Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, August 11, 1908, Image 4

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"So wonder Tt TuaTies Biddy cackle.
It Is cheap, 'easily prepared and
keeps Indefinitely.
Cut second growth clover Just as
blossom Is turning. This retains
strength -in leaf and stalk that would
go to seed.
Half dry. turning both sides to sun.
wok and bang In barn to cure.
Thus It keeps its strength, color and
(wreetness. In the winter it Is cut Into
ibort lengths and fed dry ia hoppers
or steamed and fed in the soft mash.
Copyright, 1908. by C. M. Barnitx. The
articles and Illustrations must not be re
printed without special permission.
Tou raise riymouth Hocks? Congrat
ulations! You may run the American
flag to the peak of your poultry plant,
for the Rocks hare Just won the pen
nant for popularity by baring largest
representation at the shows and ac
cordingly being awarded the first spe
cial breed Standard.
But more. This bonton bird is first
and best breed originated by American
fanciers and is conceded the best gen
eral purpose fowl in the world.
The sun never sets on the Plymouth
Rock sets j
Rock, but the Plymouth
around the world.
Hut whence these Barred. Buff and
White Rocks?
.Now. if you can"t g-.iesa what rela
tion your mother's brother's brother-in-law
is to you. also remember that ben
history is difficult But In this case we
will take the chair of cbickenology for
a jnoment and trace a poultry pedigree.
The Barred is the original Rock.
omitting the 1G20 Rock of our pilgrim
fathers, and was first bred by Joseph
Spaulding of Putnam, Conn., at the
close of the civil war.
He crossed a Dominique male and a
Black Java female, and the chicks got
their bars from the father and their
single comb, style and size from the
Fanciers also claim that blood from
the Light Brahma, Black Spanish and
game was mingled.
Be this as It may, the first honor
must be given to Mr. Spaulding. and he
was awarded the credit when the Rock
Was admitted to the standard In 1875.
Birds of varied plumage sometimes
throw white chicks. Those nre called
O. F. Frost of Mnlue set Barred Rock
eggs and snow white chicks were
hatched. They were bred, and thus
the White Rocks. These snow White
Rocks of Sir. Frost were warmly wel
comed, and an admirer crossed thorn
with Single Comb Rhode Island Reds
and evolved the Golden IiulT Rocks.
The latest are Silver, Black. Blue
aud Columbian. Now, if they can Just
get a real Red Rock and Join it with
the White, Blue and Columbian they
will produce perhaps the best of all
the Patriotic Plymouth Rock.
But with all tb coming and going
of breeds the grand old Burred Rock
seems to say, "Breeds may come and
breeds may go, but I go on forever."
All varieties of Rock to be It must
have the chief characteristic Rock
alia pe. If eye, beak, comb, wattle,
ear lobe, wings, tall, shanks, toos and
barring are up to standard, wli-it are
these If the rather long section shape
la supplanted by block of the Wyan
dotte, the bump of the Cochin or the
awkward style of the Indian game.
With " slight concave sweep to
tail." the back should be broad at
shoulders and "rather long." the gold
en mean lying between the short back
of the Wyandotte and the long one of
the Black .lata. The bark of the R.ick
and Light Brahma are nearly Identical.
Id breeding for color rare specimens
are at times the result of single mat
lngs. ytt Rock fanciers generally ue
the double matltigs-taiidard color
male with medium dark female for
rorkerels and medium light male and
standard color females for pullets.
I'uunla l'oun.1.
S Hen Ti,
I Puiiet ,
The old bay horse snaps-up Biddy's
eggs In the manger. Easiest way to
catch Mr. Skunk is to set the steel trap
with an egg. Crows love hen fruit
Eggs are popular. We can't blame
chickens for eating thorn. They know
a good thing when they lay it But.
naturally, the egg is sacred to the hen
unless she has the habit and she gen
erally handles them with care.
Yes; it's eiasperating to lose eggs, to
find the telltale yellow on nest eggs
aud feathers of hens and roosters, for
mnsters. loo. love es. but to tbeui I
also an eg? is sacred as is the hen lay
ing In her sanctum sanctorum. Acci
dental breakage and consequent egj
eating may generally I traced to care
less iw.ultryuien.
