Polk County Observer Ray Eam9ey is seriously ill with typhoid fever. C. B. Cochrane, of Eola, was a Dal las visitor Wednesday. .' Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kearth went to Portland yesterday. Mrs. Balph Hensley, of Salem, ia visiting friends in Dallas. j e smith is Buffering from a light attack of paralysis. Miss Ethel Tooze, of Falls City, was a Dallas visitor yesterday. 0, W. Cone went to Portland Tues day afternoon on business. George Gerlinger went to Portland, Tuesday afternooD, on business. G. W. Haynes, of Ballston, was in Dallas, Wednesday, onbusiness. C. E. Shaw is able to be out again after a severe attack of bronchitis. Born, Thursday, January 30, to Mr. and Mrs. William McHardy, a! daughter. William Muscott, of Falls City, was a business visitor in Dallas, Wednes day. County School Superintendent IL C, Seymour was in Independence yestcr day on official business. Mrs. Bert Dennis, of Falls City, vis ited at the home of her mother, Mrs, W. I. Eeynolds, Tuesday. W. T. Belcher, of Falls City, was in Dallas, Tuesday, on his way to Chi cago for a few weeks visit. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cummingham, of Albou, Washington, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hub bard. Mrs. Mary Hubbard returned yester day from a week's visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Hubbard In McMinnville. . Lot L. Shreve, who came from Eastern Oregon to attend the funeral of the late Eobert Gaynor, left for his home in Arlington, Wednesday. Benjamin F. Hewland, of Dallas, ia among the war veterans who have recently been granted an Increase of pension by the Commissioner of Pen sions. ' The young women of the Utopian Literary Society will give a leap year reception in honor of the members of the Pbiladelphian Society atthe college chapel tonight. We carry Old Hampshire Bond, the paper you see advertised In all the leading magazines. It costs more than any other bond paper, and it is worth more. Nothing finer for your office stationery. All colors, with envelopes to match. Call and see samples. All who are interested in the advance ment of the educational interests of Polk county, especially In the success of the next School Children's Indus trial Fair, are invited to attend and take part in the School Officers, Par ents' and Teachers' Meeting to be held in Monmouth tomorrow (Saturday.) E. Jacobson, president of the Carna tion Club, announces a dancing party for tomorrow night (Saturday) at the TIT J rr m . ... woouman tiau. An excellent pro gram of music will be furnished by Btockwell's orchestra, and all members of the club who are interested in Its advancement are urged to be present to A Byerley returned Wednesday from a visit among friends In Portland. Byron Robertson, of Stavton. visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Brown. Miss Edna Simonton, of WestSalem 13 visiting relatives and Mends this city. Kay bhinn, of Healdeburg, Call lorma, is visiting atthe home of Mr. and Mrs.-Ed Blessing. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Craven went Ballston, Tuesday afternoon, for short visit among relatives. L. D. Brown is working in the Court House this week in the place of Depnty uounty uierk A. F. Toner, who is ill ine fctrand magazine has been recently added to the list of periodicals on the reading table at the Dallas Public Library. tinman Nunn and W. A. Hanor went to Folk Station. Wednesday where they have been busy setting out a large number of .fruit trees. Basketball on rollers at the Colos' eeum Rink, Saturday night. Dallas vs. Eugene. Admission 25o, skates for after session 25c. Game called at 8:30 sharp. Basketball on rollers at the Colos seum Rink, Saturday night Dallas vs. Eugene. Admission 25c, skatos for after session 25c. Game called at 8:30 sharp. C. C. Lewis, of Monmouth, visited at the home of Judge and Mrs. J. L, Collins, Wednesday, while on his return trip from a week's stay at his homestead in theSiletz Basin. Fred B. West, electrician at the light plant In Falls City, was in Dallas this week packing his house hold goods in preparation for moving his home to that city. . Floyd Myer, Lawrence Aldrlch and Tom Holman left for Corvalli9, Wed nesday morning, where they will attend the Oregon Agricultural Col lege during the coming semester. The Facific Telephone Company is preparing to carry Its city lines through the shade trees in cables, so that it will not be necessary to cut or mutilate their branches in any way Jonn "Wnat kind or tea do you like best?" Priscilla "Go tees, some, but Eocky Mountain Tea best." John "Why Hollister's Eocky Mountain Tea besti" Priscilla "It "speaks for itself, John." (Makes lovely com plexions. Belt & Cherrington. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Dyer, of Eosalie, Washington, arrived in Dallas yes terday, and will make their home here in future. Mr. Dyer has purchased 10 acres of the Besecker farm, and will move onto It immediately and devote his time to farming. Classes at Dallas College were dis missed yesterday morning and the students were given a half holiday on the occasion of the national day of prayer for the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associa tions throughout the United States. The young people of the two college associations held appropriate services in the society rooms at the college dormitory, and a union prayer service was held at the Methodist Church In , the evening. Special music for the latter meeting was furnished by the Pbiladelphian Male Quartette of Dal las College. BUYS HOWE GROCERY Business Will Hereafter Be Conducted by E. C. Kirkpatrick, the Well Known Hop Dealer. An important business deal was consummated in Dallas, Monday when E. C. Kirkpatrick purchased the Howe Grocery Store from the Dallas Mercantile Company, which has owned and conducted that establishment for several mooths. Mr. Kirkpatrick took possession Wednesday morning, and the store will beclosed during the remainder of this week, while the clerks are employed in invoicing the goods, pre paratory to resuming business next Monday. Mr. Kirkpatrick announces that he will run the store on radically different lines from those usually followed by the retail grocers. His large adver tisement printed elsewhere in this paper will give our readers an outline of the changes he has in view. Mr. Kirkpatrick is a successful business man, and the people of Dallas and the surrounding country will watch with interest the effect of his methods on the grocery trade of the county. COURT HOUSE NOTES Items of Interest From the Records in the County Offices Briefly Told. PEOBATE. Guardianship of Hayes minors- report on sale of real estate confirmed REAL ESTATE. A A McNary to Elizabeth McNary et al, 18.60 acres, 1 7 s, r 4 w, $7,500. V J Turnidge et ux to P S Seeley, 162.92 acres, 1 6 s, r 6 w, $6G56.80. u A lirocK to J v xioyt, 12 acres, t 7 s, r 5 w, $300. d e juincn to a u liuDy, ibo acres, 1 10 s, r 7 w, $10,000. J S Parker to E L Chapman, 6.58 acres, 1 7 s, r 5 w, $1,100. M E Miller and hd to B L Knoll, 121 acres, 1 8 s, r 5 and 6 w, $10. J M Wise et al to H J Elliott, land in t 6 s, r 5 w, $1. L McKye et ux to D S Bentley, 40 acres, 1 6 s, r 8 w, $120. Elizabeth Blaketer to D S Bentley, 60 acres, 1 6 s, r 8 w, $412. United States to Frank Barnes, 236 acres, t 6 s, r 8 w, patent. P J Miller et ux to PS Seeley, 160 acres, 1 6 s, r 6 w, $6,400. O W Leonard et ux to T J Pettit, lots in Monmouth, $20. Poultry Raisers Will Meet. The Polk County Poultry Raisers' Association has decided to hold monthly meetings in the office of County Treasurer Beezley, secretary of the association, for the purpose of discussing subjects pertaining to poul try raising. The first meeting will be held Saturday evening, February 8, and the subject for discussion will be Hatching and Casing for Young Chicks." Not only members of the Poultry Raisers' Association, but all ho are interested in the betterment of the poultry industry in Polk County, are invited to attend and take part In the meetings. t STORE . NEW METHODS OPEN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3d Having purchased from the Dallas Mercantile Company the grocery stock known as the Howe Grocery Store, I have taken hold of a business that I know absolutely nothing about, but I have ahvays contended that the grocerymen of Dallas were running in the wrong channels, so I will make the following wide departure from the rule, SWIM OR DROWN. " : CROCKERY has no business in a grocery store. I am going to get rid of it, -and will sell you this fine line at ABSOLUTE COST. This is not a reduction of 10 per cent, but 30 to 50 per cent. PRODUCE EXCHANGE We cut this out entirely. It takes much time and a complete set of books, FULL OF MISTAKES. We believe the farmer should have cash for his produce, and then buy where he can get the most for his money. In view of the above departure from the old rule, we must sell strictly for cash. Here is where you make money. We will sell at all times any and all lines, and we have a most complete stock of the choicest brands of Groceries at a reduction in price of 5 per cent below any competitor. Come in and get our prices daily? for they are subject to change. The well is deep. All accounts paid on the first of each month are Cash with us. E. C. IffilPATMCl DALLAS, OREGON Ofl 1 IW During Our Great Clearing Sale You can buy merchandise at this store for less money than at any other place in the Valley. - -OUR SALE will continue all this month. Plenty of goods for ail-however, there is an advantage in an early selection. - - - - SOME OF OUR SPECIAL PRICES 50c to 65c Dress Goods, goes at, yard OOL $1.00 to $1.25 Dress Goods, s o at from 50c to ? UOC 10c Outing Flannel in White, o Cream and Fancy, at OC liy2c Bleached Muslin, extra in value, at i"C 10c Embroidery and Inser- r tion.at 11.50 Men's Shirts, Cluett QJr brand, at. . JDL 75c to $1.00 Men's Shirts, of. broken size?, at OIL $5.00 Grey Oregon Blan- o t? kets, at J.OJ 50 pairs of