Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, July 21, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 23
T7hi Independence Young Men of Company H Spend Form League For Mutual Protection
Chuffeur Arreste a Machine Hilarious Night in Camp at Against Careless Debtors-Mem-
jumps Bail, Taking Machine
. on was arrested in Independence
Am wo r driving an auto without
la9tWe6B Taken before the author!
tlfhe gave tail. wa3 released and
, 3the98Le night entered the garage
I Z the auto had been stored and
W" d wkh U A full description of
rSSinS thief was place in the
1 l ot every sheriff in Oregon at
S hut uP - the present titne he
JD stolen last May in Chicago, and
SrimiDal had succeeded in bringing
MoOreson without being captured.
V Sne was a Hay nes Model W
1 . ,QQflAnMr. It was painted
French gray and its engine number
""at7 tor the fact that the chaffeur
had no license he would not have been
...j i TnHonendence, and it now
appears that he has a good chance to
escape scott tree aiuu
Operation May Be Unnecessary,
rr L A. Bollman held a consulta-
.i.h nr t?. H. McCallon and Dr.
Robertson, of Salem, Sunday in the
case of CO. Tennis, wno is scvcid.,
Ill with appendicitis. It was decided
to postpone the proposed operation as
if Tannic) showed a decided improve-
. mnt and it Is hoped that he may
recover without such action Decoraing
bership Grows Rapidly.
Products of Blue Ribbon County Rank
Among Best at Salem Cherry
Ahmit30 of the members, of Com
pany H made a practice march to
Ellendale, Saturday nlgnt. iney
assembled at the Armory at 7 :30
n'ninou- anr nt. s o'clock thev began
the march, taking their arms, tents
nnd nnmD eauinments with them.
Arriving at Ellendale tnejr laiu oiu
their camp, artd arter tne tents nau an
been satisfactorily pitched, Captain
nhni'Deninar announced to tne men
that as it was their, first trip oi mat
kind, he would release them from
euard duty, and other military re
durina the night.
. . " . ..." ..i
Although tney spent tne enuio uigui
it. is doubtful if any one of
the men slept, for no sooner would one
get comfortably settled in nis tent,
than his wakeful comrades would pull
up the pegs, allowing the whole
structure to collapse. TDere-upon tne
oh,,anH' nprson would crawl sleepily"
out of the ruins, rub his eyes and
immediately go and pull up tne pegs
of some drowsy neighbor's tent.
Puriv aundavmorningthecompany
oaaomhlMl for a short drill near the
camp, after which they struck their
tents, and marched back to Dallas,
reaching their homes at about eight
v r. Richmond left Friday for a
few'weeka' stay at Collins Springs for
the benefit of his health.
Fuller & Elliott
Only Real Estate firm in Polk County
handling Timber Land exclusively
Don't fail to call or write if you have
have timber to sell.
Office in Crider Building
Money of private parties, to loan at
9 per cent od well-improvea iarms,
Sibley & Eakin.
The City Express & Transfer Co
oil kinds of hauling at
Stnnrl find both
phones at Webster'sConfectionery
Specialist In diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat
Office, Rooms 1-2, Over Bush Bank
sat. - - - OREGON
The second tneetinsr of the Retail
Merchants' Protective Association was
held in the Courthouse, Friday night,
and at that meeting the organization
was formallv ootnDleted by the adop
tion of the report of the committee on
by-laws, and by the election or officers
to serve until January 1, 1909. V. S.
Loucharv was chosen president: G. N.
Cherrington, vice-president and A. O.
Camnbell. treasurer, wnue U. v. tsut-
ler was appointed secretary oi tne
The obiect of the organization is to
protect its members against bad
debtors by means of the black list
system. Lists will be made out semi
mnnr.hlv hv the secretary, and deliv
ered to the various members of the
nRsnclation. The Denaltv for a mem
ber of the association who grants
credit to anyone wnose name appears
nn the 1 t. will be a line or 5U or ex
pulsion from the organization. All
names on the blacklist are to be neia
in strictest secrecy among the mem
Kara nf thn naannllLt.lnn.
the obiect of the organization ia
not in any way to inconvenience or
annov the regular and trustwortny
nnatnmnra of its members, but to pro
tect the merchants against the few
who are known to be untrustwortny
and who make no effort to pay their
debts, and against newcomers from
other places of whose onaracter tne
merchants mav be entirely ignorant.
Th newlv organization is meeting
with o-rpnt. favor among the business
men of the city, and it is anticipated
that practically all ot tuera win secure
f hnn who have entered the ProteC'
tive Association as charter members
TT. S. Lougharv. G. N. Cherring
tnn TTfflow Clothing Company, P. A,
ffinaoth. Simonton & Scott, Conrad
Stafrin, Dr. S. T. Donahoe, A. H.
