Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, November 29, 1910, Image 2

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Polk County Observer
Published Semi-Weekly at $1.60 per
Tear. Strictly In advance.
Entered as second-claw matter
March 1, 1907, at the poet office at
Dallas, Oregon, under the Act OI ton
gress of March t, 1870.
DALLAS, OREGON, NOV. 29, 1910.
The way to build up Dallas is to pat
ronize Dallas people. 5
In addition to using all of Its own
lot for building purposes, the Obser
ver leases a small tract of ground on
Court street. This little tract Is only
8 feet wide and 12 feet long. For Its
use, we pay a yearly rental of $20.
and consider that price the next thing
to a gift. We are farther required to
give up the land at any time Its own
ers say the word. Only one block
away, on the same street, the Council
has leased a tract belonging to the city
for a period of 10 years. This latter
tract Is 30 feet wide and 100 feet long.
For Its utse, the lessee will pay only
$60 a year. One tract contains 96
square feet and rents for $20 a year.
The other contains 3000 square feet,
(over 30 times as much ground.) and
rents for $60 a year. One site la as
valuable for business purposes right
now as the other; and, Judging from
the direction In which the town is
growing, the city ground will be twice
as valuable as the Observer ground
long before the 10-year lease expires.
The unseemly haste with which the
leasing of the city ground was rushed
through the council reflects upon the
business sagacity of every member of
. that body. What citizen of Dallas,
outside of the council, wanted the city
to lease the land? The Observer has
been unable to find one. How many
votes would the Fenton lease have re
ceived if It had been placed before the
people? Not one taxpayer In fifty
would have voted for It.
The people of Dallas have no more
desire to rent out their city grounds
than the people of Polk County would
be willing to rent the Courthouse
Square for business purposes. Port
land Los AnjfeleB Chicago every
great city In the United States hns Its
plaza, its park blocks, Its City Hall
grounds land so valuable that the
money realized from Its sale would
pay the entire city debt. What, think
you, would happen to the city council
of Portland should that body permit
the erection of a show house on the
Plaza block, or a Btore building In the
City Park?
Here Is the way the Observer views
the whole matter: The council has no
moral right to lease out one foot of
the City Hull lot for private business
purposes. If it has the legal right, it
ought not to have it. The ground
rent which It Is charging Mr. Kenton
for 30 by 100 feet of ground Is con
sidered ridiculously low at this time
so low. tn fact, that it Is virtually a
free gift. What will the use of such
ground bo worth live or six yeurs
from now? It is certain that it will
never be worth less than $5 a month,
and the time may soon come when It
will be worth ten times or even twen
ty times that sum. For It must be
borne In mind that Dallas Is a grow
ing city. Who would have believed
five years ago that the people today
would see a modern, three-story, brick
building us far away from Main
street us the new Hotel Gull? Who
would have believed even three years
ago thnt In less thnn one year Iallaa
would see a solid row of substantial
brick buildings covering the old Em
mons residence lot on Court street?
Who would have listened to you one
year ngo If you had prophesied that in
1911 the old Collins shack at the cor
ner of Main and Court streets would
give way to a twentieth century busi
ness block? Who knows but the day
may be nlmoxt upon us when the city
will desire to give way to the march
of business progress by selling Its
present City Hull property at a figure
that will enable It to purchase other
and more desirable lots for city piir
!"(, Hnd upon such lots to erect a
public building that will be creditable
to a live and growing city? If such a
iluy shull come within the next 10
years, how much will It cost the city
to get rid of Its tenant and that $5 a
month lease. In the event that he
should decide to retuln possession of
the ground?
