Polk County Observer rl blanks for sale at this office. KanZ,pi-otuaiQg.OrderBatDan. iel's. Fares on the Salem stage now 75 lares H-10-4t cents. Agood new bulk syrup atugh- ary's. . , to the Validate for the best pic tures. An experienced nurse. Mutual. Go to the Vaudette for the best pictures. Come and take a skate with me at the Colosseum rink. The Fisherman's Rivals at the Vau dette. A good romance. OrvilleShullz was a business visitor in Falls City yesterday. Boy Finseth went to Eugene yester day for a few days' visit. Try a sack of White Lily Flour for sale at Simonton & Seott's. B. C. Craven went to Portland yes terday on a business visit. Mornay Athey went to Portland yes terday for an indefinite stay. B. L. Chapman went to Falls City yesterday on a business visit. A H. Harris returned yesterday from a business visit in Portland. J M. Craven, of Independence, was in Dallas, Wednesday, on business. Good onions for sale at Loughary's grocery store for $1.50 a sack. 5t S P. Kimball, of Salem, was a business visitor in Dallas, Wednesday. C. H. Vick, of Falls City, was a business visitor in Dallas, Wednesday. Simonton & Scott carry White Lily Flour the best brand on the marKet. ll-13-8t W. W. Rowell, of Rick real), was a business visitor In Dallas, Wednes day. Mrs. William Muscott, of Falls City, visited relatives in Dallas, Wednes day. Oh say 1 Don't forget that there is skating tonight at the Colosseum rink. You make no mistake in buying a sack of White Lily Flour at Shultz's grocery. ll-13-8t When all other amusements grow tiresome still you have the Colosseum skating rink. Always something new and enjoyable. See the new Delft Blue at Lough ary's. 10-23-tf Go to the Vaudette for the best pictures. Fine suburban tracts, 6 to 10 acres. Easy payments. H. G. Campbell. 10-23-tf For an evening of thorough enjoy ment go to the Colosseum skating rink. H. Hirschberg, of Independence, was a business visitor in Dallas, Wednesday. Mrs. Guy Walker and Mrs. Van Dornslfe, of Independence, were Dal las visitors yesterday. Naomi Chapter of the Eastern Star has purchased a fine $300 piano for its lodge hall in this city. County Clerk E. M. Smith Issued license to wed to Earl V. Barham and Nettie L. Wells, Wednesday. Mrs. Frank E. Lynn, of Perrydale, visited at the home of her mother, Mrs. S. J. Richmond this week. White Lilv Flour, the product of the Rickreall Milling Company, for sale by L. H. Shultz, grocer. le-13-8t Gideon Stolz, proprietor of the Stolz Bottling Works, was in Dallas yester day looking after his factory in this city. Mrs. O. E. Focht and little son, Orvllle, of Ballston, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan P. Stouffer, Friday. Garl McBee went to Portland, Wed nesday morning, where he will un dergo an operation for a severe attack of appendicitis. Mrs. D. O. Bronson, of Lewisville, visited her daughters, Mrs. J. E. Sib ley and Mrs. H. C. Eakin in this city during the' week. Robert and Bert Wonderly were in raiiaa Tiiasdav. returning to their home in Falls City after a business visit In Portland. Mrs. Walter Nichols came down from Falls City, Tuesday evening, for a visit at the home of her mother, Mrs. W. I. Reynolds. Christmas: The nicest remembrance trt anv friend that loves you, is a fine photograph of yourself. Come now and avoid tne rusn. x. t. ubm- RINGTON. ll-10-10t Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Holman, of Portland, Mrs. A. M. Dalrymple and daughter, Helene, and Mrs. Myron Allen, of Salem, and Carl Jacobson, of Washington, attended the J acobson Holman nuptials in Dallas, Wednesday. Legal blanks for sale at this office. Dr. Donohoe, Dentist. Cglow Bldg Claud Dunn has purchased a cigar and confectionery store in Woodburn and has moved from Portland to that city. N. M. Dean, of the Dean Land, Improvement & Colonization Com pany, of Portland, was In Dallas, Wednesday, on a business visit. 80 acres : house, barn, 12 acre orchard, 10 acres Italian prunes, drier. Will net $1000 per year. Only $3000. H. G. Campbell. 