Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 15, 1908, Image 1

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    I ...
NO. 44
judee Burnett's Department of Circuit
Court Adjourned Saturday
After. Busy Week.
Judge Geovfte H. Burnett's depart
ment of circuit court was adjouroed
Saturday after a long and busy
session Although the grand jury
ffM discharged Wednesday, none of
IK findings have yet been made public,
except in the case of D. M. Bearaer,
bo pleaded guilty of larceny Wednes
day Saturday was set for pronounc
ing judgment but the defendant
waived further ttrrrerandwas sentenced
Friday morning to imprisonment in
the state penitentiary for one year, the
state to recover costs and disburse
ments. Sheriff J. M. Grant took
Beamer to Salem, Saturday, where he
was committed to the penitentiary.
The floe of E. M. Young, found
guilty of assault and battery upon
B J. Taylor, of Independence, was
fixed Frldav morninor at SlBf) nnri the
defendant was released upon its payment.
The following cases were settled
Friday and Saturday, completing the
2 White Sewing Machine Company
vs L. D. Daniel, action for money;
J. L. Collins for pill: L. D. Brown
and N. L. Butler for deft. Dummy
jury trial; verdict aud judgment for
17 James A. Roberts vs William C.
Brown, action for money ; Oscar Hay
ter for plff; N. L. Butler for deft.
Plaintiff's motion to strike out part
of answer sustained; jury trial;
judgment for plaintiff for $280 with
costs and disbursements.
88 J. D. Smith vs County of Polk,
State of Oregon, action for money;
Sibley & Eakin for plff; John H. Mo-
Nary for deft. Testimony heard and
taken under adylsement.
30 W. G. Bernstein vs Claude, Clem
and J. M. Cleveland, action for money ;
Fullerton&Orcutt for plff. Continued.
Fine Herd of Jerseys.
J. M. Lynn went down to McCoy
yesterday to meet his son, Frank, who
has just returned from a six weeKs
visit in the east and who brought back
with him from Kentucky a herd of 21
blooded Jersey cattle lor his dairy
farm near Perrvdale. Mr. Lvnn's
herd of Jerseys will be, with this addi
tion, one of the finest in the state,
since every animal in the number is
registered stock.
Multnomah BasketbaU Team Carries
Hard-Fought Game By Score
of 13 to 9.
The Philadelohian Literary Society
will give its first open program for
this term at the College chapel Satur
day night. An excellent entertaiment
has been prepared 'and all are cor
dially invited to be present.
Miss Laura Poling, of Portland,
visited with her friend. Miss Allie
, Fuller, over Sunday.
The time is near when many hearts may be made
happy and it is an undisputed fact that a
Beautiful piece of Jewelery or Cut Glass, a nice Watch,
Gold Handle Umbrella, a piece of Silverware, a beautiful
Diamond and many other beautiful things found in A. H.
HARRIS' JEWELERY STORE would be the most appro
priate gift for that occasion.
I carry the nicest stock of watches in Polk county. I
have the Howard, Hamilton, Illinois, Hampton, Waltham
and Elgin in nearly all the different grades and 150 diff
erent designs in Gold-filled, Solid Gold, andNickle Cases.
I employ one of the finest engravers in the state. Monograms a specialty. All
engraving free this month while you wait. It will pay you to call and see for
yourself. I want satisfied customers therefore I guarantee satisfaction.
Don't Forget The Place
' 4'"''
It is not to be expected that every Christmas gift that the family man makes to
his good wife should be something in the furniture line Yet what could be
more appropriate -useful as well as beautiful and something that all the mem
bers of the household may enjoy? It cannot be gainsaid that more pleasure : and
more benefit are derived from money invested in furniture than from almost any
thing else. And then, too, good, stylish, well-made furniture stands for years
and, passing from generation to generation, becomes an heirloom, priceless m
value because of the associations that cling about it.