Harris. CamDbell & UoUlster, ii. a.
shnitz. C. L. Crider. Ray & Company,
Boyd & Son, Guy Brothers & uaiton,
Rrothera. Htowe urotners, ooeu-
en Warehouse Company, Johnson
Brothers, Ailgood & Collins, Bines
Davis, J. C. Gaynor, nan s nayea.
W. R. Ellis. C. H. Morris ana tne
Dallas Mercantile Company.
Electricity for Lighting
Is only expensive to people who are
wasteful and careless. To you, who
are naturally careful, it does not
come high. .
It Is economical because it can oe qui. " -: "hT burn wnen
With gas or kerosene there is the temptation to let "f"'
not nelded to save bother of lighting and adding. In some nmes
the electric light bills amount to oniy ou . r --
You can probably get some kind of artificial "8" 'orItISmS op
than electric light, but does it save you anything h jgoke,
portunities for work and recreat on-ruins your j eyesignt s moKea
your walla-mars decorations ana increaw? """?tv .'".T vour meals
could probably save a dollar tomorrow by going without 7' me
but it wouldn't be-economyr It ia not so much what you save, dui
how you save that counts.
. OT-r-n ' t Mnnia nn mfttprfl. DOT
Kilowatt 15o; Residence, flat ner month. Mop SB drropB.
BUSINESS HOUSES 25c per drop ami 5c per Kilowatt up roiuun
over 10 drops 20c per drop and 6c per KUowatt up to t drops over
drops i7Jc per drop and 5c per Kilowatt. A drop figures i I6cp or w
Vr.JJ.,.. I;,. i ot th nflicfi. We are always ready to expmiu
thandots oythrirghtingprorsiti to you. can on us or
rhone to ua, we are never to busy to talk business.
Willamette Valley Company
E. W. K EARNS, Manager for Dallas.
Omce on Mill street. Just north of the Court House. Phones Bell 421.
Mutual 1297.
It b not business to buy real estate without an ab
stract of title. Let us make it; we guarantee same
to be correct.
C B. CK0SN0 and C C HAWKLNS, Abstractors
TOLEDO, - - - - . - V 0REG0N
D. W. Sears, of Independence, Was
Married in Portland Last
Sheriff J. M. Grant Thrown from
Buggy While Returning from
. Sheridan Last night.
swiff J. M. Grant was thrown from
Ma crctM In runaway while return
ing from Sheridan yesterday and sus-
tained several severe injuries, xm
rrd while he was driving
down a steep hill near the Richmond
place about six miles norm oi nauas.
Th -antra hrnka suddenly allowing
the tongue to fall to the ground and
the buggy to run lorwara agaioui m
Mn.i.risra of the horses, who
sprang forward and dashed down the
hill at full speed oeiore air. winm,
could check them. His aaugnter,
vtA oihn wan thrown from tne
v.., Biistalned little injury
Mr. Grant was thrown out at the foot
of the hill, receiving deep gasnes in
hi. and left shoulder ana several
severe bruises about the body. Oneof
fh. hnnui wnn struck bv some irag-
tUB ' ' -
m.nt nt th hroken tongue ana a aeep
.t inflicted In its breast Mr. Grant
- oki. n t in his office for a short
hqo nuiu w - .li
time this morning, and will probably
be fully recovered in a iew uay.
The third annual Cherry Faff closed
in Salem, Saturday, anji true to her
well-founded reputation as a pnze
winner. "Old Polk" came through
with flying colors, standing third in
the contest tor the grana cup, ana
winning in the other departments, a
larger percent or the prizes tnan an oi
the other entries combined.
The maioritv of the Polk county
exhibits winning prizes were grown In
the hills about Eola and Sprin g v auey,
which are fast becoming recognized
as among the finest fruit producing
regions on the PaoiBo Uoast. in oniy
few of the classes did the Polk
county fruit fail to take at least one of
the prizes, while in many or me
different displays all three awards
were carried off lay the fruit growers
of the "Blue Ribbon county."
J. R. Shepard heads the list oi -oik
county exhibitors with a record of five
first prizes, one second ana one iniru.
B. I. Ferguson won nrst prizes in two
exhibits with his fine Royal Anne
cherries, and Paul Wallace, of tne
famous Wallace Fruit Farm, u. a.
Clark, Mrs. M. C. Wilson, C. A.
Muths. H. S. Butz and a hau a aozen
othera follow closely after him.
