Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, October 25, 1907, Image 2

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    Polk County Observer
PublUhed Serai-Weekly at 1. 50 per Year.
Strictly in Advance.
Kntered an Becond-class matter March 1, 1J07.
at the pomoilice at IMllus, Oregon , under the
Act of CoiiKresB m March 3, Wi'J.
DAI-LAS, OREGON, Octobkk 2-, 1W7.
The way to build up Dallas is to pat
ronize Dallas people.
Tbo appointment of Dr. Robert Lee
Stelner to the position of Superintend
ent of the Oregon Insane Asylum will
be pleasing to his many friends in the
state, and especially to the people of
Dallas, where ho practically legan hi
professional career. Dr. Steiner is
skilled physician and surgeon, and a
man of excellent bubin ess ability. He
is kind-hearted and sympathetic, and
will look carefully to the comfort and
welfare of tho unfortunate people
placed in his care. He is now visit
ing tho asylums of the Eastern states
for the purpose of bettor fitting him
self for tho dutlos of his new position
Teamster Nearly Loses His Lite
Attempt to Stop Frightened
"I doubt whether it would now be
accepted by so largo a majority; pos
Biblv it would not be adopted at all.'
In these words EditorScott, of tho Ore-
gonlan, paid his respects to the popu
listic Initiative and Referendum at the
Portland Commercial Club dinner,
We believe that an overwhelming ma
jority of tho voters of Oregon will
agree with Mr. Scott. It is only to bo
regretted that the great city dailies di
not throw tho weight of their influence
against the adoption of this visionary
amendment in the first place, instead
of leaving two or threo country news
papers to fight a hopeless battle. Rut
thero are signs of an awakening.
Bro. Flsko says that in the appoint
mcnt of T. A. Odom as night watch
man, tho Itomlzer has won its long
light for better protection. Probably
true, although it was tho Oukkhvek
man that got out and rustled Mr.
Odom 's subscription paper up to the
required mark. Well, Flake, thero h
glory enough for all, and tho Item
Izer'a editorials may have been respon
sible fortliocounoil'sappointment, the
OnsKitvEit man's rustling, and all the
rest of It.
Colonel Hofer says editorially in
his Capital Journal that there is no
other advertising so good as Dews
paper advertising, and that tho fences
on tho roadsides are a directory of
business failures and firms that have
gonoout. Thoie Is so much truth in
this that ono is almost attempted to
forglvo tho Colonel for priiitiug it In
blaek-faoo letters.
Items of Interest From the Records
In the County Offices.
Estate of Frank L. Brown,
ceased annual report approved.
Estate of F. A. Kern p, deceased peti
Hon to cancel lease of hop ynrd
.1 A Ijawronson to Miles E Oils, lot
In Dallas, $700.
B F Rough.-y to Charles A Nelson,
10 acres, t 8 s, r (i w, $'200.
Mel la C White to children of W J
and Edna White, 1 acre, t 7 s, r 3 w
United States to Edward White, ICO
acres, t 7 s, r 7 w, patent.
F A Lucas to Albert Davidson, MO
acres, t 7 s, r 7 w, $1.
H C Eakin to Albert Davidson, ico
acres, t 7 s, r 7 w, $10.
L (1 Reeves to Doivas A Willi row,
lot in lndependenee, $;i0ii.
Program at Colosseum Rink.
There will bo both afternoon ami
evening sessions at the Colosseum
Rink this week, on Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday, aud Bartlett's orches
tra will be In attendance at all even
ing sessions. Ladies will
free admission on Tuesday
In a runaway, Wednesday morning,
J. L. Blodgett was so severely injured
that it was found necessary to ampu
tate his left arm.
Mr. Blodgett had hauled a load of
soil for useio levellingaroundthe new
drinking fountain on tho Riley corner,
and after dumping It, stepped In be
tween the horses and the front wheels,
to replace the boards in the wagon.
The team, which was young and
high spirited, becamo frightened at a
passing auto and bolted before he
could step clear of the wagon or make
any effort to stop them. He was caught
in the harness, thrown against the
wagon tongue, and dragged help
lessly along for nearly a block. Harry
Hibbard seized the horses' heads aDd
attempted to stop them, but was forced
to springclear to avoid being trampled
and crushed against a woodpile in
front of James Lawton's residence.
