Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, November 22, 1910, Image 1

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I -
Best in Quality, Style and Finish
We, have them in genuine
"The Best for the Money" our motto
IVnciilnsc or Attendance Is H8.3 For
Monlh Ending Xovemlx-r 4.
Free on Trial
ii t tiI; the convenience and la-
WOmen KeailZe bor-saving value of an
. Electric Iron.
ni r of electric energy used amounts to
1 He 1051 less than five cents per hour.
nLAMA OA and we will send you an Electric
Phone Z4 iron on 39 Days' Free Trial
At present there are over 100 Electric Irons in use
in this City.
Northwestern Corporation
J. Ii. WHITE, Manage for Dallas.
Report of the schools of Polk Coun
ty for the school months ending No
vember 4, 1910.
Number of schools reporting on
time and correctly, G5.
Schools failing to report correctly
and on time, 'Antioch No. 30, Miss
Clara Pechin, teacher; Suver No. 43,
Miss Ella Smith, teacher.
Number of pupils remaining at time
of last report, 2087.
Number of pupils reinstated new
during months, 507.
Number of pupils registered second
ary during month, 36.
Number of pupils readmitted during
month, 5(1.
Total number of pupils on registei
during month, 2086.
Number of pupils dropped during
month, 163.
Number of pupils remaining at tinve
of this report, 2523.
Number of days taught during
month, 17.
Whole number of days attendance,
whole number of days absence,
Whole number of times late, 366
Number of pupils neither absent nor
tardy, 1661.
Average number of pupils belong
ing, 2486. "
Average daily attendance, 2395.5
Per cent of attendance, 96.3
Number of visits by parents, 47.
Number of visits by members
school boards, 28.
The following schools have been
placed on the roll of honor for the
County for having made a per cent of
attendance of 95 or more:
Zena, Dallas, Lewisville, Pa.kers,
Valley View, Monmouth, District No.
15, Alrlie, Polk Station, Ward, Perry
dale, Cochran, Rickreall, Oak Point,
Klkins, Independence, Brush College,
West Salem, Buell, Spring Valley,
Popcorn, Harmony, North DallaB,
Etna (100 per cent), McTimmonds
Valley, Greenwood, Fir Grove, Con
cord, Oak Dale, Lone Star, McCoy,
Guthrie, Black Rock, Falls City. Oak
hurst, Wigglebrldge, Hopville, Grande
Ronde, Mistletoe, Pioneer.
The following schools have been
placed on the roll of honor for the
County for not having any tardies dur
! ing the month: Zena, Smithfield, Val
j ley View, Polk Station, Gooseneck,
Oak Point, Elklns, Brush College,
Spring Valley, Montgomery, North
'Dallas, Etna, Greenwood, Sunnyslope,
! Guthrie, Powels Camp, Pioneer, Cher
iry Grove, Wigglebridse, Mistletoe.
I The attendance this months is much
; better than it was for the correspond
I ing month last year, as last year the
attendance was for month ending No
vember 5, 95 per cent and this year is
! 96.3 per cent, also the record all
i through the month has been better
In all parts of the school work. We
must all try and keep up this line
of work and wo will make this the
best year ever.
! School Superintendent, Polk County.
Editor Clark Woods Prints Spicy Ed
itorial Tolling Oregon What
Ho Thinks of It.
Opened April 1st and we are prepared to furnish
you the right kind of tackle at the right price.
We are headquarters for the famous Spalding
line and do not lie down for any others. Give
us a call.
W. R. Ellis' Confectionery
UfKto-date Candy Kitchen in rear. We invite you
, to inspect it
The Store Where
Prices Count
On Saturday, NovembeivvJPll
sale a four-tie parlor broonaUhePgcLPIlf!
of 39 cents.
We wish to ell particular attention to our ""'''J', 't9J. ,.ou to
china. If you are looking for an etra nice pre -nt,
"amine our ' ,nJ frames.
We also have Just received a line of holiday pictures
The price, alone, on the picture sell them.
