Polk County Observer J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR AND PCBUSHER Pnbliihed Beml-Weekly at $1.50 per Year. Strictly In Advance. Pnti! Bwnnd-clax matter March 1. 1907, at the pint ottice at JJallaa, Oregon, under tlje Act of Congress of March 3, mil). DALLAS, OREGON, JiWJABY 10, 190. The -way to build up Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. BUSINESS LOCALS. Dr. Hayter. Dentist Office OTer Wilson's Drugstore. Dallas. Oregon. Found. Found, In Dallas, a lady's neck fur. Call at this office. For Sale. Milk cow fresh with calf. Apply at Veazie farm, north of Dallas, l-7-tf For Service. Registered Jersey bull for service at Veazie farm north of Dallas. l-7-8t For Sale. Two fresh Jers' cows. Fhone 532. Fked J. Wklls, It. F. D. 1, Dallas, Oregon. For Sale. Black OrpingtoD, Barred Plymouth Rock and R. I. Red cockerels for sale. Mrs. A. F. Stoxer, Rickreall, Or. l-7-4t Notice. I have sold my millinery stock to the Misses Reddecopp, of Salem, who will take possession at once. Those who have accounts with me are requested to call and settle at earliest convenience, as I desire to close my business by February 1. 12-31-4t Ella J. Metzgeb. 12-2i-Ct BARELY ON THE MAP. A subscriber residing in Idaho writes to ask tho name of Folk county's StateSeuator. Bless your bouI, brother, Polk county has no.Ktate Senator. It used to have one, but was deprived of that official by the grace of Newt Ilart and the last Oregon Legislature. Polk ha3 only half of a Senator now, and that half livos In Bonton county. Time was when the county had a Senator and a half. That was in the days when Old Polk was recognized as a factor In the state political game, and was represented In the Legislature by men who made it their business to see that their county was tho gainer by addition instoad of a loser by subtraction. Polk County will not be permitted to chooso a senator at the coming elec tlon. The county Is now In a joint district with Benton, and A. J. John son, the Corvallls banker and bold over Senator, will represent both counties until; the year 1910. Two years hence, we may possibly bo 'per mitted to name tho Senator but not now. Polk county; ls!not exactly off the political map of Oregon, but it la the next thing to it. For Sale. Good organ at half price. of C. A. Bennett, Dallas. Inquire 1-10-tf Shingles For bale. A carload of Star A Star shingles received this week by the Soehren Warehouse Co. 10-1-tf Goats on Shares. About 50 goats to let out on shares, or would sell. If let on shares would prefer near Dallas. Apply at this office. 12-20-tf Program at Colosseum Rink. Skating every afternoon and evening at the Colosseum rink. Good music. Admission, skaters, '45 cents; specta tors, 10 cents. Wood For Sale. Do you need wood? We want to remind you that the block wood from tho Willamette Valley Lumber Com. pany's f-awmill is the best and cheap est wood you can buy. $1.75 per load, delivered. Mutual phone 1407, or leave orders at Webster's confectionery store. H-22-tf. BOWMAN BROS. A Ecld Step. To overcome the well-grounded and reasf i.abl-t o')j ctions of the more iutel Scut to the use of secret, medicinal com po'r.nJs, 3. E. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, X. V., suae time ago. deckled to make a bold departure frora l he usual course pursued ly the makers of vut-up medieiues-l'or do mestic use, zrAso has pubii.