Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, February 14, 1908, Image 3

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    Polk County Observer
Evangelistic services every evening
at the Christian churcn.
Dr. 0. A. Mock went to Portland
today for a short business visit.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Otis Byerley,
Sunday, February 9, a daughter.
Twn ta Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Lyons, Monday, February 10, a son.
S. E. Trask, of Falls City, was a
business visitor in Dallas yesterday.
Miss Edith Montgomery, of Falls
City, was a Dallas visitor, Wednes
day. John Bird has gone to St. Martin's
Springs for treatment for rheuma
tism. F.J. Coad and Joseph McOonnell
were business visitors in Falls City,
Floyd Myer has returned from Cor
vallis and is at his home severely ill
with the mumps.
Miss Winifred McNair, of Bandon,
is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Holman.
County Clerk E. M. Smith issued
license to wed to Harry Douglas and
Mary M. Guy, Tuesday.
Mis3 Bessie Clanfleld, of Salt Creek,
has been visiting at the home of her
friend, Miss Grace Gates.
Bom. Wednesday, February 12, to
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Raum, of McTim
roonds Valley, twin sons.
William Ridgeway, a prominent
farmer and stockraiser of Buell, was
a Dallas visitor yesterday.
The meetings at the Christian
church are attracting attention. Evan
gelist Conder is well worth hearing.
Mrs. J. C. Uglow and daughter went
to McMinnville, Wednesday, for a
short visit among friends and rela
tives. Miss Nellie Collins, of "Glenalder
Farm" near Falls City, is visiting at
the home of her parents, Judge and
Mrs. J. L. Collins.
Deputy County Clerk A. F. Toner
has recovered from his recent illness
and is able to be back at his place in
the Court House again.
Bead what U. S. Loughary's office
boy has to say in another column. He
will tell you something new each
week. Watch his space.
The Rev. McAllister, of McMinn
ville, will conduct preaching services
in the Baptist church in this city next
Sunday morning and evening.
The Polk County Mohair Association
will meet in the Courthouse at one
o'clock tomorrow afternoon for the
purpose of organizing a pool of their
The members of the Epworth
League, of the Methodist Church, will
give a social at Miss Olive Smith's
musio studio Saturday night. All
desiring to attend are cordially
J. A. Lawrenson, secretary of the
Lo?al Option Club," announces
a meeting of that association to be
held at the Court House, Thursday
afternoon, February 20, at 2 o'clock.
Mr. Knodell, of Portland, will be
present and will conduct the meeting
and all who are interested in the sub
ject of local option are invited to
A general Clean-up Sale all this week.
Broken line of
Waists, Skirts, Ladies' Coats
and Furs
at less than wholesale cost.
Remnants of Dress Goods and Wash Goods,
2 yard to 8 yard lengths must be cleared
out in this sale. Muslin Underwear display
at prices less than material would cost.
I. O. O. F. Building
The Dallas Skating team will leave
for Newberg tomorrow morning,
where it will play the return game of
basketball with the team of that city,
which was defeated in Dallas a short
time ago by a score of 28 to 8.
The following officers Jiave been
elected by the Y. W. C. A. of Dallas
College to serve during the ensuing
term: Miss Winnie Kelly, president:
Miss vera Uosper, vice-president
miss Alice Grant, secretary; Miss
Etta Phillips, treasurer; Miss Edna
Hall, Intercollegiate secretary.
The tax roll was completed last week
ana sneriff j. m. Grant and his
deputy, J. E. Richter, have been hav
ing strenuous times "sitting in the
receipt of customs," since Monday
morning, up to 3:30 o'clock yester
day afternoon, the total sum of taxes
collected since Monday amounted to
Mrs. Ida A. Kidder, a representative
or the Oregon Library Commission,
returned to Salem yesterday, after
four days' stay in. Dallas during
which she assisted Mrs. George
Uerllnger and Miss Jennie Muscott,
In cataloguing and classifying the
greater portion of the contents of the
Dallas Free Library. About 200
books are still out, but these will be
arranged according to the general
classification as soon as they are
returned, placing the library on a
sound and systematic basis.
A Call to Action.
Jtsy urgent request, I Hereby call a
mass convention of the Socialists of
Polk county to meet in the Court
House in Dallas, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m. Saturday, March 7.
Chairman of County Committee.
Call for Warrants.
, Notice is hereby given that all Polk
County warrants issued prior to
December 18, 1907, and indorsed "Not
paid for want of funds," (except War
rants Nos. 6285, 6297 and 6523,) will be
paid upon presentation at my office.
Interest on same will cease on and
after date of this notice.
1-28-tf County Treasurer.
Enjoyable Party.
