-WE HAVE FOR LUNCHEON Fine Cream Cheese 20c Fine Swiss Cheese Cream Brick Cheese oOc McLaren's Club Cheese 15c Just in-Barrel Heinz's Sweet Mixed Pickles, something fine. Boiled Ham every day. Fresh barrel of Queen Olives. Grape Juice, the finest on the market. Crider Grocery Dallas, - " 0reKn Falls City L. I'FANDIIOEFEIl, M. D. I'KKHIDKN'T & MANAOKK. MIHS h. IIOLMSTHOKM MATKON The Hospital is Now Open for the Public Graduate Nurses in Charge Prices Reasonable Maternity Cases a jSpecialty. Visitors Hours: When you are Lumber, Lath and Shingles Call on us. We can make you a Bottom Price on A Shingles. Dallas Lumber Co. K IVill.'ic tr- i OLYMPIC FLOUR Notice l or Publication. Tl M UK It LAND, AIT.ll'NU It, 17S. lUlill'il Slnli M I mid Hllliv, I'oriltniit, Onim, .. , , Jimi' 1-, I -HIT . ViiIit U luMcliy glvi'ii Hint in i'iiiIihiiiv Willi till! provlhlaiim ill III.- Hi t ill I'lillKll'SN i'( June H, K,s, I'lillllr.l "An art r Ihr H.ili. ,. UllllKM Iii 11. tw lii II... Slates i C11I11 .111111, Oiv. Kii, Ni-vHiln, 11111I ii!ilni;um IVn iimy," hn I'Xtvll.lwl In nil Hi,. I'ulrli. I.Hiiit StilH N l.y net ( Aukim I, l.v.i.'. William W. i'liii.... ol l .uis Uly, nullity nl 1'ulk, Stnti' m tHrunn, linn tills itllV tlll'.l 111 tills ullliv Ills MMirn StllliMlli'lll Nil 71.11. tor till' .urri,Ks.til tin. N. l ,i . s, I S-I'tlllll N.i. in. 111 i.ih iisht,. ,s s. ,,l KHIIltl' N.i h i ., mnl will ntli-r (.mill in show Hint tin- lnu.i muiKlii is in, .re vnliiiii.i,. i,.r its ihuUt r slum linn liirilKrn iilliiiiil .nri,.siR. 1111,1 i rsl.il.lisli lilsrlnliii 1,1 shi. I Wind lii'inn. iiiv lii'Bistcr Hint Kiti'Ivit ut tins iiili,,., hi 1'..iiIhii.I, or. xiiii, ,,n hll.lHV. til,. JlMli ,Uy .s(.,,.,.ri J.,,; llo llnin.s im Hiiu.'ssi's: Willi, an J. S. mt h l'll. Ill Kill in I'll V, OlCtLU ; Uv Mi-,liy , . ( Uils ciiy. On i!.m ; iiiMrd- l.aVlcx . ,.l lu i'm'imI oivfi.n; K A I ,.. i,( Kalis ( 11,. or.'(t.m; c' Kl'HIlirr, Hi I-nils 1 Hy, tl.;ill Any 1111. 1 n! .(.s..!is t-l:i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 11 Iwrvlv ,,. lnm' iti'si rit....! Ihii.Is mi' r,.,ii,.sli.,l in 111. - Hi,. 11 rlnliin III 1 Ills, .Hi,,.,. 1, ,,1 lH.,,. s.ii.l Ulli.lnv ,,1 N-pt. -iiiIht, I'.Hi.'. Al.i.KliNoN s. I Hi 1 sK;, Ix-ClsllM. Notice of I Inal Settlement. Soil,,. Is !ii-iv!,y Kiwii u,hi t!. un.l,.tsi n,., - ii,lnili:lsl,Hlil ,.1 11,,. ,.i,u,. j,,IM vs K.- 'I'llOKI. t.HR Il!,, I,,., ,(1 H.Tlll,l 1,1 ,; 1 "Hilly i i.iici i,f Hi,. St., i ui, i!,.,i t,.r .s ' "ilnly nii.l I lull In, s.v. 11,,. M, Oiiv ,. n iu i.i!,.r. i.ki;. i ,!. hl,,, ,,. ,.., lorvii.s,,, s( ,1:1Vi , ,,. , ,,,, ,.. , I -l. .miiiiv ( ,.iut m ,. , , ,,, i,M ., i.v..l,,l,s .,. ,.,, ,.v Srtl , 1M1M i !i,.,li. .,-,- i..r 111,. Ii,,,,,,,, , , ;,.,.,,,,, lll,r,'.,',r"' "' "''"I tll.l,l,l 1 VSN.I I KKS. A.'iiiliimi ,V , . , s,Ui. ,, '"I'll K. HS. ,1,., .HM... nr IU;i,T .tti v l'it-l u.t lust j.ii,iisli,., August v, 1 si; Notice I or Publication. '''ri ti.ii Hi "! tli.' lot.-n ,r 1 mi.l oil.,, hi roi).,!i.l, ,.. , , Auuiisi ;. I.,..' "t II, -.sin,, or, ,.. I,,, , , , " '"V", ,""k' ""'!' M-r ,.r.M.t . I . ,' !;.'."'" I'""". J",y l,r on'1,,.,,1 " . .' i'i : " '..,h. K,, .l,!;,u.;!;., I,!1.'.-.'