Polk County Observer ALLGOOD & COLLI XS LESSEES Publlihed Semi-Weekly at 11.50 per Tear. Strictly la Advanca. Entered a teeoBd-elaas natter March 1. 1W7, at the post olTvoe at Ihiliaa, Otea-on, under the Act of Conirreaa M March . 187V. DALLAS. OREUOM. acq car 4. 1WS. 7"Ar svay u'i Dallas a to pat rtniit Dallas ptoplt. Boosts For New Road. i The Salem Capital Journal waxes enthusiastic over the proposition of building a railroad between Dallas and Salem In the following para-J graph. "It now looks as tf the Salem, j Dallas and Falls City railroad will be ! built Saturday about $60,000 was! secured in large subscriptions from j several uregon bankers, and more money is to be raised this About tlOO.fTO more Is celled on Drat j , The Cadge of Honesty ; fj nn very wrapper of Doctor Pierced ; Ciot-leo Medical DiMvery because a full j Ust of the iuCTedienis eomposiu it is printed tlicre in plain fcnsusn. iorty rears of experience has proven its superior wirta as a b'ood purifier and Invifrorat- lug Umic for the cure of stomach disorders ad-ail liver ilia, it build op to run duun svstora a no other tonic can in j which a-hol is used. The active ajedie Inal princibke of native roots such as u I uijca ra i auu a rwa. ?io: .uu ', tf J ' - . l.M i R1..1, KllWJIW'l ..... . thern UarK are eitrarled am preserved mortgage bonds, and as the lan is by the u.e of chemically pure, triple first class there should be nodifficultv ! reSned elyo-rne. Send to Dr. B. V. Pierce In rawino- Tr l.hnh.l lli2k. ,forrw booklet whicA aomethini?. anil ! f he m.inow h mir i . ... . i i up with a rash. That is the way to show color and do things right. The old way of hanging back and all do ing as little as possible or nothing has killed a great mauy laudable enterprises, and the habir is a dis-1 couraging one." dilutes etiracu f rora ell-recoffuixed med ical autiiunis suca as un. itarcooiow, l" i - r it ' ' ; ....... I . 4 - AuuuiTt vur. i i i . wu aiM, a host of oilier, showing that these roots can be Jeended upon for ifieir curative action it a:! weak states or the stomach, aoccmi&ied by indigestion or dyspepsia , as well A iyll bilious or liver complaints ' and in jr wasting diseases where there is iyty.ieih and gradual running down or txrstrencvn and system. The'OWn Medical P : fro very m sites r-- .re K,.vi anj so invigorates ar.d r.--i.:es X'-- i.v.r and r-.ae.. , LOW RATES EAST WILL BE MADE THIS SEASON BT THE SOUTHERN I PACIFIC (LINES IN OREGON, FROM DALLAS, OREGON 1 gS8S3 L:r-,..i t.tn. ihe v.hi-Ie Ttem. Tfce new catalogue of the Oregon Agricultural College that has just been issued is bigger and better than ever before, a characteristic which will do doubt apply equally well to the school itself in the coming season. Fire Destroys Dwelling. George E. Hatch, of this city, has : received trie news of the destruction 1 bus ail kin arlections. blotches, DimDlee by fire of bis brother a home at Ridge- i t eruptions as wen as scrofulous swel field, Washington. His brother. Ed-' win T. Hatch, was formerly a resident