ODD POINTS OF -DEVON CATTLE Among the several breed. of cnttl that lmve been liniiiriei iulo th country, umliily from- Ktiglnmt. Hi breed that linn been most iihhIi si li pushing Its cluim. I um quite sure, the Devou, writes h .Missouri breeder Of course tio-oue will cluim fur 1 1 Devons that they are nx good crciiii nnd butter town iih the Channel Islam cattle, or such heavy milkers as tli Ilolstein, or ucb beefniaUers as Klior horns and Hereford, but they are 111 the mediocre people iu this world without making great show they ar among the attractive cattle that hav come to this country. If any one were to ask me what 1 the most noted character of the Ievom that gives them prominence I woitlf say tuni it is ineir great cmeicm-y a work oxen. They seem to have a re litntion In all parts of the world when they are known as being the lies! ol all the breeds as work oxen, lim, while their special adaptability In thai lli'U has certainly given them jrreater prom inence in that line than any ftthe breed possesses, it is hy no means Ihel only point of excellence. In t he first place, they are good al around entile. They are medium sized of a very attractive deep red color smooth and hlocky In shape, and I hell horns are more upright and syimii"! rically curved than those of some oihei breeds. Of course they have less size than either Shorthorns or Holslelns. hut they are more compact than ellh and are quicker In I heir uio cnienls The oxen, usually weigh from l.ilnii n 1,800 pounds and are so trimly huill and active thai they are more etliiient as ox teams than any other breeds. Bu because they are so superior as oxen Is no reason for them to lie low In the scale as to other poinls of excel lence. They are good milkers, and t lie milk is rich, and they have made many records as butter cows. A lest made at an experiment station in the north west shows that one Devon cow mncli two and Iwo-llfths pounds of hullo'' a day. Hut the breed has never been exploited as special butter cows or beet cows, although the quality of the meat and the distribution of the meat as ti the proportion in the choice cuts Iiiivp TYPICAL ITHAD OF DEVON given them an enviable reputallon for beef unimals. So that young animals bring top prices as beef cuttle, and as they mature early t he chances are that Devon steers that have been fairly treated will show more of the best cuts In proportion than any other breed. In the department of agriculture re IKirt for the year ended .Inly. ion". the following tlguri show (lie number of animals registered of the hew known breeds: Shorthorn, a total of 7ir,on:i; .lernoy.2."i,270; Hereford. 'JUS. itSS: Uolsleln. irr.71N; Angus. 1I.-.,.1!)2. while the Devons veri only T2u'Ji bond. They exceeded only Hie Ayr shire, Guernsey and lied Polled. These llgitres show the total number of ell breed registered since Ibe herd bonks were started and do not repro seal only those now alive. The breed is holding Its own in tills rniiiliry. mil all who own and breed levoiis are en lliuslaslie champions of their virtues Sheep Keeping. Milch has been said troei lime fn time on I he suliji-cf ot Ibe mlviintngi' of keeping sheep on every farm, sa.w the llouieslead. Vet there Is no son ot domestic animal thai has filled i meet wllll general appreciation In til Mil nit degree as the sheep. Truly then Is no fill-in that call Milord not to kec sheep. The sheep Is an iiiiiinal of re lined lnilncts. lie Is not a gro- fiisler. so thai neither In the fa'teitinv nor the growing periods Is there tie uiiinil for the laborious cfTnrt thai at lends hog raisin? al all times, lie l n close grazer and will. If the ncul l eke out an existence where oilier faro tinliiials wo'ild llnd It Impossllile to h Bo. He Hill also dev. nil- weeds am objectionable vcget.ilioli thai wolili Ihoiwb'o prove a nuisance, lie Is r close cleaner. Willi Hie fin '.lily ot tt'iln lug his subsistence fr giahis am herbage I hut would else lie lost. Balling Corn or Hog. The fanner ho makes n piaoiloe nl raising grain exclusively, hauling It t' the olfwilor and welling It Is robbing himself, or. Ill oilier nurds, dcplftlui the fertility of the farm Every year as Hie crop I gathered mill sold off the place It Is l. lt with ditrcasisl prodm-ike iwer fur tie future. It is like mining or dlgglm ml I he value of the soil and elilppluv to the market. II Is aclling mr fane virtually Ihnmiih the ele nlor. Selling Ibe corn ly Ibe hoi: route oi throiiL-h ti v othet live sti k is retell! lag I he fi'i-i:it. Hy n pioM-r aval en if ilivervillitl fanning ntid MlailoH ' trops toil can build lift and lieprovi Instead "f leMrojIna I he prisli ti e neaa American Incherd PASTURING