Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, October 11, 1910, Image 1

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    0" "
TaKe a LooK at Our Line of
Ladies' Coats and
They are strictly up-to-date and moderately priced.
Misses' and Children's Coats and
Capes from $3.00 up to $15.00
When in need of a good wet weather shoe try the
Napa Tan. They have stood the test for years.
$15.00 Buys a Bradway Model Suit
all wool and up to the minute. We cordially in
vite your inspection of these Men's suits, one price,
$15.00. Our Boy's School suits can't be beat any
where. Let us show you..
NO. 35
NHll.idK r Screens Allowed
Business U TJniHd to One
Good Eye Work
At Moderate Prices
We fit glasses to give solid comfort, they are sty
lish and we cruarantee satisfaction to everv individual.
Frames and mountings are kept in repair and lenses
exchanged free during first year.
Frames of every kind furnished, rimless spectacle
mountings, stylish eyeglasses, toric lerfses in all sizes,
invisible bifocals, in fact we are prepared to furnish
everything in the optical line at right prices.
LENSES $2.00 and up per pair
FRAMES 50 cents and up
At Stafrin's Drug Store
"Reliable Eye Specialists"
Portland Vancouver Dallas
The Common Housefly
is now the justly deserving object of a national campaign
in the interest of the public Health. Flies carry filth
and disease germs wherever they go. We are sincerely
glad that we are able to co-operate effectively in the
fight against the housefly. Flies and Electric Fans do
not agree. Flies cannot alight in a breeze and it is a
simple thing to keep your kitchen, your living room and
the sleeping room of your child free from the contamin
ation of these Insects- One electric fan in a small house
hold can usually be made to serve all three purposes,
besides freshening and cooling the air. The new 8-inch
household fan is both practical and inexpensive. Phone
mercial spirit is to supply the needs of the public a8Per"
fectly as possible, and we make a business of satisfying
our customers. Electricity is expensive only to people
who are wasteful. To you, who are naturally caretui,
it doesn't come high. Use Tungsten lamps and have an
abundance of light.
Northwestern Corporation
J. I WHITE, Manager for Dallas.
Opened April 1st and we are prepared to furnish
you the right kind of tackle at the right price.
We are headquarters for the famous Spalding
line and do not lie down for any others. Give
us a call
W. R. Ellis' Confectionery
Update Candy Kitchen in rear. We invite you
Following ls the complete text of
".uinance proposed to be passed
fy the city councils of Dai in im
pendence and Falls City In the event
1 1K bounty votes wet In Novcm
ber. Th m,.
k . Ul "iese cities say
uie county decides to return to
the wet column, the people have a
right to know what regulation and re-
StrleHnna mill i. ,
- " yiacea upon the sa
loons by the authorities of the incor
porated towns.
This ordinance wag drawn in ac
cordance with sugesllons offered by the
uuonai Model License League and is
said to be an exact copy of the ordi
nance in force In Philadelphia, where
saloons are more strictly regulated
man in any other city In the United
States, and where dninkennoaa an
lawlessness have been reduced to the
minimum. The ordinance reads:
Ordinance No. . . ,
An ordinance providing for li
censing and regulating bar-rooms and
liquor saloons within the corporate
limits of Dallas, Oregon.
The City of Dallas Does Ordain as
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for
any person, firm, company, or corpor
ation to sen or offer for sale any vi
nous, spirituous, malt, or other intox
icating liquors within the corporate
limits 01 Dallas, Oregon, without hav
ing lirst obtained a license therefor,
as In this Ordinance provided.
Section 2. Every person, firm, com
pany, or corporation applying for such
license shall, before the same is grant
ed, pay to the Auditor and P jlloe
Judge of the City of Dallas, Oregon.
the sum of $ per annum im
no such license shall be issued or grant
ed for a less period than one year.
Certificate of Character Required.
. Section 3. No such license shall he
issued or granted, except by order of
the city council of said city of Dallas,
evidenced by a motion for that pur
pose duly made and carried and enter
ed In the Journal of the proceedings of
said city council. Any person, firm,
company, or corporation desiring to
obialn such license shall first file with
the Auditor and Police Judge of said
city a written application therefor,
which application shall be addressed
to said city council, and shall be filed
with the Auditor and Police Judge of
said city at least five days before the
meeting of the said city council at
which the same is acted upon. With
such application there shall also be
filed a certificate as to the 'good moral
character of the person who is to con
duct such business In said city if such
license is issued, which certificate shall
be signed by at least five reputable
citizens of Polk County.
Namo of Applicant.