. ""' it'K-- to prov,- .uy:!'1""- 1 t.i--'.xi Ali.KKXo.N s, I'KKsskk. Hospital OSMAlt K. wolf, m. I). SKI.'ltK'I'AllY-TKK'.Hl'ltl'.H. From 10 to 12 a. m. 3 to 5 p. m. 7 to 8 p. m. $5 in need of Orpwnii Most Grocers Sell livery Sack (iuarantced Mwlo of sclcclcd Ku.storn Oregon Hnnl Whivit, It prodiHVH iiniio loaves of l.read than any other Hour ami ilie loaves are lighter ami whiter, lieeatise of llie iiK'tvanetl inianlity of lneail prodtieeil thiM'ost is no higher thin for other (lotus. A.sk Your Grocer for It THE PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS CO. l:ecutors' Notice. N.itli'i' Is licri'liy Klvi'ii 1,1 h hum it iiuiy (.. I'cni. Unit thv miiliTsii'lu'il lnivc l.i'cn iliily up iiointi'il jniiit rxiMMinim nf Hi,. Inst Hin hiiiI t' NUIlll. lit l.f llllli.1 IV telH, i1,..,.m.m, by ,. Hon, . nihil' t'niiiitv Ciiiirt of I'.illi I'miiiiv iir... i'n. All .,iitti.s in.l,.,ti', t.i siiiil cstii'ii. Rro ln'ii'liy ii,,liil,.,l in cull m on,,. ,m, mn. .sctil,.. mi'iit with 1 ho unilrisimi, ,1 mnl nil ini,,s tlllVIIIK I'lllilllH HKHIIiKt Sllill CstilH' HIV llfri'llV iiiititiiMt in iivs,'iii tin. Minn,. ,v vernictl tii I hr iiiiiliTHimii'il, within mx nioiitha fnnn h, ililti' In'lt'iif. Hiili',1 nl linlliiH. folk l'iiiiiit.v,Ori'Kiii, thisdih ,luy ul Si'i.ti'inln-r, ..hi7. i IUV1D H. I'KTKIiS. ; Kl l.MIKIII l'K.I'KKS, ... , , , . Joint Kxcrntors. Ml'lvy 1 kin, Atlys. fur t'stiiU'. ; Notice Tor Publication. lV.nitmctil of ih,. littt'i sor I .Hint Olhri' t l',Mtlnn,l. (i,.e,.n. .... , , N'l'ii'iuinT 7. I'd; N.'llr,. IS h,...,y RU,.,i tli:, II.iihh' l'. MlU,.r ul iru,', iii, ijn. Ims il,.,l n.iti,.,. ,,, Ins j,,t,.,' linn to lin k,, t.iml live ,..,r itooi in sii..ii i Ins i-Liiin, : Hon,, si, ,1 Knliv No 1 nil linnl" luili' iV, I'.kil. ,,r ,. i , v (.-i i j,. , ' V,'': .'.""! S, ' K '. .'"--lion' "I! low,,' !ni' "oiuli, lii..,.7 Wosi. Hn.ltlmi sm,l i-rnoi i . I;.-nui.h-l., ii,. tl,,. , i .ik c-limv ; "i 1 Hl.s. Or,.-, .n. on o, i,.l.,-i- in, )..M7. j lie inimrs tin. ni'.loHlnc wuu,-s,.s o itovc I'lio'oiiiiiii.iin, i. si.i.-ii, I,,,,,,!, mnl .-muvnii ,n o,. il. la,,,). U: smnm-l K,k,.r. oi lloskiiif . "'i1'"" . ,;,k,'r- " "'"nOIIS. OHIfol: all,-r Kiiis,.v.of Auli.-. Or.-cnn; Inoiims It' IficnmT. nt ln.l.-s-ii.t,.i,,.. or,.t,,, AIa.KUSOX S. IHiKSSKR, UlxlsUT Notice lor Publication TIMUKK l.ANK, ACT JI NK 3, is:S. I Hltcil SUIl's I Hll.i Ot'lkv, l'ort:n,l. i r, linn, v ... ,i . Ml, :;. I'-11-- ,i . 'rt y """ 111 -"i'li.-.n.'t 5 V, VX$W I" adults. Inn,. .:, l... (.iiiiu-,l ' v ''""-s oi i miiorniH. urn ko i. V'j.U n. MhsIuhui.mi r.-mu.rv." J Aini.m 4. iv.j. Martha K. lif.v'y, ( ' I'o'ri h , I 'i,'1,"!,V V. M"i:,""!'h- " oWoll. liH'll,,s ..a i l.M inihi.o.t,,,. Ii.t eorn ,.., N H: lor til.' Mir, liHS.' ol UK- I ,,, v .' Ihii.1 .,;sl,t is inori' VH'uml.le for ill tii il..;r Iimi tor Htr:,.lu,rB; ynt;. ,) ,o ,m.. ish l.r, lHn tosHi.l Imi.l u-ime K,-KiS.r .1 . KV'V '""'"'I. r--0'.i, on Tiul,;v llu- l.th ,ly ,.( .xt-pl.-titU-r. l'.T. Ml!' 1IMPHS HI Ulllirfts.. U'.l',.,- 1 .- l.o( K.iis. Hy., ion. K.rns A u',,.,,, ,','f f, l, v, Orvnon li.iiiii.ml K Mm.hiii t I orilmiJ. t.hW,; J,h a. Hiis-lcy, n, iv'r,'";,:,,1 Any jin-t all U'raoim rlmnitnc i,lv,.rsolv tl,,. mr .l,nlf, mn.ls.rv rv.,i. Usl to nu-r AI.UKKNON s liKKSj-KK. Kt-eistcr. Summons. In the ( iri'iiit Court of ttie State ot Oregon fur l'olk (Juniily. iJi'parlnieiit No. '1. Tl! "rmis K. culi.k 1'UiiitilV. vs. Margaret Mnrr.iv t:aulitld, IJffemlunt, Siimmons. Tii Mart'-iret Murray tauliuld, trie above " In the Nanie1"! U,e Mate of Oregon: Vou are hi r -In- r.