Among the more important awaraa
to Polk county exhibits are the follow
J. R.8henard First on sweopstaKes,
10 pound pack of any variety ; first on
10 pound box of Lamberts ; first on- 10
pound box of Bings; first on plate of
Royal Annes ; first on plate oi ijam
hfirt.a? second on Black Republicans;
third on 10 pound 8 carton box of
Ml f! Wilson First on 10
pound box of Centennials; second on
m nnmul commercial pack ; second on
sweepstakes, .10 pound pack of any
variety; second on 10 pound. box of
C. A. Muths Second on 10 pound
hm nf Black ReDublicans ; second on
plate ot Lamberts; third on 10 pound
K,.-f Tlnvnt Annes. Mrs. u. a.
UU4 -
nr.itha17lrRt.nn floral display.
C. A. Clark First on 10 pound 8
..n hot of Rings: second on 10
Wl 'J '
nnnnd 8 carton box ot Royal Annes;
hivi nn in nound box of Bings.
B. I. Ferguson D irst on iu pouuu
hnx of Roval Annes ; flrat on 10 pound
a .mrtnn ho, of Roval Annea.
Paul Wallace (Wallace Fruit arm;
thirrt nn in nound commeicialpack;
third on sweepEtakea, 10 pound pack
any variety.
a Vrclor First on 10 pouna o cr
. j in
Krt nf Ti&mberts: eeoonu uu iu
nnn n A ft carton box of BingS.
H. S. Butz third on 10 pound box
of Royal Annes; third on 10 pounds
carton box of Royal Annes.
H. Best First on piato oi water
C. E. Hanna First on plate or L.aie
F.arl Brunk first on gooseberries;
second on red raspberries.
D. Ruble first on general iruuuis-
p'fty- . . .
Out or a total or bo prizes, m
won by representatives of Polk county.
Otthe 22 oupa offered, Polk county
carried oft 14, Marion county 6, and
Lane and Yamhill one each, ine
i ,nn won bv Yamhill was tne
vuij " r - ...
grand prize cup ioracouecuvecouui.jr i
. I
D. W. Sears, of Indopendepce, for
four years Clerk of Polk County, for
eight years chairman of the Demo
prfttio State Central Committee, and
candidate for the office of Secretary of
State at the time George E. Chamber
lain first ran for Governor, was
married by Judge Thomas O'Day,
Thursday afternoon. The bride is
Mrs. Elizabeth Eoff, the proprietress
of a local lodging-house, the wea
ding ceremony took place in Judge
O'Days chambers at the Courthouse at
2:30. The only persons present, De
sldesthe Judge and the contracting
parties, were the witnesses, Nellie La
Chappelle and Mattie McLieoa.
Mr Senrs came to Oregon in 1874.
He has interested himself in all public
matters affecting the state, and
especially in Polk County affairs. At
present, he is one of the directors ot
t.hn Tndeoendeoce national Barns.
Although he Is 58 years of age, this is
the first time Mr. Sears nas Deen
mArrierl. His wife is 43 years of age.
They left Portland, Friday and will
make their home In Indepenuence
Exploding Shell Hits Guardsman.
Tininnd Hoiman was struck in the
right forearm Saturduy evening by a
fragment of brass from an acci
dentally exploded shell. Several of
thn bnvs were dressing in tne loeKer
room of tho armory, when suddenly
smoke was observed Issuing rroin one
nf the closed lockers. It was quickly
opened, and one of the uniforms was
discovered to be on Are. wnue iney
wrn endeavoring to beat out the blaze,
an old Krag Jorgenson shell that had
been left in one of the pockets oi tne
uniform, exploded suddenly, scatter
ing fragments of brass in every direc
tion. Although there were a score of
men standing around, Hoiman was
the only one that was struck. His
inlnrv was comparatively sllgnt, now-
.r nr.d will cause him but little
inconvenience. It is not known now
the Are started.
Commencing Thursday, 'July 9th, on
our entire stock oi Irenes anu men &
Oxf ordsr-Tan, Patent or V ici.
t.qHW. Shirt. Waists. Silk or Lawn,
to close out at a big reduction.
WooVi ftnnrls in Lawns. Orsraridies,
Dimity, Mulls etc., all go during this
sale at cut prices.
vo otn hao.kwara
'nn-im or a nvprstfipked on these
goods. Space will not permit of
giving prices, out tne yuw io iw,
Campbell & Hollister
) Where did
I was down
Hanng purchased this well-known barn, we so
licit a share of your patronage.
Excellent accomodations for commercial men.
2 i
P. H. Muscott and Albert Stafrin,
first and second lieutenants in Com
hAv oriven uo their positions
on account of business, and did not
appear to qualify at the examination!!
ThM.i.n Affprnoon. Their successors
m annn ntMl t)V uapiain wiui-
nening tonight. The two lieutenants
who have resigned will still retain
their membership in the company.
