PO! 'Pjpj ii y RVER PUBLISHED SEMI-VEEKLY 1 l VOL. XXI DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 2, 1909. NO. 7 K Absolutely Ture Renders the food more wholesome and su perior in lightness and flavor. The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. CORRESPONDENCE FALLS CITY. (Kalla City News.) W. E. Newsom was in town this week looking after his business here. D. .7. Grant has sold his radch, east of town, to a man from near Portland. Verl Chapin left Monday for Kelso, Washington, where he has a position. A, B. Graham has returned from Michigan and will make his home here. R. M. Wonderly has purchased prop erty from A. H. Dodd und will move to town soon. S. A. Snyder, of Michigan, is visit ing his daughter, Mrs. Alvin Krebs, and looking at the country. Frank Chamberlain, of Eastern Oregon, is visiting his mother, who has been very ill for the last week. A. F. Bittner, of Portland, has pur- Breeders Horse Show Sat, April 3, Salem, Ore. Farmers' Practical Exhibition Cash prizes, merchants' prizes, stallion breeders' prizes, valuable cups, etc., Paying $1000 In cash and special premiums. FOR ALL BREEDS OF HORSES, (Pure-Breds and Orades), stallions, mares, colts, ponies and jacks; two, three and four horse teams, road sters, saddlers. If you own good horses, show them at Salem April 3. If you wish to sell here's your market. For premium list and Information, address J. FRANK HUGHES, President. F. A. WELCH, Secretary. chased R. M. Wonderly's ranch north of town and will move here about April 10. Three families from Kingfisher, Oklahoma, arrived here last week, nave rented bouses and expect to make their h m s in th's part of the country. Mrs. Halsey has rented the hospital of Dr. Pfandnoefer and will have it open to the public at onco. She is well known here, and is a graduato of a Philadelphia training school and has nursed in the best hospitals in Port land and Salem. Mrs. Nelson and daughter, Mrs. Seely, of Cornelius, and L. S. Nelson, of Vancouver, attended the funeral of their husband and father at this place Sunday. Mr. Nelson died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Mc Murphy, last Saturday. He had been here for sometime thinking that the higher altitude would benefit him. ' BUENA VISTA. Frank Snyder is erecting a new residence. G. A. Wells has his new walnut orchard set out. WilliamSteelewasan Independence visitor Saturday. Mrs. Ira Roe, of Tillamook City, is visiting friends here. The Teachers' Institute was well attended at this place Saturday. Black & Wells have their new butcher shop nearly constructed. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Prather, Thursday, March 25, a daughter. M. F. Donaldson expects to have his new store building completed by April 10. Mr. and Mrs. Eeyes,. of Salem, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Hook, of Corvalfis, visited over Sunday at the home of A. J. Hail. County School Superintendent Sey mour was in Buena Vista a few days last week. Mrs. H. L. Hall and daughter, of Corvallis, are visiting at the home of A. J. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Tyler attended the funeral of Miss Beloha at Mon mouth, Sunday. Charles McCiain has left for Wash ington where he will accept a position with a logging company. H. L. Hall, who is employed as a clerk by the R. M. Huston Hardware Company, of Corvallis, visited here Sunday. " " " """" The Uglow Clothing House, long known as the headquarters for the Well Dressed Men of Polk County, cordially invites you to call and inspect the New Styles in Men's Clothing The identical new 1909 Spring Goods that can be found in the leading clothing houses of Portland, Chicago or New York, are now on display in Dallas. Prices a little lower than are asked by the high-rent city stores that's a point well worth considering, too. Do not fail to see our line of new Spring Neckwear. We have never shown such a beautiful stock before. All the new things in Green-the prevailing shade this year are now on display. No well dressed young man should be without one or more pairs of our new Outing Pants-We show the new Greens, Tans and Browns. UGLOW CLOTHING HOUSE The Home of Classy Clothes J nAi i ac . - - OREGON I ' INDEPENDENCE. H. Hirsohberg was a Portland visitor the first of the week. Dr. Rosendorf, of Portland, visited his uncle, H. Hi web. berg, Sunday. Mrs. O. D. Butler and Mrs. T. J. Fitchard visited in Newberg, Sunday. The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will give a minstrel show Monday evening. H.Stumberg, of Vancouver, returned to his home Monday, after a visit with friends and relatives here. The Hanna Hardware Compauy has purchased the building they now occupy, from the K. of P. lodge. The I. O. O. F. hall has been re papered and painted during the past week and presents a very attractive appearance. The W. A. Messner residence property, one of the finest in the