of Salem, and is well known here, I having served as state senator from Polk county in the legislature. The' house destroyed was a two-story build-' Chicago St. Louis St. Haul Omaha Kansas City A3 FOLLOWS BoTH WAYS THROfOH PORTLAND $74.40 69.40 04.40 64.40 64 40 ONE WAT VIA CALIFOBXIA 89.40 84.40 83.65 76.90 76.90 Ml S 2d I " -s4 Keview Pictorial PATTERNS :ng, and was almost a total loss. Mr. Hatch's rare collection of Indian curios was entirely destroved. A valuable rug acd table were saved. Sa'era Statesman. While SO of our liveliest young men are away In the militia company, lighting imaginary battles at the Xational Ouard encampment at Amer ican Lake, the prevailing and appro priate song among at least some of those who are left behind will no doubt be "Gee! But Aint This a Lonesome Town." .Amid the laughter of its contempor aries, the Portland Journal is still ainiy enaeavonng to crwer us smv-1 eriog Democratic nakedness with the fragments of the "Independent-Non-Parttzan" mantle so ruthlessly torn from it and ripped into tatters during the recent state senatorial election. Suspected naroercr in Jiu Carl Logsden, an Indiaa from the Si leu reservation, is in the county jail, a federal prisoner, having been brought to Portland by a deputy Cnited States marshal sod assistant United States Attorney Waller H. Evans. Logsden is Siipeeted of beieir the murder of Homer Wliite. another t Indian. The shooting occurred on the reservation ten (lavs ago. Port land Journal. White, the murdered man, is the one whose body was found t last week near Toledo, bv George Record, of this citv. Iin?s aad old open nnnini? sores or ulcers are cured and healed. In treating old runuinr sores, r ulcers, it is well to In sure tiie.'r haling to apply to them Dr. ; Pierce's Ail'KeuiingSblva. Ifyourdrug-: g..-t Jon t n;ii to have this saive in s:o-ic. seud f. .':y-fHir cents in postage ; s:.Tr.f-io lr il. .l leree. Invalids Hotel i and Stinrioal Institute. IturTalo. X. V.. and a larje l of ti.e "All-Healing Salve v.r. n-acn run rr return posi. You csu'l a-Tord accept a secret nos tm a a substitute for this noo-atcoholie. rW.'1-jie (iF KNOWN composition, not fen though the crzent dealer may taetvbv n little l'isr protiL Pr. IVr.' IVV-asant Pellets reiilt and ini.rc.:e stf-marh. liver and bowels. 8f.r-oa'.i, tiiiy granules, easv to take aSi-silr. TICKETS WILL BE OX SALE .May 4. 18 June 5, 6, 19, 20 July 6, 7, 11, li August 6, 7, 21, 22 Good for return in 90 davs with stopover privileges at pleasure witoia limits. REMEMBER THE DATES Forany further information call on I. N. OODS, Local Agent or write to . McMURRAV er5 Pusengrr Arent. Ponlnl. Orefon Pictorial Review Hagfazine $i.oo a year io and 15 Cents DALLAS AGENTS DALLAS MERCANTILE CO. BUSINESS LOCALS. Returns From Six Months' Trip. Hon. H. V. Gates and daughter. Mis Helen, returned Momiav from a The close-J season for setting out ,,,monms ,ourcr " al!i St fires in tla-hiogs lasts in Oregon I wn,0 ,nc"J 'l 'he principal cities from June 1 to October 1. A