-.iuirel to apiiirii) the above entitled r a.n ' i.wer the .-ouiplaint tiled against vou therein by the plaint.t! on or b e ore the last day of the time prescribe d for the ubllt ti of tliis trnminons, whi.-h lime 1? six u m swutive weeks from the date of the hrnt puhll rati, n hereof ; the date of the first publication tl nh dav of August, l!)li7. and the last pub liilou Will be niad'on the Uth day of October, KA7nd you are notilied hereby .that if you ail so to appear and answer thesaid c.implaint, the plaii.tiiruill Hpidy t ihecour for the relief i.ravi-d for ill his com plaint, to-wit: P t". a decree of mv.rce forever dissolving and annulini; the boima of matrimony now exist ik l!,'t ween him and yourself and foi' sueh further inl oth.T r-li.-f as may he einiitahle This summons i. s.-rved upon you b publiia lion thereof in the "l'olk t;oiiiiy t8'rver. a newspaper published semi-weekly at the : Uly of Uallas in 1'oik County. Oregon, pursuant to the r' li.r of the Honorable llcorge H. Burnett, Judge of said court, made this 'th day of August, 1S.I7. cAHSOSiCVNNON. Attorneys for Phiintilt. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for l'olk County, Department So. i Jicrtha A. Herbert, I'iaintltl, V. Kalpn C. Her-bi-it. J, feii'iaut. , , , To Ralph C. Herbert, the above-named ''hVtlie'xi'imcof the State of Oregon. You are hereby reouired to appear and answer the coin plaint tiled against you m the above entitled Court end suit within six weeks from the date of the first publican, n of this summons, to wil : On or bclo.e the Will day of October. l'.HJ, ; and if vou fail i-o to answer, for want thereof the plaint!!! will apply to said Court for a decree as brayed for in said complaint, to wit: Ihat the marriage contract now and heretolore existing between plaintill' and defendant be lorever annulled and dissolved; that t ie future care and custody of IVrcival Ralph Herbert, the minor child of plaintiff and defendant, be awarded to plaintill'; and that plaintill' may have such other relief as to the Court may seem just and eiiilable. This summons, bv an order of the Hon. hd. f. Joad. County Judge of l'olk County, Oregon, inadcat Chambers at Dallas, Oregon, on the loth lay of September, I !MJ7. is served upon you by the publication thereof not less than once a week lor six consecutive weeks immediately prior to the 2Hth day of October, 1'JUT. in the 'l'n Ik County Observer,'' a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in said County of l'olk. The date of the first publication of this summons is September 13. 1007. OSCAR HAYTER, Attorney for Y laintlll'. General Robert E. Lee was the trreutest General the worM has ever known. liullaril'H Snow Liniment ia tlie irieatest Liniment. Quickly cures nil puins. Ft. its within the reae.h of all. II. T. I'ninter, Hempstead. Texas, writes: "This is to certify that Hal Iftril'H Snow l.niinient has lieen used in my household tor years mil has heen found to he an excellent. Liniment for Uheutnatic pains. I am never without it." Sold hy Sttifrin Drug Co. La Grande, may got a woolen mill. An Ounce of Prevention is wortli a pound ot cure. J here are many poor sufferers, Consumptives who . . .