Such application shall set forth the
name of the person, firm, company, or
corporation desiring such license; the
time when the applicant proposes to
engage In the business of selling or of
fering for sale vinous, spirituous, malt,
or other intoxicating liquors in said
city; the period of time for which li
cense ls desired; the location of the
building In which it is proposed to
conduct said business; the fact wheth
er or not the person who is to con
duct said business in this city has ever
been convicted of a felony in the State
of Oregon, or in any other state of the
United States; the fact whether or not
the person, firm, company, or corpora
tion desiring such license has ever for
feited a license of a similar nature by
reason of any breach of any city reg
ulation or State Law; and, if the ap
plicant be a firm or company, the
names and addresses of all the mem
h.r nr nartners composing the same;
I and, If a corporation, the name' of the
President and Secretary, the location
of the principal office of the corpora
tion, the name of the state under
which It Is chartered, and the name of
the person who is to mannge the busi
ness for which license Is desired. If
the applicant be a person, the appli
cation shall be verified by his oath;
If a firm or company, by the oath of a
partner or member or sum urm r
company; If a corporation, by the oath
of an officer or duly authorized agent
Must Furnish Bond.
At or before the meeting of the city
council next following the filing of
such application, the applicant shall
nay to the Auditor and Police Judge
the fee or charge for the license de
sired, as fixed by the provisions of sec
tion two of this Ordinance, and shall
also, at the same time, file with said
Auditor and Police Judge a good and
sufficient bond to the City of Dallas.
E the sum of with two or
more sureties, to be approved by the
Mayor of said City of Dallas, condi
tioned that such applicant will keep
and maintain such bar-room or liquor
saloon in an orderly manner, and In
18 requireu i.j
alfle person or party to sell vinous.
spirituous, malt, or other intoxicating
liquors, and that it is proper to grant
the license applied for, and the Coun
cil is further satisfied that the person
who is to conduct such business has a
good moral character, the Council may
In Its discretion order the issuance of
license to the applicant iln accordance
with the ordinances of said GIty, and
upon the proviso that the building in
which said business is to be carried on
complies strictly with the requirements
of this ordinance referring thereto,
and hereinafter set forth; otherwise,
the application shall be denied.
Number of Saloons Limited.
In Issuing such licenses, or order
ing them to be issued, the said City
Council shall permit but one license to
be issued for every one thousand in
habitants or fraction thereof, residing
within the corporate limits of said
Must Pay til Advance,
No order for the issuance of li
cense shall be made without a written
application therefor as herein pro
vided, nor until the license fee is paid
and- the bond of the applicant is ap
proved by the Mayor of said City. The
execution of such bond by a surety
company authorized to do business in
the State of Oregon, as surety, shall be
deemed a sufficient bond, without
other surety or sureties; provided, that
all bonds shall be subject' to the ap
proval of the Mayor. The Auditor and
Police Judge shall issue such license
only upon the order of the City Coun
cil of said city, as hereinbefore provid
ed, and only after having been noti
fied by the committee of the City
Council hereinafter mentioned and
provided for by this ordinance that
the building in which such business Js
to be carried on complies with the re
quirements of this ordinance as here
inafter set forth.
Second Conviction Forfeits License.
A second conviction of any misde
meanor constituting a violation of any
condition of such bond herein men
tioned shall forfeit such bond to the
said City of Dallas, absolutely, as stip
ulated damages, and said city shall be
entitled to recover the amount of the
penal sum of such bond so forfeited
without any proof whatever of actual
damages. A second conviction of any
misdemeanor constituting a violation
of the terms of this ordinance and of
any condition of said bond shall work
a forfeiture of the license, and there
after no license shall ever be issued to
such person, firm, company, or cor
poration within the corporate limits
of the City of Dallas. The forfeiture
of said license as herein provided for
shall be separate from and In addition
to the forfeiture of said bond as here
in above provided.
License Is Transferable.
A license Issued under and by vir
tu of the provisions of this ordi
nance shall be assignable and trans
ferable, and shall be owned and held
by the owner thereof as other property
or rights are held by him, and in case
of his death, it shall go to his personal
representatives in the same manner as
other personal property. However, the
assignee of any such license, or any
other person into whose hands such
license may lawfully come, Bhall give
a bond in like form and manner, and
subject to the same conditions and re
strictions as Is herein provided for in
regard to the original applicant, before
engaging under and by virtue of said
license in the business of selling or of
fering for sale any vinous, spirituous,
malt, or other intoxicating liquors;
and further, no such assignee or other
person acquiring such license in a law
ful jtnanner, shall be permitted to en
gage In such business as is authorized
by such license, unless he makes ap
plication to the City Council of said
city for that purpose in like manner
and form as application ls herein re
quired to be made by the original ap
plicant, and such application Bhall also
be accompanied by a certificate as to
the good moral character of the per
son making such application or the
person who Is to conduct such business
under such license in said city, which
certificate shall be signed by at least
five reputable citizens of Polk County,
State of Oregon; and further, the said
City Council shall have the power to
accept or reject said application of
said assignee or other person acquir
ing such license to do business under
said license, as It had by the terms and
provisions of this ordinance In refer
ence to the application of the original
applicant; provided, however, that if
such assignee or other person acquir
ing such license lawfully, shall be a fit
and proper person to conduct such
business in said city, the City Council
must grant him such permit to conduct
said business under said license.