. ,ou the nv q..-l S
Why p.? Sac pound for tea when
,nr 5'? If vnd
, ,h, til h'
Our line of J and iS ft. coffee is
haven't tested them, now is your chance.
1t for on
, lc. We
We .re Uo leaders fr all ground 'I lin- of
'ipect to open, about Dec, If one of the " our rtore
ver shown in Dallas. On and after t- """
open every evening, for the ben. fit of Xmas
$4.75 to $7
to 14.75; 1
JJ.90; goat. $2 5
(Weston leader.)
The result of the normal school
election in Oregon is amazing, yet
convincing. I am amazed, because I
never had a moment's doubt that all
three schools would win. I am con
vinced convinced that Oregon eon
tains more blithering bone-heads to
the square mile than could be collect
ed by combing with a muck rake the
entire region between Kalamazoo and
Who am I, that hath waxed so ar
rogant and presumptuous? Well, '.
was secretary of the. Weston Normal
campaign, and now "concede my de
feat" hv somewhere between three
thousand and six thousand votes.
am publisher of the Weston Leader. I
began as "roller boy" and in the
course of twenty-five Industrious
years have worked my way around
the Washington hand-press until
now manipulate the lever. You see,
speak with some authority.
The occasion of this letter is the
re-appearance of the bald and de
creoit lie, by way of an editorial obit
uary, that the Oregonian has used for
twenty years. After the defeat of two
of the schools, it says again that they
were "local high schools." I am re
signed that they should die, but not
that they should be burled with this
slander clinging to their shrouds.
When hit between the eyes by the
Oregon senate in 1909, the Weston
Normal had a registration .of 275 nor
mal students only 19 per cent of whom
came from Umatilla county and the
rest from seventeen , other Oregon
counties. It had a complete training
school of 100 pupils. In its faculty
were eight teachers who came from
leading universities including Yale
and Harvard and our own Oregon
University. It had a $40,000 main
building built by the state and well
ninn.fl from too to bottom. It had
two dormitories and a campus con
taining ten acres of ground presented
by the town of Weston. Its boarding
halls and six rented cottages were
overflowing with out-of-town students.
None of these things were or could be
true of a "local high school.
The Oregonian charges again that
the normal schools were constantly
"log-rolling" and constituted "legis
lative scandal." It is true that they
had to fight for every appropriation,
... . ...... J rt mnro t tl 1 n
whicn never amuumcu
one dollar, where . Washington gave
four dollars to its three normals; but
as President Campbell has tersely ob
served, they were generally "under
the log."
Whenever they began to grow they
wore nulled ud by the roots by an in-
-...loitivn Rtnte. They cost the towns in
which they were located thousands of
dollars when these towns naa
nnre concern with them than
.tto nt larire and should never have
been required to contribute a cent. As
to legislative scandal, I again cnai
lenge the Oregonian to specify a sin
irle Instance wherein the. norma
.nhm,l carried a vicious measure or
ft a meritorious measure,
never has. It cannot now. It has killed
the normal schools by years or per
-i-tont and merciless mendacity.
The victory of Monmouth affords
nn!ntlon to frieneis or eou
throughout the state. Yet it will
be more than five years before the
n.fnmnnth normal can graduate a
.inia trained teacher, unless
course of study is shortened, and by
thnt time Oregon will need the pro
duct not only of one or of three nor-
mi hot of half a dozen. Tnougnnu.
educators know now that what I say
ro and a thoughtless puiinc w...
find it out When the hard-fisted son
f h .nil "bucked" because he would
i,av to nav the cost of a good cigar
annually for three normals for every
thousand dollars or his taxaoie p...u
erty the appalling sum of 12 cents,
v.. exact he virtually declar
ed that an eighth-grade graduate with
- irrade certificate is
enough for his children; and this is
.i,nt .11 the country districts win
with the cities constantly. recruitiiK
..... teachers. Not many train
, frnm other states are apl to
eoioe to Oregon, with Washington an
aiifnrnla paying better wages.
truth, we are losing some of our own,
and are likely to lose more.
