Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, November 04, 1910, Image 3

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gcrt.la'"' Siiww!" A,1,H
" . .....iiiire Company.
" '
Kerslake, a former furniture
rr'n of Datlus. In attain In the
""' having purchased the 'mock
Hiln of tJie Adamg & Brobat
and mtareUr Kerslake has already
ewlon of the store and an
taken P" mmoth clearing sale, an
0unce a whlch will be found
N in th's paP-. .
. Kerslake l an experienced fur-
man and his success in nia new
,1Wre mf" ured. His many friends
hint the county win oe pieasea
TZTmt he ha. engaged in busl-
m Dallas again anu win w.wwu
nf98 liberal share of their patronage,
"management of Mr.. Kerslake'
T"e " . .. ., i,uen turned over to
, Ta' a brother of W""8
! Jn" cltv. and a thorough-
S'"""11. ,'. ,i m.nretlc- young man.
Grant Gets Patent.
wm Grant, the obliging "mail car
" , ,. Nn 2. was made
ffl Tuesday evening by the arrival
Tl Washington of a- patent to his
Jead in Lincoln County.. The
" the Government has dallied aloVig
. tt-i naop WO
! tienee of a less patient .man
L Mr: Grant, but If Is good to know
than Mr
,hat this norarai'"" . -eelvetl.justlee
at the hands of the pow
ers that be. Tne ciiiim .. ".
In the Silets country. V
, ' Sum Hul k Sells. - t
g L Burk has sold his Interest In
tlu'drnying business of Shaw & Burk
Henry Muscott and will, engage In
Pro,..h.,M,t Marion coulrty
GlMllI Vl'n-.l ......
iur Monmouth,
(E. M. Crolsnn In. Salem nt..l
I am in favor of t 0 I"
schools, and more "7
bill now befors ,,!., U"y of the
"h the Monmouth BTtVV8tab
School on a lirm .,., I Normal
The state owes somf.thlnK nf V
to the poor yon,.- I" S 0f helP
who is striving to train I, My
herself to teach in the b.VmT
This is the fnH:e..IU"CBch0'-
auenu anv nf tv
school, ael, pTtheh:n0rmal
middle class people "e P0rer r
The'Monmouth school Is well eouin
ped in the way of hu.W.ntta ? J
ances for carrying Itfj V0V
"C,U"K 10 the state of Ore
gon. What It laek8 now , a r
able support from the taxpayers,
the bill now before the peole Z
tributes this support s that ,t wi,, be
merely )flIt,slrnal, ,V(!n ag
upon those who have large property
holdings. I am more ,han wmPer2
theb!llUtft my Sh"re' 39 aWor" In
-. The Monmouth scbo.,1 m the pioneer
school. Marlon ei-.,t, ,..., .
iu It !
Sltor 'n Dallas Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. T? v ,..
mouth, were v u "lulBey' 01 Mon
day. 8itors 10 "as yester-
Arthur Aiior,
business v . " Z " mna- wa"
dUy. " auas, Wednes-
Cass RIccb. nf n. . "'
Mrs. Wnlto, m . .
Mies VthJ e ana daughter,
yerday ' ,B DaIlas
by'toB"86 Y' Myer' ccomp.nled
for f fr' hM gone to Newport
for a few days' stay.
I I. Bursell a r,t .
Monmouth was a , mr f
rnii. 1 a bus"iess visitor in
nf K 6"' 8 Pro3Perous farmer
;, ,;;; , "1"nmout1 wa a business
in uaiias yesterday.
Mrs. H. a Camapbell returned
nome Wednesday
al days' visit m P
John Leveck. a HnWn,-;i
of he Lewlwliie neighborhood, was in
on a business visit Wednes-
Doctor L. Pfandhwr, a leading
Physician of Pnik nr.i ,
r ,, """"'), was uown
from tabs City on a business visit a
-man, should suunon 'hn i,m ,
iimuiiB mis inalitut OM. f,. -dh,
ty Is a neighbor of on . ." few hours yesterday afternoon
I ... " ' it in tfiinri
c'tlnship to be nelgLborly and fair.
x nope no Marion county man will
think of voting against (ho Monmouth
other lines'
of worlc -
Kl.allng. " '
Skating Wednesday plghts until fur-
.... mUnfa a,lll hn aWntlnfr
j ther nonce, in-'o
J Wednesday and Saturday nights of
cacn ween.
L, D. Brown, Abstracter; Notary.
It Is a long ballot, but don't forget
the boys ana gins i kuuhijt. v
M on No. 98. ,t
The Farmer's Fire Jlellef Asso.cla-
. . a nri...
of Buttevnie, weeon; J. u. vviiui
Biisna Vista. Oregoni :
aSt" ; ...
