Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, November 22, 1910, Image 4

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Coming to Ba One of tha Most Im
portant of Southern Cereal. '
Of all tbe records of wonderful prog
ress made In tlie south In the Itisl iv
decades, says a writer In Kimball's
Dairy Farmer, none Is more Interest
In.g or more lndicntlve of growth along
right Hues than that of successful de
velopment In the rireflelds of eastern
Along the cotton belt route In the
Grand prairie and lesser contiguous
prairies of Arkansas today nre the vis
ible evidence's of a new . prosperity
more marvelous anil more substantial
than any one who knew condition)
there six years ago could have d renin
ed of as being possible. This has been
achieved neither by miracle nor tneiT
chance. It has been brought about by
the intelligent use and employment of
the ordinary means at hand. No one
has ever charged that In the distrlbu
tion of so called natural advantage
Arkansas was accorded more than her
share. Many have voiced the beliel
that In the general allotment Arkansas
was forgotten. In the light of recent
developments In that stale, as else
where, it may not be too early to pre
dict thai the time is coining wheu men
will realize that In their estimate of
physical or natural assets they havi
often made their inventories on a false
Jtiee, as is well known, cannot be
grown without on abundant water
supply. Farmers who have attempted
to raise it have started out with (his
knowledge nnd In facing the problem
squarely have solved it. A rice funn
equipped Willi wells with a suMlclunt
How to flood the rlcellelds becomes Im
mediately a high class corn, truck,
fruit nnd Btock farm. Think what it
means to have under absolute control
an unceasing supply of pure water.
Trenches carry It by gravitation to
any portion of the land. Willi It a
corn crop is helped over a temporary
drought. An occasional wetting in
sures a splendid return from the truck
patch, nnd with water always at hand
cows nlmost double the quantity and
more (linn double the quality of milk
. produced. -
Hut all these are really secondary
considerations with the Arkansas rice
farmer, lie has his eye on the main
chance. It Is to raise rice, which Is
coining to be one of the most Impor
tant of southern cereals.
Save tha Chunk.
Tou can lind many chunks of wood
alHiut the farm. Save ihein nil for
the stove. Big knots can be used In
the "chunk" stove, anil how they wil
make It laugh on n cold, stormy day
next winter! Even pleceH that nrc
little decayed will burn nicely If they
are well dried. Save them all.
While few are Justified in attempting
to treat a horse that is really sick, yet
every farmer ought to be able to do
something for a sick nnimal till pro
fessional help can be- obtained. Im
proper feeding produces much digestive
sickness In horses.
Now, a horse with an acute attack
of indigestion is in the utmost need of
veterinary f help. There is not much
use of pouriug medicine into the Btom
ach. As that organ Is in a deranged
condition, no assimilation of anything
put into the stomach takes place, nnd
consequently no action Is obtained by
administering drugs through the
Tbe injection of concentrated medi
cines under the skin is the only ra
tional way of treating such cases. No
ordinary farmer has either the instru
ments or skill to do this. But the sick
animal should be placed in a roomy
box stall plentifully supplied with
bedding, and a careful man should be
with him to prevent, as far as possible.
the patient from injuring itself when
the pains are very intense.
Many a horse suffering great pain
bas thrown itself down violently on a
hard floor and ruptured the stomach
(which has been distended with gas),
and thus destroyed whatever chance
there might have been of successful
It always gives some relief to cases
where there is great abdominal pain
to take cloths wrung out of a pot of
hot water and apply as hot as the pa
tient will stand to the lower part of
the abdomen. This Is usually easily
done, as the animal is in almost every
case lying down and In many cases
lying on his back. Much can be done
in this way to keep the patient from
injuring Itself till veterinary help can
be secured.
Horses suffer more from pulmonary
diseases in the winter than In the sum
mer, because the stables are not In
many cases ventilated sufficiently. Poor
ventilation predisposes to lung trouble,
and many a simple cough or cold de
velops into inflammation of the lungs
Just because the allllctcd animal is
standing in a poorly ventilated stable.
The average case of Influenza or even
colt distemper will not need very
An Inferior Bull Sure to Prova a Costly
Invest man t.
The average farmer who Is raising
his own dairy calves little appreciates
tile net cost of a cheap or Inferior
bull when In seari-li of an liuimal to
head his herd. This Is well Illustrat
ed In a nerd of dairy cattle of which
wu have very accurate data a to the
flow of milk and the amount of butler
fat produced during the past four gen
crntlolis, wri'.es Professor M. V. Har
per of Cornell university.
in this particular herd the condi
tion, such us I lie breeding of the cows,
the feeding and the management were
as even throughout the four genera
tions as could be obtained in practice,
so Hull any marked increase or de
crease In the prodtti-tion of the off
spring ciin lie T dill d to tin- sire used
The Hist sire under observation got
three producing females that averaged
300 pounds of fat a year. The sii-ond
bull even excelled the first, as he got
nine producing females that averaged
IS '
E4 ' i
f f
KM 1
The use of fine slock on lue av
erage farm is only (lie exercise o1
good judgment.
