Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, January 05, 1909, Image 2

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    Polk County Observer
Published Semi-Weekly al 1.60 per Year.
Strictly in Advance.
Entered as Beoond-clawi matter March 1, 1907,
at the poatoltice at Dallas, Oregon, under the
Act of Congress ol March 3, 1879.
DALLAS, OREGON, January 5, 1909
The way to build up Dallas is to pat
ronize Dallas people.
I). D. Peters, just returned from a
trip to Eastern Washington, makes a
ni(TToatinn poneernina the work of
advertising Polk county that is well
worthy of careful consideration.
While in Washington, ha says that
he met with a number of people who
were deeply interested in Oregon and
who asked him all manner of ques
tions concerning the part of Oregon
from which he carno Polk county.
These questions he gladly answered,
so far as he was able, but he regretted
the faet that he was unable to give
definite information on several points,
which would have had telling weight
had he been able to furnish it. Asked
the total hop acreage Id Polk county,
the total acreage planted in apples or
prunes, what acreage of these was in
bearing and what only recently set
out, ho was able to give only approx
iinato information. Asked the total
yield of the prune orchards in Polk
county this vear, he could answer
only with a guess.
Data of this sort has never been
compiled and yet it would prove an in
estimable convenience to the person
from Polk county who may be travel
ing in another state, where ho is
bound to meet with such inquiries.
A man planning to move his home
from some other stato to this county,
wants to know in what relation the
various branches of agricultural and
horticultural industry stand to each
other, so that he may lay his plans as
to what ho himself will take up.
The very statistics, the lack of which
Mr. Peters so deeply regretted during
his visit in Washington, would give
to a man in that position, the exact
relative picture of Polk county's farm
ing industries which he desires and,
in case he were still undecided, might
lead him to cast his lot in this county
adding to our population another fam
ily of the constructive, progressive
citizens on whom the development of
the country depends.
The state of Oregon has officers
whose duty It is to collect, assemble,
and tabulate, facts concerning other
branches of the numerous forces that
are at work in the devi-lopn.cnt of our
. commonwealth, as, for instance, the
State Labor Commissioner from whom
merchants ami manufacturers, In fact
all who employ labor, are able to
secure complete statistical informa
tion on any point of which they may
desire to know.
It were only just, that the fanner,
whose position in the social organiza
tion is as the foundation to the super
structure, should have an equal
opportunity. Full statistics concern
lug the various agricultural indus
tries in each county ami in the state
as a wboc, would not onlv place at
the service of the citizens of Oregon,
an exi-eedingly powerful and elTeetive
advertising medium, but would enable
them to balance the agricultural pro
duction of the state to such u nicety
that the statement that this or that
commodity hud Income a "drug on
the market" or was "killed out by
over-production" would sound like a
foreign language to the citizens of
this state.
Or if the state declines to take the
matter up, it would uot be amiss for
the county to select an ofllcer, prefer
ably the County Fruit Insctor per
haps who should have charge of the
woik of assembling and ordering
statistics of production, for his own
county at least. I f this could be done
then would be no further oviniou for
the Polk county farmer visiting in
mother Mt.iteto reply to such a ques
tion as "What is the total prune acic
Hgo in the county from which you
came'.'" DV scratching his head and
auswei ing "Well I don't know exactly
but it must lx about, etc., etc," Posi
tive m-ii, men whom we want In our
citizenship, want positive and definite
answcis and these cannot be given
urilc-s we in turn have positive and
definite infoi in it' ii-ti.
Monmouth, In which the local team
was defeated by a score of 2G to 16, the
Monmouth Herald commits the
double error of referring to the Dallas
team as "the former invincible five"
and stating that Monmouth was the i
only team that had "ever triumphed
over Dallas on ber own floor." As a
matter of fact, the team Monmouth
went up against was composed of new
players and was playing for the
second time only In its present line-up,
the strongest members of the team be
ing absent with The Oregons, who are
touring the East. With regard to the
second statement, Dallas was twice
defeated by Muscatine last yearon her
own floor, when she had her original
strong team and had, at the begin
ning of the same season, defeated
Monmouth by the decisive score of 37
to 12. The year before that, Dallas
suffered defeat on her own floor at the
hands of the team from Evanston,
Illinois, although in both the seasons
of 1907 and 1908 she succeeded In gain
ing the championship of Oregon and
the Pacific Coast.
