Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, February 07, 1908, Image 3

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    polk County Observer
S. E. Trask, of Falls City,-was
. Dallas visitor yesterday.
Hod W. L. Tooze, of Falls City, wag
a Dallas visitor yesterday.
Miss Gladys Canter, of Portland,
visited In Dallas, Wednesday. -
Charles Hartung, of Falls City, was
Id Dallas yesterday on business.
V, B Hubbard, of Falls City, was
in Dallas yesterday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Maxfleld, of
Black Bock, visited in Dallas, Wednes
day. '
Lew Muscott, of Falls City, was a
business visitor in Dallas, Wednes
day. Tom Stockwell returned Tuesday
night from a business visit In Portland.
George Whitaker, of Independence,
was a business visitor In Dallas, Wed
nesday. Hon. J. H. Hawley, of Monmouth,
was a business visitor In Dallas, Wed
nesday. George Theard has gone to Blckreall
where he will be employed for some
time painting.
Edward Gerlinger and family have
returned from an extended visit in the
Eastern States.
J. K. Sears and A. C. Taylor, of
Perrydale, were in Dallas, Wednes
day, on business.
J. L.Brown announces thatthe total
sum of stock subscribed for the pro
posed cannery now amounts to $2,650,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Barham went to
Portland, Tuesday, for a short visit,
returning to Dallas, Wednesday even
Hon. W. C. Brown Is agaio able to
be up and out on the streets, after
being confined to his bed for a long
time by serious illness.
Sheriff J. M. Grant announces that
he will have the Polk County tax roll
completed and ready to receive taxes
on Tuesday, February 11.
Mrs. H. L. Veaziehas arrived for a
visit with her daughter Mrs. E. E.
Bryson. Mrs. Veazie recently returned
from a trip to Japan. Corvallis
Frank McCready returned Wednes
day from a short visit at his home in
Black Bock. Hi3 injured arm is
improving rapidly, and he will prob-1
ably have full use of the remaining
fingers on his right hand.
John Carmichael, of Salem, pur
chased the 1907 crop of hops from the
0. G. Savage farm near Eola, Wed
nesdays six and one half cents.
The entire consignment consisting of
150 bales will be exported to England.
The Observer job office Is printing
Candidate's Petitions, and will have
them on sale in a few days. These
petitions are prepared In convenient
form, and are absolutely correct.
Prompt attention will be given to mail
Hugh and Eoy Black came from
their claims on Salmon River, Wed
nesday, for a short stay In Dallas.
They say that although the weather is
much colder on the other side of the
summit than it is here, there has been
practically no snowfall there this winter.
, Death of A. J. Peterson.
A J. Peterson, well-known farmer
of this neighborhood, died at his
home Wednesday night, at the age of
61 years, his death being caused by
ca n cer of the pa n creas.
Mr. Peterson was born in OJan
Sweden, In 1847 and emigrated tr
America m the early '70s. He marri
Louisa Peterson, a daughter of Mra
Margaret Peterson, In 1882, and settled
on a Tarm about two miles west of
Dallas, where he resided until th
time of his death. He left a widow
and one child, three of his children
having died while quite young.
me iuneral services will be held t
his house at 12 o'clock today.
Mrs. A. B. Starbuck. of Portland, la
visiting her son, Dr. A. B. Starbuck.
J. H. Moore has sold his feed and
seed business In this city to J. M.
Lcyaic, or juayton, who will take
possession at once. Mr. Moore will
stay in the store until the business Is
fairly established under its new man
agement, and will then start for an
extended trip in the East,
John Bewley, formerly of this citv.
who has made Dallas his home for the
past two years, and recently been In the
employ of the Oregon Electric as an
engineer, has been assigned a run
whereby he can make his residence in
Salem. He will move to this city
immediately. Capital Journal.
-COST. ..What do you think? We
found upon taking stock a small line
of Tin, Granite and Wooden-ware.
Wouldn't that beat you? A line of
hardware in a grocery store? I don't
want it; so come and help yourselves
at LESS than cost Kibkpateick.
The public school pupils who passed
the eighth grade examinations last
weelrare as follows : Ernest Brunk.
