Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, February 09, 1909, Image 1

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    lOlvir try
NO. 52
Saturday, Feb. 13
a Demonstration
Wm. R.
"Oregon's Best"
guaranteed to be the best
soft wheat flour in the
Willamette Valley. Sold
by all grocers in Dallas.
Manufactured solely by
Dallas flouring Mill
Now is the Time
to visit
When summer has passed
in these northern states,
the sky is only mild under
the bright blue skies of
Southern California. This
is one of nature's happy
provisions eternal sum
mer for those who cannot
endure a more severe cli
mate. California has been called
the Mecca of the winter
tourist." Its hotels and
stopping places are as
varied as those of all well ,
regulated cities. Visitors
can always find suitable
accommodations, congen
ial companions, aud var
ied, pleai-ing recreations.
Will be glad to supply some
very attractive literature,
describing In detail the
mauy delights of winter in
Very low round trip excur
sion tickets tire oo sale to
The rate from Dallas to
Los Aogeles and return Is
Limit six month, allowing
stop-overs la either direc
tion. Similar excursion
rates are in effect to all
California points.
Tut full informmuon.HerpiDCr ' rewra
a t in4 tickets, mil on, tetegrapa et wrii
"". Agl. Portia. Oregon
teacher of
odio. Room So. 2, Wilaoa Block
of the Real and Unreal in
25c, 50c and 75c
Student Body Of Dallas College
Holds Its First Official Enter
tainment. The Student Body Association of
Dallas College, newly organized, gave
Its first reception In the College
Chapel, Friday night. In preparing
for the entertainment to appear in
costumes typical of what they expected
to be in ten years from the present
dute, and great ingenuity was mani
fested by the majority of them in
making up for the parts they intended
to play in the future.
Doctors, lawyers, preachers, trained
nurses and a score of other characters
were in evidence, while some whose
Imagination of future conditions
seemed inclined to run a trifle toward
the fantastic, endeavoring to show
that, whatever might be the limit
ations of the Ethiopian, the Cauca-
sion could beyond doubt change bis
skin, appeared in the role of negro
A program consisting of music,
readings and impromptu addresses
was given, followed by a light lunch
eon, after which the remainder of the
evening was spent in a general jollifi
cation, songs and college yells being
indulged in until the lateness of the
hour warned them that the time for
bringing to a close their pleasant stud
ent reception had arrived.
B. C Miles Seriously 111.
Boy Wassam received a message
from Portland, Friday that B. C.
Miles, manager of the Spaulding
Logging Company, is seriously ill at
his home in Portland and that grave
doubts are entertained as to his
chances of recovery. Previous to this
be bad been confined to bis bed for
two weeks with what was supposed to
be a light attack of typhoid fever, but
complications have arisen and be is
in a very critical condition. He la re
ported to be paralyzed and unable to
talk but tbe physicians have not given
up all hope of bis recovery. Besides
baring the best medical experts in
Portland, bis brother-in-law. Dr. H.
S. Mintborn, of Newport, is at bis bed
side. It was thought a clot of blood
on tbe brain was tbe cause of the
paralysis, but the latest report is that
it is typhoid with serious complica
Survey Is Approved.
Word has been received from Wash
ington that the long delayed accept
ance of the govern raeni survey oi
Township 7 south, of Range , west,
and also a Dortlon of Township 6
south, of Raoge 9, has at last beeo
approved. This means that those
who bare settled oo this land will now
have tbe first right to file thereon, but
before doing so notice must be giveo
by publication and the time for Alios:
stated therein. Most if not all of tbe
land embraced in tbe above deeribed
terri'ory bas been occupied for some
time by parties who were anxious to
file tbeir claims bat were deterred
from doing so by reason of the oon-:
acceptance of the surrey by tbe gov-,
Lay Extensive Plans For Next Annual
Show Dates Are Brought For
ward Two Weeks.
The Executive Committee of the Polk
County Poultry Kaisers' Association
met in the Courthouse, Saturday, and
outlined the work of the Association
for the coming summer, in prepara
tion for the poultry show which will
be held next winter.
Owing to the fact that the State
Poultry Show's dates have been
brought forward to December 8-15,
the local association deemed it best to
set its own dates earlier than last year,
so as to keep the county show two
weeks before those of the State Show,
as they have always been in the past.
The dates set are accordingly, Novem
ber 23-26, a period of four days.
Elmer Dixon, of Oregon City, who
has served in a most satisfactory
manner as judge of the exhibits dur
ing the last two years has again been
selected for the work. The matter of
badges and prizes will be definitely set
tied sometime during the present
month, as will also tne matter of pre
paring the catalogue for the next
Although up to the present time the
Show has always been held in Dallas,
the matter of shifting it about from
year to year was brought up and ser
iously discussed Saturday. Those
in favor of the new plan claimed that,
inasmuch as the Show is a country In
stitution and not a purely local affair,
every town in the county should in
turn be given an opportunity to reap
such benefits as might come from
holding the Show in it. It was sug
gested that the next show be held in
Independence and a definite action on
the subject will be taken at the next
meeting, which will be held within
the next three weeks.
