County PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY VOL. XXII I DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER 14, 1910. NO. 35 Talie a LooR at Our Line of Ladies' Coats and ssaassssaaassssBsawaaaBBSBBBsBi Suits They are strictly up-to-date and moderately priced. Misses' and Children's Coats and Capes from $3.00 up to $15.00 When in need of a good wet weather shoe try the Napa Tan. They have stood the test for years. $15.00 Buys a Bradway Model Suit all wool and up to the minute. We cordially in vite your inspection of these Men's suits, one price, $15.00. Our Boy's School suits can't be beat any where. Let us show you. CAMPBELL'S STORE NEWS OF POLK COUNTY 1TICMS CONTRIBUTED BY RUST MNQ Tj0CAL CORRESPONDENTS. "appenlnes of Interest In Various JV'lKlilKrlioo(l8 Tola in Interest lug Manner. PARKER P. Fredertcksen went to Buena Vista ' riuuy. Miss Lewis visited her sister at Sil ver, Bunaay. f ( I... I"" umee jiima was n v aiin. i rarKer, Sunday. Miss Myrtle school Monday. The Davidson wood Tuesday. might started to Doys were sawing The Common Housefly is now the justly deserving object of a national campaign in the interest of the public Health. Flies carry filth and disease germs wherever they go. We are sincerely glad that we are able to co-operate effectively in the fight against the housefly. Flies and Electric Fans do not agree. Flies cannot alight in a breeze and it is a simple thing to keep your kitchen, your living room and the sleeping room of your child free from the contamin ation of these insects- One electric fan in a small house hold can usually be made to serve all three purposes, besides freshening and cooling the air. The new 8-inch household fan is both practical and inexpensive. Phone NORTHWESTERN CORPORATION. The real com mercial spirit is to supply the needs of the public as per fectly as possible, and we make a business of satisfying our customers. Electricity is expensive only to people who are wasteful. To you, who are naturally careful, it doesn't come high. Use Tungsten lamps and have an abundance of light. Northwestern Corporation J. Ij. WHITE, Mannger for Dallas. FISHING SEASON Opened April 1st and we are prepared to furnish you the right kind of tackle at the right price. SPALDING BASE BALL GOODS We are headquarters for the famous Spalding line and do not lie down for any others. Give us a call. W. R. Ellis' Confectionery I Up-to-date Candy Kitchen in rear. We invite you I to inspect it Painless Dentist Modern Electric Equipment Best Methods. AH Work Guaranteed. Consultation Free. Painless extractions free when plates or bridge work is ordered 1 xZ" I'rlow Baildi Dr. S. T. Donohoe VAN WICK DENTAL PARLOR ag Telephone zw Dallas. OrcfO "LaChic" Millinery Parlor OnpriPrl ;pptember i. IQQ Everybody invited MRS. LEE SMITH S Main . Da"a Oregon Several of the farmers picked ap pies last week. Peter Peterson bought a span of muies recently. Fred Wells was an Independence visitor, Thursday. Miss Nellie Frederlckson Is spend lng a few weeks at the beach. George Dickinson was a visitor In Portland the first of the week. Mr. Ewlng, our section boss, is suf fering from neuralgia of the brain. Mrs. Connett has returned home af ter a week's visit in Independence. Several of the Highlanders are haul ing poles from Mr. Zeilesch's place, Mrs. Haight is quite ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Tartar, at Air He. The Dickenson boys commenced work on 'the E. Davidson farm Mon day. John Ward and family picked ap ples for F. Fredericksen last Wed nesday. Grandpa Zellesch and daughter vis ited relatives at this place the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ewlng, of Independ ence, visited their son and his family at this place Sunday. Little Wlnogene and Jimmie Peter son visited Emma and Bertha Zell esch, Sunday afternoon. Grandma Davidson was called to Salem last Thursday on learning of the death of her sister, Mrs. McCarty, of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fredericksen, Mrs. Connett, Gordy and Oscar Fred ericksen were guests at P. T. Peter son's, Sunday. C. V. Strong, of Wlnlock, Washing ton, was the guest of Fred Frederick sen, Sunday and Monday. He will spend a few days in Newport before returning