The next instant the horses crashed in
to a telephone pole and were brought
to a standstill,
When Blodgett was lifted from
among the wreckage of the wagon,
his head was terribly cut and bruised,
and the elbow joint in his left arm
was literally crushed to a pulp, ne
was carried to Dr. Bollman's office,
and tho ruined limb amputated.
In addition to a deep cut on the
back of his head, his right thigh, his
breast and abdomen were badly
bruised by tho hoofs of the runaway
horses. He camo from under the
influenco of the chloroform nicely,
however, and unless unforeseen com
plications arise it is belioved that he
stands a fair chance of recovery.
DALLAS, Or., October 22-(To the
Editor.) You have noticed theofferof
our Senator of $1,000 for the best
reason why President Roosevelt should
accept a second elective term. This
offer was evidently inado to get an
expression from tho largest possible
number of people, and it is expected
that all who favor the second elective
term of our honorablo and useful
President will write out their reasons
for so desiring a continuance of the
Roosevelt policies and forward them
to tho National Magazine, Boston,
Massachusetts. As a citizen of this
great state, I trust wo may take the
load in this agitation. Let everyone
take up his pen and write. Do it now.
Yours for a continuance of tho Roose
velt policies and tho present good
For Sale.
A team of mares, each weighing
llr.n nnnmk Tnflllire of I. A. MAV,
Rowcliffe farm, Bell phone 454.
Vetch Seed For Sale.
Oood vetch seed for sale at my farm
near Polk Station. Inquire of Db.
Mauk Haytf.k.
For Sale.
For pale cheap, if taken soon, one
half acre in East Dallas. House and
barn. Inquireof James B. Em bree.
lu-4-8t .
Wheat Wanted.
New 1907 National bicycle with
coaster brake to trade for wheat at
market price at Lee Smith's Cyelery.
For Sale.
9 acres of land belonging to tho
Einbree heirs. Located J mile south
of Willamette Valley sawmill. Apply
to John B. Embree. 7-23-tf
Sheep Wanted.
Wanted to buy 60 or 60 head of good
grade Cotswold ewes. John Oitn,
Monmouth, Or. Bell phone Suburban
$100,000 to Loan.
I want to loan $100,000 at six per
cent on improved farm lands in Polk
county, in sums of $250 to $5,000.
8-20-tf J- L. COLLINS.
Farmers, AttentlonI
We are now prepared to furnish both
Rough and Dressed Lumber of all
kinds to the local trade. Mill located
one mile from Bridgeport, on Grant
creek. Polk County Lcmbeii Co.
tf Address Falls City, Ore.
The Snappiest Sack Suits for
Young Men Shown in Town
" s
As I have moved to my homestead,
I have placed my outstanding
accounts in the hands of Lester Butler
for collection. Persons indebted to
mo will confer a favor by making a
prompt settlement.
10-25-4t DR. II. L. TONEY.
you will find here in such a
varied assortment of "nifty"
models and fabrics that we
feel safe in saying that we
can gratify the taste and
nurse of every young man
who cares for the latest and
best there is in Suits
Michaels -Stern
Fine Clothing
For Young Men
takes first place with thous
ands of "finicky" young fel
lows, because it cannot be
distinguished in a single de
tail from expensive to-order-made
clothes. Come see for
Fall SacK Suits
for Young Men,
$12 to $30
in all the approved styles and
fabrics now being shown in
the shops of New York City's
swell custom tailors.
::v(1 :. --it tf . WJrsirf
Get Your Fall Overcoat
Now And Be Prepared For
The First Chilly Weather
Here you can see every
new style worth seeing and
be able to make a selection
that will satisfy you as much
as the most expensive gar
ment you could have made-to-measure.
Our stock of
Priestly Cravenette
Fall Overcoats
that we offer for your in
spection this season far sur
passes anything in the over
coat line that has ever been
offered in this market before.
Everyone is a model of correction.
!e givMi
If taken patiently and persistently
will relieve the most obstinate eases of
indigestion, constipation, bad I.Io.hI,
bad liver no matter how long standing
That's what llollistor's Hooky Moun"
tain Tea will do. 33ivnts, Tea or Tab
lets. Belt tt Cherrlngton.