We have a large line of Rockers to select
Reed Rockers from $3.75 to $14.00
Also Oak and Leather Rockers, Morris
Chairs, from $8 to $24
X- ,!.V
A . ' 1
V .
' We have a complete line of rugs from the
smallest to the largest
You will find in our store, useful gifts, such as Pictures, Hall Racks, Mirrors
Parlor Stands, Library Tables, Carpet Sweepers, Music Cabinets nting
Desk. AU goods will be stored free of charge and delivered when wanted.
Dallas Furniture and Implements Oregon
Husky Basketball Boys of Dallas
Begin Long Tour Vancouver
Easily Defeated.
The Dallas College basketball team
met its first defeat this year on the
local floor Saturday evening at the
hands of the five from the aiuitnoman
Athletic Club, the final score being 13
to 9.
The came was the fastest and most
closelv contested one that has been
played since the time Dallas met Mus
catine last season, and It would nave
been a difficult matter at the end oi
the first half, when the score stood 4 to
S in favor of Multnomah, for the
spectators to predict just bow the final
score would stand.
In the latter part of the last half
however, the superior weight of the
visiting players told, and they slowly
drew away from the home team. Eioe
and Ballantyne, 4he Dallas forwards,
nlaved their usual swift same but.
matched against guards of superior,
weight and strength, were unable to
score from the field. Fenton at oenter
and Claud Shaw at guard were the
only players on the home team wno
had sufficient weisht to meet the
onslaughts on the big players from
the club.
This victorv outs Multnomah In line
for the pennant with Dallas still hold
ing a chance to tie. although the col
lege team will be seriously crippled
by the loss of several players who
nave gone on the eastern tour wim
The Oregons.
The line-up in Saturday night's
game was as follows:, Dallas, Bice,
W. Ballantyne, Fenton, Shaw, Lew
Ballantyne; Multnomah, Dent,
Fisher, Morris, Barton, Allen.
Many Entries Ready For Big Exhibit
By Polk County Poultry
Raisers' Association.
Entries forthe Polk County Poultry
show, which will open tomorrow, are
coming in rapidly and Indications at
present are that between 300 and 400
birds will be on exhibition.
Erjeclallvencouraorins is the show
Ing of exhibits from outside of the
county. The number of birds from
large poultly farms in other parts of
the state will equal ana pernaps
exceed the number exhibited by Folk
county fanciers.
The Show will be held in the hall
on the lower floor of the college gym
The.silver cups offered by business
men of Dallas are on display In
Stafrin's drugstore and the magnlil
cent arrav of trophies is indeed
enough to Inspire any poultry man to
put forth bis best efforts in tne coming
The iudains. bv Elmer Dixon, of
Oregon City, will be begun Wednes
day and will contiaue through the
following day, the award of prizes
being made public on Friday, tne last
day of the show.
Purchase Fine Stallion.
A eoraoanv of the farmers la the
vicinity of Ballston have purchased
fine thoroughbred rercneron etai
Hon from Messrs. O. W. Bowers and
C. W. Black for $3800. It was form
erly the property of J. Krantz & Son,
of Lafavette. Indiana, and has been
taken through nearly every state In
the Union, winning high honors in
numerous horse shows. Its weisht is
2160 pounds and It Is coal black, one
of the finest appearing animals la the
county. Eight parties are represented
in the company that made the pur
chase : B. Clanfleld. O. E. Focbt, Band
Brothers, Edward Miller, J. A. Baxter,
L. C. Bennett, J. Bowles and Bubler
Brothers. O. E. Focht Is president of
the company, O. A. McCulloch, secre
tary and J. A. Baxter, John Band
L. C. Bennett, directors. R. Clan field
Is to have the care and management
of the stallion. '
'The Oregons," the big, sturdy,
accrrecation of basketball veterens
that has' for four years upheld the
athletio fame of Dallas by gaining
and holding the championship of Ore
gon and the Pacifio Coast, left yester
day arternoon on its long tour tnrougn
the East, where it is to spread still
further the glory of Its athletic
achievements and incidentally give
the cities it visits, at least a reading
acquaintance with the resources and
the prospects of Dallas, Oregon, and
Its violnity.
