Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, March 16, 1909, Image 2

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Polk County Observer
Published Semi-Weekly at $1.50 per Year.
Strictly in Advance.
Entered as Becond-claxs matter March 1, 1907,
at the post ollice at Dallas, Oregon, under the
Act of Congress ol March 8, 1879.
Items of Interest From the Records
in the County Offices
Briefly Told.
DALLAS, OREGON, Mabch 16, 1SW9
The way to build up Dallas ts to pat
ronize Dallas people.
Colonist rates to Oregon are now in
force and every day is bringing scores
of new people into this state. Indica
tions are that it will be the greatest
year for immigration in the history of
our state so far.
Among these immigrants there are
few who are not of the best type of
Americaus people who will prove
potent new energy in the development
of such localities as they choose to
make their homes. Their com in
means much for the state and much
for the communities in which they
dociile to settle and the majority of the
important cities of Oregon are
making an eager bid for the attention
Dallas deserves her share. She has
the inducements to offer. But unless
the people of Dallas take active efforts
to set forth those inducements, the tide
of Immigration will flow past, into
the other cities of the state, where
wise and energetic community adver
tisement has cut out a channel into
which it will naturally turn.
We have made a fine start in the
work of advertising this community
ana Its resources, but airoady the tide
Is upon us and it behooves us to work
fast and effectively to complete the
task wo have begun. Now is the time
to boost; to boost hard and to boost
Every new citizen of the right type
added to our population is a gain for
the whole community and every indi
vidual io the community should use
his or her lnfluonce in an energetic
and legitimate manner, to attract the
attention of immigrants of the right
class to Dallas.
Estate of William A. Van Loon, de
ceased final account approved ; ad
ministratrix discharged.
Estate of Isaac Connett, deceased-
will admitted to probate; Mary Eliza
Connett appointed executrix; bond
filed and approved.
Amelia Wagner and hd to W A
Lunde, lot in Falls City, $000.
Madeline Reuf to Petter Kurre and
T J Pettit, 320 acres in t 10 s, r4w,
Percy Hibbard to E A Pagenkopf, 1
acre in t 7 and 8 s, r 5 w, $10.
CO Coad guardian,, to J W Rich
ardson, lot in Dallas, $800.
Gerhard D Braun et ux to Charles
F Snelling, 127 acres in t 0 s, r 6 w,
Samuel Shank to Christiana Goetz,
lots in Independence, $1.
M R Black to J N Jones, lots in
Monmouth, $400.
W O Meador et ux to Lindsay &
Strickler, lots io Monmouth, $1600.
Lloyd Kelty to Matilda Venard,
interest in 389 acres, 1 6 s, r 4 w, $657.
J D Eelty et ux to John M Boyer, 13
acres, t 6 s, r 4 w, $645.
W D Matthews to Mattke & Fried
man, lots in Dallas, $10.
Elmer J Reynolds et ux to M H
Houser, 40 acres, 1 8 s, r 7 w, $5.
J L Castle et ux to Dallas City
Bank, 151 acres, 1 8 s, r 8 w, $1000.
Women ?l:o v7ear Well.
Tt is astuniFliintr limv great a change a
few years of man led lii'o often make In
lliii ai.fKMiik'O ut:l ili: position of many
women. The freshness, tlio charm, the
brilliance vanish lii.e the bloom from a
peach which ).; rudely handled. The
matron is only a uim shadow, a faint echo
of tho chai iui:,tx maiden. There are two
reasons for this change, ignorance and
neglect. Few young women appreciate
tho shock to tho system through tho
change which comes with marriage and
motherhood. Many neglect to deal with
tho unpleasant pelvic drains and weak
nesses which too often come with mar
riage and motherhood, not understanding
that this secret drain is robbing theclieci
of its freshness and the form of it
Aa snrelv i9 the cencral health suffer
wren there Is dcrttjjgonient of the health
of tho delicate svoiiTIiWjcorgans, so surely
whentkeso organs anNcfiablishcd In
health theToce amXiAnvat Once witness
to the Tact in cWrfd comeffnos Nearly
a million women have found health and
Many Colonists Coming.
