. i . M-ExesStfMS-XfWKSiKWSWSWSW85 CURE YOUR KIDNEYS :n ..inr,.,t;mu t.n RiifTur the aeonies of kidney complaint, backache, urinary disorders, lameness, headacnis, languor, Why allow themselves to be come chronic invalids, when a certain cure is offered them? i.-;,i PilU b the remedy to use, because it gives to the kidneys the help they need to penorm tum - if you have any, even one, of the t, o ,.( tiiinov ilinfiifles. cure vour BVIIIUUJUIO Ul self now. before diabetes, dropsy or Briuht's disease seis in. u Mrs. L. Hodson, of 17 Aura bt. T 1 i t fWn cava "f iuft as en .l..:...:.,ii., u,I,.run Dunn's Kidney Pills today as I did nearly three years ago. rtievretieveu iiioui iu"w i.i,.h hn.I bothered me for a consider able time. There was aching pains across the small of my back and down through my kidnevB, which were aitgrn vated by colds which settled in the back and loins and caused an awful lameness. This was my condition when I begun . i ii ' i;.l.,,r I'illu Thin rem- edv bmished the backacbi) and pains tnrougn me ii)iiio,ieB"lalc" "" rumiiVI'll cvfrv HvniDtoin ..I tl... frvnulilu K mm th:lt. (1:1V to IblS Ul HIO IIW'I'J!'', - J there has been no recurrence, and J give Dunn's- Kidney 1'ills all the credit. 1 consider them to be the best kidney remedy procurame aim imum in-uu tbem whenever me occasion wwvr, .-..rauluhv nllilpHlers. Price 60 cents FoBter-Milburn Co.,I5uffalo, N. V.eole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doans and take no other. Fine salmon fishing now in Yaquina river. A Card. This is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money n roi ey's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. Itstous the cough, heals the lungs and prevents serious lesults from a cold. L-tires la grippe cougn aim i.mui.ntn ii mi. ii ii wi n i il and coneuriiDtion. Contains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow package, iteiuse suohiuuikh Jt"lt fc Cherrington, Dallas; M. L Thompson, Falls City. A Warnic apple meusures 15 Inches n round. A Most Worthy Article. When an article has been on the mar ket for years and guins frienils every year, it is safe to call this medicine a worthy oi.e. Huch is Ballard's hore Imund Syrup. It positively cures coughs mill all Pulmonary diseases. One of the best known merchants in Mobile, Ala., says: "For five years my family has not been troubled with the winter cough ; we owe this to Ballard's Ilorehound Syrup. I know it has saved my children from many sick spells. Sold by Stafrin Dgug I'o. Several Tygli valley apples meas ured 14 inches or over. A Criminal Attack on an inoffensive citizen is frequently made in that apparently nfieless little tubecalled the "appendix." It's gener ally the result of protracted constipation, following liver torpor. Dr. King's New Life Pills regulate the liver, prevent appendicitis, and establish regular hab its of the bowels. 25c. at Belt it Cher rington drug store. Itipo strawberries aro quito common along Myrtle creek. Foley's Kidney Cure will (Hire any case of kidney trouble that is not beyond med ical aid. licit it Cherrington, Dallas; M. L. Thompson, Fulls City. rwimiiw Sunny Monday Bubbles Will wash away your troubles. This week 5 Cents per Bar Toilet Soap, any kind, G bars for 25 cents Crider Grocery Dallas "Just Arrived" Our New Dinner Patterns See them in our windows. Come in and let us price them to you. All new patterns and the price is right. Come and see for yourself. W.H.ROY CO. The China and Notion Store Dallas, - Oregon. CORNER GROCERY i.'MutNi in the W ii fjner corner We carry n full lino of Staple - Fancy Groceries I ho Best that money can buy. Also a nice line of Candies, Cigars and Tobacco Highest market price paid for produce E. BOYD & SON I'houes: lWlt;:i, Mutual 3U. . -' T ..K,Hn. Hard Times in Kansas. n.o Hit vh of trrasBhorwers and I .1. )..'