unty Observer ', of Airlle, Is visiting in :ton, of Willamlna, was f Tuesday. , , farth, of Falls Oity, was i -or Wednesday. ( : l ,.:n. of Portland, Is In .. ... r ', vek on business. : , i i , Linten, of FaUs City, ,ini frin.u in Dallas, Tuesday. arrived home yesterday led trip in Eastern Ore- J, ..n L, ota toe jbins went to Portland r a visit among rela 13. aa and A. J. Faul, of . in Dallas, Tuesday y, on business. 'x E. M. Smith issued to wed to David W. Grlgsby, Wednesday. rton, of Salem, agent ultural Fire Relief of i Dallas, Wednesday, f inseth and Mrs. Ella J. to Portland yesterday, ie. Calve Bias at the Haw , i . and Miss Ella Kimball ma up from Portland yesterday jrniog for a short visit among latives and friends. pson arrived home from Vfashington, Wednes S o went to attend the 5 brother, the late W. H J. B. Thoi, arrington, y, where neral of !. lompson. "lanimtr Frank Kersey says that 3 stSi cJ uUi for this season has been arrangcl that more games of bas eball will be played on the home iirt than during any previous year. "ho Women's Foreign Missionary ciety ii.it t at the home of Mrs. T. A. inn, T iks .!:?y. A short program is rendered, after which refresh snts were served. It was a very joyablo occasion, and all went home ppier for having been present. ,Ir. and Mrs. F. M. Collins left for bland, Wednesday, and will make sir home in that city during the ning winter. Mr. Collins has lered for several years ' from hma and hopes to find relief in 1 drier climate. ounty School Superintendent H. C. mour-visited the Black Bock school esday. He reports the attendance ich greater than he had expected, 68 pila being numbered on the roll, hough the school house Is only a iple one room Btructure. Sncouraged by the success of Satur fa game with the I. A. C, the ;rub" team of the college has organ i under the title of the Dallas Col e Bucks, and will arrange to play many games as possible with the aller teams from neighboring rns. 'he first basketball team of Dallas liege, will meet the U. of O. team the home floor tonight. The 'var r men are thorough sportsmen, and 1 play for all there is in it, while 1 spirit of the home team is equally armined. Those who attend may ct to see a clean, fast, and exciting ne. Charles and William Hoff, of the Dallas Handle Factory, returned from a three days' business trip in Port land, Wednesday. The students' band of Dallas College is making rapid progress, and all members of the organization are greatly pleased with their success in rendering the simpler compositions of band music. New pieces are being added to the band continually, and they hope before the holidays to have a . fairly large and well equipped orchestra. Although the Polk County Poultry Kaisers' Association is yet compar atively young, evidence of the wide publicity It has already received may be found in the fact that J. E. Beezley, secretary of the Association, received a letter last week from a man living In North Dakota, asking for a cata logue and the rules governing exhibits in the poultry show which is to be held in this city December 26, 27 and 28. Guy Brothers & Dalton installed a large electric sign in front of their establishment yesterday. Its dimen sions are 12 by 4 feet, and 220 incan descent bulbs are used to light the letters, and 1000 feet of copper wire was required to make all necessary connections, The sign was built by Walter Coy, and all of the' electrical fixtures were put in by Fred West. Completed and put in position, its value is estimated at $250. R. C. Mason and family, of Clay County, Iowa, have purchased a 15- acrefarm within two miles of this city, and will make their home in Oregon In future. Mr. Mason will devote his time to fruit farming. He says that since leaving Iowa with his family, he has traveled through all of the Pacific States, and most of the central states as far south as Mexico, but that he found no place that seemed to him to be suitable for a home until he came into the Willamette Valley. Stockwell's orchestra will give a social dance at the Woodman Hail tomorrow (Saturday) evening. Dur ing the two hours between seven and nine o'clock, before the dance com mences, Professor Raymond will have the floor for the purpose of giving lessons In dancing. Special attention will be given to the three-step, a neW and graceful dance and one that is sure to