The caiiM.' are soft and thin sbtll
egirs fro:u lack of grit: tests that are
loo high, small, public, open ou top:
too many hens laying in one nest and
lack of beef scrap.
This Is the whole trouble In
I cracked eggshell, and ail can be rem
edled. j One advocates placing tgs stuffed
with soft soap oeiore lue urDS. t.ooa
wav to clean 'em out. Another tells us J
to take all castoff eggs and shells from
Ibe Incubator and feet! them to the
hens until they get a surfeit. He must
have poor batching eggs. But all peo
ple don't run Incubators, and where
are these rejected egns to come from
In ibe winter? We take those castoff
eggs minus the shell and mix them
In soft feed, and our tens always
cackle for more.
We never had egg fiends. If we
had one, we would file the point of
her beak until It was sore. If that
didn't stop her, we would file off her
tall behind her ears. You may lay n
dozen eggs down on our scratching
floor. Our hens will look at them and
us as If to say, "Keep off the eggs.'
Then a bright eyed Biddy will get
down and cuddle them under her as
if afraid our big feet will crush the
ii:n: houses are far apart. We
watch our birds at bedtime and close
the houses when fall enough.
Q. Will you please tell me how to
lame my pigeons? When rsous go
in the;- riy every way. and several have
bocu i!tj::red.
A.-Cai your birds with a little
Kj::;;- mil aud do uat allow any stran
grs i;i tV pens. It t::ea accidents
anJ col J i -Ts At f eeJiag ti:t:e let
yo .r i i:i!s aloae for r.:i hour n:id a!-,
-..:, s ciove oulPtly r Ii.-n wi:h t'.:ein.
Q.- tin yu:i raire jr;iuo.is. iiuJ are
l!:cv a p-iyhrr proposition?
A. a.v ia the I ;roug!i and dJ
r it r.ii:e tlieio. as Cioy are great
rs ;iu I t. iLe so rnrfl nelirt. We
'.;: t i;::e a few nn;::i I to scarp hawks.
T'.'o - iiiv oa'!!y raise ! and bring good
jours. They are parse.! .T In the city
!:o;e's for gime. mil there arc Onus
a!ve:-:i for tlieni l.i 1.0W lots.
J. I have a prise v. inniii ' hen an I
would !K:e (o know if It v.i:i hisrt her
as a-j exhibition bird to batch and rear
A. If your hen Is determined to set.
it ni.'l Injure her more to break her
than to hatch chicks
Q.-l l.org!it two White Leghorn
iix-!;s from a fancier v. ho claims tboy
are a verir old. Their spurs are nearly
tv.o i;:c!ies long. How oi l nre they?
A. Your roosters are i;Uc!y over two
y,ars o--J
Q.- To yo:i thiai bees a gm.l slil
issue v. i'h poultry? Will chickens eat
A IVcs are money makers for pon!
tryn:ru. Chickens Co not eat then),
but ducklings do. Then they sting the
d;ukiiug"s throat. It swells shut, and
the uuefc sujoc.-ites.
black "insects ana that are stuck on the
beautiful white globes.
Cork ....
Ion't tknrd In buying new
wheat when the market declines.
Iton'l let your routers spend their
fiine f.ghtli.g Its a xwr fatteulnf
Ik.n't loaf ,a the corner arguing pol
ity snj M your chickens go all
to s'l ks.
Don t get the reputation of being a
filibuster In the national association
ar dm jour Uttle hatcbet behind tb
officers' tiarks.
Ion't get scarei at pt.t.ia. mi
cnihes. parasites, trematode. tvrma
toW. rewind, ftlllnae. vtris biles
nd men. .pen and pallidum. Knock
"in out
Whether the four leaf cljvcr fcrlnr
hick la question. We know It makes
In beef sud pulls the egg. Fowls
twt kar bulky food to remier their
rooorntrated grala r!i. digntiU
nd sav thetn from binl crop. Clover
I not Just dry stuff hi MwdtisL It
contains nltrcfem and lime sod la rich
la atritioa.
