J.jnty Observer A fi. VI U HI-1 Aft Vuilt fctore. uStafrin's elegant line of r istmas. ah went to Portland i noon, on business. was a business visitor Friday and Saturday. a returned from a short in Portland, Saturday, ortment of the famous at Stafrin's Drug "rs. re of i in P. S. Crowley, of visitors in Dallas, Portland, visited Dallas, Saturday Hubbard and Mrs. C. L, , . fed relatives in McMinn- II, - i j Johnson, of Portland, is l " -i.i (' c home of Mr. and Mrs, 1 '. Jj. ' i'.i j. ' l jonson.of Salem, visited t i j 1 i j r my Dallas friends, Sat . ' - '-nday. P. C. Lady and IraYocum of Willa- rafoa, wcro in town Friday and were j ltvisaiit cullers at this office. Ea'rl ; S Clarence Cone, of Port land, are spending the week at the home of their uncle, George W. Cone, John Oiia went to Vancouver, Fri day, and will spend the Christmas holidays with his family fn that city. General Ilanager M. J. Buckley, Superintendent L. B. Fields and other officials of the Southern Pacific Com pany, were in Dallas, Friday on bust ness. lllaa Jt nnlo Muscott left Friday for a two weeks' visit among friends in California. During her absence Miss Ollie How will take her place in the Public LI trary. . Dr. II. L. Toney is in Dallas on business. He will return to his claim on Salmon Kivcr Thursday morning, accompanied by Mrs. Toney and Miss Rose Eronkcrs. -Floyd Myer has been severely ill for more than a week, but is recover ing nicely and will soon be able to resume his place in the freight depart ment at the depot. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wells, of Bel Hngham. Washington, have pur chased the property of Joseph Aufder mauer near Salt Creek and will make their home in Oregon In future. F. M. Sp'awa, of Waldport, started for Eastern Oregon, Friday, after a three days' visit among friends in Dallas and vicinity. He will spend the Christmas holidays among friends in Eastern Oregon and Washington. All the dishes which have not been called for at Mrs. Qerlinger's house have been returned to the Woodman Hail and placed in the kitchen. These dishes fill a large basket, and are those left after the Library benefit dinner. Leon Elder has returned to Dallas after being employed for several months in the construction of the Salem-Portland electric line. He says that the road is now practically com pleted, nothing remaining to be done except the stringing of the trolley wires. , " Finest line of toiletcases at Stafrins, Holiday assortment of fine station ery at Stafrin's. Have you registered yet? Uglow Clothing House. Don't forgetStafrin's elegant line of goods for Christmas. Miss Ethel Tooze, of Falls City, was a Dallas visitor yesterday. Ira Mehrling, of Falls City, was a business visitor in Dallas yesterday, Born, to Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Bush of Pedee, Monday, December 16, a son Mrs. C. C. Chipmau has returned to Corvallis after a short visit in Dallas. Fred Talbott, of Falls City, was business visitor in Dallas yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morrison, of Portland, are visiting relatives In Dallas. December 25th Is the last day to register for one of those unique and beautiful Art Calendars at Uglow Clothing House. The most unique Art Calendar of the year free at Uglow Clothing House, Go register your name and have one reserved for you. Mrs. J. P. Simpson and children, of Lent9, Oregon, have been visiting at the borne of hor parents, Hon. and Mrs. George W. Myer. Miss Fuller, a trained nurse, came from Portland, Sunday, and will care for Mrs. Mary Conner, who is seriously ill with liver trouble. County Clerk E. M. Smith issued license to wed to Julius Erassy and Amanda C. Harlan, Saturday, and to Fred Perin and Donie Youngs yester day. County Commissioners J. B. Teal, of Falls City, and William Eiddell, of Monmouth, are in Dallas this week attending the sessions of County Court. Miss Bessie Davis, of Portland, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Cherrington, and will remain in Dallas until after the Christmas holi day season. C. C. Patrick, R. E. Dugan, Maurice Butler and Ross Nelson, of Inde pendence, attended the dancing party given by the Carnation Club at Wood man Hall, Saturday night. Chester Siefarth returned to his home In Falls City yesterday after a week's stay in Dallas, during which he was employed on line work for the Mutual Telephone Company. Within the past week the majority of the stores and business houses of Dallas have completed their Christ mas decorations, and the show win dows and stores along Main Street present a most beautiful appearance. Friday afternoon, December 20, appropriate Christmas exercises will be held in each of the rooms at the Dallas Public School, and all friends and patrons of the institution are invited to be present. After Friday, the school will be closed for one week during the Christmas holidays. . B. F. Wells, mail carrier on Rural Route 1, saysthatthe farmers living along the county road at Smithfleld and vicinity have combined their efforts for the improvement of the public highway, and have cleared and graded until that stretch of road is one of the smoothest, cleanest and pleas antest