Real Estate For Sale. Below are Jtist few of my numeroni Mr- taint in Keit KUte. I atw nave i" . , ' tv,ui v.rv dt-iirable , can accommodate you on CURE YOUR KIDNEYS Why will people continue to suffer the agonies ol kidney complaint, backache, m m iiij , urinary uisoruere, taiiieuesK, urauui-ixra, ?"?Jotny ?y iU.Tt ; languor, Why allow themselves to be- the prices; also, can accommodate you on a ' come cnronte lnvanus, wneti a vcrmm trade if yoa want to go to fcome oi her atate. J cure jg 0irereJ them ? f3 acres-House and barn, fenced, a anap.l 1,200 lean's- Kidney Pills is the remedy to . . i ..... i it, . ... ,:i . i 20area Good buiiairifra, orcuaru, ci.;... ,- Qee, because 11 gives 10 ine Kiiinejs me 100 acres-Klne place, new 10-roora bouse 3,d) , jie)p they nt,e(j to perform their work. 80 acresBuildingi, stock, implementa,. I 3,noo ' jf you have any, even one, of the 271 acre Well improved farm, Benton Col 5,000 gyM1ptom8 of kidney diseases, cure your 4.2 acrea Fine farm, well imp. " ""'-'J00 self now, before diabetes, dropey Or 162 acres-Near Perrydale, fine land, no 1 Jrijjhts disease sets in. buildings t.!10, -Mrs. L. Htxlson, of 717 Aura St., 166 acrea-M) plow land, fine farm. i.M Pendleton, Ore., says: "I just as en- 120 acrei-Flnc improved valley fsrm... f 6,000 . thusiastically endorse Doan'a Kidney 250acres-35cu!t.. river bottom land, in i Pills today as I did nearly three years Marion county ' 4'000 1 ago. Thev relieved me of kidney trouble VI acres-Well Improved farm, on Little I which had bothered rue (or a consider- I-uekiamoto I a.LIe time. J'here was aching pains m acres-Well improved, little HOr,88 t),e mall of my baek and down 15 acres-Fruit farm near BaiUton . , 2.M Tc-N'orth end folk county, well I vated by colds which settled ... the back Unproved il.285 and loins and caused an swful lameness IK acres-Farm, 20 lioj. au timber, rest ' --nj9 wag ry condition when I began i taking loan's Kidnev Pills. This rem- 800Mrea-neaoll,l(boltomUndunder9w!e(,y bnilj,)e(i Jhe biJckaL.he 8n1 painB 16?ae'o'buTd'ngBV60piow'ia;;d:.$ W through the Ioins.regulated the kidney 200 acres-Well Improve,!, bill land, M secret.ons and removed every symp o.n cleared" I 6.000 1 of the trouble, rrom that day to this 400 acres-Near Lewlsvllle, HO rr acre... I 4,000 ; there has been no recurrence, and I give 647 acres-lfX) plow land, buildings, etc., j Doan's Kidney Pills all the credit, i per acre ' i consider then, to be the liest kidney 10 acres Fruit ranch, building, etc I 1.2-' j remedy procurable and recommend Wi acresNear BalIton, a fine farm I 8,li , jnet) whenever the occasion arises," ZiSacres-6 miles west of Mallaa, at 17.... f 1.015 for saI(; by all dealers. Price 50 cents. 15 acres-Suburban fruit tract I MO j Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole 20 acres-Suburban fruit tract agents for the United .States . l.A uilh l.,,(l,Hi,c. t 2.OU0 I I" I.. - u fiacres-Fruit land, with bitli'lliiKS Yours for Business, If. 0. CAMi'BKI.I 5 S. The Secret of & Beautiful Face C lies in keeping the skin pro tectedaiwelJascleansed. Just washing is not enough that only leaves the delicate surface more exposed to the irritation of dust and germs to merci less attacks of sun and weather. After washing, ap ply Robertine and experience its' delightful refreshment, You wilfadmire the line-less softness it imparts to face, neck and arms. It not only simulates a radiant glow, but protects the skin from becom- J ing coarse. Prevents burn ing, un ana ireckies. Remember