There Is a rift or two In the clouds.
1 ... ennntv gave a handsome major-
14.75 to $ J1.; aneep. ,nd T do not
0; hogs. 8.85 to 910''7'trtBh" r did in behalf of the
University of Oregon when Its appro
priation was raided by the referen-
,r1. Several . other western
jl' .hnwed a progressive spirit.
....... .... . ... ,...,!
while eastern uregon mmj i-.-
It, own school. But to Jackson county
l southern Oregon belongs the palm
for rolling up the Diggeai
people of Oregon, to do something
with a big school building which over
looks the town of Weston. It was
gutted by order of the state board.
which sqld its contents to unk deal
ers for a song, and stands empty and
forlorn an eyesore and a disgrace to
the town of Weston, which Is not re
sponsible but must bear the discard
ed burden of infamy. Personally I
would like to stand at the top of
Mount Hood and hand this building
in convenient fragments to the school
killers of the state a half a' brick for
each head but such a plan is im
oractical. perhaps. The next legisla
ture may be kind enough .to appropri
ate money for a care-taker. Something
of the sort should be done.
The town of Weston is not sorry to
be rid of the normal, which has been
An Event of Importance to Young
Men of Two States.
Each County Will Regulate Its Own
Taxation Poll Tax Is
Compilation of the official vote on
the various initiative and referendum
measures, as canvassed by the county
election boards, reverses the result
heretofore announced on the county
taxation amendment that appeared
under the ballot numbers 326 yes and
327 no. Instead of having been defeat-
16 " 1 1 ".-.. n,mu..' flrea Hhow that the
buUdmgsfT "on Its" nand, measure has carried by a majority of
Otherwise "we wouldn't care. We now 1655
. 1 1 ...,Un( roll iinrlorl Th
nave an innu v . - . Ml,,t,
1. in honoflt ciai returns wua m m
r0u ToU" ndTouny than twenty nomah County on this measure The
normal schools. Were it not for these unofficial but complete tebulat on.
IL we would laugh at made several days ago indicated that
lui allium uuiiuio)
the folly of the common-wealth.
Valley Growers Show More General
Disposition to Sell.
the bill had received an adverse ma
lority of nearly 1000 votes in Multno
man. County. The official figures show
that It carried in Multnomah by ap
proximately 2000.
Radical diange Made,
The amendment carried Is the most
radical and sweeping of three tax
amendments submitted. The county
Tn the valley now, according to local tax measure, as it is commonly known
dealers, there is a more general dis- waa submitted through the initiative
position to sell hops than was the case by the labor organizations or tne Biate,
a week or two ago. and in some cases It takes from the Legislature all pow-
It is said that choice goods are avail-1 er to pass laws regulating taxation or
oi.io nt nrices arouna IS cents, a. n exemptions ana given uiai tvc.
market this week has been a very y to the people, although tne Lgisia
quiet affair, quiet unlike that of two ture may submit such laws for ap-
weeks ago, and this in general is at- proval or rejection at me, pun".
trii.nted to the oresent slackness or tne county is permitted to regulate nut
demand. Hon within its borders as It sees fit.
Snme revival of activity is expected The levying of poll tax Is pronimiea
fV.o lntter nnrt of the month, but The bill is regarded as naving oeen
,hti,nr thl will bring any Improve-1 designed as an entering wedge for
ment in the way of prices remains to "single tax" measures. Under its pro
be seen. Meantime many of the grow- visions a county whose voters were so
. who about the first of the month disposed might adopt tnai system
ui hnve nfilained Drices around 14 even though the, measure couia not
cents for choice hops now regret that muster strength in the state at large
thev did not let go. Others appear to to be made a state law. une run text
be holding as firmly for 15 cents as 0f the amendment ioiiowb.
