CENSE WHEELMEN sble OrdlnniK-e Is Introduced l Dallas City Council. Ity council held a rather dull nteresting session last night, :ters of Importance being up for consideration."1 Several s were-ordered abated, a war- i drawn for certain macadam. eady completed, and two or J were introduced- one eon the manner of building street 1 the other to permit bicyclists n certain sidewalks upon pay a license. ilmen Fuller and Hall, of the nmittee, reported that they e an Inspection of the-business ' of the city, and that, with a ptlons, they hud found condl be good. dinance to license meat ped is called up for consideration, brief discussion of the meas is, on motion of Fenton, again the table. " dinance to permit wheelmen heir bicycles on certain side ?on payment of a license to was read first time, disposing of a number of Of minor importance, the idjourned. jor Hammond Coming. Creed Hammond, of Eugene, j Dallas, Thursday evening to Company H, and discuss ar nts for the trip to the en it at American Lake. Captain desires a full attendance of of the company. we, the Optician, is usually sy in the afternoon and we uggest that you call to see he forenoon when possible. iros. are selling fencing and at $6 per thousand feet. Other it corresponding low rates, buggy to trade or sell cheap, it Fidler's CashStore. It. Brown, Abstracter; Notary. Guaranteed Granite ware at sros. Hayter, lawyer. Rooms 6 and 'V Building. armer's Fire Belief Assocla utteville, Oregon; J. D. Winn, uena Vista, Oregon. tf Fidler's for the cheapest town. It is, ' Bay '" Ocean, Seaside, Gearhart, Alsea, Nehalem, Cannon Beach take your .11 in Oregon. HONOR OLD PIONEER Pleasant Reunion Held nl Home of Mrs. Mnrln Smith at IiridgrH't. BRIDGEPORT, Or., July 18 One of the largest birthday receptions and family reunions ever held in this com munity was given at the home of Mrs. Maria Smith, Sunday, July 17, in hon or of her 80th birthday. The occasion was a pleasant surprise to Mrs. Smith and was planned by her relatives and friends. At noon fiftj'-three persons gathered around the dining table, Which had been set. on the long East porch of her home and laden with the best the land produces. . Mrs. Smith was born in Missouri In 1830. She came to Oregon in 1846 and has resided on the donation claim where she now lives since 1849. She has been "married three times. She is the mother of eight children, and has 37 grandchildren and 29 great-grandchildren. No person in. this part of the state iB better known or more uni versally beloved than "Aunt" Maria Smith. She was the recipienf of many presents and the good wishes of all who attended the dinner. - Those present were: J.. W. Cham berlain, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. James Russell, of Parker; Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Belieu and three 'children, of Bridgeport; Mr. and Mrs. James Hilliard, of Independence; Mrs. Re becca Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Chamberlain and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Lineback and daughter, and George Chamberlain, of Falls City; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Chamberlain and son, of Bridgeport; Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Averill and two children, of Brownsville; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fra dy and two children, of Peoria; Adren Chamberlain, Mrs. Martha Smith, J. O. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George Bron son and two children, William Belieu, Leslie -and Austin Locke, of Bridge port; Mr. and Mrs. George Gardner and son, Lott. of Falls City; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, "of Lewisville; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Collins, Miss Eva 'Coll ins, Bert'Sollyhub, Mr. and Mrs. James Bowler and daughter, and Otho Smith, of Independence. WILL OPEN NEW STORE Dungan & Holinaii PiircliaKed Adams' Wall Paper ami Paint Mock. William Holmau. and M. Dun gan have purchased the wall paper and paint department of the Adams Furniture Store and will" soon open an exclusive wall paper and paint store on .Washington street. The store will be opened In a build ing now being constructed by D. J. Riley just East of the Adams store, and which