home. Zena - Spring" Valley Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Henry visited In Salem, Sunday. Professor W. J. Crawford was In Dallas, Wednesday. Rev. George McKinlay is 111 at the home of Mrs. Scott. O. If. Crawford was a business visi tor in Dallas, Wednesday. Miss Margaret Patrick Is teaching at Salt Creek this year. Victor Simpson has purchased ten acres of the Zinzer place. George Porter Is threshing the late crop on the Sears place. Mrs. Walling, of Salem, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Starr. Dave Jerman and Jesse Walling have rented the Will Toner farm. Mn. P. F. Clarke has returned from a four weeks' visit In Salem Walter Gerth Is enjoying a vacation from his duties at the Lincoln store, Mrs. W. O. McKlnley, of Aberdeen, Wash., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Scott Jesse French returned Thursday from Falls City with a load of farming implements. Miss Hilda Kruse returned home from Canada, where she has been stay ing during the last month. Little Dale Baker passed away Tues day evening, after suffering for over a week with a complication of dis eases. Mr and Mrs. Fred Purvine have moved back to Spring Valley, where Mr. Purvine will farm with his broth er, Monroe. Mrs. H. A. Coyle and Mr. ana Mrs. Frank Crawford have moved to the jshepard farm, purchased last Spring by Mrs. Coyle. BUELL The mill expects to commence work soon. Sherd Braley has bought a fine new driving horse. Will Fletcher made a business trip to Sheridan, Monday. Everybody seems busy now, picking their apple and farming. The teacher for the primary de partment came last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bartram went up to Cedar Creek camp Monday. Mr and Mrs. Lyle Jones visited rel atives at Harmony last week. Mr and Mrs. Soah Jones and fam ily left last Monday for Missouri. Mrs. K- R Jnnf wa" ,n r""a on visit Friday ana oaiumj. , apples from his Polk county farm that made good companion pieces for those of Noah Gregg's, of Ballston. They will enlarge the Sheridan apple exhibit at Portland. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hartman, of Butler, spent several days in Portland this week, returning on the Tuesday evening train. While there Mr. Hart man closed the contract for the sale of his hops. The marriage of Harrlette K. Bew ley and Buddington Jones took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bewley, at No. 1301 17th Ave, West, Calgary, Alberta, on Tues- uay, septemDer 27, 1910, in the pres ence of a large company of Invited guests. The grand Jury at McMinnville brought an indictment against John Belt of WUIamlna for violation of the local option law. His plea of not guilty was promptly entered by his attorneys, and the defendant being related to Judge Burnett by marriage, the case was continued until the March term of court, bail being fixed at 2300. HARMONY The farmers are all busy plowing. 'Pete Bell has moved to the Syron place. Miss Etta Porter visited Miss Mil dred Hayes, Sunday afternoon. Miss Leta Barber Is staying at the home of J. B. Hayes for a week. Mr. and Mrs. William Eades visited at Allen McLean's, Sunday afternoon. Miss Nina Graves attended the an nual teachers' institute in Dallas this week. Lloyd Agee Is staying with his sis ter, Mrs. Lynn Jones, and attending school at Harmony. OAK GROVE OAK GROVE, Or., Oct. 6 Glen Whalen has finished harvesting his po tato crop. J. E. Allen is again running his wood saw. Our school opened Monday, with Miss Ocie Grice as teacher. Mrs. Sarah Hill, of Portland, Is visit ing at the home of Mrs. J. C. White. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Williamson have been visiting relatives In Benton County. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yocom, of Ballston, visited at the home of Mrs. Yocom's brother, Malcolm Pewtherer, Sunday. MOUNTAIN VIEW Mrs. Amanda Harris is on the sick list. Miss Nellie Adams Is working In Sa lem. George Hammon and family have moved to Salem. William Patrick has installed a tel ephone in his house. Mrs. W. T. Bennett has returned from at trip to Newport. Miss Josephine Adams has gone to her school In Eastern Oregon. Fred Norwood Is attending the Cap ital Business College In Salem. Mrs. H. R. Winslow and baby wcTit to Turner, Saturday, on a visit. Miss Bernice Adams spent Tuesday night with Miss Beulah Mad ill. Sam Phillips was working on the telephone line in this district this week. Miss Irma Madill left Sunday for Southern Oregon, where she will teach school. Miss Vesta Gardner, Alice Fields and Russell Fields are attending High School. School will be closed the remainder of the week on account of the Teach ers' Institute. Alice and Gretta Schlndler and Nellie and Bernice Adams are sorting apples for C. A. Clark. Mrs. L. Grice and daughter, Mrs. L. L. Cannoy, spent Monday and Tues day with Mrs. M. K. St. Pierre. Nellie, Bernice and Josie Adams, Mollie Runcorn, Miss Lynch ana brother attended a basket social at Brush College, Saturday night. MONTGOMERY Sam Gross was at Airlle last Sat urday. Andrew Hannum has been on the sick list. Joseph Brown bought some sheep of Fred Johnson. Mrs. Fred Fairbanks was a visitor In Dallas, Thursday. Dick Taylor waa In Dallas on a busi ness visit Monday. Miss Nellie Link visited In Inde pendence last week. Marion Waters and Jule Hannum dug potatoes Friday. Bent Embree and family have mov ed back on their farm. Ira Hooker and son. Walter, were In ndependence last Friday. Cricket Bevens drove some colts to his upper ranch Thursday. We hear that Wallace Brown Is going to move to Falls City soon. Farmers are taking advantage of the beautiful weather and are busy with their Fall work. The bridge at Taylor's Is finished. It ib k uuih.iiii.i -i i . . u i . . - Sunday high water will not take this bridge out. A family has moved to the Xewbill tion to his shop, not having had room enough heretofore. Mr. and Mrs. Whlteaker, of Rick reall, attended the quarterly meeting of the Evangelical (Church In Mon mouth, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pettit, who have stay ed In Monmouth about a week on ac count of losing their trunk, left Fri day for their home In Corvallis. , Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Harvey and family, of Columbia County, are visit ing Mrs. Burkhead, Mrs. Harvey's mother, and are talking of locating here; , . J. C. Veatch and J. C. Henry, of Washington County, were In town (on business Friday and went out to the home of their old friend, Mr. Shat tuck. Mr. Henry expects to locate near here. W. M. French, of Jefferson, and North Yakima, has taken up his resi dence here. Mr. French and Mr. Mackinturf, Jr., will open a real es tate and insurance office In Monmouth, Look out for their advertisement later. A. L. Chute has traded his property here for property near Jefferson and has moved to his new home. Mr. Mack inturf, the man with whom he trad ed, has moved to Monmouth with his family. While we lose one family, we gain another. W. P. Fisher was 75 years old last Monday. His son and daughter-in-law, Mr. And Mrs. F. M. Fisher, were at his home and helped him celebrate the occasion. Mr. Fisher Is quite strong for one of his age and has gain ed his second eyesight, of which fact he 1b proud. We visited the cannery last Saturday and found some 27 people at work mostly women and girls. They are canning apples, and under the super- Vision of J. H. Hawley and P. O. Powell, everything was running smoothly. Harold Herren has charge of the boiler, which cooks and furnishes the steam to heat the water and cook the apples. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newman and daugher, Ethel, arrived home Sunday from their visit in Michigan. Charley says he is glad to get back to Mon mouth. Miss Ethel has taken her old place as a deputy In the postofflce, a position which she has always filled to the satisfaction of all. The family enjoyed their visit, but are glad to be at home again. The political pot Is beginning to boil. The good brother Democrats are very much Interested In the wel fare of the Republican party, and the way they howl and take on would make one think they had the colic. But the Eighth of November will cure them. . The Republicans are "stand patters" for the success of the Repub lican ticket this year and will go to the polls a solid party, and don't you forget It. Mrs. George Oirard, the last of the week. The semi-annual meeting of the Willamette Presbytery was held in the PreBbyterlan Church here Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Dickinson and Mr. and Mrs. George Dickinson return ed Saturday from a visit in Portland and Vancouver, Washington. PERBTDAIE Charles Snelling left for Klamath Falls, Wednesday, Mrs. Charles Snelling was a visitor in McMinnville, Thursday. Miss Elsie Boyer, of McMinnville, visited with her parents at this place Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. John Dulgnan and1 Mrs. Alph Jones were visitors in Portland the last of the week. ' John Foster Is attending ' to the railroad business here this week In the absence of Elmer Enes. . A quiet wedding took place at the home of George Werner, at which time Elmer Enes and Miss Myrtle Ho man were made husband and wife. They left on the afternoon train for a honeymqpn . trip among the Sound cities. They have the best wishes of many friends for a long and happy married life. ' BALLSTON Henry Thun and family left Friday for California. Lynn Blrks had a public sale at his home west of town, Tuesday. E. L. Hatton made a business trip to Dallas and Corvallis the first of the week. Miss Rhoda Conner will go to Hope well, Sunday, where she will teach school this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Agee, of Gopher Valley, have moved here and are oc cupying the Tatom property. Mr. Carpenter, who has been living at the Clanfleld hop yard all Summer, has moved to Calvin White's property. The Sunday School will give a box social a week from Friday night The proceeds will be used In purchasing a new stove for the church. AIRLIE John Lewis has moved onto his farm near Lewisvllle. Bura Tartar has returned from his visit to The Dalles. Airlle received a number of showers of rain, but expects more. Alex Lewis is hauling lumber, pre paratory to building a new barn. Mrs. Haight Is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Henry Tarter. Professor and Mrs. N. Tartar, of Corvallis, were here on business Sat urday. Guy Metcalfs new, made-to-order cart has arrived. It is especially nutt ed to his needs. Professor A. N. Arnold and Miss Wilson left Tuesday night to attend the teachers' Institute In Dallas. Born, to Mr. snd Mrs. William Shewey Jr., October S, a girl. Both mother and child are doing well. Mr. snd Mrs. Dell Harrington- went to Falls City, Tuesday, to see Mr. Har rington's uncle. He Is still very low, and Is not expected to live. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ray have re turned form Junction City to Airlle, where they will reside, Mrs. Ray will continue as our Telephone Central. The young and happy couple was ser enaded twice. They also received many wedding gifts. INDEPENDENCE Mrs. Sue Johnson is the guest of her brother. Dr. W. It. Allln. J. 8. Itohannon was a Salem visitor BRIDGEPORT Marion Smith has moved to Dallas. Mr. Brlggs has rented the Mary Lee farm. Oliver Smith sold a horse recently for 2300. C. M. Bailey will run the Hill place another year. Leslie Locke Is visiting in Independ ence and vicinity. Almost all the hops have been haul ed to the warehouse. . , Goldle Rhodes, of Corvallis, visited her grandparents last week. Mr. and Mrs. H, ,J. Hlbbard are preparing to move to Dallas. Newton Harris and his mother and sister have moved to their property near Dallas. , - John Martin has moved to the Fen ton farm, where he will work the coming year. Mr. Harris has built a neat residence on the tract of land he bought from Mrs. G. P. Locke. J. R. Bldgood has been engaged to teach the Outhrle school, which will open October 17. Mr. Hlndman has been putting down a new floor and otherwise repairing the Guthrie schoolhouse. G. G. Irish has shipped two cars of wood to Salem and Mr. Allen has shipped a number of cars. Mr. Pepper has returned to his ranch from Falls City, where he has been working with the city rock crush er. J. B. Teal was out this way Tues day, Inspecting our roads. John is a great road and bridge enthusiast and we look for many changes for the bet ter in the next four years In Polk County. held next Monday, October 17, for the purpose of electing a director. C. A. Knower has purchased a horse and buggy. Mrs. Stanton is helping Mrs. Hamer clean apples. ' Almost all of the farmers are put ting in their crops. Thomas W. Brunk returned