CO PAH UN prm: U1 luP PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY OL. XXII DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, JANUARY G, 1911. NO. 47 Ji. xj J ' ' IT. tweb: fet MyCeb y oiA lAnituhe ae tddate. Uytte in pPmitiPie tge do when you Suy yoiAb go ttf &toe that keeps ujj-td-daU tUiAe ugS linoleum stoves fCAr & eoohing utensils, 'jidels do not Suild weSs on ou itue Seeause we make oiA eaSonaSle and sed ou goods o$wp$ methods in ou stohe. we up td date, eome and See. tint SahgalnS in aC departments anuahy. Stank Kerslake MERICAN mm FENCE R FENCE IS FULL WEIGHT has Patent fflNGE JOINTS. i Genuine American, the Best made for the money. IR PRICE is LOW be ause we sell for CASH. 1AVEN BROS. SOLE AGENTS, DALLAS, ORE. NEWS OF POLK COUNTY ITEMS CONTRIBUTED BY RUST LING LOCAL CORRESPONDENTS. AGAZIN AT m HALF PRICE . R. Ellis' Confectionery xlate Candy Kitchen in rear. We invite you to inspect it Happenings of Interest In Various Neighborhoods Told in Interest ing Manner. FALLS CITY W. T. Harris Is ill with lagrippe, Charles Hartung was a Dallas visitor over Monday. Mrs. W. F. Nichols was a Dallas visitor Tuesday. Mrs. N. A. Lunde visited friends In Dallas, Tuesday. I. S. Lee, of Portland, Is visiting with Charles Funke. C. J. Moyer made a business trip to Salem, Wednesday. Ben Servey attended the dance In Dallas,. Saturday night. Frank W. Ford, of Portland, visited W. L. Tooze, Wednesday. Mrs. S. S. Kaufman made a business trip to Salem, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Starr were coun ty seat visitors Thursday. E. E. Williams is recovering from an attack of typhoid fever. Harry Pye, of the Siletz Basin, was a visitor In this city, Sunday. D. C. Lee, of Portland, is visiting at the home of Charles Trinke. Henry Campbell, of Dallas, was a business visitor, Wednesday. Mrs. H. Berry, of Salem, is visiting at the home of J. C. Kramer. B. M. Quy, of Dallas, made a busi ness trip to this city, Thursday. Dr. and Mrs. L. Pfandhoefer visit ed friends in Dallas, Thursday. Professor and Mrs. J. E. Dunton arrived from Portland Friday. Professor L. E. Mills, of Black Rock was a visitor In this city, Friday. Emma Kramer, of Salem, is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kramer. Clarence Reynolds, of Dallas, is vis iting Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heydon are visiting friends In the Siletz Basin. L. W. Zorin and daughter, Alexan dria, visited friends in Salem, Friday. Walter Barham, of Dallas, made a business visit to this city, Wednesday. Robert LaFore, of Salem, visited with friends In this city, Wednesday. A. E. West returned from Portland, Friday, where he transacted business. Mrs. S. A. Morse, of Portland, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. W. T. Grier. Miss Sadie Boughey, of Salem, vis ited with friends in this city, Satur-dayl C. H. Trask has sold his farm east of this city, to Thomas Kneebone, of Wells. Olivia and Louisa Olson, daughters of Mathew Olson, are 111 with typhoid fever. Alice Hoset is 111 with typhoid fever. Her condition Is not considered dan gerous. Mrs. William Ellis returned home Wednesday, after visiting relatives In Dallas. Cye Cormier, of Boston, Massachu setts, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Brown. Adrian Ford, of Newport, Is visiting James, Robert and William Ford, for a few days. County School Superintendent H. C. Seymour made a business visit to this city Monday. Chester March, of Portland, Is spending a few days with his brother George March. Miss Bertha Frtnk, of Portland, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frink. Fred Meyers, of Dallas, attended the Woodmen of the World dance Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Flower visited relatives in Salem, Monday and Tues day of this week. F. S. Belcher, president of the Falls City Lumber Company, visited W. T. Grler, Wednesday. Alfred Vlck, of Dallas College, spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Vlck. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burton, ot Black Rock, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hlnshaw. Miss Eva Chapln returned to Gas ton, Saturday, where she will resume her duties as a teacher. After several weeks' suspension, the Gem theater Is again open and Is giv ing first-class motion pictures. Charles Ferguson returned from Rlckreall. on Wednesday, where he has been visiting with his sister. Mr. and Mrs. George Burton, of Black Rock, wer. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Hlnshaw last week. Mis. Alma Huseby returned to Port land, Saturday, after spending a few day. with Mr. and Mrs. O. Aurland. Miss Lucille E. Toose returned to Portland, Saturday, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Tooze. Irene Dodd. of Eugene, and Percy Dodd, of Corvallls, are home, visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dodd. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. White and aon. Ronald, returned from Corvallls, Thursday, where they have been visit ing relative J. Clark, or the Sileta Basin, re turned from Portland. Saturday, where he has Wen visiting his mother. Mrs. Oliver Leet Mrs. R A. Packard, after visiting a few days with her daughter. Mrs. W. T. Grler. left for her home In Port land. Saturday. Mr. L. B. Hooker and sister. Mia. Led. Lewis, made a trip to Airlie last week, where they attended the wed ding of their Ulster. The local ramp of Woodmen of the World, rve a social dance New Tear", eve. There were about sixty couple In attendance. ! The dividend, of the Bank of Fall. tallied Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Tooze, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dennis, and Leslie and Lamar Tooze at a New Year's dinner. The population of Falls City, ac cording to Government census, Is 1092. In 1900 there were only 600 residents here. This Is an increase of more than 80 per cent. The election officers of the recent city election were: William Ellis, chairman; C. E. McPhenen, and S. H Tetherow, judges; N. A. Emmitt and T. B. Hooker, clerks. The Tavern Hotel has been remod eled, and is now open for business, The hotel was formerly a rooming house, but since the change of man agement. a dining room has been added. The High School affirmative debat ing team will debate with the Corval lis negative team at Corvallis, Friday night, January 6. The team is com posed of Leslie O. Tooze, leader; Miss Ella Mehrling. and Lamar E. Tooze, colleagues. Mrs. F. M. Hellworth entertained Mesdames Tooze, Grier, Butler, Nich ols, and Miss Packard, at her home Wednesday afternoon. Guessing games were indulged in until 6 o'clock, when dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. A water works meeting was held In Tollar Hall, Friday night, under the auspices of the Falls City Commer cial club. The object of the meeting was to Inform the voters concerning the true condition of the affairs and finances of the city. L. W. Zorin called the meeting to order, and the principal speakers were J. S. Stannard a civil engineer, of Portland; C. F. Vick, W. F. Nichols, C. O. Johnson, N. A. Lunde. and Walter L. Tooze, of this city. Mr. Stannard answered all questions regarding the installation of a water works system, and cited the conditions in various cities where the municipality owns the system. The other speakers gave different argu ments In favor of such an action on the part of Falls City, and it Is pre dieted that the electtion will carry by about three to one, In favor of muni clpal ownership. City. a. .bown by the lt report. MONMOUTH Mr. Rice Simpson, of Airlie, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Brinkley, of Airlie, was in Mon mouth, Monday. John Hunsaker, of Portland, spent Sunday In town. Mrs. E. Strang went to Corvallis, Friday, on business. B. F. Smith, of Lewisville, was in town on business last week. Mr. Zook went to Dallas Saturday, to see his daughter, who Is sick. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. New man, January 2, an eleven-pound boy. Mrs. Carl Whitman, of St. Johns, was In Monmouth the nrst oi me week. L. C. Hoover sold $50 worth of his fine Rhode Island Red chickens last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, of Dal las, were visiting relatives In town Sunday. W. J. Mulkey has sold his bakery to H. R. Chaney, and will retire from business. G. H. Peterson and daughter, Lula, of Airlie, were In town last week on business. Mrs. Dewit went to Falls City, Sat urday, to visit her daughter, Mrs. I. G. Singleton. Mr. Perkins, of Myrtle Point, was In Monmouth, Sunday, visiting his sister, Mrs. Kelsey. Mrs. Robinson, of Tacoma, was vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Fream, last week. Eugene Myres, of lone, was visiting his daughter, Mrs. Frank Moreland, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Edwards, of Salem, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Connoy, over Sunday. Leon Connoy butchered twenty three fine porker. Monday, and ship ped them to Portland. J. W. Sweeney, of the Dallas Flour ing Mills, was In Monmouth Monday, looking hale and hearty. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Crltchlow, of Dallas, were In town Monday, on their way home from a visit In Lewis ville. Mr. and Mr. F. Barnes and daugh ters, of Corvallis, formerly residents here, were visiting friends In town last week. Tell Soule, of Gaston, purchased a fine Rhode Island Red cockerel of L. C. Hoover, and returned home on the afternoon train. Mr. and Mra. Ira Smith, of Marsh field, formerly resident, of Monmouth, were guests of Mr. Smith's brother, R. M. Smith, over Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Bailey Chaney, of Pendleton, were the guest, of Mr. Chaney'. mother and his sister, Mra D. M. Hampton, this week. Mr. and Mra. Charley Chaney and son, of Pendleton, are visiting friends and relative. In town. Mr. Chaney Is a brother of Mrs. D. M. Hampton. The report, of O. A. Wolverton. postmaster, show quite an Increase In the receipts of the Monmouth post office for the year lilt. In 10 the receipt, were 1157.71. while those of 11 were $1101.14, making a gain of $741. K, which I. pretty good for a small town like Monmouth. The Monmouth Realty Company n. bought the store room next to the hotel, and I. having It fitted up for an office. They will have a glass front put In. and It will be a first - class office when completed. The member, of the Chaney family have had a reunion, the first In thirty year, at which all have been In at tendance. Mr Emily K. Hagey, mother of the Chaneya, who was pres ent, I. 77 year. old. and 1. hale and hearty for one of that age. The children present were: Mra. D. M. transacting business In Buena Vista, Monday. Cleve Prather was an Independence visitor Saturday. Mr. Albert Wendorft, of Wisconsin, Is here, visiting with his daughters, Mra John and Fred Loy. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bebee, of Eugene, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Neal, returned to their home Monday. Messrs. J. D. Winn, H. M. Nash, Gideon Phillips, Charles Snyder and John Whiteman visited Valley Lodge, I. O. O. F., at Independence, Thurs day evening. It was reported th'at a crazy man held up one of our Marlon County citizens Saturday, but upon lnvestlga tion it was learned that the report was without foundation. A watch party, consisting of Messrs. C. E. Nash, Alex Fisk, Jesse Wells, and Misses Carrie and Leah Nash, Cordelia and Fairy Brower, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisk, to witness the passing of the old and the beginning of the new year. Music was one of the fea- tures of the evening, and last, but not least, a nice lunch was served, after which the merry-makers departed for their homes. The taxpayers of Road District No. 9 held a rousing Good Roads meeting in the I. O. O. F. Hall this week, and discussed the question of good roads. It was brought out In the discussion that a new bridge should be construct ed across the Lucklamute River, on the new road leading from Buena Vista to Albany. It was also recom mended that a boat be purchased or constructed for the purpose of hauling gravel from an island in the Willam ette River, at Buena Vista, to be dis tributed on the county roads in this district. It was therefore proposed to send a committee to the County Court for the purpose of ascertaining what assistance It would give. PEDEE Miss Eva Womer has the measles. Lafe Edwards is home from a hol iday visit. Ira Hooker's horses have been sick the past week. Mr. Jones is haulng sawdust from the Brown mill. School began last Monday, after the holiday vacation. Blanche Lacey visited Elsie Bush last Friday night. Ernest Bush and family returned to Hillsboro, Wednesday. Bluford Bush and family spent Christmas at Albany. Blanche Lacey visited Hazel and Mabel Yost last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lacey were at King's Valley Wednesday. Paul Ronco went to King's Valley, Wednesday, for mill feed. What a fine Winter! Plow teams are running and no snow yet. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Arnold, of Black Rock, have a 12-pound baby girl. Bert Brooks, at the Condon mill, Is reported to be on the sick list. Mrs. Tena Hastings and little daughter. Pearl, are on the sick list. There is some snow in the moun tains, for the second time this Win ter. The Cherry Grove school teacher went to Silverton to spend the holi days. It Is reported that Walker Bevens expects to build a fine house In the Spring. Mrs. R. C. Brown and Sylva visited her daughter, Mrs. Harry Neal, at Suver, last week. Dr. Staats passed through the Val ley Saturday, to see Mrs. Will Smith, of King's Valley. Walter Hooker returned to Falls City, Saturday, after spending the holidays at home. Mrs. Tena Hastings returned home from the bedside of her sister, Mrs. C. J. Pugh, In Falls City. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Rob Arnold died at Black Rock, Fri day, and was buried at the Warner cemetery at 10 a, m., Sunday. The funeral was preached by the Reverend Carmlchael. Washington, were Zena visitors last week. Lillian Holland and Mrs. Tildon spent a few days last week with their sister at Gaston. Miss Emma Woods returned Mon day from Albany, where she has been visiting the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Alleman, of Woodburn, spent the holidays with their aunt, Mrs. Coyle. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crawford, and Daniel Crawford attended a party in Salem Tuesday evening. Miss Alice Shepard and Fred Shep- ard visited their brother here last week, and were present at Mrs. Frank Crawford's party. The Lincoln School District has pur chased ground on the Zena road and will soon begin the erection of a new and up-to-date school house. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford en tertained a large party of friends Wed nesday .evening. Those attending from other places were: Alice and Ford Shepard, of Corvallis; Miss Greta Phillips, of Salem; Miss Mildred Frakes, of Portland; Misses Bigsbee, of Newberg; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Al leman, of Woodburn; Rose Bedell, of Salem; and Miss Coglan, recently from the East. BLACK ROCK Our school teachers have returned from vacation. Miss Patterson made a business call to Falls City, the first of the week. Superintendent H. C. Seymour vis ited the school here the first of the week. Oliver Roe came in from his hunt ing grounds on the Rlckreall for a few days visit. Grant Standard returned to his former ocupatlon at Independence, last week. ( , Mrs. Erward Graves was taken to Dallas last Saturday, after a sickness of several weeks' duration. Mr. and Mrs. Osborn moved to Phil omath last week. People of Black Rock miss this good family. The Fisher family spent the holi days at Salem and Independence, re turning the first of the week. Mr. Holman has fixed up the postof flee boxes to the queen's taste. New call and lock boxes have been put In. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold mourn the sudden death of their little baby. The remains were taken to Pedee for bu rial. Henry Coner returned ifrom the Palouse country, in Washington, where he was visiting his childhood home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duran mourn the loss of their Infant baby, which died last night. The remains were taken to Falls City for Interment. Henry Hall, who has for the past three years been our foremost bust ness man, in both "the postofflce and store, left Wednesday for a short visit at Woodburn, his old home, where he will eat chicken for two weeks. Later he expects to go to California. HARMONY Thomas Hayes la visiting at Mr. Archibald's, In the Waldo Hills. Sam Kuntz attended the masquer ade ball at McCoy, New Year's eve. L. More Canady left Monday morn ing for Portland, where he will learn the barber trade. Floyd Hayes spent several days last week at the home of his uncle, Ed. Hayes, at Rick-seall. The wife and children of Mr. Can field arrived here from Portland Mon day, to make their home. Miss Nina Graves returned Sunday evening from her visit to Mt. Tabor, to resume her school duties again. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McLean and aon and Miss Cora McLean spent several days last week at the home of Tom Sears, at McCoy. They returned home Sunday evenln.g ry and John, spent Sunday afternoon at the Adams home, A literary society was formed at the school house last Friday night. It will meet every Friday night. BUELL Mra D. C. Walker Is on the sick list. A large crowd attneded church here, Sunday. Joe Parker, of Salt Creek, was here on business Sunday. Minor Ralney made a business trip to Dallas, Saturday. The men Intend to commence work at the mill Tuesday. Mr.. Charles Harold and daughter returned from Salem, Saturday. Inez Hart visited with Nora Jones. Friday and Saturday of last week. Sherd Braley ha. rented Mr. Paul's hop yard on Gooseneck for the next year. George Hills and Grant March were on the creek on business, Tuesday of last week. Quite a crowd of young people watched the old year out, and the new year In. The mall carrier had a breakdown. Saturday, which