SWINE. There aro all kinds of pasfure suitable for hogs blue grass, clover, alfalfa, etc., as well as rape and soy beans. Any of them is good, and it depends on circumstances -which one hog rais ers should use. I find clover and al- 1 ' it . ? - BERKSHIRE: noo. falfa both fine, and swine will grow and thrive on either of them without extra grain, although it Is better to feed a little grain, for rapid growth any gain made from pasture or forage crops is the cheapest gain possible to make and a the same time keeps the pig's system in fine shape. I find that my swine that are on clover pasture spend mos of their time eating clover, and with the little grain they get they are tuuk ing wonderful gains. Of the many forage plants alfalfa is one of the most satisfactory for bogs, since it can be made- a perma nent pasture and is rich in protein making an excellent combination with corn. The leaves are tender nnd the stem small, which makes it easily mas ticated, and it is very much relished, Rape should be allowed to get a good start before being pastured, and If this is done it will furnish pasture for long while and at the same time will produce heavy gains if a little grain Is fed. Fall sown rye also makes a fine pasture and if clover is sown with It can be used for a clover pasture after the rye is gone. Clover seems to do especially well when sown with rye, After the rye is ready to head out the swine may be taken out of the field and the rye allowed to ripen and fall over. Then turn the hogs back In. nnd they will harvest all the heads and ea the clover that was sown with It. Where there is a permanent blue grass pasture on the farm (and there should be on every farm) it Is well to use it during the winter months and early spring for the sows and pigs when it will not do to turn out on the other pastures. While blue grass is not as good or relished as much by swine, it Is fine for them when there is no other pasture they can be turned on. HEAD OF THE DAIRY HERD TREATMENT OF An Inferior Bull Sure to Prove a Costly Investment. The average farmer who Is raising his own dairy calves little appreciates the net cost of a cheap or Inferior bull when In search of an animal to head his herd. This is well lllustrat ed In a herd of dairy entile of which we have very accurate data as to the flow of milk and the amount of butter fat produced during the past four gen crntlons. writes Professor M. V. liar per of Cornell university. In this particular herd the condi tlon. such aa tho breeding of ( lie cows. the feeding and the imimigeuieiit were as even throughout the four genera Hons as could be obtained In practice so that any uiarked Increase or de crease In the production of the off spring can be credited lo the sire used The first sire under observation got three producing females thai averaged 300 pounds of fat a year. The second bull even excelled the first, as he got nine producing females that averaged I,.- "-TSj' 'S. t,p. V Vr Hi V If1 i tar - V Hog Raising a Profitable Venture Far Smell Farmera. There are feature la liie mtslng that ap;eal to every thoughtful furmer. No other moat producing animal are raptible of producing no many young In a year, write an Ohio brevier lo the Country Gentleman. In iifrat-s whorr tillable pture can I inivhted fH-m-arly every month In the yir Hie Kboul.l farrow tl- annual!, pro I'u h: oie litter in the spring. lii h as rni;y be umdc ready f"r the tatr fall or Inter luarlet. aiid anoiu.-r lit ter In trly fail, lo l" tim U- ni .! fr .be r-ri!g market. T1 mll isoO.il nxiniri-d lo tscln with nl Hw iii. It rt-mnia on Hie imesinM-ul umIv hc raW.off rs iHy aitm tile l ! am;Ui f a r.u.-r with buoli-d iiin. T in L 'fi iil Biske a ouJ of airi xt k- food than bh mm k ol bl i:H ! y U'l w ! e ira-l .( ! ; ts r.uiMl t?s farm, 5-;,ry .I iitettefi VDDEK OF A OOOD ERSKY COW. ?I2 pounds of fat a year. The third bull used was rather Inferior and illus trates the Hilnt at Issue, lie got eight producing females that averaged only 2S5 pounds of fat a year. This is a falling off of 107 pounds per cow a year. For the eight females this means loss of Sod iHiunds of butter fat a year, which at 40 cents a pound means an annual loss of (3-12.40 so long as these cows are retained. If they are retained Ave years after they begin to produce, which U. er baps. the average length of time for animals of this kind to breed, then the loss amounts to over 1 1. "mi. This represents the actual loss to the fanner on account of the use of this particu lar sire. The female get of the fourth Ire are at the present lime just be ginning to produce and there Is not enough data at band to judge accu rately their average production. From this Illustration It would seem that the farmer or dairyman In aoarch of an animal to head bis herd should be very careful In hl cholo. He should not tmst to chance, but should elect an animal hne am-estor hare While few are Justified In attempting to treat a horse that is really sick, yet every farmer ought lo be able lo do something for a sick animal till pro fesslotial help can be obtained. Ira proper feeding produces much digestive sickness in horses.