win high favor. Professor Raymond will continue these two-hour lessons each Saturday night In future, unless some other arrangements are made. The seventh grade of the Dallas Public School has organized a literary society with the following officers Esie Frakes, president; Clark Van- Orsdei, vice-president; Loren Butler, secretary; Fay Percival, treasurer; Bessie Young, critic; Earl Shultz, editor; Fremont Dixon, sargeant-at- arms; Edith Griffith, organist: Cora Vanskike, Ada Longnecker, Maurice Dalton and George Fuller, censors. Programs will be given Friday afterr noon of each week, and all friends and patrons of the school are invited to attend. FALLS CITY. C. L Crider, of Dallas, was a busi ness visitor in this city, Thursday. Miss Loretta Campbell, of Dallas, was in the city last week visiting the family of John Beezley. Rev. Blair, of the Free Methodist church, who has been seriously ill is rapidly improving. The wiring of the Walker hotel has been completed and it is now one ot the most complete modern hotels In the Willamette Valley. North Cherrington and wife, of Dal las, came up Wednesday evening to attend the dance and spent Thanks giving with friends in this city. Frank Morrison and family and Charlie Campbell, of Dallas passed through this city Sunday on their way to the Siletz on a hunting trip. Mrs. Will Hinshaw received a mes sage from Portland Wednesday morn ing informing her of the death of her mother, Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Hinshaw left for that city on the 11 o'clock train to attend the funeral. ASSAULTED ON TRAIN B. C. Wood Severely Beaten by Andrew Trent In Presence of Wite. HOP MEN WILL ORGANIZE Growers Called to Meet Saturday. December 1 P. At) In Dallas, 14, at This Is the season of decay and weakened vitality ; good health is hard to retain. If you'd retain yours, fortify your system with Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the surest way. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Belt & Cherrington. Discouraged by the low price of hops, the growers of the Dallas district will meet in this city on Saturday, December 14, at 1 p. m., to discuss existing conditions. It is probable that an organization of the growers will be effected at that time, and a large attendance is desired. S. H Petie, of Bridgeport, has been the moving spirit in bringing about this organization, and the following call Issued to the growers will fully explain its object : "Brother Hop Growers : Why can 't we get the cost of pToduction out of our hops? The buyers say there are too many hops produced, but I have not found any one yet that can give the exact figures of production. If we are producing too many hops, we want to know it, and if not, we want to know it. How can we find out? By organizing. Why can't we establish a hopgrowers association and find out the exact production of the Pacific coast, and if we have too many, take some steps to remedy the situation? It can be done very easily by each hop- growing precinct calling a meeting of the growers and finding the pro auction or his precinct. Let every precinct elect a representative and call a meeting of the representatives as a whole at Portland. Salem or some other place for the purpose of a thor ough organization." Two and Two Make Four. Dr. O. K. Wolfe, the popular phy slcian of Falls City was a Salem visl. tor yesterday. It is reported that his practice has grown in such a manner since he has located at Falls City as to require a partner, which the doctor will secure during this month. He has many friends in this city who will be gratified to learn of his success. Salem Journal. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fisher announce the engagement of their daughter, Viola, to Dr. Osmar K. Wolf, of Falls City, the wedding to take place in December. Salem Statesman. I vant What I Want When I Want It The object of this store is to eliminate all chance when you buy. 