Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, November 25, 1910, Image 2

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    pfr Counr Observer
IZTseml-Weekly at 1.B0 per
r'fyTn advance.
rear. """"
second clase matter
. ot th Dost office at
Pall. March 8, l79-
r.nnV. NOV. 25. 1910.
mm race question is settled,
u ueonv of the prohibition fight is
. ns West Is Governor of Ore
L and Congress Is Democratic. What
f left to write editorials about? The
rnuncil. Ah. there is a ncn,
Ley subject! Such a rare opportunity
Ls It offw f,,r a Uttl senuine "In
.urgency," nnd Insurgency Is such a
nnmilar thlnf? nowadays! And so many
;k to tell about it! Such, for in
.,n,e as the leasing of a part of the
valuable City Hall lot to a Mr Fenton
ual disturbance and of great loss to
American intereeU--Portlaa Jour.
The one safe rule of tnvnH,.,, .'.,....
all property within a commonwealth
shall be levied upon equally and uni
formly, according to the actual value.
This rule has Droved th.. -i.. -
, winy Bare
one. Any other opens the way to dls-
......i.uuLMi, injustice and
None better or fairer ever
has been
, pnrtlnnd. for a moving picture
,hw Thirty feet of ground on a
rtreet on which three-story brick
l,ullilint?s are going up, and which
,nm!ses to be the principal business
horoughfare of the city within
-v five vears. And such a generous
ioa too! Thirty feet front and 100
....th for only $5 a month and
jeei "l i""' - . . , .
the lease to run 10 years. And the
lessee to have the privilege of moving
his building off the lot when the time
!, Up, while the rest of us who have
frame buildings on leased ground
have been required by hard-hearted
landlords to leave our buildings on, the
,i i-hpii our leases expire. And
nothing said in this lease about the
extra fire hazard, or as to who will
pay the increased Insurance premium
on the City Hall that this big wooden
theater will surely bring. But, softly!
Perhaps the lessee will not be willing
to let the council outdo him In gen
erosity and will pay it himself.
Scarcity of subjects for editorials?
Not while your present city council Is
on the Job, and the records for the
last two years' are within easy reach.
For here is a little band of patriots
whose business sagacity and Interest
in the people's welfare are "most
wonderful wonderful, and yet again
wonderful, and after that, out of all
What! Did some ope whisper
nhmit the "referendum?" Down with
the long-haired anarchist!
Voters of Oregon have adonted
amendment to the constitution
only abolishing this rule of equal and
uniform taxation throughout the state
but also authorizing each county to
legislate, as Its voters may desire, un
der the Initiative, without reenr'd i
old restrictions of the constitution as
to equality and uniformity.
The bill of rights of the Oregon con
stitution declares against this kinO of
taxation; so does the bill of rights in
other constitutions. The organic law,
as handed down from centuries of ex
perience, very specifically ordains that
property shall be protected by this
old-time principle of justice and eco
nomic security. Yet voters of Oregon
have cast aside this principle.
All the old limitations and restrict
ions, founded on experience fur pro
tection of property and maintenance
of equality and Justice have been swept
away. Moreover, each county may tax
as It sees fit, "subject to any general
law that may hereafter be enacted."
By this arrangement one class of
property may be assessed on a higher
basis than another, or be made to pay
a higher levy. Property owners of
Multnomah County hereafter are not
to be safeguarded by the country vote
against the proletariat and the social
istic and the single-tax vote of the city.
Single tax, which failed to carry Mult
nomah County two years ago by only
500 votes out of 22,000 cast upon the
question, but which was lost In the
state at large by nearly 29,000 votes
out of 93,000, may now be curried In
this county.
Uniformity In tax legislation, has
been found one of the essentials of
government. Uniformity hfl3 proved
necessary In other subjects also,
among them punishment of crimes
and misdemeanors; divorces, elections
of state and county officers; rules and
procedures in court trials; building of
highways and support of common
schools. Most important of all is uni
formity of taxation.
This new amendment Is a menace to
property and to the fiscal system of
the state. It puts a large city, as Port
land is, at the mercy of the non-tax-
paying element. It detaches Portland
from the conservative rural elector
ate. It was enacted because it pro
fessed to repeal the detested polltax.
Such enactment as this gives setback
to the cause of direct legislation. But
the initiative, that produced this mon-
Btroslty can undo it, Oregonlan.
