, , i .M D1L nL,nW,. Bketb.II Skater. Will Play Eugene. ; For Sale. ' zfr? Vthois an! 3 , i i , were! i J. C. HAYTER, i EDITOR AN'D PUULISHEH. j Publiihed Semi-Weekly t 11.50 per Year. Btrictly In AdTtnce. Kntered t econd-rln matter Marrh 1, 1!I7. j tthe po office t iMllai, Oirgon, under the I Act of Conjrrea ot Marcb 3, inVj. I Basketball Skaters Will Play Eugene, i ( The Dallas skating basketball team ; ; will play against the five from1 Eugene, Saturday aight at the Colos-, seum rink. Although the home Kara !cow au for gale cheap. W. piano; fine 6 by s; camera with F.iuc-h & Lorcb universal lees, and a Jersey E. TiV-1-24: ' lor, McCoy, Oregon. DALLAS, ORKOON, JanCABYSI, 190. The way to build up Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. has been in but otie match game this i season, they have showed themselves to be swift and cool-headed players, j Call for Warrants, and remarkably sure footed. They j Notice is hereby given that all Polk use the same system of team work County warrants issued priar to that has been characteristic of the j Dumber H,W7, aod indorsed "Not ' teams turned out in Dallas for the pajj for WaDt of funds," lexcept War- ' past sir years, and which has almost j rallt3 ,-os. C283, 6297 and C523.I will be , Invariably bn the mansof carrying J ,-,ai j upoo presentation at my office, i a game successfully. The past week j interest oa same will cease on and of steady practice has greatly ! afler ate 0f tDj9 ri0tice. improved their goal throwing, and j j BEEZLEY, they are quite confident of their ability ; i -28-tf County Treasurer, to meet the ewift aggregation from J game that they have played this sea- vhors ani :-l:-ur.!cKC'l lYoirtro !. x :t.-T ard S a u::'.' r:r.:ii i ard o- r-wi.TK. exa.-tin? ,v. f.-.uer:! Var;::s of c.v:e-N will li:a! in It. r -s r. ptioa tue ni"i r-: n t ; v e t re n sh- r t ." sr-ocis STOCK SELLS RAPIDLY. Notl'-e is he.t-Iiy piven that the nnih'rsu'tip'l t-xt-rtitor "f the e-tie of j. A Wells. (UM-ra.-fd. lias tiled las final rn ijiil in the County Conn ill tin; State of tin-eon, fur I'olk ( oni'ity and UihI satuniay. the ili i.y of February, !-., at the lionrof ime o'clock In the afternoon of said day, at the Court room of the said County ( ourt in the City of Itallns. ( ireiron, hits tieeu aipointed hy the Judge of said Cmirt as the time and Admission, Skaters, id5 cents, t nday j ,,lmj account and the settlement thereof. evening's session will be reserved for .. , . A- WKU-- Executor son. The Eugene team will play in Corvallis tonight. Program at Colosseum Rink. Skatingevery afternoon and evening j at tho Colosseum rink. Good music. Notice of Final Settlement. r.v.nt. .-;.- ..t'rr r:-nt;v strentrtrc S . ....... ... ,7 t.vfr ev.rr c : : :t t-.'-.r sr--:a: none- f.1. Nur:r..-. r;Xf::i it especial- It vai .. s ';.-:"V'r ssrengto j ;r..:... ,'" ':-XrishEt-nt for the cs.; t- --:-.L5v -V" too ! S will find it .-sPvXa the ; S v?ior.) U? i. s :-'"-: rNor:r? ;g i ' i ,. . rTt"k '"TTi,,n. who S rr fn--:a j-air.f-;l or irr.-s?-1 g . , 'T c:s- " rv -. or . :s : Money Saved A CLEARANCE- SALE THAT WILL SHATTER ALL PRECE DENT IN LOW PRICES. The work of soliciting funds for the establishment of a fruit cannery is progressing most successfully, f 1, 700 having been already subscribed by the business men and fruit growers of Dallas and vicinity forthe support of the enterprise. The papers are being circulated by J. L. Brown and Dee Dunn, two of tho members of the com mittee appointed by the Horticultural Society, and many names are being added daily to tho already