Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 10, 1907, Image 3

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mty Observer
an J
.. t Toilet cases at Stafrins.
r 13 confined to his bed
ick of lumbago,
'aibuck went to Falls
ing on business. ,
alssioner J. B. Teal, of
i Dallas today on busi-
, of Falls City, was a
iuuivuur in Dallas yesterday
it. ,
i ..... ... j t
r. . i-l F. E. Lynn, of Perry-
s in Dallas, Saturday
n, of Albany, spent
i. visiting among his
iilort" '
for , i
KStl v. . ,
Man' . . ,
xr hi I-
fl LskatiL
Rink, Tu
Who de
.1 I'
f Portland, spent Sun
visitinar at the homes
md C. O. Tennis.
i son-in-law of F. M.
his family this week
hero they will make
Tartin returned to her
'ivillo, Saturday, after
- f the home of Mr. and
, manager of the Pacific
Company in Polk and
, waa business visi-
) at the Colosseum
Thursday and Satur-
. week. Open to all
'or. -
'Jan Literary Society
open meeting for this
,e chapel next Satur-
t. p. m.
I ryan returned to Port
ing, after an extended
nds and relatives in
3 City.
at the Colosseum
, Thursday and Satur
week. Open to all
i s who desire to enter.
1 Superintendent H. C.
1 this morning for a
.,' tour among the pub-
part of Polk
1 The 1 )
tO $Vill hoi i
rear at t!
lay, at S
Mrs. 1
and thl
esaiisit am.
tCipallas a
.link, Tuc
.lay night
Cf County T
ewdaya' i
choola in the southern
i K. A. Miller, cashier of the Portland
!ECffrus Company's bank, visited last
reek at the homo of his sister-in-law,
Slrs. Anna C. Farley, returning to
'ortland yesterday afternoon.
B. Dr. L. A. Boliman reports the birth
"f a son to Mr. and Mrs. Eobert Fox
n Saturday, December 7; also, the
(ffiirth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs.
W'Brien, of Pedoo, on the same day.
YK Chester Siefarth, of Falls City, was
fja Dallas, Friday and Saturday,
forking on the Mutual Telephone
Ines, which had been fouled in
everal places by the heavy storms of
be past week.
J ft Prof, and Mrs. W. J. Hooker re
turned Sunday night from Dallas,
rhore they were called by the death
Mrs. W. F. Gilliam, Prof. Hooker's
ister,' She was buried there on Sat-
rday. Eugene register.
The Students' Prohibition Associ
t auction will hold its regular bi-weekly
leeting for the discussion of both
2 tides of the question, . at the college
hapol tonight. An interesting pro
HS. ram has btea prepared, and all who
re interested in this subject are
i'irstnvtted to attend.
Finest line of toilet cases at Stafrins,
Mrs. I. F. Yoakum is visiting 1
B. Gildner, of Portland, was a Dallas
visitor Sunday.
Holiday assortment of fine station
ery at Stal'rin's.
Mrs. Joseph Mayer, of Lebanon, is
visiting friends in Dallas.
TT t V -rr - . - .
juon. u. jj. iveyt, or rerrydale, was
a business visitor in Dallas today.
.Ralph Butler was a business visitor
in Portland, Friday and Saturday.
Verd Hill, of Independence, was
business visitor In Dallas yesterday.
G. R. Stayton, of Stayton, is visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. S,
Mrs. Henry Sa very went to Ballston
L I m a ...
ounaay, lor a tew days visit among
County Commissioner William Rid
dell, of Monmouth, is in Dallas today
on business. '
Miss Francis Byers and Miss Veva
Burns visited friends in Independence
over Sunday.
.Jesse Smith and Frank bailor, of
Pacific College, Newberg, were Dallas
visitors Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Nordby and
little son, of Portland, were visitors
in Dallas over Sunday.
Frank Riggs returned to Salem
yesterday after a three davs' visit
among friends in Dallas.
Mrs. Ella J. Metzger and Mrs. P. A,
Finseth returned last night from a
few days' visit in Portland.
Frank 0. Ellis, of Grants Pass, has
been visiting at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Ellis.
Victor Ballantyne, of Seattle, has
been visiting at the home of his
parents, the Rev. and Mrs. M J
Miss Edith Graves, head nurse in
the Centralia Hospital in Washington,
is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Ray Craven.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Davenport,
who have resided in Black Rock for
nearly, a year, have returned to Dallas
to make their home.
Mrs. Tyler Smith and son, Thurlow,
and Miss Helen Stott, of Sheridan,
have been visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Craven.
The Frank L. Smith Meat Company
of Portland, will pay gold coin forcar-
load lots of cattle, calves, lambs and
hogs. Also for dressed veal, pork and
Eugene Byerley is completing the
installation of his new bowling alley
in the building recently vacated by
Adams & Company, and will have it
ready for use by tomorrow. With two
regulation alleys, well equipped and
cared for, it will doubtless become one
of the favorite resorts for those seek
ing recreation and exercise.