Text of Ainentuneiiu
( . . 1 ... n , 1 . I .... I nf t. fl
To fho Vnllev a few scattering wu Article 01 me wibuiuu i
have heen picked up this week, at state of Oregon shall be, and hereby is
12 cents for the most part, and tne amended by Inserting me jouuwius
tm 0-rnn-es are sa d to have Been sect on in said Article ia, nuer
rather freely offered at lower prices, tion 1 and before Section 2, and U
but with little trade resulting. It is be- shall be designated as Section la of
lieved that the hops now left in first Article IX:
hnmia In the state aggregate about ARTICLE IX.
. .,, ,-,( thorn, nimrojlmate-1 Sonllnn la. No Doll or neaa tax
l,UUU umro v ...w 1
y one-third is counted as choice. shall be levied or couecteu 111 u's
A rennrt from The Dalles says mat no bill regulating ihxuuuu co..,F
n,r A Wertz. Tygh Valley ranch- tion throughout the State shall be
hnve delivered to the Eastern Lome a Taw until approved by the peo
r.rn Ttrewinir Company 14,000 Dle of the State at a regular general
nnnnds of hops grown in the vaney, election; none 01 tne restricuuua ui ie
. . , . 1 iua , ,.'fi ....... oK 1 1 unnlv to measures
receiving 1 cents u. puuuu av. n.o u.uudiuuuu rt--
duct. The Tygh Valley crop runs from approved by the people qcciarins wnm
1 nnn tn 20.00ft nound a year, and as anall be subject to taxation or exemp
a rule the crop is taken over by The tion and how it shall be taxed or ex
Dalles brewery. These hops are of tne empted whether proposed Dy tne ws
u. not, l.ioter variety. They won very haiatlve Assembly or by Initiative pe
favorable notice when exhibited at the tltion; but the people of the several
x i oinrk Kxnosltlon and also Lounties are hereby empowered and
at the Seattle Exposition. Telegram, authorized to regulate taxation and
exemptions witnin tneir several coun
ties, subject to any general law which
may be hereafter enacted,
Receipts ami Sales at Portland Union
Stock Yards.
PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 19 Receipts
for the week ending today have been
as follows: Cattle, 1509; calves, 110;
hogs, 2219; sheep, 4221; goats, 330;
horses. 3.
ti,. enitle market has been steady.
The quality of the offerings has not
been such as to call forth any higher
prices, but buyers have been asking
for a better quality 01 nea..
t..e entile.
The sheep market has been Btrong
to high. Good quality or mutton
been In strong demand and good weth
ers have sold for $4.75. The demand
for fat and finished sheep was In ex
cess of the supply and the larger part
of the offerings came from Montana
;POThehog market, in sympathy with
the lower level of price, prevailing
East, has been from 10c to 25c lower
. - - ..,..k amounted
The best saie i..r " ; -$9.25
and prices ranged from $8.00
j o $9.00 for the bulk of the sah
Packers have given the preference to
' ocal offerings in their purchase, and
he market ha. been higher th. the
cost of Missouri River hogs laid down
at North Portland xaras.
Representative "1,-. have been a.
JZ: Steer,$5.,.o$5 55; caK
heifers. H
... 4.75: larai ' .'
rvo..ir jr.. TfiiKHV Pusses at im-ov.ii
Home Near Sheridan.
The 11th annual convention of the
Oregon-Idaho Men's Christian Associa.
tions to be held in Eugene, December
to 4 Is of more than usual signifl
cance, as it marks the completion of
the first decade of organized state
work in this district. The first conven
tion was held .In Eugene In December,
900. In these ten years, the Associa
tion movement has shown marked
progress throughout these two states,
the increase being from two hundred
to six hundred per cent In Its various
activities of work. . A review of this
program will be made in detail at the
Eugene Convention. '
The magnificent $50,000 building or
th ttnerena Association, which has
been completed during the year, will
be the headquarters of the convention
and is typical of the progress being
made In other cities. The Directors of
the Eugene Association and the Eu
gene Commercial Club extend a hear
ty invitation to the business men from
other cities to attend. Free entertain
ment will be provided for visitors In
the homes of the city.
