Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, February 18, 1908, Image 4

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    f; ,?1 FINISHINGCATTLi: j? ' XS lf
rl,.h rerl f fjf? ' '"x S
"B my
mutt mmi w -. .. i n ly I 1
a i
gapaclallr need "Nature's Remedy" (MR Tabids); nsed IttoUketlmltheu.
toatlam out of their Joints; ned It to Icfp tti'ilr 8tuma.:lj, Liver, Kidoeys
and Bowel In good order) need It for the itreugth and vl-r It glvei.
Let " NATURE'S REMEDY " B3 Tour Doctor.
Take a tablet now and then; It will kep yonr ytm In anch Rood
condition that diseases cannot take bold. Ever box la guaranteed to
give satisfaction, or tha purchaas price refunded.
Better Than Pills For Liver Ills I
GET A 25: SOX.
a M . .
1 a 1
Initiatives of
The Dairy.
Tin; white -o'.v Is figuring aiiiuiii;
lti fiilit-k't; of the dairy folk ju:t DOW.
In Ayrshire, cows tlint are nearly ail
white lire eKpechilly popular with Ca
nadian mid Lnsll.th lireeilers. A herd
of nearly white Ayrn!iires, hwtdeil by
the bull Lcfiniwsork King of I'.eauty
l'JTCS, taken lirst prized nt leading
Cniiadiun fair iiml in now owned nt
Pen hurst farm. .Montgomery county.
BELT & CHERRINQTON, Dallas, Oregon.
Why will p opie continue to sutler the
Agonies of. kidney complaint, backache,
urinary disorders, lameness, headaches,
languor, Why allow themselves to be
come chronic invalids, when a certain
cure is offered them?
Doan's Kidney Pills is the remedy to
use, because it gives to the kidneys the
help they need to perform their work.
If you have any, even one, of ihe
symptoms of kidney diseases, cure your
self now, before diabetes, dropsy or
Brixht's disease sets in.
Mrs. L. Ilodson, of 7J7 Aura St.,
Pendleton, Ore., says: "I just as en
thusiastically endorse Doan's Kidney
Pills today an I did nearly three yearn
ago. Thevrelieved meof kidney trouble
which had bothered me for a consider
able time. There was aching pains
across the small of my back and down
through my kidneys, which were aygri
vated by colds which settled in the back
and loins and caused an awful lameness
an. . . -. , ,
iuio wan my conumon wnen l began
taking Itoan's Kidney Pills. This rem
edy banished the backache and painH
through the loins, regulated the kidney
secretions and removed every. symptom
of the trouble, From that day to this
there has been no recurrence, and I give
Doun's Kidney Pills all the credit. J
consider them to be the best kidney
remedy procurable and recommend
them whenever the occasion arises,"
For sale by all dealers. Price 00 cents.
Poster-Milburn Co.,Hnflalo, N. V.,sole
agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doans and
take no other.
Weaning the Pigs.
Little pigs should be encouraged to
eat at as curly an age as possible. The
fencing off of a part of the pen la
such a way as to make It possible for
the young ones to get Into the lnclo
sure, but Impossible for the sow, and
placing therein a flat, shallow trough
containing sweet, new whole milk will
be found of great value In this connec
tion. The most scrupulous cleanliness
must be observed, however, or serious
digestive troubles are likely to result.
In a short time skim milk may be
gradually substituted.
The Standard of the Herd.
In starting a herd one thing should
not be forgotten. A superior boar
may be used on Inferior sows with
good results, but the use of an Inferior
boar on sows of high quality will have
a disastrous outcome. The one method
raises the standard of the herd, the
other Inevitably lowers It.
..a I,
: : A
Three-quarters of coffee
is such that we can't
touch it; we make five
grades of the top quarter.
your (iroct r returns your money If you don'l
like Sl bill inir's licit; we pay liim.
I'd. It is claimed for the bull that his
record as a prize winner and sire of
prize winners is unequaled; also tha
lie bus the distinction of selling for the
highest price of the breed at auction.
