THE DAIRYMAN. The Ideal tray to deliver milk Is Id bottles, but this Is true only when tbe bottles bare been properly treated. Bottles when filled are left at hun dreds of bouses and la some cases en ter sickrooms or are washed In tbe same pans with dishes from sick rooms. They are frequently used by tbe servants to bold all kinds of mix tures and sometimes are carried open through dusty streets and stored In dusty rooms. It Is absolutely wron" to fill any bottle with milk with first washing it thoroughly and I., subjecting It to live steum for at least ten minutes. Cream Cashes In. It Is tbe testimony of thousands t farmers in the western country who bare been milking cows and producing cream for sale to the various cream eries that the sale of cream Is profita ble. Tbe sale of cream enables the farmer to have a cash income duy aft er day and year after year, and it Is this dally cash Income which places the dairy farmer In a more Independ ent position than be tins ever before attained and which enables him to pay the running expenses of bis farm and maintaining bis household without us ing tbe money realized Id lump sums from tbe sale of wheat, grnln, bogs, etc., which can be placed to his credit either in tbe bank or, as in Kansas in tbe years gone by, pay tbe mortgage and In these days buy more land, build a better house and erect a good barn. Sanitary Milk Por Calves. Be scrupulously clean as to palls, troughs and the food used In feeding young calves. It will save a lot of the trouble that comes with carrying calves through the scours. There Is no surer cause of scours than dirty feed palls. Flaxseed Jslly. To prepare flaxseed jelly for calf feeding boil or, rather, steep one pound of whole flaxseed In water ul most Don nig until a thick paBte re sults. Another method of preparation Is to take balf a cup of ground flax In quart of water and allow to simmer Just below tbe boiling point until a Ihlek Jelly Is formed. It should be kept cool and sweet until fed. There is every prospect that the Hood Elver strawberry crop this year will be the best In five years. Valued Same as Gold. B. G. Stewart, a ineicliantof Ceda View, Mi., says:'"I tell my customers when they buy a box of Ir. King's New Life I'ills they get the worth of that much gold in weight, if afflicted with constipation, malaria or biliousness, Sold under guarantee at Belt & Cher riugton's drug store. 25c During the last month there were sheared at two points near Kcho by the Wattenbureer shearing, crew 61,156 ehnep. Human Filters The function of the kidneys is to strain out the impurities of the hlood which Is constantly passing through them. Foley's Kidney Kemeily makes the kidneys healthy so they will strain out all wsatD matter from the blood. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy at once and it will make you well. Btafriu Drug Co.; M. L. Thompson, Falls City, Seventy blocks of streets have been graded in Corvallls the past few weeks and are now being gravoled. Chronic Constipation Cured One who suffers from chroma consti pation is In danger of ninny serious ail ments. Foley's Orino Laxative cures chronic constipation as it aids digestion and stimulates the liver and bowels, restoring the natural net ion of these organs. Commence taking it todny and you will fee! better at once. Foley's Orino Laxative does not nauseate or gripe and is pleasant to take. Kefure substitutes, ritufrin I Iriig Co.; M. I.. Thompson, Fulls City. Klamath i tar tod up. Falls sawmills have The World's Best Climate is not entirely free from disease, on the high elevations levers prevail, wbiie on the lower levels malaria ia encountered to a greater or leso extent, according to altitude, fu overcome climate