made him very late with the mail. Lynn Braley and Tom 1urnfutt made a business trip to Sheridan the first of the week. Lorelta Roberts, of Rait Creek, vis- AIRLIE John Staats butchered hogs Tues day. Henry Woods Is visiting relatives In Airlie. Phy Simpson lost a valuable horse Monday. Mrs. Ella Savage's hand is fast Im proving. Mrs. Charles Ray Is sick at her home here. Mr. Carl Story returned to Corval lis, 'Saturday. Mrs. Medcalf returned Tuesday from her visit In Corvallls. Mr. Ernest Williams returned to Independence, Saturday. Willie Staats went to Independence, Saturday, and returned Tuesday. The sidewalk recently built to the new shed at this place looks fine. Eva Clair Is the latest arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Chand ler. J. M. Staats made a business trip to Independence, Monday, returning Tuesday night. Lewis Toedtemler entertained a number of friends with a watch party New Year's night. J. M. Staats will soon add a num ber of new subscribers to his Airlie telephone exchange. Mr. Portwood has sold his farm to Mr. Camett, of Portland. Mr. Portwood is now in Brownsville, look ing for a new location. William Williams and son, Willie, are working on the fence surrounding the school house. It will be a big Improvement to the school grounds. HAS' POPULAR GROCERY e carry fhe famous DIAMOND "W brand of tracts, Spices, Coffee, Tea aDd Canned goods, c-sh bread daily. The very best of fruits and reg il.les can alwaTS be fonnd at our store. . - - - , Hampton ana ti. u. i.Tney, of Mon- ' " ' ' - wouth: J. W. Chaney. of Independ- correpond:ng Pod. Bailee Chaner and Ch.rle. (T... Mi. Pansy Racey. of Jefferson. M! - In this city laM week, making arrange-; ment. for the opening of a millinery hop In thi. city, .bout March 1. 3nfon & ScoN Dallas, Oregon Mr. and Mra. Clay Oxford a.d arm. Kenneth, left fnr rrwwnwille. Satur day, where they will vMt with rela tive.. They will he gone for ahot a mmth- Ira M'hrling was .warded the roa mct fnr the conetnartiosi of the one ey, of Pendleton. There were rren I grandchildren and three great grand children present. Dinner wa. served at the home of R. B. Chaney. at 1 p. m, after which they .11 had a good social time, and wished Grand ma Hagey a long and happy life. LUCKIAMUTE M. N. Suver is laying tile. Charley Smith is setting anchor posts, preparatory to putting up some wire fence. Clifford Inmpitt left the last of the week fnr Portland, where he goes to learn the barber trade. We wish him success. F. N. Stump and mother returned home from Salem the Inst of the week, where they had been spending the holidays. R. L. Patterson Is putting up 440 rods of Pittsburg wire fence for O. B. Suver. Mr. Patterson has plowed over Ited with her .ister. Mra. Herman 204 ,crea of sod this winter. Lenhard. Friday and Saturday. j The Bell Telephone Company has Lyle Jones ha. been very sick with rnm,,rted the n w line from Calvary an abftcea. In hi. head. Instead of a!rhurrn to j. j. Thurston's, and we gathering, a. wa. first auppowd. now have much better service. The Mifme. Kopan and Follow visit-1 Mri y. m. Skinner, of Salem, I. ed with Mr. and Mra Herman Len-1 ,faylng with her mother. Mra. James hard, Thursday and Saturday of last j iintibrand. who has a felon on her week. . thumb. We are glad to My that she Henry DHaney. who has been vi-ta m,h better at present. Iting In Carthage, Virginia, for the Glenn Hiltil.rsnd. who Is working laat four months, returned Monday.' f(,r the Columbia Hardware Company, PARKER Mrs. Connett is still visiting In Inde pendence. J. Russell was an Independence visitor Tuesday. Joe Anderson was butchering his hogs Wednesday. Donald Bolter was visiting friends in Parker last week. Dell Grigsby went to Portland the middle of the week. Elmer Frederlckson was a visitor at Pete Peterson's Sunday. R. Davidson was loading a car of hay for shipment Wednesday. George Dickenson and family went to Independence Tuesday evening. Miss Katherlne Shermer was a guest of the Misses Cook, Sunday afternoon. P. T. Peterson and George DIcken son were business visitors to Dallas, Wednesday. The Reverend Robert Allen was an incoming passenger on the morning train Sunday. Grandpa Neville was an outgoing passenger on the southbound train Tuesday morning. G. A. Wells and sons and J. E. Wells attended preaching services here last Sunday morning. Mr. Skeels, of Falls City, has been engaged to teach the remaining four months of school. School started Monday. The Reverend Mr. Cain did not preach here -Sunday, on account of