The color of Ilolsteins In general i;
black and while, spotted or mottled in
picturesque inequality on the body
but i popular type of this leading
dairy bleed gives predominance to the
wlilfe. as seen in the handsome IIol
stein sire shown in the cut, Canary
Mercedes Alban a.'M". He was sired
by Count Colantha Aiban 25148, his
dam being Canary Mercedes, and Is
owned at West Ediueston, X. V.
A Bulletin Beard.
An Illinois creamery butter maker
lias found the use of a bulletin board
to be an excellent means of waking up
his patrons to vital problems In dairy
ing. On his first board he placed such
Items as Ihe butter market, dairy end
In to news, the weather forecast, etc,
lie says In Creamery Journal:
"Every day for a week I changed
these Hems. Then for about four days
I let them remain the same, and my
patrons began to howl. They wanted
something now. The buttermaker gets
richly repaid for time spent In erect
ing and caring for a bulletin board at
least I feel that I have. I get my
dairy clippings and dairy Items from
dairy papers and the weather forecast
from the dally. Just to give von an
Idea of what was doing I print below
my lust bulletin:
W. J. Fi-usi r, chief of dairy husbandry.
Cnlvi-raity of Illinois, says that twenty
f!vc kihxI cows will make as much nroflt
poor cows. Think of It! The
Rood cowa netted a profit of
ua 1,0:1
,.S In 0110 year.
The personal recommendations of people who
have been cured of coughs and colds by Cham
berlain s Cough Remedy have done more than all
else to make it a staple article of trade and com
merce over a large part of the civilized world.
Lucy Suddretli, of I.cnoir, N. C had been troubled with
very bad cough for over u year. She savs : " A friend
bought a bottle f CnAMiiKKt.Ai.Vs Co'tv.11 Ki:mk:v,
brought it b ute and insisted that I should take it. I did
to and to my surprise it helped me. l our bottle of it
cured me of my couyh."
Yon stand around and wonder
If the creamery's Kolng to pay;
You'd better Just rull up your alecvoe
And no to maklr.K hay.
TluTe's money In the creamery "biz"
For men with brains and grit.
If you seek to win by other means
Your riches will bo "nit."
Went tier: t"alr and warmer tomorrow.
, National Show For Canada.
In the effort to Inaugurate a national
dairy hIiow, to be lirst held at Toronto
next January. Canadian breeders and
tlalry f tinners have formed an organi
zation of which Mr. I. C. Steele Is
president and Mr. A. J. Reynolds of
.scuihoro Junction Is secretnrv-trens
Get Rid of the Culls.
When the young stock Is suniclently
ixiauireu so mat It Is not dllllcult to
Judge the quality the appearance of
the Hock Is much Improved by getting
ria or tiie culls at this season. Culls,
oiu or young, are not good. They take
up room that the other fowls need In
order to do well and attain fine devel
Food Hoppers For Fowls.
Villi good food hoppers well sun
piled with dry mash and a good grain
ration you would only need to go to
th houses once n day to gather the
eergs mid see that everythlnir Is sll
riKnt, ami one good man could take
rare of four or five thousand Mrrla
for In that way.
housed and cared
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For the general news of tiie
World also for infbrina-f ion about
liow -to obain ilie best results
in cultivating the s-oil. Stock
Raising, Fruit Growing tc.
You can secure this excellent
What Every Feeder Wants to Know
About Methods.
Two methods of finishing beef cattle
which stand out most prominently are
those known as stall feeding and graz
ing. In one Instance the cattle are
placed on feed In the early autumn and
pushed vigorously until ready for mar
ket. In the other case they are fed a
little more than maintenance ration,
the idea being to carry them through
the winter as cheaply as possible and
finish them on grass the next summer.