Moral Character of IJin.see.
No license shall be issued to any per
son who had or has ever been con
victed of a felony In the State of Ore
gon, or in any State of the United
States of America: nor shall any li
cense be Issued to any person who has
ever forfeited a license of a similar
kind In any other city of the United
States of America because of a viola
tion of any of the laws of the- State In
which such city was located, or- be
cause of a violation of any of the ordi
nances of the city.
Itencwal of License.
When a license has been duly and
legally and regularly Issued under and
by virtue of the terms of this ordi
nance, the same shall be subject to
renewal at the end of the term there.
1 1 ..u't. fla
an ic.p- - ... ,, fh. -- - .. . . .
nances of the i liy . . I namea. oy tne giving 01 new nonu
laws of the State of Oregon, and In B. nPren provided for in reference to
strict compliance with the terms tne finrt bond of tn applicant, and by
The ioiiowhik iwiiii a written application tnereior, mutic
applicant, upon demand, the amount
advanced for the license fee, as also
any bond given to secure such license.
In case the application of an assignee
or other person lawfully acquiring a
license of the original applicant or of
an assignee of the original applicant ls
denied, the Auditor and Police Judge
shall, within five days, upon demand,
return to such assignee or other per
son lawfully acquiring such license
any bond given to secure such license
by such assignee or other person.
Building Regulations.
Section 6. It shall be unlawful for
any person, firm, company, or corpora,
tlon to engage in the business of sell
ing or offering for sale any vinous,
spirituous, malt, or other intoxicating
liquors within the corporate limits of
Dallas, Oregon, in a building or room
that does not comply with the follow
ing requirements, to wit:
Blinds or Screens Forbidden.
1. Ail buildings or rooms in which
such business is carried on shall be
provided with an open front; the lower
side of all windows to any such build
ing or room facing upon any street in
said city shall not be higher than five
feet from the sidewalk, and said win
dows shall not be covered with any
blinds or with anything whatsoever
that will or would obstruct a view into
such room or building from the said
sidewalk, the object of this being that
persons passing along the sidewalk
upon the street may readily see into
the interior of any such room or build
ing at all times.
Must Occupy Only One Room.
2. Such business shall be conducted
in a single room, and such room shall
be without any partitions of any kind
or nature whatsoever, and shall be so
constructed and arrangeA that a per
son passing along the sidewalk upon
the street can readily see the whole of
the interior of any such room in which
such business is being carried on.
Sales Prohibited in Store Room.
3. There shall be no back nor side
rooms attached to any such build
ing or room in which such business is
being carried on, except a single room
to be used entirely and exclusively for
the purpose of storing any goods or
articles used In such business, or nec
essary for the purpose of carrying on
such business; and in no case, shall
any person other than the person con
ducting such business be permitted to
enter such room unless it be for the
sole purpose of carrying goods or arti
cles into the same for storage pur
poses, or for the purpose of removing
the same therefrom; and, in no case,
shall there be any sale or gift of any
liquor to any person in any other place
than in the main room where such
business Is carried on.
Outhouse Regulations.
4. Such room or building shall not
te provided with any out-houses what
ever, except those that are or may be
necessary for toilet purposes, or for
the purpose of storing wood; and, in no
case, shall there be any sale or gift of
any intoxicating liquor In such out
Council Must Inspect Building.
Defore any license is issued to eny
applicant therefor, as in this ordi
nance provided, the city council of said
City of Dallas shall appoint a com
mittee of three members of the Coun
cil to thoroughly Inspect the room or
building In which such business ls pro
posed to be carried on by the appll
cant, and to ascertain whether or not
the building or room in which
such business is proposed to be car
ried on, comes up to the requirements
of this ordinance; if it does, such com
mittee shall so report to the Auditor
and Police Judge of said city, and then,
and thereupon the Auditor and Police
Judge shall have the power to Issue
such license, provided all other steps
have been taken as in this ordinance
provided to entitle the applicant to
such license. If such' room or build
ing does not come up to the require
ments of this ordlnanoe, said commit
tee shall so notify the applicant and
point out to him the changes neces
sary to be made before any such li
cense can be Issued, and shall further
notify the Auditor and Police Judge of
said city of the action It has taken;
when the room or building has been
changed by suld applicant so that the
same comes up to the requirements
of the ordlnapce, the applicant Bhall
so notify said committee, and said
committee shall again Inspect the
same, and if the same does comply
with the requirements of this ordi
nance, it shall so report to the Aud
itor and Police Judge without delay.
whereupon, the Auditor and Police
Judge shall forthwith Issue such li
cense, provided, of course, that all
other steps have been taken to entitle
the applicant to such license.