The Hum of the Hive.
Pon't keep bees unless you mean to
give them the proper care and alien
Never of any time should honey b
left oK ii around the apiary, for It r.l
ways leads to robbing.
Itees ran nut carry on their wonder
ful work without water. If they havi
not access to natural sources in tie
vicinity of the nplary. wnlcr should be
fciveu to them.
A thousand colonic of bees are os d
lunuiilly In the cuciiiiiIht gris'iihuiise
of Massachusetts to carry ferilll.lie:
ixilien. Tliere are 2.HKI pi rsons In tin
late who keep tiecs.
Taking off honey Is easy and simple
with the right equipment, whli h In
elude luexiH'iislve tools n Isv smoker.
bee veil, chisel or knife for H hive liwl
or pry and perhiis Ih-' glove or
wrist lets.
Ilees like o work Iwiier. prulmbly.
than any other living thing. They iir
Mrfectly willing to work for inahiiig
board tbemwIvpH anil pay hand-umiely
for the privilege of wrtipyliiir an "Id
box. There Is nmi for a few hive
if Imo on every farm. Knill. miI
try and Umh make a niiendld ronililii:i
Ilou when pnoMr!y diUkI - Kami
That bmaua decaylnf vegetable
mold la a requisite for the proxT
growth of Trgetabl life Is shown
nicely when crop aorta aa corn la
(anted on apota wbl b hare boen
atrd off In the procow of levellnir
piece of land. The growth that la
. marie la at on led and tbe plant are of
sickly color. It usually requires sev
eral aoasona of fertlllsloc and tilling to
trl.ig anrh soils to normal pmlorilve
Swamp mark tclfM tie oed on many
a farm to good advantage as an ab
sorbent of the tooisrore and Ikjukl Id
. the staUe ma no re f-uch trraimnt
o?d imxt tbe dllttoa and dr
rtnriV of fertlilzlnf rVaaenta,
mbi: the nock soil aroaild fornUh
tyi of hnroua that tha arera soil
san)e D-k la naed of. For srlnter
e In txUl latitaiV tbe abaort-eot
cts J be t borvcfVy dried durlDff tbe
mrcmer rooc'ba and storrd BDdereoTer
Ur It arpiijd be available.
much medicinal attention lf tho patient
is allowed an abundant supply of fresh
Keep the body warm by plenty of
clothing, stimulate the circulation in
the extremities by hand rubbing the
legs, keep the bowels relaxed by the
use of Bucculent food. If the breath
ing la lnborod, npply a hot poultice
to the throat and chest, and you will
have gone a long way toward prevent
ing any complications from setting in.
If a plentiful supply of fresh nlr is
necessary to maintain a horse in good
health it will be understood how neces
sary It must be to nn animal which is
suffering from any respiratory trouble.
Fresh air is of the utmost Importance
in such cases. The most skillful medi
cal treatment will be useless without it.
The horse should hnyc good, pure
water to drink, nnd if his stomach Is
deranged It is best not to allow blm to
drink a very large quantity at one
time. Allow him to drink about half
the amount you think he would take
when In health, then wait awhile and
give more. A large quantity of water
at one time Is npt to do more harm
than good.
If the end Bought Is opt to be real
Ized cleanliness Is a feature of very
much Importance. Keep the stables
clean at all times, and be careful not
to give any feed that Is moldy, dusty
or in any way unfit for the nnimal to
eat. Keep everything clean. 1'ilth Is
one of the greatest disease promoters
wo have, not only with dumb brutes.
but humans as well.
Horse Wiidom.
Do you want a balky horse? You
enn easily have one by giving him too
benvy loads to draw.
There Is no kind of animal breeding
thnt will pay better than the breeding
of horses, but horses thnt will sell, not
lunghllls or misfits.
The floor of the hayloft should be
seed and dust tight. Horses are often
Injured by seeds and dirt falling Into
their eara and eyes.
Hotting of food causes Indigestion
and consequently loss of health.
Gunrd against Irregular feeding. It
tends to make horse bolt their food.
Management of the Ram.