10-23-tf Henry Muscott. is home for a few days' visit from Califordia, where he has been working In the employment of the Southern Pacific Company. L. G. Pickel and family, of Alberta, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Ellis. Mr. Pickel intends to locate here if he can find a suitable place. Mrs. S. W. Blessing and Mrs. Henry Stump and little son went to Albany yesterday for a few days' visit at the home of Mrs. Blessing's daugnter, Mrs. Bertha Fiddeman. The members of the Adventist Church are raising funds for the pur pose of remodeling their church build- ins; In this city and expect to Degin the work within a short time. T. A. Fowler, of Rufus, Sherman county, Is in Dallas visiting trie mem bers of the late C. D. Embree's family, who are his cousins. This is Mr. Fowler's first visit In Polk county. A errand masked skating party will ho (rivnn at the Falls City rink Saturday evenine November 14. A number of the skaters rrom juaiias will attend. Several fine prizes have been offered. Rav Craven is still confined to his home with a severe attack or lnnam- matnrv rheumatism and is reported nniv Rliflrht.lv Improved. He has not been able to be at ms place in iub n.iioa Tor?ntiifl ComDanv's store LfRllHO V - - for several weeks. Mrs Ella J. Metzger and son, Norval GntaB went to McMlnnvllle yesterday to attend the celebration of the fifty seventh wedding anniversary of Mrs. Metzger's parents, Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Hoberg. Professor Metzger went down this morning. Rev. and Mrs. 0. P. Gates, of St. Johns, visited at the home of his mother, Mrs. Ella J. Metzger during the week. They went to McMinnville yesterday afternoon to attend the cele bration ot the 57th wedding anni versary of their grandparents, Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Hoberg. County School Superintendent H. C. Seymour visited schools at Bridge port and vicinity yesterday. Miss Maude Montgomery was a visitor In Falls City this week. Good onions for sale at Loughary's grocery store for $1.60 a sack. 5t Mrs. Henrv Brown left for St. Joe, Missouri, Wednesday morning, hav ing been called there by the serious illness of her mother. Both the Electric Palace and the Vaudette are presenting exceptionally good programs this week and both are attracting large audiences eacu night Fred Vose. of Portland, has rented Tom Reel's barber shop and will have full fihare-e of It during the winter. Mr. Reel will go to Powell's logging camp near Black Rock. George Blake left for Marshfleld yesterday after a few days' visit with relatives in Dallas. He was accom nanipr) on his return by his son, Elton, who has secured employment near Marshfleld. A srjeeial meeting of the Y. M. C. A. will be held in the college chapel Sun day afternoon, with fine musical numbers and an address by the iiev. H. H. Farnham, of the Evangelical church. All are invited to attend. The members of the Philadelphian Literary Society have set the date for their first open program this year for December 4. and are planning the most elaborate program that has ever been given by the society on sucn an occasion. Hnn. W. O. Brown has deoided to ronfint his Christmas scheme of last year by making a present of a bag nf nandv to each of the children oi Dallas on Christmas day. "uncie Bill" will personally superintend the distribution on that occasion. Learn Penmanship By practicing a't home during the long evenings of the approaching winter. H I can enable you to de velop wonderfully In thts valuable branch of education. Send stamp for your signature beautifully written, price of course and other information. Address R. W. LONG, Butler, Ore. LOOK HERE! he City Express & Transfer Co. does all kinds of hauling at reasonable rates, Stand and both phones at Webster's Confectionery Store. MUSCOTT & STARR Proprietors DALLAS, OREGON FACI LITI E5 For Doing Business WISE TALKS BY U. S. LOUQHARYS' OFFICE BOY jjjgjgjjaafjajaSSSSBSassSaWHWiBaaaaaSaSaaa I. ' Fall and Winter