will be ready for occupancy about September 1. The new store will carry a complete line of -uaints. oils, wallpaper, pict ure frajnes, glass and moulding. The inventory of the Adams stock was completed yesterday and the purchas ers are now in charge of the stock, which will be handled in the Adams building until the new store is com pleted. This transfer will give Dallas a pa per and paint store eiual to the best in the valley. The name of the pro prietors is a sufficient guarantee that the stock will contain everything that is modern and desirable. CHANGE IN SCHEDULE Ollico Building Moved. One of the old landmarks of Dallas disappeared from Main street this morning when the frame office build ing occupied by Judge J.' L. Collins as a law office for nearly 50 years was moved to the Judge's residence proper ty on Court street. The site vacated on Main street is a part of the lot re cently purchased by the Dallas Nation al Bank. A modern bank and office building will be built there early next Spring. One Portland Train Leaves Dallas Later, and Arrives Earlier. The' change in the train schedule of the Southern Pacific Company which went into effect Sunday through the removal of passenger traffic from Fourth street In Portland affects, the running time of the Dallas-Portland division, although these trains are still running to the Jefferson street depot. The morning train now leaves Dal las at 6:55 o'clock, (ten minutes later than before,) and the evening train arrives in Dallas at 7:20 instead of 7:55. The latter trains leave Portland at 4:05 p. m., twenty-five minutes ear lier than under the former schedule. No change has been made in the time card of the afternoon train tf Portland. None of the Dallas trains now connect with tire Sheridan train at Broadmead.' Farmers Are Busy. The average farmer is about as busy these July days as the proverb ial honey-bee. Caring for the hay crop is holding most of them very closejo their work. When they come into town to make a few purchases, they are always in a hurry. A few minutes in the stores then back to work again. PERSONAL MENTION John Olln Was a visitor in Salem, Sunday.. , Oscar Hayter is a business visitor in Portland today. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Shore were vis itors In Salem", Sunday, r Conrad Stafrin was a business visit or in Portland, Saturday. A. C. Taylor, of McCoy, was a coun ty seat visitor Saturday. Mrs. Jeff Byerly, of Newport, .is vis iting relatives in Dallas. Clyde Reynolds, of Black Rock, was a Dallas visitor Saturday. Harry Byers was down from Black Rock Sunday, on a visit Charles LeonarjJ, of Monmouth, vis ited friends in this city Saturday. S. H. Petre, of Bridgeport, was a business visitor in Dallas today. E. N. Keeney, of near Smithfield, was a business visitor in Dallas today. Barton Z. Riggs, ofSalt Creek, was a business visitor in Dallas, Monday. Mrs. Virginia Smith returned Satur day from a few days' visit in Portland. The Reverend Victor Ballantyne, of Sodaville, Is Visiting his parents in this city. Roland Boscow, of Portland, is vis iting at the home of his aunt, Mrs. D. K. Patterson. Mrs. Lizzie Percival, of Prineville, visited at the home of Sheriff and Mrs. Grant, Sunday. Mrs E. W. Fell, of Tacoma, Wash ington, was the guest of Mrs. Anna Coad, Thursday. Mrs. Maria Miller, of Portland, vis ited Dallas frjends during the latter part of last week. Carl Fenton was in Newport over Sunday, where he played on the New port baseball team. Mrs. "Ida Chorpening and son, C. D. Chorpening, left Sunday for their home in Klamath Falls. Mrs. Mary Bricker has returned iiome from a visit with relatives and friends in Independence. Miss Florence Gebo, of Independ ence, visited over Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Gooch. Miss Winnie Launer returned last night from a visit with relatives and friends in Albany and "Portland. ;, Mrs. Virginia Smith with her sister, Mrs. W. W. Percival, of Independence, was a week end visitor in Portland. Miss Freda Launer and Miss Edna Holmes returned yesterday front a visit to Portland. Miss Launer's moth er, Mrs. A. A. Launer, is in Portland under medical care. . I- mock ReoiuicEn J2S agamic reduction on all Summer Goods Ms is a sweeping sale