I, H. VAN WINKLE, of Salem, has
Itad experience especially fitting him
(or circuit Judge while serving as as
sistant to Attorney-General Crawford.
Ha respectfully asks your vote. (Paid
Advertisement.) .
Klfct Four Supreme Judges.
For the first tims in n... i,i.-..
the State, there are four judges of the
oup.tMi.B v ouri to elect at the general
election two for four vnn .....
for six years. The Republican candi
dates with their numbers on th v,iw
are ns follows:
For the four year terms,
27 , Henry J. J5,.ail f TT11,nim
2 Tlionmt A. Alclirlil.. ,.t
ainiiK Coiiuly.
For the six year terms,
33 Gouriro II. Itunu it ,f r..i,.
38 Frank A. Aloore of f',,l,i.i,.
Vote for No. 98. It will do
the schools of this county than any
law ever voted.
Mrs. Frank Ralli.-ky visited friends
in Dallas yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Sal
ficky returned f.om Southern Califor
nia a few days ago and will locpte in
Klamath Falls.
Tice Brown, of San Jose, Califor
nia, is veiling at the home of his
brother, J. H. Brown, on Salt Creek.
rte was a guest at the home of School
Superintendent and Mrs. Harry Sey
mour yesterday.
G. MIsth, of Redmond, was In Dal
las yesterday in the interest of the
proposed County of Deschutes. Mr.
Misch informs us the people of Crook
County are favorable to the division.
Crook county is something like 90
miles square and the promoters of the
new county argue that the country
can be developed much more rapidly
by dividing the territory into smaller
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Howe, of this
city, are the proud parents of a fine
daughter, born Sunday, October 30,
Members of Epworth teoguo Enter
talned at Home of Dr. Young.
One of the most enjoyable affairs of
the year was the social given by the
Epworth League at the home of Dr.
and Mrs. D. D. Young on Hallowe'en:
About eighty guests were present, a
large majority of whom were enmask
appropriate to the occasion.
Some of the guests were startled by
the arrival of His Satanic Majesty and
Imps who held high revels over
burning caldron, but were unable- to
have any Influence over those present
because of the favorable fortunes that
were told by Madame Fortune Teller.
A musical program was rendered by
ghosts and others, while readings were
given and ghost stories - were told
around the camp fire. The refresh
ments of the evening consisted of good
old fasioned pumpkin pies, rosy-cheeked
apples and (un) skimmed milk.
The home was tastefully decorated
with bats, black cats, Jack-o-lanterns
and pumpkins. All present enjoyed the
evening and this occasion is taken to
extend an invitation to all to come out
to devotional meetings of the Epworth
League Sunday evenings at 6:30 p. m.
May Recover from Injuries.
MONMOUTH, Or., Nov. 3 Doctors
Bowersoxand Price, who attended G.
M. Bennett after his runaway acci
dent Monday, report that he will prob
ably recover. One of his ear was cut
off and a portion of his cheek torn
away, and he was otherwise bruised
and injured.
Buys Residence Lots.
J. W. Everhart, a recent arrival
from Idaho, has purchased two choice
residence lots in Levens" Third Addi
tion to Dallas. The sale was made
through H. G. Campbell's real estate
agency and the price paid for the two
lots was $625.
School Election Saturday.
The special school election for the
purpose of voting $10,000 bonds to
complete the new Dallas High School
will be held in the City Hall tomorrow
Baled Hay Fop Sale.
Baled oat hay for sale at $15 a ton
delivered In Dallas. Address T. E. Ed
gell, Monmouth. ll-4-2t.
Vote Yes on No. 98. It means better
schools both in the city and the coun
try. - .
Fall Display of Boys' and
Young Men's Clothes
We want the people of every section of Polk County to see our immense
stock of Boys' and Young Men's Clothes. Would like to have you come
in and look them over, even if you don't intend to buy just now. We
can show you the big city styles the hard to find kind is here some es
pecially desirable styles and patterns that will appeal to all classes.
ft JC5 We also have a big line of
"if, m ml
" L-h
mJi nW
i iM k -
I I'll V yf. o.W"? LV i
i 1 li ji !i lh )
Boys' and
Sizes for all ages.
Over five hundred boys' and
young men's suits arrived
here within the last ten
days, and they are different
from the ordinary ready-to-wear
clothes.; All new
models and every suit guar-
Edcrheimer, Stein & CoX-
anteed to give satisfaction.
Complete Line of FallM
1 0. 0. F. Bldg
A Reliable Place to Trade
Dallas, Oregon
Says Home Rule Will Be Subject to
Jxxal Option Law.