to travel on, that can be found In Polk county. GET A CALENDAR Register Your Name at Uglow Clothing House and Receive a Work ot Art. Just as iu Clothing and Gent' Furnishings "If from the Uglow Clothing House it is the best," so it is with Art Calendars. There have been so many common calendars issued that we hesitated buying any until we found some that we believed measure up to our standard of what we con sider is The Best The calendar we have selected is unique in design something entirely out of the ordinary and is illustrated iTith a handsome Maiden Fair In Meditation Fancy Free, being one of the most popular subjects in the line of one of the lead ing manufacturers of art calendars In the United States. HOW TO OBTAIN OUR CALENDAR. This dainty calender is worthy of place in every home in the community, and an it will cost you nothing, there is no reason why you should not have one. They are too valuable and beau tif ul to be given out indiscriminately. but If you will call at our store any time before December 25 and register your name, we will reserve a copy for you when they are ready for dlstri button, which will be right after the first of the year. This offer Is limited to grown-ups only. We cordially invite you to call and register, and incidently invite you to inspect our line of Holiday goods. UGLOW CLOTHING HOUSE, Finest line of toilet cases at Stafrins The managers of the Colosseum Rink have had the two big arc light replaced with a chain of incandescent bulbs down the center of the hall, pro ducing a very beautiful effect. A business meeting of the Executive Committee of the School Childrens Industrial Fair will be held at the office of County School Superintendent Seymour, next Saturday afternoon Several of the Dallas sportsmen have taken an afternoon off from time to time during the past two weeks and have gone duck hunting, but all say that there are fewer ducks and geese in the vicinity of Dallas this year than thore have been for years. G. N. Cherrincrton, one of the enthusiastic basketball fans of Dallas, showed his appreciation of the excel lent work of the college team by treating the members,with their coach and manager, to a delicious supper at Johnson Brothers' oyster tparlors last night A list of 62 volumes was received at the Dallas Public Library last week from the Library Commission of Ore gon. Of these, 18 are fiction, 16 juv enile, five deal with travel and adven ture, seven with historical fiction and the remainder are technical works on subjects of general Interest President Simpson, of the Polk County Hop Raisers' Association, requests us to say that he desires the Committee on Resolutions to be ready to report at the Independence meeting on Saturday, December 28. Also, that is desired that the Committee on Acreage go personally among the growers of each district in the county and ascertain the acreage and the number of bales of hops on hand, and to report at the same time and place. mym V V ant What I Want When I Want It The object of this store is to eliminate all chance when you buy. n n Ederheimer, Stein & Co. Chicago TRAGOODT) , flif I 'r ' - l ?4 From our policy of ordering only of makers of the first rank we place before you none but reliable and fully guaranteed goods. It is made better than other clothing; it wears longer, looks neater, never is disappointing in any way and prices are are low as the ordinary kind. New arrivals in Boys Suits Plain and Norfolk Coats with bloomer pants, ages 9 to 15. Tne most desirable Boys' Suits ever sold at $5E $622 $622 l,-,,.J lothes" x TRAG00D D IE BEE HI VE STORE , u. F. Building Dallas, Oregon The Radium Realty Co., of 252 Rus sell Street, Portland, Oregon, wants land for homeseekers, 10 to 20 acres of orchard at once. State full particu- lats. 12-17-2t Holiday assortment of fine station ery at Stafrin's. Holiday assortment of fine station ery atStafrin'8. Latest Christmas Books at Stafrins. Don't forgetStafrin's elegant line of goods for Christmas. A fresh assortment ot the famous Gunther candies at Stafrin's Drug Store. During the month of December Mrs. Ella J. Metzger will sell all millinery goods regardless of cost, as she con templates making a change in the business. Watch for Special sales on Fridays at Mrs. Ella J. Metzger's. 11-12-tf. Best job printing at the Observer office in Dallas and the News office in Falls City. Money of private parties to loan at 6 per cent on well-Improved farms. Sibley & Eakin. Men's and women's clothing cleaned and pressed, at Bartlett's near depot Mutual phone 441. Patronize the new barber shop on Main street T. W. Reel, the proprietor, guarantees first-class work. . Finest line of Toilet cases at Stafrins. A full line of White Hayiland China at Loughary's. L. D. Brown, for Abstracts. Notary Public; typewriting. For the best cigars and freshest candies, call on Horace Webster. Another car of extra Star A. Star shingles, the celebrated Moore brand, just received by the Soehren Ware house Co., Dallas. W. R. Ellis, agent for Daily Ore gonian and Evening Telegram. Have a daily paper delivered at your house oy tne week, month or year. No extra charge for delivery. For Sale. Four fine