-bed broad cast and oncaTy to the whole world, a full and compffcte list of all tho ingredients entering lntbe composition of his w!de-y celebrated ffdlMts. Thus he has taken his numerp?s nitrons and patients Jnto his full fmfWice. Thus too he haj re movedliiyaedicines from among secret nfKtrmof doubtful merits, and made tteid4:cmcdU.s of Known Competition. b&bo1 lL TTTTT to sufil'vt thf-m i ne uounty uourt bsks tno newspap ers of the county to submit bids for publishing the notice of tax sal". Tho OiiHEiivErt, for one, must decllno with thanks. None of tho expense of this sale will come out of the county treas ury, and we see no reason why we should out our prices and put our skilled workmen and valuable machinery at tho disposal of a few people who have leen slow In digging up their taxes. When this paper has any good things to hand out, It will give tnem to us friends and cus tomers, and not to n little bunch of strangers and non-residents, of whom It knows little and cures 1bh. Then, again, tho tax sale notice this year Is so small that bidding on It would bo a good deal like asking tho local gro cery merchants to submit sealed bids for furnishing live pounds of beans and a peek of potatoes for the editor's household. No, thank you, gentle- men. luo Uuhkkvkh does not enro to strap over a bone especially when iuo uuue nas no meai on it, it any papor offers a bid, It will have to be one that needs money worse than this shop needs it. Judge Coad and Commissioners Rlddell and Teal are entitled to much credit for tho way they havo handled tho county's financial affairs In the last year. Tho low tax levy will be gratefully appreciated by every tax payer, and yet it has been made eufflclently high to provide for every Important public Improvement and keep Polk couuty lu tho ranks of the progressive counties of Oregon. mats tho kind of good work that counts. Farm For Sale. Good 300-acre dairy and stock farm two miles from railroad ; good grass and farming land ; plenty of running water; good house and barn and sheds. Call on or address James Giiihox, Sheridan, Or., R. F. D. 1. 8-10-tf Bids Wanted. Bids will 1x3 received by tho County Court of Polk County, Oregon, for the publication of tho delinquent tax roll for the year 1M)6 and for tho sulo property for delinquent taxes for said year. Said bids will bo opened Janu ary 18, 1908, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. E. M. SMITH, County Clerk Collections! I have now been in the collecting business for about two months. My success has been uniformly good, and I have secured a large list of patrons during this time. Every effort will be made to insure promptness and thor oughness in my work, and the com mission charged will be nominal. I respectfully solicit your patronage in the future, and promise the best service possible. L. D. BUTLER, Dallas, Oregon. Summons. Not only tic's il.e wraprier of every bottle of Ir. Pit roe's Golden Medical Illscovcry, tlte famous medicine for weak stomach. tjrriu. lifer or fulioui-iiess and all catarrhal diseases wherever located, have printed uiion it. in plain Knglish. a full and complete l'st of ad the ingredients comijosmg it, but a small t..,lr Iih Isecn romnlled from numerous standard medical works, of all the different schools of pra'-tiee, containing very numer ous extracts from tho writ in its of leading practitioners of medicine, endorsing in the utriMijoit ttwaible Urm. each and every ingre dient contained In Dr. Pierce's medicines. One of these lif.lo books will bo mailed free to anyone sending