One week of colonist rates to Oregon
brought 1545 new settlers into the
state over the Harrlman lines alone
according to figures for the first week
of the special colonist excursions
received by the passenger department
of these lines. The first week of this
year shows an increase of 301 colon
ists over the first week of 1908 when
only 1244 colonist were carried.
According to the figures received
here Portland secured 275 colonists
last week ; the Willamette valley points
272; the remainder being scattered at
various Eastern Oregon points. The
new settlors are said to be an uncom
monly good class of people and to
constitute the most desirable type of
citizens. Most of them are Americans
from the middle western states. Port
land Journal.
happiness in the use of Dr. Pierce's It
vorite Prescription.., It makes weak wom
en strong and sick women well, wgrear
ents on label contains no alcohol oi
h.nrmful habit - forming drugs. Madt
wholly of thoso native, American, medic
inal roots most hk'hly recommended bj
lending meuical authorities oi an me sev
eral schools of practice for the cure oi
woman s peculiar aliments.
T.'nr nnrsiiiL- mothers. or for those broken-
down in health by too frequent bearing ol
children, also lor the expectant, momers.
tn ,r:n!ire run svstem for the coming ol
baby and making its advent easy and
almost ianne-.s, there Is no medicine quite
so good as ' i- avorito rrescripuon." i
cnn'do no harm in any condition of tht
cvstem ft is a most, notent invieoratino
tonic and strengthening nervine nicely
minuted to woman's delicate system by
phvsician of large experience In the treat
ment of woman's peculiar ailments.
Iir. I'ieriv niav be consulted by letter
frve of clini-je. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Invalids' lloiel unci surgical institute,
Buffalo. N. Y.
Regular services at the Baptist
church next Sunday. Special sermon
in the morning. Evening subject,
"Scripture Baptism." All are wel
come. Curtis ir. (Joe, pastor.
Morris Chair Free.
We will give away absolutely free, a
fine Morris chair to the person who
can name the greatest number of
articles carried in stock by Adams &
Brobst Company. All you have to do
to win this prize is to make out a list
of the articles we carry in stock and
send it to us. All lists must be sealed
and in the store by 13 o'clock, noon, of
April 15, 1909, and the chair will be
awarded to the one having the largest
list. No one is barred from this con
test except our employees or those who
have at some time been employed by
us. Adams & Bbodst. Dallas. 3-16-tf
Capitol City Communicates With Mayor
Muir Concerning Cost of Laying
Macadam Streets.
By tonight the special session of
Legislature should have corrected its
errors and adjourned as per agree
ment having tuken care that it com
mitted no further errors which might
require still another spooial sasslon to
Millinery Opening.
The Dallas Suit & Cloak Company
wishes to announce to the ladies of
Dallas and vicinity that the formal
opening of Its millinery department
will be held Saturday, March 20. It
has in its employment a first-class
trimmer of several years' experience
the large wholesale houses and
would be pleased to have ladies call
and examine styles before buying, it
The Polk County Poultry Associa
tion will hold a meeting in the Court
house, Saturday, for the purpose of
discussing plans f.jr the work of put
ting on the 1909 Poultry Show. All
who are interested in poultry, whether
members of the Association or not
are cordially invited to attend.
The following concerning a com
munieation from Mayor A. B. Muir,
of this city, was published in the
Salem papers last week :
"E. C. Mlntoo, of this city, is in
receipt of tho following letter from
A. B. Muir, mayor of the little city of
Dallas, Polk county, which deals with
the question of paving, one in which
Salem is vitally interested.
Mr. E. C. Minton, Salem, Or.
Dear Sir: Yours of the 9th re
ceived, and in reply would say that
the city owns its rock quarry, crusher
and road roller, and tho city operated
the crusher last summer and tho cost
of crushing was 65o per cubic yard,
and it cost 70c per yard to haul the
rock about three miles. The spread
ing and grading was done by the city
and on macadamizing nine blocks
the city did the work for $1000 less
than the lowest bid by any contractor.
I think it pays for a city to own its
own street making machinery and
operate the sarao. We expect to
macadamize about 18 or 20 blocks this
season. Your truly,
A. B. MUIR, Mayor.
"Dallas, Or, March 10, 1909."