If a ram 1 to have heavy service he
should be well fed. A few oats once a
Jay, beginning a week or two previous
to turning blm with the ewes, will put
hlrn In rood condition. He should then
be able to attend to at least thirty. If
the flock la a large one do not turn two
or three rams In together. It Is lst to
divide It. giving each ram twenty ewe
In separate Incloaure, as . larger
number of ram la alwava the result
It Is surprising bow soon tbe young
calves will take to rating whole corn
tisl oats. A small ration fed dally la
an excellent Idea nnj will keep them
growing from the start
3!I2 pounds of fat a year. Tbe third
hull used was rather Inferior and illus
trates the poiiil al Issue. He got eight
producing females that averaged only
2Nfi pounds of fat. a year. This Is u
falling off of 11)7 pounds per cow a
year. Kor the eight females this means
a loss of Moll pounds of butter fat a
year, which at 40 cents a pound means
an annual loss of $:ilJ.-K so long as
these cows are retained.
It they are retained five years after
they begin lo produce, which Is. per
haps, the average length of time for
animals of this kind to brood, then
the loss amounts to over $1.7(K. This
represents the actual loss to the farmer
on account of the use of this particu
lar sire. The female get of the fourlli
sire are at the present time Just be
ginning to produce and I hero Is not
enough data at hand lo Judge accu
rately their average production.
Kroin this illustration It would seem
thai the fanner or dairyman In search
of an animal to head his herd should
be very careful in his choice. lie
should nol trust to chance, but should
select an animal whose nm eslors have
been uniformly holed for their high
proilurt ion,
Feeding the Calf.
The calves should be well fed, but a
lot of calves are fed to death.' l'"oni
quarts of skiininllk a day is enough
for a four weeks old calf. As soon as
any sign of bowel trouble shows In the
droppings reduce the quantity of milk.
(ilve the calf all the hay and Dri.ti It
will eat and let it run on grass, but do
not overfeed on skitnnillli. The calf
that Is reared naturally gets only a
small quantity of milk at a time, am1
the wild cow does not give much ai
any time.
Street Improvement Notice,
To J. M. Lynn, Alice Towle, Fred
Rock, C. H. Morris, H. C Van Skyke,
J aeon Hanson, Mary A. Marks, and
O. Brown:
NOTICE is hereby given that the
Ulty Council of the City of Dallas. Ore
gon contemplates the passage of an
ordinance requiring the improvement
of those certain streets or parts of
streets in saia city adjacent to and
adjoining the herelnbelow described
lota or parts of lots or parcels of
ground In the manner following, to
By the construction of a new board
sidewalk five feet four Inches wld
(1) on the West side of Stump Street
aojoining lots 1 and 2 in block Z
Kills' addition to Dallas, Oregon; (2)
on tne aoutn side or Cherry Street ad
Joining lots 1 and 10 In block 28
Ellis addition to-Dallas, Oregon; (3)
on tne west side or JL.yle Street ad
joining lot 6 in block 2 0. Dallas Land
and Improvement Company's addition
to Dallas, Oregon; (4) on the West
side of Lyle Street adjoining lot 1 in
block 20 Dallas Land and Im prove
ment Company's addition to Dallas,
Oregon; iai on the West Bide of Lyt
Street adjoining the north one-half of
lot 6 in block 19, Dallas Land and Im
provement Company's addition to
Dallas, Oregon: (8) on the West Bid
of Lyle Street adjoining lot 1 in block
19, Dallas Land and Improvement
company b addition to Dallas, Oregon
(7) on the North side of Ellendale
Avenue adjoining lot 1 in block
Germantown addition to Dallas, Ore
gon; (8) on the North side of Ellen
dale Avenue adjoining lot 4 In block
Germantown addition to Dallas, Ore
gon; (9) on the North side of Ellen
dale Avenue adjoining lot 1 In block
9, Germantown addition to Dallas,
That the said sidewalks will be "eon
strueted of lumber at the time and In
the manner to be hereafter prescribed
in said ordinance.
That the cost of said sidewalks will
be assessed to the above described
property fronting and abutting there
That the City Council of said City
will sit in the Council Chamber in said
City on Monday, the 5th day of De
cemoer, 191U, at 8 o clock in the even
ing to hear and determine objections
and remonstrances thereto, if any
tnere De; and that all owners and
other persons In interest may attend
at said place and time and show cause
If any they have, why said sidewalks
should not be constructed.
, Done by order of the City Council of
the city ot Dallas, Oregon, made on
tne 7tn day of November. A. D.. 1910
Witness my hand and the official
seal of the said City of Dallas this 14th
day or November, 1910.
Auditor and Police Judge of Dallas,
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the un
derslgned has been duly appointed
guardian of the person and estate of
Harvey Tingle, an insane person, by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Polk County, and has qualified
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same duly verified, to
gether with the proper vouchers there
for, to the undersigned guardian at his
residence near Aiiiie, in said County,
within six months from the date of
this notice.