Ix t this table, bkh show th
rk of outrtttv qnalitie:
Clover. 11; Cora. potatoe.
1 :1 T; barVy. I I; t beat I i.
Clover has more Htue thsa any of
Ibis. d J a mot tj e t n as bet
When you are shipping live fowls
feed them only solid grains and plen
ty of water before shipment.
Cash in the wallet Is better than
chickens in the coop. Waiting for high
prices this time of year is like hunting
for gold mines In the moon.
The habit of throwing the entrails
of chickens to the poultry is to be con
demned. The crop need not be full
of feed if tho bird is made to fust be
fore killing.
The York county (Pa.) people rather
had the laugh on the Washington au
thorities when they sent out the news.
that eggs could be preserved for an
Indefinite time by Blmply greasing
them with lard. That method has been
used in York for seventy-live years.
Red tape makes Washington a back
Some people feed their stock any
thing. A mau skinned a dead horse,
sold the hide and hung the quarters
in his baru to grind fur the. chickens
as needed. Another went to the fer
tilizer factory and secured the dried,
ground, diseased horse for his chickens
and sold the eggs to his neighbors.
He professed to be a Christian too.
The boys who are raising Bhow birds
are now working out their problems
and putting the iK'st foot forward.
Those who wore naughty last year
and used other boys' birds to win
should road the nrticlos again the
practice In the Journals and reform be
fore thoy are caught an.l jiot It In the
When one of our New York duck
specialists, w ho hatches UO.tXK) a year.
told a Canadian poultry convention
that ho gets up every morning at 2
o'clock and makes a round of his duck
brooder thoy all woke up and took
notice. That's for you. old lazvbones.
Wake up!
In a recent fire In Camden. N. J., o
pliant rushed Into the Names to res-
rue a lion that was sitting on Rock
eggs. While a rescuing party was get
ting ready to rescue him the hero
merged with the hon under his arm
ml his pockets full of eggs. Ten of
he eggs hatched. Wonder they didn't
get overheated.
The word Is pronounced tu-lus (u as
In feudi. not two-louse. There's not a
louse on a Toulouse.
The iHiuIlrynian who Is too laiy to
bury Head fowls, but allows them to
He In the sun to breed maggots, to
breed lliiilerncck. should keep a few
turkey buzzards around to clean up th
carrion. He might pass them off on
some of our ll.-enscd Judges for a new
W often read of goMrn curls
Adorning Venua brons
That make men a hearls so pitapat
Ami tiasten marrUg voaa
But. no, my friend, the curl for ma i
Twtrta not o er witcrnn eya.
Such rurla are often fmoy
And coma from tJ I'area.
I!e sure to sow the plump gray buck
wheat Tho brown amounts to litiie.
Sunflower seeds for molting birds, mil
let for scratching l-'oor stunts, wheat,
corn aud oats the "staff of life." Good
grain in the gizzard Inin's eggs In the
A duck is harder to scald than n
chicken on account of down. Have
your water right at boiling point.
Take duck by bead an.l feet anJ thor
oughly douse. Pick at once.
And now, while talking ahout sor
ing, are you always sure to son Feeds
of kindness and distribute tiie fruit,
or nre you like the old cow that had
to be clubbed to bring the lacteal fiow?
Eggs smeared wilb vaseline an.l kc.it
In llmewater get musty. Eggs cov
ered with para Hi u and sot away in
crocks lu a cool cellar will give yoa
the reputation of a fool seller.
Some of our Leghorn fanciers feel
sorry that only LM In 000 poultry
shows reported the number of fowls
present, and they think the I.eghoriis
would have won the first standard if
all had sent lists. Never mind, boys;
we're it anyhow, aud the old Rocks
are "jlmdandy too.
We are advised to spade up ground
for our ducklings that they may have
"savory meal of worms." We be
lieve in teaching our little ducks to
use their own scoop shovels, especially
In July and August The early duck
gets the worm.