A huce crowd gathered at the depot
to bid the team goodby and as the
train pulled out of the station, the
departing players who clung to the
hand rails about the steps while they
leaned out to wave farewell, were fol
lowed by a roar of Bhouted good
wishes, mingled with the sharply
accented "Zee 1 Blpi -Rahj Oregonsl"
from the orrouo of college students
w.ho had adapted one of their favorite
yells for the occasion.
On the same irain were nearly a
dozen of the more enthusiastic de
votees of basketball, who were deter
mined to accompany the team to Van
couver, Washington, to witness tne
first game and "give the boys a good
send off."
The whole of this week will be spent
in Washington, the schedule running
us follows : Mondav. Vancouver : Tues
day, Winlock; Wednesday, Seattle;
Thursday, Rosslyn; Friday, JMlenB
burtr: Saturday, Bpokane. From
Spokane the team will jump to Mon-
tanarafter whloh they will follow out
the schedule through the Eastern
states according to arrangements to
be made by the advance man, H. B.
Arrangements have been made to
have the reports of the games wirea
back direct to Dallas, so that the
friends and supporters of the aggre
gation in this city may keep close
watch on the work of their team
through the medium of the tele
graphic messages. The manager has
also agreed to mail more detinue
reports from time to time and In this
way all may know within a few days
after a game has been played, just
how It was played and who made the
Hard and consistent training has
nut the bovs In first-class oondition
and unless some unforeseen accident
occurs to cripple the team, the Dallas
acroreoratlon Kives promise of proving
to be the strongest that has ever gone
out from the Pacific Coast
The personnel of the playing squad
Is as follows : Bert Teats, Carl Fen
ton, N. F. Reed, Edward Shaw, Tracy
Savery, Claud Shaw, Lloyd Rioe and
Alvle Morton. Edward Shaw will act
as captain and Bert Teats as team
manager. H.L. Fenton, accompanied
by Mrs. Fenton, goes with the team in
the capacity of business manager.
A telephone message coming irom
Vancouver, Washington, lute last
night, announced the first victory of
'The Orearons" by a score of 43 to 8.
The series of games In Washington
has opened auspiciously and tne
backers of the team are hoping that It
may leave behind it an unbroken rec
ord of victory In that state.
On all Ladies' and Children's Coats.
All this season's styles.
Special Sale on Clothing
Men's, Boys' and Youths' Suits will .
be" 'sold at a big cut in price;. If
you need clothing it will pay you to
see what we are offering.
Special lot Ladies' 26-in. Umbrellas
90 Cents
Campbell Hollister
For Xmas Gifts
, BETTER 4 '
HAIR V-:l. -
On December 24, we will absolutely give away one
High-grade Morris Chair and also one fine picture.
Call and see them at our store.
We are the only firm in Polk county that deals in the
genuine Ostermoor Mattresses.
Farm Near Monmouth Sold.
One of the lareeat farm land deals
ever made in southern Polk county
was made near Monmouth last week
by J. H. Morao. It consisted of two
large and finely Improved farms, one
337 and the other of (20 acres, all in
one body, facing the county road for
two miles. This tract will be divided
up Into small farms, affording better
opportunity to settlers with limited
means. The purchasers ars E. V.
Carter, banker of AsbUnd and Wil
liam Addison, also of Ashland.
New Bouaess Firm
P. A. Fioseth has purchased Mrs.
Virginia Smith's share In the mtlli-
ncrv bus ness of Smltn & neiioo.