This method finds favor in all sections
where crazing Is abundant, while stall
feeding must be resorted to in those
localities where grass is difficult to
The relative merits of these two sys
tems of finishing cattle is a matter
of grave economic Importance at the
present time. The stall feeding of cat
tle can only be successful from a finan
cial standpoint when the animals are
handled on a minimum grain ration
and fed some form of roughness that
will be highly palatable and act as a
satisfactory substitute for grass.
Stall Feeding Versus Grazing.
At the Virginia experiment station
stall fed-cattle were given silage, hay
and stover, with different forms of
corn combined with cottonseed meal,
the object being to determine the ef
fect of a succulent ration on the fat
tening process and the best form in
which to feed corn with cottonseed
meal. Grazed cattle were fed on dif
ferent forms of roughness, some of a
succulent aud some of a nonsucculent
nature, for the purpose of comparing
the residual effects of these foods
where animals are finished on grass.
It has been thought by many that cat
tle fed on a succulent ration and
grazed would not do well, a belief
which is not borne out by the experi
ence of the past year. The experi
ments In this instance were so planned
that a comparison of the coat of feed
ing cattle In the stall aud on grass
could be made, and the deductions 'jus
tified by the experiments cannot fail
to be of special value to all who are
Interested in the production of beef.
Some of them are as follows:
Results of Experiment.
It appears that cattle can be handled
advantageously as stockers and finish
ed on grass on a margin of 25 cents
where silage or stover or other inex
pensive forms of roughness are used
during the winter. Mixed hay proved
so expensive that there was a loss with
It on a margin of 50 cents.
The cost of a pound of grain with the
stall fed cattle varied from 7.33 to 0.01
cents; with the stocker cattle from
12 or 0.(51 cents. It cost, therefore,
nearly twice as much to make a pound
of gain on the stall as where the ani
mals were finished on grass.
The cost of maintainintr a stocker
through the winter varied from $7.90
with the stover fed group to $10.21
with the hay fed group. The average
for all groups was if 10.01.
The cost of finishing a feeder varied
from $22.33 to $25.82, or more than
twice as much as It cost to carry over
a stocker. The difference In food cost
is largely offset, however, by rent of
The deductions to be drawn from the
experiments with feeders are as fol
lows: Feed a small grain ration, not
over two pounds per head per day to
commence with, and increase it grad
ually until the cattle are ultimately
consuming fifteen pounds per head per
nay. a liberal ration of silage should
be fed throughout the test, decreasing
me amount consumed toward the close
or the feeding period. Only a mini
mum amount, not over two to four
pounds, of stover or other dry inex
pensive tornis of roughness need be
It would appear that silage may con
stitute the chief source of roughness
for stockers; that a grain ration of two
pounds per head per day is sufficient to
insure their making substantial and
profitable gains during the whiter; that
the best results will be obtained when
tho ration consists of equal parts of
corn aud cob meal and cottonseed meal
or some other food rich in protein.
the Devon is a
throughout, except a tuft of long white
hair in the brush of the tall. The back
Is straight, broad aud covered with a
thick layer of flesh. The horns are
rather long and slender; size would be
classed as medium. In this breed the
beefiDg nml milking qualities are
developed. The steers, while not large,
are quick, easy feeders.
Good Words For the Devon.
The Devon as a two purpose cow
gets some Strong testimony from farm
ers and practical dairymen. One of
the former says in American Cultiva
tor: Along in the eighties in Ohio we bad
some Durham cows, and the first frost
they would get a how in their backs
and get poor and bawl for more feed,
so they did not suit me. aud I thought
I would try the little Devon. I just
bad money enough for one cow. I put
her by the slrfe of the Durhams. and
she made more butter aud got fat on
one-half the feed the Durhams got.
We then disposed of all the Durhams.
Then we tried the Jerseys - giving
thorn a fair trial but they would not
come to the place with Devons in mak
ing butter or milk to our satisfaction.
So we gave them up. Then we caught
the Ilolstein fever, and that was worse
than ever. She gave plenty of milk,
but it would not test with the Devons.
She would eat as much feed and hay
as any three Devons we had in the
barn. We now have no other cattle
but the Eubics aud will stick to them,
as they have lifted us out of some very
tight places.