Great Bibical Drama to be Given
Portland During Week Be
ginning January 18.
Items of Interest From the Records
in the County Offices
Briefly Told.
Estate of A. F. Stoner, deceased
report of sale of personal property ap
proved ; final account set for hearing
Saturday, January 30, at 10 o'clock
a. ra.
Estate of Lyle Ball, a minor-guar
dian authorized to sell real property
at private sale.
Estate of Isaac Dyck, deceased in
ventory and appraisement filed and
Van B Sears et ux to Mattie L
Smith, 156 acres in t (i s, r 5 w, $5,4G4.
Elizabeth Stoner et al to S M Ray,
lots in Dallas, $1.
Susan McKinney to School District
Number 8, 2 acres in t 9 s, r 5 w, $1.
Lee Smith to Bertha Barrie Smith,
block in Dallas, 1.
H E Law et ux to Anglo-American
Securities Company, 40 acres, t 8 s, r C
w, $10.
Margaret J Fox and hd to Seth
Riggs, 100 acres in t 7 s, r 4 w, $5,000.
R L Klwood et ux to S (i Sheets, li
acres in t7 s, r3 w, $2,500
W E Williams to School District
Number in, land in Airlie, $100.
W V. Williani8to Martha Simpson,
land in Airlie, $100.
William Faull et ux to Jasper M
and James R Craven, land in Dallas,
United States to W Williams, 77
acres in t 9 s, r 5 w, patent.
Dora M Evrette and hd to Thomas
L Stroh, 320 acres in t G s, r 7 w, $3,200.
Portland Dealers Secure 3000 Acres of
Choice Walnut Land Near
I. A. Yerex, (ieorge E Waggoner
and I. C. Sanford, of Portland, yester
day completed purchase of the Ros-
well Bewley tract of 3000 acres near
Sheridan on which they lately secured
an option. The tract varies in alti
tude some 700 or 800 feet. This land
was acquired by the late James F.
Bewley, father of the late owner, and
comprises several donation land
claims ami tracts of land noted in
pioneer history of Yamhill county.
Among the former owners of the
several tracts comprising the 3000
acre body were William Doak, T.
Pugh, T. (J. ami J. M. Hendricks,
William Eversole, John A. Hull,
James li. Oraves, James P. Morgan,
Allert (J. Hughes, Simeon L. Hyde
and James F. Bewley.
After consummating the deal yester
day the purchasers sold to the
Churchill-Matthews Company, of
Portland, 420 acres of the tract lying
nearest to the town of Sheridan, to be
platted. It Is all exceedingly choice
walnut land, embracing all slopes and
exposures and possessing excellent
drainage. These gentlemen have
all heretofore purchased other large
tracts of land in this county. Ore-gouian.
Ko.M'Velt sent a second ltleage to
theCongrcs uncut the ntvot friction
about the wvret service men and there
upun the Congress laughed. It i not
yet determined who is to laugh last
and. If the saying of the proverb be
correct, who is to laugh best.
The New Year's editions of all of the
larger dailies of this state ara uni
formly g,xi this jear and contain
much mau-rial concerning Oregon
and ber recourses that will be valu
able advertising for the Mate if its
citizen take it upon them scire to see
that tbe papers are well distributed
rscDg relatives and friends lo other
tatea who may be contemplating
moving to Or g a.