address on po'-tal card or by letter, to Dr. It V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., and request inif the same. From this littlo book it will be learned that I)r. Pierce's med icines contain no alcohol, narcotics, mineral agents or other poisonous or injurious agents and that they aro made from native, medici nal roots of great value; also that some of the most valuable Ingredients contained In fir. Pierce's favorite Prew rintion for weak. nervous over-worked "run-down," nervous and debilitated women, were employed, long years airo, by the Indians for similar ailments aliecting their squaws. In fact, one of the most valuable medicinal plants entering into the conitKjsitiou of j.'r. Pierce s 1 avorite l'rc- soriution was known to the Indians as "Siuaw-Weed " Our knowledge of the uses of not a few of our most valuable native, me dicinal plants was pained from the Indians. As made up oy improved and exact pro- cee. the "Favorite Prescription " Is a most efficient remi dy for regulating all the wom anly functions, correcting displacements, as prolapsus, anteversion and retorversion, ovevcominir painful periods, toning up the nerves and bringing alxmt a perfect state of health. ciolU by ail dealers In E'idicmti 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Money Saved Here! A CLEARANCE SALE THAT WILL SHATTER ALL PRECE DENT IN LOW PRICES. i i i one nr always strictlv-adhered-to policy of "Never to pack goods away from s s tn the next." makes it imperative for us to hasten the departure of i OllV U-""" " ' . nnM 1 O 11 1 - our present stock of SUITS AND OVEKUUATa, oeiore we arrival at Spring I We want fresh goods every Season-and not Carry Overs This is the way it will continue to go until this Great Sale ends: 8 $30.00 Suits and Overcoats A New business for Dallas. hxport hand piifmtvlnpr by tho undnrsinnd, Into of. Portland. Hand engraving in all Its brunches. Jew dry and pluto with monograms, f n i Hum, text, etc. Uilglnal designs to suit the patron. Satisfaction guornn tend. We havocomoto Dallas to make our home, and will bo found ut A. II Harris jwoiry store. Hoping to rcw'lve your patronage, wo will do our best to please you. 1-7-Ht CIIAULEH II. LANE Notice of Final Settlement. Notice la hereby irlvon that the tnnlerHiunc executor of thf eitlatu ol Martha Ann Itrown dcroaacn, Iiim tiled I. Ix Until ucciiunl in tln t 'Utility Court of the Ktau- el Oreiine. lor 1'ulk I (Minly.aiid that Weilm-Mlm', the l.'iili day ol Jaiiimiy, at the hour of ten o'clock In Hie loreiiiiiiii (if aiilil iliiv. nt the Court mi f iiiu Mini county ( onrl In the. cuv ot Imlhm.Ore Kim. luii been aiMKiiutcil liy ihe'Juilire of milil Court hm the tunc Hint place, lor the IiciiiIiik ol mm riiiinn i.i mi! aahl mini aeeoimL anil i i eiiiuiiieni mereoi. Al.VIN KAY ltKOWN, Kjteeiitnr of the entHto of Martha Ann llrow n, ileeeahed (near Hayter, Attorney, llateil an. I liri-t nihliaheil lleeeinlH'r 17, l'.KIT. Notice of f Inal Settlement. Notice In hori'liv Klven that the iiii,l,.mli...,i nuiiiuuairairix oi tne calate ot John A ' milium. ucceaMen. iihm it iil nr tin.. H ,1,1.1 In the ('utility Court ol the Hlaie ol unc.in, lor i oik tin it v. a on nun w 1'iinrK. iv i in. t.ii. .1.... oi Jiinimry, i'.hih, at the hniir ol ten o'elueli In t lie loieiioon ol milil ilay, at l In- Cmirl room of i ne nam ( on in y (nun unitedly ol Italia, (ire Kuit, lum l.,ni m i ... .1 ii i ,- ( y the JiiiIkc of Mihl Coint aa tht Itine autl iilar. htr iJit