UOTY PUBLISHED SEMI-VEEKLY VOL. XIX DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OEEGON, NOVEMBER 22, 1907. NO. 39 t II lit! I v ..uwut- m m t a m m s -Kw J fl Big iscount -IN- M C ligh ;7all iper ? Vhy? ? V7e Live just ordered a swell new line of Wall Paper from San Fran cisco and desire to close out 3 much as possible of this year's paper. Its new and up-to-date. We simply want to close out our present stock to room for new Better let us show you how you can ravo $25 on that : - Sewing Ma ' - you intend to alton 'ore where you ct your money's ' Oregon & i NEWS OF COUNTY TOWNS. BALLSTON. Elmer. Newbill was a Portland visitor Saturday. Edwards Brothers gave a dance at Woodman hall, Friday night. William Nash, of Portland, has been visiting relatives here this week Con Newbill has been out from the coast visiting his brother, Jesse New. bill. Mr. and Mrs. J. ,H. Ottinger, of McMinnville, visited relatives here this week. A proposition to put in a spur track to the gravel bar at the river, is being considered by some of the business men of Ballston. George McCormack, Mr. and Miss Nyndall, of Airlie, and John Harris and family visited at the home of E. W. Dorton, Sunday. BRIDGEPORT. Several land buyers have been in this locality lately. Lewis Bursell's father, of Silverton, has been over on a visit recently. It is reported that a new oak sawmill is being built on Mr. Chapin's place, Thomas Crowley, of Oregon City, visited in this vicinity for a few days last week. Dr. A. M. Miller returned from Ore gon City, Tuesday, after a few days' visit with his son, Henry. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Bennett, of Col umbia County, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. E. R. Eiggs. There is as yet no occupant on the Daly . place, Mr. Egleston having moved onto a place near Suver. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lee, of Wash ington, have been visiting relatives and friends In this neighborhood. Mr. McColIum's cancer is gradually growing worse. He returned last week from Portland, where he had been tak ing medical treatment. BUELL. Allan Fletcher spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. Miller is entertaining relatives from the East. Though much needed, the rain has retarded farm work in this vicinity. Messrs. Newbill, Olm stead and Miller killed a large grey fox on the Smith place, Wednesday. Mr. James is expected to arrive soon from Pennsylvania, his boyhood home, where he has been visiting since Sep tember 1. Mr. Thompson, one of the Sheridan Lumber Company's men, was married Saturday evening to Miss Eose Neat- hammer, of Sheridan. George Yaton & Company have pur chased all of the fir wood on Mrs. Bennett's place and have a crew of men cutting it for market. home of his sister, Mrs. William Antrican recently. mrs. u. B. Brophy spent several days on the farm last week. M. I. Capps sold 100 acres of his fine farm recently for $50 an acre. Hithel Brunk and Ethel Swanson have been quite ill with throat trouble. H. H. Hayden is going on crutches, me result of a severe sprained ankle. J. w. DeLap, of Oak Grove, has been confined to his house for several aays with a severe case of throat trouble. Be sure and attend the basket social at Popcorn, Saturday, November 23. ine proceeds will be used for school purposes. Mrs. William Knower, of Oak Grove, is convalescent, after a severe illness. Dr. J. N. Smith, of Salem, attended her. fn t i . . x. u. ouuuu uaa returned irom a hunting trip in the mountains. He reports a good time, and is able to tell a pretty good bear story. M. r. Dennis, of Salem, has a force of eight or ten men cutting wood on nis place here. He expects to have 2000 cords of wood cut this winter. A very enjoyable day was spent at the home of Mrs. G. W. Chapman. Fri day, when Mrs. Chapman invited sev eralof her friends to an old-fashioned wool picking. They pulled wool faith fully until the noon hour, when all wore invitea into tne dining room, where Mrs. Chapman, who is an excel lent cook, had prepared a delicious dinner for her guests. In the after noon the work of wool picking was lightened by singing and storytelling, and Mrs. M. C. Wilson delighted the guests with several flne instrumental selections. Those present were Mrs A. southwick, Mrs. M. C. Wilson, and daughter, Nan, Mrs. M. Putnam, Mrs. C. L. Davis, Mrs. Emma Mitty and daughter Mary, Mrs. J. E. Chapman Mrs. John Schaffer, Mrs. H. H. Hav- den, Mrs. Pearl Stanton, and Mrs. B. I. Ferguson. tired of city life and will move onto his farm as soon as possible. .cranK i.ucas, or rortiand, our forftier postmaster, was in town the first of the week greeting his many friends. Mrs. Coates, who bought the Mac Waller property has moved into the same. Mr. Coats has just arrived from Eastern Oregon. Charles Finch and Cressy Smith, reuens arrivals irom Micnigan, are staying at the Hotel Hampton. They are well pleased with Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lee, of Dayton, Washington, were In Monmouth, Fri day. They had been visiting "Aunt" Patsy Simpson, who raised Mrs. Lee. BUTLER. Dallas visitor D. T. Hodges was a last Thursday. G. O. Butler was in Dallas, Thurs day, on