- Now, a horse with an acute nttack of Indigestion Is In the utmost need of veterinary help. ' There Is not much use of pouring medicine Into Hie stom ach. . As that organ Is in a deranged condition, no assimilation of anything put into the stomach takes place, mid consequently no action Is obtained by administering drugs through the moull'. The Injection of concentrated medi cines under the skin Is the only ra tional way of treating such cases. No ordinary farmer has either I he Instru ments or skill lo do this. Hut the sick animal should be placed In il roomy box stall plentifully supplied with bedding, and a careful man should Ik with him to prevent, as fin' as possible, the patient from Injuring Itself when the pains are very Intense. Many a horse suffering great pain has'thrown Itself down violently on a hard floor and raptured the. stomach i which has been distended with gus). and thus destroyed whatever chance there might have been of successful treatment. It always gives some relief to cases where there Is great abdominal pain to take clolhs wrung out of a pot of hot water and apply as hot as the pa tient will sland to the lower pari of the abdomen. This Is usually easily done, as the animal is In almost every case lying down and In many cases lying on his back. Much can be done In this way to keep the patient from injuring Itself till veterinary help can be secured. Horses suffer more from pulmonary diseases iu the winter than In the sum mer, because the stables are not In iilany cases ventilated sullli lently. Poor ventilation predisposes to lung trouble, find many a simple cough or cold de velops into inllammatlon of the lungs Just because tin atlllcted an I ma I. Is standing in a poorly ventilated stable. The average case of Influenza or even colt distemper will not need very THE FL0CKMASTER. Sheep and Fertility. Sheep are the greatest fertilizers of all the farm stock. The old saying that the hoof of the sheep is golden Is true enough. Sheep return to the soil Dr. Bell's Pino-Tar-IIoney Will break up the worst cold and allay throat irritation. This remedy quickly onrea couehs. Colds, Grippe, ana m throast and bronchial troubles, sola oy Conrad Stafrln. nu in.Mth chronicle savs: For th erection of an $8000 hunting and 80 per cent of fertility from the food fishing lodge Is the latest move started eaten, Provide Salt For the Flock, The Hock should have salt constant ly before it Iu the pasture, so thesheep can help themselves to It when they crave it. Salt is one of the essentials of success in handling sheep. Profit In Sheep. Those who have been raising sheep in recent years have bud no reason to by outside capital in recognition of the ..,,.., r vinmnth county. The monev for this grand sportsmen's re ort i helnsr tirotected by a number of Medford capitalists. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe, anil may be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate woman or tne complain. A liock well cared for adds youngest child. The old and feeble will substantially to the farm profits and also find them a most suitable remedy exacts but a minimum of care. for aiding and strengthening tneir Silaa.'For Shaao. weakened digestion and for regulating There is no reason why silage may the bowels. For sale ny an goou u.u not be fed to sheep, commencing with a small amount at first and gradually increasing the allowance as tney be come accustomed to It. However, it is very desirable and we might almost say indispensable that all gists. Moro Observer: We are enjoying some sharp crisp days, with an ap pearance of snow, "O, the Beautllul animals dog-gasted stuff. But as the ground is feeding upon silage should bave some all right for it, let It come. drv foraire to counteract the laxative eiTect of hIIho-p. Not Sorry For Blunder, - - - "If my friends hadn't blunderea in The careful man will turn and ex- "ih.k.hs uo. -- .1.1 ,, .... eonsumnrion. i miia ni uo amine me uuueru oi uu uis rra iu- ' - TT i i..rt fo- i,wiin Mver tA rve now," writes D. T. Sanders, of Harris- It eeneinllv Durg, liy., "Dui ior yeaiu imj straw to pregnant ewes. contains more or less ergot, produces abortion. The Farmer's Mainstay. which every attempt to cure a