Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, April 23, 1909, Image 2

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    Polk County Observer
Published Beml-Weekly at 11.60 per Year.
Strictly in Advance.
Entered as second-class matter March 1. 1907.
at the post office at Dallas, Oregon., under the
aci oi congress oi aiarcn a, isv.
The way to build up Dallas is to pat
ronize Dallas people.
Prominent Physician of Dallas Says
Hospital Is Past Experiment
Looking upon green fields and
cloudless skies as we dow are, the pic
ture of Niagara river choked with ice
jams which threaten at any time to
break and carry destruction to the
dwellers along its banks, possibly
even to destroy the gigantic Niagara
Falls, which have remained appar
ently unchanged as far back as man's
memory runneth such a picture
seems almost inconceivable.
The size of the Polk county mohair
pool for 1909, between 75,000 and
80,000 pounds, proved a surprise even
to the experienced mohair men of the
county, whose estimates before the
pool was weighed in fell fully 20,000
pounds below that figure. Compared
to this enormous pool other mohair
pools sold recently in the state, appear
insignificant. The Angora goat still
holds supremacy in the industries of
Polk county and ranks enviably high
in the commercial interests of the
entire state, nor does it seem likely,
according to this year's figures, that
he will soon be dethroned.
Many large aeais in real estate are
being made in this county and in this
immediate vicinity of late, as is
shown by the records in the office of
the county clerk. Indeed there is
every indication of a more active sea
son in that line of business than has
been experienced for years. This is a
good sign for the prosperity of the
community. A still better sign is the
fact that the purchasers of real estate
In this locality, seem to buy with a
view to carrying on extensive im
provements which will not only
enhance the value of their newly
acquired property, but will add
materially to the commercial and
industrial wealth of the community.
The big purchases of real estate this
year seem Invariably to be precursors
of a division of large tracts into small,
which in turn means an increased
population, bringing into the country
Dew Industries and new workers and
ultimately a new era of advanced
prosperity. j
Dr. A. B. Starbuck reports favorable
progress in the work of arranging for
the establishment of an up-to-date
and modernly equipped hospital in
the Craven building on Church and
Academy streets, which was recently
purchased for that purpose by Mrs.
Charles Gregory of this city.
'Even as things now stand" he
said, "the enterprise is already past
the experimental stage. The support
from the mills and lumber companys
of the county will be sufficient at least
to Insure the permanence of the insti
tution and with the liberal support
which we confidently expect to receive
from the up-to-date and progressive
people of Dallas, we will be able to
equip it in a thoroughly efficient
"A call will be made upon the
churches, business people and citi
zens in the near future and, knowing
that they fully appreciate the benefit
that the city will derive from it, we
confidently expect a hearty and sub
stantial response.
ilie building, which in its present
arrangement is not entirely suited for
hospital purposes, will be renovated
and its interior remodelled. A sur
gery will be built in addition to the
house as it now stands, and this will
be equipped with the very best instru
ments and furnishinhs that can be
procured, so that that department of
the hospital work will be second to
none. Uatos, dressing rooms, etc..
will be added as the growth of the
institution and its needs justify.
"It is our aim to prosecute the pre
liminary work as fast as possible and
have the new hospital ready for use
during the early part of May if it can
be accomplished. The demand in this
locality for such an institution has
become almost imperative and cannot
be met too early."
Dallas vs. Portland Maroons.
The Maroons, one of Portland's
fastest semi-professional teams will
line up against the local baseball
nine in this city Sunday afternoon,
the game to be called at 3 o'clock
sharp. The Dallas team will be in its
very best trim Sunday and the game
is certain to be an exciting one.
Bowen, the famous "southpaw"
pitcher, will be in the box for the
locals. A special train from Black
Bock and Falls City will bring a big
crowd of fans from those two places
and the attendance bids fair to be the
"biggest ever." The train will leave
Black Book at 1 :15 and Falls Citv at
30. Returning it will leave Dallas
at 8:00 o'clock sharp. Bound trip
tickets from Black Bock will cost 75
cents and from Falls Cltv 50 cents.