Large Number of Eighth Grade Pupils
In Polk County Public Schools
Are Successful.
The following pupils in the public
schools of Polk county passed the
eight grade examinations in January
and have been granted diplomas by
the County Superintendent: Eva
Womer, of Pedee; Nona aod Leda
Lewis, of Lewisville! Lena May, of
Salt Creek ; Efiie Hickerson, of Rick
reall ; Ella Lawrence and Amanda
Hilke, of Independence; Irma Stufft,
of Brush College; Eunice Elkins, of
Buena Vista; Farrell 0. Dickey
and J. D. Fletcher, of Buell; Arthur
C. Goods, of Fir Grove; Minnie
Wunder, of Monmouth ; George Cain
son and Gladys Davenport, of Black
Rock; Winifred Wilson and Ella
Chase, of Highland; Fred Norwood,
Charles Adams, Josephine Wilson,
Ethel Bennett, Alice Schindber, and
Nellie Adams, of Mountain View.
Some pupils failed in only one or
two studies, which entitles them to
take those subjects once more in the
May examinations.
The Mountain View school made by
far the best showing, both in the num
ber of its pupils taking the examina
tions and in the averages made. Tbe
lowest average made by pupils writing
on the examination in that school was
91 percent while the highest average
was 95 per cent.
Oldest Horse in Oregon Is Dead.
The oldest horse In Oregon died on
January 27 at the old Captain Kelley
home in Burns, Oregon, where the
animal has bad tbe most tender care
since tbe death of his old master a few
years ago. This Indian pony was
once the property of "Captain Jack,"
the Indian fighter of Lava Beds
fame, and was captured among other
ponies, by a company of soldiers of
whom Captain Harrison Kelly, then
of Jackson County, was the com
mander, and was presented to Cap
tain Kelley In the Spring of 1873,
being then nearly seven years old,
making him at tbe time of bis
death nearly 43 years old. Tbe
animal was evidently of royal
Indian pony blood, as be was remark
able for endurance, superior intelli
gence and a gait that was very easy
for his rider. Cp to a short time before
Captain Kelley' death be rode the
pony quite often, but of late years the
animal bas been a privileged charac
ter, roaming at winauriog me spring
and Summer, and receiving careful
attention during the Winter. Oregon-
Tbe Salem skating team was de
feated by the Dallas team in a bot
basketball game at the Colosseum
rink Thursday night, the score being
28 to 14. On the foiiowiog mgnt tney
again met defeat in Falls City by a
score of 20 to 4. The Salem team plays
a fast game of basketball as far as
team work Is concerned, but proved
weak oo goal throwiog.
A series of lectures on timely topics
will be piven at tbe Seventh Day Ad-1
venuscnurcn in io en, u ,
aryt. 10.11. and li. w j
be discussed are: The Fifth Kingdom j
-Tbe New Earth, Seventeen Signs ,
ine WMning am .Da ..nKuu,u, -
Freak Among Kingdoms, and Tbe j
Sanctuary and Judgment. All are l
cordially invited.
New Organization In Fine Condition
Successful Dance On Follow
ing Evening.
The first Annual Inspection of Com
pany H., Fourth Infantry O. N. G.,
w,as held in the Armory, Friday night
by Major McGlachlin, who bad come
up from Vancouver, Washington for
that purpose.
A number of tbe citizens of Dallas
were present and the work of drill
and inspection was watched with
great interest. The members of the
company were all present, with the
exception of a few who were kept away
by unavoidable circumstances, and
drawn up, fully equipped in heavy
marching order, they made a very
creditable showing.
The inspection of arms was passed
rapidly, everything being found in
excellent conditions, with but few ex
ceptions. The inspection of the rolls
followed tbe results being equally sat
isfactory. The company, although
working at times under considerable
disadvantage, has made great pro
gress during the few months since its
organization and bids fair to make
an even more rapid advancement in
the future.
A campaign for additional member
ship will be begun and carried on vig
orously in the near future and such
are the advantages, social and other
wise, that the company is able to offer,
that a large increase in its member
ship is anticipated.
On Saturday evening following the
Inspection night, a highly successful
danolng party, arranged and given
by the Social Committee under the
auspices of the company, was held.
One of the largest crowds of dancers
that has been assembled in Dallas
for a number of years attended, In
which were represented, not Dallas
people alone, but also a number of
visitors from neighboring cities, the
representation from Falls City being
especially good.