Passage of the home rule amend
ment to the Constitution at the No
vember election wilt.- not, as oppo
nents of the measures have contend
ed, make the State. Constitution and
criminal laws inoperative in cities and
towns of Oregon, according to tiu of
ficial opinion of Attorney General
Crawford. " '
When he learned that this ques.lli-n
had . been raised, H. C. McAUis:ei
general manager of the Oregon Home
Rule Association, requested .the at
torney general for an opinion. The
following ruling was made.
H. C. McAllister, Portland, Oregon:
Dear Slr Replying to yours of the
24th Inst., requesting opinion of this
office as to whether the proposed con
stitutional amendment of section 2 of
article XI of the constitution of the
State of Oregon, should it become a
law, would have the effect of exempt
ing cities and towns from the operai
tlon of the constitution and criminal
laws of the state of Oregon, I beg to
say that such amendment would not
have that effect. : , ,
It provides that the legal voters of
every city and town are herebygrant
ed power to enact and amend their
municipal charters subject to the con
stitution and criminal laws of the
State of Oregon, and the exclusive
power to license, regulate, control, or
to suppress, or prohibit the sale of in
toxicating liquors therein is vested in
such municipality.but such municipal
ity shall within Us limit be subject to
the provisions of the local option law
of the State of Oregon.
That amendment vests the legal
voters of every city or town with 'au
thority to amend their charters in
any manner which does not violate
the provisions of the constitution of
tho state or the criminal laws of the
state. Then It vests in the city council,
or in the people through the city coun
cil, the exclusive power to control and
regulate, or prohibit, the sale of in
toxicating liquors withjn the corporate
limits, but at the same time It gives
the people of the municipality the
right to vote local option within the
municipality at any time they please,
and when the legal voters of the in
corporation shall vote local option,
then the power of the city council to
grant licenses is suspended during the
time that prohibition is in force with
in the city. Very respectfully yours.
Candidate for Circuit Judge, Third
Judicial District.
No. 55, Official Ballot.
To the voters of the Third Judicial
District As voters you are entitled to
know something of the qualifications
of a candidate for so important an of
fice as that of Circuit Judge. As I can
not, reach you all personally, you will
pardon this open letter concerning
my candidacy for such office.
I was nominated as a Democrat at
the recent primary election. I am 46
yeara old, and received my general
education in the public schools of
Iowa and Pleasant Plain Academy in
that state. I came to Oregon in April,
1891, and located In Salem, where I
took up the study of law and grad
uated from the Law Department of
Willamette University and waB ad
mitted to the bar in June, 1893. I
have "been actively engaged In the
practice of law in Salem for over 17
During this time, I have enjoyed the
reputation of being upright and pains
taking in my practice. I am a close
and practical student and am nat
urally of a judicial turn of mind, with
a strong sense of Justice. With these
qualifications and practical applica
tion of the law for over 17 years, I
feel that I may without presumption
ask your support for Circuit Judge.
414 Bellvue Street, .
Salem, Oregon.
(Paid Advertisement.)
Christian Church News.
With 217 In the Bible School last
Sunday morning began (in many re
spects) the greatest day the church
has had for a long time. Services be
Mn with a splendid outburst of mu
sic. Caldwell's orchestra leading, as
sisted by a fine chorus of voices.
Many went away saying that it was
the best music they had ever heard In
Pallas at a church service.
To our many music loving friends
we wish to say that we are making a
special effort to have the. best class of
good music. With such a splendid
spiritual leader as Caldwell to guide
us in this department of our worship
we feel sure of'stlll greater heights.
In the way of crowds Sunday was
the greatest day yet. Sunday night the
house was especially crowded. Five
were added to the church during the
day. Don't miss next Sunday.
Bible School 10 a. m. Don't fall to
be there. Bupt Seymour, who Is lead
ing In this department of the work is
working in a manner which deserves
the praise of all. He is of a practical
turn, however, and about the only
way he will accept any praise at your
handa is by way of your presence at
the school. Sermon 'Ten Reasons Why
I Preach the Word." 11 a. m. C. E.
4:10 p. m. Union service at Wood
man Hall Sunday night
Miiiirtcr' Vnlon Re-Organlaed.
The ministers of the city met Tues
day, November 1, 111 In the south
room of the Methodist Church to re
organise their Association. Rev. E. W.
Mile waa elected chairman and Rev.
George F. Hopklna wps elected sec
retary. Matters of Interest were diaenswd.
and committee appointed to arrange
for necewary business.
The Union Thanksgiving aerrlc
were arranged to he held In the Ilap
tlst Church at 14 1 a. m. Thanks
gKfng. and Rev. E. W. Mi lea, of the
Prtytiefian Church will preach the
Th Association mw-ts again Mon
day. November 14, 111. n the Meth
1it Church.