Dated und first published November
ID, 1910.
Guardian of the Person and Estate
of Harvey Tingle, an Insane Person.
Oscar Itaytur, Attorney.
For the Ambitious
hv malt fnr thnM who Oaxnnot Attend la
narann. Ail InHtrnctlon. Including final
x ami nation im FRKK. For temohertv
tudauta Drenarln for oolWe or nnWerat-
ty, women' clubs, ffranyeB, engHMrB and
bom maker. Ho preliminary lamina
tion it requtroa. i nis mau oourao means
Opportunity for yoa.
Comapondenoa Study Department
University of Oresaai
g-ene - - - Orcsoa
Look to the HorcVs fr&ct.
Horses with-temlel I eel need lot" o!
utleulliin. II slniiil I be r M m n I .!: '
thai a hirxe i an do no inmv lliui In
fer t will xt. nid.
Care and Attention Will Oft., Avert
Need of Rebuilding.
A carpenter wax telling me the oih"l
day that he knew of a barn which li.i.i
been in w silled three times in Hie
Kiaie of sixteen years, says a cone
Kpeudeut i f. the Ameil an Cultivator.
Think of what a burden of work noil
expense thai would be!
I tut I hat Is what Is goiug on all over
the counir.v every year. The sill;
sleepers and poNts of our barns nn
away, and we must replace them m
let the buildings go down.
The i rouble many times In such
cases Is that we have not provided ail
chough iiivuml our foundation tlui
hers. Nothing rots timber like belli;.
shut away from the air.
Now, by putting here and there hi
the wall of our barns u small frame ol
plank, say, eight Im lies sipiare and
building the stones or cement about ll
we have furnished opportunity for I In
air to get hi and lengthen the life of
our timbers. Over these sipiares we
may tack a piece of wire cloth to keep
out cats and other small animals.
Especially Is Home such thing needed
if the building Is nue In which we
sometimes wash the wagons and car
ring's with a hose or with a pall of
water and simnire. The water trick
ling down, added to the lack of ven
(ilatioh. will soon cause tbe liest of
timbers to ilivny. In such cases there
ought to be good drainage as well its
an opening for the air to get In alHiut
the wood.
Some kinds of wood are more sus
ceptible to decay than others. Of our
native woods red beech, chestnut or
oak is probably the best
Dr. Bell's
Will break up the worst cold and allay
throat irritation. This remedy quicKiy
enrea nnnirhs. Colds. Grippe, and an
throast and bronchial troubles. Sold by
Conrad Stafrln.
The Klamath Water Users' asso
elation Just has one trouble after an
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and
may be taken with perfect safety by
ih meat deiieate. woman or the
voumtest child. The old and feeble will
also find them a most suitable remedy
for aiding and strengthening their
weakened digestion and for regulating
the bowels. For sale by all good drug
Astoria is Improving the good wea
ther by doing a big lot of street work.
How to plan and build dairy barns
that are both sanitary and convenient,
will be taught this year at the Oregon
Agricultural College in a course in
farm structures Just introduced.
Not Sorry For Blunder.
'If my friends hadn't blundered in
thinking I was a doomed victim oi
consumption, I might not be alive
now," writes D. T. Sanders, of Harrls
burg. Ky.. "but for years they saw
every attempt to cure a lung-racking
cough fall. At last I tried Dr. King's
New Discovery. The effect was wonder
ful. It soon stopped the cough and I
am now in better health than I. have
had for years. This wonderful life-sav
er is an unrivaled remedy for coughs,
colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, hem
orrhages, whooping cough or weak
lungs. 60c, $1.00. Trial bottle free.
Guaranteed by all druggists.
I naOTl r? FaJlllA
f.i- to Biliousness. Sour Btomach, Indl
AU person ' " Headache. DUalneee, Heartburn.
etlon' dtaKera). Foul Breath, Sallow Com
Vertigo (blmd ;,nt tired, discouraged feeling should
th Great Liver Tonic and Regulator That Has
T Done So Much for the Working People.
are resiorea i ' uj. nerDine la 5
I puts tne jTBieiii ! vorioci uruer, revlvo th t "
constipated condition and re-establlshe. ?LT?r-
cleansinir ----Heation, ci' - --auisr
P'd k'v"it'ei,nB,t.hen ...... , this areat regulating medicine. It stand for health fn, .v.
bowei n'"""""hnuld have a di" -Voiou or dyspep"0 '? ,"'r!rSf "nu renovating i "
wwWecl",M price 50c per Bottle.
. mtolnti! remedy. .?