Dancing begun at nine o'clock and
was continued until midnight, music
for tbe occasion being furnished by
an orchestra under the direction of
Mr. Corpron, of McMinnville. The
Social Committee is highly pleased
with tho success of the dance and
plans are being made for another to
be given within a few weeks, the date
for which will be made public later.
Praises The Oregons.
C. A. Simonton, of Crestline, Ohio,
a brother of Willis Simonton of this
city, sends the following in compli
ment to the Dallas boys who were In
his state last week on theii basketball
tour: Crestline, Ohio, February
2. Editor Observer: I have been
very much interested la the Oregons.
I had a very pleasant visit with them
at Mansfield and Delaware, and saw
them win bard fought games at each
place. They are a fine lot of boys and
know bow to play tbe game. They
are certainly making a great record
considering tbe fact that all games
are played on strange courts and in
some cases under rules that are new
and also that many of tbe teams try
to defeat them regardless of fairness
or science. I believe their playiog so
far bas demonstrated that they are
the the Champions of the World and
could easily win in a series against
any team In the world on a neutral
court. Oregon and Dallas especially
should be proud of them to the last
U. A. BlJUUlUiM.
Fruit Association Meets.
At the meeting of tbe board of tbe
Northwest Fruit Association at Albany
Friday much routine business was
considered, selection of the site for tbe
packing house in Salem approved and
a committee appointed to secure sub
scriptions to stock were Instructed to
see again all subscribers who have
signed for a small amount with tbe
promise of more later on, to the end
that tbey "come through" with sub
scriptions equal accommodation re
quired. Tbe matter of absorbing
freight to packing bouse In expense
account, for all members who live
within reasonable limits and who
bold sufficient stock to warrant such
favor, was passed by unanimous vote.
This action will result In the building
of large plants centrally located In
stead of smaller packing nouses lo d f-
ferent localities. 8. P. Kimball tend
ered bis resignation as a member of
tbe board of directors lo favor of Ed. A.
Jury, who was elected to serve ontil the
annual meeting in June. Statesman.
Old Pioneer Passes Away.
Mrs. Sarah J. Burnett died Monday,
February 1, at tbe home of her son,
G. T. Burnett, In Albany at tbe age of
81 years. She was bora lo Mlwmurl
and crossed tbe plains to California
in 1850, coming to Oregon io 157.
She has since lived lo this state,
residing 28 years at Bethel, Polk
County, IT years In Corral Us aod tbe
past seveo years lo Albany. 8 be was
a member of tbe Christian Church.
Mrs. Burnett leaves Ore children : O.
T. Burnett, R. L. Burnett, and Mrs.
E. P. Greffox, of Albany ; H. P. Burn
for m,D'T ,b,r.
. r-. .,. M j r
Rhodes, of Han la Marie. California.
Funeral services arerebelJ la Albany,
Wedoed,, ol tbe boly was taken
. . p ,k -Bt for borUL
lffH i at mis nee.
Polk County School Officers' Associa
tion Has Enthusiastic Meeting
At Oak Grove.
The educational rally, held at Oak
Grove, near Rickreall, Saturday, be
gan a series of such meetings, which
will be held at different parts of Polk
county during the next three months.
The meetings are held by the School
Officers' Association of Polk county,
the county being divided into ten sec
tions in each of which about six school
districts are represented, and a rally
will be held in each section in turn.
The purpose of the meetings is to
bring teachers, school officers and
parents together for the purpose of
discussing plans for effective and co
operative work in upbuilding the edu
cational system of the county.
This aim seemed admirably fulfilled
in tbe meeting at Oak Grove, Satur
day. Although the attendance was
not large, the interest manifested by
those who were there was very great
and many profitable facts were
brought out In the discussion of the
various subjects relating to educa
tional work, which were Introduced.
J, A. Allen, chairman of the As
sociation for the Rickreall section,
presided over tbe meeting in an able
manner and a number of represent
atives from other sections of the
county were present. The next rally
will be held February 20, at the
Spring Valley schoolhouse, for
Zena section.
Elects Officers, Settles Length
Terms And Lays Plans For
Future Work.
A business meeting of the Library
Board, recently appointed by Mayor
A. B. Mulr, was held In the Reading
Room of the Dallas Free Library,
last night, cosiderable business both
in routine and in special work being
M. M. Ellis, appointed temporary
chairman by the Mayor, was unan
imously chosen permanent chairman
of the board, the remaining members
drawing lots, according to the state
law, to determine the length of term
for each. The three jear terms
fell to J. G. Van Orsdol and M. M.
Ellis, the two year terms to Mrs. F. H
Morrison and Mrs. George Gerlinger
aod the one year terms to Hon. U. S.
Loughary and R. E. Williams.
Mrs. George Gerlinger was chosen
secretary and Mrs. F. H. Morrison
treasurer of the board, Mrs. Gerlinger
being also elected Librarian to serve
without salary. She will have as a
paid assistant, however, Miss Jennie
Musoott, who bas for the past two
years capably filled that position.
