urwCtC Polk County Observer J C. HAYTER, Pobliabed Seml-WiIyM JI M per Year. Strictly i AdTanct. Art of Cod- ol Mrcfa 3. im. Tht way to build up Dallas is to pat ranizt Dallas people. - THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. The message is an able, carefully prepared paper, but we believe that a great many of the PresMeDt'g admirers will lay It aside with a feeling of dis appointment Conservative almost to the point of expediency, It Is the least vigorous document that has yet come from the Boosevelt pen. Compared with the daring and resolute denunciation of existing evils la the President's public utterances in the past, the discussion of questions of vital Importance In the message are sadly lacking In purpose, couratro and enertry. Especially Is this true of the sections relating to the tariff, currency, and control of corpo rations, questions which Just now overshadow all others In the minds of the American people, and upon which the opinion and recommendations of the President were anxiously awaited. The message is strangely unlike Iloosevelt It is a message of policy and conciliation, rather than of aggression. It Is the campaign speech of a politician, rather than the message of a statesman. It Is not the kind of message the American people eipected or desired at this critical period in the Nation's affairs. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Any subscriber renewing his sub scription during this month will be credited to January 1,1909. The same offer will apply to new subscription. By subscribing or renewing now, yoa will receive the Obsebveb free for nearly a month. This offer is made in order to simplify our bookkeeping. All subscriptions received after the flrstdayof the month hereafter will be credited as beginning on the first day of the succeeding month. This will givethe subscriber the paper free for the remainder of the month in which hesubscribes. By adopting this rule, all subscriptions will ran even months after the first year, instead of expir ing at some odd date in the month, as many of them do at present. COURT HOUSE NOTES Items of Interest From the Records In the County Offices. CONDITION REAL ESTATE. E. Bailey et ux to William Branch flower, 80 acres in 1 6 s, r 4 w, $1760. Margaret V Hayter to Peter Wall, 19 acres, 17 s, r 5 w, fbond for deed), $201. Clara Wagner Keid and hd to F J Wagner, land in Dallas, $1. Etta Hall and hd to Georgia H Chapman, land in Dallas, $1. 8 It Kennedy et ux to M I Knight, 30 acres, 1 7 s, r 5 w, $2700. J M Dougan to Asher Coovert et als, lot in Dallas, $110. J BUSINESS LOCALS. Dr. Hayter. Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon. Sheep For Sale. 23 reffistered Cotswold sheep. quire of S. D. Steffy, Dallas, Or. 12-2-tf, PFPORT OF THE or THE Dallas National Bank At Dallas, in the State of 0gon, at the close of business, Decem ber 3, 1907. Un and diacounu Orerdrafu. secured and aDKcarrf SAA C. S. Bonds secure circulation W . v c f. ' Bondi. aetarhiea, etc Banitine house, fornitare ana nxiarra Dae from State Banfci nd Barren Due from approved rrre aeo n .v. n nrher eaih itemt.... v.. ,.i r,th NatioLtl Banks J.UjW Fractional paper currency, nickel and centa ; UrTL MoV Resmvb is BiSl. vu: spfe ral-tender nole Exemption food with U. 3. Treainrer, S per cent of circulation Total ISMWW LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In Sorplua Fond Cndirided profits, less exrne axes paid .-ationul Bank notes ontstanding I) ie to State Bank and Bankers . Individual .ieposiu subject to check. . .i:4,25 Demand certificates of deposit 00 Time certiflcatea of Depfit 32,748 87 Liabilities other than tboae above stated Notice to Creditors. hereby eiven that the nndertimed , K .Jir.tnwr.ior of ; -Li kmiond. oeceaied. by the 3 -. . ,.,, for fOiS v urt of toe tia.e u -i6-i : In- Kews of the sudden death of Judge Arthur Frazer In Portland was re ceded 'with great sorrow in Polk county, where the Judge was born and raised to early manhood. Oregon had no more useful citizen, and his death bas caused a vacancy that will be bard to fill. As Judge of the Juvenile