The program is a strong one. E. L.
Bhuey, advertising manager 01 me
Lowe Bros. Paint Company, of Day
ton. Ohio, is one of the principal
speakers and leaves his own interests
for over a month without remunera
tion to attend the convention. Chas. P.
Drum, one of the Secretaries of the In
ternational Committee, will speak at
the men's meeting In the Eugene thea
tre on Saturday afternoon. He recent
ly spent several weeks among the men
on the Panama Canal and is a speaker
of great force. Of unusual Interest will
be the steroptican address on Satur
day evening by George B. Hodge, Eu
ucational Secretary of the Internation
al Committee, showing the kind of
practical education which is carried
on In the night schools or tne asso
elation throughout Nortn America.
The Tacoma Association Male Quar
tette will sing at all sessions of the
Reduced rates have been made on
all rallrod lines in Oregon and Idaho
giving one and a third fare for the
round trip. Parties attending tne
convention should purchase a full
fare one way ticket to Eugene taking
a receipt from the agent. This will en
title the holder to a third fare on re
All men. whether members of the
Young Me.n's Christian Assocltlon or
not. are Invited to attend tne conven
tion. Full information may be had by
applying to I. B. Rhodes, State Secre,
tary. 806 Association Building, Port
land, Oregon.
New Saloon Ordinance Passes Council
by Unanimous Vote; Important
Changes Mudo in Measure.
Drawn to Serve at Regular Session of
Circuit Court for Polk County.
Vrank Edward Hussy, a native son
of Yamhill county, and well known to
nil old residents of Polk, TlUamooK
and this county, died suddenly at the
home of John Brown, west of town, on
Sutnrdnv. November 12,
The deceased was born at Hutier,
Mrs. Victor Fink Passes at Family
Homo on Suit Creek.
Mrs. Victor Fink died at the family
home on Salt Creek. Thursday morn
ing, November 17, 1910, at o'clock,
aged 63 years and 18 days, She had
Ml. MinHia Mager Gives
lo Seni'ir flaw.
The music studio of W for the Ashland school-hut for TT
r.rnylZ, And th. remind, me th.t
a very 'lll -V Wb Ashland and Weston were I her.P
Oregon, May 24, 1855, and on Novem- been tt patent sufferer from the effect,
ber 7, 1880 wa. married to Lulu nf cancer for several years, and her
Duran. To this union were born lour death was the result of that disease,
children Mrs. Grace Reedcr, of Al- notwithstanding the fact that she had
Mae. now at home; Clauoe, 01 , ,vpn tne best or medical ana
Tillamook and Virgil; of Albany. He aurxlcnl treatment.
rvlved also by one grandchild, one M . Flnk waa j,orn In Baden, uer-
iter and two brothers. He had al- October 30, 1847. She came
ways lived In this vicinity and was wltn her father to the United states
.ihiv resnected by all. 1 m 1849. and after living here until
His death was due to paralysis mat jgsg, returned with him-to ner nauvt
flrat enme on him at 11 mw land, in ll sne came iu .n...-..-
mornlng, and at 6 o'clock In the even- aKaln Bnd npre phe lived the remain
ing he. passed peacefully away. 11 was de,p of hPr ufe. she was married iu
m,.n,,il,le for his wife and children n victor Fink In St. Louis, Missouri.
to be present Mae belnpr dangerously AuKt , 1867. After their marriage.
111 at her home in Portland, ana mr. Doctor and Mrs. Kinic locawa in "-
Reeder down with pneumonia at ai- evnie, Illinois, a suburb or Hi. Luia.
v. where tne Doctor uni-u 1
Interment was made Monday in inn feBHlon for several years, iiere mc.
family burial ground on tne urn widest daugnter, now mrm. !... J ,
r...r ttntler. the service, being L,e. was born. Th y afterwards moved
conducted by Rev. II. W. Kuhlman. , Mwaukee. Wisconsin, where the
Sheridan Sun. Doctor practiced for 17 years. u
few year.' residence in Wisconsin.