take no other, the name Doans and THE MEN TOO KNOW THE 5UPERIOR "V iyi SLICKERS. SUITS ore the men who have put them to the hard est teits in the rough est weather. Get the original Tower's Fish Drand made since 1636 tATALOC SO THt ASKN6 A J TOwm CO BOiTOH. US h if N A HV TL r M A Card This is to certify that all droygiets are authorized to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Cures la grippe coughs anil prevents pneumonia and consump- . Tl nannina is in a yellow- package. Refuse substi tutes, .tafrin Orug Co.. Dallas; M. L Thompson, Falls City. The whole Siuslaw valley is produc ing fine specimens of wiDter apples. A Cure tor Misery. "I have found a cure for the misery malaria poison produces," Bays K. M. James, of Ixjuellen, S. C. "Its called i'I(.i.trii. Hi.tpr Mini iiinipa in Ftfl rent bottles. It brfuks nn a cave of chills or a onions attack in almost no time; anu it nuts vcllow jaundice clean out of com - mission." This great tonic medicine ard blood purifier gives quick relief in all stomach, liverand kidney complaints ana me misery oi lame uack. boiu under guarantee at P.eit & Cherrington uriiK siore. Tfw- j mm " II .' I .V j i. V FRIEND TO FRIEND. The personal recommendations bf people who have been cured of coughs and colds by Cham berlain's Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and com merce over a large part of the civilized world. AN INSTANCE. Lucy Suddrttli, of Lenoir, N. C, had boon troubled with very Ktd cou;h for over a year. She says : "A friend bought a bottle of Chamhkri.ain's Coiv.h Rkmkdy, brought it ti me and insisted that I should take it. I did to and to my surprise it helped me. l our bottles of it cured me of tuy cough." During 1907 a Brownsville man's 15 cows yielded a total or $J,175. Rank Foolishness. "When attacked by a cough or a cold, n u'lmii lnn r f li r,",a t ia mtru if ia rank foolishness to take any other medicine than ir. King 8 .New Discovery, says C. u. Klundge, ot hmpire, ua. "I have used New Discovery for seven years and I know it is the best remedy on earth for ('nucha unit c ilitfl. prnnn. nnil nil are subject to croup, but New Discovery ijuiumv uuree orrv uiihck. rvnowu the world over as the King of throat and lung remedies. Sold under guarantee at iielt tt Cherrington's drug sto.e. 50c and 1.00. Trial bottle free. About 170 linden trees will bo planted along an avenue in east Eugene. Mow to Avoid Pneumonia You can avoid Tineumnnin and nthpr cerious results from a cold bv taking Folcv's II j.ifV und Thr. It. Jlnna thf eongn, noaiH the lungs, and expels the sold from the system. Refuse any but the genuine in the yellow package ftafrin Drna Co., Dallas; M. L. Thomp son, fans uity. There will be a great many fl no pota toes for the spring market around Echo. This is Worth Remembering Whenever von Imvpn minih milit just remember that 1'oley's Honey anil I'ar will cure it. Do not riHk your health by Hiking any but the genuine. It is in i yellow package. Onion sets are being dent out by thi carloml from Hubbard to ull parts of the coat. Of Vital Importance Xo other organs of the body are so 10 gooii nealin as the kidneys Foley's Kidnev Keiuedv muLi's the t'i.l neys heullhv so that they will strain out 'he iinpuiities from the blood which it "UHtautly passing through them. Com mence taking Foley's Kidnev Kerned v it the fi t-t sign of danger. Stafrin Drug oo., i mi las; 51. Ihompson,Fall8 City The Myrtle l'oint Public School has just, ndded KU) books to its library, which now contains more than 