATE IDEAS. Shop Work of All Kinds at Reasonable , i-rices. COY BROTHERS CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS Plans and Estimates Furnished G. H. COY, V. J. COY, Phone Mutual 1194 West Side h. WorKs G. L. HAWKINS, Pm, MONUMENTS, HEADgty: CURBING, Phone 1385 it OREGON'S BEST" Manufactured Solely by DALLAS FLOURING MILL Guaranteed to be the best sofi wheat flour 'in theWillamette Valley Sold by all Grocers In Dallas. Dallas Oregon DENTIST Office over Fuller Pharmacy. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m.; to 5 p. m. DALLAS GARAGE ABSOLUTELY FIRE-PROOF Best equipped Garage in the State. Constructed of Concrete Through out Automobiles stored at reason able rates. Expert machinists in charge o Repair Department. D. F. HARRIS, Proprietor. California Dallas A Complete Line of All Utc F. J. WAG MECHANICAL EXPl Otho Williams Merchant Tailor All the New Spring Styles and Patterns. Solicits your orders for Careful and Conscientious Workmanship. ATTORNEY AT LAW L. D. BROWN Abstracts promptly made. Notary Public, Collections Mill St. Down-stairs. . Dallas, Ore the place WALTER L. TOOZE, JR. to visit. Orange groves , ttorneY AT LAW . . . i i flrt,,.ca fnmoua; in full Dioom, iropicm , hotels, historic Old Missions, atiraci ive watering places, delightful cli mate, making that favored section the Nation's most popular retreat. You can see It at Its best via the Shasta Route DALLAS BAKERY C. C. MULKEY, Proprietor. Do not send your money away to Portland for bread. Buy good Dallas bread and keep the money at home, i It will help us and' help you. i Bell Phone 51. Mutual Phone 326. Soehren Warehouse Co. CEMENT CUBBINGS AND WALKS We Handle a full line of Cedar and Oak Fence Posts, Brick, Lime. Sand and Cement, Land Plaster, Drain Tile, Shingles, Fire Brick, Hair, Wall Plast er and Hop Supplies. r, i.innir south of depot Phone 1191 WUV Tires Set while Tom Agency for lnternationij Company' Auto Buggy' for farm and country pur, llave just added a compi , Farm Implements and U C D. Forrr - BI.ACKSMr.-5Hi Shop located In NonJUIT niaeksinitliliig iR, j J Dallas Iron ri Y Office in Wilson Bldg. Dallas Oregon "The Road of a and Thousand Wonders" MOHAIR WILL DECREASE ITedMlon That Shortage Will Amount to 10 Per Cent. WILL INSPECT STOCK Oregon Jersey faille J. II. Slump' Club to Herd. The VMI CI 111 M. OLIVE SMITH Teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson Block Dallas Oregon N. L. Butler L. D. Butler BUTLER & BUTLER Attorneys at Law Room Portland 311-312 Lewis Building. Oregon A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment ana uouna on to the affected parts Is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains In the side or chest give it a trial and you are certain to ne mme than pleased with the prompt relief which IKaffords. For sale by all good dealers. Southern Pacific Company Up-to-date trains, first-class In every respect, unexcelled dining-car service, quick time and direct connections to sill noints south. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARE OF $55.00 Portland to Los Angeles and Return With corresponding low fares from all other sections of the Northwest. Lib eral stop-overs in each direction and lonir limit. Interesting and attractive literature on the various resorts and attractions of California can be had : Calg promptly answered day or night on application to any S. P. or O. R. j DaIln8 Oregon & N. Agent, or from I . Bell phone 103 Mutual phone 1306 R. L. CHAPMAN FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER WHITE CLOVER" CARTON BlITTtR Manufactured by T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. Creameries at Portland, Astoria, Salem, Gardiner, Dallas, Nahcotta, Lyons, Seattle. COSY CORNER CANDIES Try our fine Home-made Cnn'lies General work. Horse shoeing aim a specialty. Your buslncN t Machinists Foundrymc Mil KITH, f SAWMILL WORK A ?UY We are prepared to!do(p ri Iron and Brass work. LuC' " ' and Stock work on hat; the best and cheapest ( on the market. Prlcei' yr One of Dallas' Finest and our delicious Ic e Cream CHARLES H.LLANE Observer Pi "THE LINOTYPE All Printing Done Just I Than Seems Nets F h THE PACIFIC MGNTIt AND THE TW1CEAWEEK OBSERVt BOTH ONE YEAR FOR W1I. McMTJERAY General Passenger Agent Portland, Ore. or.L'oii Jersey Cattle rme uu In a body to visit the im ....i herds- of J. B- Stump, of Monmouth, Wednesday, 11 u 1 it tviiu in the form of an ain i ,i . . ,t iifu tinniil study. There are 200 breeders of rrgisiereti Jerseys In Oregon. Dairymen, it l slated, are selling out their common and grade herds and buying pure-bred herds, as tin y are much more profita ble. Mr. Stump Is the owner of the Imported bull. Noble Peer, which cost 13000 and Is said to be the most custly Jersey bull In the state. The oltlcrs of the lul are: President. H. West, of; vice president, William M. ladd, of I'oriiano. n,,ln...... Charles Cleveland, of Oresham; sec retary, Thomas Withyeombe, of land. Oregon Ih ii. A Prlnevllle man has a golden eagle, measuring seven feet from tip to tip. that he captured ullve. Help Wanted For that cough. Get a bottle of Dr. Bell s I'lne-Tar Honey. It Is the best. With the promise of decreasing sup- lilies of mohair this season In Oregon the outlook for prices Is very bright, and at i.resent It Is generally believed that SOc will be paid at the start, with a probable advance aiir mr becomes spirited, predicts the Portland Journal. So many goats have been slaughter ed this season that the number avail able for shearing is about 10 per cent 1. sh than a year ago some authorities estimating the reduction at greater than this. During the past season there has been a noticeable Increase In the consumptive demand for goats. owing to the low prices, and this m-am-n oi me ...,.,.. - , - - . t furnish a i.rin In mors money to goaineru , owners than the mohair, although nat urally both ends of the market will he worked as In sheep. Goat shearing will atart In th Wil lamette Valley within a few weeks If weather conditions are at all favorable and then the supplies avallabl for th rir ed meat market will be greatly Increased. At the preaent time dressed kids eell generally around Ic a pound, thi him th averaa. with a t iml.