Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, February 24, 1911, Image 1

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NO. 2
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1 pl"
Turn 1 1 in
;i. homeov-e: -rft
iv? bomethinf to bay', you
find at thU beacon that ou
i?c ae altinf too ikeaute we
ff many auietw oj wiieti we aie
oaS . to dUjyo&e. don't think
wh that ma eannot fet a food
Seeau&e we always haw a jut A
"k oj thinfb fi the home in oa
da separator be sure to see these before you buy.
save you 25 per cent.
J-e always Piy to five food valuer
wie who hade with ub.
rank Kerslake
AW? The Home Furnisher
lit 0
m r
nionable in Price, '
Most Economical to Use
. av
aver. DroLners, Agents
r. r-
at is The Definition of Reliability?
thai :
The r.
' when you can buy good, reliable home grown stock,
I -ices, that you are saving time and money; It also
nt are assured of a better orchard as your soil con-
same, thus not retarding the growth from the start.
man, of Creswell, Ore., says of our stock: "Of the
purchased of you last Spring, we dm not lose one
rd is the best for the time being planted, of any In
-ld for $300 per acre in less than six months after
"Treat others as
ce you.
you wish to be treated." A trial
URSCRY-COMPANY Lafayette, Oregon
Happenings -of Interest In Various
, Neighborhoods Told In Interest'
lug Manner.
Grandma Thorn is ill with the grip.
N. Selig was a DIack Rock visitor
W. R. Hinshaw visited Black Rock
W. P. Nichols made a trip to Dallas
H. W. Bancroft was a Dallas visitor
Jesse Russell has gone to Wilbur for
his health
Mrs. T. D. Hollowell is reported as
Mrs. Clara Kaufman was a Salem
visitor Friday.
Mrs. R. A. Titus is selecting millln
ery in Portland.
Mrs. W. L. Tooze was a Dallas vis
itor, Wednesday.
D. J. Grant visited his family over
Sunday at Dallas,
William Ellis made a trip to the
county seat Friday.
Mrs. W. T. Harris was a Capital
City visitor Friday.
Clarence ' Fream, of Black -Rock,
visited B'alls City, Monday.
George Vick attended to legal busi
ness at Dallas, Wednesday.
B. F. Boughey, of Salem, visited
friends in this city Monday. .
William Marlin, of Black Rock, was
a' visitor in this city Monday.
Professor and Mrs. J. E. Dunton
were Dallas visitors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Reynolds have
moved to Canyon County, Idaho.
John Chappelle has gone to Salem
to spend a few days with friends.
E. Bogert and Mark Siddel, -of Sa
lem, visited P. H. Bogert Wednesday.
Mrs. Warren Graham, of Lake
County, is visiting friends in this city.
Mrs. S. S. Coon, of Mill One, visited
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brown over Sun
day. Mrs. E. E. Gilliam, of Salem, visited
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Moyer over Sun
day. '
Harry Blsssel and Otis Foster, of
Ballston, attended the debate Friday
Harry Packard, of Portland, visited
his sister, Mrs. W. T. Grler, over
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Talbot passed
through this city Friday, en route to
George March left Sunday for Cor-
vallis, where he is employed by a lum
her company.
Hon. W. L. Tooze has gone to Port
land, where he is attending to busi
ness interests.
" F. S. Belcher, president of the Falls
City Lumber Company, was a visitor
here Wednesday.
O. E. Sampson, C. J. Moyer, William
Tice and James Wright have gone to
the Siletz Basin.
Miss Maud Montgomery, of Dallas,
visited her mother, Mrs. Addle Mont
gomery, Monday.
- Mrs. Seth Moon, of Modesto, Call
fornla, is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. B. D. Carey.
Miss Mary Hammond is teaching
two classes of physical culture at Wil
lamette University.
A. E. Trask and daughter, Myrtle,
have gone to California, where they
will visit relatives.
Mrs. W. F. Nichols Is visiting at the
home of her parents. Professor and
Mrs. W. I. Reynolds, at Shaw.
Miss Alta Burton, who has been vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. E. A. La Dow, has
returned to her home In Eugene.
Miss Mabel Packard has returned
to her home in Portland, after several
days' visit with her sister, Mrs. W. T.
Mrs. Franklin Silbaugh, national
lecturer of the W. C. T. U., gave an
address at the Methodist Church Sun
day evening.
Florence Burton, of Independence,
after visiting a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Hinshaw, returned to her
home Saturday.