Court In Portland, he was doiDg in valuable work in saving the boys and girls whose feet had strayed Into way ward paths, and as Judge of the Cir cuit Court he had proved himself able, painstaking and conscientious. Ills death will be mourned by all the peo ple of Oregon. I)t him who is inclined to tako gloomy view of the outlook for busl ness ponder well these facts: While tho Un Ited States has only 5 per com of the world's population, it produces 20 per cent of the world's wheat, 25 per cent or Its gold, 33 percent of its coal 35 per cent of its manufactures, 3fl per cent or Its silver, 40 per cent of its Iron, 42 per cent of Its eUwl, 52 rr cent of its petroleum, 55 per cent or its copper, 70 per cent of Its cotton and 80 per cent of its corn. 47.672 '' , 4,(:o) ... u WA 04 Ws Oil S61S fXotiee is of K frtnond ConntJ Co Cocaty A and cqo"B:. ,he aaid I .in:-' o-. - - trihnde. atu rdence at Falls City, in said County, witnin sii " from the date of tbU n"f v,. ,-. and firat pub.tshed KzJfa Adrr.Laistrator of the estate .if Fred C. Kaymond, deceased. 0r Hayter, Attorney. NEVER-FAIL OIL CAN. and .. 3,000 00 3,VA ,i7 24.S95 00 . 4,9! 3 Oi Total 03 iiate of Ort-eon. j County of Poll:.! ' I, E. Hayter, Cashier of the above-named oaiik.do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and bellef- E. HAYTER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Stb day of December, 10U7. OSCAR HAYTER, Notary Public. Cobkei-i Attest: V I.. Rl'TLFB. 1 I. S. Wool. Directors eal R. E. Willi Shingles For fcale. A carloa1 of Star A Star shingles received this week by the Soehkes Wakehoche Co. 10-1-tf For Sale. Registered and unregistered Berk shire pigs. J. J. Leveck, I;wl8ville, Oregon. Address Monmouth, R. F. D. ll-22-5t Farm For Sale. Good 300-acre dairy and stock farm, two miles from railroad; good grass and farming land ; plenty of running water: trood house and barn and sheda. Call on or address James A Oibsoh, Sheridan, Or., R. F. D. 1. -10-tf For Sale. One good dark bay gelding. Will welarh 1100 or better, and Is sound. Will drive or work single or double Good single harness and top buggy. All goes cheap. Barham & Winslow Real EBtate Office. Mutual phone 1216, Dallas, Ore. 12-3-tf Photographs. Now Is tho time, while your Fall suits are new. to get your photograph ready for Christinas. Your family groups and bales. If you want your friends to know you really appreciate them, remember them with a nice photograph of yourself or family. 11-15-tf T. J. CHEIIRIXGTON The newspapers of Oregon are al ready glvingthecomlng Angora Goat Show a lot of good advertising, and are urging tho growers of their respec tive counties to make exhibits. The mate papers have always shown a lib eral spirit In advertising tbe goat how, and this publicity has been largely responsible for Its success. The generosity or the publishers U deeply appreciated by tho monagers of the show. If Mr. U'Ren's present batch of oon Btitutlonal amendments slides through mcely, wo may expect another bunch, freshly Imported from New Zualand, m I. .1. . mo uoiii eii-cuon, remarks an exciiango. Life Is too short to wult until some legislation is really noedcxt. Some changes must be made now and then to see how the thing works. uregon baukera will hereafter be chary of "parting their names In the middle when they think of J, Ttior burn of the Title Guarantee; V i-oopcr. or the Oregon Trust, and J. Frank, of the Merchants' National. tieney met his first defeat In the acquittal of Attorney Tlrey L. Ford Id Man rranclseo, Tueaduy. His friends of the press must have neglected or overlooked him for a few days. Monthly Weather Report. IT. S. Weather Bureau, Falls City. Ortgn. The following Is a summary of the weather report tor November : Maximum temperature, 7i degrees on the 9th. Minimum on the 18th. rreclpiution. 13.42 inches. FRANK Bl'TLKR, Ca-oerative Observer. U'raperature, 30 degrees 100 Doses $1 True only of Hood's Barsaparilla, tlie ens great blood purifier and ireueral tonk. This remarkable nsedicine has effected many radical and permanent cures that are the wonder of the nor! J. It eradicates all humors from pimples to scrofula 100 Doses $! Ia ustiaj liquid form or In rhocolatrd UbloU known aa tartatabs. 