Polk County Observer Misa Hallie Morrison is visiting friends in Falls City, John Buhlte, of Portland, is visiting friends at Klckreall this week, Fred Wells, of Suver, visited relatives i In Dallas, Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kirkpatrick ; returned from a visit in Portland, ; Sunday. V Chris Stafrln wont to Portland yesterday to attend the Oregon i Medical college. Mrs. C. C. Taylor, of Black Rock, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ; O. O. Grant last week. C. M. Bork returned from Portland, Saturday, for a short visit at the home ? of Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Campbell. t Judge N. L. Butler attended a meeting of the Board of Regents of I the University of Oregon in Portland, j Friday. Mrs. W. C. Siefarth returned to Portland, Saturday, after a two weeks' visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cadwell. Mrs. Georgia Jennings, came up from Portland, Saturday, for a short visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Shriver. H. M. Pierce, proprietor of the new Hotel St. Philip, at 6th and Burnside streets, Portland, was a business visitor in Dallas last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hawkins, Mrs. Ella J. Metzger, Edward Biddle and Chauncey Crider were among the Dallas visitors in Portland this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Ireland and daughters, Misses Katherine and Marion, have gone to Dallas to visit friends a few days before going to the state fair at Salem. LaGrande Obser ver. W. F. Pfeiffer, after running the cigar and confectionery store in the Revere House block for ten years, has sold out to his cousin, George Prlnzler. It is said to be a paying business. -Albany Democrat. Miss Ella Carpenter has resigned her position in the Dallas Public School, and has gone to Portland to teach in the primary department of the Mt. Tabor school. The directors In Dallas have not chosen her suc cessor. P. B. Stoddard, who has been repre senting the Massachasetts Mutual in this territory, has entered the employ of the Commonwealth Trust Company and the Consumers Coal Company. He is still making Dallas his head quarters. Dayton Optimist. The fire department was called out Friday to subdue a blaze at the resi dence of J. H. Hollister Btarted by eoine of the children playing with matches. The flames were easily extinguished and the damage was comparatively small. The loss was fully covered by insurance. I President B. F. Mulkey, of the Ash land normal school, aud family, were Jn the city this noon on their way home from an outing at the Bay. Though Mr. Mulkey had a gun he disclaimed having done any serious damage to the deer, one reason being that there are hardly any deer along we coast. Albany Democrat. The Bee Hive Store In Hosiery and Underwear Dress Goods and Waistings, New Plaids, Etc. THE BEE HIVE STORE A Reliable Place to Trade. I. 0. 0. F. Building, - DALLAS, OREGON Attorney J. H. Flower, of Falls City, was in Dallas today on business. John Olin went to Vancouver, Satur day, for a short visit with his family. Skating at the Colosseum rink, Wednesday evening. Band in attend ance. Miss Ima Johnson returned yester day from a short visit among friends at Shedds. Miss Ednelle Collins went to Salem yesterday to spend the Fair week with Mrs. J. P. Starr. Clyde and Van Embree arrived in Dallas, Sunday, from eastern Oregon, to visit relatives. Emil Erickson went to Portland yesterday to complete his course In the Eclectic business. Miss Ethelwynn Glass, of Portland Is visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kirkpatrick. Lloyd Launer went to Grants Pass yesterday to take a position as book keeper in a bank in that city Miss Sadie Myer, of Dallas, spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Zona England. Dayton Optimist, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Meade, of Grants Pass, visited at the home of H. V, Meade, Sunday and Monday. Mr.-and Mrs. Charles Lane, of Port land, have moved to Dallas and will make their home here in future. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young, of Portland, are visiting at the home of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. M. B. Young. G. A. Griswold and Harry Packard, of the Falls City Lumber Company, passed through Dallas yesterday on their way to Portland. J. H. Moore, of Portland, was in Dallas yesterday. He will move his home to this city in the near future, if he Is able to secure a house. Miss Lena Bobbit went to Salem yesterday where she will stay during the winter and take musical instruc tion under Prof. VdnJessen Chester Siefarth, of Falls City was a Dallas visitor yesterday. He will attend school at the Agricultural col lege at Corvallis during the coming year. Miss Ella Butler went to Portland yesterday to attend school at St, Helen s Hall. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. N. L. Butler, who will spend a few days visiting in the city. C. L. Starr, secretary of the State Board of Normal Regents, visited friends in Dallas, Sunday. Yesterday morning tne nousenoid goods were moved to Salem, where Mr. Starr and his mother will make their home. Secretary of State F. W. Benson and Dr. R. E. L. Steiner, accompanied by their families, returned to Salem last week from a two weeks' outing at Slab Creek. Secretary Benson has com pletely regained his health and says he is now ready to settle down to hard work for the remainder of his term. Mr. and Mrs. K. Couch and Mrs. Satterly, of St. Johns, arrived in Dallas on the Sunday morning train, and in the afternoon left on the return trip to Portland with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Howe in their Mitchell touring car. Mr. Howe has been visitinc at the home of his parents in Dallas for several weeks, New Arrivals -AT- New Line of Douglas Shoes for Men $3.50, 4.00 and 5.00 Men's Shirts and Furnishing Professor D. M. Metzger went to Independence yesterday on business, Mrs. W. H. Logan, of McMinnville, is visiting her mother, Mrs. G. O. Hoi man. Travis McDevitt, of Corvallis, visited his parents in this city Friday and Saturday. C. C. Lewis and son, Donald, of Monmouth, visited at the home of Judge and Mrs. J. L. Collins yester day. R. H. Kelley, of Dallas, was in town last Friday. He has recently returned from Texas, bringing his mother with him. Mr. Kelley is the proprietor of the old Bones farm east of Bellevue. McMinnville Reporter. Burns Powell, of Monmouth, was in the city last week and gave valuable assistance to the band during the races. He was the guest of his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Charles John son McMinnville Telephone-Register Miss Georgia Herbert will return from her visit at Ashland the latter part of the week, and about the first of October she will go to Suver, where she has an eight months school at a good salary. Corvallis Republican. Professor and Mrs. William Morris are visiting relatives in Dallas this week. They have just returned from an extended tour of Europe and will leave in a few days for Seattle, where Professor Morris will fill the chair of History in the University of Wash ington. The young man is a son of John Morris. He has received degrees from some of the leading colleges of the United States. A Cheap Boast. That was a cheap boast made by Manager DeVarney, of the Home Telephone Company, that in driving his automobile from Dallas to Salem in 37 minutes, he beat the record of Bert Dennis by one minute. Cheap for the reason that Mr. Dennis has nover made, nor has he ever claimed to have made, the run in 38 minutes. His offer of $100 to Mr. Dennis to repeat" the 38-minute run is cheaper still. Mr. Dennis says he is not in the racing business and has no desire to beat anyone's record, his only concern being to run his machine in a decent and careful manner that will insure the safety of his passengers and win the respect and good-will of the farmers living along the road between Dallas and Salem. It is evident that DeVarney is seeking a little notoriety, or has rushed into print on the strength of a "fill" given him by some person wno aesirea to nave a little fun at his expense. Wheelmen's Petition Turned Down. At the meeting of the Council last night, the petition for the privilege of riding bicycles on the sidewalks dur log certain seasons ol tne year, was read, and after some discussion, it was decided to postpone action on it indefinitely. Carload of Pianos. We will open up a carload of pianos at special sale in Dallas on Monday, September 23. Salesroom at L. D Daniel s. Don t miss the greatest piano bargains ever offered in Oregon Wengeb & Cherrikqton. Legal Blanks for sale at this office. Goods TRAVER SUCCEEDS RICE President Ressler Complimented on Fine Showing Made by Monmouth Normal. Up At a meeting of the State Normal Regents, held in Salem last week, L. R. Traver, formerlysuperintendent of the Pendleton city schools, was elected principal of the trainin school at Monmouth, to succeed C, Rice, resigned. Professor Traver ranks as one of the strongest men i educational work in Oregon. jrresiaent itessier was called upon for a statement of the financial condi tion of the Monmouth school. He said the friends of the school had pledged $G000 and they would receive from the Monmouth school district from $3000 to $3500 a year. They had levied five mills additional taxes, which would make $2000 more. Upon his showing President Ressler made it appear that the Monmouth school was well provided with funds. August 22 he had deposited $3000 with the board and last week he offered another check for $1600. In other years the school had received from tuition $4000 to $4700. Counting $4750 from the district and $4000 from tuition, he said the friends of the school had raised $6000 in the way of donation. He said to do his best, he had cut his estimate from $19,400 to $14,000. The favorable showing made by Monmouth was commented on by several of the regents and President Ressler was complimented. The action of the executive committee of August 22, and the tenders made by President Ressler, offering $6000 as a donation were accepted and approved. Smoke the Leader cigar. Swetiand & Son's Famous Ice Cream at Ellis's. Real estate that's all. VanOrsdel Barham. Try the La Fama and Leader cigars, You will like them. L. D. Brown, for Abstracts. Notary Public; typewriting. Ralph Adams sells furniture for less than trust stores. Come and list with the hustlers VanOrsdel & Barham. A swell line of Ladies Coats at Campbell & Hollister's. Ask vour dealer for the celebrated La Fama cigar ; none better. For the best cigars and freshest candies, call on Horace Webster. Skating at Colosseum rink, Wednes day evening. Band in attendance. The stage fare between Dallas and Salem has been reduced to 50 pents Buy your childrens' school books and stationery at Cherrington's drug store. A full line of stationery, pencils, and general school supplies at the Racket store. 9-17-3t Campbell & Hollister are the boys that will save you money on your Fall Wraps. Money of private parties to loan at 6 per cent on well-improved farms Sibley & Eakin. School books, stationery and other students' supplies can be secured at Cherrington's drug store. Patronize the new barber shop on Main street. T. W. Reel, the proprietor, guarantees first-class work. Smoke the La Fama cigar. Skating at Colosseum rink, Wednes day evening. Band in attendance. Everything for that fishing trip at W. R. Ellis.' We can sell your real estate. Van Orsdel & Barham. See Campbell & Hollister for boys' and girls' School Shoes. Get your school supplies for the coming year at Cherrington's drug store. A new lot of thoBe famous Hart, Schaffner & Marx suits for men at Campbell & Hollister's. School books, pencils and stationery for your children can be secured at Cherrington's drug store. I have on display a nice assortment of "Spalding's" sporting goods. All guaranteed. W. R. Ellis. The neatest Ice Cream parlors in town and good service guaranteed. Give us a trial. Ellis' Confectionery. Mrs. Ella J. Metzger has her fine line of Fall hat9 on display this week. The formal opening of the season will be on September 21. The ladies of Dallas are cordially invited to call and examine the stock, which is by far the best that ha9 ever been brought to Dallas. 9-10-3t Just Arrived" Our New Dinner Patterns See them in our windows. Come in and let us price them to you. All new patterns and the price is right. Come and see for yourself. W.H.R0YSC0. The China and Notion Store Dallas, - Oregon. Are You - ? -t '-' MfiiTiiiimiih irimirnili"" "T i W' Don't Forget Our Next Great Saturday Surprise Sale, September 21 alter L. Tooze Falls City, W. R. Ellis, agent for Daily Ore gonian and Evening Telegram. Have a daily paper delivered at your house hv the week, month or year. No extra charge for delivery. j ' WANTED 1 Oah Grubs and Butts Suitable for Ax Handles. Highest cash prices paid, de livered, or 1. 0. d. cars. Address, Western Handle Mfg. Co. Dallas, Oregon WANTED OAK TIMBER. Suitable for sawing into Lumber. Give quantity, location and price asked. Address "OAK," Dallas, - Oregon Care of Observer. WHEN IN DALLAS GO TO THE DALLAS HOTEL Under New Management Strictly White Help. Big Sample Room and Special Accommodations for Commercial Men. RATES : $1.00, $1.25, $2.00 per Day Educate Your Daughters at .-SALEM In addition to its natural attractions, this charming city has the advantage of being one of the principal and best developedtownsin theWillam ette Valley, and the state capital. Winner T JirliPQ who "ve e'a xoung i-aaies education at i, school, therefore, may receive not only a thorough education from books, and the accomplishments resulting from in struction in art, needlework, domestic science and music, and association with their instructors, but they also acquire a poise and culture in manner due to privileges of observation and environ ment which Salem, more than any other city in Oregon, affords. Complete cost for tuition, board, etc.. is only $40 per half session of ten weeks. Music, two lessons a week, per half session, 15. Send today for nrui announcement. Academy SL Sacred Heart Salem, Oregon KILL the COUCH and CURE the LUNGS Dr. ling's WITH leu Discovery PHICE OLDS Trial Bottle Fret m. a im via AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONEY REFUNDED. Talking Through Your HAT? We are; or at least we are letting our Hats do the talking for us. We now have on display in our window our early Fall and Winter HATS. You will agree with us that it is the finest line of HATS that has ever come to the city. HATS from the swellest Dress HATS to the modest street HATS. Great assortment to select from and prices that will suit all. We have taken great pains to select only the very best HATS, both in style and finish. Come in and see them, we consider it a pleasure to show them. Dept. r THE SWELLEST BUNCH Rockers and Morris Chairs Ever brought to Polk County tion at our store. You will learn how low the prices run. cordially invited. Chapman's Largest Stock on West Side. Wake Up! Come and See Us We have some good things to show you. SHOES OF ALL KINDS At the Right Prices. The Dallas Shoe THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE HONEYTAB Bed Clover Elotbom and Qooey Bee on Every Bolllt How's This! Wo offer One Hundred Dollars licward foj t;.y c:i.,e of C'-itarrh that cannot bo cured bj luil a (Jatur; li Cure. F J. CHENEY & CO., Props , Toledo, O. "Wo the uudoiuigncd, have kiiown I J. Che ley fur the last IS years, and believe him per fectly honorable in all business tranuactiij ind financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. Wi!stTkcai, Wholesale DnifrirlstH, Toledo, O. WiLDING, KlNNAN&MAKVIIf, Whol888j Drug- fists, Toledo, O. s O.tarrh Cure ill taken internally, ctiii directly upon the blood and mncoua surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottie. Hold by all DruiFKists. Teettmoaiali ben. Hall's Family Pills are the best. New real estate firm in Dallas. Farms, Ranches, City Property Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Exchanges in Portland realty a specialty. Call and list your property with us. BUTLER & DUNN Office, North Main Street Dallas, - - Oregon Store Oregon is now on exhibi be surprised to Your inspection Get Wise! Store, Mrs. J.C. Gay nor, Proprietor CAfiTOIlIA. Ti faa- 1 Is w WrJJ0f The Olds Gasoline Engines I handle the "Olds" the best G;iho lino Kngin! in the market. Just the thing for Wood Sawing, l'limjiing Kpraying, Feed Mills, Churning, Ete. Come and See the best gaso line engine made for farmers' purposes. Ed. Biddle, Agent Dallas, Oregon. Estate OF f -4 . V