And now whnt of those breeder? Is
the surplus sold? Don't let those
breeding birds go to rags when they large, you know.
were so faithful In supplying hatch
ing eggs. You'll need them ueit spring,
"Keep Off-The Chicks" should be
the sign now at every yard "Keep
In the Cool" should be the kept re
solve of eveiV chicken man's wife.
Put up the signs. John.
Ihnt hot bad smell bursting from
the colony house when you open the
door in the morning Is a death warn
ing. ou know what's needed. We
won't scold you, but you'll feel bad
enough If you keep it up.
the census returns show n general
average of sixty eggs a year per ben.
while In a test by the agricultural de
partment Leghorns laid 1(10; Rocks.
i.cus auu wyanuottcs each l.o per
year, lti can do that If vou're not
lazy or tight.
With apologies to Bobby Burns, whu
was a good Judge of n rooster fight.
Those fellows who are preserving vi';"
nnu selling them had better louk u
the pure food laws In their reflective
states or thoy may "git cntched." of
course we mean thorp who nre selling
them ns preserved eggs We wouldn't
give the other feltow n tip-only. Inti
t lie crook.
back of the Inclosed stamp?
A- They are wing lice that Infest
pigeon. Disinfect your loft with car
bolated lime wash, put in new tobac
co stems, and dust your old birds with
Persian bisect powder.
Q. find very small fiat ribbed
worms In the droppings, and my chick
ens and turkeys are both affected.
They are droopy and thin, and I am
losing some every week. They seem
to have fits. I will be very grateful
for a remedy.
A. Your fowls bare tapeworm. Dis
infect droppings and surroundings
with slaked lime. Separate well from
sick birds. If possible, change all to
new quarters. Let your birds geM'ery
hungry. Then feed soft mash Into
which three teaspoonfuls of turpentine
have been mixed for every twenty
five fowls.
Q. I have a hen with a large sack
In the rear that drags. Please give me
a cure and tell me the disease.
A. No cure. Your hen is ruptured
or has watery cyst Chickens are
often ruptured by squeezing under
fences. If a cyst you will find the
sack full of yellow water.
Q. My ducklings have undeveloped
bills. They seem to bend when I feed
them, and some of them sit instead of
stand. I will be grateful for the name
of these troubles and remedies.
A. Your flappers have soft bill and
leg weakness. Their little scoop shov
els will get hard if you let them out
Into the fresh air. They're off their
feet because you roast them. Proper
heat 90 degrees first two days, 85 de
grees the next week and gradually
taper to 70 degrees.
Q. I am In the first stages of tuber
culosis and am compelled to take the
fresh air cure. Kiudly Inform me if
you think poultry culture would be
helpful. Is there much exposure?
A. Poultry work is very interesting,
remunerative and a fresh air life.
Tho only exposure when you save
chicks from a shower. Gum boots aud
a mackintosh for that. It is certainly
a healthful life. Inclose stamp and
write to Rev. J. M. Buckley. D D..
150 Fifth avenue. New York. He
will gladly tell you how he fought
consumption to a standstill with fresh
air and exercise.
Q. 1 am anxious to mark my poultry
to distinguish the strains and keep
them from being mixed with my neigh
bors'. Do you use leg bands?
A. We use leg bands on special birds,
but punch the foot web on all fowls.
Most bands come off, and when you
band from five to ten hundred It runs
into money, as they cost about 15
cents a dozen. Buy a web punch for
50 cents. The little hole gets larger
as fowls grow older, and you can mark
them many different ways.
Q. I have a gosling thot has a broken
wing, and It does not seem to grow
so fast as the others. I can find no
lice on It but I have given It a dust
ing of louse powder to make sure.
What shall I do for the wing, and
what do yon think Is wroug?