The members of the Christian
Endeavor of the Evangelical Church
were entertained at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William Faull, Tuesday,
spending a very pleasant evening with
various games and music, a delicious
luncheon being served at the close of
the party. Among those present were :
Mr. and Mrs. William Faull, Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. Fisher; Misses Josie Faull,
Gertrude Kinney, Lillian Laurenson,
Josephine Armstrong, Edith Yates,
Tda Thompson, Winnie Kelly, Etta
and Eula Phillips, Freda Launer,
Emma Ridgeway, Depa Hoppe, Edna
Hall, Bessie Young,1; Edna Hayes;
Messrs. Clarence Reynolds, N. W.
Sager, D. M. Powers, Benjamin Phil
lips, D. M. Metzger and John Thomp
son. Why
get up In the morning feeling
Worry others and worry you ;
Here's a secret between you and me,
Better take Rocky Mountain Tea.
Belt & Cherrington.
A Reliable Place to Trade
Lady Members of Dancing Club Will
Give Elaborate Party on
March 18.
The ladies of the Carnation Dancing
Club held a meeting Wednesday even
ing, and chose committees on prepar
a-.'on for a "Leap Year" dancing
ptrty, to be given at the Woodman
Ha!l, Wednesday evening, March 18
It is the determination of those who
will manage the entertainment to
make it beyond comparison the most
brilliant social event of that nature
that has ever been held In Dallas, and
judging from the enthusiastic manner
in which they are going about the
business of preparation, it Beems most
probable that they will achieve their
No effort will be spared to make
every element that enters into the
entertainment as complete and perfect
as possible, from the details of the
hall decorations, to the personnel of
of the orchestra. Tom Stockwell who
has charge of arranging the latter
feature, promises an orchestra of
eight pieces, and the most complete
and up-to-date program of musical
numbers that can be prepared. The
tickets for the dance will be $1.60, and
will include the admission of the
couple to the dainty supper which will
be served during the evening
The work of preparing for the dance
has been placed in the hands of the
following committees, and knowing
their skill in arranging excellent
entertainments, the young man whom
they deign to honor with an invitation
to this party may well consider him
self fortunate.
Invitation, Mrs. G. N. Cherrington,
Mrs. W. L. Soehren, Mrs. Oscar Hay-
ter, Mrs. R. L. Chapman, Miss Maud
Robertson, Miss Flora McCallon.
Supper Mrs. H. L. Fenton, Mrs,
I. N. Woods, Mrs. A. F. Toner, Mrs.
Joseph Craven, Miss Meda Holman.
Decoration Mrs. Will Tatom, Mrs.
W. L. Soehren, Mrs. G. N. Cherrington,
Miss Floia McCallon, Miss Maud
Floor Managers Mrs. E. C. Rich
mond, Mrs. C. E. Shaw, Miss Edna
Simonton, Miss Ruth VanOrsdel.
Entre Nous Entertained.
Mrs. L. A. Bollman entertained the
young women of the Entre Nous Club
at her home Tuesday evening, with a
pleasant informal party. A short
business meeting of the club was held,
after which the remainder of the even
Ing was spent in various social amuse
ments, light refreshments being
served during the course of the enter
tainment. Those present were : Mrs.
L. A. Bollman, Mrs. W. R. Ellis, Mrs.
W. L. Soehren, Misses Nora Robert
son, Mina Hughes, Fannie Dempsey,
Maud Hart, Evangeline Hart, Ollie
Howe, Jennie Muscott, Ora Collins,
Maud Robertson and Effa Brown.
Fritz Osterwald, a preacher in the
Apostolic Mission, was brought before
Justice of the Peace Hardy Holman
yesterday, charged with assault with
dangerous weapon upon Miss
Zilphia Sneed, of North Dallas. He
was found guilty and sentenced to a
fine of $15 and costs, or seven and one
half days' Imprisonment, and accepted
the latter sentence. He put in most of
his time last night singing gospel
Dallas, Oregon
Well I've hired out to help run the
U. S. Loughary grocery store. I start
in as Office Boy. I have to help un
pack the new goods, keep the shelves
and boxes filled up, sweep out, clean
the windows, and write the ads. I
guess I'll earn' my five per all right
all right.
Honest, I think I'm going to like
my job. I like the looks of the cus
tomers, the people around the store,
the boss looks good to me and I've
been out of a job so long I'm actually
itching for a spell of work. The busy
season is on us, and I see by the way
the clerks are jumping around that I
won't have any excuse for growing
corns. Only forty minutes for lunch.
But say, they're calling me already.
College Outclasses Rink.
The First Team of Dallas College
defeated the Dallas Skating Team In
a game of basketball at the Colosseum
Rink, Tuesday night, easily scoring
66 to its opponent s 6. The rink team
although fast enough for anyone,
while on skates, was clearly out of its
class when it doffed the rollers and
tackled the husky college five afoot.