Styles in The Famous GORDON HATS READY FOR INSPECTION jL "jjr far If there were a "Pure Style Law" Every Gordon Hat would qualify. $3- $3 Not afraid of the weather. Sun or rain just the same to Gordon Hats $3- The voung women of the Y. W. C. A. and the UtoDian Literary Society are hauinir thfiir room on the third floor r.f the college dormitory repainted and refurnished, making it one of the best and most convenient assocla tion rooms in the building. fiharloH Kraber has returned to Dallas from the Klamath country, where he has been employed on the Klamath Irrigation project. He will viBlt for a short time at the home of his brother. William, after which he will leave for Denver, Colorado. Pinv T,Rwis. a 10-year-old soboolboy, thrown from the sidewalk yester day in a friendly scuffle with one of Ma nlav mates and his ngnt arm hrnkfn between the elbow and wrist, Although quite painful, the injury is nnt. sorlous and the lad will recover rapidly. Among the latest additions to the museum of zoological specimens in thn Bfitence deoartment of Dallas col lege are a live and a large stunea hu,t hnth contributed by students Professor Fisher Is rapidly building up an excellent collection or specimens in all bl anches of the work that comes under his department. Reports have been received at the nf thn state board from two of tho normal anhnnls of the state. Ash ItUO " land and Monmouth, showing the fol lowing enrollment: Ashland Nor mal course, 84; sub-freshman, at; training department, 87 ; total enroll ment. 195. Monmouth Normal course, 75 ; sub-freshmen, 14 ; training depart ment, 111 ; total enrollment, 220. Annnnnoement has been made that a annmal rate has been secured on all railroad lines ot the state ior me great datrvmpn'a convention which will be hoiH in Salpm. December 10-11. The convention Is now an assured thing and arrangements are being rapidly completed for the program and per fection of arrangements. .Between auu .nd nn dalrvmen will be there as del egates and it is expected that fully as many farmers and others interested in dairvinur will make their head quarters In Salem for the two days of the meeting. $3-o $3.00 Mil "111 take the same" used to mean one thing. Now it means he wants another Gordon Hat $3-x $3 The best dressed man you know wears a Gordon Hat. Are you him? $3 00 Don't let S3 keep the Uordon Hat from your head THE BEE HIVE STORE i.o.o.F.BMe A Reliable Place to Trade pai., Oregon I THE CHARACTER OF OUR 5H0ES for Women, Misses and Children stands plainly written upon them No printer's ink or artist's brush can satisfactorily portray their individuality. YOU MUST SEE THEM. DALLAS SHOE STORE MRS. J. C. GAYN0R, Proprietor LAUNDRY OR DOCTOR BILLS It's up to you. We will save that doctor bill for you If you will only let us. Husband don't you know that your wife Is ruining her health and contracting for you a doctor bill by trying to save a few cents by doing your washing. If you love your wife and home quit making a slave of her and steaming up the walls and decorations of the home. We will do your washing at common sense prices. Those curtains that have been a dust-trap all sum mer we will wash and stretch for 60 cents a pair. Quilts, 25 cents eaoh ; blankets, 20c to 50c. We are here for business, give us a trial. We will treat you square all the year round. Dallas Steam Laundry Phone, Mutual 197 Qnnnt Ka nrr otwsiva hfiliovinS?. t)Ut when you have the facilities you can see a whole lot better and when you have the facilities ior carrying uu a grocery business, you can see where aiaia rtnai nikua iu iuiii inu iitnn uu C U 1 jw wWUw0 - U ic rvw.rl n cr hnnnilHA VfHl h&V6 the goods that people want, you have the traae to juBiny cioao uuyuie, u you have a reputation to sustain. So all you good people who whui iu uoiH us Keep up our rupuiauuu rau t,u.o ninh in onrl nail fnr vrnl r favorite brands of Flour, Butter, Hams and Bacon, Canned Fruits and vegeiaoios, M. J. a. Donee, uonceniraieu ouupn, Baking Powder, Buckwheat Flour, Maple