It Is a sorry piece of business, any
way you look at It, except for the man
who got the lease and no one blames
him. Sorrier still, the work la done,
nnd there would seem no way to undo
The Observer finds no pleasure In
criticising the members of the city
council. It would rather stand by
them, and help them. In all proper
ways. It realizes that these men serve
the city without compensation, and
that they get many kicks and little
praise. A full appreciation of these
farts often slays the pen of criticism
and fault-finding In this office. It Is
probable thst a great majority of the
taxpayers of the city have the fcuiie
feeling toward these officers. It Is
ay tn find fault when the council,
hapwns to make a mistake; It is often j
difficult lo sucgeet a course that mould
have provid better and more prac
ticable. No one desires to lie unduly
rrlthsl; therefore, many undesirable
netions of the city official are permit
ted to pa without prof-st. But the
I. it: ic of valuable city property for a
long tm of years, at price next t
nothing, was an unbusinesslike move.
The city will find it out: these officers
ill find H out. and the Otwerver
nuld 1 -m than a niper If It
permitted It to pass In. alienee.
not because the people desire an open
Sunday, but rather because of a tech
nlcal oversight on the part of. the law
makers. If the courts Shall find the
law unconstitutional, the next Legis
lature may be depended upon to
promptly cure the defect. Meanwhile
the councils of incorporated cities can
lend their help by enforcing strict ob
servance of Sunday closing ordinances.
The election of Oswald West to the
high office of Governor of the State
of Oregon la conclusive proof of the
fact that the poor boy has a chance
to-day as much as he ever had. Falls
City News.
Yes, as much of a chance to get
"licked," as Jay Bowerman, who was
once a poor boy himself, would prob
ably freely testify. Oh, yes, C. L. the
poor boy has a "chance," all right.
Having at last succeeded In "hog
ging" v the annual Oregon Angora
Goat Show, certain Interest in Port
land are calling on the country news
papers to give It a lot of free boost
ing. The Observer, for one, begs to
be excused.
Editor Hayter of the Polk County
Observer has noted along with the
Register and other Oregon papers the
ranld growth of Socialism In this
state and its development of strength
in the last election He says:
''Mark this prediction: The Social
ists In Oregon will soon be crowding
the Democrats for second place. Mark
the further prediction, that the next
Democratic platform will be so nearly
Socialistic that It will require a poli
tical expert to detect the difference.
And then after the Democrats'and So
cialists have adopted the same plat
form, it will be Just like the darn fool
Republicans to get scared and adopt
the same principles."
There Is semblance of truth In the
Observer's observation. Further dis
organization of both old parties In this
state furnishes ample loopholes for
socialism to finally dominate the state,
politically and it will come unless
both Republicanism and Democracy
get wise. Eugene. Register.
Country Butter at Crlder's.
Good, fresh country butter, 66 cents
a roll, at Crlder's.
(Advertisement under this head
are charged at the rate of 1 cent per
word, first insertion; V4 cent per Word
for each insertion thereafter; 30
words or less, $1 per month. No ad
vertisement fnsorted for less than 16
' Lost. .
A small black pig. Reward offered.
Address Thomas Bowman, Rlckreall,
R. 1. ll-29-2t.
For Sale.
For sale, a line cornet. $8 takes It.
Inquire at this office. 11-29-tf;
December Sunset.
Read In December Sunset magazine,
"San Francisco, the Exposition City."
Superbly illustrated in' four colors.
Now on sale, all news stands, 15 cents.
(Weston Leader.)
Oregon did a neat stroke of busi
ness in adopting the gooa roaus
amendment permitting counties to
bond themselves for road Improve
ment. Such bonding is the only means
by which we will ever get good roads
before the dawn of another century.
The annual saving in repairs will
more than meet the interest cost to
the bonded county not to speak of
the vast economical advantage result
ing from substantial and permanent
But Oregon has spread butter on
one side of Its bread, and tar on the
other. It has tinkered with Its taxa
tion system In a radical and whole
sale way, and with a cheerful aban
don that It would never condone In its
legislature. "The people" have adopt
ed an amendment substantially as
"Empowering the people of each
county to regulate taxation and ex
emptions within the county regard
less of constitutional restrictions or
state statutes, and to abolish poll tax."