his having a severe cold. The Rever end Allen filled his appointments here and at Buena Vista. The announcement of the marriage of Miss Ethel Lewis to Roscoe Mode did not come as a surprise to Miss Lewis' friends here. We wish them success and happiness In their wedded life. In a recent Issue of the Observer It was stated that at Scio they had sweet peas 12 inches tall, but we can beat that right here In Parker, as Fred Frederlckson'. have sweet peas 40 Inches tall, and they are still grow ing right along. Several people from Parker attend ed the Good Roada meeting held at Buena Vista Saturday, and commit tees from Buena Vista and Parker were appointed to attend court this week and ask for a division of the road district, on the grounds that one supervisor cannot look after so much territory to do any of It justice. As a rule, the remote sections suffer most from neglect. EAST EOLA Thomas Holman bought a horse last week. L. Barned made a business trip to Salem, Monday. B. I. Ferguson made a business trip to Dallas, Wednesday. Tom Holman continues doing some work on his property In Eola. Will Bones, of Marion County, was In Eola last week on business. Highland Trent visited his sister, Mrs. Ottem, of Dallas, last week. Mr. Stewart and Mr. Bones have gone to Belleview to visit relatives. Master John Slaven, of Salem, vis ited with his cousins, the Ferguson boys, last week. Mrs. Clara Clement had quite a siege with poison oak on her face during holidays. Miss Anna McMlllen Is threatened with typhoid fever. Dr. Mile?, of Sa lem, is attending her. William Carpenter, of Ballston, spent a few days with relatives, and returned home Sunday. Mrs. Frank Begun and children took New Year', dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Dunsmore, of Rlckreall. Lee Berry took hi. two brothers, Milton and Earl, and .ister B-rnlc, to the School for the Deaf last 8unday. Walt McGee, of Portloml. visited Tom Holman on Friday of last week. He was hopyard foreman nt one tlma for Mr. Holman. The Reverend and Mra Stone, of Salem, spent last Friday visiting friends, and took dinner with Mr. and Mra Ferguson. Tip Acuff bought some real state from Thomas Holman awhile bvk. He will set out fruit trees, mostly peaches. He finished plowing the ground Saturday. The Ferguson boy. entertained their boy friend, of Eola, Thursday evt nirg of I Hilt week, with an old-fashioned candy pull. A very enjoyable evening was spent In game, and conversation. Refreshment., consisting of candy, popcorn and apples, were served. RICKREALL G. H. Beeler went to Dallas, Mon day. Jack Goodell was a Dallas visitor Tuesday. Glenn Orr Is up from Portland on business. John Burch returned to Corvallis Monday. Miss Aurella Burch returned to Sil verton, Monday. Miss Cuch Smith visited relatives at Monmouth, Saturday. S. H. Petre, of Bridgeport, was seen in our burg, Saturday. Albert Cadle and William Hallapehr returned to Portland Sunday. James Morton and his mother have moved Into Peter Cook's bungalow. Peter Price, of Yamhill, Is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cook. Miss Pauline Nesmith came up from Portland Saturday and returned Mon day. . 1 Mabel Craven, of Salt Creek, has started to school here for the re mainder of the term. Mrs. J. B. Nesmith and Mrs. Sam Orr, of Portland, visited friends and relatives Thursday and Friday. Mrs. E. O. Gerfin and children and Miss Hazel Vaughan came up Satu da to spend New Year's with I. F. Vaughan and family. BALLSTON School started again Monday. Mrs. F. W. Royal has been on the sick list. Mrs. C. W. Wester, of Jefferson, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. W. Royal. Grandpa Chapln its very 111 with cancer. John Syron Is taking care of him. Will and Seymour Fudge will leave this week for a visit to their old home in Ohio. W. A. Sloan and family visited rel atives at Cornelius the latter part of the week. Mrs. G. W. Wilcox, of Portland, was visiting friends and relatives here last week, Thiere were watch parties at the homes of Lynn Blrks and T. J. Short, Saturday night. Miss Rhoda Conner returned to Hopewell Sunday, after spending the holidays with her parents. The Reverend Hlxon preached here again Sunday night, there having been no services for several weeks, on ac count ot the scarlet fever. GOOSENECK N. M. Dickey, of Sheridan, was on the Creek last week. Norman Koub 1. on the sick list. Mr. Paul has rented his hop yard to Sherd Braley. Mr. Paul made a business trip to Sheridan, Saturday. Dave Glger made a business trip to Sheridan, Saturday. Mr. and Mra Paul made a business trip to Buell last week. Farming is an Important occupa tion In Gooseneck just now. Mr. and Mrs. Berbank have been . visiting with Uncle Dave. The Buell school teachers visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lenard, last week. Mrs. Knox visited last week with Mrs. Walker, who has been on the sick list. Joe Rldgeway is building an addi tion oh his barn, and was here after board, to cover It. Mlsa Banks ha. returned from Port land, where .he has been spending the holidays with her folks. of Portland, came up Hunrt.y na spent New Tear', with his parent. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hiltibrand. OAKDALE BUENA VISTA Charte Ftek wa. a Salem passenger r carta mite f the Kramer road, rrivoodar the Om.ty Co-rt. Mr. t,Uj Mra. Marxie Rack t. i the kk ltM M 1JT. thi, wek. Mr. b4 Mr.. W. F. XVtwta enter-' Mrs. Mary Bevena, of Hpdaie. wu bringing a bride with him. There wa. a party at Mr. and Mra Fletcher', home. Friday night, a ur prise on their son. Allan, who Is at tending the Oregon Agricultural Col lege. A large crowd attended, and the evening wa. pleasantly spent In play- (r- Etta Murphy ha. been laid up Ing game and at midnight lunch m'.s. with a stiff neck and arm. served. All report a good time. jhn Robinson Is tearing op the 'ground generally, with his nw sump Valley ! pUMr 'nd Mrfc Tom r,ra spent New Mra. Alice Sim peon is visitirg her; Tear, d.y with Mr. .nd Mra. Joe d.urhter In Salem. j Crd. at their home In Bridgeport Mis. Gret. Phillips, of Salem, .pent, Mr. .nd Mra Ben Thorn peon. Miss Zena Spring" the holiday, in Zena. Mi. Mildred Frakes, of PorU.nd. ia rteitlng Zen. friend. Mr. and Mrs. i. R. Shepard. of Ethel Thorn peon. Mr. and Mr. George Rnhinsonn and Clyde Robblns attend ed a New Tear, watch party at the home of C. Nelson, at A.tloeh. MOUNTAIN VIEW Mis. Nellie Adams la working in Salem. Mia. Jennie Best .pent New Year's on the farm. Grandma Putnam la visiting with Mrs. M. C. Wilson. Mr. and Mra. Webb arc the proud parent, of a baby boy. The Reverend Stone took dinner at the Adam. horn. Sunday. Mia. Clara Bearce is r tailing at her brother'. In M Mlnnvtlle. J. R. Chapman ha. bought the Highland Church property. Henry Lynch Is setting out a lt of young fruit tree, on his place. Mia. Grace Wilson Is a hie to elk. with the aid of her crutches, now. George Codding. I teaching at Krapp Normal School la Salem. Mr. and Mr. Stoop, have returned from visit to Mra. Stoop, parent at Cottage Grove. Clarence Adam, and Samuel PI u ai mer spent Sunday afternoon ith Am mon Grfce. Mis. Mae Lynch and bro-hers. Its'- LEWISVILLE The Calking Brother, visited at Newberg during the holidays, Mis. Clark has been visiting at her home In Portland during the holidays, and returned Sunday and took up hef school work Wednesday. The Reverend McVlcker and family went to Brooks to visit her daughter, Mr.. C. A. Burri. over Christmas. Mrs. McVlcker Is visiting the children In Dallas this week, and will reach home Saturday. A series of meeting, commenced at Lewisville, Tuesday evening, beginning each night at 7:10. The pastor will preach, beginning with the subject. Significance of the First Pentecost" All are Invited to attend. Rick ness In the form of grippe and cold I. affecting several people here. Mr. and Mr. J. Bagtey, Mr. and Mr. Williams, Mra A. A. Lindeman and Mr. Frank Lewla, were among the number, but all are convalescent During the aheence of the pastor and hi. family on New Year', soma persons entered the parsonage without leave, which caused much disturbance in the mind of the pastor's wife, until the matter was thoroughly investigat ed, and It wa. found that nothing had been disturbed, excepting the table, which presented a pleasing aspect having been decorated with a beauti ful gold-banded dinner set with a New Year's greeting and the name, of the donors. The pastor My. he will not be angry If they come again In a sim ilar manner. SALT CREEK Mr. Canfleld la Improving. The mall carrier did not come last Monday. Mr. Gee ha. been In poor health recently. Forest Craven returned home last Saturday. Mr. Van Well bought some hay from Mr. Foster. There wa. no achool at Concord last Monday. Otto Roaenau's father and mother have bought a place near Perrydale. PERRYDALE Ewen Jennings was a viator In Dallas Wednesday. John Duignan was a businea. Ti Itor In Dallas, Wednesday. Mia. Kata Jeaninr returned to her school Sunday, after a ttHi'l vaca tion. Fred Jennlnra, who has - Till ing hi. parents .ad fr'ends in th (Continued Tf Fear )