Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, November 29, 1910, Image 3

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Bcol EtaW Transfers,
I fWe,,e 1 A Pr'KB8 "d Rbecca
I ,.e; Sa"""!1 A
!WBay8nd Eu.th O. Staats.
Buy W. pjiOBATB.
J w B Earnest, deceased
jlSrS: ceased
J Et,e 0 , ,.. for hearing Decern-
Sin1 . in a. m.
,-ll,at iV.r. rcSTATE.
John to Edwin R. Tut
jut ." . ... r Hmm
, Pt ux to A. C. Hamra,
120 acres, t 6 s, row,
1 mt. in
' trw - - .
Jilt , Cook et ux to James
Pn" ; .Pres t8s, r 4 w, $3300.
Gate, 'x o John V. Web
1 View Homes, 110.
lot m v to W. F.
s, r 8 w, $900.
M. Water-
.ii,.ira View Homes,
f'1",. iWjo et
i".r' t
1 7 - m Collt'ite vi
lot In
fit rates et ux to Lyman C. Par-f-
G. .nptfe View . Homes,
III! .,.. tn Cora B. AdamB,
. i
Fair Oaks, $1
(mnnt Oomnany to
0"on .."... id in t8s, r4w,
'Uvashaw et ux to Emma Ban-
Great IlHilny of Vno i,,.rts w,
Seen In Di.II.ih Next Monti,.
Prlntlnor of th nii, i.i
, ' ior me
annual Poultry Show to be h.'ld In
Dallas, December 13-18, was complet
ed yesterday, and the blanks, aoeom-
panled by the rules for exhibitors, are
being, mailed today by Secretary B. I
Liberal cash prizes are offered In all
rilvlfilnnn. nnri tVin nm........ .. .
' ""'uciii u.iu mem
bers of the Polk County Poultry Ashu-
, ........ ,,, ,, cnnrt to make
the omlns exhibition the greatest
display of blooded poultry ever seen
In Polk County. Chickens, ducks,
turkeys and geose will be admitted to
It Is probable that the greatest In
terest In the show will center about
the silver cup offered by PoHtmastor
J. E. Beezley, of Fulls City. This hand
some trophy was won last year by Mrs.
T T! VT..-.1 , a t i
. jjj. ixuimuij, ui .eoanon, nut in or
der to become the permanent property
of the exhibitor, it must be won three
times. Competition for the "mug"
was great last year, but it will doubt
less be keener than ever this year.
The poultry raisers of Polk County
are entitled to much praise for their
efforts to stlmulute and promote a
highly profitable Industry, and it is
hoped that every breeder of blooded
birds In the Willamette Valley will
prepare a display for the coming
Simpson's Grocery.
msh Grocery on Mill
Changed ownership yesterday, J.
Uetchangt business to
ESITXr The purchaser took
"" f the store this morning. Mr.
mJ, has not yet decided where
"locate, and he will remain In
111 locate . M
j (tlltf or 1 V," lire N. L. Butler
,r Syaoung man of excellent abU-
He has had experience In the
W ' A ,lll HnnhtlesH
-wry business mm
' i t-n,i In his new store.
jild up a B""" ,
ye OUk' Koikes' Concert,
r, ncople of ye Methodist congre
, 0 will give ye olde folkes' con
' " .. wnn,lman Hall on ye 7th
of ye 12th month, at 8 o'clock.
Windenjoye ye merrle entertain-
, by ye ancient maydens and
Lion. Ye programme Includes
. cum Old Black Joe, Jen-
Jund, and many other attractions.
(at for ye 'urtner )imi..
ApiKilnted GMd KouiIk Delegate.
M. Tt. Ornnt mntl nnrrli.p nn r.uinl
Route No. 2. leadinir out of Dnllna hno
received notice of his appointment as
a delegate to the Oregon Good Roads
Convention, to be hold in Portland,
Monday, December 13. This conven
tion will consider Good Roads legisla
tion for the State of Oregon and it is
expected to make important recom
mendations to the next Legislature.
The plan of appointing rural mall car
riers as delegates Is peculiarly appro
priate, as no persons have a more
thorough realization of the need of
better highways than have the men
who carry the mall over the ronds of
Western Oregon In midwinter.
Sells Restaurant.
E. C. Bennett has sold his restau
rant in the Riley Block and will re
tire from the business.
ShiTlIT Mwla w,Ul Ex(.1Uljr
Mishap hi West Salem.
Sheriff John Grant and a Deputy
Game Warden who i.n ....
