Notice of Final Settlement. Kotlce U beret given th.t the freita. decel. h (ilea ami the County Wrt of he bu www . i We ihf account nd the MtleawDt thereof p McELrRE,Hi Alminiilr.trix of the etle of F red M. McEifrenh, deceased. Executor's Notice. KitlM Ii herebr rlren to whom it mr ofin- Ut the nnSeriiiriitd. executor. 0f the Suweof Drtd Peter, deeeiued, by order of the H,m rouDti ' Court of Polk County. Oregon, inlrme nd eotered of record therein on the wwerr.dr.-tt..Kthera to tel the here- K.tilw SZctlUed real prooerty belonirinif to Hid FStSTi 2 Kle ie will on or .Iter the W h Ur 0 Junry A. D. ISMS otter f..r ale and wlllielfatpnyate iale, to the hlKheat bidoer r,cl. ii.K.ndonday of !e, the deacnhed real eatate to wit: The South half of the V. L. C. of John 8. Mar tin and wile. Not. No. W, Claim No. Hi. in T. 6 H R 5 W W ill. Mer. Polk County, Orwton. lo bi'nr.lf at the .Northwe-t eoru,r of the above dwTibed tract of land, thence Went i.ip, clTMheucTsouth UM chain".; JS 7 i? chain., thence North to chalna to the pi. of beinii. conU.i.ina In all 191 .j im more or lew. Alao a part of the I. L. C. ol wfc. Brown i a.,d wife. Not. No 1, Claim So. 61 and a Dart of the U. I.. C of Thorn. J. ,ve lady andwife Not. No. 17, Claim No. w, in T. 7 8 K 5 W. Will. Mer. Polk County, Oreiron be rinnlngatapiint6U!chalii North and chaina Ka.t of the HooliifwM corner oiJ W C. Brown l. h. C. thence Nortn K.U chain, to N K. cor. of W. C. Brown f. L. (.., thei.te Weat .85 chain, to a atone in centei -of count, rod thence douth l.6u chain., thence Houth dereea Ka.t l.V chain., thence Houlb 15.W chaliT thence Weat linka. thence Hoalh 1 de . Welt 6.60 online, thenc .South 3 dree. tut 3.81 chain, thence North 4.50 chain., to the Northweatoomerofthel). U. Peter. laud.thenc North 87 deirree. jo minute. Kaat i.W the place of berinnln(f and coiitaioiri: J 1 4.01 acre Alar, a part of the ail W. C. Brown I) I, C, bealnnliir at a ooint MM chain. North and 10.13 chaina West of the Southern corner of aald W. C. Brown U. I-. C. at a alone at the N. K. cor of Knn'a land thence Weat lu.uO chain., to a atone thence North J US chalua, thence North decree Kaat 5.90 chain., thence Ka.t 8.j0chaliia, thence Mouth 38 deijreea Ka.t ehain., thence Houth 4.10 chain to place of beginniiiK and con taining e.tlft acrea more or lea, aiibject to con firmation by aald Comity Court of Polk County, Oregon. Healed blda may be ent to the under alined executor at any time prior to date ol "ifated at Uallaa, Polk Connty, Oregon, thl KI.IZABKTH PKTKRH, Joint executora of the enlate of lavld Peter., deceased, Hlbley A Kaklu, Attya. for eatate. A fresh assortment of the famous Gunthcr cunJies at Stafrin's Drug Store, Real Estate For Sale. raV yu ;.ni to go to aome other .late fc3.creJ-Houae.nd Urn, fenced ..nap. U j.cre-iood buildingi. orchard, etc.. $ U W acre-Fine place, new 10-room houe cW-Bni!ding.,.tock, implement I 3,0 271 acrea-Well improved farm, Benton Col MOO 4,2 acrea-Fine farm, well imp. " " U. If,2acre-Ner Perrydale, flue land, building ' W, acrea-K) plow land, fine farm 4,jo Yli acrea-Flne improved valley farm... I 6,000 .cre-35cu!t.. river bottom land, in Marion county "J ' acrea-Well Improved farm, on Llie Luckiamute t. ........ . 102 acre-Well improved, Little Luckily mate . 15acre-Fruit farm near Pllton U Va acre-North end Polk county, well Improved ; ' 192 aTH.-f'arm, 20 bop. 30 (imber, real farming 3U0 acrea-Fine foil, 10U bottom ni n ym 200 acrea-Well Improved, hill land, 90 cleared ' ttOacrea-SearUwI.ville.HOper acre. ..J 4,000 M7 cre-lv0 plow land, building, etc., per acre ' 10 acrei-Fruit ranch, buildings, etc I ,6 ma cref-Kear Ballston, a fine farm... W 2J5 acres-6 mile, weat of iMlla, l 17.... I.5 15 acrei-Subnrban fruit tract & Oacrca-Buburbun fruit tract I 5 t0acre-Frult land, with building I 2.000 Your, for Buiut'M, II.d.CAMPBKIX. fn .h. County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County. . cosiar, In tbe matter or iuc t" rteceawd, citation. rnnch To Natb-iuiel Croaiar, cnarioiie "'Y'Jj i'roi the .bove-named Amasa J. State of own. in wd for Pol . County Tpolk. on MondKy. the third day of i-vhrnirv A D . 