Round trip tickets from Monmouth
and Independence on the motor line
will cost iO and 55 cents respectively.
hotti their shape and their wear
through so much more banging about
that, tho' in the beginning, they seem to
cost no less, in the end they are far cheaper
than clothes which seemed cheaper on the
price tag.
All XTRAGOOD clothes are cut extra
full and made extra strong. The knee
pants are lined all through built with
the "Seat of Wear" which not only makes
them fit better, but also give double service.
The Bee Hive Store
Item of Interest From the Records
in the County Offices
Briefly Told.
Estate of Jennie Anderson, deceased
Dearlngof final account continued
to April 30 at 10 o'clock.
li M Bosley at ux to D O Dove, 47
acres, t 8 s, r 5 w, $1031.
J L Ilannaetux to Edgar and Mary
J Hartley, 160 acres, t s, r 4 w, $10.
Jbdgar and Mary J Hartley to J L
Hanna, lots in Independence, $10.
Maria J Ellis et al to William Ellis,
land In t 8 s, r 6 w, f l.
II ,
Warns Against Sisal Rope.
U teuton, one of the largest
buyers in the local wool market, warns
wool growers against the use of sisal
roi-e or common binding twine in pre
paring their wool for the market. The
'astern buyers make a heavy cut in
prices allowed for wool prepared In
this way owing to the fact that the
nlr of the r.fie becomes mingled
with the wool and materially impairs
it value. Cotton twine such as is
commonly uw-d in training hops
ao8wrs lb-; purpose and works no
injury to Ihi wool stock.
Call For Warrant.
Notice i h.-reby given that all Polk
County warrant presented and en-d'-trm-d
"not paid for want of funds"
prior to March 1, 1 09. will bo paid on
presentation at my office.
No Interest will lt allowed on same
after date of this notice.
Dated this 23rd day of April. 1909.
Treasurer of Polk County.
James Chltty is having a new addi
tion built on his residence la Eaot
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hayes, of
Sao Francisco, announcethe marriage
of their daughter. Mis Edna Hayes,
to Mr. Carlton C. Crystal, the wed
ding having taken place In San Fran
cisco on March 18. Mr. Crystal Is the
eon of Mr. and Mr. George Crystal,
old-time resident of Dallas who for
many years have been Bring In
Vaeaville. California. The many Polk
County friend of the family will jnto
io congratulation and guuj wishes
for tbs newly-wedded pair.
Brought To Dallas For Burial.
E. H. McDougal came up from
Portland, Wednesday, and received
the remains of bis mother, Mrs.
Sarah McDougal who died recently in
Spencer, Iowa, from an attack of
agrippe, complicated with heart
trouble. The remains were sent to
Dallas for interment beside those of
her daughter who died here a few
years ago. The deceased was also the
mother of Mrs. F. W. Treauor, wife of
a former proprietor of the Dallas
Hotel and afterward of the Little
Palace Hotel in Independence. The
date for the funeral has not yet been
determined as the body is to be held
pending the arrival of her sons from
Reception For New Pastor.
A large crowd representing the con'
gregations of all the churches of Dal
las, was present in the Methodist
church, Tuesday oigbt, on the occa
sion of the reception of welcome given
to Rev. Spahr, the newly appointed
Methodist pastor, and his family. A
short program of music and addresses
was given, ministers from all the other
denominations in the city extending
their greetings to their new co-worker.
After the close of the program the
remainder of the evening was spent in
a pleasant social manner.
Marrs Property Changes Hands.
M. W. Wilkins, a prominent real
estate dealer of Portland, was in
Dallas yesterday on a business visit.