.r,at f,,r,ril(pn ill the iros HUUIU BIC Olinwo iv.fcv .v.. ... - . - perous Kansas of today ; although a ien of Codell, Karl Sham burg, has i a citi not itered. forgotten a tiara nine ne ch;uum 1 1 ,.o . " r o uu u urn out and dli discour uc cay a . " ' . aged by coughing night and (lay, and New Bud no relict liu i irieu ur. ami i: ... Ti oirili li.ee I bun one bottle to completely cure me. the safest most reliable cough and cold cure and am discovered lung and throat neaier ever mow, Guaranteed by Belt & Cherrington Htnre. 60c and 1. 00. Trial bottle drug free. A Harney county barley field aver aged 65 bushela an acre. Henry K Jonesof Tampa, Fla., writes: "I can thank, lion ior my preacm uc m, due to Foley's Kidney Wire, i mrau -ur.l ull Linrlx r,f kidnev cures, but nothing done me much good till I took Foley's Kidney Cure. Four bottlen cured me. and I have no more pain in i b -...I ehniililpm. I am 62 veai old, and suffered long, but thanks to Foley's Kidnev Cure I am wen hiiu can walk and enjoy mvself. It is a pleasure . .,.,.,.,,,,.,,.,,,1 it to those needing a kid ney medicine. Belt it Cherrington, Dal las; M. L. Thompson, raimm. Albany will ship 3,000 tons of dried prunes, Saletn 2,500 tons. Lest We forKet baby is restless, can't sleep at t eat. i?ries snasmodicallv. A bottle of White's Cream Vermifuge never fails to cure. Kvery mother should L-ive her baby White's Cream Vermifuge So many times when the baby is pale and fretful, the mother doea not know what to do. A bottle of ttiis medicine would bringcolor to hit cheeksand laugh ter to his eyes. Hive it a trial. Sold by Stafrin Drug Co. About 1,000,000 bushels of wheat will be shipped from Condon. Notice to our Costumers. We are pleaeed to announce that Fol ey's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected by the Nat ional Pure Food and Drug law as it con tains nn imintefl or other harmful drugs. .....I uoi.un rttpnnimpnil it us a pafe rem edy for children and adults. Belt & Cherrington, Dallas; M. U. inompson, Falls City. , Several threshing machines aro still at work in Sherman county. His Dear Old Mother. 'Mv dear old mother, who is now eighty-three years old, thrives on Klec- tric Bitters, writes W. li. Hrnnson, ol Dublin. Ua. "She has taken them lor about two years and enjoys an excellent appetite, feels strong and sleeps well," That's the way Electric Bitters affect the aged, and the same happy results follow in all cases of female weakness and gen eral debility. Weak, puny children too, are greatly strengthened by them. Guar anteed also for slouiach, liver and kidney troubles, by Belt A Cherrington, Drug gist. 60c. A Drain potato is a foot long, four inches in diameter and weighs four pounds. In most cases consumption results from a neglected or improperly treated cold. Foley's Honey and 'lur cures the moat obstinate coughs and prevents serious results. It costs you no more tlian the unknown preparations and you should insist upon having the genuine in the yellow package. Belt A Cherrington, Dallas; M. Ii. Thompson, Falls City. Oregon WANTED OAK TIMBER. Suitablo for sawing into Lumber, (live quantl'y, ltx'ution and price asked. Address "OAK," Dallas, - Oregon Care of Okskhvkk. Don't ask for a Good Barber Shop Find the big pole and walk in. We treat you right. Lynch SWisecarver Main Street W. .1. STOWK, Truckman, Doei hullnf of ill klnJi at MMon.bl. rmta. DALLAS. OREOOH Out of Sight. "Out of eitfht, out of mind," is an old saying which applit'9 witn f If ;1r f'jr';t to asore, burn or wound that s been treated with liucklen's Arnica Salve. It's out of uifcfht, out of mind ami out ot existence. Piles too and chilblains dis appear tinder its healing influence. Guaranteed by Kelt & Cherrington, Druggist. 