a Meet ions lassitude, malaria, jaundice, biliousness fever and aitue, and general debility the most effective remedy is Electric Bitters, the great alterative and blood purifier; the antidote for every form bodily weakness, nervousness, and in soinnia. Bold Under guarantee at Belt & Cherrington's drugstore. of A man living six miles west of En gene says fie has 100 prune trees and they will be loaded as full as the trees will bear. A Callfornian's Luck "the luckiest day of mv life was when I boughtabox of Hucklen's Arnica Halve," writes Charles F. Budahn, of Tracy, California. "Two 25c. boxes cured me of an annoying cane of itching piles, which had troubled me for years and that yielded to no other treatment. Hold under guarantee at Belt A Cher riugton's drug store. The trrigon market la well supplied with strawberries, lettuce, radishes, onions, asparagus and other young vegetables, all grown In Its own gardens. It Reached the Spot Mr. E. Humphrey, who owns a large genenl store at Omega, O., and is pres' ident of the Adams County telephone Co., as well as of the Home Telephone Co., of I ike County, ()., save of Dr. king s New Diseoveiyt "It saved my life once. At leant I think it did. It seemed to reach the spot the very seat of mv cough when everything else failed." Dr. King's New Discovery not only reaches thecough spot; it heals the sore spots and the weak spots in throat, linns and chest, cold under guarantee at licit A Cherrington's drug store. 60c and (1.00. Trial bottle free. IV Off X A Fresh Complexion in preserved and produced by Konertinc, a mud, aciigimtii FLTJ preparation, delicately fragrant. f . f u.uii.she.9 crackled appearance caused ly over-dryness) reduces the sine of nlarired pores, cleanses them, re duce inflammation and spreads an even, radiant plow due to wholesome nourish ment of skin glands and stimulation of the capillaries which also feed the skin and supply its healthful color. Askyour Drugght for a fret lamflt of OBERTINE Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon, for Polk County. Department No. 2. Jim.t B. Hutclilns, Plaintiff, v. Amy L. Jfuti-filns, Defendant. To Amy L. Hutchtna, the above-named de fendant: 1 u the Name of the Bute of Ore on. Yon sre hereby required to appear and auawer the com plaint filed aealnst you in tbe aboTe-entltled Court and suit wllhln six weeks from tbe date of the first publication of this summons, to-wlt: On or before the Zind day of Joue, 1908; and if you fat) so to answer, for want thereof tbe pluintltrwill apply to said Court for s decree as pra,-ed for in said complaint, vis.: That tbe niarriaae contract now and heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant be forever annulled and dissolved; that the future care and custody of James CllHord Hutchlns and Ernest C. H utchlua, minor children of plaintiff and defendant, be awarded to plalntia; 4nd thai nluintlfl ynav have such otber and fur ther relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. Tins summons, by an order of the Hon. Ed P. Coad. Countv Judsre of Polk County. Oregon maiie at Chambers at ballaa, Oregon, on tbe 7ib day of May, 1908, is served upon yon by the publication tbereol not leas tnan once week for six consecutive weeks itnmedistel nrior to the 22d dav ol June. I9U8. in tbe "Pol County Observer,'' a weekly newspaper of general circulation nublished in said County of roia. ine aateoiine nrat puoncauon oi una summons la ay s, nasi. imLAR nAl inn, Attorney for Plaintiff. Portland R.OSE Festival KILL the COUGH AND CURE THE LUNGS WITH a Dr. King'! flew Discovery Citation. In the Countv Court of the State of Ore iron. ior rout ixmniy. In the matter of the en lute of Fred C. Ray mond, dececaed. Citation. To Nellie Raymond, widow, and Karl Raymond, rem Kaymomi, one Belie Kaymona, iva Raymond arid Row Raymond, heir of the above named Fred 0. Raymond, decenjed: In the name of the state of Oreron yon and eaeh of you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the Utate of Oregon, in and for Folk County, at tbe Court Room thereof, in the City of Dallas, in aaid County of Polk, on Toeuday, the 2d day oi June, A. !.. IW. the aame beina the first dfcv of the June, 190H, term of aaid Court, at the hourof ten o'clock in tbe forenoon of a id day, then and there to ihow caime, if any ezlat, why an order .should not be made by said Court that the real property of said estate hereinafter described, or so-si'jch thereof as may be sufficient to natlsfy the debts, claims and chanres against the said estate, be sold by Ira C. Mehrllnjr as adminis trator of said estate at pi ivate sale for caah as S rayed ior m me neuuou oi saiu anministraior led herein on the lHth dav of April. 1108. for the purpose of rait-, In a; funds sum (.'lent for the payment and satisfaction of the chances and expends of administration and the claim against the Slid state: said real property be ing described as follow, to-wlt: Lots numbered Kiirbt CH and Nine (9) in i Block "I." and Lots numbered Nine (9), Ten i mi. Eleven f ii i ana Twelve fvz) in hiock -u u Fails City. Polk County, Htate of Oregon. Witness: The Hon. Ed F. Coad, Judge of the County Court of , . the mate oi Oregon, tor tne hk a i, , County of Poik. with the seal ' of aaid Court affixed, this lHth day of April, A. I.. l'JUH. E. M. HMITfl. Clerk of said Comity Court. To be helchn PORTLAND, ORE. IUNE 1 to 6, '08 Will be the moat brilliant Floral Fiesta AND Civic Jubilee Ever held In thePadllc Northwest Portland, "The Rose City," will be a Bcene of splendor and tbe center of world-wide interest for one week Several important conventions to be held Id Portland on that occasion. PHirE an jk im OLDS Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. FDR .foycifs vii I GUARANTEED SATISFACXOjftTi OS MONEY REFUNDED. TEA Is there a better way to keep the family longer at table, to keep it together? Your jrocer returns your money If yos don' liko Schilling's Best; we par bias. Jr and Liver Comilnint. Sow lh. BEAI. Cu,.. T,lk NR Tablt"J jff T"T is.d see how nin. h better tb-lf aro. feoe tlie dnf.renr. in results. ThetiW aoti'n I. ntver att i.dcd by tlui all-em.e sl,k auunthey make y, J .fT i feel better tbe miiinte you take them. Tbey braoe you up and put new Ilfi I WW fn you. make you fel stronger and better, because they are made to reeu. II late the entire dlgesUTe system, uue ooae wiu souTuca you. Bel Ite aw, I BETTER THAN FILLd rvKLIltK ILLS, TbiA.R Lewis Medicine Co.. V St. Lords, Jfo. I LOOK HERE! The SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will Sell Special Tickets On This Occasion From DALLAS to Portland and Return at $2.55 FOR PARTICULARS CALL ON 1. N. WOODS, Local Agt. W. M. AlcMURRAY General Passenger Agt. Portland, Or. FOICTSHONETHCAH for ehtldrmnt mat: marm. Mo opiate IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS Don't fllstake the Cause of Trouble. Delay May Prove Fatal. Your he City Express & Transfer Co. does all kinds of hauling at reasonable rates, Stand and both phones at Webster's Confectionery bio re. MUSCOTT & STARR Proprietor DALLAS, OREGON TIMBER LANDS Fuller & Elliott We Wm Pay for wheat at the DALLAS FLOURING MILLS Personal If any pprtiin manecti that tlieir kill neti are iluraniri-d tliev nhoulii lake role; i Kidney Kenmly at once anil not rink having Jlriirht ihseasu or iliulielea IMnr glvea the diwHe a alroiiKer foul- nolU hud yon should not lelay tnkinu Foley' Kidney Ktiilrin hf KO.; Al. li. 1 lioiiipaon, rails Uily. Ad Albany man will set out n wal nut orchard of 3) acres in Lincoln eounty. It is a pity to see a person neiilect indications of kidney or liladiler trouble that may result in llrihl'sdiMaae lien Foley's Kidney ltemeily will correct Irregularities an alieniilhen tlieae oraans. Take Foley's Kidney Kcmeilv at the first aiun of danger. Slalrin lirng Co.; M. 1.. Ttioinpaon, ralla City . It Is rep r rxl that the famous IVr klns fruit farm near Mid ford, has been sold for t7ft,onti. Serious Kesults Feared You may well tear aerious results (rom a cough or cold, si pneumonia and con sumption Hart wuh a cold. Foley's Honey and Tar cures the moat obstinate coughs or colds and prevents serious reaulu. Kefute sulwhlute. r-Uilrin Drug Co. ; M. I.. TUompaon, Falls City. has new Tehlrle Drownsfllle factory. Colds That Hang Oa CnMs that bang on in the spring He. pk-ta tba syateru, exhaust the rirryei, and open the ay lor wrious Illness. Take Foley's Honey and Tar. It quickly slops the cough and rt la the cold. It Is safe and certain in n s.ilta. Malnn I'rog Co. ; XI. I- Thonioii, Falls City. i iv v. . ''l COFFEE Nothing docs 'more for a grocer, one way or the other, than coffee. He must sell poor; (he needn't sell it to you) it is good that makes him. Your vrorer returns your money If yon don't Ilka Scbillini's best: wt pay bios 85c Only Real' Estate firm in Polk County handling limber Land exclusively Don't fail to call or write if you have have timber to sell. Office in Crider Building Dallas, Oregon SWEENEY BROS, I HC ORIGINAL LAXATfVC COUGH tVRUP KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE HONEY-TAB M :io?ss BtsatM soi Umi Boa aa Ertir kula m. olivj: smith teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN Studio, Room No. 2. Wilson Block DALLAS OREGON Notice ol Final Settlement. Nottr ! hrpHhy Riven that iht titiUrmiiio1 nutniiiiKirHtni ul iiw cmntp n( John t ump bn, (h'cetitMNl. t littMt Imt ntirtl m-ooiiut in ine ( Ktiiity roitrl oithc Stmt of Krcifii. lor I'olh l uiiniy. and that MontUv. IIih 1mv ol Jun IHin, Mt iht hour ol tfii uVliM-k in the ion-no. m ul twui tiny, al the t onrt room ul tin aaliK ounty t'oiiri in tlm i lly ol Oiillaa. Ort-- ff Ml, llHl Iw-ftl Mlf)ll(tMl liV biikI (OUIllV 4Uirt aa I he time aii1 lor the heartnir f njiTiioni io in aaiti nuai atHtxiiit atiu the ai'itl nivut tht-nif M KliARKT 0. CAM THKI,!,, Atlinliitairatrtx ol tht eta(t of John 1 amubi'll. dctaatil. taar llaylcr. Attorucr. attnl uit hrxi .uoli-hM May 22, li. Notice to Creditors. Notice la hfrhv vlven that tht nixlfralmml haa Iwvn duly aii.rtiitf1 atltutmatratni ul Km- raiair of AnRuat if rliiider, tUiaiytM. by the t omity t'ouri ol the tMatt of On-ffun, for l'ulk t outuy, aol ha ijiiaUfitMl. All ikfnsona havhtt I'lalma anaiuat the mUi raiate ate hnhy nolitlvsl lo rveiit the aame luly TrlflM. toarMhfr with the iroier v.HH tit ra irrt-r, w wie unnrmiiiMi ai nrr rwiiffm in the riiy of Itallaa tu Ni. ioniity, KilhfnkU monina irain ittr .ute of ihi nti-e. 1bUnS and Aral ttit!t.,htM May II 1 M J I I. A 1.KKI.IN..KR, Atliitiuutralrti ol the eUile ol Aiitru-t riiDrr.d4Taet. Ucir llajrWr, Aiu.nwy. TTOHNKT AT LAW L. D. BROWN Notary Public; Abstracts Mill Street opposite Uglow Bldfr. DALLAS, OKEOON. TTOaNSV AT LAW. N. L. BUTLKR, OfBc. over Dallas City Bank. DALLAS. OREGON TTORKIT AT LAW Ed. F. Con, Offloe in Courthouse DALLAS, OREGON Rapid changet of temperature are hard on the toughest constitution. x The conductor passing from the heated inside of a trolley car to the ky temperature of the platform the canrasserspending- an hour or so in a heated building and then walking against a biting wind know the difficulty of aroiding cold. V Scott'j Emulsion strengthen the X body so that it can better withstand the X Q danger of cold from changes of temperature. Q ?o It will help you to aroid taking cold, O AU DBUCCISTSi SOo. AND SI.OO. Jj Yttornits at law. Sibley A Eakin, The only rellabl. set or Abstracts Is Polk county. OfBc oa Court 8L DALLAS, OREGON. INDEPENDENCE & MONMOUTH Railway. FROM INDEPENDENCE, roa DALLAS. Train No. 04. Leave Independence dallr. 6:(W a. in.; Iv. Moummuh, :I5 a. ui.; ar. Hal Ins. 6:4U a. in. Train No. H Ire Imlenendence. ilallv. 10:60 a. m.; Iv. Monmouth, II :06 a. m.: ar. Dal las, 11:30 a. m. Train No. 70. Ixtn In.lenenrlence. rtallv. 6:1.1 p. m. ; Iv. Monmouth, i.M p. m.;ar. Dallas. V.UU p. Ul, roa Aiai.ia. Train No. 67. Iave IiKlenen.leni. d.llv 7:90 a.m.: Iv. Monmouth. 7:i a. m.: mt. Airiie I SI! a.m. Train No. M. Ivr InJenen.lenee. rtnllv. s x I. m.i iv. auumuuin, a:nu p. m.; ar. Alrlle, i:2t p. ui. OB MOXMOl'TH ONLY. Leave Independence, dally, 2:30 p. m. No. 101 arrives Monracuth 7:20 a. in. FROM DALLAS, roa mrnriNDiNci. Train No. h Leave Dallas rtallv n m,,l.v Mi- m.; Iv. Monmouth, :.'6a. m.; ar. luiie peudenee, V;iiia, m. Train No. 101. I.v. Dallaa. Sunday ouly, :S6 Train No. 69. Leave Dallas itl!v 1 n . i. Monmouth, 1:2ft p. m.: ar. lndeieiideTii'e, l io p an. (Thla train ouuuecu at Uiitimn,h , a,- lie.) Train No. 71. lsve Dallaa. riallv 7 n n. Iv. Monmouth, ( p. m.; ar. ludrueudeuiv, g ift FROM AIRI.IK. Train No. St. Leave Airlle. il.iw m i Moiimoulb, :S6 a. m.; ar. liKlriwndrnce, . ass . iiiu saj-suii giiuihw -im mi Miinmnniii (. im4isw. Trein No. T2. Leere At rile tiaiiv ; iv, . . . It. Monmouth. A b. m ar. In. TrminNo. 100 leare Airlie 4 .4hn m arKn. owlt errlvre Monmouth 6: JO p. m. arrives Inde- (aVSSWCMSiV .W p. SH FROM MUNMOCTH ONLY. Leave Monmouth for Independence, dailr at l oop. as. ' Does your back ache? Do you get up lame in the morning I Do you leel (lull and tired r Does it hurt you to tend over, to lift anything, to vet up from a chair? Do you have sudden "catches" or stitches of' pain in the Imck? Does a dull, throbbing ache settle in tlie small ol your hack and bother you day and uight? Do you sometimes feel that you that you simply cannot straighten up? You cannot make any mistake bv treating the kidneys at once, for it is these small troubles that lead to dropsy, diabetes and Bright's disease If these is any doubt in your mind that the kidneys are affected, notice the urine for a few days. If passages are irregular painful or too scanty, discolored, or tuil of sediment, the kidney's need help right away, and there is no other medi cine more helpful than Doan's Kidney Pills, a simple remedy for the kidneys. yet so powerful that it quickly cures the cause aiul so ends all the painful and annoying symptoms. Home cures prove the merit of Doan s Kidney Pills. Any person wishing to see the testimony of Dallas citizens may no so nv Cilling at 1S1S1.T & IHEK. RIXUTOX'Sdrug store. For sale bv all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milhurn Co., Buffalo, New York, eole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and no other. TTOMIT AT LAW. Oscar Haytkk, UpsjtaJrs la Campbell building. M1U It DALLAS. ORXOON. TTOHNCT AT LAW B. F. JONES Cffloe In Cooper Building. INDEPENDENCE, - OREGON How's Tklsl Weefter On Hundred Dollars Itewird a .ay case of Catarrh that oasmM be) cured In Ball's Catarrh Cars. r J CHIETC0..1We .ToUdo.O. Ws the dSMleiaioed, have haenra P. J. cfca aey ror tha laa kt vea, aad bejter kiaa aes my ssssrssai la au aaslassa lassi lluaj aad laaaeiailr a hie to carry Mt aar eblin- Ucmt atari j their tna. WinsTlltl,solsHUnnnhta M1 n aiamaaei sLaavia, hoMaala Urac- dirertlv aaoa Ua kk4 aj mmmm J ,k - rTrniiss aoidssaa iUU