careful j in ,be ScuSh aDd MidJ! W( ell regard of the law on this subject will ! M th(s 00 ,h Atlantic cosL-HilI-in a large measure remove the danger lbon HJent. Mr. Gates caaie of our sum having to suffer under a'np to Du- Thursday acd spent a similar scourge to that one which is, tew (id-TS 'kiog after his busices even now devastating the timber belt ' iaeTna berip. teturning to his home of British Columbia. j in Hillsboro. Sunday afternoon. . a 'lTrrturmi:ii ODjer ia; hrt are ibrrvd l ihe nle ei 1 tvnl per w-ni. nrt itipertion; ul per onl for rtia insertion Ihereailer: ww.t ..t !w. , ;r iiionlh. N,adiertit'ineci lueerleil tor .-m man 1- ceDla liurv e.'uot ti one wel. For i.tAnee. ihe Duuir rl cumU t'iou -r"t" wotu t one Tw inilulf eeunt a.. ore For instance. ; ,xx titles. "J. M. )-u-a ' cvuntf f two wonS. The uiiniuiMm cbrje I. f.-r l nonl,: lht i. an .lTerumett from 1 woH t. 15 vordt 1.. eo-inteti a wi.rif : as ciTerlTsemem Ims 1 t. A'w.r-t. iitc;tT t c.'inii.l s jo wordf. fn?ra jl to w.e-li e-Hinied a i w-.nl ie. Tne firures f.-.-wiiit te -iTVrtiieraeiil iu.li eiie horn ,nnt it u lo rin. an1 ire not chirod ' to the t n.tner. 4'-r n.f urtr. -t-tl-Jt tndicatet that the Wef '.l-emrnl nrst pabfae-i on. Xtrrh 1. and I'.-.n u 1 to l tr.Jrted tmit-e Tr if ir nd ietter 4-1-if tudute lht the dreru.-Eieni fint ?ctt:inel April 1 and " tt.il II uuwili liBll! the eriomer orler 11 To Home Seekers. I am prepared to give you full and accurate information how and where! to secure public lands under the; Homestead and Desert Acts; also, where you can buy the best lands with ! Prices from t6.V) to $30 i an acre. Ail in the great Harney ; Valley and County. i 7-14 M T." V. B. EMBREE. ! I GET THE BEST W Will Pay Tbe highest prce for chittim bark The special "Cherry Fair Edition " Teacher's Examination, of the Capital Journal just issued, is ! JoS,ce is hereby given that the full of interesting information con-! Superintendent of.PoIk County cerning cherries and cherry raising I wi" .nol1 ,be re?u'" examination of in Oregon, and would bean interesting iPP"caot ror late auJ wunty tapers Rat ct Gotr-AW, Dallas. Shakes For Sale. Inquire of P. O. Burbank. Phone 53, Camp line. 7 21-5t Mutual 6-26-tf thing for citizens or this state to send to Eastern friends who may be con templating moving to the fruit para dise of the Great Northwest. COURT BOISE NOTES I at the Court House In j lows : roB STATE FAFIR4 Commencing Wednesdav, August 1 12 at 9 o'clock a. m , and coctinuin? j until Saturday August 15 at 4 p. ro. etinesiiay Penmanship, hUt orv Items of Interest From the Records I "P"'"?. Physical fce,.graf by. reaJing. in the County Offices I ryhology. Briefly Told. ! Thursday Written arithmetic, j'heoiyof teaching, grammar, book- PROBATE. I k.ping. physics, civil government. Estate of Martha Fueha, deceased- 1 Friday Physi .logy, geography, final account set for hearing Satur-! omposltioii, algebra, English Uteri- ' day, August 9, at one o'clock p. m. ! ,uro- Estate of Mary A. Dougan, deceased f Sa,ur',!,y-Botany. f lne ge,.metry, final account approved and adminis- i 6enerl history, school law. trator discharged. j m o i srr rmu Guardianship of Harold A. Rov. . ! J0 W-JT. A, mlnor-A. A. Roy aP,x)inte. guartliao ' ",.1 Lr. " m - RJ '.ulng" of estate. ; UD;i Fn lay, Aug jsj 14 ,: t p m , "aes.iay-ivnma'.s'.ip. hist.rv. tleceased orthoffranhv h.r. . 