long list of those who will buy stock In the newly organized company, A most convincing proof that this enterprise Is destined to meet with early success Is found in tho willing nes8 shown by all who have been approached by the soliciting commit tee to give to it their hearty and sub stantial support. A copy of tho agree ment circulated by the committee, wltb tho names of those who havo given their signatures to date, follows : Wo the following named residents of Tolk County, Htate of Oregon, do hereby subscribe stock for a cannery to bo established at Dallas, Oregon, the number of shares set opposite to our respective names, said stock to be of tho denomination of $25.00 er share, par value. The amount of capital stock and the corporate name of said company to be deterrniued by tho stockholders of said company : NAMES SHAItFJi II n r i ,n ..uiiiijik.-ii intents J. O. anOrsdi'l 2 J. L. Brown 2 C. L. Crider 2 J. U. Nunn 2 the skating clubs. BUSINESS LOCALS. -ft For Sale. Fine milch cow; fresh. II. G. Campbell. 1-21-tf For Service. Kcgi.stered Jersey bull for service at Veazie farm north of Dallas. l-7-8t Notice to Creditors. st;:vr ache. k. the z': l. n'.ar D!..u::.'.v - ::r : f.tint -::. - -: fi ufr.ir N-f -."' pelvic catarrh: v"-rion or r :r lW'i:! of w v.;: of parts many or er.'y toms. li'id r. i: csins faithf-: l;r l'icrcc's i This -a weakiK p;ire (tlyci'-rie extra i-t of th choicyst r.-t tive, m.'-,ii,-i!ial r'-t witho'.st a (in n ..: alcohol in its iik K-i:p. Aii it incrnii- ent printed m piain Ktitrli-h .n 1 wrapir and a:' .-i' d tinh r o: 1'ierce thus mviK'S the ful:.t inv .-v. r- :i or ot:;. .' u i .;;.'- :hv or."..r.s from wv-aknefj wfj'-ti.i'r th'-y eviH-riiT.oo a fi''v of the a? ? syir.p f a:;.j a t"-r:.;ai'-!it cure by y sn.i 'fai.-iy p.-ri?tently :vor t" l'.r' t ri'.-t.on. rid-fnw d ciric for woman's s and tieeuiiar ailments is a Our always strictly-adhered-to policy of "Never to pack goods away from j one Season to the next," makes it imperative for us to hasten the departure of I our present stock of SUITS AND OVERCOATS, before the arrival , of Spring 1 Goods. ' . ' ! a We want fresh goods every Season-and not Carry Over j I;r. For Sale. Good organ t half price. of C. A. Bennett, Dallas. Inquire 1-10-tf Notary Public. Register your name for the comiDg election with D. W. McPeak, Notary Public, Ilickreull, Oregon. l-28-4t For Sale. of hay f r sale. Will be any quantity Ullhev. 50 tons delivered In Dallas In ordered. Address W. V. Lost. Gold buckle and locket from a watch fob. Finderplease leave at this office. l-28-2t. Notice is herein- given that the iindeiined I has been duly appointed executor or the j lion of his formula ksinwinc that i estate of. arah .Miller, deceased, by the County i v found to contain onlv the best .12' oiuri 01 me ouue 01 ureoil, lor 1 OlE County and has qualified. Ail persons hiving claims atoiinht the i-aid estate are hereby notitied to prew lit the game duly verified, together vilh the proper vourhera therefor, to the unclersiBiud, at Ids resilience in Kulls City in saidCounty within six months from the date of this notice. iMted and lirt published January 3, 19"S. WILLIAM It. HlNsilAW, Kxecutorof the estate of Samh Miller, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Executor's Notice. Notice I hereby given, that by an order of the Ilononible County Court of Folk County. Oregon, duly made and entered of record on the 2rd day of December. Mm, the undersigned duly appointed executor of the estate of Ilurrcs i.. Hastings, deceased. All persons knowing luemse.iea lnoetiteu to saio estate are hereby notineo to call ami settle the same at once uith the undersigned and all persons holding claims auau.ai siiu estate are nereov notified to present in.