- . iumg Willi
him were the vtntlmo r u.....
a "l iivciy run
away accident In West Salem yester
day afternoon T.nntn,. i ... a
...vni, uulu uiuuers
escaped with nothing worse than a
ducking in the cold water of a niton
at the side of the rniwl Tha v,M
escaped without injury, but the cover
ine ouggy was badly wrecked.
Sheriff Grant had been serving pa
pers all morning in the Eola Hills
country and was driving Into Salem
for lunch when the accident occurred.
A Deputy Game Warden, whom he
had overtaken on his way to Salem
and who had accepted an Invitation to
ride, was in the buggy with him. As
the officers were driving through West
Salem, one nf thn l;,.,, tnii .u
tongue to the axle gave way. This
imsnap rngntened the horses and
caused them to run Kh,
clung to the reins in the hope of
bringing the plunging and kicking
animnlfl limlor innti-ni tun
malnlnEf Clin Snnn Crtiva U'air n n.l Ih.
uuggy was overturned. Sheriff Grant
was thrown into the icy waters of a
ditch at the side of the road and the
Game Warden landed squarely on top
ul ... in.
After floundering around in the wa
ter for a few minutes, both men re
gained their feet. Sheriff Grant was
wet to the skin and the Game Warden
was plastered with mud from his head
to his feet. Notwithstanding their
predicament, the two officers laughed
at one another until their sides ached.
They then sot off after the lost team.
One horse was found entangled In
the harness and hung up on a tree a
few feet from where the accident oc
curred. The other horse had stripped
himself clear of the harness and had
run quite a distance before being
captured by residents of the town. Lit
tle diimaire was done to the buggy
farther than the complete wrecking
of the top.
Sheriff Grant nroceeded on to Sa
lem, got his lunch, and returned to
Dallas with the team last night. The
buggy was left in Salem, to be brought
home later.
Dr. Lowe will be in Independence,
December 1.
Friday and to noon Saturday of this
week, Dr. Lowe, the optician, will be
In Hotel Gail. Don't fail to have him
test yoyr eyes for glasses. Last trip
this year.
M. D. Coulter la in Portland on a
business errand. .
MIsb Flora McCallon la visiting
friends In Salem.
Dr. F. M. Hellworth. of Falls City,
waa a Dallas visitor yesterday.
Morris Fowle, of Airlie, was a visit
or in Dallas several days this week.
Mrs. A. A. Launer returned from a
few days visit In Portland, last night
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Schoel arrived
home Saturday from a few days' visit
In Portland.
John Walker and George Shew, of
Monmouth, are business visitors In
Dallas today.
John Slmonton left Sunday after
noon for a few weeks' visit In Olex,
Gilliam County.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Blessing of Sa
lem, were over Sunday visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Sol Blessing.
W. H. Cadle, a prominent farmer of
the Rickrealf neighborhood, was a
business visitor in Dallas yesterday.
Miss Frances Byers returned to her
home in Salem yesterday, after a sev
eral days visit with friends In this
Miss Nellie Link, of Montgomery,
and Miss Bertha Foster, of Bridge
port, are visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. I. F. Yoakum.
Henrv R. HoDkins. of Chicago, Is
visiting at the home of his son, the
Reverend George F. Hopkins, pastor
of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Canter, of Har-
risburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Ford, of Eugene, attended the family
reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs
C. C, Canter in this city Thursday.
Harry Belt, School Superintendent
r vomhin Cnnntv. wiifl in Dallas a
fow hours Sunday on his way home
from Monmouth, where he attended
the Normal School celebration Satur
day. '
Th Reverend C. E. Cline, of Port
ipnrt visited his daughter, Mrs. Annie
Pnriev. and his son. Dean, near Dallas
the last of the week. He preached In
the Methodist Church, Sunday morn
Mra .T r. Shultz will leave tomor
row for Woodland. California, to visit
u at0,op lvjf-a Charles Leman. On
lie aioici,
ho, rotiim home, she will be accom
nnnled hv her mother, Mrs. Margaret
u,hn hns been visiting in
lucni ici i
California for several months.
Every DepartoentoftlGreatS
-- Merchandise of
Real Mgrir.. Standard and ReliableGoock
December Term of Circuit Court Will
Be Judge Burnett's Last Session
In Dallas.
Th regular December term of Cir
cuit Court for Polk County, Depart
ment No. 1, will begin next Monuay.
