Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, October 15, 1907, Image 1

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A 1
NO. 34
Don't think for a min
i,i3 that we would get
the business we do if our
Prices were not Right.
If our Stock were not
riht; if our treatment
cf people were not fair
and right, we would not
expect it.
Complete Line of
The store where you
; ! , ;avs get your money's
v crth.
Mill Creek Country Rapidly Gaining
Prominence as Poultry-Raising
Between Buell and Ballston, in the
Harmony district and its immediate
vicinity, one finds a section of country
that can be classed neither with the
rugged hill land west of the former
place, nor the low level plains about
the latter.
Dairying was formerly the principal
industry in this place, but within the
past year poultry raising has come
more and more into favor, and it is
gradually taking precedence on all
the farms immediately about the Har
mony school house. Poultry raising
on a large scale was begun on farms
across the line in Yamhill county, and
from thence it has spread southwest
into Polk. As one passes back from
Sheridan toward Buell this industry
is gradually regarded of less and less
importance by the farmers, and stock
raising and dairying seem to be con
sidered of the greater value.
Chiefest among the dairymen and
stock raisers along this route, is
William Bidgeway, a man well known
throughout the Willamette valley as a
shrewd, progressive, and business-like
farmer. The cream from his 20 cows
has stood, this year, at an average of
50. in the testing department of the
Hazelwood creamery, where he sends
all of his dairy products. In addition
to this branch of farming, Mr: Bidge
way maintains a herd of 100 swine,
(Poland China, Berkshire aud Chester
white), 161 goats and 87 sheep. Tne
only poultry he raises to any great
extent is the turkey. Of these he has
a flock of 47 big bronze birds of
the best breed.
His brothers, John and Charles
Bidgeway, farm together, raising fine
horses, hogs and sheep. They are
milking 16 cows at present and send
ing all their cream to the Hazelwood.
C. Blair, John McColium and Hugh
Guttry all raise more or less fine lire
stock, but none of them are employed
in dairy farming.
Near Harmony, S. L. B. Maine, a
nativeof Pennsylvania just starting
in the dairy business with a herd of 12
cows. Aside from these be has also a
small herd of full-blooded Poland
China hogs. Mr. Maine says that his
present stock is barely a beginning,
and that he will increase hig herds as
rapidly as possible.
Farther on and near the county line,
lies the farm home of W. A. McClean,
who seemsto be the connecting link,
as it were, between the dairymen and
poultry raisers. He milks six cows
and is sending their cream to the
Hazelwood, which is the most con
venient market for this neighborhood.
In the poultry line he has two flocks,
100 White and 100 Brown Leghorns.
Most of the other farmers in this
vicinity have forsaken dairy farming
and are now raising poultry
D. W. James has a flock of 300
white leghorns, and his neighbors,
J. W. and Van Dickey, both have
flocks of the same breed, having about
300 chickens in each flock. William
Eads, whose farm lies between those
of Mr. James and Mr. McClean, has
at present "140 chickens and about a
score of fine geese.
The poultry raising industry in this
neighborhood, although not more than
a year old, is advancing by leaps and
bounds, and is encroaching more and
more each month upon the domains
of the stockraiser. The country is in
deed admirably adapted to this busi
ness, and from present indications it
seems that tne neignDornood about
Harmony is destined to become one of
the largest poultry raising centers in
Polk County.
List of Studies From Which Ques
tlons For Next Examination
Will Be Taken.
The following information for the
benefit of persons expecting to become
applicants for state and county
teachers'certiflcates and statediplomas
is published at the request of County
Superintendent Seymour :
1. State Certificates Applicant must
take examination in three successive
examinations on the 19 subjects spec!
fled in subdivision 6, section 6, School
Laws of Oregon, one of which
English Literature.
2. State Diplomas Applicant must
pass examination in botany, plane
geometry, and' general history, which
may be taken at any one examination
during the life of his state certificate,
i. uouuty i'apers Tne sources
from which questions will be taken
for state and county papers are book
keeping, physiology, U. S. history
civil government, theory and practice,
arithmetic, grammar, geography and
In the February, 1908, examination
questions in English Literature will
be taken as follows: One-half from
Newcomer's English Literature; one
half from the following classics
Tennyson's "Idylls of the King,"
(Gateway series) ; Gareth & Lynette's
"Lancelot and Elaine," "The Passing
of Arthur;" Dickens' "Tale of Two
Cities," (Biverside lit. series) ; Lamb's
"Essays of Elia," (Pocket Classics);
Dream Children Dissertation upon
Roast Pig-Old China-Poor Eela
tions The Superannuated Man-
Christ's Hospital Five and Thirty
Years Ago.
Items of Interest From the Records
In the County Offices.
Student's Reception.
The annual reception of the Y. M.