Mrs. Dona Donley and two children
have returned to their home In The
Dalles, after a few weeks' visit with
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Wonderly.
Clay Osgood, who has been visiting
relatives in Brownsville for the past
month, has returned and has accept
ed a position with C. S. Barnhart.
Revival services are being held In
the Free Methodist church, by the
Reverend Kreidor, of Eugene. The
meetings will continue until next Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. La Dow celebrat
ed their wedding anniversary Sunday.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. Flower. Mrs. Frank Butler, and
Randolph Butlen v
The Knights of Pythlaa will give a
social ball In, Wagner Hall, Friday
evening, February J 4. Music will be
furnished by tfie' Walker orchestra.
A light lunch will le aerved In the
School, which took place In Wagner
Hall, Friday evening, resulted in favor
of Lebanon, by a decision of two to
one. The question ' was, "Resolved,
that American cities should adopt a
commission form of government."
Falls City supported the . affirmative.
The Falls City debaters were Leslie O.
Tooze, leader; Ella M. Mehrling and
Lamar E. Tooze, assistants. Superin
tendent H. C. Seymour was chairman
of the meeting. The Judges were;
President A. A. Winter, of Dallas Col
lege; the Reverend H. C. Dunsmore,
of Independence, and Superintendent
Powers, of Salem. The debate was
the most Interesting ever held In this
city. Superintendent F. Mix Stotler
accompanied the visiting team.
. Hon. and Mrs. W. L. Tooze gave a
valentine party at the Tavern last
Tuesday evening. The large dining
room was profusely decorated with
ferns and red hearts. Hearts and
Flinch were played, prizes being won
by Mrs. I. G. Singleton and Mr.
George March. Dainty refreshments
were served. Mrs. Tooze was assisted
in receiving by Mrs. W. F, Nichols,
and Misses Bertha Frink, Viola Selig,
rt4- Ethel Tooze. Master Arthur pre
sided over the punch bowl. Those
present were : Professor and Mrs. J. E.
Dunton, Mr. and ")Hrs. W. F, Nichols,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hooker, Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Grier, Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
Fuller, Dr. and Mrs. Hellworth, Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Hinshaw, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Heydon, Mr. and Mra. Ed
Rich, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lowe, Mr.
and Mrs. I. G. Singleton, Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. N. Selig,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Tooze,; Misses
Gertrude Cobb, Viola Selig, Bertha
Frink, Mabel Packard, Florence Bur
ton, Jean Kuykendall, Elsie White,
Chloe Palmer, Alice Grant,- Ruth Fu
gate, Hallie Morrison, Blanche Chap-
pell, Ethel Tooze; Messrs. A. W. Por
ter, Erjnls Frink, Paul Shepard,-George
March, Dr. M. L. Thompson, Arthur
urday night was fine. Every one had
a good time.
Mrs. Ross Pettit has returned from
a few weeks' visit with her mother
in Marcola.
Mr. and Mrs. McCamish, of Dallas,
are visiting af the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. R. Fream.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Maxfleld have
taken charge of the Hon. I. M. Simp
son's farm. They moved Thursday.
A. Myer and son were in Black
Rock Thursday. He was accompanied
by his brother, who Is mayor of Scio.
C. A. Erlckson cut his leg very
badly recently, while splitting wood
He went to Falls City and had the
wound sewed up and will ' remain
there a few days. C. E. Fream was
with him.
Dave Dove, of Independence, was in
town Tuesday.
Lum Yeater, of Bridgeport, was In
Monmouth, Tuesday.
Evan Evans, of Dallas, made Mon
mouth a business visit Tuesday.
A. N. Newbill, of Dallas, was In
town on a business visit Tuesday.
The familiar face of Gene Hosner,
of Portland, was seen In Monmouth,
Miles porterfleld, of Buena Vista,
was a business visitor in Monmouth,
D. M. Hampton, our ex-hotel keep
er, made a business trip to Portland
and back, Monday.
Ralph and Robert Hall, of Buena
Vista, were over to see their uncle,
L. M. Hall, Sunday.
F. Wade, of Clem, Gilliam County,
was in town over Sunday. He is
thinking of locating here.
W. R. Hall, who has been at the
bedside of his brother, L. M. , Hall,
since the latter suffered a stroke of
paralysis, returned to his home in
Buena Vista, Tuesday.