The big Oregon trout rose to this
alluring anti-poll-tax bait and finds
Itself hooked by the most extreme of
the taxation faddists. Nobody seemH
to know Just what the effect of this
amendment will be, but It looks to the
tlmid-mlnded like a red-eyed anar
chist Jn the act of hurling a sinister
bomb into a public square. It Is revo
lutionary' beyond a doubt. It disrupts
any plan of sane and uniform taxa
tion throughout the state. It Is apt to
create a veritable crazy quilt of a sys
tem, with every county pulling and
hauling to see which can get the best
of the mix-up.
Some folk sny that the amendment
means "single tax" for nny county
that cures to adopt It. Then may the
salnta protect old Umntillu from the
Henry George theorists! The Ieoder
believes In taxing all kinds of prop
erty the more the merrier including
Incomes and Inheritances. It contends
that society gives value to everything
and that everything should pay trib
ute to society. On an unknown and
uninhabited Isle a ton of gold, a cargo
of wheat, a bushel of securities or
twenty blocks of Flatlron buildings
would be altogether worthless.
But despite these new taxation
wrinkles the Ix-nder man will con
tinue calm. His possessions consist of
a prehistoric hand press and a few
antique cuspidors. He does not fear
the assessor.
For Sale.
For sale, two Petaluma brooders,
100 and 200 chick size. Also, one
Mann's green bone cutter; cost $28;
will sell for $15 if taken at once. C. I.
Ballard, Rlckreall, Or. 11-25-tf.
gon; (8) on the North side of Ellen
dale Avenue adjoining lot 4 in block 1
Germantown addition to Dallas, Ore
gon; (9) on the North side of Ellen
dale Avenue adjoining lot 1 in block
9, Germantown addition to Dallas,
That the said sidewalks -will be con
structed of lumber at the time and in
the manner to be hereafter prescribed
In said ordinance.
That the cost of said sidewalks will
be assessed to the above described
property fronting and abutting there
on. That the City Council of said City
will sit In the Council Chamber in said
City on Monday, the 5th day of De
cember, 1910, at 8 o'clock in the even
ing to hear and determine objections
and remonstrances thereto, if any
there be; and that all owners and
other persons in interest may attend
at said place and time and show cause,
if any they have, why said sidewalks
should not be constructed.
Done by order of the City Council of
the City of Dallas, Oregon, made on
the 7th day of November, A. D., 1910.
Witness my hand and the official
seal of the said City of Dallas this 14th
day of November, 1910.
Auditor and Police Judge of Dallas,
, . ll-15-4t.
Lost. -
A medium-sized dog, of bull terrier
type. Color, yellow, and hair short.
Liberal reward for information lead
ing to his recovery. J. B. Embrce, Air
lie, Oregon. Phone 2 on Camp. ll-25tf
For Sale.
General merchandise store; invoices
about $5500. Would take some real
estate or trade. Address Box 143, In
dependence, Oregon. 11-25-tf
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly aimointed
guardian of the person and estate of
Jiarvey Tingle, an Insane person, by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Polk County, and has qualified.
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same duly verified, to
gether with the proper vouchers there
for, to the undersigned guardian at his
residence near Airlie, in said County,
within Bix months from the date of
this notice.
Dated and first published November
15, 1910.
Guardian of the Person and Estate
of Harvey Tingle, an Insane Person.
Oscar Hayter, Attorney. '
A Bargain for CuhIi.
Two $500 lots for $350 each, on
Main street. Pavement, sidewalk,
nice fruit trees. The best buy in
town. See S. B. Taylor, 901 Jefferson
street, Dallas. 11-22-lm.
For Sale.
Oak and Cedar posts
Warehouse Company.
Jerseys for Sale.
Two Grade Jerseys for sale; one
large, mature cow, testing 6.8, and
one 3-year-old, testing 6.4. Both will
be fresh in February. Two miles
Southwest of Perrydale. G. G. Rem
pel, Dallas, R. 1, Box 65. Phone Pink
Kinploymont Wanted.