Must t'loNe at Midnight.
Section 6. All places in which vi
nous, spirituous, malt, or other Intox
icating liquors are sold shall be closed
every day between the hours of twelve
o'clock midnight and six o'clock in the
morning; and further, all such places
shall be and remain closed from twelve
o'clock midnight on Saturday night
until Monday morning at six o'clock.
During said hours particularly men
tioned In this section, no one shall be
permitted to enter any such place, nor
shall the same be opened for any pur
pose whatever, except in case of fire
or other such cause. In all such places.
between the hours of eight o'clock in
the evening and six o'clock in the
morning of each day, there shall be
kept burning at all times at least one
i light.
I Proprietor Must Rcort Disorder.
Section 7. It shall be unlawful for
thereof. me .u. f written i...-... keeper of any bar-room or liquor
fidavitt shall be appended herein provided for In regard to .the, jr h )mlu of
d by the pay-j
Dallas, Oregon, to permit any breach
., honds (except where the surety , orjKlna application, an
In such bona is "' n n m tne -'' ! " "'7 of the peace, or disturbance of public
and the same shall be subscribed and, v,(le(, for; .nd ,t hall be the duty of, order Jr d,.eorum b , ltldpcent.
sworn to by the sureue. " tne ..ty t-ounn . s . .-..r '-' or diirierIy conduct on the premises.
mxrn renewa. '"7 m hen f. ln hi. power to prevent the
I filing of such bond and. application, " '
liquor saloon to report to the Auditor
and Police Judge of the City of Dallas
every breach of the peace or disturb
ance of pnl. lie order or decorum In
such bar-room or liquor saloon, and
"fore " mcfT h'thf Zl
. nf nrceon to administer
ci mr - .,. .a.ip , " . , wif . same, jt sna ue tne auty 01 tne ow
oath, and shall be filed with and made j and the payment of suc bar-.oom
a part of .uch bond: provided, the peron holding such 11-, r r , , Au
state of Oregon, cense na, si iimen, i-umpn n.i
j-vmntv of Polk. ss. I the terms .nd conditions of this ordl-
j and I being nRcfi ,nd has conducted hi. businen.
V,.irVnd severally .worn. uponin an honest, legitimate, and orderly
' ' ' . ...iltnt And I A r,f .nv Ihlrtv
. , , Thar 1 am " - , manner. A rontnuwi ti iiy iiiiiik . . , . , ...
oathdosa. lnai"' ., , " '. make complaint thereof against ths!
freeholder In the City of Dallas In W 1 d B offenio by the person r 'person, so committing . ! -
county .nd state; th. I wort ordinance shal J'f 1 Zc of the p.c or disturbing thej "
the sum of I m'f; "r ' YVJ c"nt f""""' '"r 7'u"m". 10 p"m' public order or decorum within twen-l
..... ht na liBiHiii"-". -..v. ,rnT
cVusive of property e,e from e- j ever.
.ion: that I sm not a dealer in 'I- name
my Just debts na -7-" " ! " " '"" ' ty-four hour, after the ,ame
i. so
done or committed, tinlen complaint
saloon to allow or permit any minor
to remain in or about any such bar
room or liquor saloon, subject, how
ever, to the same proviso regarding
due .diligence as is contained in sec
tion eight of this ordinance; and It
shall also be unlawful for any keeper
of any bar-room or liquor saloon to
permit or allow any woman to remain
in, loiter about, or solicit drinks In any
such bar-room or liquor saloon.
All Gambling Prohibited.
Section 11. It shall be unlawful for
any keeper of any bar-room or liquor
saloon to allow or permit any card
playing, pool or billiard playing, dice.
shaking, or any gambling of any kind
or nature whatsoever In or about any
such bar-room or liquor saloon.
Must Display License.
Section 12. Each and every person,
firm, company, or corporation having
a license under the provisions of this
ordinance shall exhibit the same at all
times while the same is In force In his
or their place of business; and further.
shall, at all times, keep posted In
conspicuous place ln his or their
place of business, so that the same
may be easily read, a copy of all the
principal features of this ordinance
relative to the regulation of such
places of business.