- .... ,, .... .. : i are nopeiess oi geiiin; wen who, n they find taken care of themselves, would now lie well. A coutrh is the foundation of Consumption. Jlallard's lloiehound Syrup will cure that eoujjh. Mrs. S , Great Kails, Montana, writes: "1 have used I'.allard's lloiehound Syrup in my family for years my children never suffer with cou'!i8." Sold hy Stafi iii Drue; Co. A Drain house was soki by the sher iff for $3.5(1. A Humane Appeal. A Immune citizen of Richmond, Ind., Mr. II. D. Williams, 107 West Main St., ays: "I appeal to all persons with weak Innns to take lr. Kinjr,s New Dis covery, the only remedy thai has helped me and fully comes up to t lie propri etor's recommendation." It saves more lives than all other throat and lung rem edies jittt together. I'sed as a cough and cold cure the world over. Cures asthma, lironchilis, croup, whooping uough, quinsy, hoarseness, and phthisic, stops hemorrhages of the lungs and hnilds them up. Guaranted at Molt & (Sherrington's drug store. 50c. and fl. Trial Hot tie free. Baker City is claimed to be the best lighted town on the coast. The Touch That Heals. Is the touch of r.uckleu's Arnica Salve. It's the happiest combination of Arnica Mowers and healing balsams ever coni liounded. Xo matter how old (he sore or ulcei is, this Salve will cure it. Kor burns, scalds, cuts, wounds or piles, it's an absolute cure. Guaranteed by licit Chen ington, di uggist. 2.r)c. Hood River apples will sell this year for the highest price on record. Lost ami Found, Lm-'t, bet ween 9:o0 p. in. yesterday and noon today, n bilious attack, with nausea and sick headache. This loss was occasioned by llnding at I'.elt it CherrinsMon's drug (-tore a box of Dr. King's New Life I ills, the guaranteed cure for biliousness, malaria and jaun dice. L'oc. Hot water will be piped into Vale this fall, find cold water later, from springs. Health in the Canal Zone. The hinh wages p:ii. I make it a mighty temptation to our young artisans to join the force of skilled workmen needed to construct the lVinnm.i ,.,..i .uany ate restiumcd however by fear of fevers and malaria. It is tli the knowing ones-those who have use i r.icclric .liters, w lin mi ih..,-.. .. ;.! '- mi', in tins tear, well knowing I hey are safe from malarious iiiiliienee with Elect tie Hitters on hand. Ones blood poison too, biliousness, weakness and all stom ach, liver and kidney troubles. Guar anteed by licit ,t Cherrington, diU"Mt ilV. ' Near The Dalles M car loads, 'Jtt.ooo watermelons, were raised on 35 acres this veur. Hie New Pure Pood and Drug Law. e are pleased to nnnounce that loe.v s Homy and Tar for cough, colds and In, is; troubles is not alfected bv the National i'ure Kood and Drug aw as it contains no opiates or other narn.tiil .1,-,,... .... 1 ... . . i . iii i IIIV.