Towering triumphantly as the most
massive and picturesque as weir as
the most impressive dramatic spectacle
in the history of the world, "Ben-Hur
will seek new honors at the Heilig
Theatre, Portland, Oregon, on Mon
day evening, January 1?, where it will
remain for an engagement of one
week. In addition to the regular
evening performances, special roati
nees will be given on Wednesday and
Of all the spectacular productions
of modern times, none has been cred
ited with so long a run of prosperity
as this great aud popular dramatic
spectacle. "Ben-Hur" is today crowned
with a record of more than 2500 per
formances in America and 200 in Lon
don, in a little over nine years, and
has been seen by more than seven
million people. The success of tbe
play is credited to the religious senti
ment that prevails in the theme, mak
ing it particularly attractive to tbe
non-theatregoer, who as a rule avoids
the playhouse, owing to religious
scruples. "Ben-Hur" has the endow
ment of the leading lights of the
church world and has appealed to all
theatregoers as the most powerful
drama that has ever-been created for
the etage.
Wallace had few peers and no sup
eriors in the art of presenting to the
eye tbe imagery of scriptural scenes.
In "Ben-Hur", bis masterpiece, he
gives the life, the color, the feeling, of
the time of Christ. With these he pre
sents an intense heait story, a heroic
drama, filled with the tenderest emo
tions, tinged with the romance of love
and war, exalted by the evidence of
Divine miracles performed by the
Nazarine. Although the sacred pres
ence is not siiown, it is reit, anu
throughout the play runs the strong
under-current of religious feeling
which distinguishes "Ben-Hur" from
all other dramatic offerings based on
Biblical themes. The symbolism of
Rome aud Jerusalem, of Jew and Gen
tile, of peace and war, are shown sur
rounding the great mystery of the
presence of Christ. Each scene un
folds as a perfect picture, the whole
blending in a living pageant.
In order to take care of out of town
patrons fur "Jien-riur , Manager
Calvin Heilig, of the Heilig Theatre
will fill mail oidersin accordance with
date of their receipt, when accompan
ied by remittance. The scaleof prices
will range from 50 cents to $2.00.
Seats will go on sale Thursday, Jan
uary 14.
M. O.
Professor Fau.ard At Star ThiMter.
Professor Fauzard, the handcuff
king, assisted by Mile. Sulina, is fur
uishing an exceptionally gonxl bit of
vaudeville at the Star Theater this
week. He claims that the handcuff is
not made that can hold him and his
performance seems to justify the
claim. The trunk mystery is very
Interesting. His assistaut is placed
in a huge trunk w hich is then securely
tied with roes and put behind the
curtains. Professor Fauzard steps
behind the curtains and an instant
later his little assistant steps out,
draws back tbe curtain, uncords the
trunk aud throws back the lid to dis
close the Professor who has changed
places with her In tbe space of a few
seconds. Next Thursday night Pro
fessor Fauzard will appear in an en
tirely new program. Admission 15
cents; 10 cents for children. 1-5-lt
la reporting the recent basketball
gam twtwvaa Dallas Col leg and
Castle's Grocery
Located one door south of the Dallas
National Bank. We carry a complete
stock of fancy and staple groceries
and are prepared to give prompt and
courteous service to all our customers.
"The best for the best" and the place
for jou to get the best is Castle's
grocery store. J. I. Cwrt,t, pro
prietor. Il-ll-tf
Now is the Time
to visit
When summer has passed
in these northern states,
the sky is only mild under
the bright blue skies of
Southern California. This
is one of nature's happy
provisions eternal sura- -mer
for those who cannot
endure a more severe cli
mate. California has been called
the Mecca of tbe winter
tourist." Its hotels and
stopping places are as
varied as those of all well
regulated cities. Visitors
can always find suitable
accommodations, congen
ial companions, and var
ied, pleating recreations.
Will be glad to supply some
very attractive literature,
describing in detail the
many delights of winter in
Very low round trip excur
sion tickets are on sale to
The rate from Dallas to
Los Angeles and return is
Limit six mouths, allowing
stop-overs in either direc
tion. Similar excursion
rates are in effect to all
California points.
For full Information, sleeping cur reserva
tions and tickets, call on, telegraph or write
:en. Pa. Agt. Portland, Oregon
Waterman fountain pen. Suitable
reward offered. Attorney W. L.
Tooze, Jr. l-l-2t
This is the time of the year for fam
ily groups and if they ever have them
it ia right now. T. J. Cherrington.