19TK the nine beine the 6rt fr. Tv of id eaute. hereinafter mat r--r--r , . v.,h.nil I roalar. aMiKre N,emU-r W7. fur the p.irpoee of raising fund itirient for the payment and satisfaction of hrcnar ai d ex'penae. of Hdminlstration and He claim, asalnst the .aid real LroiH-rtv beinK dwribed as MoK-lt. u inn me torn uon iz-a gon. containing one hundred and sixty acres. . . Wltneu: The Hon. ta r. toau. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for tbe Conntv of Polk, with the aeal of .aid Court artixea, this li.tb day of December A It., VAi. 1 E. M. SMITH. Clerk of said County Court. CORNER GROCERY Located Id the Wagner corner ANY TIME YOU CALL here you nre sure of prompt attention. We eouBiiler it as much a part of our duty to serve you promptly as to sup ply you with The Best Groceries Obtainable. No matter how small jour order, we shall Im glad to serve you. If you cannot come in person, send us the order by any nieansconvenlent toyou. We'll fill it just as faithfully as if you wore hero yourself. E. BOYD & SON l'hones: Bell 63, Mutual 3U. U preervcil anil pruiluml by l'ol)crti:ic, a mild, delightful iireKU;ition. dcliiMtoly frayiunt. Nukes the ckin cxtiutsitcly soft: I, A. , , ...i .,,....., .,,.... ....... ...i ny ovcr-iiryncss) rruuee tltc sue ol cnlurpcd jxiri".!, clrunscj them, re duces iiithiniiwtion nml sMrciul.s an even, r.uli:;itt rlow due to wholesome nouristt- im nt of! ulumlj uml stimulation v the tantHarics which also feed the il'm and supply its healthful color. Aikyour Drut'iit for a frti lamplt of BEMM A Holiday Drive should not lie undertaken if there is any suspMon about the STRENGTH OF THE HARNESS. It would be terrible if the joy of the season were marred by an accident, bo it ever so slight. Better treat your self and your horse to A New Set of Harness We have them in every degree of finish and ornamentation. We have only one quality, however. That is the best the money can buy. tven the lowest in price is of all solid leath er and skilled workmanship. For Sale at the Dallas Harness Shop F. SalficKy, Prop. If you want a Good Barber Shop Find the big pole and walk in. We treat you right. Lynch SWisecarver Main Street THK ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SVRUP KENNEDY'S LAXATIYE H0NEY4AR lei CloTer Blnatom anil H"r-r Bee an titrr Holll The Olds Gasoline Engines I handle the "Olds" the best Gaso line Engine in the market Just tin thing fur Wood Sawing, Pumping Spraying, Feed Mills, Churning, Etc. Come and See the best gaso line engine made for farmers' purposes. Ed. Biddle, Agent uaiias, uregoiu FOLEYSHOiiEYTAR stopa tfevoougbfendhatvlsluntf P!2 Grandfathenr knew what BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT will do. A CONVINCING PROOF of th worth of a rtiedieine Is the cures It can effect. Everv on ' wio ha used BaU.rd1. Snow Liniment knows that it wiil C 1RP SMAM' .CUTS. SPKAINS. STIFF JOINTS, vUKLi andliTpai?s co.ntractld muscles USED SNOW LINIMENT 10 YEARS. MrtifhS'J iV ratfh,",tul' writes:- -This la to Sr.V i1 llV8,U8"J yf no Liniment for tea inVi- rhum,". uuralpria, lame back, ftc, IndiatilfaTtion:" relief AvolJ all Substitutes. Three Sizes 25c. 50c, $1.00 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO. Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. Sold and Recommended by STAFRIN DRUG COMPANY Notice of Final Settlement. n.lminifi'ratorof the estate of Andrew KigKH, a K..o t,l Ma tinnl ftf-POUtlt in 1116 County Court of the State of Oretron for Pol It County, and mat wemiesuHy, m January. l!iw, at tne nour oi ieu o umu n. '.' ,.i ...t. i mi ih f!..nrt room of the said Connty Court, in the City of Ullas, Ore- eon, nan tjecn apiiomieu ojr mc JuKc ... . . ,i.n.irnua,,li,M, for flip hfririll? of objurtions to naid linul account and the settle ment thereof. . ,., uw;ab ha i iin, Administrator of the eetate of Andrew KifrKS, deceased. Dated and first publinhed December 17, 1907. Here' Good Advice. . f tho hpst known 0. S. N ooiever, ouc l" r v Bv JSCkTArW It cured Cot then, for good twenty year ago Cores every sore, wound, burn or abra Uirea eicrj . rhprintorj'9 drug store. . . i on nrehard of about 10 acres of young English wai n :.a anmpihinff over DUt trees, ne jjilrcu o a ton from it this fall. a nariTerous Deadlock . :foo tita'Av. is the that someumeB lerunu-vo . ... , toppage of liverand bowel functions. To ci.hp fe without 1li!- quickiy eno . aereeab e sensations, ur. Lite filissnouiaaiwito ucjy". -Gnarauteed absolutely satisfactory in every case or money hack. at Kelt & Cherrington's drug store, -'oc. Tha Yormina fish hatchery at Elk City has been overrun with salmon. On the first rains the cninoon cam in such numbers the men could not handle them. Badly Mixed Up. Abraham Brown, of Winterton, X. V., had a very remarkable experience; be says; "Doctors got badly mixed up over me; one said heart disease; two called it kidney trouble; the fourth blood poison, and the fifth stomach and liver trouble; bntnoneof them helped me; so my wife advieed trying Electric Bitters, which are restoring me to perfect health. One bottle did me more good than all the five doctors prescribed." Guaranteed to cure blood poison, weakness and all stomach, liver and kidney complaints, by Belt & Cherrington druggist, 50c. The Milton-Freewater district pro duced over 500 carloads of fruit. Notice of Final Settlement. ... ..4 ...... that tha nnHrwictnpd iMHU'C IB IICICUJ Rl,;il .uo, ... " ' ' . ....... J ..I...-..... nt ..AUU,a.A r.f Ph..l A JnMllMOIl. HOMUliiniraiui ui mctniovv ... deeenaecl, has tiled hla final account in the County Court of the Htate of Oregon, for hoik County, and that Wednesday, the 15th day of Januarv, 1908. at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon 01 said aay, ai me . ourv room ui i.c - i.i ......, (.. tl.n f'it llulluB Siliu loilllty l.tiiin II. n.c w. ...... v.vr, . . i ... L. .. I ...1 .... nf a.. 1.1 I'nii.t a a lias ueen appoiuieu uy me . uulcui oaiv, wi Hie time and place for the hearing of objec tions lO Uie IIIIDI account au mr Ki.ttiutw lliereoi. r Ktu Jijiisuis, Adniiiiliitrator of the estate of Phebe A. Johnson, deceased. Oncar Hayter. Attorney. Mated and lirst published December 17, 1907. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby (riven that the undersigned tins been duly appointed administrator with will annexed of the estate of Mary A. l)ou(ran, ileeei.sed, by the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Polk County, and has qualified. All iiernons having claims against ;the said estate are hereby noli lied to present the same duly verilied, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned at hisotiiee In the City of Dallas, In said Connty .within six months from the date of thin notice. Mated and lint published December 17, 19(17. I1KNRY 0. CAMPBELL, Administrator with will annexed of the estate of Mary A. Dougan. deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. A Real Wonderland. Smith Dak.-ita. with its rich silver mines, bonanza farms, wide ranges and strange natural formations, is a veritable wonderland. At Mound City, in the home of Mrs. E. D. Clapp, a wonderful case of healing has lately occurred. Her son seemed near death wih lung and throat trouble. "Exhausting coughing spells occurred every five minutes," writes Mrs. Clanp, "when I began giving Dr. King's New Discovery, the great medicine, that saved his lifeand completely cured him." Guaranteed for coughs and colds, throat and lung troubles, by Belt & Cherring ton druggist. 