Tbis will be Judge Burnett's last term
of court In Polk County. Twenty
cases have been docketed to date as
3748. Vlck Bros. vs. Earhardt
Mvpp. action for money: J. H. Flower
for plaintiff. -
T.. IT. Josse vs. D. v. Harris,
notion for money: W. M. Kaiser and
M. E. Pogue for plaintiff; G. G. Bing
ham for defendant.
37K0. A. H. Averill Machinery yo.
V N. Smith and S. B. Tetherow,
action for money; Sibley & Eakin for
3752. fieoree Churchman, guar-
iinn va v.. a. Pentland and W. I
Vawter, action for money; M. furain
fnr nlnlntiff.
97R3 Rtnte of Oregon vs. joun
fmirtnev. assault with Intent to com
mit rape; John H. McNary for plain
tiff -
S7S4. State of Oregon vs. Thomas
Snlllvan. selling intoxicating liquor In
violation of local option law; John H.
MoNarv for Dlaintiff. .
S7K7. David Bradley Mig. iso. vs.
John Ebbe, action for money; U D.
Brown for plaintiff; Sibley .& KaKin
trr defendant.
9792. Salem. Falls City & Western
t?v on vs. Oregon & California R. R
Co., et al, condemnation; Oscar Hay-
tor f rt nlnintiff.
S79S. W. A. Messner vs. r. u.
tie, action for money; Oscar Hayteri
fnr nlnlntiff.
S797. Charles H. Burcn vs. niem.
polio ntv Western Ry. Co., dam
0.e- w. H. Holmes and Kranic
UnU for nlaint ff : Oscar fiayier,
F. S. Senn and J. E. Sibley for defend-
5i7 state of Oregon vs. uick i
Gaines, selling intoxicating liquor in
violation of local option law; John II
rfVnrv for nlaintlff.
981 .Tann CrumD vs. W. H. um
ernn. ' action for money; usicau,
Vnunir for Dlaintiff.
a2K. Ferdinand Frelman vs.' A
pin.nn nnii Rvelvn Frelman. action
mnnev- 1 D. Brown for plaintiff.
99R Tnnev LArsen vs. Andrew
Voiann notion for money; Oscar Hay
tor fnr nlalntlffi Carson & Brown ior
SR37. Walter L. Tooze, jr., vs. r.
W. Strong, action for money: uscar
Hayter for plaintiff: H. W. Strong tor
aaia R M. Wade & Co., a corpoj-
.i. v W. R. Haight, action ior
nnev! R F. Swodb for plaintiff
3847. L. H. Born and Carrie Jiorn
vs. H. E. Martin, action ior money.
r,il,m TW TTIekev for Dlaintiff.
9HKIV ritv of W 1 amina vs. aduib
m nnnrtv and F.- F. Boody, ner nus
i,nd onndemnation: W. O. Sims for
iitiff CJraham. Clinton fit uav.s.
ond Arthur I. Moulton for defendants
9SKB. M. M. Ellis and D. I Keyi
vb. O. A. and E. T. Spinney, action for
mr.nw T. TV Rrown for plainun:
98K7. Tvie & Payne vs. Irvin hub-
. irmiiv ttmsbpv. action ior
Bi J aim
money; W. O. Sims for plamtiir.
November Sale
of Fine Table Linens, with Napkins to match. 72
inch Table Damask, per yard &8C
72-inch All-Linen Damask, a special buy, worth
$1.00; Special, per yard
72-inch Finest Irish Linen, new patterns; Special,
per yard .
Styles in "Nemo" and
"Warner's" Corsets
'Nemo" self reducing corsets with relief : strap -in
Tall Stout and ShortStout models, $3.50-$4.
Nemo" Swan Shape for slender fig.
"Nemo" Corsets in Extra Sizes 30 to 36.
Blankets and Comforts
$1 75
10-4 Wool-Nap Blankets 1
In white, tan and grey.
North Star Mills Wool Blankets in fancy jlaids:
White Wool Blankets with some
Home-made Comforters, made extra large,
ial at 1
Flannelette Night Gowns
We want to show you the "Brighton" line, Just
Like The Home-Made Kind, made full, no
scimping of material and the garments are
finished like no other garments-except the
Home-made kind. Men's Gowns Ladies and
hisses' Gowns, Children's and Infant's Gowns
also Children's Sleepers.
Satisfactory Underwear
Select your Fall and Winter Underwear now
Every desirable kind is here-Union suits for
the whole family in Cotton, Lisle and Woo .
Separate garments in all grades and sizes.