and every, department has been rawn upon and furnishes its share of this July Harvest f Bargains. Summer Goods must go regardless of irmer prices to make room for new Fall Goods. SHIRT SPECIALS en's fancy Negligee Shirts in mgee, surah and silk at the fol wing reductions: $1.45 1.75 1.90 2.45 100 values at 150 " - " LOO " L50 " j SUIT SPECIALS EN'S ALL WOOL SUITS, this ;ason's make, all the new greys id light shades, no reserve, every ling must go. 10 Suits at . $13.85 S Suits at " 16:85 ? BOYS' SUIT SPECIAL oys' Wash Suits at 95c oys' $5, 6 and 6.50 Suits at $3.35 ys' $7, 7.50 and 8 Suits at 5.00 :;rgest stock of Boys' Clothing in : i valley. All sizes and colors. Ev y garment guaranteed for wear. Annual Sale of Wash Goods Amaskeag Gingham, our regular 121c value at . 10c Scotch Zephyr Gingham, regular 25c grade at . 15c , j Yarn dyed organdies and fancy weaves in summer dress fabrics 35 cent values at J9C PONGEE SILKS Beautiful material in figured and diagonal effects sold regularly at 50c 35 cents 50c VOILE 36-inch material in grey, cream and black, 36 in. wide 35 cents TAN SHOES Ladies, misses and childrens tan shoes at wholesale prices. We will show you the best shoe values in town and the best shoes. n's Oxfords in gun metal, tans and patent leather, W. SO fi . Douglas make, $3.50 and $4 values at w i THE BEE HIVE STORE j - i.o.o.F.BidS A Reliable Place to Trade Dalian, Oregon B. H. McDougal left Monday for Dickens, Iowa, where he will spend several months visiting relatives and friends; Mrs. R. L. Chapman is in Salem this week with her little daughter, Bar bara, who Is being treated for throat trouble. , Horace Webster, George Lowe and Henry Dlmiek left this morning for a fishing trip on the headwaters of the SlletK river. E. L. Collins, of Arleta, was in Dal las yesterday en. route for Falls City, for a short visit with his sister, Miss Nellie- Collins. Mrs. Fellows and daughter, of Gold endale, Washington, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Rich and Mr. and Mrs. George Scott. Luther Ground, a prominent resi dent of Monmouthand for many years Surveyor for Polk County, was a busi ness visitor in Dallas yesterday. Henry J. Butler, of Ballston, was a visitor in Dallas yesterday. He says the farmers in his neighborhood are all busy with their harvesting. L. B. Frey, a recent arrival in Dal las from Freeport, Illinois, has bought the Smith farm west of town and will make his home in Polk County. , County Judge and Mrs. Ed F. Coad ieft yesterday for Portland, where Judge Coad will attend the Grand Lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. Mr. and Mrs. N. Dornslfe. Glen But ler and family and Mrs. James Boyd- ston left today for a three weeks out ing at Newport. The party will camp at Nye Creek. Mr. and Mrs. John Frapwell, of Watson ville, California, arrived in Dallas this afternoon, for a visit with Mrs. Frapwell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Farnham. If you have head and eye ache, don't fail to have Dr. Lowe test your evpR. Kiehtv-five oer cent of all head ache comes from eye strain. Consult him July 27 and 28. H. A. Barendrick returned to Port land yesterday after a few days' visit with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Barendrick will remain a few weeks longer visiting relatives. " David J. Holmes, one of Oregon's oldest residents, and a Clerk of Polk County in the pioneer days, was over from Salem yesterday, looking after business affairs and greeting his many old-time friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Cressy came over from South Bend, Washington, in their automobile the last of the week and have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Cressy's parents, Mr. and Mr& Abel Uglow. J. W. Chamberlain was in Dallas yesterday on his way to his home in Milwaukie. He had been visiting his mother, Mrs. Maria Smith, near Falls City. Mrs. Smith celebrated her 80th birthday Sunday. Claude Dempsey, of Portland, visit ed over Sunday with relatives in Dal las. He was accompanied by William English, who is employed in the Gov ernment Lighthouse Service, with headquarters in Portland. E. C. Kirkpatrick went to Portland yesterday afternoon for a several days' stay. Mr. Kirkpatrick is