PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY XIX DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, DEOEMBEE 17, 1907. NO. 44 1 n T Christmas don't you lends would Ing useful? r could you resents than and Furni- Let us give jgestions: KllgS Rocking Chairs Stand Table Morris Chairs -Pictures Sideboard Buffet Library Table Office Chair ... Desks- . China Closet Dressing Tables Chiffonier ; Silverware . Ingersol Watches Match Safes Pocket Knives. Razors Table Cutlery Toledo Ranges Air Guns 22 cal. Rifles ; We have a big assort ment of all the above articles and would be glad to show them to you. Iton Hardware Furniture Plumbing Carpets Par; s Paints pq Paper Th3 stcra where you j ret your moneys Oregon HOP MEN WILL 0RQAN1Z Two Hundred Qrowers Meet Dallas and Discuss Market Conditions. in in to to In response to a call published by S. H. Petre, of Bridgeport precinct, nearly 200 hop growers and dealers from all parts of Polk and adjoining counties, met at the Courthouse iaiias, ssaturaay at l o ciock p. m tor me purpose or enecting an organ ization to protect the interests and bet ter the conditions of hop growers, not only in Polk County but throughout Oregon and the Pacific States. S. H. Petre called the meeting order, and after he had stated hi object in summoning the hop men be presanf, George McBee was eleoted temporary chairman, and H.G. Camp bell secretary of the convention, During the greater part of the after noon, the subject of an organization of hop growers was discussed from every view point. In the assembly were prominent hop growers, hop dealers and brewers from Polk, Marion Yamhill and Clackamas Counties, who almost without exception enthus iastically favored the plan. All clear headed and practical business men they touched plainly and definitely on every vital point of the subject in hand By comparison and sharing of plans, radical ideas were turned down unsound schemes shown in their proper light, and a clear, practical and effective working basis arrived at. ijrieny ineir pian ana purposes are as follows: In their present unor gamzea condition hopgrowers are able to control neither the . price nor the production of hops, and their business must be conducted largely on a basis of mere chance. All that were present at Saturday after noon s convention realized that a hop growers' union organized in one county alone would be worse than use less, and that to do effective work, they must strive toward the end of organiz ing the growers, not only of Polk county, but of the entire Pacific Coast, into a union for mutual protection and assistance. ine plan tnen is first to encourage organization in every precinct of Polk County. These minor organizations will be combined Into a county associ ation, and when the other counties of the state can be prevailed upon to fol low the same-plan, all of these larger organizations will be combined into a union of the hop growers of Oregon and eventually, of the entire Pacific Coast. Hon. I. M. Simpson, of Monmouth, was elected president, and H. G. Camp bell, secretary, to act while a perman ent organization in Polk County is being effected. Upon the instruction of the assembly, President I. M. Simpson appointed two committees, one to draft a list of resolutions, and the other to ascertain the acreage of hops in their respective districts, and also the num ber of bales yet in the hands of the growers. Both committees will render their reports at the next meeting of the association, in Independence, Sat urday, December 28. The following men were appointed on the first committee; S. H. Petre, J. M. Grant, Clyde Beckett, A. J. Rich ardson, William Percival, Hon. J. S. Cooper, Henry Clan field, Mart Staf ford, Verd Hill, and T. J. Graves. On the committee on acreage were ; George Ball, Mark Bu'rch, Alley McLaughlin, E. Hubbard, Harry Lacy, H. B. Brophy, I. F. Yoakum, H. Hirschberg, James Helmlck and S. H. Petre. Winter Banana Poor Keeper. The planting of Winter Banana apples on an extensive scale has never been encouraged by experienced Ore gon fruit growers. Its special merit Is its beauty, and this beauty is so easily marred that one needs to be eareful about the way in which he picks up one of them, or the pressure of the fingers will knock the profit off the apple. It will pay to raise this apple in a limited way for the fancy trade. It has been supposed that the Winter Banana is a fairly good keeper, but Portland fruit dealers are com plaining this year that it is a poor keeper. Rural Northwest Bold, Bad Men Jailed. Thursday night a party of horse traders entered Madison's saloon and endeavored to create a real old-fash ioned "rough house." Nightwatch- man Odom was called in and with the assistance of some of the bystanders finally succeeded in subduing the quarrelsome strangers and leading them off to the lockup. Although inclined to be defiant at the time of their arrest, a night of sober medi tation quieted them somewhat, and by Saturday each one of the five had meekly paid his fine and hastened to disappear. COURT-HOUSE NOTES Items of Interest From the Records In the County Offices. 