Here I j, VMa Kome Rpfoni
Proprietors of the two dozen mov
ing picture shows thut last week were
censured by a committee representing
the several woman's organizations of
the city for conducting shows In build
ings that were Improperly ventilated
and badly lighted, will meet the com
mittee late, this afternoon and talk
over the matter of improving condi
tions, says the Portland Telegram.
The managers of the show houses
anv tVta,, ...... in, .
a,c wuung to meet all the re
quirements of a reasonable censor
ship; that they aim to put on pictures
of the sort than can be patronized
safely by young people, and that they
win ao wnat ls possible to correct the
bad ventilation and do away with the
darkened house during the perform
ance a feature that WHS trnnlv fnn-
demnnd by the committee, as afford
ing opportunity for various evils.
It ls probable that at the meeting
this afternoon a permanent committee
will be appointed to be agreed upon
by both sides, whose duty it shall be
to see that the proper stanards are
maintained. Said one prominent mem
ber of the women's committee:
"We have found the managers very
fair about the matter, and we are very
glad to be able to talk tl.is matter over
with them. Our desire simply is to
call to their attention the various de
fects of their entertainment system. We
have no desire to Injure their business
so long as it ls carried on In a manner
that makes for clean enjoyment, and
does not demoralize the young people."
Itevereiul and Mrs. Joseph Hoberg
Celebrate Fifty-Ninth Anniversary.
Sunday, November 13 was the 59th
anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. Jos.
Hoberg. Several of the children and
grandchildren were present on this oc
casion. These annual meetings are al
ways looked forward to by this aged
couple as the years roll by, to buoy
them up 'mid pleasures and happy
greetings from their dear relatives and
friends. Saturday many McMinnville
friends called in the afternoon and
evening to congratulate them and bid
them God sped on their way in life's
voyage together.
The following are the relatives who
were present: Wm. H. and Verona
Nelson, Newberg; Joe Nelson, New
berg; Frank Hoberg, Portland; Mrs.
Bird Partridge, Portland; Miss Ella
Nelson, Portland; Miss Hattie Sproule,
Portland; Miss Rebecca Gates, Port
land; Mrs. Georgia M. Knight, Seattle,
Washington; Lome and Joseph
Knight, Seattle, Washington; Reynolds
and Mamie Hoberg, Coquille, Wash
ington; Mrs. Ella.J. Metzger, Dallas;
and Norval Gates, Dallas. McMinn
ville Telephone-Register.
Willi Turkeys Are liaised.
Gene Simpson, of Corvallis, reputed
to lie the most successful China pheas
ant raiser in the northwest, has begun
experimenting to raise wild turkeys,
famous in eastern states. So far he
has been successful. He has the assur
ance if he can propagate them suc
cessfully that a large number of the
turkeys will be purchased and turned
loose in one of the northwestern states
thereby adding another game bird to
the sporting world.
His Last Horseback Trip.
Judge Burnett started for Tilla
mook Saturday on his last trip to
that city as Circuit Judge. The Judge
has been making this trip regular for
the past 18 years, starting from'Yam
hill and going over the mountains on
horse back. A gentle smile flitted over
his countenance when he thought of
this, his last trip in this manner.
McMinnville Telephone-Register. .
State Capitol Employes Hear Talk of
More Supreme Judges.
Passage of the three-tourths Jury
amendment, which amends Article
Ml of the constitution, allows an ira
limited number of Justices on the Su
preme bench, and"several rumors are
afloat at the Capitol as to the action of
the next Legislature In reference to
increasing the number of Justices from
five to seven.
With the court a year behind In its
work and with the new amendment
practically Inviting an increase of
judges by not even Inferring the num
ber that should act, it Is said a move
is already on foot to attempt to In
crease the number by at least two.
In event such should be done with
the emergency clause attached, It
would give the next Governor, Oswald
West, power ' to appoint two Demo
cratic Justices If he tew fit, and a bare
possibility that Justices King and Sla
ter might serve further terms on the
A Good Line of Ladies' Tailored Suits to
Close Out at the Foil owing Reduced Prices:
We shall have the single tax in'Ore
gon and we shall have a constitutional
amendment empowering the Governor
to appoint all other state officers and
the sheriffs and prosecuting attorneys.
Do not laugh, nor doubt. We shall
have these laws because Mr. U'Ren
wills it and when Mr. U'Ren wills a
thing, it is done, (as are, also, the peo
ple.) We have already cleared the way
for the single tax and the removal of
the sheriffs and prosecuting attorneys,
and at the next electlon.lt will not be
a difficult matter to Ubollsh all of the
state offices but that of Governor.