city, has been sold to J. L. Hanna, of the Hanna Brothers' Hardware Company. Mrs. Cromwell has returned from Salem, where she has been taking treatment in the hospital and has resumed her place as teacher in the public school. The Little Palace hotel will be closed to the public for about ten days, while it is being completely overhauled, after which it will be opened by the new proprietor, Moss Walker. MONMOUTH. Charles Newman is recovering from bis recent illness. Fred Huber made a business trip to Portland, Saturday. Thomas Campbell, of Dallas, is visiting friends in this city. Laird Mason has purchased a lot in this city and is erecting a neat bouse. I. W. Derick, of Eddyville, Lincoln county, spent Sunday with relatives in Monmouth. Mrs. L. M. Hall, who has been ill for a long time, went to Salem, Tues day, for medical treatment. A. N. Robinson, a former resident of Monmouth, was down from his home in Falls City last week, on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe Taylor, of Michigan, are visiting with relatives In Monmouth and intend to locate here. Allen Johnson, who was hurt in a runaway recently, is recovering from bis injuries, and is now able to walk with the aid of crutches. Miss Belche, who succumbed to an attack of consumption last week, was buried in the Monmouth cemetery Sunday. Rev. Wood conducted the funeral services. BALLSTON. William Wells, of Gales Creek, was a Ballston visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Branson, of Portland, are visiting relatives here. The Ballston baseball nine were de feated by the Amity team in a game here Saturday. Mrs. V. B. Sears and sistor, Mrs. Comegys, visited in Dallas and Inde pendence last week. Hazel Johnson, who has been visit Ins her aunt. Mrs, Garrett, returned to her borne In Portland, Saturday. The basket social given by the Wood men, Friday night, was quite success ful. A short program was rendered, after which the baskets were sold, Professor Duoton acting as auction eer. The total amount taken in was ft9.60, which will be applied on the purchase of a piano for the Woodman Hall. LLCKIAMLTE. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Skinner spent Sunday at the borne of James Uilti brand. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Court, or Portland, are visiting at the home of M. Scrafford. Grandma Hiltibrand is reported to be slightly improved, but is still con fined to her bed. Miss Nellie Williamson, the school teacher in this district, visited In Salem, Saturday. Marsh Simpson, of Elk City, re turned borne Sunday, after spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. Martha Simpson, who Is quite ill with rheumatism. PROMINENT STOCK MEN Three Large Breeders of Northern Polk Attract Complimentary Notice. E. A. Rhoten, field representative of the Paclflo Homestead, published in a recent issue of that periodical, an interesting series of observations on the livestock and farming industry in the northern portion of Polk county, as noted enroute from Salem to Mc Minnviile. From these we glean the following paragraphs : "Near McCoy, I saw Hon. C. L. Hawley, who bad recently returned from helping make the state laws. Mr. Hawley was an important factor in getting several valuable bills passed and was a good man for the place. However, I believe he enjoys working with bis flock of Lincolns better than anything else that he does. Lambing season was well on with him and he won't miss 150 per cent very far with his eighty breeding ewes. "The Domes farm was near and we stopped to see bow Walter and bis Jer seys were making it. So far as I know this is the only Jersey herd in the state outsideof Ladd's Hazel Fern herd that are being officially tested. They started this test last November and Walter says that it is now an assured fact that all that they have entered in the test will enter the register of merit. One cow with her second call gave 1243 pounds of milk in January with a 6.4 per cent test. They have a number of others nearly as good and we will expect some yearly records that the state will be proud of. The Domes' herd of Hampshire swine are a novelty in this part of the country, to say the least. Mr. Domes has bad these only since last fall, but says the more he sees of them the better be likes them. He will exhibit them on the fair cir cuit this fall. "F. E. Lynn is another Jersey breeder in the same locality, but nearer Ferrydale. He has a beautiful new house on his Kio-acre farm and is a broeder of high-class Jerseys. He has been a breeder for some time, but last Fall took a trip east to purchase a carload of cattle. After traveling around a good while and visiting many herds be finally selected a choice car lot from the herd of Col. Scott of Scott station, Kentucky, and now has these on bis farm. He has a typical Jersey bull Island brod at the head of his herd. Mr. Lynn Is a very pleasant man to visit with and