Another Devon enthusiast writes:
Being fine milkers aud their milk of
Huby Beauties
Of Dual Merit.
t?A J?!
Ihem if vn
A cough or cold is generally a forerunuer of ma ny serinr,
sick spells. It should not bo neglected, the human breal S
uy stem is a combination of tubes and cells, which must 1,
kept in order to insure good health. 010
Ballard's Horehound Syrup
Cured of a Chronic Cough.
J. II. Ellis, Butte, Mont., writes: "1 cheerfully rcom
mend Ballard's Horehound Syrup to all peoplo altiieted
with chronic coughs. I suffered for years with a chronic
cough which would last all winter. Ballard's Horehound
gyrup ellected an immediate and permanent cure."
25c, 50c and $1.00.
Ballard Snow Liniment Co.
500-502 North Second Street, - ST. LOUIS, M0., I
Sold and Recommended by
1 1 ,1
i1? - ASfeil
J--t fc LI
Devon bull owned hy A. F. Bronson,
Vernon. N. Y.
excellent quality, th&ir flesh tender
and of fine liber and the fat well mar
bled with the lean, they are especially
adapted to the requirements of either
the grazier or the dairyman. About a
year ago James Wood of Westchester
county, N. v., and Dr. J. Chetson Mor
ris of Westchester, Pa., after making
careful tests of the milk of the dairy
breeds selected the Devons for their
dairies. They found the Devou milk
superior to all other for the production
of a perfectly balanced milk for city
consumption and obtained the highest
prices. Some years ago a celebrated
chemist reported milk from the Devon
to be the best milk to raise babies on,
as it had more sugar in it and nearer
the milk of the baby's mother.
Resistant to Ticks.
There are three breeds of cattle that
promise to bp valvule to the growers
or Deer in u.. Miinn ui.u mviii 10
stand the ticks better than the true
beef breeds. They suffer from tiie ticks
as do dairy cattle, but actual losses are
rare. These breeds are the Ayrshire,
the Devons and the Ited Tolls. I have
seen cattle of all these breeds lu Teu
nessee, (leoigia. North Carolina and
Alabama, and they seemed to be thriv
ing well with ticks on them. Of courft?
they were not as fat as c.lttle should
be, but they looked to be good enough
to try. The three breeds are In that
class that Is recognized as dual pur
pose. Often the cows are very strong
milkers, and there Is fair beef con-J
formation. Of these the Ayrshire 13
somewhat tiie roughest breed and not
large. The Devons are beautiful cat
tle of dark red color, with very long
horns. They are small, but quite good
in beef type and very hardy.
I have visited two or three herds of
Devons lu Georgia and find them la
good conditlou, considering the feed
and pasture. Southern Planter.
w,th Dr. Sing's
H017 Discover.
Cottonseed Meal For Cows.
Professor John Miehels of Ciemson
college. South Carolina, claims that
when the health of cows is unfavora
bly influenced by cottonseed meal It Is
In all probability due to one or more
of the following causes: (1) Feeding
the meal In conjunction with unsuita
ble roughage, (2) feeding il In a stale
or musty condition and (3) feeding it In
excessive quantity. The composition
of cottonseed meal and wheat bran
shows the former to be more than
twice as rich in nutrients as the latter.
FAR roycHS
Mr k SI M
Trial Bottle Fret
r-Ma W I1, fj$iv ' '
r l?lkflal
A'torxev AT Law
Notary Pnsuc; Abstracts
Mill Street opposite TTHnw m.i
v ( . 1 . VJ W a ,
Troubles of Young Pigs.
Among the early disorders of sninll
ls is mumps, tnat trouble that al
ways takes the prettiest and best and
the ones we fancy for the show rim?
This trouble can better be avoided
tnan treatment when once acquired.
