1 r- " inty Observer t-v -r: . J rq I! vi : C;. It t I vl C, lea, ot Newberg, is vlslt ter, Mra. W. J. Stowe. pp, of Baker City, was a jr In Dallas, Wednesday, 3. George L. Hawkins 'nd yesterday morning. ' 9 L. D. Brown started y, Wednesday, on buei- lor r ' D i il L f L'r" . . f iok and daughter, Mrs. went to Astoria, wed- r a . - V, ravls, of Portland, is ' , ome of Mr. and Mrs. returned Wednesday, er's stay on his ranch unty. started for Southern sday, after a few weeks' ie of Dr. and Mrs. 0. A. ; i .mlssloners John Teal Iddell went to Portland ttend the Good Roads I we relieve your head v ith a pair of his super i jnsult him at the Hotel " r 18 and 19. Just returned from New ' ", ' now has all that is new ethods and latest styles 1 id spectacles. I 'i Michalec and Miss ont to Hillsboro, Wed- i .veek's visit at the home ,r,x F. B. Eioh. I Dr. 1a rill 1 f t f ind vrour c i j physical eye specialist, Hotel Gail next Monday ; Consult him about i k1 glasses. Eighteen rear ice. ! Ura. C. iX C'.apia returned to her lonuo i.i i " nsburg, Washington, Wednesday, after visiting during the saat summer atthe homeof herdaugh er, Mra. W. P. Miller. Jack Sibley returned to Dallas, Tues !ay, after a month's visit among rela Ives ia Fairfield, Illinois. .His cousin, i. G. Swan, came out to Oregon with dm, and will make his home in this tatain future. Next week, on Monday and Tuesday, j5j)r. Lowe, the well-known oculo ptician, will be in Dallas again for wo days only, November 18 and 19. )r. Lowe has been coming to Dallas jor over IS years. ! The two Christian Associations at Jal'as College tire holding daily ser 'Ices this week. The Y. M. C. A. meets n its association room at 7:30 P. M., ind the Y. W. C. A. in its room at 4 M. Friends of the two societies are ordially invited to attend and assist a the services. W. P. Caldwell visited near Ballston, Wednesday. The Bev. H. J. Adams, of Salem, was a business visitor in Dallas yesterday. 'County Clerk E. M. Smith issued license to wed to William Worall and Mrs. Lucy Richards, Tuesday. T. S. Townsend, of Portland, owner of the Townsend creamery, was a busi ness visitor in Dallas, Tuesday and Wednesday. The ladies' of the Christian church will give a chicken pie supper in the basement of their church building this evening, begin nine at 5 :30 o'clock Adults will be charged 50 cents and children 25 cents. Mrs. Ella J. Metzger and son, Nor- val Gates went to McMinnville, Wed nesday, and attended the celebration of the fifty-sixth anniversary of the wedding of her father and mother, the Bev. and Mrs. Joseph Hoborg. A valuable horse belonging to James Elliott was severely injured by kicking against a pitchfork, Tuesday, One of the tines pierced entirely through its leg, making a wound that may permanently maim the animal .. Cars have been plentiful on the sidings in Dallas this week, and 740 bales of hops, consigned from B. E, Williams to firms in London, have been loaded at the Soehren warehouse since Monday. The room adjoining School Super intendent Seymour's office in the courthouse has been fitted up with shelves and pigeon holes, so that school supplies, records, etc, can be kept in a most convenient manner. It is reported that five new houses are being erected in North Dallas, The unusual building activity that has prevailed In our city during the summer and fall seems to have been scarcely diminished by the uncertain conditions of the past few weeks. County School Superintendent H. C. Seymour returned Wednesday, from a visiting trip among several of the schools of Polk county. He says that the directors are generally showing greater interest in the School Officers' Convention that is to be held Novem ber 30 than ever before, and in many districts the entire board has promised to attend the convention in' a body. Tuesday afternoon the Colosseum skating rink was opened for the first time since the big military band organ had been installed. A large crowd of skaters thronged the floor in the evening and the seats were filled with spectators. Skaters expressed various opinions regarding the new music, seeming to be, on the whole, well satisfied with it, while the size of the crowd in attendance Indicated clearly the value of the novel instrument as a drawing card. I Everett Wilson went to Portland yes terday for a short visit. Frank Butz, of Boyne City, is visit ing