Penalty for Violation. .
Section 13. If any person, firm
company or corporation taking out a
license under and by virtue of the pro
visions of this ordinance shall violate
any of the provisions hereof, In case
the offender be a person, firm, or com
pany, and in case the offender be a
corporation, then the clerk, manager,
or person conducting or having charge
of any bar-room of liquor saloon, he or
they shall be deemed guilty of a mis
demeanor, and, upon conviction there
of In the Police Court of the City of
Dallas, shall be fined not less than
fifty dollars nor more than one nun
dred dollars, or be Imprisoned ln the
City Jail not to exceed forty days. In
addition to the penalty herein before
provided' for in this section, If any
owner or keeper of any bar-room or
liquor saloon shall violate any of the
terms or provisions of this ordinance
after having taken out a license to
conduct such business in said city of
Dallas, he shall, upon a first convic
tion thereof In the Police Court of the
City of Dallas, be suspended and pro
hiblted .from carrying on his said
business under said license for a period
of thirty days from the date of said
conviction, and it shall be the duty of
the Auditor and Police Court to enter
such order at the same time said con
viction is had, and fine or Imprison
ment is ordered; and the said Auditor
and Police Judge shall forthwith Issue
such order, and the Marshal of said
city shall forthwith serve such order
upon the said person so convicted by
delivering a copy thereof to the said
person so convicted. i
Forfeiture of License.
For a second conviction for a vio
lation of any of the terms or provis
ions of this ordinance ln the Police
Court of the City of Dallas, Oregon,
besides the punishment by fine and
Imprisonment provided for ln this
section, It Bhall be the duty of the
Auditor and Police Judge to declare
forfeited the license held by such per
son so convicted, and to further de
clare forfeited the bond of the owner
or keeper of any such bar-room or
liquor saloon, given to secure said li
cense, as is provided for in section
three of this ordinance, and to make
report thereof to the City Council at
the next regular .meeting thereof. The
conviction of any servant, or other
person ln the employment of the li
censee in the management or running
of any such bar-room or liquor sa
loon, shall have the same effect as to
the suspension of the business of the
licensee for a period of thirty days,
or the forfeiture of the license and
bond as herein provided for, as though
the conviction were of the licensee
Minors Subject to Punishment.
Section 14. It shall be unlawful for
any minor or other person under the
age of legal majority to enter, re
main ln, or loiter about any bar-room
or liquor saloon, or to apply therein
for intoxicating liquor of any kind
whatsoever. Any person violating any
of the provisions of this section of this
ordinance,' shall, upon conviction
thereof In the Police Court of the City
of Dallas, be deemed guilty of a mis
demeanor, and shall be punished by a
fine of not less than twenty-five dol
lars not more than one hundred dol
lars, or by imprisonment ln the City
Jail not to exceed forty days.
No Women Loiterers.
Section 15. It shall be unlawful fo:
any woman to remain In, loiter about
or solicit drinks In any bar-room ot
liquor saloon. Any person vlolatlnf
any of the provisions of this section ol
this ordinance, shall, upon oonvlctlor,
thereof In the Police CourtJf the City
of Dallas, be deemed -guilty of a mis
demeanor, and shall be punished by a
fine of not less than ten dollars nor
more than fifty dollars, or by Impris
onment In the City Jail not to exceed
fifteen days. ,
No Sale to Ilabltnnl Drunkards.
Section 16. It shall be unlawful for
any person whatsoever to ell, offer
for sale, or give to an habitual drunk
ard, intoxicated person, or minor any
vinous, spirituous, malt, or other In
toxicating liquor, with intent to evade
the provisions of this ordinance. Proof
of the sale, or offering for sale, or giv
ing of any intoxicating liquor to an
habitual drunkard, Intoxicated per
son, or a minor In the vicinity of any
bar-room or liquor saloon, or In any
unusual or out-of-the-way place .hail
be deemed prima facie evidence of as
intent to evade the provision, of thil
ordinance. Any person violating any 01
the provisions of this section of thb
ordinance, shall, upon convlctlor
thereof In the Police Court of the Cltj
of Dallas, be deemed guilty of a mis
demeanor, and shall be punished by a
fine of not less than twenty-five dol
lar, nor more than one hundred dol
lar, or by Imprisonment In the City
Jail not to exceed forty days. I
No Sale Without Uceswr. j
Section 17. If any person, firm,'
company, or corporation shall engage
the buslnera of selling, or offering
for sale any vinous, spirituous, malt.
1 or other intoxicating liquors within the
corporate limits of the city of Dallas, j
suspension, within the meaning of thb
section of this ordinance.
Officers Must Be Diligent.