a prom- Inent candidate for indorsement to the State Railroad Commissioner nomina tion at the hands of the Republican state assembly, - Misses Grace and Hazel Whitney left for Portland, Friday, after several' weeks' visit at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Theo Farington. Miss Hazel will return to her home in St. Cloud, Alin- nesota, and Miss Grace will spend the winter in Portland. Jack Sibley and John Allgood ar rived home Saturday afternoon from a two weeks' outing on the beach at the mouth of the Siletz river. They walked from Siletz to Newport, a dis tance of 30 miles and took the train for home. Mr. Sibley's wife and moth er, and Cash- E. Sibley returned by team and reached home last night. Mrs. Deborah Perry, of Sacramento, California, is visiting at the home of her uncle, Hon. T. J. Hayter. Mrs. Perry is a daughter of Mr. Hayter's only sister, now deceased. She was for many years a resident of Platte City, Missouri, but moved about four years ago to Sacramento, where her son-in-law and daughter reside. Mrs. Perry Is greatly pleased with Oregon. Dr. A. B. Starbuck. A. F. Toner, U. S. Loughary and Joe Craven returned home last night from a fishing trip on the Big Nestucca river. The party left in Dr. Starbuck's big car at 5 o'clock Sunday morning, and six hours later camp was made near Beaver, 60 miles from this city. Some good fishing was enjoyed, the total catch numbering 150 trout. N. A. Emmitt, of Falls City, was a business visitor in Pallas yesterday. He has just completed the construction of a neat and commodious dwelling for the Miller Mercantile Company, of Newberg, on the old Baker place near Bridgeport, a farm recently purchased by the Newberg concern. Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt will leave today for a few weeks' outing at Newport A merry outing party consisting of W. P. Cressy, of outh Bend, Wash ington: Theodore Johnson, a banker of Raymond, Washington: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. ITglow and Miss Pearl ITg- low, of this city, left ?arly thl morn ing for the headwaters of the Slletx river on a few days' fishing trip. The party will travel over the Falls Clty Snet road In Mr. Cressy's automobile as far as It Is possible to go with the car, and will then pack their camp ing outfit over the trail to the North fork of the river. They will return to Dallas the last of the week. Taylor Dunn has charge of Mr. Vglow's store during his altsenee. .iviJimulc HIM TT ofiheleadfngMi laturinglbirnsoftfieNbrthvYest. j PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES! AND BV1LD THEM VR Insist on Your Dealer' Giving You these Goods! WiKamette Valley COY BROTHERS West Side Marble - U CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS IOrlCS LUmDCr VO. plaM 8nd EBUmate8 Furnished g. HAWKINS, Proprietor. vv r rnv Q H. COT. MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES AND LARGEST INDUSTRY AND LAR- W. J. COY, u. n. iajx, CURBING. Phone Mutual Phone , GEST PAY ROIIj IN POLK COUNTY. 1194 .1885 A Complete Line of All Latest Designs. 1 Modern Store Fronts "OREGON'S BEST" F. J. WAGNER. Are a specialty at Manufactured Solely by MECHANICAL EXPERT GOAD'S PLANING MILL DALLAS FLOURING MILL Tlre8 864 whUe Yon Walt- Agency for International Harvester MODERN PLANT-SKILLED WORK- Guaranteed to be the best soft Company's Auto Buggy best Auto MEN UP-TO-DATE IDEAS. wheat flour ln tn0 Willamette Valley, tot farm and country purposes. Shop Work of All Kinds at Reasonable - , Have just added a complete line of Prices. Sold by all Grocers in Dallas. Farm Implements and Machinery. DALLAS GARAGE Otho Williams GLEN 0. GRANT absolutely fire-proof Merchant Tjulor Contractor and Builder Beat equipped Garage In the State Estimate, Furnished Constructed of Concrete Through- out. Automobiles stored at reason- All the New Spring Styles and Patterns. on m claBfjep of able rates. Expert' machinists In - - charge of Repair Department Solicits your orders for Careful and Buildings. D. F. HARRIS, Proprietor. Conscientious Workmanship. -" Store and Interior Work a Specialty. DALLAS BAKERY V1CK BROTHERS Dallas Iron Works unrurv pnrMn. Machinists Found"ryiuen Pattern- C. C. MULKEY, Proprietor. We are prepared to fill your orders Makers. t promptly for all common lumber both ,.