home Saturday evening from Spokane. BUENA VISTA N. E. Tyler was transacting business In Independence, Monday. , Charles Flak is making preparations to re-shlngle his dwelling. Mrs. Floy Woodward, ' of Hopdale, transacted business In Buena, Tues day. : , H. G. McCain, pastor of the M. E. Church, was attending to his minis terial duties here Saturday and Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wells, of Sid ney precinct, will leave Saturday for Tillamook City, where they will make their home. , , Martin Wallen, of Eastern Washing ton, arrived in Buena Vista, Saturday, and will be in the employ of Charles Fisk the coming Winter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilson, after a several weeks' sojourn with' relatives and friends here, returned to" their home in Portland, Monday. It Is reported that some of the boys went on the warpath Sunday evening and that one of the number came out of the fray slightly disfigured. F. M. Donaldson & Son have finished painting the interior of their , store and in addition to their grocery stock will carry a small line of drygoods. Farewell Reception. INDEPENDENCE, Or., Oct. 12 A very pleasant reception was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Wal ker, Saturday afternoon, for Mrs. D. A. Hodge, on the eve of her departure for Salem to make her home, by Mrs. S. B. Walker, Mrs. G. W. Conkey, Mrs. W. R. Allin, Mrs. P. M. Kirkland and Mrs. D. B. Taylor. The house was pret tily decorated and dainty refreshments were served, About sixty-five ladles called during the afternoon. SALT CREEK Everybody busy with their Fall work. Miss Goldle Blssell Is attending school in Ballston. George Woods and family spent Sunday in Perrydale. Howard Cook has gone to his school out near Grand Ronde. Several from here attended Linn Dirk's sale and report a good crowd. Mrs. Abe Buhler fell and sprained her arm during the recent rainy weather. P. Bartholomew bought a span of 2-year-old driving horses at Birk's sale Saturday. The new schoolhouse In District No'. 42 is now completed and presents a neat appearance. Miss Ruth Cook Is teaching school at Upper Salt Creek and la boarding at Mr. Morrison's. Forest Craven has moved Into the house at the hop yard, where he will have charge for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snelling have moved to Perrydale, and Jim Hill has moved Into the house vacated by them. Mrs. Henry Clanfleld has been visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Jake Smith, of Monmouth, who has a new baby girl. Mrs. Wesley Morrison and daughter. Miss Ruth Cook and Bernard Cook pent Saturday and Sunday with rela tives and friends In Perrydale. Elmer Enes and Miss Myrtle Ho- man were married Sunday and have gone to Portland on their honeymoon trip. Mr. Foster has charge of the depot We have not learned their Mr. Butterfield expects to finish the , p,ace wnjch tney ugnt of Joe fish ladder st the mill aam. - j lirown. . .. C f Tfnrt Of Salt ! nam Mr. sna . c Creek, visited Mr. and Jones snd family Sunday. Mm Russell his MONMOUTH SHERIDAN (Sheridan Sun.) . ha moved from Hi.hl.nd farm, which he sold some R,v T H. Eisele. of North Dakota, purchased the Mark lO.-.cre p,"e near Bull. He will make fur ther improvements thereon. W ork l prorrewin nicely . v. The four steel c-as- filled with recent the "tense -m cross piece. Uid. a.d h is now Deina v- ' - A new meat market has been open ed on C street by George Heck. Mrs. Charles Dunnmort left Satur day for a visit In Salem and Portland. J. M. Stark returned to his home In Eugene, Friday, after a few days' visit here. RICKREALL Peter Cook. returned .'rem Portland, Thursday. Miss Mabel Ellis went to Independ ence, Saturday. Peter Cook made a business trip to Salem, Monday. Forest Craven and family have mov ed to Salt Creek. Mrs. H. C. Fox and daughter, Katie, went to Salem, Friday. Miss Mlra Lucas left for Albany, Wednesdsy, for a short visit Mrs. T. 8. Burch and Miss Katie Fox went to Salem. Thursday. James Morton and his mother have moved into ths T. A. Rlggs bouse. Mr. Davidson and family, of Molalla, have moved Into on of the mm Sunday School Rally, MONMOUTH, Or., Oct 12 Next Sunday will be Rally Day at the Evan gelical Sunday School in Monmouth A special program has been prepared. The exerclsec will begin at 10 o'clock and at night F. M. Fisher, of Salem, will speak. All are Invited to come and have a good time. Early Pioneer Passes. PARKER, Or., Oct 11 Mrs. Aman da McCarty, a pioneer of the early '40a, and a former resident of this place, died at her home in Salem, Friday, aged 77 years. She was a sis ter of Mrs. Mary Davidson, of Parker. Srliool District Enlarged. 