business. bherlff J, M. Grant was up here on business last week. Miss Beta Eowell is visiting relatives in Sheridan and McMinnville Mitch Butler, of Dallas, visited his Lbrother, Glenn, a few days last week Dick Daniels was in this neighbor hood on a business trip last Monday and Tuesday. Charles Black, Frank Morrison and Mr. Stowe took Dr. K. L. Toney's pro visions to his claim last week, FALLS CITY. Mrs. C. L. Hopkins was a visitor in Dallas, Monday. X alls City offers an excellent loca tion for a box factory. Archie Chambers, of Eiverside, Cal ls visiting his mother, Mrs. W. B. McKown. William Faull, the well-known hard ware dealer, was a business visitor in Falls City, Friday. Grandma Wright who has been sick for some time, is sinking rapidly, and no hope is entertained for her recovery. BUENA VISTA. iilmerNash was an Independenca visitor, Sunday. A. J. Hall was a business visitor in Albany, Tuesday. Martin Conger visited in Inde pendence last week. Abel Porter and family have moved to Eainier, Washington. The bridge across the Luckiamute near here has been repaired and is now open for traffic. Mr. Winn recently returned from Suver, where he has been caring for A. H. Collins, who is seriously ill. Mr. Carpenter has returned to his home in Idaho, after an extended visit at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Ealph Hall. The proceeds of the school entertain ment to be given Saturday night, November 23, will be used for the pur chase of school supplies. E0LA. Rain is a welcome visitor to every one here. ' Floyd Westfall, of Salem, visited friends in Eoia last week. M. Chamberlain, of Gates, visited relatives in Eoia last week. Joe Trent, of Dayton, visited at the INDEPENDENCE. P. H. Holtz, of Portland, is io town this week. W. H. Riggs returned from a short stay in Portland, Tuesday. Miss Leona Shank has returned from a short visit in Portland. Miss Edna Peat, of Salem, visited friends here the firs.t of the week. The Fraternal Union lodge Installed 25 new members Friday evening. Mrs. G. W. Kutch and sister, Mrs Paul Hansen, of Medford, were Port land visitors this week. J. M. Stark, of Eugene, was in Inde pendence, Tuesday evening, returning rrom Portland to Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fream returned from their wedding trip to Salt Lake City, Sunday evening. Mrs. A. J. Goodman, of Pendleton, visited friends here the first of this week, and went to Albany, Tuesday, to visit relatives. The Independence Dramatic Club will give a play Wednesday evening for the benefit of R. E. Bush, who is in a Portland hospital. The social whist club was enter tained by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hubbard at their home Monday evening. This is the first meeting of the club this season. H. Straublle, of Oklahoma, who with Mrs. Straubble, have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc Cready, left Tuesday for Seattle, where he will probably locate. . RICKREALL. Charges Whaley and family are now occupying the Fox property. W. R. Black and family have gone to Iowa, for a two months' visit. , Mrs. Cass Gibson has been 111 with lagrippe, but is improving nicely. jjj.r. ana jurs. rommy juueas are visiting at the home of B. F. Lucas. Mr. and Mrs. Keonamann, of Pio neer, were visitors in our little village Sunday. Several from here attended the funeral of "Grandma" Harris at Oak Grove, Tuesday. Dr. A. B. Starbuck and Miss Ella Butler, of Dallas, were guests of Miss Grace Burch, Sunday. Warren Burch, of Portland, has been here for several days, visiting at the home of his father, J. J. Burch. George W. Mumaw returned to Port land, Sunday, after a two weeks' visit at the home of his cousin, Mrs. A. F. Stoner. Will Hill, who has been at Tilla mook City for the past two months, has returned home. He says times are dull on the coast. The literary society is progressing nicely. They meet every two weeks, I m - nave large crowds, good programs and plenty of fun. Be careful, your name will appear In the Bociety paper. While Kennethajucas was starting a fire in the kitchen stove Friday, the match caught to some clothes, and started what threatened to be a very destructive blaze. The neighbors, however, soon formed a bucket brigade, and the flames were promptly extinguished, little damage being done. ' SOUTH RICKREALL. Cass Gibson has turned his attention to sheep raising. William Ullrey and family will soon move to their new home in Dallas. Miss Amanda Metzler has returned home from a week's visit in Eugene. J. E. Miller sold a load of fat hogs recently to W. W. Percival, of Inde pendence. The unusual dry season made plow ing quite strenuous, but no complaint is now heard as to a lack of moisture, CO NOVEMBER SALE OF ATS AND FURS We have decided to close out our remaining stock of Ladies' and Children's Coats and Furs at prices that will certainly appeal to your pocket book. Every garment we are showing is this Fall's style, and a sale at this season of the year gives you an opportunity to buy your Coat or Fur at a big saving just when you need it. , $5.25 $6.38 $13.90 "THE APOSTOLIC WITNESS' Tongues of Fire Worshippers Begin Publication of Monthly Paper In Dallas. MONMOUTH. Fred