II. M. Branson, of Salem, was In
Monmouth this week In the Interest
of the Horticultural Fire Relief Asso
ciation of Oregon. He was surprised
to note the rapid growth of the town.
C. E. Herren is having a cement
flue built in the fine bungalow being
constructed for him by A. N. Poole.
Mr. Walker is building the flue, and
it will be the first of the kind in the
William Ireland has gone to live
with Archie Tetherow at Suver for
awhile. In the hope that the change j
may benefit his health. He was In
California five months, and Is some
John Howell fell from a painter's
scaffold one day last week and re
ceived Injuries from which he Is still
unconscious. He struck on his head
and is so badly hurt that he may not
Editor Stitt, of the Herald, Is still
confined to his room. Instead of him
having the grip, the grip has him,
and It Is holding him tightly. How
ever, he hopes to be able to return to
his office In a few days.
Hon. J. II. Ackerman and family
have arrived In Monmouth, with their
household goods and will become cit
izens of Polk County. We welcome
them to our town and hope that their
stay here wilt be pleasant and profit
able. '
Your correspondent made a trip "to
Missouri Bottom, Monday, where he
found the farmers busy plowing their
hops. Dick McCarter Is having quite
a lot of wood cut. He says no more
hops for him. Mr. McCarter has a
fine piece of land and keeps his place
in first-class shape.
L M. Hall, a former Sheriff of Polk
County, and one of our leading cltl
sens. Is slowly recovering from his re
cent paralytic stroke, mention of
which was made In Tuesday's Ob
server. He Is regaining the use ofi
his legs, but it is feared that his arms
are. permanently affected.
The death of Grandma Chase fromi
Frank Neeley spent Sunday in Sher
A. W. Fletcher made a business trip
to Sheridan, Friday.
Minor Ralney- visited Joe Parker at
Salt Creek, Monday.
Mr. Magglnl has commenced clear
ing off his hopyard.
Sherd Braley sold 65 head of sheep
to Mr. Lambert last week.
Several of the boys here were ou
hunting Jackrabbits Sunday.-
Nina Magglna has been quite sick
from the effects of poison oak.
The mill has shut down for a few
days while repairs are being made,
Mr. and Mrs. Whittlngton visited
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, Saturday,
Will Tillotson has gone up into the
mountains to work for Rwsell Jones.
Leo Roberts and Margaret Patrick
visited Mrs. Herman Lenhard, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Conlee were In
Dallas on business the latter part of
the week.
Miss Addle Bray and Archie Reed
visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown
Sunday afternoon.
" Clarence Walker is quite sick with
pneumonia. Dr. McCallon was called
to see him Monday.
Russell Jones and apn, Charles,
have gone up to their logging camp
to commence work.
Miss Kopan and Miss Follow visited
Mr. and Mrs. Rant Neeley, Saturday
and Sunday of last week.
Dan Fletcher spent Saturday and
Sunday at home, returning to High
School Monday morning.
Allan Fletcher, who. Is attending the
Agricultural College at Corvallls, is
spending a short vacation at home this
week. '
A large crowd attended the dance
at the home of Russell Jones Satur
day night. Mr. McGulre furnished
music, and all report a flije time.
Mrs. J. L. Guttry is visiting in Port
land this week.
Ed Stafford, of Sheridan, was a Har
mony visitor Tuesday.
William McLean is setting out Ave
more acres of apple trees.
Russell Barber, of Sheridan, was a
visitor at this place Sunday.
Miss Velna Blair Is Btaying with
Mrs. Lester Dickey this week.
A number of chicken raisers are
setting their incubators this week
Several from here attended the
dance at the home of Russell Jones at
BueU, Saturday evening. "
C. Blair, James Hayes and William
McLean appraised the estate of the
late J. L. Guttry last Friday.
As a result of this nice weather,
several of the farmers have already
commenced their spring plowing.
Dr. Pauline Sears, of Ontario, Or
egon, visited several days last week at
the home of her sister, Mrs. A. A. Mc
A basket social and program will
be given by the school here, Friday
evening, March S. Every woman at
tending is requested to bring a well
filled basket.
Two evangelists from Cornelius will
begin a series of revival meetings
here Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock,
to continue throughout the week, and
probably longer. Sunday school next
Sunday will begin at 10:30 a. m.
A pleasant surprise party was given
In honor of Allan McLean Tuesday,
February 14. A number of friends
were present and the host was agree
ably surprised. The evening was spent
In various amusments, and at 11
o'clock a delicious lunch, was'served
by the hostess.
last Sunday night.