Mr. Wilkins has purchased the
property of Rev. W. P. Marrs in the
southwestern suburb of Dallas. He
purposes to divide the property into
lots, open up streets and lay side
walks and other improvements and to
dispose of It to residence seekers. The
land is situated ideally for such pur
poses and Mr. Wilkins' project will do
doubt met with signal success. Mr.
Marrs has secured property in Port
land and will probably move thither
with bis family In the near future to
make his home.
Advertisements under this head are charged
at the rate of 1 rent per word, first insertion ; i
cent per word lor eaeh Insertion thereafter; 30
words or leas, per month. No advertisement
Inserted for k'B8 than 15 cents.
figures count as one word. For instance,
the numeral combination "1250" counts as one
Two initials count a one word. For Instance,
".1. M. Jones'' counts as two words.
The minimum charge la for 15 words: that Is,
an advenihement from 1 word to 15 words is
counted as IS words; an advertisement from 16
to ju worilH, inclusive, is counted as 20 words;
from t to 25 words, la counted at 2ft worda, etc.
The lie-urea following the advertisement indi
cate how lonie it is to run. and are not charred
to the customer. For instance, 3-:)l-2t indicates
mat tne advertisement was tirst published on
March al, and that it ia to be inserted twice.
The tiiriirea and letters 4-1-tf indicate that the
advertisement ws first published April 1 and
that it is to be run until the customer orders it
For Sale.
$25 baby cab, used one year,
For Rent.
5-room new modern cottage,
ture for sale.
A bar-4-6-tf
At Soehren's Warehouse.
Just received a carload of fine sand
and a carload of cement. 4-6-tf
Hand Crushed Under Log.
Fred Smith came down from Black
Rock, Wednesday, to secure medical
treatment Tor his right hand which
was badly mangled under a rolling
log at the camps that morning. The
wrist and several of the fingers are
so badly crushed that it Is Hmihtrnl
if the Injured hand may be
wholly saved. Mr. Smith was hurt
shortly after he began work Wednes
day morning, the log which crushed
his hand being jerked suddenly and
unexpectedly forward by the engine.
It was by only the narrowest chance
that he escaped a much more serious
or possibly fatal Injury. .
A lady gold watch. Finder please
leave at Dallas Mercantile Store. Reward.
Team Wanted.
Slip scraper work. Apply Salem,
Falls City & Western Ry. office,
Dallas, Or. 3-2B-St
Wool and Mohair.
Highest market price will be paid
for wool and mohair. Sacks furnished
free. J. L. Castle. 3-23 tf.
Rickreall Milling Company
Flour, bran, shorts, wheat, oats and
ground feed can be bad at the Rick
reall Flouring Mill. 41S-8t
For Sale.
60 acres well improved land adapted
to fruit and poultry. Rich soil.
Inquire of H. Holman, Dallas, Or.
For Sale.
Two cottages. One 5-roora and one
6-room. Equipped with all modern
conveniences. Inquire of C. Craven,
Dallas. 2-23-tf
Cedar Posts.
Good cedar posts for sale at 11 cents
each. Also another car of extra Star
A Star shingles. Soehbkn Wabe
house, 7-24-tf
For Sale.
Or trade for horses or cattle: floe
Poland China and Berkshire hogs.
Inquire of E. L. Hayes, Rickreall,
Oregon. 4-23-3t
For Sale,
At a sacrifice. 5-room cottage ; bath
and inside toilet; corner location ; all
modem improvements. Inquire at
this office. 4 23-3t
All kinds of Iron, rubber, brass,
copper, zinc and hides. Highest
cash prices paid. A. N. Halleck, Mon
mouth, Oregon. . 3-12-tf
Eggs For Hatching.
From "prize winning strain" Single
Comb Buff Orpingtons, $1.50 per set
ting of 15 eggs. J. E. Beezley, Falls
City, Or. Mutual phone. 3-16-tf
For Sale.
General merchandise store In Falls
City, Oregon. Good proposition for
experienced man. No agents. Mrs.
W. F. Muscott. Falls Citv. Oretron.
4 9-tf
For Sale.