Dennis Culdwell was over from his
home in St ay ton last week for a few
days' visit with his many Dallas
Owing to the unprecedented success of our Great Bargain Sale of
Clothing, we have decided to continue the sale of Suits and Overcoats for one
more day. For the next 24 hours, we will sell
Values range as high as $25, but they all go at $13.75.
reserved. Everythiug goes.
No suits
as we have only FIVE top coats left in the store. But we will sell these Five at
$14.25 each. Come in, and if you can find your size, take the coat at $14.25.
Remember that this Great Sale will positively close on the evening of
after which date, we will place on display the finest stock of Spring Clothing
ever brought to Dallas.
Do not delay your purchases. Every day counts.
The Home of Classy Clothes
80 acres, 2 miles of Dallas, brand
new 5 room cottage, neat well-built
and painted; nicely located; good
barn ; 40 acres rich, black alluvial soil
under plow, J of balance open, rest
fine oak timber; all fine soil, no rock,
gravel or white land ; on good gravel
road only $55 per acre.
91 acres of fine, level, black bottom
land ; 3 miles of Dallas ; large 2 story
house ; good, large barn ; on motor
line between Dallas, Monmouth and
Independence, all good towns, cream
eries at eaoh, 2 have canneries; level
gravel road to all main towns in
county. Come quick if you want this
place at $7000.
57 acres within 4 miles of Dallas, has
a brand new 9-room house, large porch
on two sides and bacK, built on a
beautiful knoll, well finished and
painted, very attractive; line large
new barn, well painted, 32 acres of
rich black bottom land under plow;
25 acres of fine up land, lies nicely,
5 or 6 acres of it under plow, balance
young oak timber, easily cleared, the
up land is fine orchard land. A beau
tiful home for only $4000.
80 acres near Pedee store, school
and postofllce ; 5 miles of Airlie, has
large C-room house, cost, $1000 ; 2
barns; 35 acres of tine deep red up
land under plow; 30 acres fine young
fir timber; 2 good small orchards;
balance pasture. This is a good little
farm and is a snap at $2500. Posses
sion given first of next October.
80 acres of fine fruit land only 3J
miles from Monmouth ; has a good
6-room house, barn, 12-acre orchard,
10 acres Italian prunes, 2 apples.
Prune dryer on place; 20 acres plow
land, 40 acres timber. The orchard
on this place will pay from $1000 to
$1200 per year which is 10 per cent on
$10,000. Price $4,000.
138 acres fine dairy farm in the
heart of the very best and prettiest
part of the Willamette Valley. Level
hard roads to Dallas, Monmouth,
Independence and Rickreall which
have creameres, canneries, etc. ; only
3 miles of Dallas; 5 acres timber.
balance all fine level black free soil,
none better. Dallas-Salem Electric
will pass through place. Will be lay
ing rails in 3 months and road will be
completed in 10 months. Fine house,
large barn. If you want a snap buy
this for it will be in the market at $200
per acre in 10-acre tracts inside of one
year. Price $10,000.
20 acre walnut land tracts at $60
per acre to start near Dallas. All
ready to plant. This land will raise
fine apples, prunes, cherries or wal
nuts. If you want good land adapted
to fruit or nuts, don't fail to see this.
Dallas, Or.
"The Oregons" of Dallas, Oregon, are returning home
with a record that surpasses any other team.
The fine Spring Dress Goods, Silks, Ginghams,
Wash Goods and Shoes. Mens Spring Hats, Shoes,
Dress Shirts, and Neckwear at the Dallas Mercantile
Company surpasses all former efforts for Dallas.
Our complete line of Spring Suits for. Ladies
and Misses, Men and Boys, Ladies' Dress Skirts, Spring"
Jackets, Petticoats and Wash Suits are due to arrive
direct from New York any day now. They will be 1
tne latest style ana oest quality at popular prices.
Hop Land to Lease.
Hop yard 12J acres to lease. House
and barn. J. M. Davis. Buell, Oregon.
To trade for good horse. N. G.
Harris, Dallas, R. F. D. 1-22-tf
Men Wanted.
To cut 16-incb stove wood out of
large oak trees. U. S. Grant, Dallas,
Oregon. 2-4-tf.