his brothers, Will and Harry Butz in Dallas. School Superintendent H. C. Sey mour was a business visitor in Falls City yesterday. Miss Dema Strauss, of Chicago, ia visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. a rank Muscott - James Lynn, a Salem hop dealer, was a business visitor in Dallas several days this week. N. B. Nelson, of Oregon City, and J. W. DeLap, of Oak Grove, were in Dallas yesterday on business. F. K. Hubbard, proprietor of the Ash Grove dairy near Falls City, was a business visitor in Dallas yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Greer and daughter, Dora, of Newberg, are visit ing among friends and relatives in this city. Our correspondents will please bear In mind that all letters must reach this office by Thursday noon of each week to insure publication in the Fri day paper. Glen DeHaven is down from Corval lis where he is attending the Agricul tural College, for a short visit at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. DeHaven. Mrs. M. A. Fenton and daughter, Mrs. George Landers, returned to their home in Portland yesterday, after a few days visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Fenton. , E. Cooke Patton, of the well-known stationery firm of Patton Bros., of Salem, was a business visitor in Dallas yesterday. While in Dallas, he was a guest at the home of his old time friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hollister. E. J. Reynolds, of Westport, was a Dallas visitor yesterday. Mr. Bey nolds' family have been visiting in Dundee, Michigan, this summer and they have only recently returned to Oregon, with the exception of Guy, who will attend school in Michigan this winter. The Rev. M. J. Baliantyne has returned to Dallas from a two months' trip in the East, during which he attended the meeting of the Board of Missions in Franklin, Pennsylvania, and visited among relatives and friends in that state and in Indiana. President C. A. Mo'ck, of Dallas Col lege, reports that his recitation room upstairs in the college building has been fitted with reading tables, and that a dozen of the best up-to-date magazines have been ordered for it. This reading room will be open to the students at all hours of the day, and it Is believed that they will derive much benefit from the advantages which it offers. Glen Butler, of Butler, was in Dallas yesterday on business. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wagner yesterday morning, a son. Will Collins returned from a few days' visit in Suver, Wednesday. "The Observer is the best ever, says the Rev. Or rie Arnold in writing from Brooks to renew his subscription County Judge Ed F. Coad went to Portland yesterday, to attend the Good Roads' convention and also examine some of the late road-making machinery. Joseph Bernard!, of the Salem plumbing firm of Bornardi & Duns- ford, visited at the . home of the Sweeney brothers last week. He was accompanied by Mrs. Bernardi. The exhibit of Willamette Valley apples in Portland is attracting much attention and favorable comment The Polk county exhibitors are the Wallace estate, C. A. Park and Frank Fiala. The Utopian Literary Society will give an open meeting at the college chapel Wednesday evening, November 20, the first part of the program con sisting of the comedy "Milk-Maid's Convention. Mrs. J. H. Nies has arrived home from a several months' visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O. J, Cosper, in Santa Barbara, California. Her many friends will be pleased to hear that she is steadily improving from her long illness in a hospital in that city. Messrs Kerslake & White have made a change in the admission prices at the Colosseum Rink, and spectators will be charged 10c, while skaters will receive both admission and skates for 25o. Those who have already paid for spectators tickets will, however, be charged the full price of 25c, if they decide to secure skates after entering the rink. The personnel of the first basketball team of Dallas College for the season of 1907 and '08 will be as follows Fenton and Craven, forwards; Ned Shaw, center ; Claud Shaw and Savery, guards. It is believed by those who know the records of these players, and have watched them work together, that Dallas College will come nearer turn ing out an All-Star team this season than ever before. Patronize the new barber shop on Main street. T. W. Reel, the proprietor, guarantees first-class work. Card of Thanks. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the friends who assisted us during the illness and death of our be loved mother ; also for floral offerings, Lillian Lawbenson, Mrs. Margaret A. Palmer, J. A. Lawrenson. "COLLEGIAN" SUITS READY FOE FALL L ET US SHOW YOU THE SUITS FOR FALL wear. " You'll find here the really artistic garments for the season. In the matter of fabrics, we have never had so beautiful a range of rich effects as we are now showing. Don't wait to make your selection. The best time is when the stock is complete and that's right now. We ask your inspection, and are ever ready to show our garments and let you compare values. f FClOTHIttCOnMSY OU WILL find that "COLLEGIANS are better' than anything we can say about them as good as man could wish for. hey are the ideal clothes r the young man of lay ollegian" Clothes 5 . . .- if S T YLE and qual ity. If you want to be sure that your clothes are RIGHT see that the "Collegian" label is on them. You need ask no more. Let us tell you all the details about the "Collegian" Clothes imams THE BEE HIVE STORE 0. F. Building Dallas, Oregon IF YOU WANT THE BEST f f Then buy a Hoosier Drill. They are unquestionably the strongest, most durable and best built II oi au arms, i ne urain reea is one or tne most important parts oi a drill. The great popularity V of the Hoosier Grain Drill is due more to It3 excellent feed than any other one thing. It is A absolutely a force feed not only in name but In the work it performs, and will how small rmanti- ties with the same accuracy that it sows large quantities. I M P L E M E N T S - JIM : I fi ADAMS & CO., STOVES and RANGES A MANY WERE MASKED Carnival at Colosseum Rink Last Night Attracted Large Crowd of Skaters. The Colosseum rink was crowded with skaters and spectators last night, the occasion being the annual masked carnival given- by the managers of Dallas' popular place of amusement. About 70 Bkaters were in the line of march, and over 150 pairs of skates were rented during theevening. Prizes were awarded as follows : Miss Ethel Johnson, cowboy girl; Miss Angeline Southwick, two-faced woman; Blaine Southwick, coon; Georce Morton, hod carrier. The big Military organ provea a capital drawing card, many people attending to listen to its rendition of late popular music. Excellent order prevailed during the evening, and Messrs. Kerslake & White were warmly congratulated upon the suc cess of their second annual carnival. Miss Wiseman Entertains. Miss Jessie Wiseman entertained the young people of the Christian En deavor Society of the Presbyterian Church at the home of her father, J. J. Wiseman, Wednesday night. The evening was spent merrily with var ious games, and delicious refresh ments were served at its close. Those present were : Misses Jennie Muscott, Georgia Martin, Amy White horn, Pauline VanOrsdel, Veva Burns, Dessa Ridgeway, Alta Savage, Ruth VanOrsdel and Frances Byers ; Messrs. Ray Boals, Harry Byers, Robert Van Orsdel, Earl Heckart, Lauren Mat thews, Arthur Andrews, Gilman Nunn, Lief Finseth and Carl Fenton. Program at Colosseum Rink. Skating every afternoon and even ing at the Colosseum Rink. Admis sion spectators 10c., skates 25o. Excel lent musio rendered continously dur ing both afternoon and evening ses sions. Legal blanks at this office. William Lyle is down from Eastern Oregon a business visit. Watch for Special sales on Fridays at Mrs. EllaJ. Metzger's. 11-12-tf. Money of private parties to loan at 6 per cent on well-improved farms. Sibley & Eakin. Corduroy pants cleaned and pressed at Bartlett's cleaning shop, near Depot Mutual phone 441. Another car of extra Star A. Star shingles, the celebrated Moore brand, ust received by the Soehren Ware house Co., Dallas. It is 'deliciously palatable, agrees with the weakest stomach, contains the most soothing, healing, strength ening and curative elements. Makes you well and happy. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets Belt & Cherrlngton. Legal blanks at this office. A full line of White Haviland China at Loughary's. L. D. Brown, for Abstracts. Notary Public; typewriting. Barham & Winslow have a record breaker for price, in city limits. For the best cigars and freshest candies, call on Horace Webster. W. R. Ellis, agent for Daily Ore- gonian and Evening Telegram. Have a daily paper delivered at your house by the week, month or year. No extra charge for delivery. Constipation, indigestion, drive away appetite and make you weak and sick. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea restores the appetite, drives away disease, builds up the system. 35 cents, Tea or. Tablets. Belt & Cher- rington. Calls promptly answered day or night. R. L. CHAPMAN FUNERAL DIRECTOR. & EMBALMER DAUJlB, Bell Phone 103 OB.EGON Mutuil Phone 1306 M. OLIVE SMITH teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN Btadio, Room No. 2, Wilson Block . DALLAS OREGON COFFEE You are both judge and jury for Schilling's Best Tour frocer retornt jovt moatj It jet don't like II: wt par bim. Chapman Is still selling goods less than other stores can buy them. You can be easily convinced of this by investi gating. While we have had an enormous business, still there are lots of goods left. Further, anything we do not have in stock, will make special order for you, you pay the wholesale cost and freight. Look for this week's papers for prices. DETERMINED TO SELL OUT. 4 The Best and Strongest Handles Made Patronize Your Home Industry Western Han Manufacturing Co. Manufacturers of High Grade Ax and Tool Handles From Carefully Selected Second-Growth Oregon Oalf Awarded the Cold Medal at Lewis and Clark Fair Chas. A. Hoff, Manager Dallas, Oregon NEVER-FAIL OIL CAN. , li i. , MLLON ti? The Never-Fail Oil and Gasoline Can air tight will not leak nor spill will take all the oil out of can and will run oil from lamp back to can. Money back if not satisfied. U. S. Loughary, TFe Grocer Real Estate For Sale. Below are lint a few of my numerous tmr- eaina in Kenl KHlate. I alHO have for eitle a list of residence property that li very demrable at the prices; amo, can accommodate you on a trade it yon want to go to some other state. 83 acres House and barn, fenced, a snap.l 1,200 20 acres Good buildings, orchard, etc... I 1,100 100 acres Fine place, new 10-room house I 3,000 80 aces Buildings, stock, Implements,. ! 3,000 271 acres Well improved farm, Benton Cot 5,000 i)2 acres Fine farm, well imp. " " $17,000 1C2 acres Sear Perrydale, fine land, no buildings $ 6,480 1G6 acres M) plow land, a fine farm 1 4,500 120 acres Fine improved valley farm.... 6,000 ZOO acres -35 chit., river bottom land, in Marlon county I 4,000 Sr2 acres Well improved farm, on Little Luclttauiote $ 4,000 102 acres Well improved, Little Lnckla- mute I 4,500 IS acres Fruit farm near Ballston I l,!M0 2V1 acres North end Vols: county, well improved 111.285 192 acres -Farm. 20 hoDS. 30 timber, rest farming I 9,600 300 acres Fine soil, 100 bottom land nnder plow I 9,500 100 acres lood buildings, 60 plow land..) 3,000 200 acres Well improved, hill land. 90 Cleared I 6,000 M0 acres Near Lewlsville, $10 per acre. . .$ 4,000 647 acrv 1j0 plow land, boildlngs, etc., per acre t 17 10 acres Fruit ranch, buildings, etc I 1,250 acres Near Ballaton, a fine farm I 8,4.15 2.15 acres-5 miles west of Pallas, at 7... . f 1,645 15 acres Suburban frnit traet $ fiOO 20 acres Suburban fruit tract f 500 40 acres Fruit land, with buildiiiKS I 2.000 Yours for Business, H.G. CAMPBELL. COFFEE TEA SPICES BAKINO P0WQJ.R EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT : CLOSSETfi DEVERS PORrUND. ORE.J How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tot any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. V7e the undeisigned, have known F. J. Che Bey for the last 15 years, and believe Mm per fectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. Wt a Tuuax, Wholesale Drn jurists, Toledo, O. Wauhng, KiNWAK&Miavm, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, u. l's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally. cUb directly npon the blood and muooua surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per botUe. Bold by ail DruaHrune. xeeiunoiuaia stm. Hall's Family Fills are the beat. It is not Economy To do the family washing at home. When you figure up the cost of water, soap, starch, extra fire and time, and most of all the mess and trouble that it makes, and compare" it with our price of 6 cents a pound, washed, starched ana dried and 25 cents a dozen for flat pieces, you will see that you can't afford to wash at home. Send your washing to the DallasSteam Laundry Phones: Mutual, 197, Bell, 203