120 acres of fine fruit land; all
under cultivation ; lyingon road from
Dallas to Perrydale. Will sell in
tracts oi iu, u or u acres, at $75 per
acre. Inquire of Robert Howe, Dal
las. 4-20-1 m
For Sale.
5-room cottage on coroer. Good
lawn, grapes, and fruit trees. Located
lo pleasant neighborhood. A bargain
as owner desires to leave soon and
must dispose of It at once. R. R. Hill,
JJallas. 4-13-tf
r- ft r 3T' Y.st wau u.
Buy your Lace Curtains of us.
have a complete line All prices.
Tuesday. April 27, 10 per cent of
cash sales given to the M. E. Church.
Thursday, April 29, will be Baptist Church
Dry fir cordwood wanted in any
q u tiotity u p to 500 cords ; to be del I vered
in Dallas or Falls City. For further
particulars, call on, or address, Salem
Falls City & Western Ry. Co., Dallas
Order to Show Cause.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon
for I'oIk County.
In th matter of the estate and piiflrdtanship
of Delia R. Willinma, Eiipar E. Williams, Oscar
K. YViiliHms, John E. Williams and Kiley C.
Williams, Minors. In Probate,
It HMK'flriiie- to the Court from the petition
this day presented and tiled by Mrs. Gertie P.
Williams, the guardian of the persons and es
tates of the above-named minors, nruyine for an
order of sale of he real estate belonging to her
said wards, viz. :
An undivided 5-7 interest in and to that cer
tain parcel of land in Polk County, State of Ore
gon, subject to the rinwer estate of aula peti
tioner, described as beginning at the Northeast
corner of Section 13 in Township 73outn, Range
6 West of the Willamette Meridian, and run
ning thence South chains; thence West 55
chains; thence North 22 04 chains; thence East
30.50 chains; thence South 36 degrees West 2.99
chains to the North boundary line of said Sec
tion; and thence Kant 20 chains to the place of
beginning, containing 117.29 acres, more or less,
that it it necessary and would be beneficial to
said wards that such real estate should be bold;
on motion of Oscar Iluyter, Ksq., attorney for
snJd guardian,
It is hereby ordered that the next of kin of
said wards, and all persona interested iu the
saia esiaie. appear oeiore mis JOUt on saiur
dav. the 8th dav of May. 1909. at ten o'clock
a. m., at the Court room of this Court, in the
County Court House in the City of Dallas, t
Polk County, State of Oregon, then aud there to
show can be why a license should not be granted
for the sale of Buch estate.
And it is further Ordered that a copy of this
order be published at least three succesaive
weeks before the said day of hearing, in the
"rout uouniy uoserver, a newspaper circu
lating in this County, printed and published at
sum Kyiiy oi Lianas.
Dated April 7. 1909.
County Judge,
Just recently a citizen of Patterson, New Jersey, contracted Iwu
rosy by wearing clothing that was sprinkled through a China
man's mouth In a Chinese laundry. Dr. bpaulding In charge oi
the department of contageous diseases of Chicago says- "ThB
method of doing up clothes in Chinese laundries Is dangerou.
and ought to be prohibited by law." Phone us and our waon
will call at your door. We want your bundle, large or small
Tour linen will last longer when laundered by one who knows
how. Special attention given to shirts, collars and ouffs.
Dallas Steam Laundry Phone, Mutual 19?
Can You Truth
fully Answer Yes?
Pleasant Surprise Party.
W. L. Soehreo was given a pleasant
surprise party at his home Tuesday
Bight by a number of his friends, the
occasion being his birthday. The
evening was spent In playing 5oO and
light luncheon was served at its
close. Those Present were : Hon and
Mrs. C. a Loughary, Mr. and Mr.
R. L. Chapman. Hon. and Mr. O. L.
Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fuller.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C Cglow, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Hollister. Mr. and Mr
E. Williams, and Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Soehreo.
Money To Loan
On farm security. Long time.
