Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 24, 1907, Image 3

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    nty Observer
can of Turkish figs at
. W. Sager went to Port
registered yet? Uglow
f Falls City, was a Dai
ly. of Portland, Is visiting
i left for his homo in
. .iday.
tga Grapes out of that
), of the U. of O., is
i in Dallas.
. of Airlie, was a busi
iiallas, Friday.
. y went to Portland,
i few days' visit
n, the Airlie merchant,
at visitor, Friday.
, v ,dy, nuts, dates, figs,
:, etc. at Loughary's.
"igerand L. Gerlinger
land this morning.
, r and little son went to
, i iy, for a few days' visit.
r, of Jefferson, was a
jbill.i1. Thursday and Fri-
2 ia
I 1, of Salt Creek, visited
Pallas, Thursday and
Palmer, who is attending
, O. A. C, is home for the
Albert Kowrtoua, of Falls City, was
in Pallas yesterday on his way to
Mias Lillian McVicker went to
t Lafayette, Friday, for the Christmas
Mrs. Lottie Hedges-Dorris, of Inde
pendence, visited friends in Dallas,
George Gooeh and daughter, Cordia,
went to Portland yesterday for a few
days' visit.
BaQtoa Yost and family, of Black
Rock, are visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Cone.
Mayor and Mrs. A. B. Muir went to
Portland this morning for a Christ
mas visit among friends,
William Kidgaway, a prominent
stock ralser'of Euell, was a business
visitor in Dallas, Friday.
Miss Elsie Hay is reported to be
improving rapidly and her recovery
ia now practically assured.
T. S. Town send, owner of the Dallas
creamery, was elected President of the
Board of Trade in Portland last week.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Casey and little
daughter, Helen, went to Roseburg
yesterday for the Chrismas holidays.
William Pfelffer, owner of the
rfeiffcr block in this city, was down
from Albany on a business visit this
Torn Itowcliffo went to Portland yes
terday to spend Christmas at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Rowcliffe of
that city.
ChauDeey Odder started Saturday
for San Jose, California, where he will
spend the Christmas holidays at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hubbard went to
Stayton today to spend a few days
among friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Crider returned
home Saturday from a visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Rlggs in
December 25th is the last day to
register for one of those unique and
beautiful Art Calendars at Uglow
Clothing House.
. Mrs. Mattie Martin and daughter,
Viola, of McMinnville, are spending
the holidays at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Uglow.
Barham & Winslow, the real estate
dealers, have sold two choice lots In
the Ellis addition to a Mr. Hoisington
of Eastern Washington.
The Dallas Public Library will be
closed after 6 o'clock on December 2,
and will remain, closed during the
whole of the following day.
Henry Muscott, who is employed by
the Southern Pacific Company as a
bridge carpenter, fs visiting his
family In Dallas this week.
Miss Bessie Young and Miss Lena
Bobbitt went to Portland yesterday
for a few days' visit at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young.
Miss Ella Carpenter, a teacher in
one of the Portland public schools,
came to Dallas, Saturday, for a week's
visit at the home of her parents.
Mrs. Annie C. Farley and W. D
Cline went to Portland yesterday, to
spend Christmas at the home of their
parents, Dr. and Mrs. 0. E. Cline.
Henry Pfandhoeffer and Roy Har
rington, of O. A. C, were in Dallas,
Saturday, on their way to their homes
in Falls City for the Christmas holi
day season.
Miss Ada Osfleld, who is attending
school at Dallas College, went to
Portland, Friday, to spend the holi
days at the home of her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. H. J. Osfleld.
On Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Mrs. Ella J. Metzger will sell all
millinery at slaughter prices.- Every
thing sold regardless of cost. See the
ready-to-wear hats at 25 and 50 cents.
Mr. and Mrs! W. R. Ellis and Mr.
and Mrs. C. O. Tennis returned from
Portland, Friday, after a short visit
in that city on business concerning
the contests on their claims in the
Siietz country.
John aud Prescott Simonton, of
Salem, have secured employment with
the Willamette Valley Lumber Com
pany and will stay in Dallas during
the coming winter.
