TOOZE TO DEBATE Itn t rv J,,'. XI i 1 v jid it Jits of Assembly Plan ..narrow Afternoon. out announcing a de t'olonel E. Hofer, of .. Walter L, Toose, of held In the City Park v tomorrow afternoon. he debated is "The As Anti-Assembly Under !er will denounce the twrything that--la un it he is a fluent speak- Uly be able to make as ainst the plan as could v anti-assembly man in Tooze Is also fluent as . it is expected that he At- argument that will i.te Colonel look at his :l be wasted In the ar !s not probable that a ng-ed. - - ,1 1 sllrts Stock Pen. .,' n Pacific Company has , f i enters - at work con ock pen on the vacant ! nolle school building. ..uing stock on the cars i eded In Dallas,, and t nent will be welcom , isors and by the busi ly city. SOCIALISTS NAME TICKET Adopt Platform Urging Enfranchise ment of All Citizens Over SI . Socialists of Oregon met In Monta villa, Monday, and, after adopting a platform, nominated a full state ticket as follows: Governor W. S. Richards, of Al bany. , ; , . Secretary of State Allen McDon ald, of Portland. N . State Treasurer Charles Otter, of Portland. " Attorney General--C. C. Brix, of Prineville. ' , Superintendent of ' Public Intsruc tion J. D. Hassfurther, of Portland. State Printer George Bylander, of Portland. -Labor Commissioner S. L. Currey, of Coquille. , . . . ' Supreme Judges B. F. Ramp, of Brooks; R." R. Ryan, of Salem; T. L. Jones, of Fossil; and J. D. Myers, of Coquille. FUNERAL SERVICE SUNDAY Late Harvey V. Scott Will Be Bur ied With Masonic Honors. i t f'ti! tn fee Saw at the Dallas i, i ,t ,.' j'i'iic. Saturday, August 20 1 1. Jj. t'ii.n. Abstracter; Notary. 0-. J5- H.i',r, lawyer. Rooms 6 and '.Link's Ci -ratitced Granite ware at raven Dros. ' ljpf!? ! for sale at this office. 'Tlt ''s Fire Relief Associa te of !uttvi!K, Oregon; J. D. Winn, gffit, Bui-r.a Vieta, Oregon, tf rer 'y the linotype way. Have your pointing done the Ob- Vlck Proa, aie selling fencing and leeting at $8 per thousand feet. Other hnber at corresponding low rates. . lYaquIna, Bay ' Ocean, Seaside achats. Gam-hart, Alsea, Nehalem jtndcra, Oatinon Beach take your lolce. All in Oregon. v .......... Don't fail to See Saw at the Dallas fercnntiln Por.-, Saturday, August 20. . Missionary Meeting. The Woman's Missionary Society of the United Evangelical Church will hold its regular monthly meeting Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Aug ust 16. Subject: "The Negro as Freedman and Citizen." Meeting will be held at the home of Prof, and Mrs. Dunkelberger. All Interested ones are cordially invited. , MRS. GUSTA SMITH, Cor. Sec. MRS. NELLIE WINTER, Pres. Socialist Convention. A mass convention of the Socialists of Folk County Is hereby called to meet at the Courthouse in Dallas on Saturday, August 20, at 10 o'clock for -the consideration of political action. .. JAMES K. SEARS, County Chairman. Teac hers Take Examination. The regular August teachers' exam ination is in progress at the. Court house, with a smaller class of appli cants than usual. Superintendent Seymour is being assisted in the work of grading papers by Mrs. Seymour and. Mrs. F. H. Morrison. . Candidates Petitions for Sale. The Observer job offlce has candi dates petitions for sale at 10 cents each. Order now. $ Vvr Sale. 'The John Trent mare .' and colt; tlttiit 1300 pounds; age 6 years. Also 'BT and harness, at the Dallas tooting; G.