Extra Sizes For Stout Peopk
Special Petticoat Sale
We are offering the "Sorosis" Skirts at reduced
prices. These are the finest garments of
their kind ever shown. " Every Skirt thoro
ughly tailored and will fit and wear perfectly.
The Best Skirt on The Market
TTqMiWs Coats and Capes
Misses' Children b
At One-HalfJirJ
TT" -rTonce. Coats at $1.00 up.
nr PDtirA stock in this line mustg() .
" 7" Til Over Nets, with bands to match.
New arrivals in Colored New Hair Ornaments and Band-
New Kimona Silk in 'ancy ';;ith -Goldstone settings, rew r.m-
nvt Kins viu . it
eaux. new Belts, new ouu" ",.,, line 0f Ladies' ssecv
broidered Corset Covers ana a u
"o Cr,inl arranffement with the publishers, we are
pleased to announce that, for a limited time only, we
are enabled to furnish
The Pacific Monthly
T wice-a-Week Observer
Only $2.25
Here is an offer that no family in Polk County
ori fn miss. Send m your subscription eany,
!w;ti,n nrdfir blank printed below. Remember that
Ihe regular price of the Observer is $1.50 a year. By
paying only 75 cents extra, you get tne greatest mag-
azine printed West ot Mississippi ior a wnuiu yeai.
Here Are a Few Other Astonishing Bar
gains in Reading Matter:
LilMle Edna BcniHMt Dies.
Edna Bennfett, the little daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bennett, died
ot th HaIIm Hosultal. Sunday evening.
November 27. 1910, aged 21 monthB.I
The child had been suffering several
o. with nhntructlon of the Dowels
and could get no relief. As a final re
sort, an operation was decided upon.
Surgical aid proved or no avail, nuw
ever. and the child died a short time
ihA nneratlon. The funeral was
held from Chapman's unaenan.iiB
t 1 o'clock this afternoon anu
burial took place In the Odd Fellows-
cemetery. The members or me mm-
ily have the sympathy of all in ineir
sad loss.
T...,ir.,iioii now la the timo to pre
pare your exhibits for the Dallas poul
try Hhow. to be hold iferemiMT
Wa mt forget the dates.
Legal blanks for sale at, this office.
Review of Reviews 5W
Pneillc Monthly
Twice-a-Week Observer
Total $0.00
Our Price, only $3.75
nwi.n.-Tt NO. S.
Woman's Home Companion $1.50
Keview ol iicvic" .
Twice-a-Week Observer !.
Our Price, only $4.75
Pacific Monthly
Twice-a-Weck Observer. . .
, 1.50
Pictorial Review $100
Modern Pnsmlla "
Ladies' World -
Pacific Monthly fl
Twice-a-Week Observer l-M
Tnt.l $5.25
Our Price, only $3.25
Woman's Home Companion. .. .$1.50
M.tith v a.l,v
Twice-a-Week Observer 1-M
rp, $4.50
Our Price, only $3.25
I'n.ifln Monthly
Twice-a-Week Observer. . .
Attracting Great Attention
Enroute! A Wonder!
T((al $5.50
Our Price,' only $3.95
nfMI NO. 5.
Woman's Home Companion. .. .$1.50
Twice-a-Week Ubserver
Our Price, only 'au
... 1.50
Review of Reviews
Twice-a-Weck Observer.
(Special to Dallas Observer.)
LONDON, Nov. 28th: The great.
wonderful, mysterious "Miumpsa, ar
rived In London last evening irom
Somallland. In care of Its keeper. 11
w.j . .nil trio enroute. and arriea
In London In good condition. It leaves
on the next boat for New YorK.
"Miumpsa" one of the two of Its
species known to be In captivity. Is
the most wonderful thing the curious
loving people of the present ae have
u. .n onnortunity of seeing. It Is on
Its way to take a place In the Great
Th. i Carnival Is the
talk of the day! It Is attracting world
TtHl H50
Our Price, only ...$3.00
. 1.50
. 1.50
Our Price, only
Twice-a-Week Observer. . .
Paeillc Monthly
. 1.50
.' 1.50
Our Price, only ....$3.25
Paciilc Monthly
Twice-a-Week Observer...
. 1.50
. 1.50
Total ..
Our Price,
Pamtie Mommy
Twice-a-Week Uliserver
fT!l $4.00
Our Price, only , $3.00
TP von do not see what you want in
this list, let us know. AVe can ar
range any combination to sun you.