Eola ; Hazel Work, Monmouth ; Hilda
Lung, Perrydale; Mabel Moyer, West
Salem ; Marie Grice, Ora Cavitt, Pop
corn ; Emmett Norton, Montgomery ;
Lily and Henry Pugh, Falls Citv:
Clarence Dornhecker, Pioneer.
The members of the Philadelphian
Literary Society have Issued invita
tions to the young women of the
Utopian Society, and to many of the
former members of their own organi
zation for a reception to be held in the
college chapel tonight. The young
men are sparing no pains in prepar
ation for making it the most brilliant
social event of the present school year.
The women of the Christian church
will serve a chicken "hot taraale" sup
per in the basement of the church
tonight from 6:30 to 7:30. These
women have long been noted for their
famous chicken pie suppers and this
one will include all the good things as
usual, the tamales taking the place of
the chicken pie. The charge will only
be 35 cents. Go and get a dollar sup
per for 35 cents.
Items of
Interest From the Records
in the County Offices
Briefly Told.
""""p i uavia raters, aeceasea. re
port of sale of real estate confirmed.
Guardianship of minors of Nellie
Hayes, deceased petition for final
Many Dallas People Will
Basketball Game at O. A.
February 21.
The return basketball game between
.Dallas College and the Oregon Agri
cultural College is echeduled for Fri
day, February 21, and an effort will
be made to secure a special motor, and
take a larger crowd of "rootera" tn
thr oT Y . T . v B . corvallis than has accompanied the
ma Uy g'r nSd f as boys to any of thei? previous
majority, granted. games. This contest promises to be
Estate of Edwin Cadwell, deceased- doubly hard because of the ancient
mu aamiuea to probate: Jennie M. and anrivn
oadwell appointed executrix; W. P.
Miller, I. M. Palmer and John Richter
appointed appraisers.
B F Jones to R E Williams, one-
eighth interest in 1 9 s, r 8 w, $100.
George Payne Jr., to A W Cooper,
lots in Falls City, $300.
J R Belshe et ux to Clay Belshe, lot
in Monmouth, $350.
rivalry between the two
Institutions in their athletic inter
course, and because of the fact that if
Dallas wins this game, it will hold
the undisputed championship .of the
South Division of the Oregon League,
and if Corvallis wins, the two teams
will be tied and a third game will be
necessary. Dallas will go into the
struggle with the determination to
maintain her lead if possible, while
Corvallis will be equally eaarer to
W P and M E Lewis to E W and make the tie, and thus gain a fighting
n w strong, 28.37 acres, t 8 s, r 8 w, cnance ror the championship in the
Polk County Bank to O A Norton,
lots in Falls City, $60.
Kenneth Campbell to R A and Alfred
Campbell, interest in 6 acres, t 6 s,
r5w, $1000.
C N Tharp et ux to S B Walker, 4
acres, 1 10 s, r 4 w, $126.
Bid of John Martin to furnish 40
cords of grub oak wood for courthouse,
at $3.25 a cord, accepted ; bid of S.
McCarter for 40 cords of second-growth
fir wood, at $2.30 a cord, accepted.
Petition of J. M. Prather and others
for a county road in District No. 9
James Helmick and H. Mulkev
appointed to meet with County Sur
veyor on February 20 to view' and
locate such proposed road.
Change of boundaries of School DIs
tiicts Nos 18 and 20 ordered recorded
by County Superintendent.
Bond of O. G. Savage as Justice of
the Peace of District No. 2 approved.
Ordered that telephone poles of the
Pleasant View Telephone line be
located on side of public highway as
directed by the Road Supervisor.
Ordered that ditches be opened to
drain water from the new Polk Station
road ; also, a ditch to carry the water
across the road at the culvert east of
the railroad in North Dallas.
Will Play Corvallis Champions.
The hitherto undefeated skating
basketball team from Corvallis will
meet the local aggregation on the
floor of the . Colosseum rink Saturday
night, and the contest will probably be
the hardest one of Its kind ever wit
nessed in Dallas. Dallas defeated
Eugene last week by a score of 27 to 4
and Corvallis defeated the same team
by a score pf 30 to 5. One may
naturally expect then, to see the two
victorious teams almost equally
matched, and they will doubtless put
up an excellent exhibition of skillful
skating and fast team work.