INDEPENDENCE IS CAREFUL they moved to California 'J
J III n- J w ... -
and lettled on a farm on Bait Creole.
.. ... . i. . rw(n. r .
in Polk 1 ounty. m-re mo
tired from his practice and established
one of the most attractive and desir
able homes In the Willamette Valley.
Mrs. Fink Is survived by her hus
band and four children. The children
are: Mrs. Henry Oeddes, of Fresno,
California; Mrs. Peter Hansen, of
Sheridan: Victor Flnk. of Sheridan.
The following list of jurors hns been
drawn by County Clerk Smith and
Sheriff Grant to serve at the Decern
hor orm nf Circuit Court for Polk
William Holslngton, Monmouth.
George L. Richards, McCoy.
C. A. Kerber, Alrlle.
Robert Reed, Dallas.
Frank Fawk, Dallas.
C. A. Ramsey, Dallas.
D. P. Stapleton, Independence.
W. M. Ray, Butler.
C. C. Sloan, Monmouth.
A. E. Myer, Falls City.
Wiley Norton, Alrlle.
M. H. Buell. Falls City.
J. R. Robblns, Independence.
Frank Lynn, Perrydale.
E. G. White, Falls City.
N. S. Burch, Rickreall.
T. P. Bevens, Alrlle.
J. R. Moyer. Falls City.
R. G. Allen, Suver.
J. W. Allen. Rickreall.
John Orr, Rickreall.
Larkln Grlce, Salem R. F. V.
O. W. Newblll, Ballston.
M. R. Black, Independence.
Ira Mehrllng, Falls City.
R. O. Dodson, Monmouth.
Ralph Adams, Dallas.
A. E. Tetherow, Buver.
W. A. Sloper. Independence.
A. B. Morlan, Monmouth.
Wayne Henry, Salem R. F. D.
Dallas la promised relief from un
desirable conditions caused by muddy
streets. At a meeting of the city
council last night, the Street Commit
tee was authorized to accept the offer
of a machinery company to furnish a
street sweeper on 30 days' free trial.
The company guarantees its machine
to thoroughly remove the mud from
the macadam streets, the city being
under .no obligation to buy if the work
la not satisfactory. The result of the
test will be awaited with interest by
the officers, as they are anxious to
find some successful method of clean
ing the streets during the rainy Wint-
At Its meeting last night, the coun
cil ordered a 32-candlepower electric
light installed at the crossing of Wash
ington street and Fairview avenue.
near the home of William Greenwood.
The new macadam block on Wash
ington street, between Lyle and Lewis .
streets, was accepted by the city.
The bill of Mrs. Rhoda Hill for
$500 as damages for alleged Injuries
received in a fall on a defective side
walk on Levens street was disallowed,
the special committee to whom the
claim had been referred submitting an
unfavorable report.
The new liquor ordinance was read
second time and was passed by a
unanimous vote of the council. The
annual saloon license . was fixed at
800. ' The ordinance was revised in
few minor particulars, one of the
changes being to grant one license for
each 1000 of population or "major
fraction" thereof. The original ordi
nance provided for one license for
each 1000 population or "fraction"
thereof. Under the new provision, not
more than three licenses can be grant
ed until the city shall have a popula
tion exceeding 3 B00. Another change
nrovldes that a relative of an habtiual
drinker may file with the City Aud
itor a protest against the sale of liq
uor to such habitual drinker. ' The
Auditor .shall forthwith file a copy of
such protest with each liquor dealer In
the city, and any sale made contrary
to such protest thereafter shall con
stitute a violation of the ordinance. In
other respects, the ordinance iB Iden
tical with the text of the law recently
published in the city newspapers.
An agreement having been reacneu
with the Crlder brothers relative to
the -confinement of the waters or the
mill race by a concrete arch, the
Street Committee was instructed to
build the retaining walls and furnish
the- the patterns for such arch the
Crlder brothers to complete the work.