1 , - B--r". i '.(. I'uiticai JreeT- 1 raphy. j Thursday Writ-en arithmetic, tbe,.rv .vi ... . ..1, : J r,-in,v. grammar. physiI.ry. Friday lrev.ffrat-hv. ehvj "1.. LosL Bunch of keys. Tag with name H. G. Campbell on it. Finder please D&llas. as fol- leave h C. L. Crider. 8 4 2t E3 f& l" V, ' "fa 1 i!jrt.wi l Ml WHEN WE LOAD WAGON OUR Piano l Communicatf with I. M Dallas. Wanted. rent during summer. Glen, box 49, 8 1 2t For Sale. At the Dallas Foundry, power gasoline engine for 3-horse farmers' 7-24-8t Brick For Sale. Brick ready for market July 15. at yard I mile north of Monmouth. G. F . Shew. j-.,t Estate of Mary Neal Andrew Kershaw appointed adminis trator. Estate of Perry Conner, deceased -final account heard and approved; distribution to be made and on filing Touchers to be discharged. Estate of John Campbell, decease.! petition to sell real estate granted; property to be sold at public auction. REAL ESTATE. Samuel Fisher et ux to Joel Flanery. 40 acres in 1 6 s, r w, joo. J M Moore et al to William Cais .n. two blocks In Perrydale, lu0. M J and J W Caldwell to J W Mor rison, lot lo Dallas, f 1. Susan E Smith and hd to C J Spin, barf, lots in West Salem. Ki Oeorpe Reese et ux to Martha J Powell, i Interest In I seres In t I s, r w. B joo. Edward Fluley et ux to A A Living ton, U acres in t 7 a. r J w, $1. A A Livingston to Edward Finley et us, 11 acres id 17 s,r w, f I Hard Wood For Sale. Ash. maple and alder won! r.-r iu Evas Mutual Dhone East .I 6-K-lf Recently Enlarged WITH . 25.000 New Words New Casetteer of the World with more than K,0P0 titles, based on the latest census returns. New Biographical Dictionary containing tne names of orer 10,000jDoted perauui, date of birth, death, etc FjKlnlWtr r nmnia vun it n Ctuied State Commia&iooerot EduoatffiL 2380 Quarto Paces K PUiML SOW liTHo Bica Blslbfa Needed In Every Home Aieo W ebatar'a CoUtit Uictlonary .iiw 1 1HV llMlnlMI& RefUlar EditiootilCSSIck tWadbfa Da Lux Edition ".iiVS 1-rfatW tnm mm r.Ti. ea bibto ppf. t bfallfal biadiairi. FRtE,-IietioaTWnkl."liidpBpklM. G.OC. MERRIAM CO.. a Publishers. Sprloiflald, Mass. Dallas. Notice For Publication. the next time we would like to include a few groceries for you. We know if we once sell you a fnw that after that we will sell you ALL YOUR GROCERIES Make your 11 rat order consist of thp articles you know moat about, both as to qualities and prices. Then the ad vantage and economy of buying here will be nil the more apparent to you. E. BOYD & "SON Phones: Bell i;3, Mutual 314. INDEPENDENCE i MONMOUTH Railway. K!1(JM INDKFE.NPKXfK. na DALLAS. Triin No. 4. l.eave Innept-nilenee itatlv fi-fti Muum,uti,o:iji. in.; ar. Iiallai. i.4u Ive Iiiilcix-inlence, . Moniif.ulh, ll.u' a. ib, ; a a. iu Train No. IQ.JQ. I.,.; 1 i. 11:UI . f Train Xn. To. l-ivi. ln.,.wi. ti.. p. m.: Ir. ioDliioiith, b: V p. m ar :.vp. m. dillv ir. 11- tallj-bailas, Train Xo. :& a. m.: 1' roa AiaLix. T. Leave Monuioutb r. s. Implements. All parties intending to buy imple- ! f if enu ha,l better see F. J. Wgmr'iAri civ,i g ,vernmer.t, Etglish literal,.,-. Yours truly. H. C. SEYMOITJ. chil Sur-rintn-! 