iuhb-iw"'b cough fall. At last I tried Dr. Kings New Discovery. The effect was wonder ful. It soon stopped the cough and I am now In better health than I have The draft horse Is still the mainstay had for vcars. This wonderful llfe-sav- of the farmer and the hauler of freight er s an unrivaled remedy for coughs, in cities. He promises to remain so coids, lagrlppe. asthma, croup, hem W 4 n & .,, . Biliousness, Sour Btomach, Indl AU person. bJf' A" Headache. Plsslne... Heartburn, nation. Constipation, ".. nroll,h. sallow Com- vertigo (bltna ' ur.d I plexlon or a co use constant tired, discouraged feeling .hould Tf" .we rraai jver tonic and Regulator That Has The Great uyer iwii p.00le. Done So mucn iwr m . -ffa.t on a. Torpid Liver is little less than . .nralont remedy. Kg "Lufr'oement. a few daya' u .cure, the .most .obstinate 3 IT 1 cl IV - , ,. llrut ntlNK M" 1 r l.. n ma ruHflU Htl Kllliunt ail o XI u riii no I,. pid Liver, Btrengi kntvAi moveme W,h-)lVfa!y,(1A.lwho Tdlow Fever or any other Ui.li "att , 9InkandVhea? tneYVlcTlms of 11" .y-"m"m Perfect oVderV"rev.ve.'tShea V&toS&JZlto oP.tlp.tl condlUou, anj ra-..tobltahe. er" . rrat reirulatlng mcaicine. it sianas ror health fn. . 'hole ;.. 2KZ.W; ? against " xi, '"'."r nv other deadly oiseasu TAMES F. BAI.I.ABD Price 50c per Bottle. PROPRlliiTOR : . l-rrbnlt. Weak SlKht, Smartlaar Beaaatloas In .i.- r-i ,i. inn pMtMtuDovL!....,-!!! CONEAD STAFKIN Aaises the dough and complies with alt pure food laws, because iie is cheaper, more efficient and more reliable than any other pow er. orrhages, whooping cough or weak lungs. 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. THE VETERINARY . Five prisoners and three wagon loads of linuor were captured in a Sheriff's raid on "blind pigs" in Ji,s tacada, Thursday afternoon. fa" ... . . J'.y Jl-anay. j jRKSCENT MFG. CO. Makers of MAPLEINE (better than Maple). 4iU . ... ' miOWS H HALT U AND 8PIH1T. much luedlt liial alteniioii if the patient is allowed an abundant supply of fresh air. Keep the body warm by plenty of clothing, stimulate the circulation in the eMreniltles by hand rubbing the legs, keep the bowels relaxed by the use of succulent food. If the breath ing Is labored, apply a hot poultice lo the throat and chest, mid you will have pone a long way Inward prevent ing any complications from setting In. If a pleulirul supply of fresh air Is necessary to maintain a horse In good health it will be unilcrstood'lniw neces sary It tuti-d be lo an aiiliiial which Is sulleiing from nnv respiratory trouble. I'rei-h nlr Is of the n'uiosl Importance In such rases. Tin nnwt skillful medi cal Irealiiieul will be useless without It The hoi'se should have good, pure water lo iliink. and If his sioiii u-h Is licratiged it Is best not to nlli-w lilm to drink a very large oitiniity at one lime. A'low him t drink iiIhiiiI III 1 1 Hie ainoiint you I'liuli lie would take w lieu in li 'iilth. tln-n wall awhile nial give more. A large 111111111111- of water it olio lime Is apf lo do more harm than !"' !. If 1 lie end sought N apt lo be real aid cleanliness Is n feature of very 111111 ll iinporiaiice. Kii-p the slabli's lean at n:l I Inn, and be careful not lo give nnv fiM-il Mi-it N ino'ilv. diislr r In any war until for iln animal to at. Kee everylhing clean, l-'illh Is me of 1 lie greatest iM-i'ise promoters we have, not only with dumb brines. lull humans as well. Horse Wisdom. Po you want a balky I -r-o? You can easily have one by giving him Ion heavy loads to draw. There Is no kind of animal hroeiUne lint will pay better than the hroislltr.: if horses, but horses that will sell, not Jiinghills or misfits. The floor of the hayloft should lie erl and dust light. Horses are often In lured by seeds and dirt falling Inn heir ears and eyes. Itoltiug of food causes indigestion nd conse iiientlv loss of health. Cnnrd against Irregular feeding. It tends to make horses holt their food. Worms In Hogs. Every morning for five successive days a week for two weeks dissolve in slop half 11 pound of dried sulphate of iron (copperas) for each hundred pigs. Clean up, disinfect and whitewash pens. See. that hogs get pure drinking water and are kept a,way from old coil laminated ponds nnd wallows. The Iron cannot safely be given to preg nant sows. Hidebound Horse. A horse that Is hidebound will be benefited If given a little ollmeal (lin seed meal). This must be begun in doses of not more than a tablespoonful at n feed and gradually Increased to nearly a pint with the other food three times per day. Tobacco For Sheep. Joseph E. Wing says tha't the great thing Is tobacco for ewes and lambs, It won't hurt the old ram to have bis chew also. Every