'??. 7iJ The first aoe "','" S.rDld Liver
ni,t inn
JAMES rnTi!..i,.ll. Weak SlBTB-t. fuufttu ieaaatlo.. TTr
nutated R5. salve. M rtmeir nv writ. 'Bl Ws,
O -
For Sore Eyes, Crai
Last week wild fowl were flying
north instead of south along the Cur
ry county coast. Perhaps, remarks
the Gold Beach Glove, they met a fog
bank or a storm south of here and de
cided to return for a while.
Cheap Imitations
Owing to the immense sale and popu
larity of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey
there are many cheap Imitations on
the market under similar sounding
names, but you can always get the
genuine by looking for the bell on the
bottle. Sold by Conrad Stafrln..
Bend Bulletin: What are the farm
era doing toward raising cattle and
hogs for next season's market? A Red
mond man naid $20 for pigs last
spring. He has already sold enough
to bring him $100 cash and has five
ogs left. Their care and feed is a very
small Item in connection with a gener
al farm.
Ral.e the dough WSWVv
and compile with fctEEiST?
all pure food law, fsggepgl
Makers of MAPLEINE
(better than Maple).
Shall Women Vote?
If they did, millions would vote Dr.
King's New Life Pills the true remedy
for women. For banishing dull, fag
ged feelings, backache or headache,
constipation, dispelling colds, Impart-
ng appetite and toning up the system,
they're unequalled. Easy, safe, sure.
25c at all druggists.
Legal blanks for sale at this office.
A Hair's Breadth Escape.
Do you know that every time you
have a cough or cold and let It run on
thinking It will Just cure Itself you are
Inviting pneumonia, consumption or
some other pulmonary trouble? Don't
risk it. Put your lungs back in perfect
ealth and stop that cough with Bal
lard's Horehound Syrup.
Price 25s, 50c and $1.00 per bottle.
Sold by Conrad Stafrin.
Hood River is to have a fourth
banking institution. Lots of money up
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there it at least
one dreaded disease that science has
!,..,. nhie to cure in all its stages, ana
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrn uenih
r.nncii(ntionnl disease, requires
fonstitutional treatment. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucus
Bin-rapes of the system, thereby de-
Mtrovine the foundation of the disease,
and giving the patient strength by
building un the constitution and as
sisting nature in doing its work. The
oronrietors have so much faith in us
curative powers that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list ot testimo
Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tole
do, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Passenger No. 74 . . .
Passengor No. 76..
,.8:55 a. m. Passenger No. 77.. ,. . '
.2:30 p. m. Passenger No. 75... , a."-
'itt. m
West Round.
A good man, and a farmer on whose
Judgment we have relied, has quit
farming, throws up the sponge on ac
count of weeds, and will go hence
knowing not whence, says the Moro
Will Promote Beauty.
Women desiring beauty get wonder
ful help from Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
It banishes pimples, skin eruptions,
sores and boils. It makes the skin soft
and velvety. It glorifies the face. Cures
sore eyes, cold sores, cracked litis,
chapped hands. Best for burns, scalds,
fever sores, cuts, bruises and plies. 25c
at all druggists.
, .7:35 a. m.
, ,8:15 a. m.
East Bound.
Lv. Dallas
Ar. West Salem
Lv. Black Rock 10:50 a. m.
Lv. Falls City U:05 a. m.
Lv. Dallas "'
Ar. West Salem 12:20 p. m.
Lv. Falls City 3:00
Lv. Dallas ..3:35
Ar. West Salem 4:1 P- m-
Lv. Falls City 6:05 p. m.
Ar. Dallas G:3d p. m.
TRAIN NO. 9. (Sunday Only.)
f.v. Dallas 7:36 a- m-
p. m.
p. m.
Ar. West Salem .
Lv. Black Rock .
Lv. Falls City . . .
Lv. Dallas
Ar. West Salem . .
Lv. Black Rock ' 4:00 p,
Lv. Falls City 4:15 P-
8:15 a. m.
(Sunday Only.)
11:45 a. m.
12:00 a. m.
12:35 p. m.
1:15 p. m.
(Sunday Only.)
Lv. Dallas 4:50 p. m
Ar. West Salem 5:30 p. m,
Lv. West Salem 5.51 .
" 0:111 p. nij
Train No. 3 connects at Dallas with morning train from Portland and
way points.
Lv. West Rnlnm .
Lv. Dallas mi
Lv. Falls City j": H
Ar. Black Rock .... ".' "I
- TRAIN NO. 4. I
Lv. West Salem .... 1 . I
Lv. Dallas " ,:" f
Ar. Falls City l 5 H
Lv. West Salem i.