-illery. J. D. Blodgette. I 8-12-tf . Notice. . . - On account of repairs being mad, the Dallas Free Library will be closed Saturday, August 13. Legal blanks for sale at this offlce. Telegraphic advices have been re ceived announcing that the remains of the late Harvey W. Scott will reach Portland over the North Bank line Saturday morning, accompanied by Mrs. " Scott and her son, Leslie M. Scott, says'' yesterday's Oregonian.' President Elliott, of the Northern Pa cific Railway, tendered the use of his private car for the trip. From Spo kane to Portland they will com eover the North Bank road. Upon arriving in Portland the body will be conveyed to the Scottish Rite Cathedral, Morrison' and Lownsdale streets, where it will lie in state be tween 2 and 4 o'clock Saturday after noon.' . The public will' be given an-opportu-nity to attend the Kadosh funeral servce of the Masons on Saturday night.. Alhough this Is also known as the midnight service, it will be held at 9 o'clock, and all who wish to attend must be seated before 8:30. as the doors will be closed promptly at that time. The service will last 30 min utes and will be the most impressive known to the order. Sunday morning the body will be removed to the home of the family, at Twelfth and Morrison streets. Pri vate funeral services at the house will be conducted at 2 by Dr. T. I Eliot; who has been at Belllngham, but who will return fln time for the services. Two songs will be rendered by a .quartet In charge of Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer. ' Portland Lodge No. 55, A F. and A. M will gather at the Masonic Temple at 1:30 o'cloek in the afternoon, in preparation to conduct the body of their brother to the grave. Other or ganizations, many of which were hon ored by Mr. Scott's membership, have asked that they be assigned places in the funeral cortege, and their re quests have been granted by the offi cers of the lodge. All organzations participating in the funeral will take their positions In the street In front of the Scott resi dence between 2 and 2:30, when the body will be conveyed to Riverview Cemetery. There the ritual of the blue lodge wilt be observed. : - Cottage Nears Completion. The handsome new cottage being erected by Byron Lovelace on Mill street is nearing completion. It 4s a neat structure and will be an orna ment to that portion of the residence district. Legal blanks for sale at this office. PERSONAL MENTION Glenn Butler returned from New. port, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Collins went to Newport yesterday. Mrs. W. H. Dalrymple, of Salem, Is visiting relatives in Dallas. A. O. Magers, of Salem, was a bus! ness visitor In Dallas, Wednesday. W. H. Cadle, of Rlckreall, was a business visitor in Dallas Wednesday. John Fidler and family arrived home Tuesday from an outing at the beach. - '' '' '', Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fuller left this morning for a few days outing on the Salmon River. ; . Mrs. Joseph Bernard!, of Salem, Is a guest at me nome oi rar.anu juib. J. L. Sweeney. , Joseph Webster, of Everett, Wash., is visiting at the home of his brother, John Webster. . . Ms. and Mrs. Cal Headly, of Port land, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. F. H. Muscott. - E. M. Young, a prominent hop buyer of Independence, was a Dallas visitor yesterday. Mrs. Lee Smith is in Portland, ac quainting herself with the new Fall styles in millinery. Mrs. Chadwick and daughter, Mrs. McFadden, were guests of Mrs. J. C. Gaynor, Wednesday. Eugene Cobb, of Portland, Is visit ing at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Alice Dempsey. Mrs. E. H. Hibbard attended the funeral of her late granddaughter In Roseburg this week. - G. E. Frey, of Baker City, is visiting at the farm home of his brother, L. B. Frey, South of Dallas. .... Jesse and Walter Barham, the welr known contractors, went to Portland on a business visit yesterday. A. M. Holmes, a pioneer resident of the McCoy neighborhood, was a busi ness visitor to Dallas, yesterday. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kerslake re turned Friday evening from a twa weeks' visit in Portland and Seattle. D. T. Hodges, a prominent hop raiser of the Rlckreall district, was in Dallas on a business errand, Wednes day. . A. Ben Korl, of Forest Grove, is -a business visitor, in Dallas. Mr. Ben Korl is connected with the circulation department of the Portland Telegram. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Griffiths left Tuesday for their home in Rocky, Ok lahoma, after a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Ellis. le tock Red to c in i e 4 (4 &, el' antic reduction on all Summer Goods Is a sweeping sale and every department has been a upon and furnishes its share of this Harvest argains. Summer Goods must go regardless of 2r prices to make room for new Fall Goods, 6 V A SHIRT SPECIALS Lien's fancy Negligee Shirts in pongee, surah and silk at the fol lowing reductions: drrS i :: $2.00 values at 2 oO tl.OO 8.50 $1.45 1.75 1.90 2.45 c l - I j ;::r :i.--I "3"' -1 a-- SUIT SPECIALS V ALL WOOL SUITS, this ;make, all the new greys it shades, no reserve, every riust go. nits at , $13.85 i is at 16.85 )YS' SUIT SPECIAL Tash Suits at 95c 6 and 6.50 Suits at $3.55 7.50 and 8 Suits at 5.00 stock of Boys' Clothing in y. All sizes and colors. Ev :ient guaranteed for wear. Annual Sale of Wash Goods Amaskeag Gingham, our regular 12k value at 10c Scotch Zephyr Gingham, regular 25c grade at ' 15c Yarn dyed organdies and fancy weaves in summer dress fabrics 35 cent values at 19c PONGEE SILKS Beautiful material in figured and diagonal effects sold regularly at 50c 35 cents 50c voile 36-inch material in grey, cream and black, 36 in. wide 35 cents TAN SHOES Ladies, misses and childrens tan shoes at wholesale prices. We will show you the best shoe values in town and the best shoes. xfords in gun metal, tans and patent leather, W. las make, $3.50 and $4 values at. THE BEE HIVE STORE i.o.o.F.BWg A Reliable Place to Trade Dai law, Oregon $2.85 o A. r 1 eg i LiZrf Os JF 11 Oil 11 11 Having sold the entire stock of Millinery and Fixtures to Mrs. Lee Smith-and in order to give possession of the building August 15-must close out our entire stock of Ladies' Wool Suits, Ladies' Cotton Suits, Skirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Etc., at once. We have just 15 days to close out this entire stock and we propose to give you prices unheard of in Dallas. Ready-to-Wear garments at your own prices. No reserve. Every thing must go and go quick.. Sale began Saturday morning, July 30, and continues for 15 days. - -,v- (alias Suit & Cloak Company Miss Clara- Popple'on and Miss Em ma Riggs, of Portland, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cass Riggs, north, of Rlckreall. Professor H. H. Dunkelberger has taken his family to camp near Pio neer, where he is working in Mulr & McDonald's tanbark camp. Miss Ruby Flske returned Wednes day from a visit with relatives in Mc Minnville. Her cousin, Miss Pauline Snyder, acompanied her to Dallas. F. J. Morrison and family arrived home this week from Lincoln' County, where Mr. Morrison has been employ ed by the county in road building since early In the Summer. Among the passengers to Newport, Wednesday, were Hon. U. S. Lough ary and family, Mrs. J. H. Hollister and son, Claude, Mrs. D. F. Harris, Mrs. A.- P. Starr and Mrs. Ollie Kim ball. Tom C. Stockwell came out from Newport on a business visit yesterday and will return to the beach this morning. He says the crowd of Sum mer visitors at Newport is larger than ever before. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holman, former residents of Black Rock, have been enjoying an outing In Tillamook County. They found life so enjoy able in that country that they are un willing to leave it and will locate In Hemlock. Cass Riggs and son, Cecil, of Crow ley, were Dallas visitors Wednesday. Mr. Riggs says grain is turning out fairly well In his neighborhood. One field of a neighbor, George Wait, yield ed SO bushels to the acre. The ground had been summer fallowed. The Reverend and Mrs. T. H. Star- buck, Miss Edith Starbuck, Dr. A. B. Starbuck, Mr. and Mrs. George Ger linger and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gerln ger, Jr., were the members of an au tomobile party that returned Wednes day from a short trip to Netarts and Tillamook. James Mulr, of Hamilton, Canada, is visiting at the home of his brother. A. B. Mulr, in this city. The visit or his brother was a complete surprise to' our townsman, and as the two men had not seen each other since they were boys together at the old home in Canada 41 years' ago, the pleasure of the meeting may well be imagined. Mrs. Oscar Hayter arrived home last night from a two months' visit at her old home in Minnesota. She greatly enjoyed the trip, despite the hot weather prevailing In the North ern states in July. She was accom panied on the homeward trip from Seattle by her husband, who met her In that city Monday night j r w ifc.'