7 31 41 dect of Polk Co i men '"! 'r making their i.urche 1-17-tf. f rice of Cedar Posts. Good cedar posts for sale at 111 cnta each. Also another car of extra Star j A Star shingles. S..fhix W.tae- H"te. 7-24tf i Iain.1 tiffie m Portland. , . , . . , June i iwe. X.itice it hereby ri en that Mi-hl K Schon "ellfr. el iNllitl. Urt-ron. bo. ..n Jni.. .. S... 77. 11 .. .. ol intention 10 mite Filial Timber rr.i t. eiiiblnh Oilra to the land ilove deiciihed ! fr' T '"f i'rk- fresun. 01. j the Wh day o( Aiiratl. r.e I laitnaiil a met tne-r: W. V Fuller "I t. tireeun: Airoii MaThee. ol Ih, !.. -V, K,- - tHi.ii-. or.-aon: oi, i " Alj.KHS'lX S. PRESKR. Reamer. ndepen-lenee, diilr :- .: ar. Airiie. . 1 . u 'veindefndeuee.dlij-. 3:30 . ... uuiuouui. :.' p. m.; .r. Airiie. 4 New Prices af Ice. On an! after this date, the ce will as follows: it s . and under, lj cts. r.r h i"J if... II IS per ICO. 1C aion mouth Evaporating and v ids.. l.Wr 10a. vDDinS j.ompany win pay the high-i t-ash roust inrnmMTi. e ton Notice to Creditors. 25 Tons Pears Wanted. Mr. mouth Evaporatinir lowo ?ck. omtDy ail outf. ord-r. and add lSc for each Notice i. herehy rlr,., Ih, lhf nnlenne.) bai t-en duly itmied eieruim ol thr enale of 4. K. H.i.h.ni. Awinir roan of the Mate ..f oreron. .w I'ola looiny. .1 ba- .ia',ir,e-t 11 ah teTMvr.a haTi tf DALLAS ICKCOMPAXT. Score, ol Plk cunry peopte a th- g-icine, 0f i,r Low,-. , ' market Pri for canning for is ' '"rrTLSr! s of Bartlett pe.rs delivered at the i IT,VI.V- d ........ " rr W;.wii in ..nneryDuuaing m good condition. ; ,Z,,tVl- " R I t'eil and Ural pubiifned J..li 11 !, HI I V J II! RflAkK roa aoiixoCTB oslt. Lave In iependence. daily. 2:30 p. m No. 101 airtvea lioiimonth T.ii a. m. FROM DALLAS. r"a iMiirjxi.tNoi a-Iir!"LN'."i'-u U"rf 'tnday, u... ... nvnmuuiD peudtnte. s i , a. m. Train No. 11. I t. plli a. m.; ar. In'leendetiee. . i-eare uaiiaa. daily, t n m It MoiiDioutb. I AS t,. ,.: .,. l,Kle,iiUene. 140 r. l (Thiairaiu 4ioeeuat Monmouth lor Air Train Xo n. Dallai. dally. 7 Mp m v. Monmouth. Ip m.; ar. ludep:i,.lenc, H l. Sunday only, --K a. iu ar. Inde- 6:&j FROM AIRL1E. NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort The Place to go for Perfect Rest and Every Conceiv- aDie horm or Healthful and Delightful Recreation ITC r 4 -I Wir-ar a i-kwo ..c rv.L.i i itzo akc 4,u.viKitifc-BeMtor rood ami an abundance of it. Fresh water from springs. All modem necessities, such as telegraph ..iue. nmiheis iresiny proviaea every day. Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict mun icipal sanitary regulations. airruirwiri-e ; , , . . .. . .