Man and family want work on farm,
or will take charge of farm. Man un
derstands caring for stock and general
farm work. A. R. Stout, Dallas. Ore
gon. 11-18-tf.
Hoard ami Lodging.
Board and lodging house two blocks
north of Courthouse on Jefferson St.
Mrs. C. Freeman, 207 Jefferson St.
House for Sale.
Good, new 9-room house on Shelton
street, for sale; woodshed and out
buildings; city water. Apply at this
Strawberry Plants.
Strawberry plants for fall planting,
leading varieties from Oregon's best
thoroughbred strain. Prices reasona
able. Write or phone Kwing Bros. Dallas.
Wood For Sale.
For sale, 16-inch, dry Oak wood. O.
Delluven, two miles Southeast of Dal
las. 10-25-tf.
ItooniH With Hoard.
I can accommodate two men with
board and rooms. Mrs. F. Whitney.
800 Levens Street. 10-21-tf.
New Photographer.
Portraits, views, postcards, copying
and enlarging. Eaton the Photograph
er, Burns Building, Dallas, Oregon.
10-1 1-tf.
For Rent.
For rent, the Francis Wrlghtson
place of 240 acres, in Pedee precinct.
Oscar Hayter, Agent, Dallas, Oregon.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned as adminlBtratior of the es
tate of William Grant, deceased, has
filed his final account in the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Polk
County, and that Saturday, the 2 4th
day of December, 1910, at the hour of
ten o'clock in the foreneen of said
day, at the Court room of the said
County Court In the City of Dallas,
Oregon, has been appointed by said
Court as the time and place for hear
ing of objections to the said final ac
count and the settlement thereof.
Administrator of the estate of Will
lam Grant, deceased.
Oscar Hayter, Attorney.
Dated and first published November
25, 1910.
A Good Line pi UTl
Close Out at the Following Reduced Prices;
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Polk County. Department
No. 2.
George A. Purvine, Plaintiff, vs.
William Lawson and John Long, De
fendants. To William Lawson and John Long:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled court and
cause, within six weeks from the date i
of the first publication of this Sum
mons; to-wit, November 8th, 1910,
and if you fail so to appear and an
swer said complaint, plaintiff will ap-i
ply to the court for the relief demand
ed in his complaint, to-wit: a decree
removing a cloud from the title on
account of an uncancelled mortgage
upon the following described real
Beginning at the N. W. corner of
the D. L. C. of W. H. Walker In the
S. W. 4 of Sec. 19, T. 6 S. R. 8 W. of
the W. M., and running thence S. 55
chains 50 links to a post; thence E.
53 chains 60 links to a post; thence
N. 55 chains 60 links; thence W. 53
chainB 60 links to the place of be
ginning, containing 297.51 acres, more
or less, situate in the County of Polk,
State of Oregon.
You are hereby further notified that
this summons Is served upon you by
publication thereof In the Polk Coun
ty Observer, a weekly newspaper of
general circulation published In the
City of Dallas, Polk County, Oregon,
pursuant to the order of Hon. Geo. H.
Burnett, Judge of said Court, made on
the 2nd day of November, 1910.
You are further notified that the
date of the first publication of this
summons is the 8th day of November,
1910, and the lust publication thereof
will tie made on the 20th day of De
cember, 1910.
C. L. McNAItY,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
All kinds of Iron, rubber, brass, cop
per, sine and hides. Highest cash
prices paid. A. N. Halleck, Monmouth,
Oregon. $-12-tf.
Big Development Mcrlliiff In Salem
Attracts Many Visitor.
Ijirge delegations of Dnllas busi
ness men are attending the session
of the Oregon Development League
convention In Salem. Prominent
speakers are present ut the meeting
from all parts of Oregon and great
good is sure to result from the book
ing and get-together spirit which Is
being promoted. A letter from James
J. Hill, In which he pledges a contin
uation of railroad development In
Oregon, was read by Theodore Wilcox,
of Portland, yesterday and created
much enthusiasm among the delegates.