I have tried a number of so called
remedies, but there is not oue of them
that I would recommend. Continual
watchfulness is what counts here r.v.
ery pig that shows a tendency to get
too fat should lie made to exerciso
and if this cannot be done sufficiently
It should be removed from the sow
and kept away at least a nart of on,.i,
day. Treated in this way they will be
reduced in fLsh. and when flint u
done the danger will be past.
Jsext will be scours, the most com
mon OUd tho most destructive r n
the pig disorders. Among the causes
are a sudden change to damp weather,
wet aud foul nests, overfeeding the
sow. a sudden change of feed or feed
ing something sour.
In our ow n work when a pronounced
i ve nppears we tlrst clean the nest
! thoroughly, theu apply air slaked lima
j and give fresh bedding, then reduce
the sow's feed and give her a teaspoon-
, fill of lime or connera 1.. - !
where the trouble eems to originate ! DALLAS.
with the sow we tw,i lm .... I
burnt flour or parched corn. In ob-' rt .
situate cases, those that will not yield Un3l-nUicCOUr!lCuPP
to the usual treating fn- t . . ""id" UUre
. -v u.ii 1 uiM,er
direct to the pig a dose of from thred
to Ave drops of laudanum.- Harvey
Johnson, Iowa.
Cures Biliousness, Sick
Headache, Sour Stom
ach, Torpid Liver and
Chronic Constipation.
Pleasant io taRe
Cleanses the system
thoroughly and clears
sallow complexions of
pimples and blotches.
It is Kuaranteed
For Sale by STAFRIN DRUG CO. Dallas, and M. THOMPSON, Falls City.
Laxative Fruit Syrup
Office over Wilson's ) rug Store
Early Risers
The famous little oills.
Office in Cooper Buildinc.
Attorney at law
J. L. Collins
Main Street, Near Postoffice
Oscar Hayter.
Upstairs in Campbell building. Mill St
DALLAS, nm-.,
Sibley & Eakis,
The onlv rpiiahi
Pr.iv 1 "rl vl -"ostraets is
Po'k county. Office on Court St
N. L. Butler,
Office over Dallas City Bank.
ftnllo il . .
Fiuuipuy answered day or night.
Fuller & Elliott
Only Real Estate firm in Polk County
handling Timber Laud exclusively.
Don't fail to call or write if you hsve
bave timber to sell.
Office in Crider Building
Dallas, - - Okeoon.
Phono 103
Mutual Phone 1306
Attorney at law
Ed. F. Coad,
Office in Courthouse
teacher of
-uu.o, noom No. 2, Wilson
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon
nas located in Independence
Give me a trial at
Farmers' Feed Yard. Phone Main 423
shut i
Subscribing for
The Polk County Observer
Both Papers for $2.25
Civt th Wtanling Exerciat.
IVm't keep the weanling colt3
up in stalls and standing on
wra "ll mo time. They need exer
cise In the open air and on the earth
every day to keep their limbs strong
nd their fvvt healthr.
Forcouohs, Colds and Croup.
Chamberlain's Coash Umpfo
U 'iviiivu I
Od whuoDinv r.,w '
a vugu.
If you want a
Find the big pole
and walk in.
We treat you right. .
Lynch SWisecarver
Main Street '
Chamberlain's Cough RW
Cores Colds, Croup and Wbuopmj Coa
Cures Colds. Crou;. and i
Oilm.l In Hor Fattenina.
larce hors f.v.!in.-r .-.oku.i.
.. .. ---a iouwusu.
acnt cluneal U fed when fattening
llors.es. It 3 claimed that It aids sreat-
v u 1'uuu-j on resa: also that
Jives the skin a soft, me'low tora.
iLarlv RicAMc
Tho famous liiae oills.
t-Jt-J fat, fii E.-jjis
w Piles Burna. Sore,.
I i
Curt Cold,. PrtSll
. i
J tn ---mm
1 -I Best far PMI4... .
For Sals by Druggists.
Iis signature is on every box of
Laxative BroraoQuininef
Ly2 LJ lei Gsttf Esusi Err Scf.ii j 3