-OM1, tunas; M 1 Thompson, Kails Citv. A month ago the owner of a half acre of heavily loaded Yakima ivar trees was offered f.'iMHi for the crop which he refused. He has since sold it to Kastern buyers for f 3500. One of the worst features of kidnev trouble , that tl is an insidious disease and U-fore the victim realizes his dan tfer he may have a fatal niala.lv. Take l-oley s Ktdnev Cure at the first' fitfu of trouble, as ; It corrects irregularilies and ..i ,, ,.r,BIi: mus,,;,, ,, lliHh,,e, b lt ( hcrrin'ton, Dallas; M r ih.wiips.in. Kalis v'itv How's This! Vfo oor One Hundred Dollar Hcward foi any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bj Hall's Catarrh Cure. F J. CHENEY & CO. , rrops ., Toledo, 0. Wo the undci signed, have known F. J. Che aey for the last 15 years, and believe him per fectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. jn-i.. n West4Tkux, Wholesale Drrgsrists, Toledo, O. wISino. K : i.nnan & Marvin, Whole3al Drug Half' a Catirrh ciire'is taken internally,cting directly upon the blood and mucoua aur'a"8"' the system. Price, 75e. per botUe. Sold by U DraairUt. TeaUmoniaU tree. Uall's Family Pills are the beat. The Silver Lake-Paisley stage is daily loaded down with lino fruits from the summer Lake orchards. Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold. A.J. Nnsbaum, Batesville, Indiana, writes: "Last year I suffered for three months with a summer cold so distress ing that it interfered with my business. had many of the symptoms of bay fever, and "a doctor's prescription did not reach my case, and I took several medicines which seemed to only aggra vate my case. Fortunately I insisted upon having Foley's Honey and Tar in the vellow package, and it quickly cured me.' My wife has since used Foley's Honey and Tar with the same success." Belt it Cherrington, Dallas; M. h. Thompson, Falls City. A Baker county man estimates the yield of a new kind of oats at 200 bushels an acre, but he hasnt sworn to it. Of Interest to Many. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure any cae of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. Mo medicine can do more. Belt & Cher rinuton, Dallas; M. L. Thompson, Falls City. A Newberg maD has a ilg tree six feet in height and well loaded with a second crop of figs. The first crop ripened some time ago and was of good quality. How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated. Orino Laxative K r n i t ISyruj) cures chronic constipation by stimulating the liver and bowels, and restores the natural action of the bowels. Orino Laxative Fruit Sjrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. Belt it Cherring ton, Dallas; M. L. Thompson, Falls City. HuntiDgton is the scene of great activity. There ore upwards of 200 laborers laying rails for seven miles of sidetrack to be used in switching and other purposes. Healthy kidneys filter the iniput from the blood, and unless they do ood health is impossible. Foley's ney Cure makes sound kidneys and positively cure all forms of kidney bladder disease. It strengthens whole system. Belt it Cherring Dallas; M. L. Thompson, Dallas. Legal blanks at this office. i ties this Kid will and the ton, INDEPENDENCE I MONMOUTH Railway. FUOM INDEPENDENCE. FOR DALLAS. Train No. fci. Leave Indejieiiilence daily. 0:00 a. in.; lv. Mouinouth, 0:15 a. in.; ar. Dallas, 0:10 a. in. Train No. 69 Leave Independence, dnilv, 11 :05a. in.; lv. Monmouth, I1:'J0 a. m.; ar. Dal las, Il:-I5u. m. Train No. 71. Leave Independence, daily, 0:15 p. m.; lv. Mouinouth, 0::U) p. in.; ar. Dallas, 0:55 p. in, FOR AIRLIE. Train No. 00. Leave Independence, daily, 7:.'J0a. m.; lv. Mouinouth, 7:40 a. in. ; nr. Airli'e, S:l": a. m. Train No. Tl. Leave Independence, daily, :1::10 p. in.; lv. Monmouth, 3:50 p. m.; nr. Airlie, 4 ;'.'