.s,.. -vfc. -nj JUL M LJJl i U Llx il17 IsJ.vfnf fjtin ttrmsr that awn trine tnrf ryrf & ' w - " - - " 'Tffmwwmrtw-"-"' UurlngToivm of the Northwest Mmm:: i yPATRONIZB HOME INDUSTRIES: AND BVILD THEAYVR ftsist on Your Dealer Giving You theso Goods JudfV Galloway Will Run. Judge William Galloway has filed with the Secretary of State his dec laration of intention of becoming a candidate on the Democratic ticket for re-election to the circuit court bench for the Third Judicial district Read August Some. Read "The Philippines As I Saw Them," by General James F. Smith, ex-Governor of the Philippines, and "California's Black Gold; ths Ro mano of the Oil Wells." by Walter V. Woehlke, in Sunset for August now on ale at all news stands; If centa The Cost Is Small. Buyer and seller can b brought to gether at a cost of only a few cents by placing an advertisement In ths Ob server's "Wanted- and "For Sale" column. Try It the next time you have anything to buy or selL Willamette Valley COY BROTHERS West Side Marble Lumber Co CONTnACTOKS BUILDERS WorRs PIllI1,an(1EgttmatesFlirillfilied 0.IfcHAWia!fS(ProprIetor. LARGEST INDUSTRY AND LAR- VV. J. COY, G. II. COY, MONUMENTS, ' HEADSTONES AND CURBING. .Phone Mutual Phone GEST PAY ROLL IN POLK COUNTY. 1194 1S85 A Complete Line of All Latest Designs. Modern Store Fronts "OREGON'S BEST" F. J. WAGNER. Are a specialty at Manufactured Solely by MECHANICAL EXPERT COAD'S PLANING MILL DALLAS FLOURING MILL MODERN PLANT-SKILLED WORK- 0umBtMd ,n . bi Mf, Ac', ' 'f'T0"1 MEN UP-TO-DATE IDEAS. Guaranteed to be the best soft Company'. Auto Buggy-best Auto J. ........... wheat flour In the Willamette Valley, tor farm and country purposes. Shop Work of All Kinds at Reasonable Hava Jugt adde(, a compIet, ,lne of Prices. Sold by aU Grocers In Dallas. Farm Implement and Machinery. DALLAS GARAGE Otho Williams GLEN O. GRANT ABSOLUTELY FIRE-PROOF , . ,. . Merchant Tailor Contractor and Builder Best equipped Garage In the State. Constructed of Concrete Through- Estimates Furnished out Automobiles stored at reason- AU the New Spring Styles and Patterns. able rates. Expert machinists In on Ml CIas of charge of Repair Department. Solicits your orders for Careful and Bulldinga D. F. HARRIS, Proprietor. Conscientious Workmanship. Store and Interior Work a Specialty. DALLAS BAKERY VICK BROTHERS Dallas Iron Works C. C. MCLKEY, Proprietor. ... . . . . MaiJilnisls Foandryiuen Pattrru- ' We are prepared to fill your orders m k rJ. . . . . ., , promptly for ail common lumber both era" Do not aend your money away to rough . ,led . ,hplJlp , ru,. SAWMILL WORK A SPECIALTY Portland for bread. Buy good Dallas tl0 at verv reasonable rates. We will We sr. prepared to do any kind of bread and keep the money at home, be glad to figure with anyone needing Iron and Brass work. Lumber trucks It will help us and help you. lumber. Mill located on ths John Far- and Stock work on hand. W. make ley farm 4 miles Southwest of Dallas. the best and cheapest Stump Puller Bell Phone 51. Mutual Phone 2. phone 26 Oak. , on the market Prices reasonable. "WHITE CLOVER" COSY CORNER CANDIES F. H. MORRISON CARTON BUTTER Manufactured by TrT our Una Home-made Candiea Architect T. 8. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. Creameries at nd our delR-kms Ice Cream Structural Engineer Portland, Astoria, Salem, Gardiner, Dallas, Nabcotta, Lyons, Seattle. GEORGE R. C0AD Mutual Teloytiooe, South 4. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that the on-derais-nrd has teu duly sppointed administrator of the estate of Fle.unt Orchard, deceased, by th. County Court of the Mate of Or-oon ff Polk County, and has qualified. All persons havtna; claim, aratnut the said estate are rby notified to prent the same. loKthrr with the proper ouchTS therfor. to the ondfrmifrn.d at Rlck rrll, Cr.4ron, or at the lew office of 8ir.l,y A KakiB m I Una Urrtm wtthta six month, front this none. Datd aad Brat published August 12. 111. PETER COOK. Administrator f the Mtate of 11 and Orchard, d-ead. nt-LKr A LA KIN, Attoraea. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Andrew J. Norrls. deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oreeon for Polk Coun ty, and has qualified. All persons having claims axalnst the said eatata are hereby notified to present the bum duly verified, togeth er with the proper voucher, therefor, to the undersigned at hi. office in the City of Dallas, In said County, within six months from the date of this no tice. Dated and first published July 2, llt. R. Xj. CHAPMAN. Admintntrator of the ertate of An drew J. Norrls, decaaed. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby glrea that the un dersigned have been duly appointed executors of the estate of Franklin A. link, deceased, by the County Court ths data of th State of Oregon, for Polk Coun ty, ana nave quauneo. Ail persons having claims aralnst the said eatate ar. hereby notified to present the same duly verified, tor eth er wtth the proper voucher, therefor, to the undersigned at thetr residence in Luck ta mute Precinct In said Coun ty of Polk, within six months from the date or this notice. Dated and first published July 1, 110. MARY E. LINK. HOMER V. LINK, NELLIE LINK, Executors of the estate of Franklin A. Link, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Xotlce of Sale. Notice ts hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale duly iiwued out of th. County Court of th. State of Oregon for Polk County on the Ith day of July. Isle, upon a judgment and order of sale of attached property duly given and made by said County Court on the 16th day of July, Isle. In a certain action then pending In said Court In which Dallas Mercan tile Company, a corporation, was plaintiff and Agstha Quiring was de fendant which Judgment Is In favor of said plaintiff and against the said de fendant commandinc me to sell the real property hereinafter and In said execution described, I Will, on Saturday. Aagaat Z. ll, st the hour of one o'clock a m. ft( Mid day, at the front door of the County Court Hooi. In th. City af Dallas, in said County of Polk. sl at public auctioa to the highest bidder, for cash In hand en day of sale, sub ject to confirmation by said Court and subject to redemption as provided by is, all the .Mate, claim, right title, dower and interest which the an Id de fendant had on tha first day of July, llv. or has since acquired, or now has, in and to the following described real property, to wit: Beginning at a point It chains Fast from the Southweat corner of the Do nation Land Claim of Neinn Johnson nd wife. Claim No. it, in Townhip f South, of f lange i Went of the WUlnm ette Meridian, in Polk County. S'.te of Oregon, and running thence East St chains; thence North It Zk chain.; thence West It chains; and thenca South It 2 chains to the place of be rlnnlng, containing ii.ii acres, more or leoa Aleo. that parcel ef land described beginning st a point It It chains JSouth snd t . chains West from the Northt corner of the Donation land Claim of H. M Wailer. Claim No. St. In said Township and Kaaga. snd running thence North chun; thenca Went It 't chain.; then.-. South II 71 chain.; thenc. Kt tl ' chains; and thenc Nnrth It 1 chms to the place of beginning, containing; 49 II arrea, mora or lem. Together with th. t-fernents and apt.orten.Bcea thereto belonging or in anvie arrn!nlr.r. Dated u.m Iia 5y f J'v. Hit. J. M. GRANT, Fherlff of Polk Cour.!y. Oretr'tv