House For Sale.
Fine residence of William Grant on
corner of Main and Washington
for sale. Inquire of Mrs. Grant.
Residence For Sale.
Being obliged to seek a different
climate for the benefit of my health I
desire to sell my residence property
in Dallas. William Faull. 12-ll-8t
Estray Notice.
Lost or strayed, black and red tan
hound, female, average size. Missing
since last February. Suitable reward
for information. Ira C. Yocom, Wil
lamina, Oregon l-l-8t
Wood For Sale.
Do you need wood? In preparing
to place your orders remember that I
ara able to furnish you all kinds of
slab wood from either of the Dallas
sawmills at the best possible rates.
Send In your orders by either phone.
Mutual 1196; Bell 443.
Happy New Year! You bst I am
happy to think my boss is so good to
me. Sav, he seems to know his busi
ness Why he treats everyone just
like tbey were one of his family. Gee,
hut he is buying lots of now goodsl
I don't know where he will put them.
The store is so full now we can't
hardly turn around. Ma says "a
kind word thrown at a husband will
go furl her towards a new bonnet than
a rolling pin will." She gets up in
the air at Pa occasionally and they
hand each other a few packages. I
heard her say the other day, It s no
disgrace for a wotnau to make a mis
take in marrying, almost every
woman does it." That will hold him
for a while, I guess. I've come to the
conclusion that a woman gets the
worst of it in most cases. Why, hon
est, I don't know what Pa would do
without a woman like Ma to keep him
in the straight and narrow and have
him look respectable. Andl don't know
where he'd get off for his meals if Ma
didn't cook for him and get all the
groceries at M. D. Ellis's. It's all
right for a change to eat in the res
taurant, but for a steady diet, there's
nothing lile good borne cooking.
Some people litngh when they see a
sign, "Home Cooking," on some
lady's door, but you bet it's all right
if idie know how to juggle the kitchen
tool and knows where to buy the good
stufT to make a noise on the kitchen
xvT'tmi nmler thin hemt are churcvd
mI the nti ol I tvul jt wunt, tin. uiMTiion; ,
cvnt pt'r word for e.rh iiitertmn ihivfitr; :)
wonts or m. ptr month. Na avUrrtiat-ment
titaertot lor Un than 1' wnt.
rimr csmiiii out? wont. For lnwti.no?,
th nu tin' r.l cotntatiAiion count one
To initmlp rount one w.rl. For inUnce,
'.t. M. Join- " ivunii mo won!.
The minimum clinrve 1 for 1 woM; that t,
n tlvprtiMi'Tiieitt from I wonl to is woeili i
conn led a, is wop.; an lvenitvment from 16
lo Jii wor.,, ttM-Uiiire. ia omiml na Ji wonla.
tnm .'I lo wor-tle. ta cotiiite. a is w,nt. rto.
The tiaTurfa follow. tic the rertbwntenl indi
cate bow ion it ia to run. ant are not rharri
lo the riialonier. Forinaunoe. 4-41-1 tn1irt
that ihe alvertieraenl wa ft rat published on
Marvh :l. and that it ia to be Inverted twice.
The firiitv and letter 4 1-tf Indicate that ine
adTerucemeni aa hrat pnbltehcd April I and
that It is u be run uuui the customer orders II
100 pound criT how; braodexl 69
Administratrix Notice.
Notice ia hereby (riven to whom it may con
cern, that the undersigned administratrix of
the estate of A. t Sloner, deceased, has thtt
day tiled with the County Court of Folk County,
Oregon, her ttnal account in said estate, and
the said County Court has bet the same for hear
ing on Saturdny, January :(0, 11HW, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. ra. of said day at which time all
persons having objections thereto, if any there
be, are hereby notiiied to apjiear in said Court
at Dallas, in said County, and pieuent the same
and show cause if any they have, why said
estate should not be fully and finally closed,
said administratrix dinchttrge and ber bonds
men rt'lettWHlT
Dated at Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, this
.uti c.av 01 ueceuioer, isw,
Administratrix of the estate of
A. F. Stoner, deceased.
Sibley & Eakin, Attorneys fur estate.