'C: Edcrheimer, Stein & Co. m Chicago X TRAGOOD D ml 4 J r it -" r 1 From our policy of ordering only of makers of the first rank we place before you none but reliable and fully guaranteed goods. It is made better than other clothing; it wears longer, looks neater, never is disappointing in any way and prices are are low as the ordinary kind. New arrivals in Boys Suits Plain and Norfolk Coats with . bloomer pants, ages 9 to 15. Tne most desirable Boys' Suits ever" sold at $522 $622 $62 L2D TRAGOODT) 00 o tiies 99 E BEE HIV E STORE L j. - , i:. Building Dallas, Oregon B. C. Wood, a former proprietor of the Dallas Hotel, was unexpectedly assaulted and severely beaten by Andrew Trent while going from Dal las to Portland with his wife Monday afternoon. Mr. Trent, it seems, had cherished revengeful thoughts against Mr. Wood, because the latter had ejected him from the hotel dining room several weeks ago for creating an un necessary disturbance. When Mr. Wood started for Port land, Monday morn ing, Trent boarded the same train. Word changed his mind about going, and when he train reached the water tank, got off and returned to town to transact some busi ness. Trent stopped at Lafayette and waited for the afternoon train. When it arrived he boarded it, and stepping up behind Mr. Wood, who was sitting beside his wife, dealt him a heavy blow on the head with a beer bottle. Stuntlbd by the force of the blow, Wood was unable to defend himself and was struck again on the jaw. Before Trent could strike again, Con ductor Crocker sprang upon him acd after a short struggle disarmed him. Arriving at Dayton, Trent was put off the train. Although severely cut and bruised, Mr. Wood was not dangerously in jured. It is probable that he will a?k for a warrant for the arrest of his assailant. Trent has been a resident of Dallas several years and until recently was employed as janitor at the courthouse. Mrs. F. R. Rich is visiting in Port land. F. H. Morrison went to Portland yesterday on business. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Coad went to Portland, Wednesday. Editor V. P. Fiske, of the Itemizer, went to Portland yesterday on busi ness. During the month of December Mrs, Ella J. Metzger will sell all millinery goods regardless of cost, as she con templates making a change in the business. Mrs. Jane Martin, a sister of Joseph, Charles and Henry Black, died at her home in San Diego, last Wednesday, aged 74 years. The squaw wife of Luckiamute Dave, a Grand Ronde Indian, died from the effects of alcoholism, Wed nesday. She had been indulging in a long spree and was unable to survive from its effects. The notorious gal lon house is decreasing the population of the Grand Ronde reservation at an alarming rate. Wanted on Shares. 100 or 125 goats. Inquire at Obser ver office. 0 IF YOU WANT THE BEST f Than buy a Hoosler Drill. They are unquestionably the strongest, most durable and best built oi an anus, ine urain reea is one or tne most important parts or a drill. The great popularity of the Hoosler Grain Drill is due more to Its excellent feed than any other one thing. It is absolutely a force feed not only in name but in the work it performs, and will sow smallquanti ties with the same accuracy that it sows large quantities. I M P L E M E N T S i I "ll-J 1-. .l-J-. . .. j 11 i JIM 1 .. www 1 i l .9 r II a p. 1 1' 1 VUUMQ ft1 Ml Fl 'r 'A i iffW f-iimHiriVTr.t-rci S i I I it I i I !i I 11 i ill ADAMS & CO., STOVES and RANGES F U R N I T U R E A Photographs. Now is the time, while your Fall Suits are new, to get your pictures ready for Christmas. The gift that comes nearest the heart of a friend is a fine photogragh. T. J. CHERRINGTON, 12-3-2t Dallas, Ore. Program at Colosseum Rink. Skating Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, both afternoon and even ing at the Colosseum Rink. Admis sion spectators 10c, skates 25c. Excel lent music rendered continously dur ing both afternoon and evening ses sions. Ladies will be admitted free on Tuesday evening. Watch for Special sales on Fridays at Mrs. Ella J. Metzger's. 11-12-tf. ' Best job printing at the Observer office in Dallas and the News office in Falls City. Money of private parties to loan at 6 per cent on well-improved farms. Sibley & Eakin. Men's and women's clothing cleaned and pressed, at Bartlett's near depot. Mutual phone 141. Main street. T. W. Reel, the proprietor, guarantees firsfrclass work. Legal blanks at this office. A full line of White Haviland China at Loughary's. L. D. Brown, for Abstracts. Notary Public; typewriting. Barham Sr Winslow have a record breaker for price, in city limits. For the best cigars and freshest candies, call on Horace Webster. Another car of extra Star A. Star shingles, the celebrated Moore brand, ust received by the Soehren Ware house Co., Dallas. W. R. Ellis, agent for Daily Ore- gonian and Evening Telegram. Have a daily paper delivered at your house by the week, month or year. No extra charge for delivery. 