North Star White Wool Blankets at Mill prices Strictly all wool. Hundreds of bargains in Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, Lace, Cur tains and Underwear. Teacher's Examination. Notice is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Polk county will hold the regular examination of applicants tor state and county papers at the court house in Dallas, as follows : FOR STATE PAPERS "Commencing Wednesday, February 12 at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday, February 15, at 4 p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, History, Spelling, Physical Geography, Read ing, Psychology. Thursday Written Arithmetic, The ory of Teaching, Grammar, Book keeping, Physics, Civil Government. Friday Physiology, Geography, Composition, Algebra, English Liter ature, 'r Saturday Botany, Plane Geometry, General History, School Law. FOB COUNTY PAPERS Commencing Wednesday, February 12, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Friday, February 14, at 4o'clock p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, History, Orthography, Heading, Physical Geography. Thursday Written Arithmetic, The ory of Teaching, Grammar, Physi ology. Friday Geography, School Law, Civil Government, English Literature. H. C. SEYMOUR, School Superintendent Polk County, Oregon. TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS - I beg to announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of COUNTY TREASURER of Polk county, to be voted for at the Primary election, April 17, 1908. If I am elected to this office, I will,, to the best of my ability, faithfully and honestly perform the duties of the office, and will studiously en deavor to safeguard the money of the people. I respectfully ask your support. DAN P. ST0UFFER. Legal blanks for sale at this office. Advice to Mothers: Don't let your children waste away. Keep them strong and healthy during the winter with Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It is the greatest tonic for children Pure and harmless, does the greatest good. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Belt & Cherrington. Dallas Truck & Dray Company Hubbard & Brown, Proprietors Phone and stand at Belt & Cher rington's drug store. Bell and Mutual Phones. All kinds of hauling Wood for sale. L. D. Brown, for Abstracts. Notary Public; typewriting. Dr. Donohoe, Dentist. Uglow Bldg Room 1. The Observer office wants the print ing you are particular about. For the best cigars and freshest candies, call on Horace Webster. Dr. Hayter, Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon. Butler & Dunn will pay good prices for furs and pelts of all kinds. l-ll-4t. Money of private parties to loan at 6 per cent on well-improved farms. Sibley & Eakin. The Observer job printing office a city printing plant in the best country town in Oregon. 4 Men's and women's clothing cleaned and pressed, at Bartlett's near depot Mutual phone 441 Patronize the new barber shop on Main street. T. W. Reel, the proprietor, guarantees flrst-class work. Barham & Winslow have several farms for sale, on which they will take city property as part payment Box 367, Dallas 1-14-tf Basketball on rollers at the Colos seum Rink, Saturday night. Dallas vs. Eugene. Admission 25c, skates for after session 25c. Game called at 8:30 sharp. W. R. Ellis, agent for Daily Oro gonian and Evening Telegram. Have a daily paper delivered at your house by the week, month or year. No extra charge for delivery. ACROSS OUR COUNTERS there never passes a single article for which we apologize. We are always sure of the kind of Groceries We Handle They cannot get into this store unless they come up to our high standard. So when we pass them on to you we can count on your approval. Nobody buys hero just once. They always come again. E. BOYD & SON Phones : Bell 03, Mutual 314. IhcBest Meats Are found in our tender and Juicy beef, mutton and pork. We do our own killing, and can guarantee all meats to be wholesome and fresh. Give us a trial. Barnhart Grant Dallas, Oregon We Will Pay for wheat at the DALLAS FLOURING MILLS SIlfVEY EROS. tW Early Risers Tho famous llttfo pl2 Dallas Steam Laundry Modern Machines. Modern Methods We Strive to Please North Main Street. Both Phones Legal Blanks at this office. Mill Feed at Cost For the Next Ten Days I will sell my entire stock of Mill, Feed, Bran, Chop, Rolled Oats, -Rolled Barley, etc. at cost. Save from 20 to 25 per cent by purchasing now. 0 Nursing baby? 0 o 0 O 0 o 0 0 o 0 o It's a heavy strain on mother. Her system is called upon to supply nourishment for two. Some form of nourishment that will be easily taken up by mother's system is needed. Scoff's Emulsion contains the greatest possible amount of nourish ment in easily digested form. 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 tQ 0 0 .0 0 0 0 THE BEE HIV E STORE VM Mother and baby are wonderfully jdy helped by its use. ! O. O. F. Building Dallas, Oregon J. H. MOORE, DALLAS FEED STORE ALL DRUGGISTS i 60c. AND fl.00 3J