Hay Kelley has almost entirely
reeovereil from tho injury received a
few weeks ago while working in the
sawmill and will have comparatively
good use of tho hand that was out by
the saws.
Host job printing at the Observer
oflliv in Dallas and the News ofllco in
rails City.
The Kidneys
V ben the7 aro weak, torpid, or stagnant,
tlie whole tystom suffers. IX.n t nrgl.vt
tl.em at this time, but heed the warning of
the aching back, the bloated face, the .allow
complexion. U.e urinary disorder. and begin
treatment at once with
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which contains the best aud salcat curative
In usual liquid form or In chocolated
UbleU known as sartatabs. Wu doses i.
Real and Personal Property.
ICO aero Stock Itanch, known as the
A. Hiofarth plaee, 1 mile west of Oak-
dalo sehoolhouse, has 10 acres good
farming land, balance pasture and
wooded land, finely watered by run
ning springs, lino large house well
painted and papered, good barn, best
water on earth, high and healthy
location, fine outside range for stock,
place all fenced, will sell on good
terms, $500 cash, time to suit on bal
ance Price on lv $2500.
Also 4S head of good Angora goats,
about two-thirds nannies; three good
cows at 20 iier head : one old winrnn
$10; old buggy, $7.
The above aro all at bedrock prices.
Pianos-(iood anil Bad.
line, new piano has just been re-
wived direct from the factory by Mrs.
K. H. Wood at the Dallas Hotel, this
ity, and this beautiful instrument
will bo sold at a bargain. Call at the
hotel and examine it, hear its unsur
passed tonal qualities, and you will be
satislled that it is better than anv vou
an buy of regulardealers for at least
$100 more than this piano would cost
on. It is a rare chanco for you to
save the $100 middleman's profit, and
at the same time secure a piano you
will always be proud of. Call early.
Dr. llayter. Dentist. Office over
Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon.
Milk Cow l or Sale.
Oood milk cow fur sale.
CuiDKit, Dallas.
Farm For Sale.
Good 300-acre dairy and stock farm,
two miles from railroad ; good grass
and farming land ; plenty of running
water; good house and barn and
sheds. Call on or address Jamks A.
OinsoN, Sheridan, Or., R. F. D. 1.
Local representative for Dallas and
vicinity to look after renewals and
increase subscription list of a prom
inent monthly magazine, on a salary
and commission basis. Experience
desirable, but not necessary. Good
opportunity for right person. Address
Publisher, Box 59, Station O, New
York. 10-25-3t
We Also Have the Swellest "clothTng"
Topcoats, $13.50 to $30
aooHtaTcn, H. .
Beautiful colorings in exclusive designs, 75 cent values, only
Ihe Uglow Clothing House
C. L.
10 8-tf
Farm Team For Sale.
Farm team for sale, also for road
work, $a.-,o. 1'kask Bi'Ti.Eit, Falls
City. Or. 10-22-tf
Shingles For hale.
carload of Star A Star shinnies
week by the Sokhkkk
I have now boon in the collecting
business for ubout two months. My
success has been uniformly good, and
I have secured a largo list of patrons
during this time. Everv effort will be
made to in sure promptness and thor
oughness in my work, aud tho com
mission charged will be nominal. I
respectfully solicit your patronage in
tho future, and promise the best
service possible.
Dallas, Oregon.
Grapes are plentiful around Aurora ;
one man has a 75-foot vine.
Apples Wanted at Salem.
The Gideon Stolz Company
receive shook apples at their factory,
paying $G per ton, hauled in sacks;
sacks returned. 9-10-15t
Wednesday, Oct. 30
W. F. Mann offers the
Breezy, Western Play
11 V HAL It KID.
329 consecutive nights
in New York, Chicago
and the East. A thrill
ing story about an Ari
zona Cow-boy.
A Western Play
Worth While
Prices: 35c and 50c; Child
ren, 25c.
Seats on sale at Cherrington's
Real Estate For Sale.