22 REAL ESTATE. M Smith et ux to John Smith, acres, 1 6 s, r i w, $10. Lucy E Rowell and hd. to Horace A Webster, land in Dallas, $225. John Cornforth et ux to H M Crane, 10 acres, 1 7 s, r 3 w, $550. John Cornforth et ux to R P Sim monds, 10 acres, t 7 s, r 3 w, $700 Fred L Olmsted to Arthur P Starr, lots in Dallas, $425. Elmer L Sellers et ux to George E S8llers, land in 1 8 s, r 5 w, $1250. E J Reynolds et ux to Abel Uglow, lots in Dallas, $1000. United States to H B Flint, 150 acres, 1 9 s, r 8 w, patent. United States to Marcus E Gotsch 150 acres, t 9 s, r 8 w, patent. ' United States to Henry Myer et ux, C40 acres, t 7 s, r 5 w, patent. DEEmmettetux to W A Butler, 22 acres, 1 6 s, r 7 w, $600. Polk County Bank to Joseph Floria, lots in Falls City, $60. PROBATE. Estate of Phebe Johnson, deceased- final account set for hearing January 15, 1908, at 10 a. m. Estate of John A. Williams,deceased 8a me order. Estate of John A. With row, deceased same order. Estate of Martha A. Brown, deceased same order. Estate of Andrew Riggs, deceased- same order. Estate of Fred M. McElFresh, deceased same order. Estate of John W. Marbin, deceased sale of personal property authorized. Estate of Araasa J. Crosiar, deceased petition for sale of real estate set for hearing February 3, at 10 a. m. Estate of Fred C. Raymond, deceased allowance to widow and minors of $30 a month. Estate of A. B. Wysong, deceased- Peter Kurre appointed administrator; bond fixed at $0000. Estate of Peter Kurre, deceased- executor authorized to sell personal property. Estate of Mary A.Dougan, deceased inventory and appraisement filed and approved. Estate of C. A. Mattison, deceased S3mi-annual account filed. Estate of Bailey Cox, deceased final account approved and administrator discharged. Guardianship of O, A. Baldwin, a minor Emma A. Hlnshaw appointed guardian. Estates of William and Lou Emma Palmer, deceased final account b pproved and estates closed. Estate of A. J. Byers, deceased final account set for hearing January 17, at 1 p. m. Estate of Harry Burford, deceased final account approved and adminis trator discharged. PREPARE FOR GOAT SHOW Premium List Will Be Sent Out to Growers Early Next Week. When winds shriek high in fiendish glee. And enters winter with hia key Protect yourself, from disease be free; Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Belt & Cherrington. Legal blanks at this office. A fresh assortment of the famous Gunther candies at Stafrin's Drug Store. A meeting of the Polk County Mohair Association was held in the Courthouse, Saturday morning, for the purpose of discussing plans for the goat show to be held in Dallas In January. The county organization is waiting for a communication from the Ameri can Association before taking the final steps in preparation for the annual show. This association has practically promised to make an ppropriation for the Polk County goat show, and the committee does not desire to make any final arrangements until they receive definite information oo this score. The prize list will be made out as soon as this point is settled, and all plans for the show completed. Cir culars and catalogues will be pub lished by the association, and distributed among goat breeders throughout the state, as It is intended to make the coming show the largest and most widely advertised that has been held since the founding of the Mohair Association in Polk County. Masonic Officers. At the annual election held on last Friday evening, Jennings Lodge, No. 9, A. F. & A. M., elected the following officers for the ensuing Masonic year: W. V. Fuller, W. M. Dr.MarkHayter.S. W. Conrad Stafrin, J. W. R. E. Williams, Treas. J. C. Hayter, Sec'y. DALLAS AGAIN VICTOR o. A. C. Basketball Team Badly Defeated by Plucky College Lads. Dallas College defeated the Oregon Agricultural College in a game of basketball, Friday evening by the decisive score of 43 to 11. The home team has for a long time struggled for supremacy with the strong team from Corvallis, and every man went into this game with a determination to make it settle the question beyond all possibility of doubt. From the first second of the game the supporters of the "Winged D" played with a speed and fierceness that fairly stupefied their opponents. iivery enort or the uorvallis aggre gation to start team work was crushed in its beginning,' and by the end of the first half they had become utterly demoralized, and were playing wildly and aimlessly. The speed of the Dallas team work, and the force of their attack was not abated in the least throughout the second half, and when the timekeepers whistle finally blew the magnificent score piled up against their opponents attested to one of the most brilliant and decisive victories that Dallas College has ever achieved. It would be a difficult matter to pick any single man from the home team as the star player in this game, for the work of each one was swift, sure and practically faultless. Referee Mackie, of the Portland Y. M. C. A. declared that it had never before been his privilege to watch a team that played with such absolute perfection in every detail. Craven led in goal throwing for Dallas with a score of nine field goals and Hamilton, of Corvallis, secured three. Shaw and Fenton each threw five goals, and Rooper, of Corvallis, threw one, the remainder of the score for his team being made on fouls. The line-up.was as follows : Craven Fenton forward forward Shaw center Savery guard Shaw guard Referee, Mackie, of Portland Y. M, C. A.; umpire, Thorpe, of Monmouth C, Hamilton Moores Horton Foster Rooper Spires Big Game Thursday Night. The Dallas College basketball team will meet the team of the Arctic Broth erhood of Alaska, on the home court, Thursday evening This team has not been defeated during the present season. It Is backed by a $10,000 syndicate, and coached by Swann, formerly the fastest forward on the famous champion team of Corvallis. A game that promises to be so hard as this one, and a game in which two teams of such wide repute will be engaged, is expected to draw one of the largest