00 TO THE RACKET STORE to get your Christmas supplies, We nave everytning tnat will be neat, dainty and attractive as a gift to any of your friends, be they men, women or children. Come in ; look at our stock ; price it then buy. Watch Oar Windows THE RACKET STORE F. S. RAMSEY, Proprietor. Mrs. Mary McLench Dead. Mrs. Mary McLench died at the tnmeof her son-in-law, A. E. Watson, In Salem, Wednesday, aged 82 years She was the widow of the late B. F. McLench lwho was at one time t county commissioner of Polk county She left two daughters, Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Caldwell, and one son, Frank McLench, who lives on the old home place near Lincoln. Poultrytnen's Meeting. A business meeting of the Polk County Poultry Association is called ror aaturaay, December 7, at a p. m., In the County Treasurer's office. All members are requested to be present. J . K beezley, secretary. ri Rib, CORNER GROCERY Located In the Wagner corner ANY TIME YOU CALL here you are sure of prompt attention We consider It as much a part of our duty to serve you promptly as to sup ply you with The Best Groceries Obtainable. No matter how small your order, we snail be giaa to serve you. ir you cannot come in person, send us the order by any means convenient to you. We'll fill it just as faithfully as if you were nere yourseir. E. BOYD & SON Phones : Bell 63, Mutual 314. It is not Economy To do the family washing at home. When you figure up the cost of water, soap, starch, extra fire and time, and most of all the mess and trouble that it makes, and compare it with our price of 6 cents a pound, washed, starched and dried and 25 cents a dozen for flat pieces, you will see that you can't afford to wash at home. Send your washing to the Dallas Steam Laundry Phones: Mutual, 197, Bell, 203 The Best Meats. Are found in our tender w and jaicy beef, mutton and pork. We do our own killing, and can guarantee all meats to be wholesome and fresh. Give us a trial. Barnhart S Grant Dallas, - Oregon WHEN IN DALLAS GO TO THE DALLAS HOTEL Under New Management Strictly White Help. Big Sample Room and Special Accommodations for Commercial Men. KATES: $1.00, $1.25, $2.00 per Day THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE H0NEYTAB tU Clm IIiiiw uU Dwcy U m Inry We Wish to Announce to the public that we will carry everything usually found in a first-class Furniture Store, .so have the best line of Carpets, Rugs, etc., in the county. We make to order all kinds of Couches, Mattresses and Springs. Also do all kinds of Repairing. 'Framing a specialty. : :-: :-: :-: :-: HALL & HAYES Successors to F. J. Chapman. "BE OPTIMISTIC" Boost, "Don't Knock." There is no place for the "knocker" in this world or the next. Show your appreciation of a good thing when you have it. Buy your Mill Feed, Poultry Supplies, etc., at the Dallas Feed Store. You can save two dollars a ton on your Mill Feed by pur chasing of me. Try it and be convinced. The Dallas Feed Store 1 J. H. Moore, Proprietor ' The Best and Strongest Handles Made Patronize Your Home Industry Western Handle Manufacturing Co. Manufacturers of High Grade Ax and Tool Handles From Carefully Selected Second-Growth Oregon Oatt Awarded the Cold Medal at Lewis and Clark Fair Chas. A. Hoff, Manager Dallas, Oregon m b VArvhnrlv I q ntPfPQtPn li IN FINDING GOOD SHOES, and a great many 0 i- ' -n 1.1. -i i. ii. tit people are nnaing mat our store is ine m-i in l nnl t A nTT- nrt Si? m For the city of Dallas and the surrounding country, m &s Our stock is complete and up-to-date and C many new customers are coming our way every day. If you want the best at prices which tell p m come and see us. All we ask is a chance to v'.9 ' make e-ood. Yours for trade. "v o ' Si i The Dallas Shoe Store, Mrs-inor H x Jwj nvM kvji kvA . v5 , v5 4 3cv cv j ftvjt 3.vj a ttvt J 4, v j I 5 TEA There's plenty of hum bug in tea; not one ounce in a ton Schilling's Best. Your trocar returns your moocy it fa don't Vli It; ptf bim. Tbia iffrtiatare Is on ererybox of tba gorjulna Laxative BroraoQuinine Tweu Um imaedy that ctars m eM la daT The Obsebveb oHlce wants the print ing you are particular about.