-a. r. rvn. i is reacnea oy way or tne southern Pacific to Albany or Cor vallis, thence Corvallis A Eastern R. R. Train service dailv nn,l the trt r0e,,,- ,L, . ' " W f e pita.TUir UlIUUjjlJUUL, Rate for Season Ticket From ( DALLAS $5 75 JDERRY aj.so ( INDEPENDENCE 4.20 i fill lac Saturday to Monday Ticket Jderkv f i ifL.ri..iLi:,lti; $3.60 2.65 2.S0 Our elaborate new Summer Book gives a concise description of Xewport, Including a list of hotels, their capacity and rates. ChII on, telephone or write t I. N. WOODS, Local Agt. Dallas WM. MCMtRRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. 'A A STEADY STREAfl LOOK AT OUR SUM MER HARNESS. Train No . Ij.lv. Ai.Ii. a. . . " " m. . ar. lotiepeiidenee. :.'a ' tu vTiunei-ia at Monmonih f.-.. udei glasses Beildia Cherry Driers. While cherries ran be grown trof- lUbly for the cannery at three recta Agricultural College CORVALLIS. OREGON Ceateat Sale. We are overstocked, and in order i to encourage the use of cement, in ri.ii.. in . . I ""-- "e am ecu at a great reduction latge llrrulni nl ih.... . . ., . . K. Hill aWdTMiel. i.ajrar Hayter. Atton.ey. cement in ; to those buvirnz i quantities. T-n-tf S.Mr Wiiuom Co. ers c:y.a . .... .- . , pound at, ha, figure U pay. to dry ture. A(p5!t ' Hzn, -ry. Ca.ry Husfcarrv. Art : mal H etc.. Fcrei;-v mem. une of the largest driers pat lo this year was by 8. p. Kimball of Polk county. jUat aeroaa the river from Kalem. He has a drier built eiclusively for cherries that can handle ) bushels a day. The itted cherry requires four pounds of free, eherries to make ooe poaad dry. The aemaed for dried cberrVa U eslira- Arts, laclui.r, f- Itaal a nit K. . I . . ... - '"7 aoippea dry int stean f theealnlag regiooa wbere freight l, - e-rk. etc . .,-t-ui,e item capital JoercaX ' iu-:rj 'T-erce. Fhar- .Cji.L . . a e. ., r- . - -v eiri. v-.Tii e . -. i 1 . i u. . r rr.rv.'.a.-.:cil. rr.acy. . J:rJs- Selene rn, vomrr.erce a4 Mechanic vert, cabinet Fane Wanted. An Eastern Oregon client wants a Valley farm of about 4J to eno acres, i j partly Improved. Mast be good toil, j i Would take several smaller piece to : make op that amount tiie full legal , descriptioo and lowest price ie first I ewer. AJlress cvly i Selple. Sit Mohawk Ullg . Piviland. Oregna. It Exeretor's Fiea Notice. eeni. that It ui.-i.-a ar.ej , I , M. a, . i a,r...:ui in aaid . 'u H . - aw- r-v r'rwrtl.l IT lokl mirt raaa i r1- in't " -M lS ' "ori f o aael ,i.y at ihKI time .1: Jl. I Dallai I Train X :i IT. . .IK IS:iA m ' " ' 'a,,tdenor. Train So. lt) We. Airiie :. m ,i D1T from voNvorrn ovtv te,T Mouaaom. f 1. . . I..t - --ee lenre, aanyat Notice For Pabliratioa. ,. . , nerartnt the utiertor. . un-i i'boj ai lYrtland (ireaen Idii Aah. 1 41V te la hef-t.T v rv . - ..... -.11 a;rrr nt ire aweer.T net red u ii.., ,M. V- w S1 day of June e .-eS and to, emrato, im " ' T1'T,,'"l u. k.a t . ,.,S I 'wan. Ml Brt A H Tt5. , . y laeuane '-4 aaad eatate '"ley 4 EaLla. Attya. . UM orefwa. 