-s higher or allshtly lower, accord- J Ing to quality. j Nearly 4.000,000 feet of lumber was shipped from the Coqullle via Biimlon during January. Horse Shoeing mid General Black-smithing. Dallas, DR. B. E. NEVEL VETERINARY SURGEON Phone, 29 Oregon I can cure Quarter Cracks and Con- trarted Feet, also Interfering and Forging. I guarantee all work first class. All 1 ask the public is to give me a fair trial. I also cure corns on horses' feet. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. GEORGE P. CRAMER, Fred Wagner's Old Stand, Dallas, Ore. DR. DAVID YOUNG Osteopathic Physician Office, T 19 Court St. Mutual Phone 631 DALLAS, OREGON, Only $2.25 I -1 OFFER NO. 2. A Cough Is a danger signal and should not be neglected. Take Dr. Bell s Plne-Tar-I tones at once. It allays Inflammation, stops the cough and heuls the membranes. urt- I'niuliig IX'itioustralhHi. Thoe who attend the meeting to In held In the court house m xt Saturday. March 4. for the purpose of organixlng . horticultural society, will be given an opportunity to learn a practical ob wt l ..,. n in l.runing. J. H. Nunn has numoer " t-niinir treS. anil v,eoiK- who Is . xperl. need In that nnf, wm give a demonstration of th most ap proved methods of shaping a tree, with an explanation of th why and wherefore of each step in th proced ure. Th Information to be obtained w ill be specially timely, and It is x ! p-tcd that there will b a large gath- A nuin near Bandon has a logan- ih.i ,,howed a arowth of lieiij imr - - 23 'i feet last year. Asthma Is a distressing disease. Dr. Bell i Plne-Tar-lloney relieve almost Instant ly. We guarantee it to give satisfaction i ,un n,1 womnan were driving into Kuitene before daylight; In pass Ing through a driveway guarded by red llKhts. the horse became frigntenea reared and backed and fell Into a gas . 1 , 1. .he I main ditch; Its plunging "' main and It was asphyxiated. A man cam along and lighted a match to see what was th matter, when tha whole vi.-lnltv hurst Into flam, providing roast horse. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures :old. Croup and Whooping Cough. Review of Reviews Pacific Monthly Twice-a-Week Observer. DALLAS STATION TIME CARD SOUTHERN PACIFIC. LEAVING DALLAS. Passenger No. "4 ... Passenger No. 76 . . . . .6:50 a. m. , .2:25 p. m. Passenger No. Passenger No. ARRIVING DALLAS. 77 11:10 a. m. 75 7:25 p. m. SALEM, FALLS CITY East Bound. TRAIN NO. 1. Lv. Dallas 7:35 a. m. Ar. West Salem 8:15 a. m. TRAIN NO. 3. m. Ject. Croup . . . t...A I. . .. .-Ill Causes uneasy nigms oui " j us Dr. Bell a Pin-Tar-Hony It will relieve In a few minutes. There Is thing better. Guaranteed ty an ui- . .10:50 . .11:05 a. m. . .11:40 a. m. . 12:20 p. m. .3:00 p. .3:35 p. .4:15 p. nt TWO INSPECT MONMOUTH: Itejrrnta Plaa K Irrr fetKRii f Oprtiln. mo ting. ( ! a.rvtc. S; arrmon b Thursday lYr-tiytiTtaa 1ri. i em. Krrvk-t-a Sunday. March I: Similar s hool. It a. m. Morning service, 11 oii.M-k; prea. h- In by th pastor. Xtirmal i Christian Kmlesvor p. m. 1 Evening S th atnr. SALEM. Feb. 15. Superintendent, Midweek prayr ml:ng of Public Instruction Alderman iml ,Uiiin, i It. Misa Cornelia Marvin, of th Statj you ar cdiall invll-d to w ormhlp Board of Normal Krgenta, nav re- m(,h tumd from a visit at Monmouth, l.ln. Ail . Mli-r..-s where they atart r4 preparations fori . - P' . placing tha Oregoa at N.wtnal j rVhool in condition for th opening ot j trmrr Hei.l.