25c. A Malheur county man raised peaches four of which weighed almost three pounds. Xo home is so pleasant, regardless of the comforts that money will buy, as when the entire family is in pertect health A bottle of Orino Laxative fruit Svrup costs 50 cents. It will cure every member of the family of constipation, sirk headache or stomach trouble. Kelt k Cherrington, Dallas; M. L. Thompson, Kails City. A Myrtle creek man sold $000 worth of dried prunes from 450 trees $1.33 from each tiee, or $144 per acre. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice i hcrcliv piven Shut the umhTSiiine'i, "Hcli.iimsln.Irix' ot the estMe of Julia A. Williams, .leeetme'l, has riled her tiniil urooum it. the ( utility Court of the Stnte of (ire..n, for Folk County, and tut Saturday. Ihe ninth d ol NovemU-T. l:'7, "I Ihe hour of ten o tlock in the foienoon of iid day. at Ihe court room of the said county Court in the Citv of l)a;la-. I. re en. has been appointed Ly ud Court as the lime and i.laee for the hearing of objections to the smd final account mid the tettlement thereof. ..,. .,, i.j-.k i jr. i-. ii.i.i .-i .-i.T Adminii-triitrix of the tstate nf John A. U iiliains, deceased. Ufoar llayt-r. Attorney. iialed and lirst punii-ueu uvium-i n. Notice of Final Settlement. vii,.o i herehv eiven that .he nndersiuned, as" a.llQinitratrlx of the estate of James A. VMthrow, decense-i, nas i.ieu uernu.ii munmi in the County Court oithe state of Oreu.ui, lor Folk County, and that R.iturd.iy, the liintli day of November, 1 1 7. at the hour ot leu o ciuck in the forenoon of said day, at the Court room of , i.u .ai,i i nn nt v Court in the City of Dallas, Ore- Kon has b.-en appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to Ihe said final account and the settlement thereof. MAKI 11AM 1IHIK.M', iinn.vv. Administratrix of the estate of James A. Wittirow, deceased. Oscar llayter. Attorney. Dated Hint hrst publisneu uciooer n, r..i. Notice to Creditors. Notice is heretiv eiven that the umlersii;iied h l.i.ii ihilv anoointeil administrator of the estate of Joseph L McTiminonds, deceased, by the( on nty courioi ineniaieoi iiregou, ior roia County and has iiuuliiied. All uersons huvliiK chiimH a-jainst the said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verilied, loeetner un me proper voucners therefor, to the uudersiiujd , at the law otlice of Oscar Hayter. in the city of Dallas, in said County ullliin si.i inonins itoiu tne uaie oi una no' ice. Dated and lirst published ucioner a, KltASTKS C. McTlMMONDS, Administrator of the estateof Joseph I.. McTiinmonds, deceased. Oscar llayter, Attorney. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is herebv given that the undersigned, as administrator in ' ttivestatc of Fhebe A. Johnson, leceiised. has hied his html account in the County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Folk County, and that Wednesday, the tilh day of November, 1!U. at Hie nour ol leno ciock in me forenoon of said dav. at the Court room of the said County Court in the City ol Dallas, Oregon, has been appointed by said Court as the lime and place lor the hearing of objections to the said final account ami ine seiuenieui inereoi. FKKD JOHNSON, Administrator of the estate of Fhebe A. Johnson, deceased. Oscar Hayler. Attorney. Dated and lirst published October, S, 11K)7. Executors' Notice. Notice is herebv given to w hom it may con cern, that the undersigned have been duly ap- iioiuteil joint executors ol lite last win and icslaineul of David Peters, deceased, by the Honorable County Court of Folk County, Ore gon. All parties indebted to said estate are hereby notified to call at once and make settle ment with the undersigned and all parties having claims against said estate are hereby untitled to present the same duly verilied to the undersigned, within six months from the date hereof. Dated at Dallas, Folk County, Oregon, t Ii is (11 h day of .September, FHI7. DAVID D. FETEItS, ELIZABETH FETEKS, Joint Executors. Sibley & Kakin, Attys. for estate. INDEPENDENCE I MONMOUTH Railway. FKOM INDEPENDENCE. FOR DALLAS. Train No. Ii.". Leave Independence daily. 6:00 a. in. ; Iv. Monmouth, i',: I,", a. m.; ar. Dallas, ti: 10 a. m. Train No. 0!) Leave Independence, dailv, ll:0i".a. til.; Iv. Moninoutli, 1I:A) a. in.; ar. Dal las, II : C a. in. Train No. 71. Leave liuieeiidcnce, daily, (i:M p. in.; Iv. .Monmouth, G::W p. m.; ar. Dallas, il:,V, p. in, POK Alltl.lK. Train No. lift. Leave ludetcielcnce, dailv, 7::tl)H. in.; Iv. Monmouth, 7: 10 a. m.; ar. Airli'e, ,H:l,r. a. in. Train No. 72. Leave Indcpenilcnce,daily, :i:;!0 p. m.; Iv. .Monmouth, ;I:,V) p. m.; ar. Airlie, 4:.'fi p. in. FOR MoN MOl'TH ONLY, Leave Independence, daily, "J:!-) p. m. FKOM DALLAS. FOR INIIKI'KNIIKNCtf! Train No. til. Uave Dallas, dailv ex. Sunday. S::la. m.: Iv. Monmouth, !l:uu a. in.; ar. Inde pendence, ii:l."t a. m. Train No. 110. l.v. Dallas. Sundav onlv, d:,Yi a. m. : ar. Independence, 7:JU a. in. ' Train No. lis. Leave Dallas, daily, 1 p. m.: Iv Monmouth, 1 :'.'."i p. in.: ar. Independence, 1:10 p. in. (T his train connects at Monmouth for Ail lie.) Train No. 70. leave Dallas, daily, 7 ::Vi p. m. ; Iv. Monmouth, S p. in.; ar. Independence, H:l& p. in. FKOM AIKI.IK. Train No. f.7. Leave Airlie. daily, 1 a. m.; Iv. Monmouth, :::.i . m.; nr. Indeitendeiice. !l:."ii a. m. (This train connects at Monmouth or Dallas! Train No. 7!. Leave Airlie. daily, ,r,:twt p. m.: Iv. Monmouth, .VIO p.m.; ar. liiileia-ndeiice, f:Vip in. KKOM JIONMOI TH ONLY. Leaves Monmouth for Independence. daily at 2. i( p. m. I - COFFEE " TEA SPICES BAKING POWOfR EXTRACTS I MSI RIGHT CLOSSET & DEVERS P0ICLAND. ORE. Sallowness Transformed '4 1 1) iliiclrir .. A dark skm becomes fasdnatine "lien dcluately Sl)ft unJemircaJ "ith the reliant Klow which imli fJtes a healthy, active ski,,. Robert ine keeps the skin refined in quality kcepsrore.freefromcloiLg,,,; nd stimulate the tiny caPilUifsto contr,bie,l,ecolorwhichclur,n,in blonde and brunette alike. Rob,rt me is rprt tln V I tal '61 piuiri-iionagairtottan unburn and freckle, if allied t! Spread, l.kear, imperceptible heen of fau,eover,kinw face, forming, 1 "....uaiing and preserving . "-,luM.(.uisieau:y. MtiH((W ritnf 10BE0T1IIE Department of the Interior, lit 'pan in fin ui Land (We at Fortlam , dreifoii. 1 Sei'temlK-r 7, l'.th. Notice is hereby tfivcu that llorHee ( Miller. "is claim, viz: Ho.cc.ste.oi Knt, No ihiouth Kai (ie 7 West and that said proof lyKKthet'lerk ol County, "Me m the'folloin ,t o prve his continuous residence m-Tii .a ul ' ' 'j 1 ot the land, viz: Samuel Hiker, ol lukius, Or'eVon Friend Biker, of Hoskin-. Oregon; Walter K.tiseV. of Airlle, Oreson: T nomas B. Clevenger, of '"f SNEKB. Ketister. i Notice For Publication. I'nited States Land (Uliee, Forllaiid. urecon, eptcmU-r ::, F.V7. Notice is hereby eiven thai in compliance ,v th the provisions of the act ,''7" li ne f ls7 euiitle.1 "An ad lor Cesaleof la id.- in the Mates ol California. (Won. Ncvadaai.d W ashniKton Territory , u e. to a'T the Public Uud .-tales by art o Auenst ?"s'i. l.uhl V. Brown, of Dallas conn y o Fo'k .state of Oregon, has this day bled in this office' her sworn statement No. 7:Vxs for Ihe Pur chase of the North', of Southwest 0" N,i in Tonhi. No. 7 South. Kans-'e No. J West', and will oiler proof to show that the and Miueht is more vaiuauie iui ......... - - than for aencultnnil ptirises, and to ttatil.sh Her Claim 10 saiu inoo u.. . ponii,d (irenon.on ttednesduj, the "tn dav OI -oeiuLK-'i i.".'i. . " She names as witnesses: James M Sears, of Dallas. Oreeon; E. W. llenshuw, of Dallas. Ore ..on: Kd Kichmond, of Dallas, Oregon: ( has. It. SnelliiiB', of Dallas, Oreeon. . Anvand all ja-rsons claiming a.lersel the ' . L i 1. I., a-., v.... 1 ,wt.l 1,1 11 C tllt-lr anove-uescnuru itiiios .ic claims in this otlice on or before said J.th U.i ol November, r..',. T ,.,,,, ALGEKNON S. DRh.sSKK, KeRister. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Folk County. Department No. 2. Thomas E. Cautield, Fhiinlill, vs. Margaret Murruv Cautield, Defendant, Summons. To Margaret Murray Caulield, tne above named defendant: In the Name ot tne siate oi ureBou : .ou o.e hereby required to appear in the above entitled court'and answer the complaint tiled against vou therein by the plaitililt' on or before Ihe last day of the time prescribed for the publica tion of this summons, which time is six con secutive weeks from the date of the lirst publi cation hereof ; the date of the lirst publication is the :lDth dav of August, VJ07, and the last pub lication will be madeon the llth day of October, FJ07. And you are notified hereby that if yon fail so to appear and answer thesaid complaint, the platutilt will apply to the court for Ihe relict nraved for in his complaint, to-w it: ' For a decree of divorce forever dissolving and iimiuliiiK the bonds of matrimony now existing between him niiil yourself ami for such further and other relief as may he eiiuitable This summons Is served upon you by publica tion thereof in the "Folk County observer," a newspaper published semi-weekly at the City of Dallas in Folk County, Oregon, pursuant to the order of the Honorable George 11. Burnett, Judge of said court, made this -Sth day ol August, 11107. CAUSON A C VNNON, Attorneys for Fliiintill'. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for Folk County, Dei.artnient No. Bertha A. Herbert, l'laintill', v. Kalph C. Her bert. Defendant. I To Kalph C. Herbert, the above-named defendant: III the Name of the Stale of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in Ihe above entitled Court and suit within six weeks Ironi the date of the lirst publication of this summons, to wit : On or beloie the JSth day of October. F.KI7; and if vou fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to said Court for a decree us prayed for in said complaint, to wit: 'i hut the marriage contract now and heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant be iorever annulled and dissolved; that t:ic future care and custody of Percival Kalph Herbert, Ihe minor child of pliunlilf and defendant, be awarded to plaiutiir; and that plaiulill' may have such other relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. This summons, by an order of the Hon. EC. F. Coad. County Judge of Folk County, Oregon, militant Chambers at Dallas, Oregon, on the loth day of September, l'.)7, is served upon you by the publication thereof not less than once a week for six consecutive weeks immediately prior to the '2tli day of October, 11IU7. in the "Folk County Observer," a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in said County of Folk. The date of the lirst publication of this summons is September 13, lim". OSCAR HAVTEK, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice. In tPe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Folk. In the matter of the application of Helen A. McClure, Charles V. McClure and John J. Kupp, Trustees under the Last Will and Testa ment of William C. McClure, deceased, and Jethro G. Mitchell, and I. croy lirooks, to regis ter the title to Lots numbered One ( I ), Two ('.'), Five ( ), and six (ti), of Section Seven (7), in Township Eight (S) South of Itange Eight (H) West of the Willamette Meridian, in thcC'ounty of Folk, State of Oregon, I'lainlill's, vs Mary K. Hayes, Clara H. .McClure, Fred