ii..ni.i iiiij. ruiiiin n iiiu I.I1.I niiHiaeeoiitit ami the M'lueiiieiti inereoi, til RI'IK I". H ll.l.tAMS A.llliililstratrix of theealHte ol John A. Uilli.in.M il ...,i linear Hayter, Attorney. Iiatcil ami llmt iuhlihheil lleeemlaT 17, 1!HI7 Administrator's I Inal Notice. Right on top of his oold turn-down by the President in tho appointnient or a District Attorney, Senator Fuitou Is censured by tho Oregon Labor Fed erauon ror allowing a non-union cigar to Iw named after him. Truly, mo troubles of tho great aro many. Aneiciiango soys that complaints of a scarcity of cars are no longer beard. Sure not That little f i raise on lumber put an end to tho car short- ago at one swijie. The railroads now compluinltig that there lug to haul. Notice li herein- iMven that the ii.nl. .riu.,... I tlintiiiatrmor ol the initio ol A. J. luera lecrmml, tiMM Itleil Inn linal HClMOIIlt 111 kill. I : KUt, Mini that the iniiiitir I unrt nf i',,ik County, Orek-..ii. han atnuilitteit Kri.lnv n... 7th day ol Jantnirv. l'.t.s. m ih l.....r ..f i K'eliM'k i. in. ol aald day, ut the Comity Court louae. III mil. I Cotuitv aa the time ami i.l,,,... .... hearluif any (it.leetl.uta to aneli linal ,..i ml lor the settlement thereof. 1'iltill I Ilia IVlll day of lleeeillta-r, UHI7. TIKIS, tt. Hlil NK, A.lnniiiatratiir ol the catate ol A.J. Hyern. dwaatsl. Notice ol Pinal Settlement. are Hooray for Jonathan I How Is Your Stood i If you lack Btrength, are nervous, have no appetite, don't stop well, fret tired eaallj, your Mood Is in bad condition. You cannot he strong without pure, rich blood. Hood't Sarsaparllla rua.hei eood, rid blood and keep It good. Dypepla-"For tlx niontha w iys Irro u i out ot order with !ytl nj impure Ii!ohI. rUx-m lot of luoue III Vain I Hood tIUaIarlll rttrl in- ' 1.- Notice ! herehv riven thai ih .,i,.t....i ..i ilimmlrtri of the eatale of Jamea A Ithrew. iteeeaae,!. ia IIIihI Iter tiii.il til the County Cmirt oi the siaie ni nr...,..,, .... is 110th- 'V1!? County, and that W educattay, the l .th day of January !.,. at the hour ol leu d elm k t,', ' lenuiMiii in km hi nay, at the uurl room ot the County Court lu the city ot liallaa Ore. on, luau-eu a).iinte, l,y the JudKeofMid Court aa I ha time and nlac I.ir H, i,....,,... ..( otoecliona to the aald linal nceouiti and the III. litetil thereof MAKV 1IAWT1IOKNK WITIIROW, Admlnuiratrn ut the entate of Jatllea A. Wllhr,,,.' .I.u.us...i 0 r Hayter, Atliiriiey. ' I'ali-d and timl .ul.luvl lieeenitaT 17, 1HI7. In the ITreult Court of the State of Oregon tor rot a county, Department iso. 2. Willmni J. Cromley, l'laintitl', vs. Willlum Jackson, Uefenuaut. httminons. To the above-named Deletnliiit, William Jack aon: In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby reijuired to npM'ar and annvver the eom- uialitt mej BKHinst you in the above entitled court and eanae within aeven weeks from the date of the publication of thissummonB, lo-wtt the 31ht day of Ueeember, l'Jn7, and if you fail no to appear and aiiMver anid complaint plaintill win an ny to me court lor the whole ol the relief demanded in hia complaint, to-w It: (or a decree removing a cloud from the title of tlie following described real property, to-wit: Beginning at the N. K. comer of the 1) I.. C. of 11. M. MeNary ill T.7,Houlh of Range 4 W.,VI1- imneite .Meridian, tneiice West ehains thence South 10 decrees K8t 4M.til chainx thence K. 1.1)7 chuina; thence S. 10 degree East 'J..'i elialna; thence . Ni degrees M minutea K ;)J Hi cIihIiib; thence N. 18 lu chains: thence W UchaiiiB; thence North :.'