300 vol times. Two Unwelcome Visitors Here At this season l.agrippu and Pnen inoniii cause more deaths than v,m- sumption. Foley's Honey ami Tar cures lagrippe coughs that may result in pneu monia over night. Do not take chances with a cold when Foley's Holier and Tar VWII illl'ek V cine it. Stufrin Dallas; M.'l,. Thompson, Falls Citv. During last week two Irricon men shipped 49 dozen jack rabbits to Port land ana heattlo. Theyret about 3 a lozon to r thorn. A Higher Health Level. "I have reached a higher health level -inee 1 began using Dr. King's Mew Life IMIls," w.ites Jacob Springer, of West Franklin. Maine. "Thev keen mv u.i. itch, liver and bowels untLin,, ;,,i l ight." If these Dills disanimint. vnn nn 'rial, money will be refunded at Kelt & Cherrington drugstore. L'iie. An Alseu man plves tho followinc aoeouut from 125 Silver Snantrle.l Hamburg hens for tho year H)07: !)29 lozen epras, sold for $17,5. 5:2. raise,! besides 100 younp cliiekens. How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most vil'lilllS of nntie.iilieiliti mo r 1 .. ..... ...v. uivcv who are halutuallv eonsiii.ii..,i O.ino Laxative cures chronic constipa tion l)V StiltHlhltillL' Hie liver ii, t ...v.. ,,u tnd restores the natural faction of the bowels. Foley's Orino Lnvmitu not naueate or gripe and is mild and Pleasant to taKe. lieltue substitutes Stufrin Drug Co.; M. L. Thompson," I' tills Ci' v. THE 3 OF law I" . DR. KING'S mJ mJ H LI I I V nr3 OUR fiKRT SLSHMTEE SALE of Crockery and Notions WILL POSITIVELY CLOSE turday, February 1 Your last chance for the greatest bargains ever offered or that ever will be offered in Dallas. ... - Come Early Before the Choice Goods are all gone . H. ROY COMPANY DALLAS, OREGON It Does the Business Mr. E. E. CbaniltprlHin nf Pli Maine, eava of'h A "It does the business; I have used it for piles and it einpil them lTc,i f ehappeil hands and ft fined them. Ap plied 11 to an old sore und it healed it without leaving a sear behind." 25t. at eitiV nerrington drug store. Sick JKNTIST. M. HAYTER Office over Wilson's 1 nig Store DALLAS, OREGON. Eggs or Flesh Which? If eggs for market Is your object and you are sure you can regularly supply comfortable houses, then one of the Leghorn varieties will suit you. If you want n good all around bbil hens good layers, cockerels good bia roasters at six months and if turned I into capons superior birds at ten or i . eleven months-then one of the riytn-1 ATT0I!NEY AT LAW outh Itoek varieties will suit you. This R p 1DNEC is undoubtedly the most popular fowl I vm in the world today. The market char-! Office in Cooper Building, ncterlstlcs of this breed are round, INDEPENDENCE. - ORFOmc plump, yellow skin bodies on short . "h.uujn legs. Cures Biliousne Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. T oviTiira Erutt Cir Pleasant to taKe LfUAUUVW 11UH J Villi Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It is guaranteed For Sale by STAFRIN DRUG CO. Dallas, and M. THOMPSON, Falls City. DeWltt's Little Earlv RisAPe The famous little ollla. TTOIIXEY AT Law L. D. BROWN Notary Public; Abstracts Mill Street opposite Uglow Bldg. DALLAS, OltEQON. The Best Squabs. It seems to bo the rule that betrln tiers In the Bouab business have a tie-- sire to own white birds, but those that have followed the business for nnvi length of time enre little what th'p1 color may be so long as the bird pro-1 duces a light skinned sotiab. Wiiito I at law. birds as a rule are not as hardv ami 1 ri t r do not generally do as well as