Program at Colosseum Rink.
Skating every afternoon and evening
at the Colosseum rink. Good music
Admission, skaters, 25 cents. Thurs
day evening's session will be reserved
for the skating clubs.
Why get up In the morning feeling
Worry others and worry you ;
Here's . a secret between you and me,
Better take Rocky Mountain Tea.
Belt & Cherrlngton.
Talk With Your Friends.
The new Independent toll line be
tween Dallas and Portland has just
been completed, and will be thrown
open for free use for one day only on
Monday. Anyone desiring to talk to
parties in Portland will be permitted
to do so free of charge by calling at
the central office of the Independent
Telephone Exchange on that day.
O. H. Moreis, owner and manager.
Atthe regular meeting of the Rebek
ahs, Wednesday night, Misses Ruth
VanOrsdel, Georgia Martin and Ruby
Fiske were initiated into the lodge.
After the business session the mem
bers of the Odd FeJJows lodge paid' a
fraternal visit and the remainder of
the evening was spent in a pleasant
social manner, an excellent luncheon
being served at its close.
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Rempel, of Perry
dale, are both quite ill.
Hunters are keeping the geese and
wild ducks scarce In this vicinity.
The women of this neighborhood are
planning to organize a sewing circle.
Misses Anna and Elizabeth Enns
are expected to be home soon from
year's visit in Kansas. " -
A light snow fall was noted here
Monday morning, but It was speedily
melted by a warm rain that soon
Miss Elizabeth Dienm recently
returned from a visit in Washington.
She says that her health is much
The Western' District Conference of
the Mennonite church will be held at
this place from June 14 to 17 of the
present year.
Since the prices on hogs have fallen,
several of the farmers.;are butchering
their swine, and curing their pork, for
which there seems to be a fairly good
price at all times.
Isaac Dyck has nearly completed
the planting of new trees in his prune
orchard. He fears It will be necessary
for him to move to Ritzville, Wash
ington, soon on account of 111 health,
We found upon taking stock a small line of
Tin, Granite and Wooden-ware. Wouldn't
that beat you? A line of hardware in a gro
cery store! I don't want it; so come and
help yourselves at LESS than cost.
Wells was a Salem visitor
Wells is severely 111 with
M kirns jiL 1 - m ,i l ...I1! u .j ZlJ
During Our Great Clearing Sale You can
buy merchandise at this store for less money
than at any other place in the Valley. - -
OUR SALE will continue all this month.
Plenty of -goods for ail-however, there is an
advantage in an early selection.
50c to 65c Dress Goods, no
goes at, yard uOC
$1.00 to $1.25 Drees Goods, f. fi
at from 50c to HOC
10c Outing Flannel in White, o
Cream and Fancy, at CC
12c Bleached Muslin, extra f A
' value, at 1UC
10c Embroidery and Inser-
$1.50 Men's Shirts, Cluett np.
brand, at JDK,
75c to $1.00 Men's Shirts,
broken sizes, at. ...
$5.00 Grey Oregon Blan
kets, at
50 pairs of North Star White Wool
Blankets at Mill prices Strictly
all wool.
Hundreds of bargains in Table
Linen, Napkins, Towels, Lace Cur
tains and Underwear.
l- O. O. F. Building
Dallas, Oregon
H. C.
Elmer Nash was a Corvallis visitor
Harvey Nash went to Albany, Fri
day in his launch.
W. M. Winn was an Albany visitor
George McLaughlin returned Wed
nesday from a business visit in Port
land. Scarcely enough snow fell in this
neighborhood Monday to cover the
I. O. Rowe has returned home after
a few days' visit with relatives in
Preparations for the school conven
tion to be held here tomorrow have
been completed.