The office building on the lower
floor of the City Hall was leased to the
Ohio Investment Company, to be used
s a real estate office. The leasing or
city ground east of the hall to a bro
ther of II. L. Fenton for theater pur
poses waa referred to a committee.
Preliminary steps were taken looking
to the better lighting of the council
Interest InTcatctl Dy imiipnuu.
Irvine Bacheller, the . author of
Eben Ilolden," was introduced one
day by a mutual friend to a western
mountaineer. "Mr. Bacheller, ex
claimed the friend to the mountain
eer, "I. an author of great repute in
the east." Oh, yes!" drawled tne
mountaineer; "I know of him. I was
locked up in my cabin nere ny me
snow two winters ago and I only had
two book, to read the whole five
months; your hook, sir," he said, turn
ing to Mr. Bacheller, "and the Bible
and I read them both through several
times." "Indeed!" said the author, a
smile of satisfaction wreathing his
face. "Yes, sir," continued the old
mountaineer, "and I never knew be
fore how Interesting the Bible wa."
nil Will P Strict Law for Re(rula-
lion of Saloon
The city of Independence is work
ing on plans for Its new saloon ordi
nance. Among the principal features
of the new ordinance Is the restricting
of saloons to the city', population. The
plan I. to allow one saloon to everyaf)1 Arnur pnk, at home.
1000 Inhabitants or fraction tnereoi.
This plan will allow only two saloons
the city. The license iee win
la,-. at 11000 per nnum.
the fact that three keeper, will '''JoT
while mo-
....... -, .nd none . - -
. a .h. .nl..r supporters mrV . - - .!,,,,, ...rveillance of the city -
.- ii(n biiu - - - navi n ,
d.nl. hy "" -. indent, other In view. n c.... , kjnd for nfl.ume or
Mudents. About A rfiortmu-j "paddle your own ranee- I oth(rwi.e will 1 permitted and no
and friend. - . ,,. Multnomah
ng of young mu.ea' . , Tecnni
i..n anil ineir . ... it,i. are neeaa,
n this years - ' . .
. reciption
Mrs. Flnk was faithful member of
Married In Arleta.
Mr. Jack Oraap and Miss Josephine
May Kimble, (better known as Miss
Juste Faull.) were recently married at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Faull In Arleta. Oregon. The young
couple will make their home In Seat
tle. The bride I. a daughter of William
Kimble, of this city. After the death
of her mother several years ago, .he
wa. adopted Into the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Faull. She ha. many rriena.
among the younger set In Dallas.
Call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that all Tolk
County Warrants presented and en
Offer Sites for Branch Asylum.
Dr. R. E. Lee Stelner ha. returned
from Portland, where, with Acting
Governor Bowerman and State Treas
urer Steel, proposal, as to the site for
the new eastern Oregon branch Insane
asylum were llxtened to. The new asy
lum Is to be located within nve murs
of either Baker City. La Grande or
Pendleton, a. the board may decide.
u r,n -" : : M ,r wnt of fund."
tne witneran L..u.i.. -----"- - ' . , ,, .. wl be
the nignesi eair.n .... r
. nnnr..tinn She wa. a home- paid upon presentation at
r f
was rfnut-i
nomah couaty lrtua y cm-j ., 1m. ..,,. Window.. n,y
,e one-hool propoi U by , nn
W vote o Monmouth ' , ,H more than four feet , Tne de.
ie tO An.n
y, I am d m PI
nvr. ' r.Id.ndaie. to Multnomah to aav
,ident here from jd Vnii
1 r.riCTm
,he or-ier of the evenin alao , A.hl.nd .d
tnjtide stunen.. . Fr.nkly. I am diaappom.-..