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laud O it ice at Portland. Oregon,
October lyttf.
notice is hereby given that Koy H. wit seam.
in i -in ins, ori'ifiin wno, on ticiooer ;nnn. iiw,
made Timber or Stone entry. No. Wd J, for N. W.
'4 of ti. W. '4of election 4, Township 7, South,
Kaiigeti West, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice ot intention to make riual Proof, to
establish claim to the land above deeiiled.
before K. M. Smith. Coutitv Clerk of Polk
Couuty.Orvgon, at Dallat, Oregon, on the 11th
arty ni .lanuiiry, itm.
(Isimant names as witnesses: O. P. Con lee.
oi ii.i.-,tm-fon; m. a. iniee, 01 miell. Ore
ron; K. W. Ilinshnw, of Dallas, Oregon; J. P
Hyers, of Dallas, Oregon.
ktg tater.
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Interior,
V. 8. Laud Oltice at Portland, Oregon,
November A. lyun.
Notice is hereby given that Muta Becker, of
Vancouver. U ashiiictou, who, on November .,
lis, made T1mler lnd Application, No oW4,
for Northw.-at 4 ot NortheaH sw-ctmn
Township tt .nth of Kan re 7 W- of W II la met te
Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make
r mat l ash Proof to eiahllth claim to ihe land
aboie oearnbfd. betore the Ken Mer and
Keceiver I I', s. Ijind ortiee, at Portland, Ore
gon, on the XMh dav of Januaty, I9o9.
1 laitnant names a witneaaes: John Lowe, of
Vancouver. Whineun: Iiavid Young, of Van
couver, Washington: tieorge Keliar. of Van
couver. Washington ; Paul bevker.of Vancouver,
W aahinsrtuit.
Administrator Notice of Sale of Real
Estate at Private Sale.
Slashing Sale
. . i 1 1r? 11 J? i n
This stock must be reduced one-nan regaraiess oi cost oi merchandise hmAa
to do so we are going to cut the prices. Our stock is large and complete in evS
department. We extend to you the opportunity. Don't fail to grasp it S
is the time to lay in a good supply because you may never again be able to hZ
at these prices. No marks changed on goods, so you can see for yourself H
i ovq n-ottinrr Flvprvthmp marked in nlain firm vac. t .l .v,.w'
keep you away. No doors closed to arrange or mark goods but goods sold &
uiey are su yvu. can rai.
Sale began Monday, Dec. 28
'Pt..' : 1 cl r tara We, aivorilir OWn SHI OH mil) O-iutt niir niif,
1 IJln m a I cm uaic an nv maw , . v to. . - a - " uunjiiitjrs the Sa In D NC
t : : XTl,; .nflarim. uvoriTf in r.ir nn en m rvwla vl, 1 , TO- OiV
moiers commission i-iuiuing imci vc. 0 ww0 VAC,,aUgt.u uml njonev . m?
IUiiy reiuuucu it nut Drtnouu. " - j r v,aL, , mrtj examples of fh
hundreda of glorious bargains that await you at this . . s
aavaam A A AT ff A W
The moBtcomplele line of shoes in town slaughtered in price in this sale. A fine lin
Trunks, Suit Cases, and Telescopes on sale at wholesale price Woolen and Cotton Iillniutg m
forters, Pillows and Indian Robes at slaughtered price. Allover Lace, Embroidery Veiling i"
veiveis ai a saving, rvuuui wm ui (rciuum"! uiu.u mh,Ci., uma nim bob or yourself.
Look for large poster. Don't forget the date, Monday, December 28
22nd Annual Clearance Sale
Sale will begin Saturday, January 2, 1909, and
close Saturday, January 3), 1909. Notwithstanding
that the year of 1908 has een the biggest in the his
tory of this store, we are ietermined to close out the
remainder of our Fall an Winter stock at prices that
will pay you to buy you year's supply. During this
Sale nothing in our largekock will be reserved. Prices
are reduced from 10 pej cent to 50 per cent. Call
early while the stock is omplete. Store will be closed
from Thursday, at 5 p.n., until Saturday, at 9 a. m.,
to arrange and mark dwn the stock.