The Reverend Woods preached at
the school house last Sunday after
noon at 3 o'clock.
Joe Stow is in the valley, having
sold Frank Sheythe a team. Frank
expects to go to logging soon.
Jesse Yost went to Airlie last Fri
day on businss, with a load of cream
and veal. He now has 50 little pigs.
The store here will soon change
hands. It Is reported that a Mr. Gove,
from Salem, will take possessslon
about the first of March.
Ben Thompson is sowing grain.
Tom Wright is cutting cordwood,
C. A. Bruce is putting in spring
Mr. Sherwood is clearing up new
ground. " .
Charley Bird is Just getting over
the grip.
Mr. and Mrs. Lurt Miller have a
new boy, their first born.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Conner are vis
iting his sister, Mrs. Jolly.
J. H. Jolly, of Perrydale, has been
visiting his son, E. H. Jolly.
Joe Wright is working for Jim
Hubbard In the hopyard.
Ed Cochrane returned last weiek
from a visit with his sister at Toledo.
. O. E. Dennis has sold his registered
Jersey bull to Samuel Phillips, of Salem.
Joe Murphy and Willis Frink are
plowing and seeding their spring
Bruce and Lurt Miller are grubbing,
and Don is preparing to have a fine
Mrs. John Macomber, of Pioneer,
has been visiting at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. J. S. Macomber.
David Heistand, who bought the
Shreve place, is trimming the orchard
and making other improvements.
The young people are meeting at
the school house In the evening, to
practice for the Literary society entertainment.
Road Improvement has already be
gun In this district. A crew of men
has been at work on the Garwood hill,
grubbing stumps with a powerful
grubbing machine owned by Jghn
conducted by the Reverend Leon L.
Myers, of Dallas, at the family home.
At the close of the services, the cor
tege proceeded to Salt Creek ceme
tery, where the remains were laid to
rest besides those of his father, who
preceded him about two years ago,
The family has the sympathy of the
entire community In the loss of a kind
husband and father, a good friend and
obliging neighbor, whose absence will
be greatly missed.
' E. T. Hamer has two men ..cutting
wood for him.
Mrs. J. T. Schaffer, Mamie and EI
vln Schaffer have the mumps.
William Schuett has plowed the or
chard land Just west of his house.
Mrs. Thomas W. Brunk spent sever
al days In Salem last week with rela
tives. The recent days of warm weather
have enabled the farmers to start the
plows again.
John Colville is plowing for Porter
E. L. Hayes is shipping milk to Sa
G. J. Rempel is planting prune
Miss Louise Rasmussen Is attend
ing High School at Dallas.
Mr. Gardner, of Washington, is vis
iting at the home of his uncle, Frank
Miss Llllie Doughty was a Sunday
visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Holt Crowley's flue burned out Sun
day evening, but no damage has been
The Reverend Brlckley, of Dallas,
and Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Hodges, of
Rlckreall, visited Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Cadle, Sunday.
Eva, Winnie and Plen Wilson, of
Crowley Station, and Miss Emma Ca
dle took dinner with Mr. and Mrs.
Mirt Wilson, Sunday.
" Peter Cook is on the sick list.
Mrs. Peter Cook went to Independ
ence, Saturday.
Miss Alice Burch returned from
Portland, Tuesday.
John Burch is home from Corvallls
on a short vacation.
Miss Effle HIckerson entertained a
number of friends Friday evening. ,
Mrs. B. F. Lucas and Roxanna
White were Salem visitors Monday.
Peter Cook is Improving the Interior
of his store by adding new shelving.
Charles Whaley and William Black
have gone into the butcher business.
. Miss Helen White returned to Port
land, Monday, after a short visit with
friends here.
Mrs. J. Orval Price, May Price and
Roxanna White visited friends at In
dependence, Tuesday.
Walter Vaughn, who Is attending
high school In Independence, came
home Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kirkland,
of Independence, spent Sunday with
W. E. Clark and family.
Luther Ray was a Saturday visitor
to Airlie.
J. S. Smith made a business trip to
Salem, Monday.
Sixty-seven attended the Alrile Sun
day School last Sunday.
Ira Williams, of Dallas, spent a few
days visiting relatives near Airlie.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ray moved to
the S. B. Bevens place last Saturday.