- i-aiiiu iiuiji ii-ijiicii iiuiii si.: inonuis ironi ine date hereof. KKI'HKN HASTI.Wa, Executor of the estate of litirrcs L. Hastings, deceabed. Sibley A Eakiu, Attya. knwn to the in"st advanced science of all the tiiuVrent -'iioi,iof prac tice for tlie cure of woman's pecih.ar weaknesses a i;d ailments. If yon want to know more about the composition and professional eriel'T'o ment of the "Favorite Prseri-ption. e:.d postal card request to Dr. K. '. Fierce, lluiTalo. N. V., for his free booklet treat iiitr of same. You can't afford to accept as a substi tute for this remedy ii f 1. ii i in-ii r'oi,';(,.vifioT a secret nostrum of unknown c..'iip6) fioft. Don't (Jo it. Shingles For Sale. A carload of Star A Star shingles received this week by the Sof.hkex Wahehoi'ke Co. lo-l-tf Implements. (Vll parties intending to buy imple- l,,..l ) L.t,.r r t j ....... hi, i in I.,.' , u . u . mquci Kciore itntKtng tin ir purchases. 1-17-tf. II. E. Williams U. H. Ivoughary Dr. M. Hayter Conrad Stafrin J. C. Hayter P. A. Fin set h I). J. Riley M. M. Ellis J. J. Wiseman O, N. Cherrington W. J, Atchison J. A. Lynch Everett Gwlnn Johnson Brothers V. P. Fiske 2 F.J. Coad 2 J. II. Moore 2 D. A. Crltohlow 1 T. W. Reel j . O. Grant 1 Campbell it Holllnter 1 E. M. Smith 1 J. M. Grant 'j A. J. Barham o W. M. Elliott '.'.. v u, v. iciers 2 Dallus Mercantile "Company 2 Dunn Bros .3 D. A. Madison 3. W. Myer x Bllyeu & Sparks 2 Evan Evan.i 1 H. M. Ray & Company 1 Al. B. Young j Guy Brothers A Dulton a (. W. Hagood j Chickens for 5ale. I have a limited number of full blooded Barred Plymouth Rock cock erels and one rooster fur sale. II. D. Staats, Mod mouth R. F. D. 1, Ore gon. 1-10-lai Fence Posts For Sale. Ouk fence posts for sale at my place in West Dallas. W. P. Marhs. l-2S-8t Kjftfs For Sale. Full blooded Plymouth Rock eggs for sale at Veazle funn. l-31-8t Mare I or Sale. Sorrel mare, 8 years old, for sale very cheap. J. B. Nknmitu, Rickreall, Or. i-m-tr For Sale. Full blooded Andalusian roosters. Mutual Phone 521. Jtuis Hid. man. Farm l or Sale. Good 300-acre dairy and stock farm, two miles from railroad ; good grass and farming land; plenty of miming water; good house ami barn and sheds. Call on or address James A GnisoN, Sheridan, Or., R. V. D. 1. 8-10-tf For Sale. 258 acres line Improved land to bo sold cheap on uecount of sickness compelling me to change climate. Stands close inspection. Situated near tho Molson hopyard 2j miles from Rickreall. Good -baled hay for sale cheap. Address, W. F, Simon, Indo-endt-nce, Route I, l-21-8t Simple Remedy For Lagrlppe. Lagt ippo coughs are dangerous as thi-y frequently develop Into pneu- (tnoiil. Foley's Honey and Tar not j only stops the cough but heals and I strengthens the lungs so that no j serious result need be feared. The 1 Keuuiuo toiey s uotley ninl ir Con Citation. In the County Court of the Stnto nf i)rtaw 4... i... 1. . ' - "" "' i.'l 1 1 j. vi 11 1 , . In Ibe miil'er of the estate of AnuiRft t Crneiiir dev-ea--"!. ( itatl.ill. j I-1 Nathniiii-1 ( rosiar, Charlolte lilako, Enor-h s. 1 j.per, June A. Andrews. Sarah ,. Kirkwood, fames C. C..i.-r, Maria Hi.sm It and Isaiah M cooper, heirs of the abut e-nained Araasu J. Crosiar, dec-ased: in the Name of the Stale of Oregon : You and each oi you aie hereby cited and required tappcr in the onnty court of the state of Oregon, m and for I'olk County, at tlie l ourt room thereof in the Ctlv oi liullMs.in said omity of l-oik, 011 Monday, the third dav of iebrunry, A. 1 , 1:0-. the Biime beiim the iiist day of ire February, l'.