A. Goslings often break a wing. Just
amputate at .the Joint, and bird will
never mind 'It. Geese have no lice;
dusting isn't good for them. There ai
The Publisher's
Claims Sustained
United States Court of Claims
The Publishers of Webster' International
Dictionary allege taat It " is, in met, i oe i
lar t nabridsreu thoroughly re-edited ino- cry
detail, and vastly enrlcbed Inevery part, with
the purpose of adapting It to meet the larirer
aud severer requirementaof another genera
We are of the opinion that, this allegation
most clearly and accurately descrilws the
wnrlr thnt has been accomil!lied aud the
result that hRS been reached. The Dictionary
na it. nnv ainml4. him been thorotlfflliv rc-
edited in every detait. Das Deen correcicu in
every part, and is admirably adapted to meet
the larirer and severer requirements of a
generation -which demands more of popular
philological knowledge than any gcuerution
that the world hasever contained.
It is perhaps needless to add that we refer
to the dictionary in our Judicial work as of
the highest authority in accuracy of defini
tion: and that in the future as in the past it
wili be the source of constant refereuce.
CHARLES C. KOTT, Chief Jastic
fn.m.Bi li, Huwki.
The above refers to WEBSTER'S
(thehighest award) was given to the Interna
tional ut the World's lair, St. Louis. -
1 ou iviH be interested in our
specimen pages sent free,
Better Than Pills
For Liver Ills.
ATURI'S REMIOV la belter than pills, because It at i .
11 It trencthens the Stomach, aids Digestion, cures PyapeuHla. i W8y'
Liver and Bowels, cnrliid Constipation. . cleanses th.
Usually one Tablet is all that is necessary to correct thn
bio. It starts In the Stomach and searches through the Liver K i
Intestine, dissolving aud soothing as it goes. ' &i(luer and
MR T.blols are always Just right aud neither sicken. Brine i
harmful af tor effect. GET A XSe BOX. 01 taT0 any
BELT & CHERRINGTON, Dallas, Oregon.
How's This!
TVe offer C.o Hunured Dollars Reward fo
ly cuj; cj Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Jail's Catarrli Cure.
F J. CHENEY & CO., Props f Toledo, p.
"We the uiuie. signed, have known F. J. Che
ney fo; the last 16 years, and believe him per-
ectly honorable in all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tions marie bv their firm.
Wkst a Teuax. Wholesale Drujreists, Toledo, O.
Walking, Kinvax& Mabyin, Wholesale-Drug-
HaH's Catarrh Cure is taken interaallT.ctfti
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces a?
tiie system. .Price. 75. ner bottle. Sold dt mil
Hall ' e Fh-mi'.t Til's are the best.
and guaranteed
Every garment guaranteed
Clean Light Durable
Suits '39 Slickers 3
jao erear ocuens tuimmm
urtLoe me fon nre asking
A Fresh Coraplexion
is prescrved-and produeed-b,
Good grocers like Schil
ling's Best, for it makes
good-will and not trouble ;
in case of complaint, the
money is ready.
Your grocer returns your money if yoa don't
like it; we pay him
The Kidneys Need Constant Help,
Dallas People Depend on Doan's
Kidney Pills.
I A.
I lora th ft-olden nncMlla ruri
That mother uawd to roll.
It had th culrat Hill twirl
Ta charm mjr hunc ry soul.
ha d nuks tha rtrhest rhk-kaa aoua
And roll I ha noodles thin.
I loved to match th V"dn loor
As mother dropped them Ix
"And now Just
jrour plats." ah d
There a fvientv in tha pot
Don t hurre now. There a plenty mors
loy U bum yvur mouth; they rs boL"
TTr vera hot Bluff, and mother, too.
t as aueea of all tha atria,
ha aroa us all be ttrirfxl tova
And not ay eirtl&c curia.
C. M. B
Q rieaaa Inform Etc bow fmi kre;
four cuk-ieoa fruui crowdinc into nor
borer- or ruioay kouae T al im ill Wa rr
tbelr nausea and crowj Dto Oftc
A. TiM moat paint your brook
ad cotony bxi vs different colors, a
rbk-ka diMing-uKa tbeta and UI too
KT ' . I oa twiiejf joa d pvU
(Oopyrlht. IM, by C. at. Bamlts. Thaas
artlclaa and llluatraltona muat not ba re
printed without apeclal permiaalon J
t'l klda laid oa tha pUrpaa roof
A-anooaln In tha aun.