For Sale.
High grade Columbia Wyandotte
and Barred Rock eggs. Per sitting of
16, $1. C. A. Sias. Mutual phone 1234.
Just recently a citizen of Patterson, New Jersey, contracted iep
rosy by wearing clothing that was sprinkled through a. China
man's mouth in a Chinese laundry. Dr. Spaulding in charge of
the department of contageous diseases of Chicago says : "The
method of doing up clothes In Chinese laundries is dangerous
and ought to be prohibited by law." Phone us and our wagon
will call at your door. We want your bundle, large or small.
Your linen will last longer when laundered by one who knows
how. Special attention given to shirts, collars and cuffs.
Dallas Steam Laundry Phone, Mutual 197
For Sale.
Eight-room cottage.
convenient and nicely
quire F. M. Collins.
located. Io-
For Sale.
Two cottages. One 6-room and one
6-room. Equipped with all modern
conveniences. Inquire of C. Craven,
Dallas. 2-23-tf
Calls promptly answered day or
Bell Phone 103 Mutual Phone 106
Our Correspondence
(Advertisement under this head are charred
i int raie oi i cent per worn, tiral insertion; U
cent per word for each Insertion thereafter; 30
""' . per monm. no advertisement
inserted for lew than 15 centi.
h inures count aa one word. For Instance,
the numeral combination "liu" counta aa one
Two initial! count an one word. For instance
'J. M. Jouee'' count ai two words.
The minimum charge la for IS word.: that in,
an advertisement from 1 word to 15 words is
counted aa 1ft words: an advertisement Iroin 16
to sal words, inclusive, is counted as 20 words
from 21 to SB words, is counted aa 28 words, etc'
The ftaurea followlnr the advertisement Indi
cate how long ii is to run. and are not chanted
to the customer. For Instance, 8-31-21 indicates
that the advertisement was tirst published on
March .11, and that it is to be inaerted twice
The Itrurea and letters 4-1-tf indicate that the
dvertiscmcnt waa first published April laud
that it is to be run until the customer orders it
Work Wanted.
By an experienced house mover.
Millard Hall, B illston. 3-i4-3t
mohair and wool.
market prices paid for
J. Ll. Castle. 3-18 tf
Cedar Posts.
Good cedar posts for sale at 11 cents
each. Also another oar of extra Star
A Star shingles. Soehren Ware
house. 7-24-tf
All kinds of iron, rubber, brass,
copper, zino and hides. Highest
cash prices paid, A. N. Halleck, Mon
mouth, Oregon. 3-12-tf
teacher of
Elocution and Vocal Music
Studio in College Dormitory. Hours,
9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Evening lessons if
so desired. DALLAS. OREGON
Sibley & Eakin,
The only reliable aei of Abstracts lr
Polk county. Office on Court St.
Eggs For Sale.
I have for sale, eggs from the fam
ous, thoroghbred winter laying Rhode
Island Reds. Call Mutual phone
Green 3. D. A. Crltchlow, Dallas.
. Abstractor
Notary Public Collections
Notes and accounts of William
Faull have been left in the Dallas City
Bank, where those knowing -them
selves indebted may call and settle.
teacher of
Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson Block
For Sale.
A 6-year-old roan cow, fresh the
middle of next month and a 2-year-
old, fresh next July both short horns
and fine milch cows. Fine cowboy
saaciie, prime and a two wheeled cart.
Inquire Sam Ray's Feed Store. 4t
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Interior,
November 2, I WW.
V. 8. Land Onice at Portland, Oreton.
For Sale.
Baled straw. Carrots for stock feed.
W. r. Miller.
Baled Hay For Sale.
Four different kinds.. U.S.Grant,
Dallas, Oregon. S-19-tf.
For Sale.
Three fine, blooded Rhode Island
Red cockerels. Inquire H. C. Sey
mour, Dallas. S-16-tf
Ecn For Hatching-.
From "prize winning strain" Single
Comb Buff Orpingtons, $1.50 per set
ting of 15 eggs. J. E. Beezley. Falls
City. Or. Mutual phooe. s-i6-tf
Wood For Sale.