.r. cliHina to the Dlace of hcKiniilng and containing 1W. IJ acres, more or less, in l oin l ountv, Oregon. That In the year IN78 John II undershot and Fran cisM.IIeiiileraliot mortgaged thealorenientloned liremlacs to said ilelendiint lor the connideratinri 01 mi.iio, out ulthoiiirh the game was there-alter repaid by khki mortgagors to naiii mortgagee yet through neglect or overnight of the said William Jacksim the same was never cancelled or annulled upon tne records ot I'olk County, Oregon, and the ha me now remains apparently alienor lawitn eiaiitt upon and at'ainst said iroicrly, and it la such cloud that plaintill irniKH loin nun 10 remove. mat. nntiiimi nave Mich oilier. lurt ber or dlHerent relief aa iiuiy seem unto this Honorable conn agreeame 10 the principles ol euuitv. and that the deleiidant. and all persona claiming under nun e uarreu 01 an ami every ne 111 111 aaui iireiiiinea. You are further notllled that on the 17th dnv of lieceiubcr, 1IKI7, the llimorahle William (aiumay, judge ol the above entitled Court made an order lit the City of Hit em. Marion County, Oregon, authorizing and directing this siiiniiiiins to lie nerved upon you by publication mereui mice wees uir seven consecutive weeks 111 mo roue utility observer, 11 nevpaier ol kciutiii eireiiiHiiou and iniiiisned weekly lu rum county. Oregon, and that the tlrat iinhll cation ol this Miinmiina was mado on the aist nay 01 iieccnibcr, l'.i7. JOHN II. MrNAKV and V. I.. Mi:N A K', Atlorneys lor plaintill'. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby eiven that the iiiiderniffned aiirniuis'rator 01 tne estate 01 Andrew Kiggs, deceased, hus Hied his linal account In the County Court of the State of Oregon for I'olk County, and that Wednesday, the l ith day of January, hmx, at the hour ol ten o'clock in'the forenoon of aald dnv. at the Court room of the said Couuty Court, in the City of Dallas, Ore gon, has been appointed by the Judge of said Court as the time and place for the hearing ol objections to said linul account and the ettle- meiil thereof. OSCAR HAYTER, Administrator of the estate of Andrew Rltrgs. deceased . Dated and lirst published December 17, 11)07. 8 27.50 25.00 24.00 22.50 20.00 $22.50 20.75 18.75 18.00 17.50 15.00 $18.00 Suits and Overcoats 17.50 1G.50 15.00 13.50 12.50 $10.00 Suits and Overcoats $7.50 13.50 j 13.25 1 12.50 11.25 10.25 9.50 Notice of Pinal Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administratrix of the estate of Kred 11. .McEl fresh, deceased, hits tiled her linul account in the County Court ol the Htate of Oicgmi, for I'olk County, nnd that Wednesday, the l.ith dav of January, l'JOH, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of Bald day, at the Court room of the said County Court in the city of 1 alias, Ore gon, has been appointed by the Jui1ne of said Court as the time and place for the heariue: of objections to the said linal account and the settlement thereof. (iEKTKrOE K. McEl, FRESH, Administratrix of the estate of Ered M. McKlfresh, deceased. Notice to Creditors. BOYS' SHORT-PANT SUITS OVERCOATS $3.50 to $3.75 2.50 to 2.75 1.75 to 2.25 AND SMOKING JACKETS AT COST I Boys' long-pant suits at actual cost. Boys' Golf Shirts, 50c values at 35 cts. . $5 and $6 values at $4 and $4.50 " " 8 $3 and $3.50 " " "But it is too late to buy Winter Clothing," you say. Not a bit of it-providing the inducements are