Mr. U'Ren will prepare the measure
and give It a catchy, high-sounding
title and the voters will do the rest.
The Republican defeat this year Is
not as heavy as It was in 1890. This
year the country elects a Congress
with a Democratic majority of about
40, while In 1890 it elected a Congress
which was Democratic by 148. In 1892
the elections reduced the Democratic
majority to 94. Two years later the
country was swept by a Republican
wave and the Republicans carried
Congress by 142, and Congress has
been Republican for 16 years since.
Northampton, Mass., Gazette.
More Printing Supplies.
The Observer placed an order this
week with the American Type Found
ers' Company for a handsome new
dress of advertising type. Several
hundred pounds of a new face were
ordered enough to set many pages
of ads in one style of type, should oc
casion require. Several fonts of wood
type for poster work are now being
manufactured to order for the Obser
ver by the Hamilton Manufacturing
Company, of Two Rivers, Wisconsin.
When this type arrives, soon after the
first of the year, we will be able to
to handle any potter work offered.
Among other new arrivals are a neat
lot of holiday borders and cuts for
your Christmas printing. Nothing too
good for you, when you order your
printing here.
Christian Church News.
Bible School Sunday 10 a. m.
Sermon 11 a. m. Subject: "Nonh and
the Ark."
r.v,,.:oi;,,n TCmlenvor 3 P. m.
JUIlM'li v.m ." -
Senior Christian Endeavor 6:30
Sermon. "Why I am not a Camp-
bellite," 7:30 p. m.
I visited the choir Wednesday even
ing to hear them practice andl must
say the person who misses Sundays
services will from the standpoint of
chorus music, miss a treat. Professor
Caldwell certainly understands the se
cret of getting music from a chorus
Don't miss a single service. Great
Bible school and we want you to be
(Advertisements under thin head
are charged at the rate of 1 cent per
word, first insertion; cent per word
for each Insertion thereafter; 30
words or less, $1 per month. No ad
vertisement Inserted for less than 18
Old Polks' Concert.
The ladles of the Methodist Episco
pal Church are making preparations
for an Old Folks' Concert, to be given
on the evening of Wednesday, Decem
ber 7. You will be Interested In fur
ther announcements.
For Sale.
For sale, two Petaluma brooders,
100 and 200 chick size. Also, one
Mann's green bone cutter; cost $28;
will sell for $15 If taken at once. C. I.
liullard, Rickreall, Or. 11-2 5-tr.
A medium-sized dog, of bull terrier
type. Color, yellow, and hair short.
Liberal reward for information lead
ing to his recovery. J. B. Embree, Air
lie, Oregon. Phone 2 on Camp. ll-25tf
For Sale.
General merchandise store; invoices
about $5500. Would take some real
estate or trade. Address Box 143, In
dependence, Oregon. 11-25-tf
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned as adminlstratior of the es
tate of William Grant, deceased, nas
filed his final account In the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Polk
County, and that Saturday, the 24th
dav of December, 1910, at the hour of
ten o'clock in the foreneen of said
day, at the Court room of the said
f'onntv Court in the City of Dallas,
Oregon, has been appointed by said
Court as the time and place for hear
ing of objections to the said final ac
count and the settlement thereof.
Administrator of the estate of Will
iam Grant, deceased.
riscnr Havter. Attorney.
DaWd and first published November
25, 1910.
$12.50 and $12 Suits for
$13.50 Suits for
$14 and $15 Suits for
$18 and $16.50 Suits for
420 Suits for
$22.50 and $21 Suits for
$25 Suits for
One $40 Suit for
$ 8.25 . MP
9.85 . ; , P
12.00 ' I TJ
12.50 I
13.50 ' -
20.00 ''''
They must all be cleaned up regardless of cost,
new each season, no old goods are held over for
opportunity for you to get a good Tailor-Made Suit cheap
A line of Ladies'-All Wool Sweaters on sale at $1.69.
Dallas Mercantile
Our suits must all be
next year. Here is an
All over the United States, eyes will
be fixed with keen concern on affairs
In Mexico. An enormous amount of
American capital la Invested there,
and more than 60,000 Americans are
present and actively engaged In the
conduct of various enterprises In the
country. They have heavy holdings In
mining, railroad, rubber, mercantile
and other. activities, and are. In fact
one of the heavy factors in the finan
cial, commercial a'Kd Industrial In
terests of the nation. English capital
iB also heavily Interested In Mexican
properties, all of which will be In per
il If the revolution that seems in pro
cess of forming shall eventuate Into
considerable .proportion..