Lv. Dallas .Z, m
. Falls City "ITlMj
TRAIN NO. 8. (Sunday Only,)
Lv. West Salem o.n f
Lv. Dallas ,. f
....iu:3s a. im
-TRAIN NO. 10. (Sunday Only.)
Lv. West Salem ..,
Lv. Dallas
Lv. Falls City
Ar. Black Rock ...
Lv. Falls City .
Ar. Black Rock
1:35 p. ml
2:20 p. foj
2:60 p. nj
3:10 p. mi
(Sunday Only.)
Dallas Division.
Passenger No. 65 8:30 a. m.
Passenger No. 69 1:00 p. m.
Passenger No. 71 i . .7:25 p. m.
. . . 6:00 a. m.
. . .10:1.0 a. m.
Real estate active in nnd about Eu
gene. One dealer sold a place twice
within two days.
Tbe old lady who explained tbe thin
ness of her milk to bcr customers by
saying It waa due to scarcity of feed
probably did not know that It Is well
known fact that milk quality, butter
fat content, la not affected at ail by
Clu,,) artel Fertility.
Sheep HI " tile greatest lerll.l :crs ol
nil Hie hu m sto. k. The li! saving
that the hoof of the sheep Is gulden is
true enough. Sheep return to the soil
St 1 per cent of fertility from the food
Provide Salt For the Flock.
The lliM-k should have salt ei.ustiitil
ly before It In the pasture, so lln- sheep
enn help themselves to It when they
crave It. Salt Is one of the essential"
of success In handling Khecp.
Profit In Sheep.
Those who have been raisins shoe-p
in recent years have had in- reason to
complain. A Hock well cared fur m'll
aiiliKlantinllv to the farm pmlits and
exacts lint a minimum of care.
Silage For Sheep.
There Is 110 reason why silage mnj
not be fed to sheep, commencing with
a small amount at first and gradii.ill.i
Increasing the allowance as they In
come nccUNtonied to it. However. It is
very desirable mid we nillit nlmost
say lndisK'tisable that nil animals
feeding Uiu silage should have some
dry forage to counteract the laxative
effect of silage.
Car of Ewaa.
The careful man wl" ,urn ""J
amine the udders or all his ewes In
tended for breeding. Never feed rye
straw to pregnant ewes. It generally
contains more or less ergot, which
produces "berth;
For tbe benefit of thivse who' are tak
ing; up tbe matter of feeding eclal I
bog ration for the first time a para
graph about tankage may be of Inter
est. Tbls auimal product, whlih. like
ollmenl, gluten meal and blood, is
very rich In protein, la manufactured
from tbe waste products of the big a natural grazer.
parking houses, such aa meat trim j if aaotj bay to fed sprinkle with
wings, fat " rap, etc. These are put water and It will save tbe borse much
in a t.iuk and subjected to' excessive ' anuoyance. Better still, doot feed It
bent for several hours, when the j at , f Joa na oclp t
grease I removed ami toe soiui rem-
1 low many farmer know exact
name and variety oi the corn they
are growing
Live Stock Notes.
Horses that are ued exclusively on
the farm and do no road work should
go unshod. .
A fattening animal should never bave
more food placed before It than It will
eat up eagerly.
If you keep your bogs In pea all
Ibe time dout expect lo make say
world astonishing profits. Tbe bog Is
There is little danger from a cold or
from an attack of the grip except
when followed by pneumonia, and this
never happens when Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is used. This remedy
has won Its great reputation and ex
tensive sale by its remarkable cures of
colds and grip and can be relied upon
with implicit confidence. For sale by
all good druggists.
"I do not believe there is any other
medicine so good for whooping cough
as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,"
writes Mrs. Francis Turpln, Junction
City, Ore. This remedy Is also unsur
passed for colds and croup. For sale by
all good druggists.
Astoria officials are commendably
trying to stop cigarette smoking by
Passenger No. 4.
Passenger No. (18..
Passenger No. 70. .
6:15 p. m
Airlle Division.
Passenger No. 64 6:50ml
Passenger No. 68 ll:30a.m
Passenger No. 70 I:55p.m
Passenger No. 65 , 9:15n.mf
Passenger No. 69 1 :25 p. mj
Passenger No. 71 8:00 p. nil
Passenger No. 62 8:16 a. m.
Passenger No. 72 4:05 p.m.
Passenger No. 61 7:50a.m
Passenger No. 73 J:25p.m
Passenger No. 61 7:00 a. m Passenger No. 62 :25a.n
Passenger No. 73 2:30 p. m.Passenger No. 72 4:50p.m.
Train No. 69 leaving Dallas at 1:00 p. m. connects at Monmouth for
Alrlie. Trains Nos. 62 and 72 from Airlle connect at Monmouth for Dai
las and way points.