Syrup, Wheat or Cora Flakes, Hulled Corn, Rolled Oats and all the other good eatables and drinkables that you like, and we will "make good. The more goods we sell, the more we can ouy ana me ueiwu wo can care for you. hence it Is to our mutual Interest for you to trade with U. 8. Loughary. Maybe you'll think the boss wrote this ad but he didn t. S'long ! See you tomorrow. WILLIE CREAM PRODUCERS We solicit cream direct from the producer. If you are taking less than the highest wholesale butter quotation for your butter fat, write us. We pay express and send you cheok twice a month and guarantee weights and test. Best of references. BRANDES CREAMERY Dry fir oordwood wanted In any n uantitv ud to 500 cords ; to be delivered Id Dallas or Falls City. For further particulars, call on, or address, Salem. Falls Olty & Western Ky. uo.. Juaiias. COFFEE Good grocers like Schil ling's Best, for it makes good-will and not trouble. ; in case of complaint, the money is ready. Your grocer return, your money If T on'' Ilka it; we pay him 127 FIRST STREET PORTLAND, OREGON BLACK'S STABLES Having purchased this well-known barn, we so licit a share of your patronage. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS Excellent accomodations for commercial men. STOWE BROS. MAIN QTDPFT UALLAa, UKtUUH k.M.JT.jFi jkt. tfl af fo & n TTORNHY AT LAW. Oscar Hayter, . Upatalri In Campbell building, Mill St DALLAS. OREGON. TTORNKYS AT I AW. Sibley & Eakin, The only reliable set or Abstract! la Polk county. Office on Court St. DALLAS. OREGON. 25 acres fine fruit land, partly cleared. Three miles out. $1000. H. O. Campbell. 10-23-tf DR. ELBERT E. FISHER Specialist In diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Office, Rooms 1 a, Over Bush Bank SALEM - - OREGON Calls promptly answered day or night. R. L. CHAPMAN FUNERAL DIRECTOR 4. EMBALMER DALLAS, Bell Phone 103 OREGON Mutual Phone 1300 Notice. Tiv the crovlBions of Chapter 229, T.aw 1907. Pane 409. notice is hereby given that In sixty days from the date of this notice it will be unlawiui ior nir tn run at lame, under penalty or $10.00 for the first offense and $20.00 tr oah and everv subsequent offense, tn hA rw-overed from the owner of the Ltnck Id Civil Action in the name of the State of Oregon before a Justice of h Psom of the Drecioct In which t,,h nnar nr keener, or either of - UhAm mav reside: and sucn penalty Lh.il ha for the beneflt of, and when collected paid into, the common school fund of the County in wnicn suco action Is brought within sixty days after such animal W proved to be at Dated this 10th day or JNOvemoer, 1908. jge.il E. M. SMITH, tfeunty iiera. BANK SCSIVIM Legal Blanks at this office. The. UBBEBTU OIUCO WBUW uio dilut ing you are particular about. Vnnn of Drlvate parties to loan at i f oer cent oo well-Improved farms, j r Fine. il Rmwn. Stout, lawyers; abstract- i ers ; notary public ; collections ; Uglow BkJg., Dalias. Oregon. W TL Ellis, aceot for Dally Ore- ' goolaa and Evening Telegram. Have a dally paper delivered at your nouse by the week, month or year. Ko extra charge for delivery. Ttrv fir oordwood wanted in any q nantity op to W0 cords ; to be delivered la Dallas or Fails City. For furthr particular, call on, or add res. Salem Falls City w eetera ny. co- uanas Will soon be here. Now is the time to inspect our line of Carving Sets and Roasters See them in our windows. We are offering some article or articles in our Furniture Windows on Special sales at a price in which cost cuts no figure. Articles changed every day. We have just received a new line of picture moulding and are prepared to do your fram ing right. We are fitted for it with up-to-date picture-framing tools. If you are interested in getting good prices on your Furniture. Hardware or Plumbing Goods, we will say that we will not be undersold. A new shipment of Wall Paper just in. Our stock is complete. GUY BROTHERS & D ALTON HARDWARE AND FURNITURE THE STORE WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH