Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, April 21, 1908, Image 2

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    Polk County Observer
rablisfcad farasl-Weekly at KM f Tear.
Stnetly in Advsne.
noml m MndlM matter March 1. 197.
at u boat otte at Delia. Oh, end lb
iUttlUaiMi Jsarea . ur.
DALLAS, OKEOOX. A rait 21. IM.
r " to build up Dallas u to PP
ronixt Dallas people.
Most of this talk about Democrats
registering as Republicans fjr tbe
purpose of defeating Republican can
d (dates is the Terlest staff and noo
sense. Where and who are the Demo
crats that bare registered as Republi
cans? Who are they here in Polk
county? We asked Clfrk Smith yes
terday how many Democrats bad reg
istered as Republicans, aad he said be
didn't know of any. Down In Port
' land the other day, we asked the same
question and were told that while It
was doubtless true that a few Demo
crats had registered as Republicans,
the rumor that any great number bad
so registered was likely one that could
not be verified by tbe records. One
man said he couldn't call to mind any
Democratic politician of Multnomah
who had so registered. Another
aid bethought tbe reports from Mult
Bomah county bad been overdrawn,
but that he had heard the Democrats
were registering as Republicans in
great numbers in Southern Oregon.
And so It goes. It is all rumor, and
very silly rumor at that Bo fore the I
primary, we beard that the Democrats
were registering as Republicans in
order that they might vote for Fulton,
who, It was claimed, they consldored
would be an easier candidate to defeat
In June than Mr, Cuke. Now, we
bear that they registered as Ilnpubll
cans for the purpose of nominating
Cake because tbey believed bo would
be a weaker candidate than Fulton.
Getting right down to facts, there Is
precious little truth in either report,
Scarcely half of the Democrats In Ore
gon registered at all, and half of those
that did register did not take Interest
enough In tbe election to vote.
What are we whining about, any
way? Are we men, or are we ml?
Here we have a state that gives Re
publican Presidents 30,000 majorities
and electa Republicans to nine-tenths
of tbe state and county offices, and still
wears wblnlngaround and cussing the
Democrats. Why, bless you, brethren,
tbe Democrats of Oregon would never
be beard of If we would only quit
advertising them. Republicans who
have worked themselves Into a big
sweat for fear George Chamberlain
may be the nest Senator from Oregon
are only making themselves ridicu
lous. Oeorge Chamberlain has no
more chance of winning tbe L'nlted
States Snnatorsblp In Oregon than
Bill Taft has of carrying Alabama, or
RIM Bryan, Pennsylvania. The Re
publican voters of Oregon are not
going to elect a Democrat to an office
neitin Importance to that of President
of the United States. An occasional
disgruntled politician, hero and there,
may go to the polls and vote against
his party, but such men will be few In
number. That 30,000 majority Is a
loyal majority. It Is not for a Demo
crat But we digress. We started out to
talk about tbe came of Mr. Fulton's
defeat and Mr. Cake's victory. Mr.
Fulton failed to win, not because the
Democrats wanted him defeated, but
because majority of his party deal red
the Domination of Mr. Cake. Mr.
Fulton was not defeated on person
alities, neither Is his defeat to be con
strued as a verdlot agaluat him by the
people on the charges preferred by
F. J. Honey. If the truth could be
known, It would be found that Mr.
Heoey's bitter attack aided Fulton
rather than Injured him. Mr. Fulton
la not lees popular with the people of
Oregon than be was at the beginning
of tbe campaign, and the feeling of
tbe voter is not so much against him
as against those Interests with which
be bad so long been Identified.
Mr. Cake's nomination was due to a
Dumber of causes. First and fore
moot, be was tbe champion of a prin
ciple that Is dear to the people that of
tbe election ol United States Senators
by a direct VoU. lie stood firmly by
this principle, earnestly adrocatlng It
throughout bis campaign, and never
walverlng from his allegiance to It.
t eeoi yz wjna w. ' , , ,k
w. r.r.AnoA hi M,r-; i . -i tk iilni of th -Jallv Seven" ""'
and dignified manner, never once ! skating dub have icsoed invitations
reporting to personality or abuse, but ! for the last skating party of the sea- j J
placing the principle before tbe man j soe, to be held at the Colosseum nek j
at ail times. A cleaner and more tomorrow night,
gentlemanly contest for office than j Dan Brown spent Sunday in
that between Mr. Cake aod Mr. Faltoa j mouth with bis wife, who has been
was never eond acted in Oregon, and quite ill forsome time. Mrs. Brown is
it Is a source of gratification to every improving, and it is hoped that she
true Republican to re Ret that nothing mSy soon be able to return to her home
was said or done by the friends of fn Dallas.
either candidate during the strenuous MUa M gheltoo and Miss Evan
and exciting campaign to prevent any Hart have been chosen as dele-
cbeerful and loyal support.
stamen ,.... I JfV
Use uxn: exHHtatwa toona aa one , j
"jm iiiuti tow aa one weed- Tor inaanee, i '
-i. M. iK eoeou aa two wonJ. ft
Tat aiuaia taarre la fcr l worts: mat . f v.
a adTrasMMti rroas 1 word to Intuitu ft
eociud u Uwofto; ma ieniMt Iron 1. , '.
u, woei. iaeiBBTt. u toooveJ X w oriJ. fl
tram w-jrja. it toaaied a worn, nc. j
lae trot loiionit ux !twoK"i usa- j ffft
fai bow .'.Kir ii u w iii. :7t - i
Complete Line
Dry Goods
Itgi 1 1 if
Complete Line
Furnishing Goods
W. Fulton, whatever else may be said
of blm, was never a sulker in bis tent
He will support Mr. Cake, aod so will
all of bis followers who are loyal to
Republican principles. Tbe next
United States Senator from Oregon
will not be a Democrat. He will be a
Republican. And his name will be
H. M. Cake.
inner) .,, i .k . f innee. J-31-a iodicaMa
Charles! K, is ? .".? JI.a
Tr irsrea od iWT t-l-U mdiote ttaai tbe
tiiat imutit ran until UK euatoaser oriwi it
Egga for Hatfhing.
Single Comb Buff Orpington eggs,
tl for 15.
-8-tf J. E. Bexzlet, Falls City.
Ton get the news while it is news in
the Twice-a-Week Observer.
Goats For Sale.
50 bead graded goats; iO nannies,
and 10 weathers. Chas. Rhude.
Geer finished the Congressional race
poor third. Wonder what "mis
cellaneous' office be will be looking
for next?
Brother Hammerly, editor of the
Yamhill Reporter, and candidate for
State Senator, was Number 23 on the
official ballot It will require pretty
strong argument hereafter to convince
blm that 23 Is a lucky number.
Team For Sale.
Weight 26' lbs ; good to work ; gentle
and sound. Price $300. Jcstis Hcsteb,
Dallas B. F. D. 2. Mutual phone
Blue 25. 3-27-tf
All parties Intending to buy imple
ments had bettor see F. J. Wagner
before making their purchases.
Tbe majority of the fruit trees in the
vicinity of Dallas have come into full
bloom within tbe past two or three
days, bsrely escaping the full effects
of last week's heavy rain storm, aod
tbe outlook for a good crop of prunes
and cherries this season Is now exceed
ingly promising.
Damon Bailey could Dot save bis
friend, Pythias Hodson. It Is only to
be regretted that Bailey Is a hold-over.
Had be been a candidate, be would
have fared even worse than Hodson.
The people of Multnomah county have
had all tbey want of tbe Bailey-Hod-
son-Beacb-Ferdlnand Reed sort of
Polk county will bo given a full page
In the Oregon booklet to bo distributed
at the Alaska-Yukon-Paolflo Exposi
tion. The advertising will be abso
lutely free, and thousands of copies
will be given away during the Fair.
The Observer editor has just completed
the write-up for tbe Polk county page,
and has forwarded the same to the
secretary of the Oregon Commission.
Items of Interest From the Records
in the County Offices
Briefly Told.
UuardlaoHhip of Ray Sevier aod
Orvllle Sevier, minors petition of
B. M. Ouy for guardianship of minors
granted ; bond filed.
tiuardlanshlp of A. luxldekopp, a
minor discharge of guardian entered.
Estate of Oliver R. Pickens, de
ceased ii poo petition, ordered that
certain real estate lie sold at private
sale, after giving notice required by
Estate of Amass J. Crolnor, deceased
report of sale of real estate filed ; set
for hearing on May S, at 10 o'clock
a. m.
Estate of Fred C. Raymond, deceased
petition for sale of real estate Died
and set for bearbig on June 2, at 10
o'clock a. m.
It U Campbell to II T Darter, 20
acres, t 8 s, r 5 w, 91100.
State of Oregon to Oeorge Baldwin,
420 acres, t S s, r 7 and w, f COO.
R C Ciaveu et uxtoTheodore Jacob-
son, IS acres, t s, r 8 w, lisio.
Ellen Sykes to John Sykes, CO acres.
1 7 s, r l w, s.-touo.
John Roblnon to E D Ressler, land
In Monmouth, 1 74.
C W Leonard et ux to J L Murdock
et ux, 7 acrca, t 8 s, r 4 w, and Iota In
Monmouth, i'iim.
Lucy E Rowel! and hd to John Web
ster, lots In Dallas, liooo.
Carl J Swenson et ux to T P Janes,
160 acres, t 7 a, r I w, 94900.
Eebekab Assembly in Salem, May 1. 1 n. ui i to be arwi twi
me Dallas lodge lias been invitea to
put on the work on that occasion.
Mrs. Ira Stubblefleld left last week
with her father, J. Byerley, for
Sewport, where she will reside for
some time in hope of recovering her
health. She has been suffering with
lung trouble and found the climate In
this locality very unfavorable for ber
Tbe Commissioners' Court went to
Perrydale this morning and inspected
the Flan nery bridge near that place.
Tbe old structure is in a very bad
condition, and tbey purpose to install
a new bridge and make fills instead
of the long approaches which are so
expensive to keep in repair.
Tbe newly completed grade on tbe
tannery bill makes the heavy hauling
from tbe Dallas Lumber Company's
lumberyards much easier and will
be found an invaluable Improvement
when tbe city begins h aullng crushed
rock from tbe Boise farm, west of
Dallas, for tbe pavem ent of Its streets.
B. Stroup, of Woodward, Dallas
county, Iowa, wants to locate in Ore
goo. After much reading, be has
selected Polk county as tbe best county
in which to locate. He wants 40 acres
of land, with fair improvements, small
nouse and irult. Has any or our sub
scribers anything to suit him? Write
him, giving distance from town and
price of land.
Tbe Polk County Oil Company, after
being delayed for a long time by
unfavorable weather, has at last begun
the work of drilling for oil on tbe
farm of B. F. Whiteaker near Dallas,
and as the contract gives only four
months in which to complete the first
well, the question as to the presence of
oil In this vicinity will probably be
definitely settled by tbe first of Sep
Fred Wagner has lust Installed one
of the Barons horseshoeing devices. It
Is tne latest thing out ror snoeing
horses. lie has the best equipment
and can do the best horseshoeing that
Isdoueln the county. Ho has none
but tbe best of help, and therefore can
back up just what he eays. Just give
him a trial and be convinced. There
is no better work put out than Is put
out at bis shop. 4-21-St
At the meeting of the city council
last night a bid was presented by
J. w. Sweeney, a Portland contractor,
on the work of macadamizing the
more important streets of Dnlias. Mr.
Sweeney offers to do tbe work at $2 25
per cuhlo yard, excavation at 35 cents
a cubic yard, cement crosswalks at 18
cents a souare loot and wooden cross.
walks at 30 cents a lineal foot. A
special meeting of the council will be
held Monday night to take action on
this bid.
Oak Wood.
16-Inch grub oak beater wood for
sale. E. M. Cochbax. Leave orders
at Webster's confectionery store.
For Sale.
Loganberry plants for sale. Both
kinds. W. H. Kbabeb, Rlckreall, Or.
Independent Phone. 4-14-5t
In Dallas. A solid gold Woodman
watch charm. Finder please return
to H. C. Seymour. 4-17-tf
For Sale.
225 Egg Incubator and Brooder In
good condition. Can be seen In oper
atlon now. Address P. O. 311, Dallas,
jj In order to introduce our new and complete stock of
"Sincerity" Spring Suits on which we can save you $
from $3 to $5, we will give a nat iree. w
This hat will be your own selection from our stock. 2
Z Suits from $10.00 to $23.00. $
IS w
$ A 50c cap free with each boys suit, $1.75. to $4.00.
k A neat telescope shaped hat worth from $1.25 to $2.00 w
For Service.
Registered yellow Jersey bull for
service, two miles from Dallas on
rialem road. R. T. Piebce. Mutual
phone, Rlckreall line, 61. 2-28-tf
Joe Eehoe, who recently resigned
his place as engineer on the Portland-
Corvallisrun on tbe West Side and
whose place was taken by J. H.
McQuade, for many years engineer on
the Dalian-Portland freight, Is one of
the oldest and best known engineers
on tbe roads of the Willamette Valley.
He retired after having passed the 70
year agn limit and Is now a pensioner
of the company be has served so long
and well. John Franzon, formerly of
Dallas, will take the place on the Cor
vaills freight which was formerly
occupied by J. H. Hayes, who suc
ceeded McQuade to the Dallas run.
Mrs. Robert Howe and Miss Mini
liugnea have gone to California for a
visit. Tbey made the trip from Port
land to San Francisco by boat
W. II. McDanlol was able to be out
of doors yesterday, for the first lime in
many weeks. He will soon be entirely
recovered from his recent severe Ill
Dr. O. D. Butler, of Independence,
went to Falls City ynrterday, to attend
Dr. Phandhoefcr who la seriously 111
with blood poisoning In one of bis
Notice to Contractors.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
bids for the construction of three
bridges, one 100 foot span with 80 feet
of approaches, one 60 foot span with
30 feet approaches, and one 45 toot
span with 30 feet approaches, these
bridges to be steel structures; bids
will also be received for the construc
tion of three wood bridges, same as
those specified above, also for making
four fills aggregating about sixteen
thousand cubic yards of dirt Bids
will be received by tbe County Clerk
of Polk County up to May 2, 1908 at
at 10 o'clock a. m. Certified check for
five per cent of bid will be required
with each bid aod party obtalolng
contract shall execute an approved
bond for performance of contract
Bids to be opened by tbe County Court
on daw and at time above mentioned.
reserving tbe right to reject any or all
bids. Plans and specifications may
be seen at office of County Clerk on or
before April 27, 1908.
4 Si lt County Clerk.
Special Sale of Shingles.
On Friday aod Saturday, April 24
and 25, we will sell standard grade
shingles at $1.95 per thousand ; cement
at $3.90 per barrel. Soeuben Wabe-
houhe Co. 4-l7-2t
Farm For Sale.
Good 300-acre dairy aud stock farm,
two miles from railroad ; good grass
and farming land ; plenty of running
water: good house and barn and
sheds. Call on or address James A
Giiwom, Sheridan, Or., R. F. D. 1.
Help Wanted.
A few energetio men to travel and
demonstrate an article of great merit
that is needed in all homes, business
bouses, factories, eta Address
4-2-8t L. A. MATHEWS.
Dallas, Oregon
Mohair Pool Saturday.
All goat raisers having mohair on
hand must report it to the Mohair
Association by 10 o'clock Saturday
morning April 25, if tbey desire to
have their produce entered in the pool
to be sold In the afternoon. 2t
Wool For Sale.
Do you need wood? We want to
remind you that tbe block wood from
the Willamette Valley Lumber Com
pany's f awmlll Is the best and cheap
est wood you can buy. $1.75 per load,
delivered. Mutual phone 1407, or leave
orders at Webster's confectionery
11-22-tf. BOWMAN BROS.
Train No. 4. Lrar Inaeprndrnrc (l.lly.e 00
a. to.; Iv. Mouinututi,fi:i&a. w.; ar. lallaa, 6:4U
Train Ke. a. Un Indrnendnxv. ri.llr
lO Mia m.; It. Iluuniuuik, ll.ui a. m.: ar. Hal
laa. II .Hit. m.
Train Ko. 70. Iara Int1rwn,1in rf.ilv
s p. m.; It. Mouuiouib, i:du p. m.; ar. IMllaa.'
p. IB,
with each boy suit from $4.50 to $7.00.
Beginning Wednesday, April
Lasting 10 Days
Dallas Mercantile Co.
Successor to Ellis & Keyt
71 993?99999399M
"" BUTTER- j y
I'""-mt- tt 5) -Vfir
in tbe goat line won't do to spread
bread with. For cookiDg, pastry, pan
cakes and bread, you want
HWe have It and it's low In price.
Butter that's strong enough to argue
with you, or do stunts, you can get at
other grocery stores, but not ours.
Try ours and smile and be happy.
Phones : Bell 63, Mutual 314.
far ckildrmnt ft, awes. JVa mptatmt
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby alven that hT nnlor nf tht
County Court ol Polk County, Oregon, duly
nude and entered on the 17tii day of March,
1MW, the undersigned whi dulv annmntt!
uminihiraior or tue eitate ot Keuben T. Barn
ard, deceaaeU; and all perttona having claiina
niiiiu uie Miu eaiaie are nereor notined to
present their reanectlve claims, under oath.
wiiu uic priier voucnera, wnnin tux month!
from the date of thia notice, tn the mirferaiirnml
adminiitrator. R. K. I). No. 2, Salem, Oregon.
Dated thia the JOth da of .March, 1.
Administrator ol the estate of
Keuben T. Barnard, deceased.
Between Meat
and Toilet
there's a whole host of excellenttbings
here. Only a catalogue could give
names and prices of all the
WARE In this remarkably complete assort
ment '
The woman who dearly loves a bar
gain will And much cause for satis
faction here.
Just come and get our prices and
you will be convinced that this is a
Right Price Shop.
W. H. ROY $ CO.
Dallas, Oregon
Oscar Hayter,
Upstairs In Campbell building, Uill St.
Sibley & Eakin,
The only reliable set or Abstracts la
Polk county. Office on Court St.
Ed. F. Cod,
Office In Courthouse
Administrator's Notice.
Needs purifying and your whole system renovating in the
spring, as pimples boils, eruptions, loss o appetite and that
tired feeling annually prove. 4
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the most effective mcdic'ne ever
devised for the complete purification of the blood and the
complete renovation of the whole system.
It will make you feel better, look better, eat and sleep
better and give you the best possible preparation for the hot
days of summer, as over 40,000 people have testified in the
last two years. Today buy and begin to take
Mood's Sarsaparilla
TJiujJ form, liquid, or tn UbSt form, called SarsaUha, 100 Do Hi.
For Sale.
10 Acres, well fenced for Ooats, 16
acres Cultivated.
4 Acres of bearing. Apples, Prunes,
Pears, Cherries.
room bouse, Barn 90i40 ft Good
well, I springs, and stream of spark
ling water, the entire year.
A lot of flna Timber. Tell me If this
Is not real snap.
Two, 10 sere homes. In U City, at
Also have Farms and City Property
too numerous to mention aod vacant
1st door wer of IWoffios. I
The cost of goo3 tea is
so very little : only a third
cf a cent a cup! a cent-and-a-half
or two cents
for the family breakfast I
Taw saraf sasaa aaa
k trauma Saat. m aa luaa.
' I raa aO
Train Ko. C7. Lmt lmi.timi.nM
7 a. aa.i It. Monmouth, ;.u a. as.; ar. Alrliel
ic a. IB.
Train No. 7X LaaTe Independence, dally, J
a. as.; Iv. Monmouth, I ju a. as.; ar. Airlie,
p. m.
roa aoaaocTa oklt.
Indepandenoa, dally, i: p. as.
No. 101 am Tea Monmouth 7.ao a. as.
oa ixDsranDtiscB.
Train K. as. Lear Pallaa. dally . Sunday,
S ia as.: 1 Monasaata, i.;i4a.aa.; ar. lude
peiHtonoe. 1J a as.
Traia No. ail. l. Pallaa. Sunday only, i St
a at.; ar. Independence, ;.ju a. an.
Trala No. at. Lean Pallaa. dai y. I p. as : It
ohnuath, 1 as p. aa.: ar. Imleindenca, 1 a) p.
(1 ba uau euanec-ia at Muoaaouia lor Air-
Trala No 71 Laara Pallaa. sally. T p.
It. Mouaaouth, p. as.; ar. ladepcndeDoa, 14
Trata Xe St. I ear. Alrlla. Sally. a aa.: It.
wa..i;ih, v a. as ar lnMletiMiMirw a -a
a as. (Thia train oianarta at MoaaMatklur
Iml Ual
)alB No. 71. lmrm Alrtfaa .11. l a. .
'". avas.i ar. laeprM!
Tra'B No. !lr) teatea Atr'.af 4 S p ca. rn.T
ol, " In, (.aaaaatk i J p. aB. arriTaa lad
Pmkv a a, p. as.
tTea Moaaaatalk fc r l rt l a h
I wp. ta.
TTOtirt aT Law
J. L. Colli xs
Mio Stm, Kear Ptwtoffios
Notiee la hereby elven that the nnderaiirned
haa been duly appointed admlniatrator of the
eelate of Stanley Brown, deceased. tiT the Conntv
lotirtol Hoik County, (Ireaon, and haa qnall
Bwl. Now. therefore, all ueraona havina claiina
against aaid estate are hereby notified aud
required to present the aame, with the proper
vourhera, to the underii(net at his place of
residence near Alrlle, in Polk Conntv, Orerou
H Inn six months from the date hereof.
Dated April 2, lssri.
Admlniatralor of the eataleof
8tauley Brown, deceased.
If you want a good home in Dallas
with lots of fruit and fine sandy gar
den, see H. G. Campbell tf.
Notice to Creditors.
A fine home of 8 rooms, rich sandy
land, plenty fruit aod grapes; one
acre or more of ground, in edge of
ICO acres will sell in 40-acre tracts ;
only 3) miles out ; fine fruit land.
92 acres fine fruit land, 4 miles of
Monmouth; nearly all cleared, at a
bargain, best ot terms.
Some good bargains in farms and
smaller tracts. Could take some city
property as part of purchase price.
are not greater than our ability to fill
them. From complete sets of
to single pieces and the little things
required for repairs we can supply the
goods that will give satisfaction.
The leather used in the making of
this harness ia genuine leather not
the Imitation stuff that has no strength
or durability.
The cost is not great but the value
Dallas Harness Shop
F. SalficHy, Prop.
Notice ia hereby jrlven that the nnderalrned
haa been duly appointed adminlatratrix i
oi ne eeiaie ol Albert . rowler
deceased, by the Connty Court ot the Slate of
Orcaon, tor folk oauly.and haaqualiSed
All persona hailne rlaima asaiust the said
estate are hereby notified to preaeut the aame
duly Terltled. together with the DmMtrMi.hu
therelor. to the undemgtied at her ren.leuce '
i-anaa, in Haiti touniy, WlthlD Six months
from the dale ol tht notice.
Oaied and Sim published April J. 1
Administratrix of tbe ealate of
. A"" W. Foaier.deceaaed.
Oscar llsyter, A turner.
la the Circuit Court of the Stale of Orcaon
tor Polk County. Ik-partmecl No i
Dekndaat'' , !"""r- T- "rTr s- HalL
T Harry S H,l!. th-ahoTe-namcd deferKlant:
la the Name of tbe M.leW tfeeeoji. Yoa arc
swreby re,itilred u appear and aitaner the com.
piainl del aaalnat Tea la ih. .n.,...
Court and suit wlihla ail weeks frosi tb date
.I the first pobllcatioB of thia auraraona to-wtt
or before the Mi day ol Mae. !n: and if
IH.'J m,,U m"mrt- wani thereof in
pUlnufl will apr.ly to aaid Court foe a decree aa
peered for la Mid mnip.alBl, to-wit That the
anarruurecru,ira,.t Bowaod kerrtoture eit.tine
7,". 'M defendant ba forever '
anaullrd and duanl.ed : that WalMUfTa nu vrn i
. -"...ii. mm reasorea to her-
Bd that plaiBilS may hare such other reisef aa
to the Court Buy areas Just and equitable)
This snmwtofia. be su oMer of the Hon. Fa
r bd. cubit Jmtre of Polk CemntT. ctrnrV
male at h.wihera at lia.kM. tkrewv. eVtbe
Mlh day of Merck ie, I. rrd ipo rtv. bT
ll" aer-w skk lesa than enrw ,
-r for ai CMntl.t weeat iVBilteT
pTKW tO IN k M , ia tfc, L
Cw,ty tihaerei-."- a wee!y Brar.r4-T M
reoaeal nrra anea sohuht i. .a ,'Z7 .
Pik. lae d.w n the r pab-ioiuoa ol lh
aasaavoaa ss Marek M. Itt
nrAR BATTnt.
Aihwaey lor Piaul.
Electricity for Lighting
Is only expensive to people who are
wasteful and careless. To yon, who
are naturally careful, it does not
come high.
I economical because It can be quickly turned off wnen not needed.
With gas or kerosene there is the temptation to let light burn when
not needed to save bother of lighting and adjusting. I o some homes
the electric light bills amount to only one or two dollars per month.
Jou can probably get some kind of artificial light for le-a money
tban electric light, but does it saTe yoa aovthing when it limits op
portunities for work aod recreation ruins your eyesight emokes
your wallsmars decorations and Increases "household work. ITou
could probably sare a dollar tomorrow by poing without your meals
but it wouldn t beeoooomy. It Is Dot so much what you saTt but
how you save that counts.
lhbKHPlE ,VLLEY - RATES-Reeldenoa on mera, pej
b s7 r rfnir- flat Jr roonth- lspP RATES FOB
JL, Vn h B2 hEsrfcc Pr drop aod tc per Kilowatt ap to 10 drops ;
SrL ?-irops per drPJ Sc per Kilowatt op to 40 drops ; over 40
pf-li0 P ao1 40 fr Kilowatt. A drorl flgurea l(cp or
5?J.!ZYC F' tb offl- We are always ready to explain
the ins ana ouu4 of the lighting proposition to you. call on us or
phone to as, we are atrer to busy to talk bueioese
Willamette Valley Company
E. W. KEARXS, Manager for Dallas.
0Mu'tulu"7tmrt' 1U,t Borth of Co,,rt HMW0- Thoatm R'U W.