C. A. and Y. W. C. A. to the students
of Dallas College was held in the col
lege chapel Friday night, and many
friends and alumni of the institution
were present, in addition to the entire
student body and the faculty.
Several fine musical numbers were
given, and a representative from each
of the college societies delivered an
address setting forth the history and
purpose of the organization for which
he spoke. The remainder of the even
ing was devoted to informal conversa
tion. Excellent refreshments were
served during the evening.
Basketball League Meeting.
The Oregon Basketball League
representatives will meet in Salem,
Saturday, to arrange the schedule of
games for the coming season. The
Telegram's sporting editor says :
If the O. A. C. and the state
university enter the league this year.
is probable the teams will be
divided into three circuits, which will
play for local championships and the
winners play for the state champion
ship. That is only a proposed plan,
for there Is no assurance that either
the university or the Agricultural
College wants to get in."
Estate of E. C. Keyt, deceased
oraerea tnat executor show cause
within 30 days why estate should not
be finally closed.
Estate of Orlena M. Staats, de
ceased final account approved and
executor discharged.
Estate of Martha A. Brown, de
ceasedfinal account set for hearing
November 13, at 10 a. m.
Estate of Carrie S. Wiseman, de
ceasedfinal account approved and
administrator discharged.
W A Patton et ux to Peter Ducep, lot
in Independence, $250.
James W Watt et ux to John Corn
field, land in 1 7 s, r 3 w, $4124.75.
William Ellis to Oliver Stump, lets
in Dallas, $180.
Mark Hayter to Martha Fuchs, lots
in Dallas, $132.
R E Williams to M D Coulter, lots
In Dallas, $1500.
Martha Rusk to W A Patton, lots in
Independence, $350.
United States to Frank Wheeler, 80
aeres, 1 6 s, r 8 w, patent.
Frank Wheeler et ux to Andrew
Kershaw, 40 acres, 1 6 s, r 8 w, $600.
David G Dove to Bert Conger, lots
in Independence, $175.
I M Palmer et ux to J A Lawrenson
and wf, lots in Dallas, $425.
Morris Hughes et ux to J M Farley,
10 acres, t 8 s , r 6 w, $130.
Frank N Smith et ux to J O Smith,
7 acres, 1 9 s, r 5 w, $220.
E G Dalton and hd to Elizabeth J
Coulter, land in Dallas, $500.
Oscar Belcher to Edward E Gregory,
160 acres, 1 9 s, r 8 w, $102.
John Diehm to Evan Evans, 60
acres, 1 7 s, r 5 w, $4500.
Gerhard G Rem pel et ux to F B
VanNortwick, 100 acres, t 6 s, r 5 w,
Jessie Douglass to W L Gilson et ux
123 acres, 1 8 s, r 5 w, $2150. '
C W Matthews to Frank Butler, lots
in Falls City, $144.
C W Matthews to Eleanor F Butler,
lots in Falls City, $120.
William Ellis et ux to C C Gregg,
land in 1 8 s, r 6 w, $50.
Caroline Baum and hd to August
Gerlinger, lots in Dallas, $10.
County Clerk E. M. Smith issued
license to wed to D. C. Bones and
Lillie Wolf, Saturday.
It taken patiently and persistently
will relieve the most obstinate cases of
indigestion, constipation, bad blood,
bad liver no matter how long standing
That's what Hollister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tab
lets. Belt & Cherrington.
The pain in Ma's head has gone,
ane a as nappy as can be.
Her health is right, her temper bright.
nince using iiouisters kockv
Mountain Tea Rt nicrht Ttplt A:
Prominent Polk County Breeder
Says October Is Best
The following letter from W. A.
Ayres, the well-known Angora goat
breeder of Dallas, will be of interest
to every goat raiser in Polk county.
The letter was published in the last
number of the Rural Northwest:
"Having read several inquiries
about dipping goats, the best kind to
use, and the time to dip, I will give
you my experience. I have dipped
from 300 to 600 goats every fall for the
last five or six years.
"October is the best month, but dip
anyway. T have dipped as late as
January with good results, but it
takes more dip as the fleece Is long,
but dip, no matter the month. Select
a sunny day as they dry too slow if
cloudy or damp.
"Have a vat or tank, say 6 feet long
at the top and three feet long at the
bottom ; 18 inches wide at the top, and
eight or ten inches wide at the bottom,
as a straight up and down tank has
too much dip where it is not needed,
namely at their feet. Fix a draining
pen with a bottom that will drain all
surplus dip back into the vat or tank.
This is to put goats in after dipping.
The vat must be full enough of dip
not to let the feet touch the bottom.