Sara Billy Trick a whoa up ta anufT:
"Cum. bora, set a hava aoma fan.
"Tha preacher s rot a furhtla' cama;
aty pop a ou bat. ta better.
J eat hold your cab a mlnuta bera
Aa' I U to cet sr."
BIQ dropped hla rooster la th pea
Where crowed th par-sow a rama.
Tha bUf cork whirled around ta aay,
"li'T, aoaay. wkal a yr aaar
But 'for fca bad tha aaaa clear out
Bill's rooster kit 1m site..
Whll wa klda rot excited-uka
A-bettla' which 'a Ilea.
TSa preacher aa' BtU a pop Jeat thaaj
Cum ansa k la" round about.
Wa klda waa rubberta' at tha pea
Ta aaa wa d m knocked out.
Ha. ha! Tham faiWa ad ft nckea-.
I skipped away ta' add.
Ploaaa. aaw l ea trivoai way th oaw,
Daa't tall visa tut tno U4.
11 Pi! rsa ajTla m -U.lf t
Don't take ducklings from tlte Inou
bntor until they ore dry and you have
the brooiler O. K.
Don't use your Incubator again un
til you sterilize It by washing the In
side with water and common salt
Dou't feet! ducklings on smooth
floors. They'll break their rubber
Don't fall to scald out the feed
troughs. Sour feed and filthy troughs,
no duck profits.
Don't cuddle your young stock much.
They are not household plantr, but you
can make thorn so.
Rapid Gains at Low Cist From Both
Forags and Grain.
When hogs are kept it is a good plan
lo produce as much of the feed for
them right there ou the farm as possi
ble. All want to make pork as cheap
ly as they can, aud the feed ralsred on
the farm is, .as a rule, cheaper than
commercial feeds. But there are fx
ceptions to the rule, and the mau who
holds himself to a rule regardless of
conditions should change his methods.
Experiments have proved, what we
have found by experience to be true,
that the table waste and skimmilk and
cornmeal coastitute a feed for hogs
running to pasture that make the most
rapid gains for the cost of feed of any
thing yet fouud, writes X. A. Clapp in
Orange Judd Farmer. It is not neces
sary to stop to theorize In regard to
Wie matter. It is sutticlent to know
that such things are a fact.
Hut the question comes up as to the
kind of pasture that furnishes the best
feed. It has been proved again and
galu that alfalfa makes the best feed,
with June clover close second. In
tba absence of clover, blue grass U
the next best pasture. When none of
the clovers or grasses are available IJ
la far better to sow rape than to com
pel pigs to go without any green for
The man who gets lopsided and keeps
his hogs either on green forage alone
or on grain alone makes a - mistake.
Experience has shown us that bogs
can 11 v on forage and make some gain,
but do not make the gains rapid enouch
to show the venture a aa lis factory one.
nogs may make rap 14 gains on a grain
diet alone, but It Is too expensive. The
man who osee both forage and grain
make rapid gain at a low cost. pro
Tided the feeds are well balanced,
nog fed on both forage and train
how better quality of meat than If
either la fed alone. The fonen heir
to make bone and mascle, and the grain
beipe to add the fat. The aklmmUk.
buttermilk, dishwater and whey pro
mote growth, and all be!p to produce
ebeap port If fed la connect ton with
the other feeds. They also Be:p to Im
prove tbe quality of meat.