-os. term of said Court, at t.'ie hour of ten o clock in the forenoon of si.id liny, then and there to show cause, if any esist, by au order should not be made bv said Court that the real proity of snid estate.'hereinafter nem riM-a. t,e sulil wholly, by .Nathaniel Ciosiar, as admiuitretor of snid estate, at private sale for cash, as prayed for lu the petition of tlie said' administrator, hied herein on the autli day of N.o.-mU r. for the purpose of raiaiut; fluids mtlii lent fur the payment and satis-lneiion of the ct.iiri.-cs and expenses of administration and the claims ncatnat the Bald eataie; said real pMnorty b.-ii:g ilesi ribed us (ollotts, to-wit: 1 he North hall (',) of the Northeast quarter (' and the Fast half (a) of the Norihuest quarter (',) of section eleven (II) in I'otvnship six (i.f souih. of Kmire four ( I) est ol the 11 l.mietle Meridinn, in i'olk County, State of O-e-iron. containing one hundred and aixtv (lt,(h a res. , Witness: The lion. Ed K. Coad, Judgi? of the County Court of , , tlie Slate of Oregon, for the ss.ti. , county of I'olk. with the of said Court ailixen. this ltlili day oi Iieeemla-r A Lb, l'KJT K. M. SMITH. Clerk of said County Court. Summons. This is the way it will continue to go until this Great Sale ends: $;().( K Suits and Overcoats $22.50 $18.00 Suits and Overcoats J3 27.50 " " 20!75 17-50 " " " 1325 25.00 " 18.75 16.50 " " " 1250 24.00 " 18.00 13-00 " " n 25 22.50 " 17.50 13.50 . 1Q25 20.00 15.00 12.50 a5Q $10.00 Suits and Overcoats $7.5Q In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County, Iiepurtmenl No. William J. Crumley, I'laintitf, vs. William Jackson, Defendant, summons. To the above-named Ix-fendtnt, William Jack son: In the name of the State of Oregon: You art hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint ft led against you in the above entitled Court ami cause within seven wetks front the j date of the publication of thissummons, lo-wit: the Jlstday of December, I'Ju;, and if you fail j so to appear and answer said complaint plaintnl , will apply to the Court for the whole of the ' relief demanded ill his complaint, to-wit: for a j decree removing a cloud from the title of t ie : following described real property, lo-wit: ! iicginning at the N. E. comer of the I) L. C. of 11. M. McNary in T.7,South of ltaui;e4 W., Wil lamette Meridian, thence West -lu.sl chains; llience South lOdenrees East 4S.C1 chains: thi-nce E. I.h7 chains; thence S. 10 defrrees East 2.75 ehaitia; tliem-e N. K deKrecu ::() minutes E. !I2.16 chains; thence N. 13 In chains: thence w 'Jchains; thence North 33.11.' chains to the place oi beuinning and eoutainiiiir tsJ j i m-n. i,.,.r.. or less, in i'olk County, Oregon. That in the year IS78 Johnlleniiershot and Fran cis.M.lIendershotiuortKaged tlieaforenieutioni d premises to said defendant for the consideration of Jiioo.ou, but although the game was theie-alier repaid by said mortgagors to said mortgagee yet through neglect or oversight of the said Uilliam Jiickaon the same tins m-ves enin.nii.,,, orsatislied upon the records of Poll.