-, , ,r . . T Do not send your money away to oug gized a,80 BhlpIap and rug. SAWMILL WORK A SPECIALTY. Portland for bread. Buy good Dallas tIo at very reaSonable rates. We will We are prepared to do any kind of bread and keep the money at home, be glad to figure with anyone needing Iron and Brass work. Lumber trucks rt will helo us and help you. lumber. Mill located on the John Far! and Stock work on hand. Wo make It win ne.p us ana ne.p you. ) mle Bouthwest of jnas. the best and cheapest Stump Puller Bell Phone 51. Mutual Phone 826. phone 25 Oak. n tn8 market Prices reasonable. "WHITE CLOVER" COSY CORNER CANDIES F. HL MORRISON CARTON BUTTER Manufactured by Try our nne Home-made Candles Architect T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. Creameries at and our delicious Ice Cream Structural Engineer Portland, Astoria, Salem, Gardiner, . Dallas, NalK-otta, Lyons, Seattle. . GEORGE R. COAD Mutual Tele,one, BouU, 4. . " , t Notice to Contractors. The Board of Directors of School District No. 17, Polk County, Oregon, will on Monday, July 25, 1910, at 1 o'clock P. M., at the schoolhouse In said district, let to the lowest and best bidder the contract for the erection of a three-room, frame school house. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the County School Su perintendent, Dallas, Oregon, or at the residence of the Chairman of the Board. A certified check of 5 per cent must accompany each bid. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Address T. J. Graves, Chairman of the Board, McCoy, Oregon. 7-12-4t. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have been duly appointed executors of the estate of Franklin A. Link, deceased, by the County court of the State of Oregon, for Polk Coun ty, and have qualified. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, togeth er with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned at their residence in Luckiamute Precinct In said Coun ty of Polk, within six months from the date of this notice. nted and first nubllshed July 1, HOMER V. LINK, NELLIE LINK, Executors of the estate of Franklin A. Link, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. objections thereto, if any there be, are hereby notified to appear before said County Court, in the Court room in Dallas in said County and State and present the same for adjustment, and failing so to do the petitioner herein named will ask that said estate be closed and the administrator discharg ed. Dated at Dallas, Polk County, Ore gon, this 6th day of July, 1910. WARREN WRIGHT, Administrator of Thomas B. Wright, deceased. Sibley & Eakin, Attorneys. COMING - Guardian's Sale, Notice Is hereby given that by virtue and in pursuance of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, sitting in probate, made and entered of record in said Court on the 6th day of June, 110, in the matter of the estate and guardian ship of Robert Travis Farley. Herma Lellth Farley and Wanda Jessie Far isv authorizing and licensing the un dersigned as guardian of the estates of said minors to sell the real property of his said wards hereinafter describ ed, at private sale, for cash, in the manner prescribed by law, the under .i,rri a mien guardian will, from and after Wednesday, the 13th day of July, 1910 at the law omee or usear iiay ter, Esq., In the City of Dallas, in said County, proceed to sell the said real property at private sale for cash In hand on day of sale, in accordance with said license of sale and In the manner prew-rlbed by law and subject to confirmation by said County Court; Mid real Droperty being particularly described as follows, to wit: An undiided 1-7 Interest in ana w those certain lots, parcels or pieces of land, situate, lying and being in Town ship 8 South, of Range ( West of the Willamette Meridian In Polk County. State of Oregon, described as follows: The South H of the Northwest K of Section It, excepting therefrom 40 acres more or less conveyed by Robert Farley snd wife to John Farley by deed dated May 17, 1886, and record ed at page 297 of volume 17 of the records of deeds In said County; Also the Southwest hi. of ald Sec tion 12; ... Also the Northesst 4 of the North- 1 west I Ain rommenclns about 20 rods from the Northesst corner of Section 14 where a certain branch crosses the quarter section Una of said Section 14, nri runnlnc mence sen oi w'n Notice of Referee's Sale. Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned, the duly appointed Sole Referee ln the case oi jvraniuin iu. Knower, C. A. Knower and Susie De Lap, plaintiffs, vs. Mary Emillne Knower. an incomoetent person, Su sie DeLap as guardian of the estate of said Mary Emiline Knower, J. W. De- ijin. Marv I). Knower ana ijorena n. Knower, defendants, will by virtue of an order and decree or tne uircuu Court of the State of Oregon for poik County, duly made and entered of rec ord therein on the 16th day of June, 1910, in the above entitled case by which order and decree I am author ized and directed to sell the hereinaf ter described real property of the above named plaintiffs and defendants and make partition of the proceeds thereof as directed by said order and decree, I will on Thursday, July the 28tli 1910, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day in front of the Court house door In Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, offer for sale and will sell to the highest bid der for cash In hand.subject to confirm ation by said Circuit Court, the follow ing described real premises, to-wit; The Southwest quarter of Section 14, the North half of the Northeast quar ter of Section 22, and the North half of the Northwest quarter of Section 23 all in Township 7 South of Range 4 West of the Willamette Meridian In Polk County, Oregon, and containing S20 acres more or less Dated at Dallas, Polk County, Ore gon, this 27th day of June, 1910. THOMAS W. BRUNK, Sole Referee In the above entitled cause. Executor's Sale. Notice is hereby given to whom It mav rnnr..rn- that bv virtue of an or der of the Honorable County Court of Polk County, Oregon, duly maae ana entered of record therein on the 16th ,iav r June. 1910. in the estate of Eilxa O. Emmens, deceased, by which said order I am authorised ana aireci 1 to sell the hereinafter described real premises belonging to said estate at private sale, to the highest bidder for cash, I will on or after the 23rd day of July, 1910, receive sealed bids for the hereinafter described real iiremtaea. to wit: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Ixt 1 In Block II in tne unginm -rv.wn nf Dallas. Polk County. Oregon. runnlni thence West 100 feet, thencs North 25 feet, thence East 100 feet, ! " file, thence South 25 feet to the place of ?7.d,;, beg.nnlng;-A, beginning at a pohU , "p'olk Co, near ine nouin in " river, 14.95 chains North of the South west corner of Section 35 In Township 7 South of Range 5 West of the Will amette Meridian. Polk County, Oregon, snd .2S chains North of the South west corner of the "L" of the Thomas J. Lovelsdy V. Mouth 58.97 ch Summons. -In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County. Department No. 2. A. L. Sperling and C. L. Sperling, Plaintiffs, vs. Luther Williams, and Kate G. Williams, his wife, Oliver N. Williams, William H. Williams, and Mary K. Williams, his wife, Defend ants. To Luther Williams, Kate O. Will iams, Oliver N. Williams, William H. Williams, and Mary K. Williams, the above named defendants: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit in the above entitled court, on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and you are further noti fied, that if you fall so to appear and answer the plaintiffs will apply to said court for the relltf therein demanded, to-wit: For a decree against you and each of you that the plaintiffs are the owners in fee simple of the follow ing described real property, to-wit: A part of the D. L. C. of Leonard Will iams and wife, Claim No. 42, Not. No', in 61. ln Td. 8 S. R. 4 West of the Will amette Meridian, ln Polk County, Ore s'0?: . . Commencing at tne jNorinwesi cor ner of the Thomas I Burbank D. L. C. ln Tp. 8 S. R. 4 West of the Will. Mer. in said County and State, thence West 14 chains; thence North 81.30 chains; thence East 68.20 chains; thence South 17 degrees 80 minutes Kast 36.27 chains: thence West 54.25 chains to the place of beginning, con-, talning 197.88 acres, more or less: Also, commencing 60 feet