- paw, i MnrTpair. and Imp J, W.lH.ra W.lkp age, . ( w a. f k ..rnt tmlldina S at th. 8.1-m H"lUl. 1 rtruary II. i ttlt in Pliirmi.n. Sal.m Journal: Oh. a. Ita an right to put off getting mountain water, a ft w years, and In th meantime loa half a million of appropriations and several atat Institutions and th Stat capital th first time an pldmlc hlu th town. All Skin Troubles. Ar ovrcom by using Dr. Bell's Antiacptic Salve. It la aa plaaaant to us aa pur cream and la guaranteed to giva at isf action. Lv. Black Rock Lv. Falls City Lv. Dallas Ar. West Salem TRAIN NO. Lv. Falls City". Lv. Dallas Ar. West Salem TRAIN NO. Lv. Falls City . '. Ar. Dallaa TRAIN NO. . Lv. Dallas Ar. West Salem . TRAIN NO. 11 Lv. Black Rock . Lv. Falls City .. Lv. Dallaa , Ar. West Salem 1:1 p. m TRAIN NO. IS. (Sunday Only.) Lv. Black Rock 4:00 p. m. Lv. Falla City 4:15 p. m. Lv. Dallaa 4 5 p. tn. Ar. West Salem 5:1 p. m. Train No. S connects at Dallas with way points. & WESTERN RY. CO. West Bound. TRAIN NO. 2. Lv. West Salem 9:00 a. m. Lv. Dallas 9:45 a. m. Lv. Falls City 10:15 a. m. Ar. Black Rock 10:35 a. m. TRAIN NO. 4. Lv. West Salem Lv. Dallas Ar. Falls City . .. .1:30 .2:15 .2:45 TRAIN NO. 6. Threshing of last year a crop w only flnish-d last wk In northern Cr-k County. A commercial club haa been formed .t Coouilk. and a city hall will b built. 6:05 p. m. 6:3 5 p. m. (Sunday Only.) 7:35 a. m. 8:15 a. m. (Sunday Only.) 11:45 a. m. 12:00 a. m. 12:35 p. m. Lv. V'e?t Salem . Lv. Dallas Ar. Falls City ... TRAIN NO. I. Lv. West Salem . . Lv. Dallas Lv. Falls City ... Ar. Black Rock . TRAIN NO. 10. Lv. West Salem . Lv. Dallas Lv. Falls City . . . Ar. Black Hock . TRAIN NO. 12. 1 Lv. West Salem 5:50 p. ! Ar. Da'.iaa 6:30 p. Publishers Price. if 3.00 1.50 1.50 Total - ...WW Our Price, only $3.75 OFFER NO. 3. Woman's Home Companion. Review of Reviews Pacific Monthly Twice -a-Week Observer $1.50 3.00 1.50 1.50 OFFER NO. 7. Pictorial Review $1.00 Modern Priseilla 75 Ladies' World 50 Pacific Monthly 1-50 Twiee-a-Week Observer 1.50 Total Our Price, Total .$7.50 Our Price, only $4.75 OFFER NO. 4. Delineator MeClurea Pacific Monthly Twice-a-Week Observer. . . $1.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 Total S5-50 Our Price, only $3.95 OFFER XO. 5. Woman's Home Companion $1.50 Twice-a-Week Observer 1.50 4:35 p. m. 5:20 p. m. 5:50 p. m. (Sunday Only.) 9:00 a. m. 9:45 a. m. 10.15 a. m. i 10:35 a. m. (Sunday Only.) 1:35 p. m. 2:20 p. m. 2:50 p. m. 1:10 p. m (Sunday Only.) m. m Total 3.00 Our Price, only $2.50 OFFER XO. . Review of Reviews $3.00 Twiee-a-Week Observer 1.50 morning train from Portland and Total .. Our Price, only $4.50 ....$3.00 $5.25 only $3.25 OFFER XO. 8. Woman's Home Companion. .. .$1.50 Pacific Monthly 1- Twiee-a-Week Observer l.oO Total $4.50 Our Price, only $3.25 OFFER XO. 9. McClures $1.50 Pacific Monthly Twiee-a-Week Observer. . Total Our Price, only 1.50 ... 1.50 ...