- Cuntr Oregon, and the same now remains apparently imi mniiii ciitim upon ami hvkiiisi sai. property, and it is such cloud that plitituill briiius tins suit to remove. That plaintiff have such other, further or dlllereut relief as may seem unto this Honora-iie Court agreeable to the principles ol cqiiuv, anil that the delendiint, and all persons claiming under him be barred of all and every right in said premises. You are further notilied that on the 17th dav of December, P.KI7, the Honorable William Calloway, Judge of the above entitled Com I made an order at the City of Salem, Marion' County, Oregon, authorizing ami directing tins summons to be served upon you by publication thereof once a week for seven consecutive weeks in the Polk County Observer, a newspaper ol general circulation and published weekly in 1 oik t omity. Oregon, and that the first publi cation of this summons was made on the :ilst day of December, 11KI7. JOHN H. MtNAHY and C. L. MrNAIiY, Attorneys for plaintiff. BOYS' SHORT-PANT SUITS AND SMOKING JACKETS AT COST OVERCOATS $5 and $6 values at $3.50 to $3.75 $4 and $4.50 " " 2.50 to 2.75 $3 and $3.50 " " 1.75 to 2.25 Boys' long-pant suits at actual cost Boys' Golf Shirts, 50c values at 35 cts. S 8 S 3 I S 3 3 3 3 3 S "But it is too late to buy Winter Clothing," you say. Not a bit of it-providing the inducements are great enough. Winter is not over by any means. We can expect plenty of cold weather--more than likely, the coldest of the year. The reputation earned by adherence to our rule of making quality paramount to price, has given this store an unsurpassed reputation for reliability and square dealing. Ml8 LEADERS IN MEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS MILL STREET, j. DALLAS, OREGON I NEVER-FAIL OIL CAN. ?- TboSuleai KttitcKinan my Pisirit t Attorney McNary will tak Htops to ut the Yamhill gallon house out of businoss by having theni dwlan-j n public nuUiimx. If Huoh m-tlon Is taken, Mr. McNary will receive any asslHtauctt that the jole ()f oouoty caa render in helping to rid the county of these tlis(esers of vile booze. Tho resident! of the lireelncta ftlotli? the niirfliorti l,..e,l ,k ,.r .1 . county have long deaiMHl tho removal , '"V,mm V1"9 m U a j'ninnm'. iteuise SUDSUUItCS. GOOD WALL PAPER. The Never-Fail Oil and Gasoline Can-air tight-will not leak nor spill will take all the oil out of can and will run oil from lamp back to can. Money back if not satisfied U. S. Loug'hary, TFe Grocer WHEN IN DALLAS GO TO THE DALLAS HOTEL AT ONE-HA LF PRICE! To Close out our present stock of Wall Paper, we offer it at ONE-HALF Price to make room for our new Stock. If in need of Furniture, Carpets, Linoleum Matting or anything in the House Furnishing line' we can furnish you with prices that are right. HALL & HAYES Successors to F. J. Chapman. orthegalloD houen, but have Wen powerless to act lu the matter, na the proprietors were receiving permission ; to maintain them direct from the! tloverntuent, Suctvss to Mr. McNary In his undertaking. Is the sentiment' of all. j i COFFEE Poor coffee has to be sold in bulk, it isn't worth packing. Your grocer returns your motif? if yM don't like Schilling's Best. e pay him. A HIGH STEPPER uCyi is satisneu with awoe-begone nnl?!nrr cat nf . r? The Harness Question you will have to buy from us. When you do you make no mistake as there's no mistake in harness that comes from here. Better be neighborly and come in frlfcniet'" horse needs thedayJ;rte7youbuy'jtP V&g j Dallas Harness Shop . aim,ny, rrop. Under New Management Strictly White Help. Big Sample Room and,' Special Accommodations for Commercial Men. BATES: $1.00, $1.25, $2.00 per Day Chipman & Farmer, Props. LOOK HERE! The City Express & Transfer Co. does all kinds of hauling at reasonable rates, Stand and both phones at Webster's Confectionery Store. STOW BROS. Proprietors DALLAS, OREGON Sheriff