The entire stock will bs moved about
the first of the year from the room in
Rltey building to the piaos now occu
pier! by the Racket store, where Uw
new owner will open op with a flo
ap to-dt Has of ladies' suits and
oosts. It Is tne design of th new
management to make tb Dallas Suit
and Cloak House the most popular of
tha stores among to ladies or mis
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Madlsoo, of
Salem, vliitod friends la Dallas w
Entertained Basketball Teams.
Eobert VanOrsdel, manager of the
Dallas College basketball team, gave
a reoeptlon at the home of his parents,
Saturday night In honor of "The Ore
gons" and their trip to the East
The members of the Multnomah
Club team and the Dallas College
team were also present and the even
ing was very pleasantly spent, retreso
ments being served, and toasts given
by number of the guests. Those
present were: Messrs. Uont, fisner,
Moores, Allen, Barton, McKenzle and
Smith, of Portland ; Orannls, of Salem ;
r-ari Fenton. Llovd Bice. Tracer Bav-
ery, Alvle Morton, Claud Shaw, Ed
ward Sbaw, N. F. Beed, and uert
TAtiL of "The Oreirons" ; Fred Boyd-
ston, Walter Ballantyne, Lew Ballan
tyne. Dr. C. A. Mock, ana Kooerc
Van Orsdel, of Dallas CKHiPge.
V. P. Flske and August Bisser.
Sella Walnut Farm.
John Toung of Polk oounty, left for
Portland, Thursday morning. Mr.
Toung has sold his farm Dear Inde
pendence and has gone to Portland to
close the deal The farm mentioned
has one of the few bearing walnut
orchards in the state. In developing
this orchard Mr. Toung followed the
plan of grafting the Eogllso walnut
on to the black walnut stock, and the
retails ar mors than satisfactory.
Electricity for Lighting
Is only eipensive to people who are
wasteful and careless. To yon, who
are naturally careful, it does not
come high.
It Is economical because It can be quickly turned off wnen not needed.
With gas or kerosene there is the temptation to lot light burn when
not needed to save bother of lighting aud adjusting. In some homes
the electric light bills amount to only one or two dollars per month.
You can probably get some kind of artificial light for less money
than electric light, but does it save yon anything when it limits op
portunities for work and recreation-ruins your eyesight smokes
your walls mars decorations and increases household work. Xou
could probably save a dollar tomorrow by going without your meals
but it wouldn't be economy. It Is not so much what you save, but
how you save that counts.
WILLAMETTE VALLEY CO. BATES Besldenoe on mMers, per
Kilowatt 15c: llesldenoe, flat per month, 18cp Boc BAlhH UM
BUSIK ESH UOUSEH 25c per drop and 6c per Kilowatt up to 10 drops ;
over 10 drops c per drop and 6c per Kilowatt up to 40 drops ; over 40
drops 17c per drop and 6c per Kilowatt A drop figures 16cp or less.
For power rates apply at the oflloe. We are always ready to explain
the "ins and outs of the lighting proposition to you, call on us or
phone to us, we are never to busy to talk business.
Willamette Valley Company.
E. W. K EARN" 3, Manager for Dallas.
Offlrfl on Mill street. Just north of the Court House. Phone Bell 431.
Mutual VlJl.
Millinery Sale.
Everything ta stock at the Elite
millinery store on Mill street will be
sold at absolute cost, the sale to com
mence Wedoeedsy, December" 1. Id
this sale the ladiea of Dallas are
given an opportunity to secure the
best possible goods at very low prices.
A Urge line of the beet stock la the
city from which to chooee. Remember
the place The Elite MUlioery Store.
1 A. RiMseiffrn proprietor.
The Jacobson Transfer Co.
All kind3 of hauling promptly done. Spec
ially equipped for the careful moving of fur
niture and pianos.
Phone order to Belt & Cherrington'i Drug Store
Bell, joi Mutual, 353
Ed. F, Oo,
Office la Coortnoase
rroaiim t Lw
ATicroas (
Kot.it Prsuo CmJitmom
Clowg Bldg. DALLAS, 0BEGOX