Section 18. It shall be the duty o
the City Marshal of said City of Dal.
las, and of all other police officers of
said city, to see that the provisions of
this ordinance, and each and every
one of them, are strictly complied with
within the corporate limits of said
city, and to arrest any and all persons
found violating any of such' provisions.
Any person who ls a resident and in
habitant of the City of Dallas may
cause the arrest and trial of any per
son for the violation of any of the
provisions of this ordinance by making
due complaint before the Auditor and
Police Judge of said city; such com
plaint shall be subscribed and verified
by the complainant as private prose
cutor. Forfeiture of License and Bond.
Section 19. It shall be the duty of
the Auditor and Police Judge of the
City of Dallas to declare forfeited the
license Issued to any person convicted
twice of a violation of any of the terms
and provisions of this ordinance, as Is
provided for In section thirteen of this
ordinance; and also, to declare for
feited the bond given to secure such
license, as Is provided for also in sec
tion thirteen of this ordinance, and to
report his action to the city council
of said city at its next regular meeting
thereafter; and thereafter, the said
city council shall take such action in
regard to said bond as It shall, In Its
discretion, deem advisable, being gov
erned at all times by the provisions
of this ordinance. ,
Conflicting Ordinances Repealed.
Section 20. That all ordinances and
parts of ordinances of the City of
Dallas, Oregon, ln so far as the same
may conflict herewith, be, and the
same hereby are repealed ln so far as
they do conflict herewith.
Methodists of Dallas Welcome Return
of the Reverend George F. Hopkins.
The action of the Methodist Conr
ference in returning the ' Reverend
George Hopkins to the Dallas charge
meets the warm approval of the
members of the church In this city.
For the purpose of expressing their
hearty sanction, a reception to the
new pastor was held Thursday evening
at which almost the entire member
ship waa present.
The Reverend Hopkins came to Dal
las a few weeks ago from Redfteld,
South Dakota, having served for sever
al years as a district superintendent
in that state. In his relation to the
church ln South Dakota, he bore the
reputation of being an able man, ca
pable of filling any charge in his con
ference, and this reputation has fol
lowed him to Oregon.
During the short time he has been
in Dallas, he has won many friends.
When he went to conference, it was
the unanimous wish of his people that
he be returned, and this was also his
own wish, although other places alter
ed some strong Inducements ln the way
of .alary. Mr. Hopkins likes Dallas
and Dallas people, and this, with the
difficulty of moving again so soon, In
fluenced him to express a wish that
he be returned, although ready to
move If It should be so decided by the
The reception was a highly enjoy
able, affair, and there was a warm feel
ing of fraternity among those pres
ent. The program consisted of music,
luncheon and speeches. Hon. George
L. Hawkins gave a pleasing address of
welcome, and a feeling response was
voiced by the pastor.
Short speeches were given by the
pastors of other churches of the city,
among whom were the Reverend Ed
gar W. Miles, the new pastor of the
First Presbyterian Church; the Rev
erend H. Im Pratt, who was recently
appointed pastor of the United Evan
gelical Church, and the Reverend
Pease, the new Baptist pastor.
It would have been an Inspiration
to anyone to have seen these minis
ters, representing different creeds, all
enjoying a fellowship together and all
united In a common cause.
City Prepares to Entertain
People of Polk County.
FALLS CITY, Or., October 10 Pre
parations for the first annual Fruit
Fair and Harvest Home Festival are
rapidly drawing to a close and the
exhibit will be found In readiness when
the doors are opened day after tomor
The display, of fruits and vegetables
and other products of the soil of the
Lucklamute Valley are astonishing to
the old residents of this favored por
tion of Oregon and will prove a rev
elation to visitors. The spirit of local
pride among the people of the valley
In being able to show such marvelous
products of the soil has been stim
ulated by the liberal prizes offered by
the enterprising merchant, of Fall.
City, and the result will be one of the
grandest displays of farm and orchard
products ever gotten together In the
Willamette Valley.
In addition to the farm exhibits.
visitors will be treated to a good pro
gram of .port, and amusement, each
day. The Fair management promises
that there will be something doing
every minute of the two days exhib
Saturday Night of This Week Will See
Greatest Gathering of Prominent Re
publicans Ever Known in Old Polk.
Republicans of Falls City are mak
ing active arrangements for what
promises to be the pifrgest political
rally of the campaign In Polk County.