J. M. (irant reptn ts that t! 9 delin.iueut tax list amounts to ouly 1231.5(1 this year, which is probably a lower sum thau that (1f any ether county in Oregon. Wood Tor Sale. io you need wootl? We want to' remind you that the block wood from I the Wlllnmotte. Valley Lumber Com-' pany's sawmill is the Ust and cheap- ! est WtHnl you can buy. f 1.7;. er load. I delivered. Mutual idione 41)7. or leu v. Webster's confectionery orders stoiv. ll-'JJ-lf. at liOWMAN liKOS. How Is Your Blood lllJt Wanted. Notice is hereby given that sealed I bids will 1 retvived by the County1 Court of Folk Couuty for the furnish-! ' If jroo l.,k .twngth, m MTX0US u I of w.xvl for the Court House, io j DO arpftlte. dont l-p well, fet tlrtsl : "k aDl1 4l 001 Js of Ar- osk ! ai!y, jrour blood U In bd ftuuUUon. ! tl' l ,nu 2 Inches nor more! k1, ,, ne w,l,,uut t'"1- ! Ul!tn 6 ln"h 'a diameter, liids to U i ojenthl on the first day of February! term. " 1 Fy ortler of County Court j F.. M. SMI I'll. l':t County Clerk. Electricity for Lighting Is only expensive to people who are wasteful and careless. To you, who are naturally careful, it does not come high. not n.vd.sl to ,ave bother of li ,i nTJ ,iu ''fi" burn the el.-etrie lilit bills an.ount To t nl v one or tw dollir, T' hml 011 can probal.lv c t ome kin,) f'.r 7rt L ?, I" mouth. than e .-etiie li-!it t.tit ts it savJ v ur lt,s "ouey blood. Hotxi'i 8rsairill rujjtei rood, rtcti blood and kwpt food. Cyspep!a--Vr lii monthi tnf ,T- ortwi nd ti ir WNiia 1,1 ,1 .1...........: . . , ' " win.muons ami lneivases i t 11 1 V 1 11,!ii;'r tomorrow by r "v-uniii t ue eeviuoniv. 11 Is how you save that tvunu." evesiuht im.iL-.i;. I .-.u,-ni 3 iiouenoi,i work. You 'nnt without vour m.... so much what you save, but out of onlir with 1 1.1 . v. " . -' -1 - Had No Appetite " I w troubled '";i"-r! mid 111 no i.H-tit. 1 iifci '": '-' if ir mtiut. Mr r.o.tltuti.. IkJ nm i narn. I, .11 t!...-. s. ...... , .. . . ii!M lt. Dissolution Notice. j Wagner Brother have dLo!vcd ! partnership, and all pron owiniii II.'i .Nr;i.rtll. u irruivHl ,.t L, "I that firm are rHl ue?t(l to eiill t mr' iilenruie, W Iseuu.in. ,Wf ltnS-"l thdd.rl Wrdof WILI.AMKTTK VALLEY CO RVTKS r. tt over 10 .imp, j,,,', ! - r Kilowatt up to 10 drop : mps i7io iH-rdrop and 5c n.r Ki r j. . ' HIT: over 4t J-or powe.- rates apply nt the ott ee. We , ine "in ana tnits of the ti.,. .; " ".' l" explain u or iirit ii.viih. ... ... i - - , iiknii n inrn ir i.i.-j nteaiHavs n'H.H- t, .,.1 pttone to u. we are n.v..r t k, . w 'n on Iur mrt. f.ciiit in Iiti.t i .... : i ... . .. I f-. r i.t....... i. . "Tr" "? w!'wni snon oo Hak Mrwt and ,. I!ocKi'i fiarsafMiril! Is id eVerywher. 1 Ttnl,,0,, Also rsona who have la the Bual Uquid. or la tablet form called ,0v1 Arrowed from that firm willj S&rt&tab. ICO nowf Out Dollar. Fr. ' I''''f return them to the came laeo. i r-arftl only tjr C. L Hood Co, Lowtlt, ITau, 1 17 F. J.WAUNF.R. Willamette Valley Comp . i-viwNS, .Manager for Palla. rhones Tk!! 421. iany Mutual Uj7 v on Mill strwL lust n-rrh r thn r- . tr Thursday, Friday and Saturday, January 30, 3, and February i On Dress Goods and Ladies'and Children's! is ana i urs. 5 "me fO.OO Coats fs.w r, .. , :- " " 4 00 9 $125 Cat33 I 1 ' " 2.50 ... t -50 Furs $.95 W ., ia,) " -00 ! " 3.00 fn 2'50 " 1.W 12oo coo i 3.50 4.00 m : z " " ;l :: - i J " ::::::::::: K & '0 " ljp0 !! " 7.50 If. I 15-M " 10.00 : 1;::1--. i A11 this seasons Coats and iff .33 Line 4 UUODS .35 a Llr'P -w " - t l.AO I JHA H $ 10 Make QnntJZr. I iuir prins: Qoods rV -rr . ..asMercantileC VI V?