A Nehalem farmer showed 15 per
fect Graven8teln apples that complete
ly tilled a 20 pound box.
"I am pleased to recommend Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy as the best
thing I know of and safest remedy for
coughs, colds and bronchial trouble,"
writes Mrs. L. B. Arnold, of Denver,
Colo. "We have used It repeatedly
and It has never failed to give relief.
For sale by all good druggists.
Willamette valley farmers say the
ground never worked better than it la
working this fall. It Is In perfect con
dition for plowing and seeding.
Population of Stanfleld Is rapldly
Increasing: 11 families arrived there
within a week.
Mrs. Elbe Tiler, Ravena, Texas, writes:
I was blind as a bat. I used Suther
land's Eagle Eye Salve and it acted
like a charm. It cut the scam off my
eyes and restored my sight. It is all
you claim and worth it's weight in
gold. 25c a tube. Sold by Conrad Stafrin.
Oil prospectors near linndon report
excellent prospects.
Heaiitiful Eyes
are desired by everyone. If there is
any inliamation the eyes can't be beau
tiful. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve
will remove the inflamatlon and clear
the eyes. Sold by Conrad Stafrln.
Eugene's power plant, costing over
J200.000, is nlmost completed.
Whooping Cough
It Is an old saying that whonoine
cough must run its course, but the use
of Dr. Rell s Pine-Tar-Honey has dem
onstrated beyond doubt that such is
not the case. It can be cured by the
use of this remedy. Sold by Conrad
Dr. Hell's Antiseptic Snlvo
Is guaranteed for eczema, salt rheum,
tetter, ringworm, running sores, chap
ped hands and lips, pimples on the
face, black heads, barber's Itch, sun
burn, insect bites, fever sores and na
sal catarrh. 25c. Sold by Conrad Stafrin.
Cottage Grove man killed a deer
that dressed 150 pounds.
Every Hody Needs
a good salve and Dr. Bell's Antisep
tic Salve is the best. It Is a creamy
snow white ointment. Guaranteed for
all skin diseases. 25c sold by Conrad
Phone, 29
Osteopathic Physician
Office, 719. Court St.
Mutual I'hone 631 ' '
Oregon's apple crop was never be
fore so large or fine in quality.
Registration In Vninn county I 11
P'T cent less than In 1908. Not an
aim-euele showing.
Saved an Iowa Man's Life
The very grave seemed to yawn be
fore Robert Madsen, of West Burling
ton, Iowa, when, after seven weeks in
the hospital, four of the best, physi
cians gave him up. Then was shown
the marvelous curative power of Elec
tric Butters. For, after eight months
of frightful suffering from liver troub
le and yellow Jaundice, getting no help
from other remedies or doctors, five
bottles of this matchless medicine
completely cured him. Its positively
guaranteed for Stomach, Liver or Kid
ney troubles and never disappoints.
Only 50c. at all druggists.
For pain In the side or chest dam.
I pen a piece of flannel with Chamlr-
iain. uniment and bind It on over
me eai or pain. There i nothing bet
fer. Tor ale by all good drUBsi!,tll.
A Pendleton
lit drh-d sod ground and packed lu
If com I scarce sheep will best bog
Nine dollar, seem, like . good deal I , w so.oe tankage, made from Ibe i '",'. V" V)" TL "Jl YZZ '
to pay for mwsulto netting: to protect rvnieot f the stom.1. hs ai.d Ih.. I j " " " ,7.
single cherry tree from tb. birds, tnd ; of ingh:ered aninmK I Bl only for ' T
yet wbeo tbe value of single crop j f.-rtlllTt-r and la usually lala-h-d aa ! oeep.
from tbe tree frequently totals $M and Th f tskage lilt rom j Krrimenssbow (bat many toes of
tbe netting lasts for several season j , ration ft b ga baa givm run j """l'1 F " 1h peanut crop
lent rwulta in feeding iet. Heina a I ,b" ,r,M" ,b ra have bee
cvovrutraled f.nl an It U. it !..ei:d j thecd . ra be torwed la tbe
tbe end Is
to Justify tb meaus.