Is planning on making the fair clrouit the coming fall. He has some heavy milkers in his herd but tbey will freshen at the wrong time to enter the milk tests." Report On Oregons Tour. A meeting of the stockholders in the Oregons basketball project was held in the rooms of the LaCreole Club, Wednesday night for the purpose of bearing the report of H. L. Fon- ton, who acted as business manager of the team on its Eastern trip. Although the report showed a con siderable deficit, tbe amount required to make up the lack will not bo great and it is estimated that a payment of 70 cents on the dollar from those who subscribed to tbe backing of the enter prise will be sufficient. The report shows that tbe trip was managed in a most economical and careful manner. The failure to make clear, was caused not so much by carelesshandlingof the funds, as by the difficulty In securing a large enough proportion of the gate receipts at many of tho games to pay more than bare expenses. Ia several cases the Oregons' share of the gate receipts was not even enough to cover traveling exjienses. Those who sub scribed to the support of the enter prise, however, seem In no wise in clined to regret their in vi-stment, as it Is considered by all that the advertis ing which Dallas received during the tour of the Oregons, is well worth the expenditure. SOMETHING NEW New Shirt Waists are here, also Shoes, Oxfords, Dress Goods, Sideband Percales and Ginghams, Fancy Hosiery, in fact our stock is complete in every line and we invite your inspection. When you need a new stylish hat try a Kings bury, fully guaranteed. A new lot of Monarch and Cluett Shirts of the latest patterns. Ask to see our line of Ladies' Shirt Waists and ready to wear Skirts, and don't forget that we have a brand new stock of Boy's Knee Pant Suits that are correct in quality, style and price. We want your business. Yours for Spring business Campbell Hollister CASH STORE Electricity for Lighting Is only expensive to people who are wasteful and careless. To you, who are naturally careful, it does not come high. .. . .. It Is economical because it can be quickly turned off wnen not needed. With gas or kerosene there is the temptation to let light burn when not needed to save bother of lighting and adjusting. In some homes the elootrlo light bills amount to only one or two dollars per month. You can probably get some kind of artificial light for less money than eleotrlo light, but does it save you anything when it limits op portunities for work and recreation ruins your eyesight smokes your walls mars decorations and increases household work. You could probably save a dollar tomorrow by going without your meals but it wouldn't be economy. It Is not so much what you save, but how you save that counts. WILLAMETTE VALLEY CO. RATES Residence on meters, per Kilowatt lBc; Residence, flat per month, 16cp 60o. RATES FOR BUSINESS HOUSES 25o per drop and 6o per Kilowatt up to 10 drops ; over 10 drops 20o per drop and 6o per Kilowatt up to 40 drops ; over 40 drops 17Jc per drop and 6o per Kilowatt. A drop figures 16cp or less. For power rates apply at the office. We are always ready to explain the "ins and outs of the lighting proposition to you, call on us or phone to us, we are never to busy to talk business. Willamette Valley Company E. W. KEARNS, Manager for Dallas. Office on Mill street, just north of the Court House. Phones Boll 421, Mutual 1297. PHONOGRAPHS AND PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Complete stock of Edison and Victor machines. 2000 Edison and 400 Victor records to choose from. All records up-to-date and the list being added to daily. Second-hand furniture bought and sold. TOM ST0CKWELL, successor to J. Crowther Uglow building adjoining Simonton & Scott HARMONY. Andrew Flyno baa aold bis farm and share la the mill at Oopher Valley. Silas Hayes, of Sheridan, visited at the home of bis brother J a me Hayes last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Darling and sod of Illinois, are visiting at tbe borne of her brother, George I'orter. Clifford Want bat filed on a homestead on the Big Xetuee River. His father aod mother will maketbelr borne with him. Tbe Bwtiog at R. L. Haines', 8uo day eveoiog was very mu h enjoyed by alL A meetiog will t held at J. Syroo'i next Sunday ereoiog to sing. R. iL Fowl aod H. V. LI ok. of Airlie, were la Dallas, Wediaday, eorontr tot Portland. Builders Attention The Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sand, Brick, Cement, Wood and Hair Fiber Plaster, Malthoid and Mikado Roofings, Doors, Windows, Mouldings, etc. We carry a stock of Yellow Fir Flooring, Ceiling, Rus tic, Finishing Lumber etc., manufactured at our New berg plant which is second to none in quality and grade. Save time and money by purchasing your building materials all at one place. Lowest prices and best materials. Give us a chance to figure with you. 5