thoroughbred Poland China hogs for sale. 12-17-3t S. D. Steffy, Dallas. Dallas Truck & Dray Company Hubbard & Brown, Proprietors Phone and stand at Belt & Cher- rlngton's drug store. Bell and Mutual Jfnones. ""' CORNER GROCERY Located in the Wagner corner ANY TIME YOU CALL here you are sure of prompt attention. We consider it as much a part of our duty to serve you promptly as to sup ply you with The Best Groceries Obtainable. No matter how small your order, we shall be glad to serve you. If you cannot come in person, send us the order by any means convenient to you. we ll mi it just as raitniuuy as 11 you were here yourself. E. BOYD & SON Phones : Bell 63, Mutual 314. It is not Economy To do the family washing at home. When you figure up the cost of water, soap, starch, extra fire anj time, and most of all the mess and trouble that it makes, and compare it with our price of cents a pound, washed, starched and dried and 25 cents a dozen for flat pieces, you will see that you can't afford to wash at home. Send your washing to the Dallas Steam Laundry Phones: Mutual, 197, Dell, 203 &3 THE NEW; P NITURE STORE has some exquisite articles for Christmas gifts which are being offered at very attractive prices. It may pay you well to investigate before purchasing. Selec tions should be made at an early ' date, so as to assure you a good assortment to pick from. All goods so selected will be stored if requested and delivered at any date you may wish. We will give you a partial list of such items as we think might interest you so as to enable you to make your selection with greatest ease Ladies' Secretary s in mahogany or qaurter-sawed oak. Ladies' Music Cabinets in mahogany or polished oak. Ladies' Dressers in Bird's-eye maple or golden oak. Chiffoniers in mahogany, oak or Bird's-eye maple. Sideboards in golden, weathered or finished oak. Couches, covered in leather or velour. Bookcases, combination in polished oak. China Closets with full glass front. Chairs, Morris, rockers and easy, trimmed in velvet, velour or leather. Tables, Dining and Library. Stands, Parlor or Flower. Stoves and Ranges Art Squares, Bugs, Drapings, Couch Covers, etc. Remember nothing is more enjoyed or remembered longer by father, mother, or entire family than a nice or comfortable piece of furniture. Dallas Furniture Co. Dallas Oregon 2 Where and What to Buy for Christmas Our Christmas Goods are now open and ready for your inspection. We think you will agree with us that a more carefully selected line of strictly High Grade holiday goods has never been shown in Dallas. , Come in early and make your selections while the stock is complete. Below are just a few suggestions for suitable Christmas gifts: Brass Vases, 75o to $1 Brass Candlesticks, 60c to $3. Brass Hanging Baskets, f 1.75 to $5 Fountain Pens, $1 to $C Pen Knives, 25e to $3.60 Coin Purses, 15c to $1 Leather Cigar Cases, $1 to $3 Bill Books, $1 to $2.75 Card Cases, 50c to $2.60 Whiting's Stationery, 40c to $4 Cigar Jars, $1 to $3 . Perfumes, 10c to $10 Puff Jars, 50c to $5 Card Trays, 25c to $2 Mirrors, $1 to $5 Silver-mounted Whiskey .Flasks, $4 Shaving Sets, $1.50 to $4 Collar Boxes, $1.50 to $3 Traveling Case, $1.50 to $7.50 Roll-u pa, $1.50 to $5 Silver Toilet Sots, $3.50 to $12 Ebony Toilet Sets, $1.50 to $8.50 Cocoa Bola Toilet Sets, $1.50 to $5 Bonnet Brushes, 60o to $3 Brushes, 25c to $4 Cloth Brushes, $1 to $3.50 Candelabra, 50o to $3 Rozane Ware Vases, 75o to $3 See our beautiful display of CUT GLASS before purchasing elsewhere. BELT CHERRINGTON Dallas, Oregon N MAGAZINE HEADERS CTJKSXT XAGlZIirZ keaublullT illujbiltd, food ori r rrt ad artlcU .bout Ullioroi tad A,Iy CAXXKA CSXFT cUvoUd ack Bomth to Am at' . lube npcodactioa oi th bat $1,00 wotk i mie ud prof cwioul a jeu pkotograplMn. B01D OF A THOUSAND WOVBEKS keek el 75 pago, coauiniea 120 colored pbotegnplu of $0.75 picturoqus tpoU im Celiiorais ad Ungoa. Total . . . $3.25 All for . . . . $1.50 Addrcw 3 orderi te SUH SET UAGAZIrTE The Best Meats Are found in our tender and Juicy beef, mutton and pork. We do our own killing, and can guarantee all meats to be wholesome and fresh. Give us a trial. Barnhart Grant Dallas, Oregon m Lveryaoay is interested ;i WHEN IK DALLAS GO TO THE DALLAS HOTEL Under New Management - Strictly White Help. Big Sample Room and Special Accommodations for Commercial Men. RATES: $1.00. $1.25, $2.00 per Day Chlpraan & Farmer. Frops. c. k I V 1.5 IN FINDING GOOD SHOES, and a great many people are finding that our store is the SHOE HEADQUARTERS For the city of Dallas and the surrounding country. Our stock is comolete and un-to-date and many new customers are coming our way every S dav. If vou want the best at prices which tell come and see us. All we ask is a chance to make good. Yours for trade, The Dallas Shoe Store, Mrs- i"fynor i.l 8,5 tlVM 0V VJ VJr .V. 4 V -V fcV ,VW Wfe .W' . TEA We sell tons of poor stuff; but our name' isn't on it. Go by the name. Your grocer return jour money if jro don't like Schilling' Bed; pr bin. Hilt ilgnnture la on' every box of tha jenulo Laxative BrornoQuinins Tbieu tee remedy that caret eeU ta M dav The Obsebveb office wants the print ing you are particular about.