S. Chapman, William Hayes, Flora 11. Stevens, Helen A. Mc Clure, Charles W. McCluie, Grace S. McClure, wife of Charles W. McClure, James Albert Hayes and Sena Hayes, his wife, Susan Maria Theroux and Med Theroux, her husband, Mal the'V Samuel Hayes and lona Hayes, his wife, Mary Elizabeth llerg and 1'eter Hern, her hus band, and Ida Hayes, wile of William Hayes, and all to whom it may concern, Defendants. To Mary E. Hayes, Clara li. McClure, Fred S. Chapman, William Haves, Floia II. Stevens, Helen A. McClure, Charles W. McClure, Graft S. McClure, wife of Charles W. McClure, James Albert Hayes and Sena Hayes, his wife, Susan Maria Theroux and Med Theroux, her husband, Matthew Samuel Haves and lona Hayes, his wife, Mary Elizabeth berg and FeUrBcrg, her husband, and Ida Hayes, wife of William Hayes, and, all to w hom it may concern, Defendants. Please take notice that ou the 2iith dav of September, 1UU7, nil application was tiled bv said plaintiffs above iiaineil in the Circuit court of the Stale of Oregon, for the County of Folk, for initial registration of title to the land above described. Now unless you appear on or before the 4th day of November. l!Ki7, the same being mine than ::odays after the tiling, of such appli cation, and more than M days after the first publication of this notiie and show cause w hv such application shall not be granted, the same will I taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered according to the praver of the anplici tion and you will be forever barred from di. pitting the same. PLATT .V. FI.ATT. Attorneys for Flaintnls. IO"i-tt-7-s Commercial Hloi k, Portland, Oregon. , , E. M. SMITH. i terk ol the Circuit l ourt ol Ihe state of Oregon for i oik i. ouniy Date of lirst publication. October I l'" d,,'. of last publication, November 1, Summons. In the Circuit Court of the s;at- of ir-gnu for Folk County. Department No. '. s. Funine and K. Furune. plaiiuirls, v Elizabeth Scott. John r. m.jii, Ailie M-ot Harry II. Scott and Olive Scott, Defendants. To each and all of the above-named defend anls: In the name of the stale of Oreron. You are hereby retjuire.1 to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against you in ihe altove-entitled Court and suit within six weeks fiom the date of the lirst publication of this summons, to w it .mor ltefore the l.lih day of November, 1Mu7: and if you fall so to answer, for want thereof the plaitmris will apply to said Court for a iudirment and deero.. mk nrst-ui i... i.. plaint, viz.: ' " l. unit the defendants herein mav be rc- illliretl to lorllt 1 1... .,,.. 1 . " , : .r : ,, f.oitieui uieir claims in and to the lollowim: dtcritd real estate. iv.iT.V. 1 1 le "u"'y of Polk and! Mate of Oregon, to w it : Beginning nt the Northwest comer of the' East ball of Section im,, TUH,lshl., - soutli of Kange:i West ol the iiiu,,, !.... ' ! running thence N.utt, j., ,.hlllSi tl . containing ljuu cubic inches; ihcnce East lei chains, to a stone eoniaumie P cubic inches thence North 2. chains, to the Northeast corner Ol Raid OC lOlt 1- tltl.i tl,n.. 11 u ! me place ot beginning, coiitaining lm acres ; more or less; ami I ih.il all a.tverse eleiuis of of tiid CMm'Um'iy ''v'vrmined by a dec:ee ; 2. That by said decree it be declared and I adjiidacd t!,t it, M( defendants and each ! snd every ol them have no esiute or interest whatever in o to ,n,is or premises, audi ialid an" "l'l"',""nli,, thereto is good ami .:. That the vai.l defendams and each and every of them be iorever ni ,i i . iron. " "eonirl . . . , , ,,,, natever in or t lauds or I'rviniM-v n.u..-., .