audiences that ever crowded the college gymnasium. Sat urday night, December 21 the league game between Dallas and Willamatte University will be played on the home court, and arrangements are being made for a preliminary between the college second team and a team from the town. College Students Entertain. The program of the Philadelphian Literary Society given In the College Chapel Saturday night was very suc cessful. Every part was well taken, and the literary work of the young men showed much cleverness and originality. Especially well rendered and pleasing were the three musical numbers by the Rice brothers, Roscoe Ballantyne and the Philo Quartette. The comedy, "Smith vs. Smith," was carried through with a dash such as only a crowd of young college lads can stimulate, and in spite of the slight accident of a falling curtain near its close, the audience was kept in an uproarious good humor from the beginning to the end. in Liberal Reward. Disappeared from my barnyard December 2, two-year-old horse, light sorrel with white spot in face. Also dark bay mare with H-bar brand on left shoulder. Will give liberal reward for information leading to their recovery. J. E. Aixes, Rickreall, Or., or phone Farmer 85. 12 13-2t Latest Christmas Books at Stafrin s. Dr.- Driver Tomorrow Night. Dr. John Merritte Driver will lecture the Woodman Hall, tomorrow evening, (Wednesday) filling the second date of the Lyceum course, under the auspices of Dallas College. Dr. Driver Is a man of exceptionally broad and practical experience, keen and subtle wit, precise logic, and fine stage presence, and has a mastery of the English language that is little short of marvelous. Those who attend his lecture may be sure of something new and striking, for novelty is Dr. Driver's forte. Art Novelties. your order for Leave your order for Christmas novelties early, at the College Ait Studio. A few plain pieces for pyro graphy in stock, also finished pieces. 12-13-4t Josephine Abmstkoxo. Latest Christmas Books at Stafrins. This Is the season of decay and weakened Titality ; good health Is hard to retain. If you'd retain yours, fortify your system with Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the sur&et way. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Belt &' Cherrington. For Sale. Four fine thoroughbred Poland China hogs for sale. 12-17-3t S. D. Stefft, Dallas. How's This! VTe offer On Hundred Dollars Reward fo any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bj Hall's Catarrh Cure. P J. CHENEY CO., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Che ney for the last 15 years, and believe m per fectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. Wbst a Teu ax, Wholesale Drnrcists, Toledo, O. Wajldinq, Kihnah&Mahvih, Wholesale Drug- fists, Toledo, O. 1 s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and ranooua surfenesof the system. Price, 76c, per bottle. Bold by all Druettista. Testimonial free. - HaU'i Family Pills are the beat. Program at Colosseum Rink. Skating Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, both afternoon and even ing at the Colosseum Rink. Admis sion spectators 10c., skates 25c. Excel lent music rendered continously dur ing both afternoon and evening ses sions. Ladles will be admitted free on Tuesday evening. COFFEE There is a time for good tea, and a time for good coffee; there is no time for poor either. Your grocer returns Tour money If rou doa't like Schilling's Best; we par him. You know as well as any one when you need something to regulate your system. If your bowels are sluggish, your food distresses you, your kidneys pain, take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It always relieves. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Belt & Cherrington. Stylish Overcoats and Cravenettes $75 tO $20 Copyright 1 907 by Hart Schaffher is" Marx We are closing out our Furs and Ladies' Coats and have some good styles to show you at way down prices. Campbell & Holiister Cash Store Dallas, - - - Oregon Retiring .& Dissolution SALE NOW ON SALE SALE NOW ON R. Jacobson, the Pioneer Merchant of Yamhill County, after a successful career of 40 years in the mercantile business, of which nearly 30 years has been spent in this county, has fully decided to retire and spend his remaining years with his family. Whether the business is to be continued by the junior member of the firm or "Sold Out" to outside parties, the entire stock has to be reduced to a lim ited amount. The merchandise, former treatment and prices have installed a confidence in the people which cannot be shaken. To this end we offer prices which cannot be duplicated and which it is your duty to investigate. $65,000 Worth of First Class Merchandise Is now offered to the public at prices unheard of before on the West Side. Don't wait until the last minute and expect to find a full assortment as the stock will move out very rapidly. Checks on Banks and Clearing House Certificates taken same as cash. R. JACOBSON & CO., Mcflinnville, Oregon w nTTn at rrr nrrrr rT T W "hhno uui i riJi ulu, to RING IN THE NEW! OUR NEW LINE OF GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS IS NOW READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION COME IN A Few Happy Suggestions for Christmas A Tea Set A Coffee or Tea Pot A Set of Carvers A Set of Silver Knives and Forks A Set of Tea, Table or Dessert Spoons A Set of Nut Picks and Cracks A Manicure Set An Embroidery Set A Pair of Scissors or Shears A Pocket Knife A Cigar Clip Other article too numerous to mention DALLAS, WM. FAULL THE LEADING HARDWARE DEALER OREGON