' There Is an assembling of forces
along the Mexican border that seems
more or less ominous. The spirit of
revolution has been gathering
throughout Mexico for several years.
It manifested itself on many occa
sions in the latest election of Presl
dent Diax. There were many reports
t the time of repressions by armed
forres of those who .became violent
during the campaign. Dial was de
nounced as a reactionary and dictator
and his long administration of the
Presidency was pointed to as evidence
of one man power. The spirit of re
volt then engendered has grown more
snd more restive, until there I. pros
pect of bloody scenes In the present
assembling of armed revolutionists.
f,f course our government will. If
H shall become necessary, take meas
ures for the protection of American
'iv and property. The large Interests j
American. In Mexico will
hall also be responsible for the pro-jsin
twtion of British Interest. In the re
f'blic. England acquiesce. In our
claims as to the Monroe doctrine, and
looks to us a. a result of the respon
sibility we assume therein to protect
Rriiih live, and British property
irm violence.
ITesbytcrlan Church Services.
Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning
8erv.ce n
Christian Endoavor
meeting at 6:30.
ervlce 7:30. Topic ... -.
A lUirgain for Cash.
Two J500 lots for 350
M.in street. Pavement,
nice fruit trees. The best buy in
..... .. se S B. Taylor. 901 Jefferson
street, Dallas.
each, on
I'or Kale.
Oak and Cedar posts.
Warehouse Company.
Jersey for Sale.
Two Grade Jerseys for sale; one
large, mature cow, testing 5.8, and
one 3-vear-old, testing 6.4. Both will
he fresh In February. Two miles
Southwest of Perrydale. O. Q. Rem
pel. Dallas, K. 1, Box 55. Phone Pink
I... on1 KeilKI"".
p meet?n; Thursday evening 7:30,
you are very cordially invited to war
ship with us.
Special j.!"-".
.. v. Ashford
. . -i, "f'eace 1
VOIUHiu.J - ,
Response ra j. Wilson
Offertory "Andante Con
An'them'Glve 'thank, unto the Ird"
..Carrie a. "
consisting of Part I oi
tata "Under the Faim.
Method! Cliur. li Sen !.
Methodist Church Sunday. Novem-
m Sunday School.
Ix'a.m. Rev.Dr.Cline of Port.and.
will preach.
I:3P0P. m.Jnorf- herhood
1 niDl. .vincnt Wanted.
Man and family want work on farm.
ii i charge of farm. Man un
lerstands caring for stock and general
farm work. A. R. Stout,
Dallas. Ore.
ii.uirl and Lodging.
Board and lodging house two blocks
north of Courthouse on --' -Mrs
C Freeman, 207 Jefferson St.
Mr 11-22-lm.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Polk County. Department
George A. Purvlne, Plaintiff, vs.
William Lawson and John Dong, De
fendants. To William Lawson and John Long:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are herfeby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled court and
causey within six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this Sum-mjina-
in-wit. November 8th, 1910,
and if you, fall so to appear and an
swer said complaint, plaintiff will ap
iv tc, the court for the relief demand-
,i in his comolalnt. to-wit: a decree
remnvinic a cloud from the title on
ue, mint of an uncancelled mortgage
iinon the fo owing acscnueu rem
Ueglnnirg ai me . v.
i i. n nf w. H. Walker in the
S. W. of Sec. 19, T. 8 8. R. 1 W. of
the W. M., ana running uifmn o.
,.i,,.i mi links to a Dost: thence E.
chains 60 links to a post; thence
ki r.s nhuln. fiu links: thence W. 53
ehnin GO links to the place of be.
ginning, containing 297.51 acres more
or less, situate in me wum ,
v.... hohv further notified that
this summons Is served upon you by
publication thereof In the Polk Coun
ty Observer, a weekly newspaper of
genera! circulation published In the
City of Dallas, Polk County, Oregon,
pursuant to the order of Hon. Geo. H.
Hurnett Judge of said Court, made on
the 2nd day of November, 1810.
You are further notified that the
date of the first publication of this
summons is the 8th day of November.