100 Doses $1 tte True only ol 11x4 one great blood pmnima aa4 tonic. This rtoiarkaUt BMaisew kaa eflectaxi nanv rmda-al aa4 twrmaacc care that are the wonder I the i4. It eradicates all b a mora to scrofula 100 Doses $1 e aJ Hald hra or la re labaata kaowa ai arsataea. l Weed-WaW. The same day you order. We bar Cl ' . 1 1 I. .. M . ;r. Fhirrbirig, mach-! "rat",cl excwieot dry u- j -ii, rt; reajy ror Kltcttea e. j Place you r order eow for your winter's rood. The wood I gvH eg fast and we are not Baking any more. Till CBIS K. hrI LMi. Laiiil!(,a C. ri, storeorutbe Dallas Lata berCompaey. ah pbvtees. 7-ji at ha. .V -i"-r"-er.is . l-Wated cataicrJe with ui tr.fs. :" a: cat:-n to Lhe Rerrar. 7-3 4: Notice For PwbJkatteet. TIVBta LtNO rT jrM f. - t BiMat -ai. Un4 iiffe,, 1 rortaat. t in aim .LHL, ' 't l.er! .c,7"a"-ai m -- aea-4 to a ilvr i Nt I... . . , I'. 1 ar . it la Set -leather, la iJ.T'" M "Itnen-a ' '"a a. V'ri.n a v c. L. baytcr. of l 1 onntv "K ilMdaysf Aamn Vie. r. Ol Pauiaia. aa. ure(Ua . v. of aa 4 aarn. AU.ta,ON IV I aFSeFR Kecuarr. Fer Peblkatlesi. TiMsrt uxn. (t Jrst t l aiwd "'at tand fortad. tirt tt-, i. ... . . . V 1 " ' Kl I . F..T of good stotionery is consUntly flow- iog in anu out of this shop. Poor o i . l stationery never comes In and conse- ! eiy you are not guuig quently cannot go out. That is your to chafe V0UT horse With safeguard when you j h fa BUY TOUR STATIONERY HERE. hot weather. not keep seiiaUweUe tZl IZ' c"DDOt I him in good condition with t sen ana we take mighty good car to' . .af.. j purchase none but the worthy We :St 01 light harness nOW a?A suggest tha n yon expert to go .way keep the heavy for use next it w,n be well for you to take a supply I l . J or our stationery with you. It s pretty ' Wmter bard to get It good everywhere. j ! Dallas Harness Shop W. H. ROY 2 fn ! F. SalficHj. Prop. Dallas, Oregon .TToasaT at LAW Ed. F. Cod, Offloe in Conrtndtiee Dallas, op.eoov JJaJmsT. ! Hf TTAVTFT? 1U iUlliiUi Oflct am wnaoa'1 f ru Bum DAXXJLS. orboox TEA linger longrr over it; let it be steaming hot from the c-irt.hen pot; and the loveliest woman pour it Tr raa Saa. at aw m a-av v H oe4 Fer Sale. Do yoa tie.l tml' We want to remind yo that the block wxxl rroa toe WillansetJe Valley Lumber Coa. paey's aawmiU la the be and etteap. at wxl too re buy. $ i.T$ per oeL delivered. MuloaJ t boce IfcrT.or Veara. orJere at Webaeer's ece fexvaoeerr a. , a mr I hryf . 4 I' l'!T m rm, ti a .. M M iw T.iJ j at rr t. f " . 1 1.. irr.i . arrvaHUkl Ml . . ia ae , a:a Ie e I, lr e . a. .iCZr L'V an. ,., a rttt.ii, r s' r,. lV'1"-. -'llai,BfJ'"',-', t.t a4 a . i THE MAN WHO SWEAPS BY THE FISH BHND SUCKER -r . TeVv i-j , ? "" wno a j V" lV-arf out a ethareuke !e, . ss aal 6om UrrMn rroa in at taw j J. L. Colltts i Main Street, Xear FosfcC DALLAS, - . - OKWxu A rroBssr at Law La. D. BROWN j Kotabt Ftbijc; Abwtbacts i Uglow Bldg.. Mill Street DALLAS, 0KKG0S j N. I BrTLKB, CrlW aerar DaJtaa 03 ty Fa- CaXLAS. ii -a a I Arroexrr at taw a F. JONES ACOIST BOWMAX. aa a; AU.tlTr, a rsraava j OOoe la Cooper Bandit- B.MBBBSSSS BW oErrrOX rXDETEXDEXCE. L