Mrs. W. J. Steele and son have
returned home from a week s visit at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Wilcox In
are many and varied, but we think we
can satisfy them all at least in
Suppose you pay us a call and look
over our assortment. We are sure
there are many things here you actual
ly need, many more that you will sure
ly want. And the quality of every
thing shown will appeal to every true
Dallas, Oregon
If you suffer with Indigestion, con
supauon, reel mean ana cross, no
strength or appetite, your system Is
unhealthy. Hollister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea makes the system strong and
healthy. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Belt &
The Observes Job office is printing
Candidate's Petitions, and will have
them on sale in a few days. These
petitions are prepared in convenient
form, and are absolutely correct,
Prompt attention will be given to mail
Builds up waste tissue, promotes
appetite, improves digestion, induces
refreshing sleep, giving renewed
strength and health. That's what
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will
do. 35c Tea or Tablets. Belt & Cher
How's This!
TTe offer One Hundred Dollars Eewird (of
ttj case of Catarrh that cannot be cored by
Hall'e Catarrh Core.
P J. CHE-EYCO.,Pirp.,Toledo,0.
We the ondeiaig-qfd, bare knows F. J. Che
ney tor the last it yean, and beliere bim per
fectly honorable la ail buiisMj tranaactloDi
and financially able to carry oat any obliga
tion! made by their Una.
Waar a Tcax, Wholesale Drnrflsta, Toledo, O.
Wauisa, Eii(iwAMaaviJi,WholeaaleIraf-
rtsu, Toledo, u.
Hail' Catarrh Cure It taken IntemallT .aetiac
direct It upon the blood and naooaa nrfaoaeof
the tjnem. Price, tie. per botue. &44 by fcj
DrMCitte. VeMcnoial Ixm.
HaH't Family Piiia are the beet.
I beg to announce my candidacy
for the Republican nomination for
the office of
of Polk county, to be voted for at
the Primary election, Aprlll7, 1908.
If I am elected to this office, I will,
to the best of my ability, faithfully
and honestly perform the duties of
the office, and will studiously en
deavor to safeguard the money of
the people.
I respectfully ask your support.
Dallas Truck & Dray Company
Hubbard & Brown, Proprietors
there never passes a single article for
which we apologize. We are always
sure of the kind of
Groceries We Handle
They cannot get into this store unless
they come up to our high standard. So
when we pass them on to you we can
count on your approval. Nobody buys
here just once. They always come
Phones : Bell 63, Mutual 314.
The Best Meats
Are found in our tender
and juicy beef, mutton
and pork. We do our
own killing, and can
guarantee all meats to
be wholesome and fresh.
Give us a trial.
Barnhart Q Grant
Dallas, - Oregon
We Wiil Pay
for wheat at the
Tho famous little piSSse
Phone and stand at Belt & Chcr
rington's drug store. Bell and Mutual
Phones. All kinds of hauling Wood
for sale.
Legal Blanks at this office.
' L. D. Brown, for Abstracts, Notary
Public; typewriting.
Dr. Donohoe, Dentist Uglow Bldg
Room 1.
The Ob8ebveb office wants the print
ing you are particular about.
For the best cigars and freshest
candies, call on Horace Webster.
Dr. Hayter. Dentist. Office over
Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon.
Money of private parties to loan at
per cent on well-improved farms.
Sibley & Eakis.
The Ob8ebveb job printing office a
city printing plant in the best country
town in Oregon.
Legal blanks for sale at. this office.
Men's and women's clothing cleaned
and pressed, at Bartlett's near depot
Mutual phone 411.
Patronize the new barber shop on
Main street T. W. Reel, the proprietor,
guarantees flrst-dlass work.
Photos. Have baby's picture while
alive and well. Have family group
while together. T. J. Cherrlngton. 5t
Barham & Winslow have several
farms for sale, "on whleh they will
take city property as part payment
Box 367, Dallas. 1-14-tf
W. R. Ellis, agent for Daily Ore-
gonian and Evening Telegram. Have
a daily paper delivered at your house
by the week, month or year. No extra
We carry the famous
Brand of Extracts, Spices, Coffee, Canned Goods
SilTlOnton & SCOtt Dallas, Oregon
Dallas Steam Laundry
Modern Machines. Modern Methods
We Strive to Please
North Main Street.
Both Phones
Don't neglect your cough.
Statistic show that in New York City
alone over 200 people die every week from
And most of these consumptives might
be living now if they had not neglected the
warning cough.
You know how quickly Scoff's
Emu Is ton enables you to throw off a
cough or cold.
charge for delivery.