Miss Pease, representing the Boys'
nd Girls' Aid Society, of Portland,
was In Airlie, Wednesday.
Willard Price, of Kings Valley, died
at his home last Saturday evening. He
was burled Monday at 11 o'clock. He
eft many relatives and friends.
A buggy and harness owned by Mr.
Gross were badly broken up by a run
away horse, Saturday. The animal
was caught and again hitched up, but
it ran away a second time and piled
the wagon In a creek. No one was In
Itial Ara A A I iui. ... -I
, ' i home of
rv If-oa . r rf.n .1 1 1 t-i .1 a t V. tw.n. Sunda).
- j r n . i... 1 1. r, a - ... . I Mr. and
air. anu mis. w . ex. v . u ,,j nr,riniu lthi, i urnjHf , ing inp
thAlr frtrf v-fnnrth mjtrriafe annivers-l r-m n i n m--r 1 h i .1 in ret In Ik, c.m
ary at the family home, last Thurs- j etery south of Monmouth. The fm
day. Mrs. J. D. Moyer and Mrs. Susan ' lly has the sympathy of
C. Bryant were Invited to help them
Several neighbors are plowing again.
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Edlger visited P.
Neufeldt, Sunday.
Miss Anna Glaze Is visiting her
cousin, 8. T. Smith.
Leonard ITmphlette had a lively
runaway last week.
Jacob II. Rempel was at John
Dlehm's home lately.
John Dlehm and son are grafting
some of his fruit trees.
J. Klelwer and niece, Mary Frlesen,
went to Salem Monday.
Henry Rose, Sr., of Rit.kreall. has
been In this neighborhood recently.
Mrs. W. H. Quiring visited at the
The Grange has purchased a new
Earl Way is viKiting at J. E. Allen's
this week.
A. G. Roberts has his place adver
tised for sale In 10-acre tracts.
Ida Williamson Is again able to be
out, after about six weeks' illness.
The spring days have sent most of
the farmers into the fields again.
J. E. Allen and Flnley Kdgar made
a business trip to Salem Saturday.
A. G. Roberts Is building a bridge
across Mud cr-ek, which runs through
his place.
A fifth Sunday meeting will be held
at the I -a Creole Baptist church the
I fifth Sunday in April. Beginning on
' Friday, th y will hold a three-days'
Miss Ethel Moore is visiting friends
at Wells.
Jack Moore was doing business in
Albany, Saturday.
A large number of our farmers
started plowing Monday.
F. N. Suver was surveying for E. E,
DeArmond the first of the week.
The Suver Race Track Association
met Saturday and elected officers, and
decided to have races and a picnic
June 8.
Mrs. M. N. Suver and daughter,
Nora, returned from Salem the first
of the week, where they had been vis
iting relatives.
Nearly all of the dancers here at
tended the dance at Suver Friday
night, and everyone says It was the
finest of the season.
G. B. Davidson lost a valuable horse
Orchard spraying Is In full blast in
and around Buena Vista.
Charles Roy, of Sidney, was a
Buena Vista visitor Tuesday.
R. Anderson, of Sidney precinct,
was a Buena visitor Tuesday.
Carl B. Neal was transacting busi
ness In Independence Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Anderson, of
McMlnnvllle, are guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Harmon.
E. E. Emmons, who resides near
Parker, sold his farm a few days ago
and will move his family to Buena
Mrs. Schindler has been sick but Is
Grandma Rubble visited Mrs. Glenn
Monday afternoon.
G. R. Adams has bought a work
team from Harley Adams.
Miss Beulah Madlll spent Thursday
night with Bernlce Adams.
Everyone Is enjoying the nice spring
weather we are having at present.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Adams spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beckett have
moved Into this community from Salem.
Harley Adams has bought a 20-acre
tract of land from his father, G. R.
Amos and Sam Plummer spent Sun
day afternoon with Robbie and Clar
ence Adams.
Miss Marian Fox has been employed
to teach the remainder of the Popcorn
school term, i
Miss Alves Norwood visited her
sister, Mrs. Charles Feller, at Donald,
Saturday and Sunday,
Alice and Gretta Schindler attended
a party at the Rouge home in West
Salem, Thursday night
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. St.PIerre spent
Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs.
St. Pierre's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Blanche, Myrtle and Fred Wilson,
and Roscoe Clarke, of Popcorn, at
tended the Literary society Saturday
Mrs. 'II. J. Adams and her aunt.