'ZENA, Or., Oct. 11 The boundaries of the Lower Spring Valley school dis trict have been changed so as to in clude the MeLean place from the Lin coln district and the Zinzer and Pur vine tracts from the Zena district Zena School Opens. ZENA, Or., Oct 11 The Zena school opened Monday, October 10, with an attendance of 18 pupils. The ninth grade is being taught, with Bliss and Eulalia Davis, Mabel Patrick and Carl Baker as students. Services at Harmony. HARMONY, Or., Oct. 12 Church services will be held at the home of J. L, Guttry this week. Everybody in vited to attend. People Yon Know. Miss Mamie Montgomery left yes terday for Dallas. Salem Statesman. Mlsa Hlbbard, sister of Mrs. E. V. Hoover, of Roseburg, left for her home at Dallas this morning after a visit here. Roseburg News, Rev. Guy Phelps, of Portland, pass ed through here last Saturday on his way to Cloverdale, where he waa billed to lecture on prohibition. WUIamlna Times. MetlMKllHt Church Services. Services Sunday, October 16 are as follows: :4S a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Preaching by Rev. W. B. Holllngnhead, D. D., of Portland. I p. m. Junior League. :J0 p. m. Epworth League. 7:10 p. m. Preaching and Commun ion by Dr. James Moore, District Superintendent Both preachers at these services are well and favorably known to Dallas people. A cordial Invitation given to all to be present Mondsy, October 17, First Quarterly Conference I p. m. In church. ' G. F. HOPKINS, Pastor. Rev. H. C. Dunsmore returned from J. B. Nunn. of Dallas, was in town!a hort trip to Portland the last of houses. on business Saturday. ths week. Mrs. William Elkins. of Albany, is! l. Damon went to Salem, Sunday, visiting her mother. Mrs. B. Hastings, j ,n(j from there to Eastern Oreroa on Saturday- Mrs. M. Csrmk-hsel wss In tows a business trip. W,IW Vaushn spent Saturday and over Sunday with her mother, Mrs. jjrs. G. A. Wllenm im viriting friends I nundsy with his parents. He returned Burt j friends and relatives ia Portland and Sunday evening to Independence. Mrs. B. F. Lucas. Mlra and Ken neth Iam ss were visitors 1 Dallas. ursoture tion. Levi Conner brought In several I Miss Lor Me Burt, of Portland, visited ; The Dalles this week, her mother In Monmouth the first of I Mrs. q. w. Kutrh and Jfrs. D. Tsy the week. j lor and little son departed for Med- C. P. Cornwall is down with rheu-, ford. Sunday, for a vtt with relative. matiKtn in his bak and is suffering Mr D. A. HJr snd dauchters j went to Salem. Tuesday, w here they Mrs. P. H- Burt moved to Port- j will Join Mr. HIt snd snake their land this week, where she experts to . home. make her home. I m.m Clara Ireland and Miss Mary W. W. Newman haa Kuiit as add i I Ireland, of Kalewi. tMi4 their sisler. where he Is attending school. EOLA Cromley's Ms bam Is www finished. E. T. Hamer Is picking his apple crop. John Klmonlnn Is working for T. W. Brnnk. A apertal srhool meeting will fee NoUce of Meeting of Board of Equali sation. Notice Is hereby given that on Mon day, ths 17th day of October. Ill, th Board of Equalisation will meet at th County Courthouse In ths city of Dal las, In th county of Polk. Stat of Oregon, to examine and correct all u inent roils, to correct all errors In valuation, lots or other property, er Incorrectly assessed as to description or quantity, or wher assess; a la th nam of a person or parsons aot the owner thereof or amtmri under or beyond th actual cash vain thereof, and to assess all lands, lots and other property appearing to hav beea omit ted or that was aot assessed. Petitions or applications for th re duction of a particular assessment shall b mads In writing, verified by th oath of th applicant or bis at torney and b filed with th board during th first week It Is by law re quired to b la session, and any e ti tles or application aot so mad, veri fied and filed shall aot b considered or acted apoa by the board. Dated September I. A. D. 1(11. C U. GRAVES. Assessor of Polk Coaaty. 