- , . ;h! ihe l..aiitifN may have mu h t-ifier nn, and e-putsble in Ihe piemises. " L- ,M u-e lion, r.j j uiB Minitnnti nv a, .r.i... f .. . "o uuite ei i on onntv raa.le at ChamU-rs at DnFas, (r,g.:n nil ihe : t.y the;...i,'i;v,. . " i Vou , . once a wecli k for a , oi.ui ,ix consecutive and sueieSMve weeks raid o.unty of Polk. 1 he .,e , 1" i llcation ot this iummoiKi is OitoN r 1 ' OSCAR HAVTEK. I Attorney for P.aiiitirti ' 8 I will discuss the financial question with the people of Dallas and hope to convince them that the only means to affect a better condition is to buy your Feed, Hay, Flour, Grain, Field and Gar den Seeds, Poultry Supplies, etc., at the New Feed Store, corner Main and Oak streets. I will handle the best at the lowest prices. Give me a call; let us talk the matter over and be convinced that where you can save money on your purchases is the place to buy, thus solving for yourself the greatest question before the people t0day' J.H. MOORE, The Dallas Feed Store. Orders delivered. Mutual Phone 193. 8 I Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed administratrix ol the estate of John V. Martin, deceased, by the County Court of the Statu ol Oregon, for Polk ,,,! I,, ik oitiililieil. All persons having claims against the Baid estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verilied, together with the proper voucher therefor, to the undersigned, at her residence near Lincoln in said county of Polk, within six in out lis from the date of this notice. Dated and lirst published September 24, 1110 1. MAKY MAKTIN, Administratrix of the estate of John W. Martin, deceased. Address: H. K .D. No. 1, Salem, Oregon. Oscar llayter, Attornej'. Notice For Publication. TIMISKP. LAND, ACT Jt'NK 3, 1878. I'nited States Land Ollice, Portland, Oregi n, September 7, 19(17. No'.ice is hereby given that in compliance .villi the provisions of the act of Congress of June :;, ls'S, entitled "An act for the tale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 1, 18W2, Kiiward E. (ierlinger, of DallaB, countv of Polk, State of Oregon, has this dav tiled ill this ollice his sworn statement No. 7'ili2, tor the purchase of the N. E. , of Section No. 10 in T. No. !l S., K. No. 8 V. and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for ils timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk at Dallas, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 2Gth dav of November, 11107. He names as witnesses: Peter A. McNeil, of Hlaek Rock, Oregon ; Aaron May bee, of Dallas, Oregon; John D. McDonald, of Dallas, Ortgim; William Mcllardy, of Dallas, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to Hie their claims in this ollice on or befcresaid 2(ith day of November liH)7. ALGERNON li. DRESSER, Register. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Folk County, Department No. 2. James W. (lilpin, plaintill, v. Villa M. t ill pill, defendant. To Villa M. (lilpin, the above named de endant. In the Name of the State of Oregon; You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against you in the above, entitled Court and suit within six weeks from the date ol the lirst publication of this summons, to-wit: On or before the llth day of November, 11107; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaiulill uill apply to said Court for a decree as prayed for In said complaint, to-wit: That the marriage contract now and heretofore existing between the plaiulill' and the defendant be for ever annulled and dissolved, and that the plnintitl may have such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. This summons, by an order of the Hon. Ed. F. Coad, County Judge of Folk County. Oregon, made nt chambers at Dallas, Oregon, on Ihe '24tli day ol September, 1!K)7, is served upon you by the publication thereof not less than once a week for six consecutive weeks immediately prior to the llth day of November, PJ07, in the Polk County Observer," a weekly newBpaperof general circulation published in said