Reasonable interest Address Box M.
Independence, Oregon. 4 20-4 1
Loganberry Plants.
50 cents a dozn post paid. By
eipress or freight. (2 per hundred.
Moore, Crswell, Ore. 3-30-8t
C F.
For Sale.
Team, harness, wagon, surrey, and
single bugffy. O. D. Treat, Falls
City, Mutual phone 131. S-19-tf
Frank GiUiaiu.uf Pedee. wa a Dal
las visitor Wednesday.
The Jaoobson Transfer Company Is
prepared to rive you prompt service
Stand at Ellis' Confectionery store.
ii et
Wool Notice
I am la the market for wool la all
parts of the county. Highest market
For Sale,
A 32-acre farm, 7-room house with
bath and hot and cold water; good
oarnjwrrutt trees, all varities; small
rmlts; windmill ; 50 steel range and
window shades go with farm. Good
fruit and farm Und. Plenty of water
PriceJSOOO. Addrtss Box a, Rickreall,
"re. 43tf
Wood For Sale.
Co you need wood? In preparing
m piaoc your orders remember that I
amaDieto furnish you all kinds of
slab wood from either of the Dallas
sawmills at the best possible rates.
Send In your orders by either phone
Mutual 1198; Bell 443.
For Sale.
Twenty five acres lying almost with
in the city limits of Falls City. Has
living water, about 1000 cords of wood
Id standing timber, land of excellent
quality. Would make an Ideal fruit
farm. This bargain k. -- - j
irill . ... -1.1 i ! . 3 nuiCTi
. '"''"HBMor.rartdowaanrt
fK.iut ia lh. county. H. L. Fentoa. fair terms. Le. .. .w.I
During the past year have you been
absolutely satisfied with all your gro
ceriea your teas and coffee, your but
ter, canned goods and flavoring
Can you truthfully answer yes?
These things are all within the con
trol of the merchant, and as long as
painstaking care is exercised in their
selection, you are pretty certain to get
first class quality and flavor.
We do not claim to be perfection
we are only human and sometimes
make mistakes but there isn't a store
in town that strives more faithfully to
have its customers absolutely satis
fled, or that will so gladly and quickly
rectify a mistake. We deem it
ravor to nave an error called to our
attention, and to have any goods re
turned that are not everything they
should be iu quality and freshness.
Phones : Bell 63, Mutual 314.
Our Correspondence
A Skillful Fisherman
Wants the
best tacKle
Our Kind.
By using
you never
fail to
Get News From The Other End Of The Line
is wen ordered and surrounded with
that degree of dignity that's neces
sary u your stationery is bought here.
is greater in variety than what eas
terners require tor business. We have
ootn kinds and whether for busl
or other use stationery bought here is
We dont go astray on rrioe. th.f
like our stationery Is always satis
factory. W. H. ROY CO.
94 acre of flue, level, black bottom land; 3
mile of Dallaa; large '2-etory bouse, good, large
barn; on motor linj between Dallas, Monmouth
and Independence, all good towns, creameries
at each, two have canneries; level gravel road
to all main towns in county. Come quick if
yon want this place at 17000.
57 acres within 4 miles of Pallas, has a brand
new 9-room house, large porch on two sides and
back, built on a beautiful knoll, well finished
and painted, very attractive; fine large new
barn, well painted, 32 acres of rich black bottom
land under plow; 25 acres of fine upland, lies
nicely, 5 or acres of it nnder plow, balance
young oak timber, easily cleared, the upland is
nne orchard land. A beautiful home for only
80 acres near Pedee store, school and post-
office; 5 miles of Airlie; has large 6-room house,
cost 11000; 2 barns, 35 acres of fine deep red up
land nnder plow, 30 acres flne young fir timber:
2 good small orcharda; balance pasture. This
is a good little farm and is a snap at im
Possession given first of next October.