Do you need wood? In preparing
to piace your orders remember that I
am able to furnish you all kinds of
slab wood from either of the Dallas
sawmills at the best possible rates.
Send in your orders by either phone.
aiuiuai use; Ben 443.
Notice Is hereby riven that Seeler T. lionohoe.
of Dallas, Oregon, who. on November SB. IfOS.
made Timber or Stone No. 07S), for West
i of N. K. , Section , Township 7 South
ivauae o eai, nuiamelie Meriaiao, naa nie
notice of intention. to make Fiua
Proof, to establish claim to tha land above
described, before K. SI. Smith, County Clerk of
Polk Count?. Oregon, at Dallaa. Orearon. on the
i9iii uay oi Marcn. iwy.
Claimant UMnee as witnesses: O. P. Con
lee. of Dallas, Ureron; K. W. Rinshaw, of
Dallaa. Oreron; w. F. Tillotson.of Dallaa, Ore
gon; at. a. coulee, oi unci l, tlreron.
Notice of Final Settlement.
For Sale.
Twenty-two head of dairy cows and
heifers. Twelve giving milk now.
others to be fresh soon. Eight cows
wni oe iresn in September and
October. Full blood Jersey bull at
neaa or herd, price tiSO. it tkn r.
oee siock on my farm in Antlr-h
Valley or address W. H. Mack. Mon-
Notice la hereby riven that the nndersimed.
aa admilliatratnr of Ihe mii of Jonh I. lc-
llmmonda, deceased, has filed hla final acconnt
in the County Court of the State of tlreron. for
Polk Count jr. and that Tburadav, the th dajr of
turn, ito. at tne nour ol 10 o clock in
the forenoon of aaid dav, at the Coort room of
the said Coantv Coin in the liv ot Dallaa.
Oreron. has been appointed hr said
Conrt aa the time and place for the bearing of
oojecuone to tne aaid final account and the
aetlleinent thereof.
Administrator of theealateof
Joeeoh L McTimmonda dMNwd.
Oscar Hayler. Attorney.
Dated and ant publiahed March . 190).
Notice of Final Settlement.
buy claims from owners
517 Board of Trade,
ForUand. Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that the
County Court of Polk count v. Ore iron.
T1'8 blds 'r furnishing
than two or more than six inches in
Ma lira i ii I a. . . " "
t onntv in i ,k! r n in tne
MintV. m-ut thai Ti.LaV- TT?: " Po
Mi a innradav. tbe lslh dav ol . - -
oi aa'ddTv11?',? "' clork ,B ' lh . d'IDeter. l 40 cords of good quality
aiiernon. of aa.d day at the ,rt "n .
K? W ,W growth Or; all
tf .ndTCSToV & " on or before Septembei
lien. Ln i " eanor nf objer- . . .
tbcnoL ""o'aaoibeeeuleaaeni w opened
irr.EsiHAYTva. 1 1909, t 10 a. m.
0r H.rvr. "
Date aad am pob.iatoed February Is, .
to be delivered
ber IS, 1909. Bids
Tuesday, March IS,
Court reserve right
to reject any and all bids.
S-9-St Clerk of County Court
Is well ordered And surrounded with
that degree of dignity that's neces
sary if your stationery is bought here.
is greater in variety than what cus
tomers require tor business. We have
both kinds and whether for business
or other use stationery bought here is
We don't go astray on price, as that
like our stationery Is always satisfactory.
W. H. ROY $ CO.
Can You Truth
fully Answer Yes
During the past year hare you beerj
absolutely satlsfiwd with all your gro
eerles your teas and ootToe, your dui;
tor. canned Roods ana narorin
Can you truthfully aDswer jesf
These things are all within the co.
trol of the merchant, and as long
painstaking care is exercised io it
selection, you are pretty certain to
first class quality and flavor.
We do not claim to be perfect!
. 1 AnJ asm1
we are oniy uumau
make mistakes but there isnt a
m a. a
in town that strives more isuniu.
have its customers absolutely
fled, or that will so gladly and q
iBtake. We deem,
favor to have an error called
tuition, and to have any p
tamed that are not everyiu-w
should be in qua
lity ana imjm
E. BOYD & m 1
Phones: Belies. Mutual J
Oat LAW.