100(Km$1. Wood For Sale. Do you need wood? We want to remind you that the block wood from tho Willametto Valley Lum'wr Com pany's rawmill Is the best and cheap est wood you can buy. $1.75 per load, delivered. Mutual phono 1407, or leave orders at Webster's confectionery store. 11-22-lf. BOWMAN BROS. Collections! I havo now been In tho collecting business for about two months. My success has been uniformly good, and I have secured a large list of patrons during this time. Every effort will be mado to losuro promptness and thor oughness In my work, and the com mission charged will bo nominal. I respectfully solicit your pntronage in the future, and promise tho best service possible. L. D. BUTLER, Dallas. Oregon. HOLLiSTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Mtdloln for Busy Psopls. Brlnp OaUet Health and Rtsawed Vigor. A apat'llo f.rOniliwttlnn, Indirection. U and KIclDoy Trouble. I'luipbu. Eoimm. Impure Hl.io.1, Had Brtwih, Klii(rlh Itowflv Heada'lie and Hokm'b. Ii't K.K'ky atmintaln Tea in tab-li-t form. peon a boi. Gpnuloe made by lioLuaTi Dsii-o Company, Madiaon, Wla. SOLD EN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Real Estate For Sale. Below arc Jnal a few of my nunieroua lr Otua til Krai K.tate. I alio) liave fur mle a lut "f rri.leiM- prtiprrly Uiat la wry drairablr at the iruv; hIm, ran accomirnMlate vuu m a Ira.lc Ir jrnu want to no to tome other atate. Wer-s-lloue and barn, ft'ntl, a map I 1,-jw 3) aires -ti.io.1 bulMinits, orehard, etc.. t l.liW lulaorea-Kine place, new 10 room house I S.Oui Waerea llulidiucs, atock, Implements,. $ S.iVO 171 aire -Well improved farm, Benton Ci4 S.0H0 acre- Fine farm, well Imp. " fiT.in.iO lf.2aerea -Near Perrrdale, Due land, no builduiaa j H) 1. acre -0 plow laud, a fine farm $ 4,:io li' terra-Kme Improved valley farm. . . I 6,A0 i'flcr,-a -fficnlt.. river Utum laud, in Marion rounir $ 4.CU) 1 eerva -V oil tm proved farm, oo Little Luefclauiulc 4,ftv kUarree-Well Improved, little l.nckia- t t !.! 15 acrea- fruit farm near Ba'.lnton $ i;tf J.S -re North end I"olk county, well Improved 1 1 1 ,25 1M ai-rra-Karm. JO hop. 80 limber, reat fanuioi j,av aerwa Ktne soil, 100 bottom land under f . V ISO K'rea -h1 bulUiinfa. plow laud. I 10) JW aerea-Well Improved, blil land, at eitwred s.0x Xacmav-Sear Iwlivll!e, :0prr acre , . 4,itt WT aerr-1.0 i.low laud, buil.lin. Me per siere j; lOaerearrult mni-h. buildlnrt, etc I J.i) ',acr-Se.r HalUton. a ae firm... I I35aCT-mlle weat of Pallaa. al t; i a UarrrcSaburbaD trait tratt J0aerea Suburban fnill tract sou aere rruil land, wtih bulLltiiea .... 1 nn Yoora lor BuIikw, H. U.CAMI'BEU. i If you want a Good Barber Shop Find the big pole and walk in. We treat you right. Lynch SWisecarver Main Street " 1 fr - The Xever-Fail Oil and Gasoline Can air ticht will noi lean -will take all the oil out of can and will run oil from lamp back to can. Money back if not satisfied. U. S. Loughary, TEiCGrocer 3 8 3 3 I 3 3 Young Man, If You Want Exceptionallj SMART CLOTHING That shows in every line and seam, inside and out, most advanced ideas of the leading fashion-arbiter. you should lose no time in seeing our Michaels-Stern Fine Clothing For Young Men Aside from being the smartest and best tailor r clothing for particular chaps, it is so reasonable inprfe EJ tat it is possible for all young men to dress fVc ably at little expense. ji ' 13 :ft e T, u mm BRIDLES re of all kinds, as every horse will tell you. At thi3 shop, they're only in nlnna nnp. an d like our harness throughout, the kind that's made com fortable for the horse and that insures safety to the driver. We supply Separate Parts of Harness as well as complete sets. We guar antee both our stock goods as well as what we make to order. For Sale at the Dallas Harness Shop F. SalficKy, Prop. CHRISTMAS IN CROCKERY is being celebrated here famously. The whole store is replete with pretty things that show the art of ti 8 Crockery Making in perfection. There are gifts galore. Some of