$4.50 $3.25 OFFER XO. 10. Everybody $1.50 Twice-a-Week Observer 1.50 Pacific Monthly 150 Total $4.50 Our Price, only $3.25 OFFER XO. 11. Delineator $100 Pacific Monthly 1.50 Twice-a-Week Observer 1.50 Total $4.00 Our Price, only $3.00 OFFER XO. I Cosmopolitan Pacific Monthly I Twiee-a-Week Observe Totl 5 Our Price, only f If you do not see wb this list, let us know range any combination 1 Vse Tills OrdcJ I accept your Off:. and enclose $ payment thereof. Name Address If already a aa1' of the publtcationsT ' these off era, your JLi. will be extended ot present expiration c If you wish any f lines to go to diffe Indicate below. t)0 ixm ri:ii:NCE a t Vails. MONMOITII IMitsion. RY. LEAVING DALLAS. Pasaenser No. 5 nd f.rcn- A Hrwatlful The fu-.)nut have a beautiful akin. Dr. Pasaencer No. Faasena-e No. "1 T LEAVING INDEPENDENCE. Pell I lr Mr A. C Hum haa tha aiaraette j the rt to ceiva a w " 1 1"'. . mewnir la Iadr-e'o Ut iundar from Mr. Voora. a rrinrsinr rm Ran Franrtac. h waa la mid-aoeaa aeet h -sac via Astoria 14 hl w1f. la thta February 14. ami tntemv nt was la th uaint- th akin smooth. Try It rm our 1 O . P. r met-rr fwarante. Tow ar rrohat-ty a-ar that rneu-1 A Boo.naa maa has lar, collee- It cam mowla alw.,-. re-u!a fro a ria. but t.. of rare " , "7 . tn v . xa -,iti lw lit.a atamw. tau4 la 1 .. ana tnat as wa Ja -e-r mm.m - -- , 1. llt sr. h-. m luannu " . - ------ venlra. aad he baa Paaaencer No. 4 Pasaencer No 1 1 . Paaaenm'r No. . hii KMimr nlant and a new dor- ... . .- . lmeunl miWIWIIIwnm-iei. ... - , .... l,nd will b. pur, h. aa well. . . T " ' . ,..min. ' removes plmplee. rhMl ' " - T"' ..H. rr,d.y. T " a head char-, and rouabae LEAVING AIRLIE. Paaaencer N a 2 . . . Paaaencer No. T2 LEAVING INDEPENDENCE Pasaencer K (1 raasvnrer N . .. Paaaencer No. T3 1 II p, m. rise. re r No. 72... Remedy as mm. Why tali lb rto chrtM.ea " ' m. eonaecta at Monmouth for Ka4 far a beea er t" . Ain- irmina . ana rroa Airtie coaned Wie paeumeoia ea Cfcaielala a Ctmah ' ! ARRIVING DALLAS :t a. m IWnier No 4 4 t:50a.m 1 P- ra. Paaaencer No. (S 11:30 a m 7 Ii p. m P.nefr No. 70 :55 n m ARUIVING INDEPENDENCE . a m P"rier No. i lia m .1 ia m Pi""eneer No. 1 !ip.m . t lip m . Passenirer No. 71 l.t p. m Alrtl Pivtsio. j ARRIVING AIRLIE a. m ! Paaaencer No. f 1 J;s m . S m Pasaencer No. II l ti'B m ARRIVING INDEPENDENCE .. I 25 a. m .. 4:51 p ro i Waea tha bones acba and tha iolnta ara lanameil with mack taadaraeaa at tha affected parta. yon need a Bowarful penetratinc aseot ts " U atUck. BALLARD'S W LINSW2 IS A PAIN RELIEF OF GREAT EFFICACY. It -wonderfnl penetratinc power affords a moat rratifylrur sense of relief ta th afflict j pa!a quickly, subdues all Inflammatory conditions aad rapidly restores atracta aad mv- achlnc joints. It la equally effective la rellerlr.c aearalcta aad aciatica. Ba It 1 welt n thorouchly: It heallnc aad atreartheaiac lofiuecc ta manifest aa aooa as It reacaaa tha aeat of tha disturbance. A few applications controls the disorder sad restores uorsnal eoa As a boBaehold remedy for eariac cuts, wounds, burns, sores or tha anadred aad ea as -ara always occurrlnc ts the fleaa. It tu ae superior. SNO E N : Put Up In Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bo JAMES r. BALLAK3 ntonuETom rc ace Cm Crmavlatea LMs, taa f the Eretafl, Weak ae Hak Kre aaree. It la a: Monmouth for Dei nwm - r ' t IAS tl WMV j laa and way polata. c ty Vofimowta Hra!4. For eal Vy all te ear aaa mw CONRAD . STAFRIN