ewe and lamb and ram on Woodland farm has all the tobacco it wants every day. Cheap, damaged tobacco is bought and fed sprinkled well with salt. The lambs soon learn to love It.. Experience of Dr. Miller last year showed that this would keep lambs healthy. More. It will clean out the worms that may already be In them. - Indigestion In Pigs. Stop feeling corn and o.its. Allow the pigs their liberty on grass. Feed a light slop of milk, middlings, bran and a very little cornmeal nnd flaxseed inenl. Cheap Imitations Owing to the immense sale and popu larity of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey there arc many cheap Imitations on the market under similar sounding names, but you can always get the genuine by looking for the bell on the bottle. Sold by Conrad Stafrln. Hood River hcJd a public meeting Wednesday night to celebrate the vic tory of Its nppks at the Spokane show. Shall Women Vote? If they did, millions would vote Dr. King's New Life Pills the true remedy for women. For banishing dull, fag ged feelings, backache or headache. constipation, dispelling colds, Impart ing appetite and toning up the system, they're unequalled. Easy, safe,- sure. 25c at all druggists. Jack Ponsler of McMlnnvilla, found a wallet containing about J32.00, and on making inquiry, found the owner Just about to board a north bound train. He offered Jack a reward, but he was too bashful to accept, reports the T.-R. A Hair's Breadth Escape. Do you know that every time you have a cough or cold and let it run on thinking It will Just cure itself you arc Inviting pneumonia, consumption or Add llmewater at, the rateof some other pulmonary trouble? Don't risk It. Pot vour lontrs back In nerfpet uua euuiny we.u uiy uy j. I vuies. huh j tHnt ..h m,h T!l lanu in tne country adjacent to lar(j.s Horehound Syrup. Falls City Is changing owenership Price 25s, 50c and $1.00 per bottle quite frequently and prices have an go,j hy Conrad Stafrln. upward tendency, says the News. Much land will be planted to walnut treps. Much credit is due both to the la- Ashland claims It will have the most dies of the Improvement club nnd the beautiful streets In Oregon when Its members of the city council for the new boulevard Is completed. This recent decisive action In regard to thoroughfare will be 100 feet In width, improving the city park, reports the with paving on both sides of a park Central Point Herald. row In the center that will be beau- tilled with trees and shrubbery. There is little danger from a cold or Work at the Amity apple dryer from Bn attack of the grip except closed down Saturday night after a wnen touoweu uy pneumonia, ana mis run of more than two months Close . never happens when Chamberlain's to 100,000 nounds of dried apples have Cough Remedy Is used. This remedy- been produced during that time, which nas won "s Brent reputation ana ex- $100 Keward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there It at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system, thereby ae stroving the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimo nials Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tole do, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. HI "mi an' 3 8T. LOCIfl, MO, DALLAS STATION TIME CARD LEAVING DALLAS. Passenger No. 74. . . Passenger No. 70.. 'SOUTH HUN PACIFIC. ARRIVINa DALLaq , .C:55 a. m. pasSenger No. 77.. .2:30 p. m. Passenger No. 75... '"-n, 7-2P. m, SALKM. FALLS CITY & WKSTEiSN jt. East Hound. TRAIN NO. 1. Lv. Dallas 7:35 a. Ar. West Salem 8:15 a. TRAIN NO. 3. Mack Rock 10:6' m- Lv. 11:05 a. m. 11:40 a. m. . .3:00 . .3:35 ..4:15 . .0:05 Eugene Register: Last year's crop of fruit of all kinds has fully demon strated the fact that tills section can be made a groat fruit growing section. Will Promote Beauty. Women desiring beauty get wonder ful help from Rucklen's Arnica Salve. It banishes pimples, skin eruptions, sores and boils. It makes the skin soft and velvety. It glorifies the face. Cures sore eyes, cold sores, cracked lips, chapped hands. Best for burns, scalds, fever sores, cuts, bruises and piles. 