C. L. Starr, secretary of the State
Board of Normal Regents, accom
panied by his mother, was a visitor in
Dallas over Sunday. At the Cherry
Fair In Salem last week, Mr. 8tajr
held the exalted position of King, and
scored quite as notable a triumph as
did all of the other products of Polk
county that were entered on that
occasion. "
The work at tha city rock crusher
-in tv. frroxtiT facilitated by the
will w O -
installing of short tracks and car for
of hauling the rock from
the a oarry to the crasher. At present
the rock U moved in wheelbarrows, a
I i taimi and expensive method.
The new Improvement will be oom-
i imum at once.
in.. ..m run between Dallas and
o.i i... wn madlt neglected dar-
.u t. mkiL all of the machines
that were formerly on the ran being
temporarily out of commission. i
Byerk-y machine will probably be the
only one to reauroe the run.
Uiasea Mable and Leone btowe, o
Dallaa, retoroed home last Taeeday
after viaiting tbeir graodmoOier for
reral weeka-McMinorilla Tela
pbonEegUter. C V. Chorpening. Judge L. D.
Browa and Dr. U A- BollmaB were ia
Salea yr6rrdy oa boatoesa.
Sawmill Changes Hands.
Th TiAllaa Lumber Company's saw
mill and all of Its other holdings has
nuawMl into the hands of the cnas. jv.
co. , Miner Tcrclng Company, which
will have full cbarge oi me uram
in future. The Soaulding logging
Company Is one of the strongest con
cerns In Oregon, having large mum
established at various points through
out the Willamette Valley. It also
baa extensive holdings In the timbered
districts of Washington.
Overwork Causes Collapse.
The Rev. A. A. Winter, pastor of the
First United Evangelical unurcn in
Portland, has been quite ill for some
time from an attack of nervous pros
tration caused by overworn, ana it
haa heenme necessary for him to retire
from the pulpit temporarily and take
a comnlete rest for several weeKs De
Ia ha will ha able to resume his
Falling Slab Crushes Finger.
Carl Wood received a painful Injury
,hii working in the sawmill triaay,
his little finger on the left hand being
Aril shed and broken under a falling
Binh. It was necessary for several
stitches to be taken in the Injured
finger and there is still danger ot its
becoming necessary to amputate u.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Stowe went to
naii.a Tnnmiav. to complete some
nnrchases of property there, iney
will move to Dallas soon, as they have
sold their ranch at the edge of town to
Curtis P. Coe who will reside tnereon.
McMlnnville News-Reporter.
County Clerk E. M. Smith issued
Hivnse to wed vesterday to Frank E.
Coquilletteand Hattie M. Strausberry.
Wise? (
of those V
you go so early this morning, Mrs
to HALL & HAYES to get one
Silk Floss Mattresses
they make. They are strictly all floss and each bed
guaranteed, and they have the most complete line of
Carpets, Rugs, Matting, Lace Curtains, etc. in the
city. And say, those Couches they make are just
simply 'grand. And they said they would not be
beat on prices.
I i a i i v I I -
Oscar IIayter,
fjpstalts in Campbell building. M1U t
Sibley & Eakin,
Thf only reliable set of Abstracts la
Polk county. Ofllca on Court Bt,
Lumber For Sale
Bough and dressed lumber tor
ale at your own price. Let me
figure on your bilL Mutual
t r Havter returned Thursday
from a week's visit with Dr. and Mrs.
H. L. Toney on their claim near
Salmon River. He left Saturday after
noon for a short visit In Portland ana
Astoria. After returning from those
cities he will remain In Dallas until
about August 1. and then go to Silver
City, New Mexico, for an Indefinite
- .
r.itsn a new non-Intoxicating
beverage has recently been added to
the list of "dry" drink on aaie in
Dallas. It baa the appearance ami
much the aarae laate as beer, but iu
percentage of alcohol la so slight as to
. t t I Tli- n.
make It penecuy niturc. -
drink seems to be coming into high
favor In this city.
The colonist rates from all points In
the East to all pointa la Oregon will
commence September I and continue
rvtnhcr 31. The fare from
Misaourl Biver poloU will be ;
from St Louis, 11, and from cnicago,
ta .,1th nmeortlooate rates from all
other point In the Eastern United
The grain crop In tb vicinity of
Dallaa are ripening rapidly, and In
..rtHn field, tb farmers have
UJ ttu J wa r
already brgao to cat and bock tbeir
-i . Tha thmshioa! aeaeoa will
begin in this part of Polk county with
le tfca next two wn
We do not make a practice of traveling about the
country doing this kind of business but will meet any
Cut Price that others wish to make.
My Price
Standard Binding Twine 10c
Plymouth " " 10c
Others Cut Prices
10 3-4c
10 3-4c
The Man for a Square Deal