The treasurer's report shows that,
unless the remainder of this year's
half mill appropriation be paid over
by the city council, the Library Board
will have to face a considerable deficit
at the close of the fiscal year, April 1.
Since the council has already paid
over a portion of the appropriation, it
was the consensus of opinion of the I
board members that the payment of
the remainder could not, in justice, be
refused. Unless it Is paid, however
the board, instead of having a small
margin to its credit at the end of tbe
year, will nave to devise means or
meeting a deficit. This phase of the
question will be considered at the
next meeting which will be subject to
the call of tbe chairman of the board.
Would Sell Reserved Lands.
Congressman W. C. Hawley intro
duced a bill Thursday authorizing
the sale of all the reserved lands on
theStletz Indian reservation. The bill
also authorizes the sale of all water
power sites on reserved lands. The
government farm on theSiletz reser
vation Is to be cut up Into five acre
tracts and 40 acres of this farm near
est the government building is to be
laid off as a town site and sold, reserv
ing to actual business men and resi
dents the right to buy tbe land upon
which their respective buildings stand.
Where such lands are sold to other
than the owner of buildings thereon,
the owner shall have tbe right to sell
bis Improvements to tbe purchaser of
tbe laod or remove bis Improeveraots.
Tbe net proceeds of tbe sale of these
lands Is to be paid io part to the Slleu
Indians and part Is to be spent io
erecting schools for their children.
Work Will Beria Soon.
It depends only on how soon the
weather moderate sufficiently, when
active work wiii be resumed on tbe
Dallas-Salem extension of tbe Salem,
Falls City & Western railroad, accord
ing to tbe statement of I Gerlinger,
Jr., manager. Once tbe work of actual
construction is commenced, it will be
pushed forward vigorously toward
completion. Steel rails aod other sup
plies, sufficient to lay five mile of
track are already oo tbe ground In
Dallas and more material Is oo tbe
wsy. A steam (hovel Is expected to
be received bere with a few day.
Some preliminary work will be done
oo tbe road between Falls City and
Black Rock first, io tbe way of im
proving tbe track and road bed, but
tbe lines la that section will not be
exten-ied at present
Commencing SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6th we will
place on display at very attractive prices new lines of
Embroideries, Ladies' Muslin
Underwear, India Linens,
NainsooKs, and White Lawns
We are showing a strong line of these goods and our
prices on White Skirts, Corset Covers and Muslin
Gowns will certainly appeal to you. Now is the
time to buy such goods. Remnants in Wool Dress
Goods on sale at One-Half price.
Campbell Hollister
Electricity for Lighting
Is only expensive to people who are
wasteful and careless. To you, who
are naturally careful, it does not
come high.
It Is economical because It can be quickly turned off wnen not needed.
With gas or kerosene there is the temptation to let light burn when
not needed to save bother of lighting and adjusting. In some homes
the elootric light bills amount to only one or two dollars per month.
You can probably got some kind of artificial light for less money
than electric light, but does it save you anything when It limits op
portunities for work and recreation ruins your eyesight smokes
your walls mars decorations and increases household work. You
could probably save a dollar tomorrow by going without your meals
but it wouldn t be economy. It is not so much what you save, but
how you save that counts.
WILLAMETTE VALLEY CO. BATES Residence on meters, per
Kilowatt-15o ; Residence, flat per month, 18cp 60o. RATES FOR
BUSINESS HOUSES 25o per drop and 60 per Kilowatt up to 10 drops ;
over 10 drops 20c per drop and 60 per Kilowatt up to 40 drops; over 40
drops I7jc per drop and 60 per Kilowatt. A drop figures 16cp or less.
For power rates apply at the office. We are always ready to explain
the "ins and outs0 of the lighting proposition to you, call on us or
phone to us, we are never to busy to talk business.
Willamette Valley Company
E. W. KEARNS, Manager for Dallas.
Office on Mill street, just north of the Court House. Phones Boll 421,
Mutual 12J7.
The Jacobson
All kinds of hauling promptly done. Spec
ially equipped for the careful moving of fur
niture and pianos.
Phone orders to Belt & Cherrington's Drug Store
Bell, 301 Mutual, 253
In connection with our Lumber and
Shingle trade we are now handling
and SAND. Lowest possible prices
on all building material.
Havingpurchased this well-known barn, we so
licit a share of your patronage.
Excellent accomodations for commercial men.
Ed. F. Cod,
Office Id Courtnouse
Walter L. Tooze, Jr.
OOce la Wilson Bl.ig.
Transfer Co.
Offloi over Wllaoa'a 1 rag Utor
Pfl"". OREGON.
ttobxits at i aw.
Tba oelr ri Ubl act of Abstract la
Polk county. Offlc am Court BU