25c at all druggists. Fishermen report a good run of sal mon last week and all the boats made profitable catches, says the Coos lias News. The season ends next Sunday, the twentieth, and Master Fish War den Clanton says there will be no ex tension and that anyone fishing after November 20 will be prosecuted. Management of the Ram. If a mm Is to linv heavy service he should lie well fed. A few oats once a iay. beginning a week or two previous to turning him with the ewes, will put him in good condition. He should then be able to attend to at least thirty. If the Bock la large one do not turn two or three ram In together. It Is liest to In a separate Inclomire. aa a larger Dumber of rams ) alway the tvsult. Is, we believe, the best run ever made by the dryer, reports the Standard. J. P. Mickle, a dairyman of Forest drove, has a herd of nine cows, and during. the past year he received from the sale of milk 1160, an average of $128 per cow. He takes good care of the cows, and is gradually improving Ills nick. Such men are admirable. That freight business on the O. R. & N. will be exceedingly heavy dur. Ing the next two months was indi cated Saturday when SOO loaded west bound cars passed through The Dalles, tensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds and grip and can be relied upon with Implicit confidence. For sale by all good druggists. If you want to enjoy ail the dis comfort of a hard winter go east; If you would escape the rigors of a cold climate come to Oregon. Take your choice, remarks the Eugene Register. "I am pleased to recommend Cham berlain's Cough Remedy as the best thing I know of nnd safest remedy for couehs. colds and bronchial trouble." a like number going east. The average wrltes Mrg u R Arnold of Denve- number or cars passing through the Coo We haye ugod u repeateiy "I do not believe there is any other medicine so good for whooping cough as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. Francis Turpin, Juactlon City, Ore. This remedy Is also unsur passed for colds and croup. Fur sale by all good druggists. Lv. Falls City T.v. Dallas Ar. West Salem 12:20 p. m. TRAIN NO. Lv. Falls City Lv. Dallas Ar. West Salem TRAIN NO. Lv. Falls City Ar. Dallas -0:35 TRAIN NO. 9. (Sunday Only.) Lv. Dallas 7:35 a. m. Ar. West Salem :15 a. m. TRAIN NO. 11. (Sunday Only.) Lv. Mack Rock 11:45 a. m. Lv. Falls City 12:00 a. m. Lv. Dallas 12:35 p. m. Ar. West Salem 1:15 p. m. TRAIN NO. 13. (Sunday Only.) Lv. Mack Rock 4:00 p. m. Lv. Falls City 4:15 p. ni. Lv. Dallas 4:50 p. m. Ar. West Salem 5:30 p. m. West lloi.'iii. TRAIN NO.) 2. Lv. West Salem Lv. Dallas Lv. Falls C Ar. Dlaek Rock . m, lv. Faiis city " u m' Ar. Black Rnnlc - :& a. m (5 :35 p. m. 3:20 p. m, :60 p. m. imi:i.v Oyjy.) :u a. m, ": a. m. a. m. 10:35 a. m, ,TRAIN NO. 10. (Sunday Only.) Lv. West Salem .1:35 p. m .2:20 p. m. .2:50 p. m. .3:10 p. m, TRAIN NO: 12. (Sunday Only.) Lv. West Salem 5:E0 . Ar. Dallas 6;30 Train No. 3 connects at Dallas with morning train from Portland and way points. TRAIN' No. t, Lv. West Salem . . , Lv. Dallas Ar. Falls City TRAIN NO. 6. Lv. West Salem Lv. Dallas Ar. Falls City ' " " . TRAIN NO. 8. Lv. West Salem . . Lv. Dulles ...... Lv. Falls City . . , Ar. Black Rock . t:3ll p. . 2 : 1 r. n - f. hi. 2:r' B. m. Lv. Dallas' Lv. Falls City . , Ar. Black Rock INDEPENDENCK A MONMOUTH KY. Dallas Division. LEAVING DALLAS. Passenger No. 65 8:30 a. m. Passenger No. 09 1:00 p. m. Passenger No. 71 7:25 p. m. LEAVING INDEPENDENCE. . , 0:00 a. m. . .10:1,0 a. m Passenger No. 0 4.. Passenger No. 0 8... Passenger No. 70... 6:15 p. m. Alrllc ARRIVING DAr.U& Passenger No. 64 6:60a.m. Passenger No. 68 11:30a.m. Passenger No. 70 6:55 p.m. ARRIVING INDEPENDENCE Passenger No. 65 9:15a.m. Passenger No. 69 1:25 p. m, Pnssenger No. 71 8:00p.m. Division. LEAVING AIRLIE, Passenger No. 62 . . . Passenger No. 72. . LEAVING INDEPENDENCE Passenger No. 61 Passenger No, 73 Much buying of small fruit farms around Phoenix. Blind Mrs. Elbe Tiler, Ravena, Texas, writes: I was blind as a bat. I used Suther land's Eagle Eye Salve and It acted like a charm. It cut the scum off my eyes and restored my sight. It is all you claim and worth it's weight In gold. 25c a tube. Sold by Conrad Stafrln. ARRIVING AIHUE, .8:15 a. m. Passenger No. 61 7:60a.m. , 4:05 p.m. Passenger No. 73.. S:25p.m, ARRIVING INDEPENDENCE. 7:00 a. m Fassenger No, G2 9:25a.m. 2:30 p. m. Passenger No. 72 4:60 p. in. Train No. 69 leaving Dallas at 1:00 p. m. connects at Monmouth for Alrlle. Trains Nos. 62 and 72 from Audio connect at Monmouth for Pal las and way points. Dr. Hell's Antiseptic Salve Is guaranteed for eczema, salt rheum, tetter, ringworm, running sores, chap ped hands and lips, pimples on the face, black heads, barber's itch, sun burn, insect bites, fever sores and na sal catarrh. 25c. Sold by Conrad Stafrln. Cottage Grove man killed a deer that dressid 150 pounds. Cottage Grove Leader: Up and at 'em again boys! It Is not a defeat and surrender, but a temporary rout and defeat. and It has never failed to give relief." city each day la about 200, reports the oromcie. p.,., -, ,, j ,i,,,i, .... Redmond Spokesman: The city Is rapidly growing and the water prob- Butte Falls correspondence of Med lem is one that-will be of great Im- ford Mail-Tribune: There Is a scare- portance in a short time. It is now a hty of "spuds" in our midst and our Beautiful F.yos are desired by everyone. If there is any Inllamatlon the eyes can't be beau tiful. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve will remove the Inllamatlon and clear the eyes. Sold by Conrad Stafrln. CTRED TO STAY CURED. How Dallas Ctlxrns Can Kind Complete Fiwdoni From Kidney Troubles. .If you suffer from backache From urinary disorders From many diseases of the kidneys. Be cured to stay cured. Doan'a Kidney Pills make lasting Experiments wbh-b have lately bf-en conducted along the line of a cultiva tion of the wild blueberry show that It seems to I an exception to. the run been uniformly noted for thctr high j of native fruits and berries In that It production. Feeding h Calf. The calves should I well fed, but a lot of raivea ar ful to death Four quarts of tklnimilk a dy ta enough thrives splendidly on low, sour soils or problem of Importance, but with the people are very much put to In pro rapid increase or population that Is vidlng a substitute for them. sure to come, some means should be taken In the near future to provide the city a aufllclent water system to supply water for domestic and fire purposes. I looser ft Merts. Tygh valley farm era, Monday marketed 14,000 pounds of hops grown on their ranches, sell ing the same to the Eastern Oregon Brewing company, reports The Dalles Optimist. These men raise from 14.000 to 20.000 pounds each year, to dispose cures. of to the local firm. They received Grateful people testify. dlrlde If. rlvlna: each ram Iwenf .. nrnl premium on me nops at ine iwia Here a one case of it: ; nnu 1111 n in,, in . 1,1 iii,iu niiu iu A." Y.-P. exposition In Seattle, the variety ville. Ore., says; being the English cluster. recommend Doan'a Kidney Pills as I C. W. Pygert, local agent for the consider them an excellent remedy. I Capital City Nursery, haa Just sold a suffered a great deal from kidney bill of apple tree to the Willamac trouble and had acute pains In the ' Cresw. il last I.and company, sufficient to plant 40 small of my bark. I was also subject acres of this fine tract of land, east of o headaches and felt tired nearly all Springfield. He also sold a bill of ap ple tree sufficient to plant 10 acres to R. O. Tippy, who lives a mil and a half east of Springfield. Also trwa for S. IT. Friendly has Just sold 60,000 pounds of cascara hark to a firm In Germany. Every Body Needs a good salve and Dr. Bell's Antisep tic Salve is the best. It is a creamy snow white ointment. Guaranteed for all skin diseases. 2,ro sold by Conrad Stafrln. DR. B. E. REVEL VETERINARY SURGEON Phone, 20 Dallas, Oregon DR. DAVID YOUNG Osteopathic Pbyslilna Oflioe, 719 Court St. Mill mil Phone 631 DALLAS, OREGON, Oregon's apple crop was never be fore so large or fine In quality. Saved an Iowa Mini's Lire. The very grave seemed to yawn be fore Robert Madsen, of West Burling ton, Iowa, when, after seven weeks In the hospital, four of the best physi cians gave him up. Then was shown the marvelous curative power of Elec trie Butters. For, after eight months of frightful suffering from liver troub le and yellow Jaundice, gettlng.no help from other remidies or doctors, five bottles of this matchless medicine completely cured him. Its positively guaranteed for Stomach, Liver or Kid ney troubles and never disappoints. Only 50c. at all druggists. Whooping Cough It is an old saying that whooping cough must run its course, but the use of Dr. Bell s Pine-Tar-Honey has dem unstrated beyond doubt that such is not the case. It can be cured hr th. use of this remedy. Sold by Conral I "ore Shoeing and General Black Stafrm. ....... """a I can cure Quarter Cracks and Con- Interfering and all worn first class. All I ask the public Is to give nie at fair trial. I also cure corn on horses feet R.wse Shoeing , Specialty. i.KU1;F. V. CRAMER 1 ' 0NaerYnrkhTna,n V,M0 for ! Feet, also atop ford " ,ra"t "tar Mp"'- fing. I guarantee f..- .... . ". 1...0.S in me side or chest dam pen a piece of flannel with 'rk.i... Iain's Liniment and l.in 1. "! t vii over LAURA PRICE. M. D Specialty: Diseases of Women Office over Toslollice. Bell Pboi Offlce 351; lfesi.lence 11M. Monmouth,' Oreios F- M. HELLWORTH PHYSICIAN & SUEGEOK Office over Posloffice Falls City, 0rl" M. OLIVE SMITH Teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN Studio, Room No. 2. Wilson PKx Dallas Mrs. LAdia Pearson, n St r. f ; th umi r -tm . ' ... Koiii. 