50c. ami $1.00. Trial bottle free. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administratrix of the estate of James A. Withrow, deceased, lias tiled her final account In the County Court ol the State of Oreg"ti, for Polk County, and that Wednesday, the 15th duy of January law, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court room of the said County Court in the City of Dallas, Ore gon, has been appointed by the Judge of said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to the said final account and the 8ett..ment thereof. MAKY HAWTHORNE WITH ROW, Administratrix of the estate of James A. Withrow, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Dated and lirst published December 17, 1907. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administratrix of the estate of John A. Williams, deceased, has tiled her final account in the County Court ol the State of Oregon, lor Polk County, and that Wednesday, the loth dav of January, l!ftM, at the hour of ten o'clock in the foienoon of said day, at the Court room of the said County Court in the City of Dallas. Ore gon, has been appointed by the Judge of Baid Court as the time and place lor the hearing of objections to the said it nai account ana the settlement thereol. CKRTIE P. W ILLIAMS Administratrix of the estate of John A. W illiams, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Dated and lirst published December 17, 1907, Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executor of the esiate of Martha Ann Hrown, tii'ci'nscu, uas men ins nuai account in tne County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, and that Wednesday, the 15th day of Jauuaiy, I'.m, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court room of i ne sulci county court in the t tty ol Dallas, Ore gon, has been appointed by the Judge of said Court as the lime and place for the healing of oiiiccuous in uie sulci nnttl account and the settlement thereof. ALVIN RAY BROWN, Kxecutorof the estate of Martha Anil Hro u, deceased Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Dated and lirst published December 17, l'.i07. Administrator's Final Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned itdiiiiiustriiior of the estate of A. J. hyers, deceased, has tiled his limit account In 'said estate, and that the County Court of Polk County, Oregon, has appointed Friday the 17lh day of January, urns, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of aaid day, at the County Court House, in said County as the time and place for hearing any objections to such final account and for the settlement thereof. Dated this 17th dav of December, W07 THOS. W. BRI NK, Administrator of the estate of A. J. Byers, deceased. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for Polk County, Department No. Z William J. Cromley, Plaintiff, va. William Jackson, Defendant, Summons. To the above-named Defendant, William Jack son : In the name of the State of Oregon: You are n"n,i n 'nr 10 appear anu answer the com- l.lnllit tll.,.1 strut. ,.( v.... ... .1... . t ourt aud cause within seven weeks from the tin,v ,.i me iMiuiii-niiiiii oi inissnmmous, lo-wir the Joth day of December, lan;, and if you fail nt lit amt r uti.l ,.utvu. ...1.1 t . . . .., - " iiiuipiHUIl planum will apply to the Court for the whole of the relief demanded in his complaint, to-wit: lor a decree removing a cloud inira the title of t ie following described real property, to-wit- Beginning at the S. K. corner of the !' L C ... ... .... .nr ui 1.,,,-Nouin oi Kange4..vil laniette Meridian, thence W est 40 SI chains lIlHIII't. Slllltll 111 .1...,.... L--... ... : " v- - j-.hjii i.i.iti mains; thenee K I. ! chains: thence S. 10 degrees Fast 1,". """". iiieiiic .