The college team will practice on- the
rink floor daily during the coming
week, desiring in this way to become
better accustomed to a large floor,, and
to be able to meet Corvallis on a more
nearly equal footing when the big
game is played in the O. A. C. armory
next week.
Program at Colosseum Rink.
Skating every afternoon and evening
at the Colosseum rink. Good music
Admission, skaters, 25 cents. Thurs
day evening's session will be reserved
for the skating clubs.
Wood For Sale.
Do you need wood? We want to
remind you that the block wood from
the Willamette Valley Lumber Com
pany's s-awmill Is the best and cheap
est wood you can buy. $1.75 per load,
delivered. Mutual phone 1407, or leave
orders at Webster's confectionery
11-22-tf. BOWMAN BROS.
Builds up waste tissue, promotes
appetite, improves digestion, Induces
refreshing sleep, giving renewed
strength and health. That's what
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will
do. 36c, Tea or Tablets. Belt & Cher
rington. Dallas Truck & Dray Company
Hubbard & Brown, Proprietors
Phone and stand at Belt & Cher-
rington's drug store. Bell and Mutual
Phones. All kinds of hauling Wood
for sale.
Legal Blanks at this office.
L, D. Brown, for Abstracts. Notary
Public; typewriting.
Dr. Donohoe, Dentist. Uglow Bldg
Room 1. Mutual Phone 1301.
The Obsebver office wants the print
ing you are particular about.
For the best cigars and freshest
candies, call on Horace Webster.
Dr. Hayter, Dentist. - Office over
Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon.
Money of private parties to loan at
6 per cent on well-improved farms.
Sibley & Eakin.
The Observer job printing office a
city printing plant in the best country
town In Oregon.
Legal blanks for sale at this office.
Patronize the new barber shop on
Main street. T. W. Reel, the proprietor,
guarantees first-class work.
Photos. Have baby's picture while
alive and well. Have family group
while together. T.J. Cherrington. 5t.
Barham & Winslow have several
farms for sale, on which they will
take city property as part payment
Box 367, Dallas. 1-14-tf
W. R. Ellis, agent for Daily Ore-
gonian and Evening Telegram. Have
a daily paper delivered at your house
by the week, month or year. No extra
charge for delivery.
If you suffer with Indigestion, con
stipation, feel mean and cross, no
strength or appetite, your system is
unhealthy. Hollister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea makes the system strong and
healthy. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Belt &
New York is too far
from Japan; San Fran
cisco is nearer.
Tsar rrocer return, roar bob? If tosj drat
8k Schilling's Bert; w pT his
TW fu
ll all
ll w
SP 00 sM MOWt
For Sale.
Good organ at half price,
of C. A. Bennett, Dallas.
Eggs For Sale.
Full blooded Plymouth Rock eggs
for sale at Veazie farm. l-31-8t
Mare For Sale.
Sorrel mare, 8 years old, for sale
very cheap. J. B. Nesmith, Rickreall,
Or. 1-21-tf
Shingles For Sale.
A carload of Star A Star shingles
received this week by the Soehren
Warehouse Co. 10-1-tf
For Sale Cheap.
First-class Grubbing Machine for
sale cheap. Inquire at this office.
Wood For Sale.
About 50 cords dry fir wood, at my
place two miles north of Dallas, or
delivered. F. M.. Robertson. 2-4-4t
For Sale.
Full blooded White Rock eggs. 15
for $1.00. Mrs. John Farley, Mutual
Phone, Oak 5.
Money to Loan.
I have money to loan on real estate.
F. J. Wells, Mutual Phone 552. Ad
dress Dallas R. F. D. 1. 2-3-6t
Fountain pen ; small black holder.
Finder please notify Dk. Mark Hay
ter. 2-14-2t
Cows For Sale.
Full blood and high grade Jersey
cows for sale.. A snap. W. W. TJix-
rey, Dallas.
All parties intending to buy imple
ments had bettor see F. J. Wagner
before making their purchases.
House Wanted. v
Wanted, furnished house, or part of
same of 3 to 5 rooms in Dallas.
Address Room 50, Aotlers Hotel, Port
land, Or. 2-14-2t
For Sale.
A fine $100 piarjo; a small square
piano ; fine 6$ by 8 camera with Bauch
& Lomb universal lens, and a Jersey
cow, all for sale cheap. W. E. Tay
lor, McCoy, Oregon. l-24-8t
Farm For Sale.
Good 300-acre dairy and stock farm,
two miles from railroad ; good grass
and farming land ; plenty of running
water; good house and barn and
sheds. Call on or address James A
Gibson, Sheridan, Or., R. F. D. 1.
Will be permanently located
in Dallas on and after Feb
ruary 25. All chronic and
nervous diseases cured with
out medicine, drugs or knife.
Rooms 5 a 6, Uglow Bldg.