The address at tonight's session
Your Winter's Wood.
Order your slab wood now and be
sure of having a good dry supply for
Winter. I can sell you either slabs,
blocks, or trimmings. Cnn furnish any
other kind of wood desired. Plenty of
good oak and fir. Send In your orders
by either phone. Mutual, 1196 Bell,
Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned. Kxecutrix of the estate of
Robert Howe, deceased, hus tiled her
final account In said estate with the
Hon. County .Court of Polk County,
Oregon, and that said Court has set
the same for hearing on Saturday,
December list. 1910. at the hour or
10 o'clock a. m.. at which time all per
sons interested In said estate are here
by notified to appear before said
Court, at the County Court room in
Hallux, Polk County, Oregon, and
make objections. If any they have,
whv an order should not be made
ill I .-litnlnir HHt,l Mtutt unit ritfu-hMrtrintr
b delivered by Howard Elliott. Pres-lthc executrix therefrom.
Ident of the Northern Pacific Rail- 'J"!??- V.AI"!.'?? .V."J1??-
t-.xectiinx or estate oi itonert iiuwe,
Sibley A Eakln, Attorneys.
Administrator's Final Notice.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Polk County.
in the Matter of the Estate of Liz
zie Mue Sehwurtz, deceased.
To all whom it may concern notice
's hereby given by T. K. Ford, the un
dersigned administrator of said es
tate, that he has filed his final account
and that the Court has fixed Saturday
December 24th, 1910. ut 10 o'clock A.
M. of said day, at the County Court
room In the County Court House at
Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, as the
time and place for hearing any objec
tions to said final account and the set
tlement thereof; and that notice there
of be published tn the Polk County
Observer, a weekly newspaper printed
and published at Dallas, Oregon, once
euch week for four successive end
consecutive weeks preceding the date
of said final hearing.
The first publication of this notice
ls-ln the Polk County Observer Qf date
November 22, 1910.
Administrator of the Estate of Liz
zie Mue Sehwurtz, deceased. ,
Notlco to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given thnt the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
executor of the estate of Harriet
Orchard, deceased, by the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Polk
County, and has qualified.
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same duly verified, to
gether with the proper vouchers there
for, to the undersigned executor
at his residence in the town of Ball
ston. In said County, within six months
from the date ofthis notice.
Dated and lirat published November
22, 1910.
Executor of the estate of Harriet
Orchard, deceased.
Oscar Hayter, Attorney.
$12.50 and $12 Suits lor
$13.50 Suits for
$14 and $15 Suits for
$18 and $16.50 Suits for
$20 Suits for
$22.50 and $21 Suits for
$25 Suits for
One $40 Suit for
$ 8.25
They must all be. cleaned up regardless of cost. Our suits must all be
new each season, no old goods are held over for next year. Here is an
opportunity for you to get a good Tailor-Made Suit cheap.
A line of Ladies' All Wool Sweaters on sale at $1.69.
Dallas Mercantile Company
your Christmas printing done
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Polk County. Department
No. 2.
H. R. Sloan, Plaintiff, vs. Holies
Groom, Lockey Groom and Lee
Uroom,, Defendants. No. 3852.
To Holley Groom, lackey Groom
and Lee Groom, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled Court and
suit within six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons, to wit, on or before the 21st
day of December, 1910; and if you
fail so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for a decree as prayed lor in said com
plaint, towit:
I. That the defendants herein mas
be required to set forth the nature of
their claims in and to that certain
parcel of land described as Lot No. 3
of Section No. 12 in Township X
South, of Range 6 West of the Will
amette Meridian in Polk County,
State of Oregon, containing 35. 78
acres more or less, and that all ad
verse claims of the defendants may
be determined by a decree of said
2. That by said decree it be de
clared and adjudged that the said
defendants and each of them have no
estate nor interest whatever in or to
said parcel of land and that the title
of plaintiff thereto is good and valid;
3. That the said defendants and
each of them be forever enjoined und
debarred from asserting any claims
whatever in or to said land adverse to
plaintiff and that plaintiff may have
such other relief as may seem meet
with equity.