The meeting will be held on Saturday
night of this week. Hon, Dan J. Mal
arkey, of Portland, has been secured
to deliver the principal speech of the
evening. Congressman Hawley will also
deliver an address. Thomas B. Kay,
A.' M. Crawford and other state can
didates have been Invited, and will
doubtless be present. ,,
Republicans who heard Senator
Malarkey speak ln Salem, Saturday
evening, unite in declaring it one of
the fairest, masterful, clean-cut polit
ical speeches to which they have
ever listened. His plea for the support
of the entire ticket Is simply Irresist
ible. The writer has had the pleasure
of hearing many noted political speak
ers in his day, both ln Oregon and ln
the Eastern states, but he does not
recall a more logical and convincing
presentation of sound Republican doc
trine than that delivered by Senator
Malarkey ln Salem last Saturday
The Republicans of Falls City are
entitled to great credit for their in
terest In the success of the ticket and
It is the duty of the Republicans of
the county to turn out in large num
bers and help make their meeting one
of the most rousing and enthusiastic
political gatherings ever held within
the borders of Old Polk.
Prisoners Captured Near Buena Vista
Must Stand Trial.
Indictments have been returned by
the grand Jury against Albert Ferris
and Albert Murray, says the Salem '
Statesman, These men are both con
victs now serving time in the peniten
tiary, and the Indictment charges
them with assault and robbery. This
follows a sensational break at the pen
itentiary October 14, 1909, when five
men held up Guards Felix Davis and
L. Hirtzel, relieved both of the guards
of their guns and took 2t from Hirtzel.
A man hunt followed ln the vicinity
of Buena Vista and two of the con
victs were killed and two others
wounded, Ferris being one of the
wounded men, receiving a bullet
through his left arm, which penetrated
his lung, and also two shots ln the
Murray was not hurt, but was put
ln a dungeon for a time. Ferris will
leave the prison some time during the
present month, while Murray is senr
Ing an Indeterminate sentence. Ferris
was committed from Clackanfas coun
ty, serving one and one-half years for
larceny from a building, and Murray
was convicted in Umatilla county for
burning a building.
In the hunt Walter Johnon, an of
ficer, now a guard at the penitentiary.
was shot ln the leg, and "Cherokee"
James, now a night police officer, re
ceived a slight wound. One of the con
victs was killed by Sheriff Grant of
Polk County and another by Johnson.
la "Dry" McMinnvllle.
Last week was a busy one for Mar
shal Arthur. Frank Worth was given
a room In the city bastlle by Marshal
Neal to sleep off an elaborate drunk.
... . . . 1 . . , ,1 -1 1 IT- 1 ,1 v. ill ill 11 t.u, uuirn. .--iiiiiiniii, , , . , , . . . , ,
- . m n ... nn -1 ii. n n r i -m nun it n i, in , -m n .i, .ii.- i ir.Vfin viinnin nainr nr-m nnuiinra
cution 6r oth(T lntox.t nf thr e hwy mhriaf st.au nave sooner eeen maoe or some) ,trwll therefor as In this ordinance 'and Friday Howard Hlbb.. Wllon Oil
1 tin. liquors, .nd that I m not a , or nfrlnr-d upon to prohll.lt the ts-l
-rw, nr other bond of a char-iro8rlr, of tnr license by a majority'
II. -frnilar to this. vote thereon, the objot of thl. provis-
or Infrlnd upon to prohll.lt the ts-l"1"" ' '"' . tn
-of ion t. It shsll be unlawful for
vote thereon, the onjet or tni. proiis-i , , n.'and In case the one
ion belrg t. protect th. holder of .uoh J" "i Vt J't V.TZiZiuZ 1 '"" h
. ..... 1,.- k- saloon to give or sell any intoxicating ,
At tne mm. -r,nli-l Wtlon 4. The Audit
liquor to sy perron under the age of
I ,ki. ;, . , . . - , legal majority; provided, however. Ir
otely upon ht. rood bhsvlor and up- r . . . . , . . .
' ' , fxt .h u,j. , n trying to aacrrtain w hether or not
on the majority vote of the people. t .
.jj ,nd .worn to before me ductt himself as required by the ordl-
continuation Ir. tsine dependent " su.h keeper n
(Title of Office.)
Council JUre of Ou.lifVikm.
ver and Owen Morris of Tamhlll. were
the guests of Marshal Arthur for
drunkenness. Arch Terry wu also on
the street drunk and using profsne
language and when approached by
Marshal Arthur and asked to go to his
AsMlilnr Miall Orllmrt.
! .-
unt-r the .re of l-rl majority, he
following tt...- Jai,a4 ah.ll, wiU.1- fi-
""'.TLlZnt to said Council such .p- ! itwusnce of such liceni
or and Police " ,. , . Imprisoned In the City Jail
ear. after thenf thi tUfl of , forty day. T
I Oar WU n prrwn, .iiiii. v .,,, tM, 7 ,
to the
I' r
. . iiAaiiaju 1 rrnri i.ajii iwmL . . w -1 1 ..it ... .).. .-
na i" ith ,h. rertjftcate - tr Treasurer tne l-e or ensrre cot- . - - - cur nun ... . .......