colored! v7&lak IlAi TER, Dints, some of the liest snunhn ul'"lslr' ln Campbell building Mm at from pure white and colored, red pre i DAL1-AS, OREGON. ierren, mated together. Black Cayuga Ducks. The Itlnck Cavuen is ono of tho ocn. mg nreetis of Uucks. Though not sol large as the White Peking, the Black Cayuga Is an excellent laver n n forager and nu excellent breeder. He YTTRN'KVS AT LAW. Sibley & Eakin, The only reliable set or Abstracts In Polk county. Office on Court St DALLAS, OREGON. TTORXET AT LAW Ed. F. Coad, Office in Courthouse TTORNEY AT LAW J. L. Collins Main Street, Near Postofflce DALLAS, . . OKEGON Attorney at law. N. L. Butler, Office over Dallas City Bank. DALLAS, OREGON, Calls promptly answered day or night. R. L. CHAPMAN FUNERAL DIRECTOR &. EMBALMER Bell DALLAS, Phono 103 M. OREGON Mutual Paone 1306 OLIVEMITH teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson Block DALLAS OREGON TIMBER LANDS Fuller & Elliott rtnltr Hani tnl-AtAflM in TD..1I, riftiinttf vu.j xreat xoiaw ui in iu x mr. wuuvj handling Timber Land exclusively. Don't fail to call or write if you have have timber to sell. Office in Crider Building DALLA8, - - OREaos. DALLAS, OREGON. One Minute Cough Cure For Coughs, Colds and Croup. FOR Mm DISEASES U L nn Lm J IA AfJD AFJD R W23 PREVENTS 1 1 1? j R Arm IU J .,.v,.t. I r, S , erere.ccld.ietUeJ oa ray langs and to completely prostrated me that I was onabla to work and freely able to atand. I then was advi.ed to try Dr. King' New Discovery In I iter using one bottle I went back to work, as well as I ever was." discovery, and W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Term. PfllCfi 60O ZZ2a, SOLD AND GUARANTEED DY jC BELT & CHERRINGTON AND $1.00 sides, the Oayupi is very hardv, and me savins "Weil hatehml t hit u applies antJv it tm. ducks should be letter kuown la this country. A Ration For Chick. The most simple ration for small chicks Is cracked wheat and meat craps the first three weeks of the chickens' lives, adding then cracked corn to the two other fotnls. Green veiwtaWe food Is decidedly helpful la avoiding disease iu chicks. Tempera ture, water, pure air, crowding and sturdy stvnk are subjects attracting the attention of those who desire to tVold disease Iu young chicks. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds. Croup and Whooping Cough. WILLIAM H riTMMivr Graduate Veterinary Surgeon locarea in Independence danilht 13 PromPty ed to, Give me a trial at Farmer,' Feed Yard. Phone Mam 423 IA3DI Ail If you want a Good Barber Shop Find the big pole and walk in. We treat you right. ILynch&Wisecarver Main Street Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Couga. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE HONEMAR DeVitt's Salvo fop Piles. Burns, Sores, rirp THE HEW IDEA rp ; n PHEDB rOLETSHOHEFHMl 9 fflszrirt This signature is on every box of the gennii Laxative Brorao-Quimne tea ruiedj that carat eoM " THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE rsn C0U6H SYRUP T"T L j 11 1 p v AND ill? BEST tcr ChTTrfren r' . ... . . ' For Ralo V" tV" "BaETerjBi!. L-J v "y "lUgglStS. anu TEA You think one tea food as another ? Why don't you buy the lowest price you in the window ? Your tnver rutins jcki au-ntf it to Joo1 as at see k Groceries and Provisions WESSbnnas of Canned i5 a eJllSfeT ai"1. Also - S M50n V "Se,a"IPs and frit - SO in S Harp k SIMONTON & SCOTT, ore If 1 1 on i in II and CURE the LUNGS WITH Dr. King's lev; EisGOftiy ia Ll TVRfiTi(nil!Wf?TROUBi.tL QTJAKANTILEr SATISFACIC-