In addition to designing and wiring
the big electric sign for Guy Brothers
& Dalton, Fred West has applied his
skill in electrical work to devising
several clever lighting schemes which
give the store and its show windows a
truly metropolitan appearance.
TheO. A. 0. defeated the Salem Y. M.
C. A. in baaketball Friday night by a
score of 45 to 19. All teams in the south
division of the Oregon League have
now suffered at least one defeat, with
the exception of Dallas College, which
has thus far proven itself invincible.
Mrs. J. B. Thompson entertained
Manager Ewing and Captain Swann
of the Alaska basketball team, Mana
ger Kersey and Captain Craven of
the Dallas basketball team, G. N.
Cherrington and Alvie Morton with a
dinner at the Gail Hotel, Friday after
R. A. Hastings, of Pedee, was a Dal
las visitor yesterday.
Miss Lenore Elsie, of Dayton, Is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Launer.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Hadley, of Day
ton, are visiting at the home of Mrs.
Hadley's parents, the Rev. and Mrs.
M. J. Ballantyne.
Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Corbin, have
gone to Grants Pass and will spend
the holidays among relatives In that
city. -
E. L. Collins and family, of Arleta,
Mrs. E. E. Watts and children, of
Reedville, and Miss Nellie Collins, of
Falls City, are spending Christmas
week at the home of their parents,
Judge and Mrs. J. L. Collins.
Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Bollman have
gone to Halsey to spend Christmas at
the home of Mrs. Bollman's parents.
Returning Thursday, they will stop in
Salem, and will attend the wedding of
Dr. Osmar K. Wolf, formerly of Falls
City, and Miss Viola Fisher.
F. R. Brown, of Vancouver,
sophomore in the Oregon Agricultural
college, visited friends in Dallas,
Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Brown Is
deeply interested in horticulture, and
visited several of the large orchards
in this vicinity during his short stay
in our city.
The program prepared for the horti
cultural convention to be held in Mon
mouth, Friday and Saturday, Decern
ber 27 and 28, la intended to be of
strictly practical value to the farmers,
fruit raisers and dairymen of Polk
County, and all who are able would
do well to attend. .
Alvie Morton fell against one of the
posts in the gymnasium while playing
in the preliminary game Saturday
night, bruising his face and cutting a
deep gash in his forehead above the
right eye. The cut Is healing nicely,
however and will leave no noticeable
scar on his face.
Fred Levin, who has conducted
shoemaking business in Dallas for
several years, left this week for Boise,
Idaho, where he will engage in busi
ness. Mrs. Levin and son went to
Idaho early in the Fall. The departure
of Mr. and Mrs. Levin is regretted by
many friends.
Professor W. I. Reynolds, principal
of the State Reform School, visited his
family in Dallas over Sunday. A
pleasant holiday reunion was held on
Saturday. Mrs. Bert Dennis and Mrs,
Walter Nichols, of Falls City, and
Miss Hallie Reynolds, of Portland.
were present on this happy occasion
Dallas visitors are Invited to patron
ize the new bowling alley that I have
just installed in the building one door
east of Simonton & Scott's grocery
store. All equipments are strictly up-
to-date and my patrons are promised
prompt service and courteous treat
ment at all times. Eugene Byerley,
During the past three days, the
annual increase of holiday travel has
made it necessary to add an extra
coach to the Portland-Dallas train
Both outgoing and incoming trains
are crowded with people going some
where to spend the holidays. Espec
ially prominent in the throng is the
college student, and one observing
the trains may see almost any college
or high school In Oregon represented
in the ribbons or sleeve-bands of the
yhat I Want
When I. 'Want I
Ilia object of this store is to eliminate all chance when you buy.
' . J Chicago
sje v 1
t s If
K ' -
f ;
From our policy of ordering only
of makers of the first rank we place
before you none but reliable and
fully Guaranteed goods.
It is made better than other
clothing; it wears longer, looks
neater, never is disappointing in
any way and prices are are low as
the ordinary kind.