..nation tmeether with trie f" " ... ,,. K. ' Potion . It shsll be unlawful for other Intoik.tln. liauor
to the moral c" ,y.r ,h4, ntr Council In -." ' "r br-rom or Iquor pj eorpor.te limit, of DeJl.a, !w
, conduct suen " , hhTrerul.r reports: whenever .a p-' ? "v r nr "toilc.tlng OTr,nn. without a license, .hail be re-.
said license! ani " ..mm for such lie-, shall be de-1 Ul"r ""TV," 7 "tn wnatso- r.r1ed .nd deemed to be a separate
ha. n filed, and .hl report Except in case, where the wme "' drunkard. to .,; .d any person who has h.d j ,f
rr me - ,f rh license; is denied o an asxirne or ctner r-r- " ' ; his license vut.p.tiaru .""'""-a .
provided, he or they. In case the of
fender lie a person, firm, or company.
nd In case the offender be a corpor-
anager. or per
son conducting or having charge of
any such business, shall be deemed
mill, nf mlulMnMnAr and unon
conviction thereof In the Police Court! room and stop his hilarity he became
of the city of Dallas, .hall he fined In sbuslve to the officer, who kad to r
a sum of not less than fifty dollar, nor ! sort to hi. "coaxer" before Arch would
more than on hundred dollars, or be aubmlt, and Saturday Howard Hlbb.
Jail not to ex- ,,.1. -nr all of the side walk
for migration and was .hown to hi.
room In the city's hotel. All the sbove
Inebriates paid their usual fines and
released. MrMlnnvlll. Tele
hitu: ana u,r . , r. - lirfallr srjnlriTie th same
fee ha. ,' . . k . nir Council : Auditor and Pvlic Jdr stall. with-j
hnna. auw . -
' m la ftaJonwa. ' In section thlrtesj of this ordlnance.
fwtion !. It shall -e anlawful for i shall be downed to be a pmtnn with-
five da; a thereafter, return to the any k-ep-r of any ber-rooaa or liquor 1 out a license during the period or sue
you hare anything to sell bring It
the public auction to be held at the
Farmers' Feed Shed ln DaJlaa, Satur
day. October It.
Receipts and Sales at Port! anil Union
Stock Yards.
PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 8 Receipts
for the week ending today have been
as follows: Cattle, 1833; calves. 292;
hogs, 282; sheep, 23(7; goats, 196.
The steer market for the week rall
ied slightly; one top load having
brought 15.90. The quality of. the of
ferings were fair. The cow market re
mains steady. Bulls sold steady and
calves were strong and high. The hog
market at the week's close waa about
20c, but prices ruled around $10.00,
which waa higher than Missouri liver
hogs cost laid down.
The establishment of a Western Un
ion telegraph office at the yards Is a
convenience which livestock shippers
have appreciated.
Much complaint ls Coming from.
owners of livestock, who say that
banks throughout the country have
loaned their available money on the
wheat crop and In consequence there
are no funds available for feeding cattle.
The movement by the railroads, the
Agricultural colleges and the Stock
Yards for sn increased hog production
in the Pacific Northwest Is attracting
widespread attention.
Representative sales have been as
follows: Steers, $4 15 to $S.90; calves.
$5 to $7; cows, $2.7$ to $4. SO; hogs.
$9.90 to $10.20; heifers. $4.60; sheep,
$3.75; lambs, $4.10 to $4.25.
Notice of Meeting of Board of Equall
saUoa. Notice I. hereby given that on Mon
day, the 17th day of October. 1910. the
Board of Equalisation will meet at th
County Courthouse in the city of Dal
las, la the county of Polki State of
Oregon, to examine and correct all
assessment rolls, to correct all errors
ln valuation, lot. or other property, or
incorrectly assessed as to description
or quantity, or where assessed to the
name of a person or persons sot the
owner thereof or assessed ander or
beyond the actual cash value thereof,
and to aasess all lands, lots and other
property appearing to have been emit,
ted or that was not assessed.
Petitions or applications for the re
duction of a particular assessment
shall be made la writing, verified by
the oath of the applicant or his at
torney and be died with the boarJ
during the Bra week It is by law re
quired to be In session, and any peti
tion or application eot so made, veri
fied and filed shall not be coasiJeret
or acted upon by the board.
Dated September 2a, A. D. 1110.
Assessor of Tolk County.
-29-4L .
to inspect it
usned thst the applicant is a wit-