great enough. Winter is not over by any means. We can expect plenty of cold weather-more than likely, the coldest of the year. The reputation earned by adherence to our rule of making quality vg paramount to price, ana givcu uns &unc an lui&uijja&scu icpuuuiuu ior reuaoiuiy ana square dealing, 8 IKa a Uglow Clothing House LEADERS IN MEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS MILL STREET, j s DALLAS, OREGON 8 Executor's Notice. Notice is herehv eiven that the nndcrsiLMicd has heen duly unuointed executor oi the estate olyarah Miller, deceased, hy the l ountv t ourt ot tne Mate o Oregon, for i'olk County und has qtialilietl. All persons Iiuvinu claims iil'ii list the said cstiitc are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, together with the proper vouchers inereior, io vne uimcrsignoii, Ht ins residence in Kails City in snitlCouniy within six months trom the dale of this not ice. Dated and first puhlished January 1!KI8. 1LI,1A.M It. Hl.NftllAW, Kxecutor of the estate of Sftruli Miller, deceased. Oscur Hayter, Attorney. 1 roiuce is nercny ifivcn to whom It may con- cm, inav me uniiersiKiud, executors of the stale of David I'eters. deceased, hv ,,r,l,.r ,,f tl... nun. ( uniiiv (.ottri OI I (11 Ic 1 oiinlv. Ori..tit duly made mid entered of reeord therein on the Ml 11 day ot December. l'.W7. aiithurizlinr. m. poweiiiiir and (iireetiitir litem to sell the here- tnaiuT iiescrnieii real nronertv hi' iiim h... i., mini esiate hi private Sale will on or alter the inin nay 01 ninuarv A. D. l'JOx. oiler furn nnd will sell at Private sale, to lite highest bidder for cash in hand on dnv of sale. Hie full.iu inu described real estate to wlt: 1 lie .South hull of the il. I.. C. of John H Mar. tin anil wife. Not. No. lh'.),, Claim No. W, in T. 6 H. It. b W til. Mcr. Polk County, Oremm. also ticKtniiiiiff at Ihe Northwest corner of the above lescrined iruci ot iiind, titcnee West 7 07'.. bains, thence South 4;l.(rj', chains, thence Kast (IV, chains, llience North Jil.O.'1, ehains to tile lacu of U-Kinuiiiir, coiitaluluir in nil I'll.'? acres more or less. Alan a part of the K. I., c. of n. C. Itrown and wife. Nut. No ll,. i l...... v.. til anil a part of the D. I.. C. of Thomas J. Lo'vc- lauy situ wile Not. No. I'.r,7, Claim No. ti.), in T. s. K..ri. Will. Mcr. I'o k Cotiiiiv i ir.u., ,, i, ritininn at a point til. 7sl chains North and lnfi-' chants Kast of the Sotithen.il corner of said W.c. HroYn 1). I.. C. thence Nortn :tii I I .-lining to N. K. cor. of V. t:. llrowu 1). L. (:.. tlu.n. M West :ti .6.1 chains to a stone in center of county road thence S.iuth ls.iiu chains, thence s ,1111 h IcKrees Kast 7 !.' ehains. thenee South isiti, bains, thence West '.'.'i links, thence Somh I .lu. iirce West no chains, llience South as dcirrees r.a.-t .l id elmins tlieuee North 4.."m ehains. to nu irlliwest eorut r of Hie U. 1). lVtem lm ,1 it Nortli H7 deaiecs :t0 minutes Kbmi Ai wi the place of bcifinuiiur and eontalninif lu!oi s. Also a Hart of the h. i.l w c u..... .. D. 1.. C. betfiniiinir at a ooitit .-li k.: eh.ii.ia v...,i. and Hi. IS chains West of the Southeast turner ol said W . C. Hnmn 11. V. m ne at Hie If or of Knu's lainl thence W Vsi ... - stone tlicuee Nortli :li chains, thence Nortli :fi IcKrees Kast S Hi chatiiN. t In s ai j wi.o. thence Suiith dcitrees Knst 4 iii rlutm ti,....o Sout h t.lOcliHius to place of lieKiiiiiiuK and con- laiiiing 1, ,n acres more ur li-ss, sul.jcct to con- rinaiton oy ssi.i t ountv I ourtof I'olk l'.,m,i,. tlrenon. Sealed bids may la' sent to ihe under luiied exet uion hi any tune prior to date of Sale. Dated at Da'lss. I'olk Conntv (lr... n.;. I'.Uh day of Deefinlier A I). I'm:. David d. i ktkks, ki.1zahk111 i'kikks, Joint executors of the estate of DsVld Pelern tlui.aM.! Sibley A Kakin, Aitys for estate. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby (riven that the niiilcrviwn,.,! Httiiiiiiisiruioro tneesttneoi ciiehp a . .. n..i. .uMii.ieo, nas men ills linal account in the County Court of the State of Oreeon. for I'olk County, and that Wednesday, the l.ith day of i-.nn. ni uiv iiottr oi ten o ciock in the forenoon of said dav. at the ( onrt room of n. said County Court in the Citv of Dullas, Urefron, has been appointed by the Judge of said Court as lite time and place for the heaii ig of objec tions to the said linul account and the settlement thereof. FRKD JOHNSON, Administrator of the estate of l'hebe A. Johnson. dicn.i.l Oscar Hayter. Attorney. naicd and hrst published December 17, 1907. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby eiven that tho n,,.i,.R.;.,n.i hits been ditlv appointed HlimiiUtri,.r i.i... will annexed of the estate of Marv A iioo deceased, by the (.'ountv Court of tlie State of OrcKon, for I'olk County, and hhs mmliti,.,! All tiersons having claims ssaiiisi "il,.. ci.i estate are hereby notified to present the same duly vermeil, together with I lie proper vouchers therefor, to t lie nndersiinted at ids oiliei. in th city of Dallas, in said Conntv wii i.i.. ... .,,, i,. from the date of this notice. Dated aud iirst published December 17 1X)7 HKNKV (i. CAMI'HKI.l',, Administrator with w ill annexed of the estate of Mary A. Dougan, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Executor's Notice. No ee is hereby given, that by an order of the Honorable County Court of I'olk County Oregon, duly made ami entered of record on the ...rd day of December, P.KI7, the undersigned was duly appointed executor of tl,.. ... u ( 1.. Hastings, deceased. All persons knnwi.,,. themselves indebted to smi.i ..,,., . i , ?. . . ., , . "..v n.c ueieo ' """ oi can ami seme the same at once w ith the undersigned and ail h-isoiis holding claims auaitist said estate are hereby notilied to present he same duly verified within si.t months from the dale hereof. RKCHEX HASTINGS Kxtyutor of the estate of Burres B, , ,. Hastings, deceased, sibloy , Eakin, Attys. . Cut Prices I will cut prices on all goods sold for the next 30 days. Special Cut on Gold Headed Canes. Umbrellas and Diamonds I have one of the largest and best selected stocks on the West Side, so you will do bet ter to call early and get the pick. Yours for business. A. J, BARIUM R. B. WINSLOW C. H. MORRIS i BARHAM $ WINSLOW Dealers in leal Estate Farm and Timber Lands A Specialty. Cityproperty bought and sold We will sell you a house and lot on easy terms. Call and see us. First door west of the postoffice. Dallas, - Oregon C 1 omplete Stock Citation. In the Cot 1 11 ly Court of the si.u .o fot I'oik t ounly. In them. tier of theestaleof Amasa l.Crosiur ! ased, t Hall. ti. 1 o .isinituiei 1 rtwisr. Char lotto Hlk. I.-. x'i-r, jiit M., item. Mrall .V. Kliko.Ksl "lues 1 . 1 ior, Maria liass. ii and Ui.t, vi CiH-ixr, heirs ut the il.i.. i.an.,.,l t,,..... i i'MMiar, deeeaM-d: In the .Name of ihe Slate of Oregon : ou ami each oi u ate Iht.