4. Hue This Order Form.
I accept your Offer No
and enclose t ln ful1
payment thereof. T
If already a subscriber to any
of the publications named In
these offers, your subscription
will be extended one year from
preseht expiration date.
If you wish any of the maga-
alnes to go to different address,
Indicate below.
Dallas. Oregon
I will sell at public auction, at the
D. C. Baling farm, one mile North
of Iiallston. on Saturday, :
Snl commencing at 10 a. m.. th foi-,
lowing described property.
1 Hay Mare. 7 years old, weight
1150- 1 Bay Gelding, years old.
weight U25; 1 Bay Gelding, 7 year
old. weight 1400: 1 Brown Oeldln.
years old, weight 1250; 1 span Tonl.-s.
. .. ,ntui (ht 00: 2 extra
lit. w.v to take a place In the ureal penecuy n.-.. . .u
good Milch rows; I nt.n, ..." -
8tudebaker Wagon; 1 new Mollne
wide attention. Indon papers are iuh, wsgon, , wrk Ilarn:
of lt. Thou-nd. are preparing to Buggy: t mrtm H.-.y ""
rsv. London In a few day. to Uk. In , Hack llarne-; 1 1 8.n rn-.
edof and most merios Msump Yard: . i HoP " , 0wiiM.
!... .ttractlng the attention Haled Hay; 60 or 0 bushels
of.he w"le of ITdon It I. the topU-1 , of Canned Fruit; Hou hold
o convert C th. hotels grills. 'Goods. Including Good !
clutrchoTche and every gathering j other article, too numerous to men-,
iswasVured by the "Term, of Hale: AH - of U4. or
W clival management by special ( d.r. Cash; .11 m. over lOen
w1th carl Hagenback,! month.' time. per cent Interew,
the r "It The otL of .hi. wo- b.nk.b,e note. Five per cent d.oun,
derful specie. In captivity and V"Vr u nBHER.
.t nrewnt rtartllng the native, of Her-
r. ,h. accompli-hmenu of thi.lu. F. White. Auctioneer.
other of thi. wonderful, curious, mys-!
tery-aroting fresk from the H1s c.
. .... . I.nlnn Mlifft a3
tndsr lng that
, .K.ii 1 ! w. paid br
rr,.t carnival management to wurej LIXJTW KOHARI, ProprWor
the senie-. of "sP"" during the
C?ultl- was captured ia IhJufl. and abort order, aerred at all
wild, of Africa about eirht month. hMirfc Kverything mw and cleaa.
t,y the Botorious uprem Court j
joHec- and African Hunter. Iing re-,
dr4 to niK ' h IMw-rlallfc
stick.- and It frllr th' ""
tn created by iU cptar. by we"- Won grjey and NOO(UC
know, a -feTarper- tlu.t ha. rlve
- Wiumt
puklirtty that MVowing l wheee-
Lafayette Nursery Co.
Established 1890 by J. S. Brooks
Send for Catalog Address, LAFAYETTE, OIU
lid. of j w 1
.n: Sunrise Restaurant
We carrj the famous DIAMOND V brand of
Extracts, Spice, Coffee, Tea and Canned goods.
FreKta bread daily. The very best of fruits and veg
etables can always be found at our store.
Simonton & Scott Dalias, Oregon
U t. Brown Attracter; Notary.
Omr Hsyter. lawyer. Koom t and
t. I'glow Building.
Let no one but a .killel. eTperlene
hI, educated eye specialirt I" and
Klaune. to your ejes. it. -
Will More to rmrtlana.
C. L. Fisher and ton. pleasant, of
Rallston. were In Dallas i a business
rMt Salurdsy. Mr. Fteher has re
tired from hop raising and will
mv. to Portland, where he r-a. pr-..- - , rn,u,t him
!,k.- th. nlooa belonging to the ... ,
Ut, of W. W. Ch.pp.-t. d -d. jat Hate
TO 1 J a-w m j
KpecLI le on Ls'' T..lorl
o..... ,-h. T-miMM Mercanf. Co.
... .ut. . --
Skating Wededay nlghU
w n.tra will be skating Ti rrm-
. ... . w MUM tr.:Ur,JZ; " H.t.rdar night, of Uo U Pttel.le, t"go-. .
WLm I T , - f. M U ' I : K , - i OT TV"' ' - J "
agent. Buena Vtota. Oregoa.
' i'
- Dlnre to irauw
rrer tt r--- It I. the w ,n'l taHas 0cm
ea week.
A Reliaoic
0. O. F. Bldg