' Ment here from Goldeno. - of Oregon. In
ZZ.on. Alt.eiher it wa. ... ,dorw.d the one-normal
' . ' to I !" remembered.
loving woman and was mno. 10 in
poor and afflicted. She waa greatly
tx loved hy her neighbors for her many
arU of kindness and charity. The Flnk
home was the center of hospitality and
good cheer In the prosperou. r
both stranger, ana
flndlnc there m cordial
death of thl. good wo-
... . . . 1. . a..,.- Th r.tlla- . ... .1 .. .. .11 mnA the
r inoked hair nmn irm ... man i oeepiy m..u.u
mah to save an tne """""-, ... , rir.0. , higher or-
y office.
No Interest will be allowed after date
of thl. notice.
Dated this 18th day of November at
my oftVe.
County Trea.unr.
Card of Tlialika.
We desire to thank our neiehbor.
ei.ly mourned ny an. ana i.. , ,k.i- ,. klndnesse
.. -in imtvi ... . j k... ana in
ti.ai. whlen m - ttrreaved nunnano anu .-....... ,, the last Illness and after tne
m wiuw ..-.w. . ... - .in.A wif. and moinw,
aawtrlng them that we ahall ever hold
der of aalo.na In the city.
. , ..... n other
tdoa. whicn ot-iain-
states of the union.
Portland waa rlfM. pernat-.
nnrglary at Mt"oy.
nr.1ir broke Into the
.. ..tiliin! . un firnMl n-ed. . of Harry
11. .-. sremna ..... m- .d
- 1 .w- . . Mnra man 11 .1-. suivi.7
LanU In
mote a
the aytnpathy of
Lanaher Yard for IaA-prnilewre.
The Charles K. Spauldin Co. kasj
purrhaaed a half block In lndepend-
1 ence, and naa
the same In grateful rem.ni. ...... .
force of men at work 1
JutlfTe Cwtd .ppottL
County Jads. Ed F. Coad ha. been
i,..t.iuart-r . . . .. i.w n,. mt,u ,.r .hihm of itr-n nanuw. 1 n . t In an no-to-I
.. that Thansnii -nrmal: lt n ""; t. . ...w , ct- i nere .,... " k--- - - mnnnltrA . delegate to th
' "r:...v. -n rrear need of Marion. I -te a-.--,, .--- '"'ZZT.n out ! her yard in tna c.y.
" '.."I. m-d of Thuraday .. ote of three to one !rry. " ' " ' " ' " J' rM I new yard will l : .. w.ll Novem
h,i4 thatei.- pty. I eurret that " by the j mouth atreet and will r- acre-....- ; - - -
ainc. Co. H. Jj p. M T, the e.pen-e ' n4 "rk "f pnf"""- th, u,h.r Pacific railroad for ( OrJ.
rriday -isht. ta . . .nlum tare eaooah j , . ,.,v It u understood that the.
In centempiauoai m
e Waahln-
nn. to be held
ber J
Evry , .rip,r at drill ff, ,h entire couaty. aad for ocr.
Ml FrWT hx-
llesd fHhrrr VMI
6VIaton. f rmberiles from.
.... .ad ns-amaa and "Id Tmahlll 1 uitr fnion of San Fran-
I company haa
Krnest Iden. prid'-nt of Ik' wMllr there of a commodious saw
r . Twr. JP. . i t , an-.sht
WALTKit 1- t v--fst of the Sal
fc tocatod nfr the , , lh, cjty .y. viai'ina
anilL Palim piateaman.
r;aia Comma ad i
u I. t nir,im.
y rvrrant.
fVwt rwrmltwrw Iolbd.
I make fumltura polish that wfil
withstand tha action of alcoheU There
i. aoaa better mad, aad It la for '
ik. lor-ai "" - j . ..i. nf the, in any naii.i
. l.i.lr a mMX- .1- l. ft Ikk .flfrn f"f ! tTOC coamj !,. o.v. moarT b boyinX tl
bnt-aliK naa l-"-- , ia - - - - . Kodle of IrricaWe Una ! tBe,ra.n - -
1 , . thee" t" wniin
Cylinder Records
Trie clear, full, bri!'.!ant
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structible Cylinder Rec
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