them are quite expen se sive, but more are well within reach of the most jjj modest person. But high or low priced they are all pretty and serviceable. To see them is to admire, as 8 vou will admit when vou make us a call. $ W. H. ROY $ CO. i The China and Notion Store Dallas, Oregon & h4 m 6tom Most Grocers Sell OLYMPIC FLOUR Every Sack Guaranteed Mado of selected Eastern Oregon Hard Wheat, It produces more loaves of bread than any other flour and the loaves are lighter and whiter. Because of the Increased quantity or bread produced the cost is no higher than for other flours. Ask Your Grocer for It THE PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS CO. Electricity for Lighting Is only expensive to people who are wasteful and careless. To you, who are naturally careful, it does not come high. It Is economical because it can bo quickly turned off wnen not needed ltn gas or kerosene there is the temptation to let light burn when not needed to oave bother or lighting and adjusting. In some homes the electric light bills amount to only one or two dollars per month lou can probably get acme kind of artificial light for less monev than electric light, but does it save you anvthing when it limits op portunities for work and recreation ruins vour evesight smokes your walls mars decorations and Increases "household work You could probably save a dollar tomorrow by going without your 'meals but it wouldut be economy. It is not so much what you save but how you save that counts. ' kKkJ1 mALLE' F- K-ttES-Residei.ce on meters, per lo; "'si(KIUV' flatFr month, I6cp 5'V. RVTF8 FOR BIGNESS HOUSES- perdropand 8c per Kilowatt up to 10 drops over 10 drops soc per drop and 5c per Kilowatt up to 40 drops; over 40 drops 1. jc per drop and 5c per Kilowatt, A drop figures I6ep or leT lor Kwet- rates apply at the oftlee. We are always ready to explain the "ins and ouu of the lighting reposition to you, call on us or phone to us, we are never to busy to talk business Willamette Valley Company E.W. K EARNS, Manager for Dallas. OMTtSalrV78mJa9tnOrthortheCourtIl0use- rhonPS Bell 421. w. mm Snappy Suits for Young Men .0: Oi. in especially selected fabric patterns of bright weave r and correct shades; single or double-breasted, consent ative or extreme styles, - - $12 to fin- Smart Overcoats for Young Men pa 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 8 mit t STREET- j . DALLAS, 0RECC amw iMhn BiatM MICHAELS-STERN FINE CLOTHING icnitu, ma a CO. garments OI eACepwuucu o,ym any, oiciiuiu cuaungSi; long and medium lengths some "Cravenetted"- richly lined and finished, - - $12totyii Fancy Waistcoats h; beautiful and novel designs in flannels, cassimeres arJt Ssoi other vestings, $1.50 to $6 IBe Uglow Clothing LEADERS IN MEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS 3o oousg la lor Cut Prices I will cut prices on all goods sold for the next 30 days. Special Cut on Gold Headed Canes, Umbrellas and Diamonds I have one of the largest and best selected stocks on the West Side, so you will do bet ter to call early and get the pick. Yours for business. C. H. MORRIS ist fa A. J, BARHAM R.B.I5 BARHAM WINSLOfl c u :iu; ilt ilQ Dealers in . i la! VaV ma HaaaVJIaV. U aaViaVai m w Farm and Timber Li0 A Specialty, i City property bought anc We will sell you a and lot on easy terms, Call and see us. First west of the postoffice. - Dallas, Ore IS (is omplete Stoc. !v DrPc CJ-nnrlQ 7he larSest stock this side of Portland, all oft! to Shoes, the dress shoes for ladies. 1 VD onN Li Just, nrrivprl Kv pynrpss direct from x uxo anuiui VjUcIILS EastS fSary. ffi are the corr V T T n at , thingS. J Ulia MarlOWe and Flintstone ft Packard Fli?stone A. A. Cutter Shoes for Men have no equal x ciivaiu style, comfort and wear. We are sole agents. J. B. Stetson Fnonq(?e-iTHats' the correct shaPes and shadesif s ! V! Fall and Winter. Agents for McCall Patterns. GROCERIES A complete stock of Staple and Fancy. Prompt attention paia to phone orders. lbs. for 25c. Your money back IMpkana gS iH2ducetek price f V! ! VI VI aT VI Successor to Ellis & Keyt if you do Dallas Mercantil e Co.