I0 snd the last publication thereof
will 'be made on the 20th day of De
cember. IMO. h jfcNARY and
C. L. McNARY, .
Attorneys for nainiire.
you In the above entitled Court ana
suit within Blx weeks from the date
of the first puuucaiion oi mm umi
mons, to wit, on or before the 21st
day of December, 1910; and if you
fail so to answer, lur mu mic.
ti, ninintirr will auulv to the Court
for a decree as prayed for In said com-,
plaint, towit: ,
1. That the defendants herein may
be required to Bet forth the nature of
their claJms In and to that certain
oarcel of land aescrioea as ioi
of Section No. 12 In Townsnip s
South, of Range 8 West of the Will
amette Meridian In Polk County,
State of Oregon, containing
acres more or less, and that all ad
,.iim nf the defendants may
h. determined by a decree pf said
i 'That hv Hiild decree it be de
clared and adjudged that the said
defendants and each of them have no
nu,,.ia nnr intnrext whatever in or to
said parcel of land and that the title
ot piuinliri mereiu m iu .......
a. That the said defendants and
aanh nf t ll t'm he forever enjoined and
debarred from asserting any claims
whatever In or to sai land adverse to
plaintiff and that plaintiff may have
such gther relief as may seem meet
witn equuy.
This summons oy an uruer m
Honorable Ed V. Coad, County Juage
r Druir fnnntv. Oregon, maae
Chambers In Dallas. Oregon, on the
7th day of November, liu, is serveu
r.nn imn hv the nublication thereoi
for a period of six consecutive weeks
Immediately prior to um
December. 1910. In "The Polk County
, ...... " n nf.wRnnner or Kenerai tir
culatinn printed weesiy at ltoiim
said County. The date of the first pub
lication of this summons is nuvi-m
ber 8, 1910.
hi An nAimii
Attorney for Plaintiff,
lloue for Sale,
new 9-rmmi house on Shelton
ireet. for sule;
buildings; city
woodshed and out-
water. Apply at
1:30 p. m.
gathering in church
JO p. m. Epworth Le-gue
' v D,rfnr preach
Pastor prf
God and Man,
es tn
730 P. m
fourth of serf
Strawberry Mailt.
Strawberry plants for fall
Leading varieties from Orcgo. , . J be
thoroughbred strain. ''
able. Write or phone Ewing Bros. Dallas-
Wood 1""" S1
ic.inMi. dry Oak wood. O.
'W;r two mile. Southeast of Dal;
i. 1J-ZS-U.
lloonis With Hoard.
I can accommodate two men with
1 C . . Mrs. F. Whitney.
hoard anu - ntr.
'809 Levens Street.
I New Itiotograpber.
I portmiis. views, postcards, copying
Administrator's Final Notlee.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Polk County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Lls
sle Mae Schwartz, deceased.
Tn n whom It may concern notice
is hereby given by T. K. Ford, the un
dersigned administrator of said es
tate, that he has filed his final account
and that the Court has fixed Saturday
December 24th, 1910, at 10 o'clock A.
vi -,r dav. at the County Court
room In the County Court House at
Dallas. Polk County. Oregon, as the
time and place for hearing any objec
tions to said final account and the set
tlement thereof; snd that notice there
of be published In the Polk County
Observer, a weekly newspaper printed
and published at Dallas. Oregon, once
. (nr four successive and
coneecutlve weeks preceding the date
of said final hearing.
The first publication of this notice
Is in the Polk County Observer oi aaie
November 22. !!.
Administrator of the Estate of Liz
zie Mae Schwartz, arceaseu.
Invented Printing
and Since His Day
Bums Building.
rnlled K
k win c-morn-'.
maKe coming ween. re jecting , -ar Hayter,
1 an arduous and delicate "" ,. -The Pleading
Ise. Cnder the Monroe doctrine, ,chri!,t.- Evening.
All are wen-
I prosy of
J ot Kent.
the Franc-la
,4. acr. I. Pri1"
Agent, uaiia".
Notice to Creditor.
vifa la heret,v riven that the un
dersigned hx been duly appoimeo
H-ulr of the estate of Harriet
orchard, deceased, by the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Polk
County, and has qualified.
All persona having claims against
the aeld .state are hereby notified to
present the same duly Trrlned. to
rnher ! the proper vouchers there
for, to "e nui-" I
., hi. residence In the town of Ball- I
tn In "'d County, within MX months
from the date of this "
In, ted and first published November
22. 11.
sr . - - w ITT -Jr4 mi&rrtrf 7'''
Insist on Your Dealer GivinS You theso Goods f
Willamette Valley
Lumber Co.