'Miss Mower, and Myrtle. Mabel and
Fred Wilson, Roscoe and Mildred
Clarke, and Bernlce Adams, spent
Sunday afternoon at the Grlce home.
An enjoyable surprise party was
given Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Gardner
last Friday night. In celebration of
their twentieth wedding anniversary.
A nice supper had been prepared for
the occasion and was thoroughly en
Joyed. They were presented with an
"old Ivory" china set. The evening
wrb spent In playing games and sing
ing, interspersed with recitations, hu
morous stories and music, and every
body had a good time. Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Gardner, Mr. and
Mrs. Bonffluer, Mr. and Mrs. Hodson,
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Beckett, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. FerguBon, Mr. and Mrs.
James Imlah, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loose,
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick, Mr. and Mrs.
Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Adams,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lynch, Mr. and Mrs.
L. Grlce, Mr. and Mrs, G. A. Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. Vercler, Mr. and Mrs.
William Byers, Mr. and Mrs. Bedford,
Mr. and Mrs. Calder, Mr. and Mrs.
Templeman, G. L. Gosser, Hugh Goss
er, Mrs. J. R. Chapman, Mrs. E.' O.
Moll, Mrs. A. Helse, Mrs. J. M. Tur
ner, Mrs. W. E. Ashby, Mrs. M. A.
Chapman, Mrs. G. W. Chapman,
Grandma Ruble, Mrs. Siewart, Miss
Nellie Taylor, Ammon Grlce, Gordon
Moll, Jack Lynch, Fred Norwood,
Harry Lynch, Lawrence Imlah, Wil-
mot Moll, Russell Beckett, Carl Beck
ett, John Lynch, Leo Drake, Hugh
Adams, . it. D. Honacker, Whorhis
Loose, Mae B. Lynch,. Lucy Hanley,
Mary Wlsner, Rosa Grlce, Ruth Bed
ford, Rose Bodayla, Winifred Verelex,
Alice Fields ..... Pearl,., Vercler, , Vesta
Gardner, Carol Loose, K.r.ily, Loose,
Alves Norwood, Gaynell Beckett.
Mrs. Sta'isberry Is visiting In Cor
vallls. William McAdams has returned
from Salem.
Mrs. J. E. Hubbard was a Salem
visitor Saturday.
H. Hlrschberg was a visitor In Port
land the first f the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hooper were
visitors In Salem, Tuesday.
Mrs. Charles Dunsmore returned
from a visit in Portland, Tuesday.
Mrs. Sarah Young has returned
from a visit In Salem and Portland.
C. E. Moore returned Saturday
from a week's trip to San Francisco.
Mrs. M. W. Wallace returned Tues
day evening from a ten-days' stay In
Hurt & Clay have opened the Mis
sion restaurant, two doors south of tbe
The principal streets are being
scraped and cleaned, and present a
much better appearance.
Nar Patterson, of Eastern Washing
ton, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
l- A. Patterson, several days this
Miss Grace Wallace Is down from
the Oregon Agricultural College for a
visit with her mother, Mrs. M. W.
Wallace. 1
Miss Maude Patterson, of Vancou
ver, Washington, visited at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F, A.
Patterson, Saturday and Sunday.
The Library Association elected the
following officers at their regular
monthly meeting Saturday: President,
Mrs. J. E. Hubbard; vice-president.
Mrs. L. L. Hewitt; secretary, Mrs. ,
W. R. Allln; treasurer, Mrs. P. M.
The Ladles' Aid Society of the
Methodist Church held a very pleas
ant Colonial social and dish shower
In the basement of the church Wed
nesday afternoon. The room was
prettily decorated with flags, and the
ladles were attractive In colonial dress.
Each member of the society having
given a penny several weeks ago, re- .
lated how the pennies had grown to
dollars, until the 40 pennies had
grown to over $40. Tea, coffee and
cakes were served.
( Continued on HHge 2.)
Mr. and Mrs. P. Neufeldt. 1 """
Portland visitor
Frances, the Infant child of Harry
Pj, died at the home of W. D. Ban
croft, Thursday morning, or scarlet!
fever. She Was 11 months old, and'
had been sick only a -few days. Inter-! visitor last week
Mrs. J. Kleiwer an. Mr. ;
nd Mrs. F. F. Frlesen. visited G. O. ! o F Kocht was
K-"P1. Friday. YrMmy and Saturday. 1
j O. a. Rempel and two children, of: jonn and Otto Hatton were down
Perrydale. visited at the home of John from W1,amina Sunday. j
jDiehm. Sunday. Mr!I KiJta orchard, of McMlnnvllle.