Train No. 04. Leave Independence dally. 6:00
a. m.; lv. Monmouth, 6: 15 . m.; ar. Dalian, 6:40
a. m.
Train No. 68 Leave Independence, daily.
10:50a. m.; Jv. Monmouth, 11:06 a.m.; ar. Dal
las, 11:30 a. m.
Train No. 70. Leave Independence, dally.
6:15 p. m.; lv. Monmouth, 6:30 p. m.jar. Dallas,
t: p. m,
run A1IUI,
Train No. 67. Leave Independence, daily,
7:30 a. m.; lv. Monmouth, 7:40 a. m.; ar. Alrlle,
8:1 a. m.
Train No. 73. Leave Independence, dally, 8:30
p. m.; lv. Monmouth, 8:60 p. m.; ar. Alrlie, 4:25
p. m.
Leave Independence, dally, 2:30 p. m.
So. 101 arrives Monmouth 7:20 a. m.
Train No. 65. Leave Pallia, daily ex. Sunday.
8:30 a.m.; lv. Monmouth, 8:55 a.m.; ar. Inde
pendence, 9:15 a. m.
Train No. 101. Lv. Dallas, Sunday only, 6:55
m.; ar. Independence, 7:30 a. m.
Train No. 69. Leave Dallao, dally, 1 p. m. ; lv
Monmouth, 1:25 p.m.; ar. lndejieiidence, 1:40 p.
m. (This train connect at Monmouth lor Air
lie.) Train No. 71. Leave Dallas, daily, 7:35 p. m.;
lv. Monmouth, 8 p.m.; sir. Independence, 8:15
, m.
Train No. 66. Leave Alrlle, daily, a. m.; lv,
Monmouth, 9:35 a. m.; ar. lndeiendvucer 9:50
m. (This train connects at Monmoutn tor
Train No. 72. Leave Alrlle, daily, 5:06 p. m.;
lv. Monmouth. 6:40 p. m.; ar. Independence,
6:55 p. m.
Train No. 100 leaves Alrlie 4:45 p. m. bcndaT
only arrives Monmouth b.JU p. m. arrives Inde
pendence b.M p. m.
Leaves Monmouth (or Indepe ndence.dally.a
2:50 p. m.
Hor' This!
TTa offer One Hundred Dollars Beward fas
ny cae of Catarrh tht cannot ba corad bj
Hall's Catarrh Cars.
P J. CHENEY jV CO. , Props ,, Toledo, O.
Vt the nndersig-ned, bars known F. J. Che
ney tot the Uat IS years), and believe him per
fectly honorable la all bniineaa transactions
31 financially able to can out any obli ra
tions made by their Arm.
Wmt TacAX, Wholcai Drerylata, Toledo, O.
Waldms, K I. & Ua.-btlit, V, ooi4i Uraf
f lists. 'Ioledo, u.
Catarrh Cure is talen internally .aeUaa
directly upon tbt blood and mucosa rorfaoaso!
the system. Proa, 75c. pr botua. Bold by Sal
Iruvut. Tattmoii tra.
Hall's Family Fills are the Mat.
Bell Phone 511
. Kirkpatrick
5lo Discount, cash (or 30 days) 5i
To Close out our present stock of Wall
Paper, we offer it at ONE-HALF Price to
make room for our new Stock.
If in need of Furniture, Carpets, Linoleum,
Matting or anything in the House Furnishing line,
we can furnish you with prices that are right.
Successors to F. J. Chapman.
I beg to announce my candidacy
for the Republican nomination for
the office of
of Polk county, to be voted for at
the Primary election, April 17, 1908.
If I am elected to this office, I will,
to the best of my ability, faithfully
and honestly perform the duties of
the office, and will studiously en
deavor to safeguard the money of
the people.
I respectfully ask your support.
The Engraver
Original designs of Monograms,
Initials, etc. Silverware, umbrel
las and walking canes engraved
to order. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Society Pint a Specialty
(With A. H. Harris, the Jeweler).
We carry the famous
Brand of Extracts, Spices, Coffee, Canned Goods
Simonton & Scott Dallas, Oregon
Dallas Steam Laundry
Modern Machines. Modern Methods
We Strive to Please
North Main Street.
Is your baby thin, weak, fretful?
Make him a Scott's Emutsion
Scott's Emutsion is Cod Liver Oil ' 0
a 1.. 1 ta. . - "
and nypopnospmtes prepared so uiai it is
easily digested by little folks.
Consequently the baby that is fed on
Scott's Emutsion- is a sturdy, rosy
cheeked little fellow full of health and vigor.
Mutual Phone 1141
The Best Meats
Are found In our tender
and juicy beef, mutton
and pork. We do our
own killing, and can
guarantee all meats to
be wholesome and fresh. '
Give us a trial.
Barnhart Q Grant
We Will Pay
for wheat at the
Both Phones