"Catch the goat and put it all under
except the head. Two can do this bet
ter than one. Hold each proat in the
solution for one minute by the watch,
and don't guess at the time. After the
goat has been in the tank fifty seconds
bold it with the right hand and grasp
its nose with the left hand in such a
manner that it can not breathe or swal
low. This can be done in two ways.
Then put the goat's head under the dip
and hold it there the last ten seconds
of the minute. This is done to kill the
lice and nits on the head. Then put
in draining pen."
I use a poisonous dip as I h ave not
been able to find a non-poisonous dip
that will kill nits withoutdippingtwice
which takes too much time. Mostper-
sons are afraid to use a poisonous dip.
Well, don't drain the goats in the hay
mow or on grass that stock is liable to
eat, and there Is no danger. As to the
dip, Cooper's Dipping Powder or Wake
lee's Sheep Bath are both good. I use
a dip of my own make which I find is
very effective and does not cost as
much, prepared as follows : one pound
of arsenic, two pounds of sulphur,
three pounds of air-slacked lime, one
25-cent package of Dew Drop or Gold
Dust washing powder. Mix with three
or four gallons of hot water until thor
oughly dissolved. Then add water to
make 100 gallons in all. Have the
chill taken off the water. I see one
party says that he don't think he will
dip this fall as he finds no lice. He
will find plenty before spring if he
don't dip. I dip in the fall, lice or no
lice, and again in the spring if I find
any lice at shearing time. In the
spring I wait until after kidding then
dip, kids and all, as the lice will leave
the old goats and go onto the kids after
shearing. But dip once a year, lice or
no lice."
Prospects Good For Attendance
Three Hundred at Public
Library Dinner.
Tickets are now on sale at the
library for the fine New England
dinner, -which is to be given at Wood
man Hall, Thursday evening of this
week. All those who wish to help
along a good cause will do a great
favor to the ladles having the affair
in charge by purchasing tickets at
once. This will give them an idea lor
how many to prepare.
It is confidently believed that three
hundred or more will be in attendance.
Many jolly little supper parties are
being made up among friends for that
evening and every one is assured a
good time.
Through the courtesy of the Eilers
Piano House, an excellent concert on
one of their nnest talking macnines
will be given. One of their men will
eome from Portland, Thursday, bring
ing some of their choicest records, and
will play throughout the evening
beginning at 5 p. m.
For these two splendid attractions,
only 50 cents will be charged for adults
and 25 cents for children. All the
money brought into the treasury of
the library by this dinner will be
promptly paid back to the community
in the form of good reading for the
winter, and a cosy, attractive place
where reading and rest may be enjoyed
by all.
Legal blanks at this office.
Fresh from the Ear to the Can in Maine
Preferred Stock Sweet Corn ii packed for us there because
the Maine soil and climate combine to produce the sweetest,
tenderest, most delicious corn in the
world; canned right in this wonderful com
garden gathered and packed the same day, with
original crispneu and sweetness perfectly preserved.
This is the secret of "sweet corn goodness" in
Preferred Stock Canned Goods
Tie pici tftte trip PREFERRED STOCK at jour Cnter'i
AIXEB IEWIS, Wkotesals Grocers. PORTUJfD, 0KEGOS. V. 8. A.
ts a Pleasure to Do Business
When we know that every time we get a man into a
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suit we've done him a real
Such clothes as these actually raise the standard of
all men in town, and we're selling them at the right
prices $18 to $25.
Lots of other good makes at $8 to $15.
Men's Hats, Shoes, Shirts, Underwear and Neckties
in the latest styles.
We are showing the best assortment of Ladies' and
Children's Cloaks in Dallas for the price. It will pay
0 you to see us before buying your Fall wrap.
Ladies' and Children's Furs from $1 to $20.
J II IC'Jl 1' M
Copyright 1907 by
Hart Schaffner & Marx
New Dress Goods New Suits
New Suit Cases and TrunKs
In fact, our stock is very complete in all lines, and our prices will interest you.
Yours for business,
Fiaurine on Harness
about now? Then we are the people
you need to consult. Naturally you
want the best harness you can get for
That's where our Harness
excels all others. Suppose you drop
in and have a little narness taiK. it
won't take long to convince you that
it's a waste of time to look for better
values anywhere.
Frank Salficky
Dallas, Oregon
Will wash away your troubles. This week
5 Cents per Bar
Toilet Soap, any kind, 6 bars for 25 cents
Crider Grocery
Dallas, - - Oregon
"Taking Advantage of the Best Is Your Duty."
Are Not Cheap in Quality.
They are made for people who want something good.
Perhaps you know that Perhaps you don't.
Perhaps you had better see the goods and talk it over with us.
We are still selling these at the extremely low prices before advertised.
We also carry a full line of Hardware, Implements, Kitchen Utensils and
Mechanics' Tools at prices that will fit your pocket book.