This summons by an order of the
Honorable Ed V. Coad, County Judge
of Polk County. Oregon, made at
s , CSS
ftemK m."Ll . Til i
I ) ALIAS one of fheeadjwManuMc
WJurJngTowmof the Northwest.
Insist on Your Dealer Giving Yo u these Goods!
WiHamette Valley
Lumber Co.
Modern Store fronts
Are a specialty at
I ' i ... I...rn tn IV.lloo , . I.
7th day of November. 1910. is served I'LNT--SKILM:r WORK-
upon you by the publication thereor M EX VP-TO-DVTE IIKS.
for a period of six consecutive weeks ! c, , .
immediately prior to the 21st day of : """ " ork of All Kinds at Reasonable
December. 1910, in "The Polk County I Prices.
Observer," a newspaper of general cir
culation printed weekly at Dallas in
said County. The date of the first pub
lication of this summons is Novem
ber 8. 1910.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Plans ami Intimates Furnished
W. J. COY,
Phone Mutual
O. II. COY',
Manufactured Solely by
guaranteed to be the best soft
wheat flour in the Willamette Valley
Sold by all Grocers In Dallas.
With characteristic enterprise. Man
ager I-oills Oerllnger. Jr., of the Sa
lem. Dallas Palls City Railroad, will
run a eclal train tonlKht for the ac
commodation of the Polk County delegate.
Mr. Older Entertain.
Mrs. C I Crlder entertained IS
young ladies Friday afternoon In
compliment to her sister. Miss Paul
ine VanOrsdel. and Miss Emma Wa
terman, of I Laker City. Roth young
loilies are students of the. University of
Oregon and ere In Dallas s;endtng
the Thanksgiving holiday. The after
noon was passed in a delightfully in
formal way. Light refreshment
were serveil.
Street Improvement Notice,
To J. M. I.vnn. Alice Towle. Fred
It.Hk. ('. H. klorris, 11. Vantikyke.
Jacob Hanson, Mary A. Marks, and J.
G. Iln.wn.
NoTICK is hereby given that the
City Council of the City of Dallas. Ore
gon contemplates the passage of an
ordinance requiring the improvement
of those certain streets or parts of
streets In snld City adjacent to and
adjoining the herelntielow described
lots or parts of lots or pa re-1 of
ground in the manner following, to
wit: liy the construction of a new board
sidewalk live feet four Inches side,
(II on the Went side of Stump Street
adjoining lots 1 snd 1 In block 17.
Kins' sddition to Dallaa ttrecon; (It
on the Htxith side of Cherry Street ad-V-inm
lota 1 and IS In block IS.
Kills addition to Dallas, Oresron: )
S , ,J
Dealer in all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats. I also
make a specialty of marketing all kinds of Live Stock,
including Dairy Cows, Sheep, Goats and Hogs.
R. A CAMPBELL, Proprietor
Sheridan, Ore.
Best equipped Garage in the 8tate
Constructed of Concrete Through
out. Automobiles stored at reason
able rates. Expert machinists In
charge of Repair Department
T. F. HARRIS, Proprietor.
t". C SH LKEY, ProjH-iot.ir.
Do not .end your money ,W1, to
Portland for bread. Buy good Dallas
bread and keep ,he moner home
" wui h,.p us a
Hell IlKme SI.
Otho Williams
Merchant Tailor
All tlie XCW Sprlng s,y1es nd r.tcPnA
Solicits your ord.rs for Careful and
Conscientious Workmanship.
h.lp you.