1-1 tt HERE IS THE TICKET SECRETARY COMPILES LIST OP STATE CANDIDATES. Republicans Seem to Have Any Ad vantages There May Be in Alpha betical" Arrangement. ' The copy of the official ballot to be used In the November election has been completed by the Secretary of State. It is believed that when the names of county candidates and local initiative measures are added, the bal lot will be six feet long, and possibly longer. The names of state and dis trict candidates will be arranged In the following ordep: " Congressman, First District. ' ' W. P. Elmore, of Linn county, Pro hibition. " W. C. Hawley, of Marlon county. Republican. . -' ' C. W. Sherman,, of Jackson county, Socialist R. G. Smith, of Josephine county,' Democratic. Congressman, Second District. W. A. Crawford, of Wasco county, Socialist A. W. Lafferty, of Multnomah coun ty, Republican. " ' ' ' John Manning, of Multnomah coun ty, Democratic. George B. Pratt, of Multnomah county, Prohibition, Governor. " Jay Bowerman, of Gilliam county, Kerublican. A. E. Eaton, of Union county, Pro hibition. ' " W. S. Richards, of Linn county. So cialist . ' Oswald West, of Clatsop county, Democratic." Secretary of State. F. W. Benson, of Douglas county. Republican. N. A. Davis, of Umatilla county, Prohibitionist Allen McDonald, of Multnomah county, Socialist Turner Oliver, ' of Union county. Democratic. State Treasurer. Leslie Butler, of Hood River county, Prohibition. Thomas B. Kay, of Marlon county. Republican. Charles H. Otten, of Multnomah county, Socialist. Supreme Judges, (4-year term.) (Two to Elect) ' Henry J. Bean, of Umatilla county. Republican. C. J. Bright, of Wasco county. Pro hibition. ' Thomas A. McBrlde, of Clackamas oounty, Republlcan-Democratie-Non- Polltical Judiciary. J. D. Myers, of Coos county, Social- Mat R. R. Ryan, of Marlon county, So cialist Woodson T. Slater, of Marlon coun ty, Democratle-Non-Polltlcal Judiciary. Supreme Judges, (C-year term.) (Two to elect) George H. Burnett, of Marlon coun ty, Republican. T. J. Jones, of Wheeler county. So cialist Will R. King, of Malheur county, Democrat!c-Non-Politlcal Judiciary. Frank A. Moore, of Columbia coun ty, Republlcan-Democratlo-Nonj-Polltl-cal Judlary. B. F, Ramp, of Marion county. So cialist Attorney-General. C. C. Brlx, of Crook county. Social ist A. M. Crawford, of Douglas county, Republican. , School Superintendent L. R. Alderman, of Lane county, Republican. George A. Hinsdale, of Multnomah . county, Socialist ' J. B. Horner, of Benton county, Democratic Robert G. Steel, of Multnomah county, Prohibition. State Printer. George Bylander, of Multnomah county, Socialist Willis S. Dunlway, of Multnomah county. Republican. James E. Godfrey, of Marlon coun ty, Democratic. Labor Commissioner. S. L. Curry, of Coos county. Social ist O. P. HofT, of Multnomah county, Republican. D. I Houston, of Washington coun ty. Democratic Railroad Commissioner. Hugh McLaln, of Coos county, Dem ocratic. Frank J. Miller, of Linn county. Re publican. State Engineer. John Koob, of Jackson county. So cialist John IL Lewis, of Marlon county. Republican. Water Supt, (First District.) James T. Chinnock, of Multnomah county. Republican. Water Supt., (Second District.) . . George T. Cochran, of Union county, Republican. F. M. Saxton, of Baker county. Dem ocratic Circuit Judge (Third District) (Two to elect) John Bayne, of Marlon county, Democratic William Galloway, of Yamhill coun ty. Democratic J Percy R. Kelly, of Linn county. Re publican. L H. VanWlnkle. of Marlon county. Republican. Joint Senator. P. Avery, of Benton county. Demo cratic . C. I Hawley, of Polk county. Re publican. Joint Representative, Fred W. Chambers, of Lincoln county. Republican. O. W. Myers, of Polk county. Demo crat LecaJ blanks for sal at this oftV. WIH Sell Agency Kita. Th original sit of th Agency St Orsnd Ronde Is to b sold to th highest bidder. This land lncledo th sawmill, m uoolhouse., dormitory and shops. A tract of an acr. oa which th historic old "Fort Tamhfir stands, haa been reserved. WHiamlna Time. Hav your printing don at th Ob server oSU-a the liaotyp way. I SW