Ik'low nre lust a few of mv numerous bar-
piiins in Heal KKtatc. I alxo have for sale a list
of re-idence property that is very desirable at
the prices; also, ean accommodate you on a
trade if you want to go to some other state.
s:t acres House and barn, fenced. a snap. J 1 ,200
20 acres flood buildings, orchard, etc.. .$ 1,100
100 acres Fine plaee, new 10-room house! 3,000
SO acres--Buildings, stock, implements,. $ 3,000
271 acres Well improved farm, Benton Cof 5,000
4.V2 acres Fine farm, well imp. " " f 17,000
1(12 acres Near Perrydale. fine land, no
buildings f 6,480
1G0 acres Fine home, real health resort, .f 2,500
lGfi acres SO plow land, a line farm f 4,500
120 acres Fine improved valley farm f 0,000
250 acres -35 cult., river bottom land, in
Marion county f 4,000
92 acres Well improved farm, on Little
Luckiamute $ 4.000
102 acres Well improved, Little Luckia
mute ? i,5o0
loacres-Fruit farm near Ballston f 1,500
253 acres North end Polk countv. well
improved '. J11.285
192 acres-Farm. 20 hnns. :',0 timber, rest
farming J 9,000
:0 acres Fine soil, 100 bottom land under
plow $ 9,ro
100 acres CoihI buildings, 00 plow land..f 3,000
200 acres Well Improved, hill land, 90
cleared $ 0,000
100 acres Near Lewisville, ?10 per acre. . 4,000
047 acres 150 plow land, buildings, etc.,
per acre $ 1-
lOHeres-rruit ranch, buildings, etc t 1,250
Uis'i acres Near Ballston, a fine farm... ? 8,425
235 acres- 5 miles west of Dallas, atf7.... $ 1,045
15 acres Suburban fruit tract $ 000
JO acres-Suburbnii fruit tract $ 500
10 acres-Fruit land, with buildings f 2.000
Yours for Business,
QsNcpEftl I
The Never-Fail Oil and Gasoline
t an air tight will not leak nor spill
-will take all the oil out of can and
will run oil from lamp back to can
Money back if not satisfied.
I U. S. Loughary, The Grocer
China and Glass
is shown in such variety in this store
that a search for goods any more
beautiful or worthy would be waste of
This assortment of goods contains
many patterns in all classes of ware
that are not found in any other stock.
That they are here is a guarantee that
they are both good and pretty.
The China and Notion Store
Dallas, - Oregon.
When you are in need of
Lumber, Lath
and Shingles
Call on us.
We can make you a Bottom Price on
A Shingles.
Dallas Lumber Co.
Dallas, Oregon
(iS TV. -1 ti 1 j. . ., . m
-Lie&S UrUOUS uas slue 01 Portland, all of the B
v wiiuuvo anu weaves.
1 Complete
IV "
m FurS and Fur Coa ts W by express direct from the t
$ " gjgw lactory. They are the correct
Julia MarlOWe and Flmtstone Shoes, the dress shoes for ladies. t
& Packard SS2SU3 9?"r,SIioe8 for Men have noeaual in I
wuuou anu wear, we are sole agents iK
riwived tins
Waukhoi'sk Co.
Fresh eggs, butter and young chick
eus wanutl at tho Dallas Hotel. We
will pay you cash. o-3 tf
Fifteen -year-old boy desires work'
before aud after school hours in :
i-icuango ror board and UL
Apply ntthi8offli.
Wo will pay 82 cents a bushel Tor'
MuT' dllTonM atthe 1)ullas louring
10-15-tf SWKEXEY BKOS. j
For Sale or Trade. I
My home plaoo in Dallas is for sal. '
or will trade it for Fortland prorty.
"" '"'" ianu, nair in orchard.
Good 10-rvKMii liouse, barn and out
buildings. 9 20 tf c. l. H, llB ,KI,
$ J. B. Stetson i&$rJ!a " shap,
Will wash away your troubles. This week
5 Cents per Bar
Toilet Soap, any kind, 6 bars for 25 cents
Crider Grocery
Dallas. . y I
es and shades for
Fall and Winter.
Agents for McCall Patterns.
A complete stocko .
attention paid to phone orders.
like it.
lbs. for 25c. Your
money back if you do
Dallas Mercantile Co.
Successor to Ellis & Keyt
not W