Thanking the public for thf patronage during the past year and soliciting
a continuation of the same, we wi each and everyone a Happy and Prosperous
New Year. I
Former Piner and Successor to
R. Jacobson c Co., of McMinnville
Notice to the Public
Being permanently located In Dal
las, and bere to stay, I will from now
on, be ready at any and all times to
sell at Public Auction anything that
is on tbe market.
Parties contemplating having a sale
and wishing to confer with me will
find ine at Barham & Ullrey'a Ileal
Estate olBce until January 1, 1909.
I will be located in the building form
erly occupied by the Post Office. Per
sons not having enough for a sale,
bring it to Dallas for
By notifying me In advance, I will
advertise it free of charge.
Watch this paper for Saturday street
sale. Klght years In the business.
Thone, Mutual 1216 DALLAS, ORE.
.up to you. We will save that doctor1 bill for you if you will
y let us. Husband don't you know that your wife is ruiniog
health and contracting for you a doctor bill by trying to save
ew cents by doing your washing. If you love your wife and
me quit making a slave of her and steaming up the walls and
coratlons of the home. We will do your washing at common
nse prices. Those curtains that have been a dust-trap all Burn
er we will wash and stretch for SO cents a pair. Quilts, 25 centi
.ch ; blankets, 20c to 50c. Wo are here for business, give u a
. ial. We will treat you square all the year round.
Illas Steam Laundry Phone, Mutual 197
Nlf-r is hTfT f iren, thai by Tirf of an
rirr tn1 Af-rrrr oi ih 1 ounty 4 onrt of !
In ir ton i onntT. tnvn. made d1 rtitrrrcl oa
iMvmhfr i. tp. mbonnnr mn4 dirortin the
Inunimrator ot tr -uie w . A. w. 4
to rli at pr aw aale. rmin rl rvtat
t-iottnit i the eaiai ol mil drew!. I, the
a?"1rrit-T1. will fm ai.l after Jtnoary iv
piw.-l toaU ihe mil eataie hereinafter
4-rnnea at in ate m e. hr rab ia aaiwt nw
jert vtifirmlii tr mhI onrt. mtA tal
In connection with our Lumber and
Shingle trade we are now handling
and SAND. Lowest possible prices
on all building material.
Having purchased this well-known barn, we so
licit a share of your patronage.
Excellent accomodations for commercial men.
for floe groceries is Invited. Give
as a test of our ability to supply ye x t. y.
who oeurr groceries tor lest mo a
than any one else.
Mr. T. W. Johoaoo returned to
rortlaod yesterday after few days'
visit with her sister. Mrs. Annis C
loft shoulder. Liberal reward for ; 5 SXZSXZZZSS&ZgXZi
information. Mutual phone rioneer ! p"irn Kin.wt niM Kroi.
r- .-n, . . . hI r.-lt..to (rrro. lo-wn: TIM conk-
OS. K . ourmug, 11 H
Cedar Pests.
Good cedar porta tor sale at 11 cents
each. Also another ear of extra Star
A Star shlogles. Sochsiw Wii
or. 7-14 tf
MM quarter an.1 tbrraa ha.I tS tnnh.M
quan-r and Ih eaM kail e( tr T-TT--an
qoarvr in vrtxm 7. Tommb !lntk. kacr
lUaaMM Mandtam, euailatuns XJP
I ntrtrx.
SnW anmilna adviniaauv mf ti
aaiata 4 I h ,-,tmH
M T Soar. tbraT lb avata
prompdy aoywbere. It makes
difference whether your order be la
or sroalL What we want Is f
steady custom. Well fr. It toi
(rood groceries, moderate prices
prompt serrioa will via It, Dool
get thai trial order.
rbooes: Bell M, Mutual 114.
Clean, Fresh Groceries
We carry the Famous DIAMOND
"YV" brand of Extracts, Spices,
Coffee, Tea and Canned Goods.
Fresh Bread Every Day