due East of the Southeast corner or tne aDove ue- scrlbed tract of land; thence East to the center of the county road leading from Independence to Salem; thence North along the county road 60 feet; thence West to a point 60 feet East of the East line of said above described tract; thence South 17 degrees SO min utes East 60 feet to the place of be ginning, containing 1.18 acres, more or less. And that said defendants and each of them be forever barred and enjoined from claiming any right, ti tle. Interest or estate ln or to said de scribed premises or any part thereof, and for such other and different relief as In equity seemeth just. This summons Is. published once a week for a period of six succelve and consecutive weeks in the Polk County Observer, beginning with the Issue of June 24, 1910, and ending with the issue of August 6th, 1910, un der and ln purmiance of the directions contained In an order of publlcntlon of summons ninde herein by Hon. Ed. F. Coad. County Judge of Polk Coun ty, State of Oregon, made and dated at Chambers at Dallas, Polk County. Oregon, June 22, 1910; the date of the first publication hereof Is June 24, 1910, and the date of Inst publication hereof will be August 6. 1910. B. F. SWOPK. Attorney for Plaintiffs. snd the Lot Numbered 1 or I cnaina wmin C "" , A u t i ,.n v thnr East 12.97 Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, as administrator de bonis non of the estate of 1 nomas wiiiiama. riled his final account in iurt of the State of Ore gon for Polk County, snd tnat vea nesdsy, the 20th day of July, 1910. at the hour of ten o'clock ln the fore noon of said day, at the Court room of the said County Court In the City of Dallas. Oregon, has been appointed by mri a a the time and place for 'I r runrn the";" hearing of objection, to the said slnorU. plnt 2 4n;n.l account and the settlement there- chains, thence North 2 8 81 chains, thence West 60 links, thence North 22.64 chains, to a point 1.75 chains north of the Southeast corner oi sam t ... .i.tt l I. thrnoe to the Discs "onth. Tr!Li ot Td branch to! of beginning and containing 180 acre. where raid bram h crrtw m quarter i-jtt vi v. - rL i.r.. f th. Xorthea quarter Amo t-.nnli. t 8$ chain. North of V . , . . ... .1 Winn ih KnrlhmMtt comer OI mfl niiry l-TVine "to the Southe.st corner of the j Marshall D L. C in J j "Te t er ot 'the estat. of .o wfLLrrt '! who, , ;ning: Containing in au "' '"V"'. . " K,th nil m-v concern that Z.ba Denny, the Park's Riding GALLERY M R BIO MURKY-OO-ROr? UK IX DALLAS For About Two Weeks 2. Galloping Horse. 4 lattice Chart.. I. FoMintr Chair. Military tend Organ. Fun for Toung and Old. a Katuroay. in "i - --- -T . ........ . . at the hour or is o ctoca. m. m. oi """""."' . . . A It HLM IWiNirslI lU.t: .KL-b tim. .11 nrrsona h.vinci ' JOHN LAZARI S WTIXIAMS. Administrator d. b. n. of the estate of Thorns. Williams, deceased. Omar Hayter. Attorney. Dated and first published June, 21, 1910. Administrator Final Notice. In the County Court of the State of more or less. rtated this 14th day of June, W. A- A I j Guardian of the estates of ths above . named minora. Oscar Hayter. chains. thenceWest 4 25 chain them-e .hove named a imfni.tr.tor. has fil'd ! th T8 5 ch.lns. thencs West T.8 , his final sorount in said 7''- " chains, theno South i ch.lns to tnstnst tne ""7;""' th. hmtr blau-a of beginning containing t 10 the 25th dsy of Juiy. 11. st the hour mJ 7V lei e.ceDtlng from the of 1 o'clock P. M. at the conrtr.m Attorney. Tbel tr.cts th." right of the Court house la f war of the a F. C W. Ry. Co. andlty. Oregon, as ths t m end tla-e fr n S . now o. th. la two hearing said Anal amint AdmlmtratoC. 1 Topened Tat 1 o'clock P. notice thereof be puhl.hed la the Pol K Notice t. hereby givea that ths o- ! w"' "J "ij J", ,.. gjj CountT Obs-rrer. pui.,hd st I ?LTh:r with . ; "l Co'unTcourt. d ' I Court of Polk County. Oregon, his "nal , JJ'f l h" VTT - j ,,,J j Ths fr-t tuWfcati.n t this noti- is i.ecount in said est.t and the ld gon. this lith day of Jut,'. "m I p,nitdU lb. iss. J 1. I -,.rt has set the same for hearing on, ... AfS, .P7"11"" In ,m. rvr E.trrt. the th dT Of A unit. IflS. .XTII"T j f ,h. Mlal f Sibley Eakia, Attoraeys for ..Ute j Thomas li. leni,y. de4.