The famous Alaska basketball team,
which has been playing successfully
in Washington this season, under the
coaching of Swan, formerly the crack
forward of the O. A. C. team, will play
its first game in Oregon, with the
M. A. A. C, Saturday night. If
arrangements can be completed, they
will meet the Dallas College team on
the home court, Monday, December 16.
Latest Christmas Books at Stafrins.
L. R. Fields and W. H. Younger,
superintendent and master mechanic
for the Southern Pacific Company,
were iu Dallas, Friday, on business,
J. L. Brown fell from the porch of
his home last week and broke one of
hisribs. He is recovering nicely, how
ever, from the effects of the Injury,
and will soon be a,ble to be about hid
business once more.
A team of horses belonging to G. O,
uoitnan became irightened and ran
away Friday afternoon, smashing the
light wagon to which they were hitched
and tearing their harness to pieces.
No other damage was done however,
and Mr. Holman was able to get his
wagon and harness repaired in time
to start back to his farm near Antioch
the same evening,
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Collins have
located in Grants Pass for the winter,
instead of in Ashland, as they intended
Elmer C. Steyer, Ben Phillips and
James Maxwell represented Dallas
College in the eighth aaoual conven
tion of the Young Men's Christian
Association of Oregon and Idaho, held
In Albany last week. Over 150 dele
gates were present,' representing 21
associations, and the entire meeting
was a complete success, delegates and
leaders working together to the best
possible advantage. Mr. Streyer was
appointed upon the credentials committee-
together with James Lyman,
of Eugene, and E. St. Helens, of
A party of students from Dallas Col
lege drove over to Monmouth, Satur
day night, and witnessed the basket
ball game between the U. of O. and
the O.S. N.S , in which the latter were
victorious, the score standing 22 to 7
in their favor. The game was fast
and Interesting, and both teams played
good basketball, but the Oregon boys
to do at first. Mr. Collins writes that were weak in goal throwing, although
tnelr team work was excellent. Those
from Dallas who witnessed the game
were : Edgar Craven, John Thompson,
Ned Shaw, Verne Launer, Harry
Byers, Ray Grimes and Ray Ramsey,
Don't forgetStafrin's elegant line of
goods for Christmas.
his health Is already much improved,
andlhat he has not suffered from th
asthma since leaving Dallas last week.
He hopes to gain a complete recovery
in the excellent climate of the locality
where he Is now staying.
Miss Elsie Ray is critically ill.
suffering from acute spinal menin
gitis. The attack came suddenly
while she was at church Sunday
morning, and she was carried home
in a state of unconsciousness. She
has had no periods of rationality since
that time, but has been alternately in
state of either absolute stupor, or
delirium. Her father, S. M. Ray was
in Portland, Sunday, but was sum
moned home at once, arriving in
Dallas yesterday.
Mrs. L. C. Brown celebrated her
sixtv-ninth birthday at the home of
her son, H. C. Seymour, today. Letters
had been written to relatives In all
parts of the United States, and for
several days answering messages
had been pouring in. These letters, 69
in number, were presented to Mrs.
Brown as one of her birthday presents,
and she had the pleasure of reading
messages of greeting and good will
from relatives from whom she had not
heard for years.
By way of sport, some, young men
liberated a quantity of some vile
smellinar chemical in the hall of the
Apostolic Mission, Sunday night, pro
duciner a stench that threw the Chi
cago stocky ards back in second place,
The followers of the strange creed
however, opened all doors and bravely
carried their meeting on to a close,
although those who were not of the
elect felt it advisable to move outside
Into the oDen air on the street, where
they could witness the proceedings
with more physical comfort,
A dispatch from Albany in Sun
day's Oresroniao reported that two
districts in Linn county had a record
of no tardy students, and that four
other districts had an attendance of 99
per cent last month.
Superintendent H.;C. Seymour iu look
ing over last month's records of Polk
County schools finds that the first
record holds cood for eight districts
in our county, and more than a dozen
stood at 98 per cent in attendance. The
districts in which no tardy pupils
were reported are 8, 23, 24, 31, 38, 39,
45 and 47.
Latest Christmas Books at Stafrins,
Wanted Poultry at the Dallas Feed
Store. W. S, Simson & Son. it.
Don't forgetStafrin's elegant line of
goods for Christmas.
A fresh assortment of the famous
Gunther candies at Stafrin's Drug
Highest possible prices paid for
poultry at the Dallas Feed Store by
w. S.imson&Son. it.
During the month of December Mrs.
klla J. Metzger will sell all millinery
goods regardless of cost, as she con
templates making a change In the
Located in the Wagner corner
here you are sure of prompt attention.
We consider it as much a part of our
duty to serve you promptly as to sup
ply you witn
The Best Groceries
No matter how small our order, we
shall be glad to serve you. If you
cannot come in nerson. Rend us the
County ocnooi order by any means convenient tovou.
f , I. I TOa'II fill 4f i.iofr no it
were nere yourseir.
Phones : Bell 63, Mutual 314,
To show you the most complete and
up to date line of Furniture ever
shown under one roof in Polk county.