W. i. COY,
Phone Mutual
Modern Store fronts
Arc a specialty at
Shop Work of All luds ml Reasonable
,L L.
Part or.
utor of
Call f Warrant. .
. hereby given that all P'"
Kotice is heiet-y g
.untT Warrants P"' . fBnd,-,
: ...id for - ... i
... . - rubber, braaa. cop- j rim,
AH i " ! ..k eash ,-,4,.rd deceased
m 'ZXl S. Halleek, Mo.t c.r IUer. Attorney
I"--- ' i-iz-u-Cregoa.
the estate of Harriet
I ran
la the Clrroit Court of the tate of
'orena for Poik County. Iinmi
No - ...
i n Kloan. fianun. . ""
,-.r,m. Tw-fendanta So.
fmm raraisk any T n..iir t.room. lirk'T Groom
Toa !" Wond" .
. . .I.h wood SOW B
tv.. ,n msyldorseo ... - - fci,)IlC . good dry wr ,
"t devHop Into the proportions m - present""" , d.te Winur.
" fndee a long period pa.d P )0, after
r - - x." IBinr - - .JSI iiM
rapr l'of this -otice- . yotrfT at irLad I- r-r or den I ,'T.'1,'"
i r Ired and the I nitea . TBlte4 this l'n r " " w0,.,l 1li Be". T " . heby riuir-d to apier
' much from a coram - , r,- VV. if ' .rnt-sr BOM
and . a. A rorn-;"' l-i'- i
w. . ,.,i.:iu f-AuntT Treaii
n'mi MIBM .hul few tn miHui.'. .
" ' -I
n eht prove to be a source of prpe-
neat eoulDDed Oarag In the BUto.
Constructed of Concrete Through
out. Automobiles stored at reason
able rates. Expert machinists !
charge of Repair Department
. I). F. ILRRIS, Proprietor.
ii ra rimer . - -
l.lks. or trimmm ,.ro,OT- ,ne Bt. a.md u, aDVANCE YOUR BLSI NESS.
rrm T his done more for the
world's adraixement
trtan anr other thing. Our type
C. C MULKEY, Proprietor.
Do not send your money away to
Portland for bread. Buy good Dejlas
bread and keep the money at howne.
It will help us and help you.
Hell l-lwne SI. Mutual Itom 2.
Manufactured by
Crea aarrtra at
Portland. AaUarta, Salens. Garathwe,
llalbM, Nalicntta, Lyonn, Beatlle.
Plans and Estlniatee rurnislu-d .
1386 '
West Side Marble
a. L. HAWKINS, Ir.prl.-lor.
A Complete Line of All 1-alent IesigiM.
Manufactured (iolclr 1T
n...r.nt,A to be the best soft
wheat flour In the Willamette Valley,
Sold bjr all Grocer In Dallas.
Otho Williams
Merchant Tailor
All lite New Spring Stylos sir! Pattern
Solicits your orders for Careful and
Conscientious Workmanship.
Soehren Warehouse Co.
vl-. t.Andia a full line of Cedar and Oak
p.. p(ata- Brick. Lime. Sand and
ivn.nL Land riaster. Drain Tile,
Shingles. Eire Brick. Hair. Wall Plast
er and Hop Supplies.
,.. i.iei, aonth of depot I'lione 141
Tires Set while Yoa Walt.
Agency for International Harvester
Company' Auto Bugsy Pest auio
for farm and country purposes
Have Just added a complete line of
IV rm Implement and Machlms-y.
C. D. Forrette
Shop located In North Dallas'
General Blerksinlllilii ,na nm"n
work. Horve slioelii, and Ilow rk
a Kpeclalty. Your buslncxe Is solicited.
Dallas Iron Works
Machinists Foundryitiea Iattcro-Makrnt.
We are prepared to do any kind of
Iron and Brass work. Lumwr "-
and Stock work on hand. We maks
the best antl cheapest Stump Puller
on the market. Prices reaaonat."
Try oar Sue Homo-made Caudle
and oar oHk-loaa Ice Cream
One of Dallas Fine Prudm.
Observer Printing
An Prtlltl"C Done J4 a Uule IWtlee
XI, a a Seems Neiwary,
'. sad answer the romplajat Bled aC I
Ofaee fc Wilson Bldf.
x. d. BROnr
Abaurscis promptly made.
Notary Public. ColleeU.ms
Mill St. j:n-tlra . Dallas. Ore
P.ooms t and t. I't'ow I 1 '
- g -.1