80 acres of One fruit land only Ai miles from
Monmouth: has a good 6-room house, barn. 12-
acre orchard, 10 acre Italian prunes, 2 apples.
rrune dryer on place; 20 acres plow land, 40
acres Umber. The orchard on this place will pay
from 11000 to $1200 per year, which is 10 per cent
on 110,000. Price 4.000.
138! acre fine dairy farm land in the heart of
the very beat and prettiest part of the Willamette
Valley. Level hard roads to Dallas, Monmouth,
Independence and Rickreall, which have can
neries, craameriea, etc.; only S miles of Dallaa;
acres timber, balance all fine, level, black, free
soil, none better. Dallaa-Salem Electric will
paas through place. W ill be laying rails In t
months and road will be completed In 10
months. Fine honae, large barn. If you want a
snapbuy thla for It a tll be In the market at IJOO
per acre In 10 acre tracts lualde of one year.
Price 110,000.
w acres one-ball mile of Falls City; good
building, near school, abundance of labor tn
own. A fine place for poultry. Price, S25O0.
190 aeree 3Vf miles of Dallas. 17500.
230 acres- miles Northwest of Dallaa the
uw Flaher place 50 or CO acres plow Und,
abundance fruit, flne spring water, fin soil,
aoose and barn, fenced ; 100 acre flne saw tim
ber that ia worth price ot pla e. Price, fMOV;
12000 cub, terma to suit on balanoe.
47 acres -4 mil Northwest ot DalUa. 2S dIow
land, good small bnildlnn. wood Inm .hna-
dano fruit, flne aoft water, on phone line. 1
mile of school. Price, only 11590.
88 acre -4 miles of Dallas, SO sciw pirn W.
good 6-room house, 2 good bami, 3 jwl H"
houses with scratch sheds, coollioiia!.w
floor, fine water, running prlnwlll"f
place, abundance fruit and berries, well a
fine soil, phone, 1 mile of school, s fineplsM"
live. OnlyJ700.
40 acres-3 miles Falls City. nil" ''
main road, 1 mile Bridgeport lUtton,
and church, 6-room house, barn, imiUor
commencing to bear, 5 acres hops, a swirJ
land, 4 acres timber, balance open ta "
good soil. Only
30 acres 1H miles of D"as on
Silt OS
road; has fine lsrge new aweuins. i--barn,
chicken-house and other wtbiM
1600 Italian prone trees, 100 applet, cn
30 peach, some pears, 800 gooseberries, awwr
berries, 20or 25 walnuts, all line frail In.'
mail and phone. Price, 3500.
40 acres-2 mile, of Dallas, V
grain Und, on county road, Umber wjupi
clearing; some cleared now. Price. B
86.86 acre-2K miles of Dallas,
acre, cleared, balance in virgin ""m
enough cordwood, saw oa
handle timber on it to pay the prt ,
bran new dwelling, good new taB'TT.
nne wens wnu
Price, 13500.
W-acre snap on D.ll..-8al n
Uon. Sea me about this; it wil'rr
120 acrea-i miles norih of DslJ ,
plow, .null stream runs through M
into 10 enclosures; can have
nearly all of them; good 1- -u
h. .ranarr. milk house, all r M
clover or timothy land, flne dairy rwrs
home. Price. ;&00; one-half esas.
time at 7 per cent on balance.
20 acrea-1 mile out of city.
cherry tree, mixed fruiia MttWt0ei
tween rows with strawbwrt rnii wi
raspberries; neat
fenced, a hummer of a "'"V'T
worth 15000 m it than w
ia la Oregon, with gocw
plow land. Only :5
Small trta near and .ajoSnlng
fr citv lot. la II r
and Leven. Third Add " m m
Alo some eboic lota cW "
residence proper1'
Dallas, Orcflon
TTOSjriT At tAW.
N. L. Butler,
03f evar Dallas City Bank.
ATTowrrrs at I aw.
The oniy rai
o""" OS3
Polk eoonty.