Our aim is to carry a full assortment
of medium and high-grade furniture
which we purchase direct from the
best makers in the country, this saves
all middleman's profits, which enables
us to meet all competition, whether
here or foreign markets, and in most
cases save you a neat little sum on
your purchases. On those grounds we
ask you for at least a share of your
patronage. We invite you to give us
a call, so we may have the pleasure
of showing you through our new es
tablishment. .
Dallas F
urniture Co.
Successors to Adams & Co.
It is not Economy
100 or 125 Croats
ver office.
Wanted on Shares.
Inquire at Obser-
Holiday assortment of fine station
ery at Stafrin's.
ant What I Want
When I Want It
Ilia object of this store is to eliminate all chance when you buy.
Ederheimer, Stein & Co.
From our policy of ordering only
of makers of the first rank we place
before you none but reliable and
fully guaranteed goods.
It is made better than other
clothing; it wears longer, looks
neater, never is disappointing in
any way and prices are are low as
the ordinary kind. "
New arrivals-in Boys Suits
Plain and Norfolk Coats with
bloomer pants, ages 9 to 15. Tne
most desirable Boys' Suits ever
sold at
$522 $62 $62
.. Building
Dallas, Oregon
Program at Colosseum Rink.
Skating Tuesday, Thursday and
Haturday, both afternoon and even
ing at the Colosseum Kink. Admis
sion spectators 10c, skates 25o. Excel
lent music rendered continously dur
ing both afternoon and evening ses
sions. Ladies will be admitted free
on Tuesday evening.
Watch for Special sales on Fridays
at Mrs. Ella J. Metzger's. , 11-12-tf.
Best job printing at the Observer
office in Dallas and the News office in
Falls City.
Money of private parties to loan at
6 per cent on well-improved farms.
Sibley & Eakin.
Men's and women's clothing cleaned
and pressed, at Bartlett's near depot
Mutual phone 411.
Patronize the new barber shop on
Main street T. W. Reel, the proprietor,
guarantees first-class work.
Legal blanks at this office.
A full line of White Haviland China
at Lougaary's.
L. D. Brown, for Abstracts. Notary
Public; typewriting.
Barham Winslow have a record
breaker for price, In city limits.
For the best cigars and freshest
candies, call on Horace Webster.
Another car of extra Star A. Star
shingles, the celebrated Moore brand,
just received by the Soehren Ware
house Co., Dallas.
W. K. Ellis, agent for Daily Ore-
gonian and Evening Telegram. Have
a daily paper delivered at your house
by the week, month or year. No extra
charge for delivery.
To do the family washing
at home. When you figure
up the cost of water, soap,
starch, extra fire and time,
and most of all the mess and
trouble that it makes, and
compare it with our price of
6 cents a pound, washed,
starched and dried and 25
cents a dozen for flat pieces,
you will see that you can't
afford to wash at home.
Send your washing to the
Dallas Steam Laundry
Phones: Mutual, 197, Bell, 21)3
to get your Christmas supplies. We
nave everytning tnat wm oe neat
dainty and attractive as a gift to any
or your mends, be they men, women
or children. Come in ; look at our
stock ; price it then buy.
Watch Our Windows-
F. 8. RAMSEY, Proprietor.
IhoBest Meats
Are found In our tender
and juicy beef, mutton
and pork. We do our
own killing, and can
Guarantee all meats to
; wholesome and fresh.
Qive us a trial.
Barnhart Grant
Dallas, Oregon
Boost, "Don't Knock." There is no
place for the "knocker" in this world or
the next. Show your appreciation of a
good thing when you have it. Buy your
Mill Feed, Poultry Supplies, etc., at the
Dallas Feed Store. You can save two
dollars a ton on your Mill Feed by pur
chasing of me. Try it and be convinced.
The Dallas Feed Store
J. H. Moore, Proprietor
Under New Management
Strictly White Help.
Big Sample Room and
Special, Accommodations
for Commercial Men.
$1.00, $1.25, $2.00 per Day
Chipman & Farmer, Props.
The Best and Strongest
Handles Made
Patronize Your
Home Industry
Western Handle
Manufacturing Co.
Manufacturers of
High Grade Ax and Tool Handles
Carefully Selected Second-Growth Oregon OaK
Awarded the Cold Medal at Lewis and Clark Fair
Chas. A. Hoff, Manager
Dallas, Oregon
If you want a
Find the big pole
and walk in.
We treat you right.
Lynch SWisecarver
Main Street
Everybody Is Interested
IN FINDING GOOD SHOES, and a great many
people are finding that our store is the
For the city of Dallas and the surrounding country.
Our stock is complete and up-to-date and
many new customers are coming our way every
day. If you want the best at prices which tell
come and see us. All we ask is a chance to
o make good. Yours for trade,
I The Dallas Shoe Store, Mrs- riSnor'
65 ,
S HrVWi V Ai AA IWAArt M.W &V ,V. feVtr ,V'
New York is too far
from Japan; San Fran
cisco is nearer.
Year grocer rcturni your money If yon den't
Ilk Schilling'! Bnt: we pir bim
Fhia tig-nature U oa every box of th gsauin
Laxative BroraoQuiniae Tweu
Um fomedy tbet rare cold la mum May
The Obsehveb office wants the print
ing you are particular about.