1 rp la nnfh lr. ,, b. ... I do not hesitate to ter. For sale by all eoo.1 rJr" . I ""S"1'" 1 Stand Dallas. Ore. ' un?ioka, j A chrysanthemum measuring 21 PROFESSIONAL ehes In circumference exhibit. .'ATOr.XETS AT LAW CARDS. des not do well at all on rich, fat soils whkh are well twin need In point 1 of fertilising elements and mbk h are alaA wlt trafn,l fin Ih contra rT II baa been found that th blueberry i P'-nting .1 acre, of apple, and three ; acres 01 cnerriea io .eiaon niic 1 for a fur week old calf. Aa oo aa any sica of bowH trouble shows tn the droppings reduce the quantity of milk. Civ the calf all the hay and brta it will eat and let It run on grass, bat do ot overfeed on sklmmilk. The ca)f that Is rrsnrd naturally gets wily a small quantity of ttiCk al a time, and those that are so thin and sandy that be still not produce any other crop. porta the Eugene Register. Crencvnt City Is on the eve of the greatest growth ever made by any Ity on Ihia coast, claims the Record. The new ranes la the raspberry patch those whkh will be bearing A company haa been formed to open a fruit nett seao should be tlped canal from Dead lake and Ijike Earl ben tbey are a Unit three and half 10 the ocean at a point about one mile feet high. This w ill result lo a sturdy, j north of the present rity limits, thus tb wild cow doea not give mora at ' branched Uub, to the maturlug , giving a safe fresh water harbor for 1 1BTtlme au ine piaoi energy ror IDe the largest vessels anoat. A company j " . ( rest of t be sea sob will be devoted. haa I . acres of land bonded ad TWlnr. I small qrunt'ry of kerosene I Jacent to and surrounding Dead lake Into tb h.!U of ants w-ar the boe Is ' Qalt l" ,b Treed of the nd EH With the completion of jaahl to be aa electiv. means of Art,. brub or tree Is ludt j the propoecd canal feet wtde. we Intih.. .... '. rstnl by Its t;i4e spread of bisocbea. tll have a water frontage at leaet , tie 1 . the time. I tried a number of remedies ior any !.,, ,rou,. . but wa. not relieved until I be.a ' !, ,rt, ,lke r na na ILian's L'I.Ih.. tt : 1 1 - . . . laLlne Ikla : a "mil 1 was rree pains. S.,P1 from kidney disease. I Statement then In August 107. j o-I(in"II " I Two Years I-ter. j , " r. , ' ',,M at command tie" phone 10J On Dec. Is. io. Mrs. SIBLEY Sc. EAKIN Anti1 . mseie. relieve. .1 1 ne only reliable set of Abstracts In Also Rood . " . r" County, office on Court Rl V Conrad Stafrln. : Orcon Pear.' L Zr.?" h' , confirmed her former Ktaim.n .... .... 1 which ' market ne irmimoniai 1 gave in 1 ! Thai aboukl 1 of aid la pruDtoc roots ' three mile in length. The entrance of I! v uu ot, t Iw .r"M-. A whii -,- t ' e-e t! -c t ! t.'r - f -'' i It fa reRiarkat.'e bvr qui. I'y d-Hneav . and branbea at the time ..r trana. this canal will he easily f. r ! ai d iii' -r .'jrt j tie ar.lmais srta r-it brh treat- .Untlnc and aia la tne collliaiiosi , aiainM all storm at any seaeoa I r,,I t; I .Hre ! l-tt.-r f..,n toett and yet bow re.!.;y tbey mill and rare f trees a fter tbey are net, iar. by building two short J.Httea. tn tne -!iite f. il t' ...t I re;nd a La ml mf. ; w lud.r.f the (revise tiilej rtpa ( ht h the twt marine englwerre of ivta, t''"-iT l-rfy.r 1- ' . i la vbnt tracts. 'long eiprrienca say la feasible. for et ( n9kr ""' l-n'c- promm.nt and . . .. .... -vr-asr . t ui The state. ng puoiiciy recommending Doan's Kid ney Pills was correct alar. I am glad to confirm it" For sale by all d rents, r iwterM ill.um Co.. Puffalo. Vew Tork. sle agents for the Vniled in ever.-thlnr States. j Remember the name Dnan's take no other. command. : PTHN-a ta.lwaj-s prof,ui.!, t r-rHlUl-e, therefore the m . ..er. Price S. ' Uec,,. n Co.. Ituir.i. '.. 1- , 1"lsi-man(j(lv Mutual phone 11 Of R. L. CHAPMAN ITXKR.M, III RECTOR AXD IillXL.MER n indu Cans pT(imflty ,n,wwa dy n oral of this Pple eroniBn a supply f.r the wr rid s be prn, If II I THE COUCH AND CURE THfi LUNCS w,th Dr. King's Nor DiscoYEiT psrrs rnn sVaAlirUS ' run Isolds a0 U THROAT AWDIUNSWH GUARANTEED SATISFA1 OB KOMST B&XW1'. nd 1 Th Co Is SawH. A Rnew Ra. k. Purer and seller ran be brought to- ' Sr.ow ,lum!m ' ad t. W ATTOHXET AT LAW ED T. COAD Cnce in Courthouse protected 1 rether at a eoM of only a few cents by amta, f the I placfna; an advertisement la the OI-' tr;n. strais 1. t nd of. r..nr),, ' re rn.. anj ballaa Lir.ini-nl "'e rn 1. . .. ra. kvp. ... . "rm. the Ot- r. " " T ll!ict. I serrer-a -W anted- and "For Rale" !,!,, V'B. brut i eoluma. .Try It th. ert time yoa'j , K,0" T-. kav. .., tkl t- bay or U. j c rear k.,. DFvri.T M. HAYTER Foley's Kidney Pills What They Win Do They will cure YU:li: trengthen yoor t j rect urinary irrefful"0 op the worn oat tisss eliminate the excesi tc that causes rheumatism oreads ' vent Bright'! Disese bates, and restore strength. Refue s i" DaJlaa t Ptafria-. DrH ,or.. FOLEYS Orefwai foe Snmmcm TeaiS I '1