The bmiew:fe It Is ssperSocM to
mil ber bny-OB save betneSf a
boe M cf sot wort over tbe Ironing
l---J tf wUI f 4J the bed l.aea.
t V ' d t:j of U BixJarckM-f
There ar few of tbe tender white
roses that surpass tbe t'rao Karl Pros
kl la purity of color, fragrance or
form, la aire, too. It Is all that could
be desired, tike other members of
tbe rose family it requires for beat
results a clayey rVh soli, abundant
water and severe enn log. which wiTl
:k-v tbe beat buds only to com ts
not cvnstltuie more lh.10 fr.u lu to 2i ST"nd and fattened for atarket ea
per cent of Ibe rtiH
Tbe autoncUU,! bo wl'.l mij a
team off a narrow bij.!iv b" tail
brother to t he tant't-f ! 1 d,-al n
a chauffeur' t. f. U:f He- r..
and kerps hi b-.o.- la a atk
tot tantalise ll fHk. m bHiia-l 'im.
a hat ta left of tbe crop w itbuat etbrr
How fond bogs are of anfto assise Is
demonstrated by the fact that If a
drove of noes la raraed eai a Se4d piaat
ed In ladiaa cora. Kafir fwi and aU
tbey will devnar tbe entire sllo
before toucblnf either of tbe
How Itallas Ctlzenx Can Find Complete
trreikim From Kidney
If you suffer from backache
From urinary disorders
From many dlseasea of the kidneys.
He cured to atay cured.
Doan'a Kidney Pills make lasting
cure a.
Grateful people teatlfy.
Iters a one caae of It:
Mra. Lydla Pearson, D St., Mt llinn-
vllle. Ore., says: "I do not hesitate to
nmnrx fin aa I j ' '"n narveated 3t
conaioer tnem an excellent remedy. I "su weigh 00 nounds- flv
aunrred a great deal from kidney i '"""" m on hill that w. igh 10
trouble and had acute pains in the j p",,n'1,: Rn,i -a h,,ad of cal.haea that
small of my bark. I waa also subject 'il;n :nn pounds.
to headaches and felt tired nearly all 1 '
the time. I tried a number of rem.-di, .1 FurCnllc
but was not relieved until I ). nr an- bowel trouble Dr. Teli a Ami AbUXETS AT LAW
" " inn. 1 continued "" magic, relieves alnvmt
taking this remedy antil I waa fr. 1 inWan,iv- Also g.wvl for all ext.-m-1
from kl.tn. v dis.-aar." isi...-...,1!!!!! S..IJ k r,j
given In A or 11st. !; j " nly reliable set of Abstracts la
T Yrara Lstce. Tbc Milt..n-Frwater dii,i,.. t. . ' o1" Conty. Office on Court 8U
Oa Dec. I.. !,. Mrm. p., In. off , fruil (Tnp "--" ."."a.
confirmed her former atat m. nt aav- "'"" value of I3 06 Thi, 1.
Specialty: Diseases of Woum
Office over Postoffiee. M 5oi
Office 3S1 ; Residence lfli
Mnnmonth. ' toJMi
Office over rostoflice
Falla City,
Hor-a? RlKM-ing and General Black
I can cure Quarter Cracks and Con
tracted Feet, also stop Interfering and
Eorging. I guarantee all worar first
class. All I ask the public la to give
me at fair trial. I also cure corn on
h or sea feet
Horse Sbo.lng a St laity. .
Pved Wagners Old Stand Dallas. Ore.
Teacher of
Studio, Room No. 2. WII Ba
Dallas i
KILL the COywnf
Bey Pills was correct
ilar. I am glad to con
For sale by all dealers. Price Sa i
rents. Foster-Milhura Co, Poffal,-,. !
Vew Tork. sole agents for the Fnitj '
ng Doan's K,d-, N" -re crop, of .
in every par,, t '"'" h'W. but the quality maf
-firm a - the pri.a profitable ?
Mutual phone 1JC
AD l-MaIJMi;u
P.rmeanWr the name TVn-..M thine to g J "J1 "."l Oregoa
;ilW a. 'WmatH ATTOfiXEr AT Law
r., " nusci,
Uke ao other.
""it cura
ar.4 at, IT
The Co ts -.ns, a,,ra:ns. cut. ' T'
PT a.d csa be U-tM m''H an h.. ,M ,
tlaer at a -t of ami. a f e,. k. tle is r J?"
saartng aa advert ,m.w , n;,0"r ton. - tT
aerrers -Wasted- sad Tor HaV
nX.ma. Try It the aext t m. ,- ' ,
1 "r r - ,
f-ffice la Courthouse
Dr. King's
Ikxi DiscsEiJ
kara artklC te bay ar afl.
cat, fe 1
ttaiT Tomr VrlBtlM Mnm aV. A. i 1 B. (TWA .v.
-ee -.K- . tr,., '
' .r. --.iM-.! ftr . . .
WlutTtey Willi
They will cure rar
trenethea your fa
rect urinary irrer,
op the worn out
eliminate the exce$ r
thatc.uses rheuDiW
. - ..- rvi'setst
ent ongm t
bates, and S -
atrenrth. Kefs.
- w t Ui,. . i-'airis s Itnm sb