Lee iHinewood has found it Jlff4'S frinnila htr f r nm KVirfsiV Until
Miss Lucy Richards Is on the sick i mry to hlr hana V ",rt hlm '" Monday,
list j his spring work. na(haway Yocum is quite sick at
Mrs. O. P. Lane was a Falls Cltv! ' Mr- Mn- - J- Hem pel and ,h hom r his son. Ed Yocum, who'
I iwo. cnunren vinitrd at tne nnmt ot m
V the famous DIAMOND "W brand of
i't . Fpices, Coffe, Tea and Canned ptods.
! 1 dailj. The Terj best of fruita and veg-
i alwarg be found at our store.
h i & Scott
Dallas, Oregon
ment mas in the Odd Felloms' ceme-' O. A. Teatna went to
j busin-s Thursday.
Gilbert Graves, who died at the
pome of Mrs. Mary E. Halsy. Thu
Aw rl.man- 1 c from th lnflrmitie
of o!d .re. ... . pior resident of ,n M.
Falls C4tr. He had lived here 1
years, having come from Vermont In
11. There are no relatives. j
'TftimKi'i Partner." a four-art
") i -new sign.
auspices of the FUs City Dramatic Mnr,
Dallas on '
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. NVufeldt
& t . . i i , . .. .
Mrs. Mae and Oliver Baker were In upon tn rrlen. farm, which Is in
Falls City. Thursday. ;onrge of John Schwindt
Mrs. Fream and Mrs. Krkkaon went
John Iii'hm celebrated his and
Mrs. Roy Mayfleld and Miss D. Bore' aT by '""owing the plow. He was i Marrh j.
Falls City visitors Tueoday. - i rr
Nip Patterwm and Oliver Rowe ' "
rame m from the mountains Friday.! PEDEE
Mrs. DaiFy Henderson, of McMlnn
vllle. viKited her sister, Mrs. Joseph
Martin, the latter part of the week. j
Tht-re will be an entertainment for
the lM-nefit of the church at the Wood- '
m-n or tne worin nan. ine nitini ui
Mrs. Charles !ratchr was a Dallas
PoMoffW.- In front of the' ,r ''"' as at Airlie last Won- visitor Monday,
The xw-all m hich was given Tuesday
Company is Warner Hall. Saturday M M(Ph ,,.r Will Purti made a trio to Airl last evening was very much of a success.
nirht All of the rob-s were played M ., . ,. ,,w,, ..,, k Monday. - I Mrs. B. Loop, of Amity, is visiting
Monday. ) Nmrly ail f the grip victims here this week at the home of Alph Jonea. ;
Mi Arrah Martin ! home from'1"'' rvr4
iffn w. .k. a... i i "r . !". nas bought the
; jn( rhoi. ' Johnsoe) maple timbw.
I r Ta Fairbanks brother-in-law. sc
at ra. fcrKlKW
Harris. Oncar Harris. ! w"" " r" -r. w eflnemlar, to at
The debate lt". the Falls City, lodge.
by local talent The following
la the cst: Leonard Frink. ChetT
Siefarth. George March. Harry Taylor, i
Clarence O'Brien. H'rmio Mu
Blanche CharP-He. Alf-e Conrad.
Fthrt Te ftMilah Kaufman. Edith . Mrs. P 'afford and
'j companies by his wife, is
' vtrit
here on a
Mies Kate Jenninrs spent Sunday j
with her parents and friends of this,
place. !
The funeral of the late William F. j
Kurt i was attended by a large um-,
ber of frit-nds snd aw-ighbora. who;
"' It. In, and Vr R.rhank vhri-: alh-red to PV sorrowful tribute to
High School and the Lrbanoa Hi The Woodmea dar-e given last ftt. ed Mr and Mn. Jeiwe YnM and family 'the dead. The funeral services were
Makes the most nutri
tious food and the IXlOSt
dainty and delicious.
Absolutely Puro
The only Baking Powder made'
from Royal Gra p Cream o f Tartar
No fussing or fretting over
the biscuit-making. Royal
is the aid to many a
cook's success,
7.1 Ck Blti:9 IUctlfl$Frtt. Aaf W AUrm.
awL a.mia prmrmn fa.. M vsa.