County of Polk. T he date of the first publication of this Mimnioiis is September 27, 1H07. OSCAR IIAYTER, Attorney Ior Plaintiff. JKNTIHT. M. HAYTER Office over Wilson's rug Store DALLAS. OREGON. TTORNEY AT LAW B. F. JONES Office in Cooper Building. INDEPENDENCE, - OREGON TTORNEY AT Law L. D. BROWN Notary Pcblic; Abstracts Mill Street opposite Ucriow Bldg. DALLAS, " OREGON. Yttorney at law. O.scai: IIayter, Cpstalrs In Campbell building, Mill 8L DALLAS, OREGON. iYTT'-l''-,,'E''S AT law. .NBLKY & KAKIN, The only reliable set or Abstracts Id Polk county. Office on Court St DALL VS, OREGON THE NEW IDEA r3 THE ORIGINAL UX1TIVE MMcnv'c O L3 Uotes the BOKlS r.Vl Best fnr Children 1 Groceries and Provisions s : S WK carry all the leading brands of Canned Goods, Coffees, Teas and Spices. Also J a good supply of fresh vegetables and fruit in 1 season. .-. Crockery and Queen's Ware. 5 SIMONTON & SCOTT, Dallas, Ore. v jLtif a i a . u sai.l V.VXAAJUJ JtJt t -.j- r. r. t -r . m . . 1 i 7 J7 OUT Tr flf I 1 U 4 U U li I 14 LI El Will rr, n ' bevond th, r"V::aney r B der Disease not u llrZ medicine can do more. .or Diabetes For Sale by BELT & CHERRINGTON, Dallas, and M. THOMPSON, Falls City. Announcement to the N. L. Uitur, Offloe over Dallas City Bank. DALLAS. OREGON TTOltNEY AT LAW El). F. Coap, Ofllee in Courthouse DALLAS, OREGON. TTOUNEY AT LAW J. Ji. Collins Main Street, Near l'ostolflce DALLAS, - - OREGON OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. C. A. CAMPBELL Graduate American School of Osteo pathy, Kirksville, Mo. Chronic Diseases and Deseases of Women and Children a Specialty. DALLAS HOTEL, DALLAS, ORE. JF.NTAL SURGEONS Dr. H. L. T0NEY Graduate Ann Arbor, Mich. AND Dr. S. T. D0N0H0E (3 tadunte University of California Office in Uglow Bldg. Both Phones DALLAS, - OREGON. JHY8ICIAN AND 8CRGEON. L. A. BoLLMAN, M. )., Uglow Building, Rooms 7 and 8. Mutual Phone Main 30. Bell Phone Main 541. DALLAS, - OREGON. It Jewelry Cut Glassware Silverware Youi friends are getting married; give them a handsome, high-grade present. Also a full line of OPTICAL GOODS C. H. MORRIS Jeweler The Olds Gasoline Engines I handle the "Olds" the best Gaso line Engine in the market. Just the thing for Wood Pawing, Pumping Spraying, Feed Mills, Churning, Etc. Come and See the best gaso line engine made for farmers' purposes. Ed.Biddle, Agent Dallas, Oregon. nviiTHrr For Sale by Druggists. J Jeweler l One door west of Stafrin JJ Drug Co. '4 - T7., Wfi Public. WHEN IN DALLAS GO TO THE DALLAS HOTEL Under New Management Strictly White Help. Big Samgje Room and Special Accommodations for Commercial Men. RATES: $1.00, $1.25, $2.00j)er Day WILLIAM H. CUMMING Graduate Veterinary Surgeon Has located in Independence. Country calls promptly attended to, dav or night. Give mo a trial at Farmers' Feed Yard. Phone Main 423. A. J, BAIIII AM It. H. WINSUJW BARHAM $ WINSLOW Dealers in Real Estate Farm and Timber Lands A Specialty. City property bought and sold We will sell you a house and lot on easy terms. Call and see us. First door j west of the postoffice. ! Dallas, - Oregon TlrlBER TANDS i FULLER & ELLIOTT ! Only Real Estate firm in Toll County handling Timber Land exclusively, Don't fail to call or write if you have have timber to sell. Office in Crider Building Dallas, - - Oregon. D0WM5W THE WET WEATHER COMFORT AND PROTECTION afforded by a Slicker? Clean -Light uuraDie Guaranteed .Waterproof 32 Everywhere Red Clover B!oson on Everj Bcitle Louum KILLthe COUGH AND CURE the LUNGS Dr. King's WITH Hew Discovery FOR CSIfgA13 PRICE ULUS T.I.I DnllU fmc AND ALL THROAT AMD LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTOBYi muaiuY REFUNDED. Cures Backache Corrects Irregularities Do not risk having Wright's Disease SZx&r&to A J TOWER C rpr? COUGH SYRUP - 1 II K3