-i,v . iii.,,.i reuinl ui appear 111 the 1 iMimy court tt the State ol tin itoii. In and tor I'olk Cotiiiiv .1 th ....... iwtn inrrroi in tne ny 01 lll, h, ,,( WaaL.. .,i h ..... I inillivol I'm, im Monday, Ihe thiol dav ol Boiff "."iif 'S th .,!, 1 he Ket.ruar,, A. I. . I, ihe Jme oeit ' " he nrl tkr.?. .7i"ril1- r,"rrd u"",t ritrrm day 01 11 , Kebmarv. l term .d ,1 tv nrt faknesa after nii, built n ho. !,..! in.. h..,.,i .,. ....i.i.t, ,7. ' " day, ilieu and Ihere to show earn., it anv evtst w hy an order should not U made bv aanl t ourt that Ihe real r,., ri of m, eatate.'hereiualicr deacrilvd. t ., holly, t.jr Nailianiel ( nwiar aa adimuislraior of aald raiale, al pruaie sale' lot t aali, as .raye.l for in the petition of Ihe aald adininuiralor. n.ed hrreiu 011 (he jmh day of Novrinta-r 1'.'7. lor Ihe puri-oaeol raiaiu( iud, aumcietit for the ymeiil and aanstai tion ,. the charnea and expense of .dii.lniMr.ti,.u and lut iiood a tarsatariUa cured luo. Z.AI in. tienoa, Nru " N Appetite-"I tu trouble! rVitn. ;piP!,, ", "0 appetite. I had i., .11 t'' """(. W coii.tltution rTf." UurU' h lita'd a San(aparilla haa cunielThle, iscouain. ftnr i,,r..,, . " . !' 'V '-oaim un UJ ik.iouIU In our children." Mm. M. A. DaxwoHTH. Bo, 4, EmbreeTitle. i:a. II Bood'i Saraaparllla it aolj ryerywherft. In the tuna! liquid, or tu tablet form called Sanataba. 100 Due On Dollar, pre- ( iwaoniy tj C. L UooJ Co, Lowell, Mass. Notice of l inal Settlement. Notice U hereby irTv.a that th. Underat.ne.1 nrt V"i' A. Mella. dnLi haa liil till final account In lha ( ounir l oiiri of th. mate c (ire0, ,, ,.ollt twulf,T ,uil that tiurdT. the wh day of Kei.ruarr. ran at the hour afoiw o cloe in lha afternoon t laT, al ih(V.rt room ntt . .1 . . In th ( it y of Uallaa. (irrwn, ha. twa api' .iutt by lha Ja,it oi aaid Court aa tha litua and )laee for lha bra rln ao( oto.vit.uia 10 th MIJ inal acoouut aud tne aeulrmrut ihemif . L Butler, Atturaejr. uv ri.im. acainai ute Bal l eatale aald read poiieriy brln, dea ril-,1 aa folloaa. u-u 1 be North hall t I ol the Northeaat quarter l) and tti tax h.f , 01 Ihe Norihaeal iiuarler (' I of Srs-liou rlrirrii ( II I In ri.ai,.!,,,, aerea. 1""rl" t . ' 01 nrs-iiou eleven 1 It I in ri,.i,,., an (ti)isouih, of Kaime hmr (I) Hm 01 the Wii I.m. lle Mrn.tiau. lu I'olk Countr. i.-r.,l ron. coutaiuiuf on huudnil aud aixty (itv) ilnn' Th Hon Kd r Toad, Ju.iir of the Couuiy Court oi the rtal of Oretron, lor t(, County of l).k. auh th a.-al of aald Court attucj, tlm ..ih day ut lcriut,rr A i l.a.i? E. M M11H. Clerk of aaid Couuty Court. r Pictures Pictures Pictures of all kinds and sizes. RocRers, Center Tables and Jardiniere Stands, Pedestals, Foot Stools, Etc The finest line of Rugs in the city. All bought expressly for the holiday trade. Come in and see them. HALL & HAYES Sucvsor3 to F. J. Chapman. 11 i I ! I j Dress Goods . KSide of Portland a11 of the f FlirS and Fur CoatS iustfarrid by express direct from the j f jgg wiy. mey are tne correct q $ Julia Marlowe and Flintstone SW? tv.Q i. .. uicco siiues ior laaies. S Packard st0"llni A-A Shoes forMen have noeoual in I , wuuvt t auu wear, we are sn a n rrw c li " "feVlHO, fiy es and shades for ! rla to (Is i J B. Stetson the coct Shap IN m vt VI V? Vf VI VI VI VI VI Fall and Winter." Agents for McCall Patterns. GROCERY A COmP'toliS?S.ey. Prompt uuuu piu to pnone orders Coffee, like it. 1 lbs. for 25c. Your Mokana iff VI Vf VI VI VI Vf VI VI VI not V! VI VI VI VI. VI v? V! Vf V7 money back if you do price. Dallas Mercantile Co. Successor to Ellis & Keyt