Mutual Plmne
If it shall 1 found thst Or.n'
Fjmissy ci,s:ns lsw Is uiwenstttutlonal.
s pr .rn ' n-r t la w er have declared,
bfsuxe the title of the act does bo'
fnil e, f.rf-th l' Int. nt. the councils
of the lf. orpriratcd cities should at
on.e ji;t .!' r,n-- s to enforce
I T"r r n---e of the day within
their r.-i - s Jurisdir tion. If Ore-
mi the Huth side of fherry Street ad- I V "A . N .V t
ilHepilej Ketsrs Iksne. Vin.ng lots 1 and IS In Mock Xt. "' V 1 1 A' 'v Mf'i C - ' V A
j . . , Kills addition to Dallas. trea..n: tJl J-2r' Le -Xl2 ' '
inuiKiiv in rvif.K Ainiur. nur m m Joining lot t In bloc IS. ItallaS l-sml j , - V -i mm'm -" i ' 1 r JBBMB1- jb. - A i. S i
from HillidK.ro, where thev attended ' and lmirovement Company s addition . -A ' j -f ! ' - r ' I'VV--- Pv r"lf''
the annual Oregon-Idaho Hoy.' Cos.-1 " ""V eon; '.V." ,l5. iNi-" . VXl.' .5.- J&2-U)Z'k.
., . , ' (side of l-yle Street adjoining lot 1 In -aii Av I yxV'i u vn 7
Ivrntion. They report an Interrstma Mtvk , , ljllBd .,, Imprww. V." V ') tlX -V? VVC
and hiKbly profitable meeting. ment iviman addition to Iwllaa. " " X' ' W N
Soehren Warehouse Co.
CEmirr cubbings and walks
vr handle a full line of Cedar and Oak
1-ence Po,, Erlck Um San(J nd
lenient Land Plaster. Drain Tile,
b.nsle, Fire Brick. Hair. Wall Plart-
fid H..d Supplies.
'ne block south of depot Miooe 1S
Manufactured by
Professor and Mm. E. J. Hadley and
son. of Portland. Vlsite4 at the home
of Mrs. Hadl- s sister. Mrs. V. 8
Loushary. during theveek. Professor
ilsdtey is a graduate of the Monmouth
Vormal B hool snd attended the re-
t h no ,rs.:y rlosinr lsr. It Iseeptloa Katurday.
ornron: til on the West side of Lyle
Street advinln the north one-half of
Hit In blodt I. ItvJIas Lsnd and Im
provement Company s addition to
I u II.. a&, m l - a
. . . - - ' " 1 ' ..--. .
nf I.v! Sliwt r1 t,,lntn l,t 1 In hkbrk I
IS. Italia land and Improvement
Company s addition to Dallas. reron.
(Tt on the North side of Kllendaie
Avenv adjoininrf lot 1 In block 1.
Oermsntosa addition t Daliss, Ore-
When we get your wireless call for HELP,
we will come to the rescue with tfooJ old
J Oranirrtes at
Try our Coe lb.me-,,.,,1, Cn-tiea
West Side Marble
O. Ii. HAWKINS, lYoprWiif.
A Complete Line of All I-slest rNfe
Tires Set while Yoo '
Agency for International Hrw
Company'- Auto Buggy
for farm and country purpos
Hava just added a cotnpll H"
Farm Implements snd MsHilsfl-
C. D. Forrettc
Shop located In North DI
General niacksmllblnj
work. Ilorxe shoeing and 1"
. .. , ... twine t S
specialty. iur
Dallas Iron Wo
Marliintsts Foomtrrmen
. crtTrt tin
W. art prepared to do
Iron and Brass worn- -
and Stock work cs n"i p,a
ths best and cheapest
on the market Pi"
One of Pallas' n
Observer Prin&5
r deJblc, o Crr.ni
I TIT 4 T t-t-t- !
Office in n-ri.r.. i .....
An m-tin Done J 1
n Seenn j"
! Dallas
Rooms t and rf1r
-.iract. prompu,
Mill st Z PuUiC-
St. IK,., ,lr . Da,