-. viucgreen ai minutes F. Ihi-tlftlttS- DtMtt.u V 1-1 I.. ..i.-,..- .... i i - - - luviimiii 10 me p:ace of hci'tiimncaiid containing lAJ acres, more ii. V """'). "rvgon. That in the year IH7Johutlen.lershol and Fran cis M.lleiidershot mortgaged theaforvniriittonrd premises toaaid defendant for the consideration of ..-! but although the aame was there-after repaid by said m.irigaton to said mortgagee vet through neglect or oversight of the sai.i William Jneknn the same whs never cancelled orMtisned upon the records of Polk Countv Oregon, and the same now remains apparently alienor lawful claim upon ami airaiuat aid property and it 1. ucli cloud that piaintitl brines this suit to remove. That nlitiittift- ha. ......i. . k . t . dlttereut relief as may aecm unto this H.moraule k V .i.i, " P'tnctpi ol equitv, and hat the defendant and all penwu. claiming You are further notified that on the 17th dav l.UowT, Jmiw of Hie aUtve entulvd Court, (I ai-m, jjanou ounty. Oregon, aiuhoriiing and directing this summons to be wrve.1 upon you bjr puMi. atioti thereof om-e a week (or seven eons.vutive aceek. lu the P.ilb CiiKitv iik- - , ' vWi,rr. a newaiaiper ol rvwral cireuiauoii and puulnhed ueekiv in 1 oik Comity. Oregon, and tnat tbe first publi cation of this kunimon was made on the iKh day of December, IA'7. JOHN H. M. N ARY and C. L. M, NARY. Attome for plahitlff. THE "Miff jiIIUl!a iOaOnBQnnO OF a KING9 Q f PI pi FOR EM "" 'i iii .ai y s aa av- mmhm M a aa we, AND ALL TO MAY and DISEASES .... PREVENTS T1liniA AND -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.-- "Two vears ago a severe. cold.8ettled on my lungs and so comple tely Prostrated oettit!, m n nrt and scarcely able to stand, i iaea wa buviocu w uuS 9 new ViscoTet PRICE 50c SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY BELT & CHERRINGTON. AND $,(K JENTTST. M. HAYTER Office over Wilson's I Store DALLAS, OREGON. TTORNEY AT LAW J. L. Collins Main Street, Near PoBtofflce DALLAS. - - OREGON Hay in Pine valley, in Baker county, sells at $5 a ton in the stack, about 3,000 head of steers are being fed there. Public Speaker Interrupted. Public speakers are frequently interr rupted by people coughing. This would not happen if Foley's Honey and Til were taken, an it cures coughs and colds' and prevents pneumonia and consump tion. The genuine contains no opiates and is in a yellow package. Helt & Cher rington, Dallas; M. L. Thompson, Falls Ciiy. A LaGrande man shipped a carload of potatoes to Guthrie, Oklahoma Danger in Asking Advice. When yon have a cough or cold do not ask eome one what is good for it, as there is danger in takingsome unknown prep aration. Foley's lloney and Tar cures coughs, colds, and prevents pneumonia The genuine i9 in a yellow package. Re fuse substitutes. Belt & Cherrington. Dallas; M. L. Thompson, Falls City. An Albany man has a persimmon tree loaded with fruit. Millions of bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar have been sold without any per son ever haying experienced any other than bene6cial results from its "use foi coughs, colds and lung troubles This is because the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in the yelloy package contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, Guard your health by refusing anv but the genuine. Belt & Cherrington," Dal las; M. L. Thompson, Falls City. Yttorney at law B. F. JONES Office in Cooper Building. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON TTORNEY AT LAW L. D. BROWN Notary Tcblic; Abstracts Mill Street opposite Uglow Bldg. DALLAS, OliEGON. TTOB.VKY AT LAW. Oscak Hayter, Upstairs In Campbell building, Mill St DALLAS, OREGON. YTTKNKY8 AT LAW. Sibley & Eakin, The only reliable set of Abstracts In Polk county. Office on Court St, DALLAS, OREGON TTORNKY AT LAW. N. L. Butler, Office over Dallas City Bank. DALLAS, OREGON. TTORNEY AT LAW ' Ed. F. Coad, Office in Courthouse DALLAS, OREGON. J)ENTAt. 8UKGEONS Dr. H. L. TONEY i vn Dr. S. T. D0N0H0E Harlow Bldcr. DALLAS, Mutual Phone 1301 OREGON. W. J. STOWE, Truck man, Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable rates. DALLAS. OPwanN Calls promptly answered day or night. R. L. CHAPMAN FUNERAL DIRECTOR & EMBALMER DALLAS, Bell t'hono 103 OREGON Mutual I'lioue 1306 M. OLIVE SMITH teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson Block DALLAS OREGON WILLIAM H. GUMMING Graduate Veterinary Surgeon Has located in Independence. Country calls promptly attended to, day or night. Give me a trial at Farmers' Feed Yard. Phone Main 423 TIMBERj.1 Fuller &E Only Real Estate firm ijf handling Timber Land.' Don't fail to call omit bave timber to sell. 1 Office in Criderl Dallas, ; KOLLiSTER! Rocky Mountain Is A Buay MedlohefotLr Bring Golden Hialthulle specific for Constipation, It nu juaney Troub ex. 1' irni! ;, Blood, Bad Brealh, Rluciriih b and Backache. It' Rocky fc i?b xunn, co cewn a uoz, fc: HOLLIBTER DRUO CoMPiSt, fc 10LDEN NUGGETS FOTL MADE FORI IN THE ROUCHEJTlt AND GUARANTEED MS. mm A J TOWER CO BOSTON U 1 A tract or 700 ncrea near Gold Hill will soon be all planted to fruit trees, mostly apples and grapes. Passed Examination Successfully James Donahue, New Britain, Conn., writes :"I tried several kidney remedies, and was treated liy our hen phyieians for dialieltp, hut did not improve until I look Foley's Kidney Cine. After the second holtle I showed improvement md live bottles cured me completely j have since passed a rigid examination for life insurance." Foley's Kidney Cine cures hack-ache and all forms of kidiw and bladder trouble. Helt & Cherrinu ton, I allas :M.L. Thompson, Fulls City. Aplatitwill be erected near Hunt ington to extract Koki from Snake river black sand. Onno Laxative Fruit Syrup, the new Laxative, stimulates, but does not ini tate. It is the best Laxative. Guaran teed or your money back, lielt & Cher rington, Dallas: M. L. Thompson, Falls City, Many people around Freewater and Milton are making money on 10 and 5 acre tracts. Notice to Our Customers. We are pleased to announce that Fol ey s Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected bv the Vat jonal Pure Fowl and Drug law" as it con tains no opiates or other harmful drug., and we cat, recommend it as a safe rem" edy for children and adults. j;et KaUsC-ky?"' DlU'a8: M" L' P. Latest Christmas Bwks at Stafrina V Www READ THE WEEKLY OBEGCP OF PORTLAND - Ufrf) For the general newsof w J WoHd also for inforttiaf ion al I how io obm in cultivating uie. soil Slo r ' S r y W. ait You can secure this excel paper by Subscribing for The Polk County Observer Both Papers for ff " "k" ,u" hf iHt ORIGINAL LAXATIYE Piri C0U6H SYBUf I m w t w urn mmwA jjk m 'm. r m k i Ori THE HEW IDE O THE 0RI61NAL LAXATIVE f (PiiEDYS mmi " ft Boe!. Best t cuire. 0 Ai Ma a I ZZ iWbaiebyDruggists.- GO TO THE RACKET STORE t get your Christmas surplies. We have every thin that ill be neat! dainty and attractive as a gift to anv of your friends, be they men women or children. Come in ; look atT.r stock; price it-then buy. Ur Watch Our Windows THE RACKET STORE F. S. RAMSEY. Proprietor. WE carry all the leading N " Ooods, Coffees, Teas aiid annea rockerv nnri r m sj J WVi vcueen s ware. "vmvn Qc oiJOTT Dallas Ore via CUKBj Or.K EIgv On' 1 jiue reach of medirin- A t r C1aaaer Disease not rt FopSalebyBETTnTT N medicine can do more. 7 LT & CHEINGT0N, Dallas, and II. THOMPSON.