New arrivals in Boys Suits
Plain and Norfolk Coats with
bloomer pants, ages 9 to 15. Tne
most desirable Boys' Suits ever
sold at
m im $62
o thes
:e bee
P. Building
Dallas, Oregon
R. L. Chapman returned Sunday
from a five weeks' visit in Michigan
and Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Quick, of St
Helens, are spending the holidays at
the home of her parents, Judge and
Mrs. D. P. Stouffer.
Mrs. M. J. Peary, William Peary
and W. L. Jackson and family, of
Albany, and Claud Peary, of Spring
field, are Christmas visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred West.
Ray Brooks, the 3-year-old grand
son of G. S. Brooks, proprietor of the
Dallas Shooting gallery, broke his
right arm Friday morning by falling
down a flight of three steps. The frac
ture Is at the elbow joint, and it Is
feared that the child's arm will be per
manently stiffened when the broken
bones have knit.
. H. G. Campbell, clerk of the school
board of District 2, has called a
special school meeting for Monday,
December 30, at 2 o'clock p. m. The
purposes of this meeting are to levy a
tax for the payment of the Interest on
school bonds, and payment of the
general expenses of the school, and to
provide for the securing of additional
school room and suitable equipment
for it. t
In addition to the regular cash prizes
to be given at the skating carnival in
Colosseum Rink on New Year's Eve,
Messrs. Kerslake & White are offering
$10 worth of skate tickets to be divided
in four equal amounts and awarded
as follows: Two prizes of $2.50 for the
best couple on the floor and a prize of
$2.50 each for the best gentleman and
the best lady skater on the floor.
J. E. Beezley, secretary of the Polk
County Poultry Raisers' Association,
says that the interest taken in the
Poultry Show, which will be held in
Dallas on Thursday, Friday and
Saturday of this week, is far greater
than was at first anticipated by the
executive committee of the organi
zation. It was thought that the 200
catalogues Issued a short time ago,
would be sufficient to supply the
demand, but Mr. Beezley reports that
that these were exhausted within a
week after the time they were issued,
and that he is still receiving inquiries
from poultrymen in all parts of Ore
gon, requesting catalogues and
information concerning the show.
Register Your Name at Uglow
Clothing House and Receive
a Work ot Art.
This dainty calender Is worthy of a
place in every home in the community,
and as it will cost you nothing, there
is no reason why you should not have
one. Theyaretoo valuable and beau
tiful to be given out indiscriminately,
but if you will call at our store any
time before December 25 and register
your name, we will reserve a copy for
you when they are ready for distri
bution, which will be right after the
first of the year. This offer is limited
to grown-ups only. We cordially
invite you to call and register, and
incidentlv Invite vou to insrject our
line of Holiday goods.
Girl Wanted.
Wanted, atonce, girl for lighthouse-
keeping; good wages. - Mutual phone
1237. R. L. Fox. Dallas. 12-24-2t
For Sale.
Rock Island 12-inch steel plow, good
as new, $10. At the A. Siefarth farm.
12-24-lt L. A. Dickinson.
Best job Drintinar at the Observer
office in Dallas and the News office in
Falls City.
Money of private Darties to loan at
6 per cent on well-improved farms.
Sibley & Eakin.
Men's and women's clothing cleaned
and pressed, at Bartlett's near depot.
Mutual phone 441.
Patronize the new barber shot) on
Main street. T. W. Reel, the proprietor,
guarantees first-class work.
A full line of White Haviland China
at Loughary's.
L. D. Brown, for Abstracts. Notary
Public; typewriting.
For the best Hsrara and frHhnst
candies, call on Horace Webster.
Another car of extra Star A. Star
shingles, the celebrated Moore brand.
tust received by the Soehren Ware
louse Co., Dallas.
W. R. Ellis, agent for Daily Ore-
gonian and Evening Telegram. Have
a daily paper delivered at your house
by the week, month or year. No extra
charge for delivery. '
Dallas Truck & Dray Company
Hubbard I Brown, Proprietors
Phone and stand at Belt & Cher-
rington's drug store. Bell and Mutual
It is not Economy
To do the family washing
at home. When you figure
up the cost of water, soap,
starch, extra fire and time,
and most of all the mess and
trouble that it makes, and
compare it with our price of
cents a pound, wrashed,
starched and dried and 25
cents a dozen for flat pieces,
you will see that you can't
afford to wash at home.