Huber has resumed his work on the rural mail route, after a short vacation. Henry Stone, of Corvallis, was in town Saturday. He reports good times and thing booming in Corvallis. Professor Kellems, of Eugene, filled E. C. Wigmore's pulpit Sunday. Mr. Kellems is a very logical speaker. Mr. and. Mrs. Meeker Wolf, of Nebraska, are visiting relatives here. They are thinking of locating in Ore gon. Thomas Alexander, of Portland, who purchased the James Tedrow property, spent a few days at the Hotel Hamp ton last week. He says that he Is Ernest Hanson, a compositor in the Obsebveb office several years ago, for a short time, is now one of the leading Tongues of Fire preachers at the Gos pel Mission in this city, and has begun the publication of a monthly paper, "The Apostolic Witness," to assist in spreading his rather peculiar doctrine. Here are a few extracts from the first number of Swift's paper : "These are perileous times." "The begger can be clothed in spotless robe of righteousnees." "Take heed to yourselves least at any time your hearts be overcharged in surfieting." "Brother Everett Wilson, from Philomath, is with us and is hunger ing for his baptism." "Even the poor and ignorant can win more souls than many of our mordero educated D. D's." "Brother Charles and Sister Beiyl Hanson took the train to Albany the morning of the 12th for a few days' visit with the saints there." "Sunday evening meeting of the 10 th was a powerful one, the Holy Spirit worked marvelously through two young men in intersessory prayer." Many are preparing for a day of Thanksgiving this month, it' only comes once a year than they celabrate in giving . big dinners and gorging themselves in gluttonous style." The foregoing thoughts in "tangled j type" carry us back to the old days in the Obsebver office, when Swift's proofs caused our proof-reader to lose what little religion he ever had. Ladies' Long Black Kersey Coats, nicely trimmed with braid ' " ' sale price Ladies' Long Black Coats, trimmed with braid and buttons, a very - ' stylish garment - - sale price Ladies' Long Black Coats, trimmed with velvet collar and cuffs; this n 1 Q coat would be good value at $12; sale price Ladies' AU-Wool Black or Tan Long Coats, full satin lined, a beau- ' tiful garment; sale price Ladies' Plain Brown,Tan, Red Broad Cloth Coats, elegantly trimmed $1 A QQ . small sizes only v-Lv Children's Long Coats sizes 6 to 14, sale price, $1.85, $2.90, $3, $3.35, $4.15. Misses Long Coats in fancy mixtures, stripes and plaids nicely trimmed, sizes 16 to 20, sale price, $5.25 to $6.38. Our furs are all this season's style and were bought from one of the largest fur manufacturers in the United States. The prices during this sale cannot help but interest you. You can't afford to miss it. SALE COMMENCES SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16. CAMPBELL HOLUSTER DALLAS, CASH STORE OREGON That hacking cough continues Because your 'system is exhausted and your powers of resistance weakened. 'Take Scoffs Emulsion Q 5 11 buiW P and strengthens your entire system, jjj , , - vii txnu xiypopnospnu.es so 4 prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digest X Q A!i DHUGGISTS. COc. AND $1.00 Q How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward foi auy caae of Catarrh that cannot be cared by uau'g catarrh (Jure. F J. CHENEY & CO., Props ., Toledo, 0. We the undesigned, have known P. J. Che ney for the lost 16 years, and believe him per- tecciy nonorabie in all business transactions md financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. Wkst A Tbuax. Wholesale Drnccristii- TnWn n Waujino, Kinkah Mabvix, Wholesale Drug- ffista. Toledo. O t tan a cat arm cure is taken internally. rtl directly upon the blood and raucous surfaces of Bold by all the system. Price. 75c. Der bottia. UruirarisU. Testimonials fro. Ball's Family Pills an the best. COFFEE TEA SPICES BAKING POWQJlR EXTRACTS JUSTRIGHT CLOSSFTHDEVFM1 PORTLAND. 0RE.jT) CORNER GROCERY Located in the Wagner corner TURKEY SPICE Is what His Royal Gobbler Ulghnesa is calling your attention to. Spices Strictly Pure ; are now on our shelves, and await youp order. We guarantee them freshly ground and that each package deliv ered will give perfect satisfaction. For Thanksgiving spices that you know aro right, buy them here I E. BOYD & SON Phones : Bell C3, Mutual 314. COURT HOUSE NOTES Items of Interest From the Records In the County Offices. REAL ESTATE. W E Williams et ux to Mrs WIncy Rose, lots in Airlie, $1. Dr. Victor Von Fink et ux to P A Bowman, lot in Dallas, $235. Your Wife Would Like It If you would buy for "the Kitchen Department" A "LISK SELF-BASTING ROASTER" The improvement this would make in meats properly roasted would please you and the rest of the family. These Roasters have at last arrived and we now have them in sizes that will fit the Turkey, and prices that will fit your pocket book. WHY BUY WIRE FENCE NOW? BECAUSE If you buy now you will have it on hand just when you want it. No dealer can get under our prices on fencing. We have a car load of American Fence just " in. Drop in and see us before buying elsewhere. WM. FAULL DALLAS, THE LEADING HARDWARE DEALER OREGON