I have purchased the stock and fixtures of The
Adams & Brobst Co., from the creditors at less than
cost, and in order to make room for new goods I have
just ordered, will sell alf goods at greatly reduced
:Salev : Starts ; ; Monday, ' - Nov. 7
$16 Square Full Nickle Plated Heater
$14 Square Full Nickle Plated Heater
$11 Heater
10 Heater
8 Heater . 5.85
7 Heater 4.90
4 Air Tight Heater 2.80
3 Air Tight Heater 1.90
$7.75 $75 Malleable Range
6.25 65 Polished Top Sani
tary Range
55 Laurel Range
45 Banquet Range
36 Wonder Range .
All Tin and Granite Ware One-Half Price
All Picture and Picture Frames One-Half Price.
. All Bamboo and Bric-a-Brac One-Half Price.
All Rugs and Carpets 33 T-3 per cent off.
All other goods in like proportion.
Respectfully yours,
Frank Kerslake
JiViiii IHIW iiil
J" M . ? rW -J
raw, 11 1 "j
Lisi of -ZYe firms that reMMmUpM':xk A
I ALIAS one ofiheeadjjgManuMd,
furJn&Thwnsof the Northwest Mk
a Tun tii jit n raj NX l rr -e-v
Insist on Your Dealer Giving You these Goots!
Willamette Valley
Lumber Co.
Modern Store fronts
Are a specialty at
Shop Work of All Kinds at Reasonable
Prices. .
Best equipped Oarage In the 8tate.
Constructed of Concrete Through
put. Automobiles stored at reason
able rates. Expert machinists in
charge of Repair Department
D. F. HARRIS, Proprietor.
C. C. MCLKEY, Proprietor."
Do not aend your money awsy to
Portland for bread. Buy good Dallas
bread and keep the money at home.
It will help us and help you.
Brtl Phone 51. Mutual Phone tl.
, Caihoitr lrrvfca.
SrrW at Catholic Charch itert
Sunday. Con rotot
munton it I t tn
Fathw Easier.
and Holy Com
rondct4 tT
The Coanty HSah p. hoel Fan 4 La
if rotd in t r Polk County will give
high actio! advaatag to every boy
a girl la tb ntronty. Thry raa th
tiv at hHne and atlrod high afhoot
Manufactured by
Portland. Astoria, Ralcm, Gardiner,
DalbM, Nalirotta, Lyoaa, BcaUle.
Pinna and Estimates Furnished
VV. 3. COY,
Phone Mutual
Manufactured Solely by
Guaranteed to be the best soft
wheat flour In the Willamette Valley.
Sold by all Grocers In Dallas. .
Otho Williams
Merchant Tailor
All the New Sflrltig Styles and Patterns.
Solicits your orders for Careful and
Conscientious Workmanship.
Soehren Warehouse Co.
W handle a full Una of Cedar and Oak
Fence Posts, Brick, Lime, Sand and
Cement, 'Land Plaster, Drain Tile,
Shingles, Fire Brick, Hair, Wall Plast
er and Hop Supplies.
One block south of depot Phone Ill
Try our fine Home-made Candles
and oar del kiou Ice Cream
West Side Marble
. Worlls
O. L. HAWKINS, Proprietor.
A Complete Line of All Latest Designs.
Tires Set while You Walt.
Agency for International Harvester
Company's Auto Buggy best Auto
for farm and country purposea .
Have just added a complete line of
Farm Implements and Machinery.
C. D. Forrcbte
Shop located In North Dallas
General Blacksmith Ing and wagon
work. Horse shoeing and plow work
a specialty. Your business is solicited.
Dallas Iron Works
Machinists Foundrymen Pattern
We'ars prepared to do any kind of
Iron and Brass work. Lumber trucks
and Stock work on band. Ws make
the best and cheapest Stump Puller
on the market. Prices reasonable.
One of Dallaa Finest Products.
Observer Printing
AO Printing Done Jiu4 Little Better
Tliaa rwms Necessary.
Lrl blanks tor sale at this offlc.
For the Ambitions-.
S (ttnibtrsitp
3 tLHn, m-m4m4 Mi
taw. t. Fkka. tm
I Um mi r
Sunrise Restaurant
Mls and short orders eerred at all
boora Everything new and clean.
Clioo Suev and Hoodies
.mlth Building; Main and Mill Btrtets
ItallM, Oretgoej -
The Otv Express & Transfer Co.
does ail kinds of hauiics at r.
onabls rates. Stand and botn
phones at Webster's Confection
ery Store.