Send your washing to the
DallasSteam Laundry
Phone Mutual, 197, Belt, 203
has some exquisite articles for Christmas gifts which
are being offered at very attractive prices. It may
pay you well to investigate before purchasing. Selec
tions should be made at an early date, so as to assure
you a good assortment to pick from. All goods so
selected will be stored if requested and delivered at
any date you may wish. We willgive you a partial
list of such items as we think might interest you so as
to enable you to make your selection with greatest ease
Ladies' Secretarys in mahdgany or quarter-sawed oak.
Ladies' Music Cabinets in mahogany or' polished oak.
Ladies' Dressers in Bird's-eye maple or golden oak.
Chiffoniers in mahogany, oak or Bird's-eye maple.
Sideboards in golden, weathered or finished oak.
Couches, covered in leather or velour.
Bookcases, combination in polished oak.
China Closets with full glass front.
Chairs, Morris, rockers and easy, trimmed in velvet, velour or leather.
Tables, Dining and Library.
Stands, Parlor or Flower.
Stoves and Ranges Art Squares, Rugs, Drapings, Couch Covers, etc.
Remember nothing is more enjoyed or remembered longer by father,,
mother, or entire family than a nice or comfortable piece of furniture.
Dallas Furniture Co.
Where and What to
Buy for Christmas
vmi will noTpfi with us that a more carefully selected line of strictly Hierh Grade
J v r O" " " V tf -f
holiday goods has never been shown in Dallas. Come in early and make your
selections while the stock is complete. Below are just a few suggestions for
suitable Christmas gifts:
Brass Vases, 75c to $1
Brass Candlesticks, COc to $3.
Brass Hanging Baskets, $1.75 to $5
Fountain Pens, $1 to $0
Ten Knives, 25c to $3.50
Coin Purses, 15c to $1
Leather Cigar Cases, $1 to $3
Bill Books, $1 to $2.75
Card Cases, 50c to $2.50
Whiting's Stationery, 40c to $4
Cigar Jars, $1 to $3
Perrumes, 10c to $10
Puff Jars, 50c to $5
Card Trays, 25c to $2
Mirrors, $1 to $5
Silver-mounted Whiskey Flasks, $4
Shaving Sets, $1.50 to $4
Collar Boxos, $1.50 to $3
Traveling Case, $1.50 to $7.50
Roll-u pa, $1.50 to $5
Silver Toilet Sots, $3.50 to $12
Ebony Toilet Sets, $1.50 to $8.50
Cocoa Bola Toilet Sets, $1.60 to $5
Bonnet Brushes, 50o to $3
Brushes, 25o to $4
Cloth Brushes, $1 to $3.50
Candelabra, 50c to $3
Rozano Ware Vases, 75c to $3
See our beautiful display of CUT GLASS before purchasing elsewhere.
Dallas, Oregon
The Best Meats
Are found in our tender
and Juicy beef, mutton
and pork. We do our
own killing, and can
guarantee all meats to
be wholesome and fresh.
Give us a trial.
Barnhart Grant
jLveryDoay is interested
Under New Management
Strictly White Help.
Big Sample Room and
Special Accommodations
for Commercial Men.
$1.00, $1.25, $2.00 per Day
Chipman & Farmer, Props.
IN FINDING GOOD SHOES, and a great many $
people are unuiiij uuiu uur siure ia uie
For the city of Dallas and the surrounding country.
Our stock is complete and up-to-date and
manv new customers arecominsrourwaveverv
day. If you want the best at prices which tell fj
come and see us. All we ask is a chance to
make good. Yours for trade,
4V. .V &V W J feV W VtV. t.VM V AAfi .Vi4
Th8 Dallas Shoe Store, Mrs- FJ;LSivnor'
We couldn't moneyback
tea, if our tea weren't bet
ter than tea as you know it
Tear vrocer return your bob.t if joa 4oat
like Schilling'! But; w. p.; hiia.
rhii signature It on every box of Um (ennlo
Laxative Brorno-Quinine Tbie.
Ua remedy that earrm m eM ia M Amr
The Obrebvex of3ce wants the print
ing you are particular about.