s Faauiy ruis an u Wet. Calls rromrxlj ansirerex) day or night. R. L. CHAPMAN rUNtHAL DOUCTOR eV tMSALMIR DAUJk. OBIOO Maiaal rkesM US J)srTTST. M. HAYTER Offloe rr Wtiaoa's I tg Btaar DALULO. . O&XOON. rma nrr at law J. L. Coixixs Malo Bom, Kkw rcastoSoa DALLAS, . . ORIQCN I MADE FOR SERVICE m tmc roucmcst wcathcr AND CUASANTtCO ARMXUTH.y ifp WERPR00F P0MMFL SUCKERS TW male mm 4 fh wkw4 i Tovu a the senoM ekatsa. eauak tSu haa ML WW The Publisher's Claims Sustained United States Court of Claims The rnbllohors of Webster's International Dictionary alleue t hat it "is. In fact,the m)iu. lar Lnabridved ttaornuirhly refuted ineverr detail, and vastly enriched inevery part, willt the purpose of adapting-it to meet the larirer and severer requirements of another meliora tion." We are of the opinion that this allcs-atlon most clearly and accurately deacriliea the work that naj been accomplished and the result thathaaheeu reached. The Dictionary, as iv miff Btttimi uiw I mm ii Tnfiroiiiiiiv m. edited in every detail, has been corrected in every part, and la admirably adapted to meet the larirer and severer requirements of a ireneratinn which demands more of popular philolnKical knowledge than any generation that tlie world hasever contained. It is perhaps needless to add that we refer to the dictionary in our Judicial work an of the hia-hest authority In accuracy of dettni tion: and that In the futureas Inthe paat it will be the source of constant reference. CHARLES C. KOTT, Cki.f jortle. LAWRENCE WELDOM, ijspa, JOHN PAVIS, aSbjA STANTON J. pm.LB, '"m CHAKLLS a UOWKlK Jaf. The ooom rtfert to WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE GRAND PRIZE (thehlirhest award! was Riven to the Interna tional at the World's iair, St. Louis. GET THE LATEST AND BEST lou irfJI be tnfrretfMtnour specimen page, sr titre. a&CMERRIAM COn PUBLISHERS, SPRINGFIELD, MAM. I WDlTtn 1 w ' " . ' ' T V ' i ft ' 1 A- ' ' ' f, BELT & CHERRINGTON, Dallas, Oregon. H "Watt's U V sV im war V M m ev a Grandfathers knew whal BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT will do. A CONVINCING PROOF CURE of the worth ol! a medicine is the cures it can effect. Everv one who has used Ballard's Snow Liniment knows that it wiil KntumAiism, curs, sprains, STIFF JOINTS. BURNS. NEURALGIA, CONTRACTED MUSCLES AND ALL PAINS. USED SNOW LINIMENT 10 YEARS. V. L. Settle, Richmond, Mo., writes:- "This is to certify that I have used your Snow Liniment for ten years for rheumatism, neuralgia, lame back, etc., and in every case it has rendered immediate relief and satisfaction." Avoid all Substitutes. Three Sizes 25c, 50c, $1.00 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO. 500-502 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. Sold and Recommended by STAFRIN DRUG COMPANY Laxal'vc mo Quinine r.-rr lWj nla. fas,!,, Tthlcta FRIEND TO FRIEND. The personal nave been cured of conafis anA Mz w berlain's Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and com merce over a large part of the civilized world. AN INSTANCE. tucy Suddrrth, of Lenoir, Jf. C, Had been troubled with irery bad couKh for over .year. Shesays: "Afriend 6oogM bottle of Chambkruu!,', Couch Jleuxdy. brought it to me and insisted that I should take it I did o Mid to my surprise it helped me. Four bottles ol it cured me of my cough." THE IEW IIEA ri TIE CRiEIKAL UUiTIYE PI I EUHEDY5 flXATIVE n OIIEYI AR IIstu tti levels r wf E9DSI STECF V I B 1 tt far tintu Ji j iwrw For Sale by Dmgjists. Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Storn ch. Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. rieasant to ta!s.e BIND Laxative Fruit Syrup Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches- It U guaranteed