When past middle age, there come a
notieealile weakening of the organs of
the body, and the danger of miiek de
cline. It is quite nec-cpsary lo give
nromnt tielnluHnv imtt . t ! Hrtt
unci uui-itwiini uirus, uui peruaps a. I 1 eigne ut wear, iiealthv kidneys mean
the rest nre guilders. Geese aren't bo ! hale nld ajie. Weak kiilneVs hriiiK
constant backache, if you have it, head
ache, .line or '..k I lie!, r; Mti-k ,,inf
whi n stnppini' t r lifting ; u y.,11 aretiied
anil lien-linn, have bui-kai-he. tlistsv
ipellf, w.iu ry swellings uinli-r I he eyet
or aro , ml the ankles, rlieuinaliitor neu
ralai p.iin. gravel, scalding mine, too
fieiiiei,t ijastuges, fandy or Ktiniiy ted-
uii' in in ine urine, seantv or (in-colored
urine, or paxuiues at nicht, be nr vour
kidneys need attention. Doan's Kid
ney 1 ills is the bt-st medic. ne lo use. It
lin enrol thousands and will cine you.
Home mool if convniiMi g evidence ol
ihe elhViei..-v ol ibis rciiitdy. Call al
lielt & (.'tienirjrlon'H ilnm More and aek
to see the statement of Dnllns people
who have ut-ed Dean's Ki.lnev rills.
J-or Fale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. ro.terMilliiirn Co., Hulialo.
Xew York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
no other.
IS! i 0
iM j i3w x-i 3i
Recently E&UratS
25.000 New Words
New Gasetteer of th World
with more than .0n0 UUea, based on the
latest census returns
NewBlogmphlcal Dictionary
containine t be names of over 10. 000 notetl
persoua, data of bin h, death, etc
Edited hy W. T. RAKRIA. rh.Tt,LL.D,
U mted States Comoussuuoerot KducaUoa.
2380 Quarto Page
Fnssa, tan lias aa. aUok atnllaaa
Needed In Every Home
led V ekalar'a Weiiecialc Uctlaaarr
tia c .. .... . '
KerslarEditstaiTaNitHasaa, Ikaahaa.
Da-uelitiaatssViSia, IMMeihess
G. d C. MERRIAM CO.. a
Pwallshara, ,HBifll4. Mas.
Dr. ECing's
Jov; Discovery
FfiR roycHs
n. a. at
OLDS Trial Bottle Free
m ( ir sm
9 t i
a it,
- m. ivoocnipe, a mild, delightful
rjj preparation, delicatelv
lV msltr., crackled appearance caud
i.VJ hy over-drynessi reduce. .K. .
. duces inflammation and snmA '
r , radiant glow due to -wholesome noumh!
mcr.t ot skin glands and stimulation of
-. i"iaries wnicn also feed the
.km and supply its healthful color.
yusjrour uruggutjor a free tample tf
I Sn k.
The greatest tea-drinkers
are full -bottom Dutch
men. There isn't much
nervous prostration in
Your grocer returns your money If you doa't
like Schilling'! Beit; wa pay Li in.
"M-hl if'iv -Tr
t,5i.iiti,';t i
-i 'M i ;; a jf f i
C.odol Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
The personal recommendations of people who
have been cured of coughs and colds by Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy have done more than all
else to make it a staple article of trade and com
merce over a large part of the civilized world
Lacy Snddreth, of Lenoir, N. C, had been troubled with
ery bad cough for over a year. She says: "A friend
bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cocgh Remedy,
brought it to me and insisted that I should take it. I did
so and to my surprise it helped me. Four botUea of It
cared me of my cough. "
Cantinwewe Creep"
It aaa bee ctwerretl fry g, rraaer
Near Tort that aaanela and aufrar
rrwwa ronttaaouaij toe same
taad for four years were meca Kmc
uarepUlJe ta leaf spot thaa vbea
frew- ta a tMUtiaa ills etaer rfrm.
lit IEW IDEA fl TSECP.:S!I1I IITITIVP P-ll-e mubi t.inl m- '
m ir if '"V8" ,tB' tnrJ
' lest for Qnta I'WiLth.-i. t-.u3.
Tot Sale by Drag-giats.
Cures Biliousness, Sick
Headache, Sour Stom
ach, Torpid Liver and
Chronic Constipation.
Pleasant to ta&e
Laxative Fruit Syrup
For SUe by STATION DBUO CO. Dallas, and M. THOMPSON, Falls City.
Cleanses the system
thoroughly and clears
sallow complexwcs of
pimples and blotches.
It Is guarantee