.' p. in. FOR MONMOUTH ONLY, Leave Independence, daily, 2:15 p. m. FROM DALLAS. FOR INIlKl'KNDKNCE. Train No. 1,4. Leave Dallas, daily ex. Sunday, 8:.IOa. m.: lv. Monmouth, 9:00 a. in.; ar. Inde pendence, U:15 a. m. Train No. lot). Lv. Dallas. Sundav only, 0:55 a. m.; ar. Independence, 7 "JO a. m." Traill No. 0s. Leave Dnllah, daily, 1 p. m. ; I v Monmouth, 1:25 p. in.; ar. lndt'iieiiileiice, 1:40 p. in. (This train connects at Monmouth for Air lie.) Train No. 70. leave Dallas, riailv. 7::15 n. ni lv. Monmouth, 8 p. in.; ar. Independence, 8:15 p. m. FROM AIRLIE. Train No. 07. Iave Airlie, daily, 9 a. m. ; lv Moninontli, a:.ift . m. ; ar. Independence, 9:50 a. ni. (ims train connects at Mouinouth for Dallas.) Train No. 7". Leave Airlie. daily, 5:05 p. m. ; lv. Monmouth, 5:40 p.m.; ar. Iiuleiiendenee, 5:55 p in. FROM MONMOI TH ONLY. Leaves Monmouth for Iiidein-udenee, daily, at 2.5U . m. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds, Croup and Whuoping Cough. MAGAZINE READERS SUU3IT MAGAZINE beautifully illiutreted, good itorin T rrx and article about Calfornia and 315" all th Far West. year CAKIBA CEAFT joed each month to the ar- tunc teproductioa ol the beit 1.00 work of amateut and professional a yeu photographer. ' ROAD OT A THOUSAND W0ITDKBS a doos ot j page, containing 120 colored photograph of Cq tjc pictureique pot in California ' 3 and Oiegoa. Toul . . . $3.25 All for . . . . Ji.to Addrea all order to SUIfSET MAGAZINE FUd Building San Francis W. J. STOWE, Truckman, Poee hauling of all kinds at reasonable ! rate. W Early Risers The famous littlo Dills. - GOOD WORK Done Daily In Dallas. Nearly every reader hits heurd of Doan's Kiilney Pills. Their good work still continues, and our citizens are con stantly adding endorsement by public testimony. Xo better proof of merit can be had than the experience of iriends and neighbors. Head this case: Mrs. N. Kwaggert, of 819 Garden St., I'endleton, Oie., says: "Jloth my hus band and myself have used Doan's Kid ney Tills with most gratifying results. Mr. Swaggert was troubled quite severely with his back ami kidneys for a long time, and nothing ever helped him as Doan's Kidney Tills have. I have known of the healing and curative power of t.nis remedy for some time, and found that a few doses would quick ly remove any lameness or pain in the back caused by kidney derangement. I am glad to help make Doan's Kidney Pills better known to all afllicted with backache or kidney trouble." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buil'alo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Jewelry J - 1 -i 1 Silverware Yout friends are getting married ; pive them a handsome, high-grade present. Also a full line of OPTICAL GOODS C. II MORRIS Jeweler One door west of Stafrin Drug Co. VANORSDEL a BARHAM Must have more Farms and City Property to sell. We lire tii i d in g away men every diiy for want of places to suit. Perhaps yours would. Come and list with us. We can sell. We are making up a new list to be sent East,. Get yours in on this. Will sell ou small commission. See us. J. C. VanOrsdel and A. J. Barhanv Dallas, - Oregon OCCIDENTAL HOTEL High Service and Low Rates C. W. NIXON, Proprietor, CorvoIIis, Oregon. B9fA This signature is on every box ot the genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets the ri'tnody that cures a cold in one lav sia:m, falls mm THE NEW idea m M7 . -II fa ri J ft. J 5 . . . E l PI I i V X... 7 j N... ! I No. 1 ij No i Xo ., I No n j FroiI,t Frewht Fr.ht Pfeih1 FreiEht 'fM STATIONS A. M. A. M. I'. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. 715 11 10 3 20 Lv. DALLAS Ar. j " 34 No Stop 3 39 Ar. 'TEATS Ar. I 7:38 No StP 3:43 Ar. 'GILLIAMS Ar. Lv- j Lv" r'v- 7 No Stop 3:48 Ar. 'BKlDGErORT Ar 6:00 j 9 00 1:30 7 35 4:00 Ar. FALLS CITY Lv. 6 30 , 9:."0 2-00 . 1 V Ar. BLACK ROCX Lv. Trains Will Stop on Signal Onlv v -, TT. ' 1 L al0nlt. D.,IyE,p, Sunday. Schedul. Subjec,,. Chani, Whh.u, N.tic. '. Groceries and Provisions WKt arrv all the leading brands of Canned i,m!, C'ofU ep, Teas and .Spices Also a i:o.,d supply of fresh vegetables and fruit in season. .-. Crockery and Queen's Ware. SIMONTON & SCOTT Dallas, Ore. fVV1 l-T r i c-r. . - " OSF1KI.D OLD STAND - i 11 gin 1 ' " -j v m via 'r' FiVAn our "V tl (SI " ' Grandfathens1 knew what BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT 1 r will do. A CONVINCING PROOF of tho worth of a medicine is the cures it can effect. Every o no whThis used Ballard's Snow .nirnent ows i w.il rrr RHEUMATISM, CUTS, SPRAINS, STIFF JOINTS, CI IRR BURN NEURALGIA, CONTRACTED MUSCLES VUiVL ANDALLPAINS. USED SNOW LINIMENT 10 YEARS. V. L. Settle, Richmond, Mo., writes:- "This is to certify that I have used your Snow Liniment for ten years for rheumatism, neuralgia, lame back, etc., and in every case it has rendered immediate relief and satisfaction." Avoid all Substitutes. Three Sizes 25c, 50c, $1.00 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO. 500-502 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. Sold and Recommended by STAFRIN DRUG COMPANY COFFEE TEA SPICES BAKING POWQfR EXTRACTS , JUST RIGHT ! CL0SSET 8 DEVERS PORTLAND. ORZ.mj MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT- , bad the weather stffnrH in ho UJIU1U V W without a TOWER'S WATERPROOF OILED SUIT OR SLICKER When you buy look for the SIGN OF THE FISH A J tOWIR CO BOSTON u t TOWER CO LTD TORONTO CAN HOLLiSTER'S ky fountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Hodioiue for Fasy People. Brlnjs Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific for Constipation, Indlfestlon, Live anil Kidney Troubles, Pimples. Eezemn, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, Mulish Bowels, Headache and Backache. It's Rocky nlountnin Tea In tab let form, 85 cents a box. Genuine made by Holuster Druo Company, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE You buy from Factor) LMreci. mere fore our price are lowest L.Oflti c.a 3" ST- P"TiAa,p THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE Best for Children For Sale by Druggists. r jllpll II I I w-C3 mm "K city & wjstekn railway company. TIMKTA1JI.K NO. J KriKCTIVK FHIim'AUY 1, lOOT. Xo. 2 PAS9 Jk t reiht A. M. 9:30 No Stop No 9:02 8:57 8:45 ;No !!IM TIMBER-LANDS FULLER & ELLI0TT Only Real Estate firm In Polk County handling Timber Land exclusively. Don't fail to cull or write If you have have timber to sell. Office in Crider Building Dallas, - - Oregon. M. OLIVE SMITH teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson , Block DALLAS OREGON Sallowncss Tiaut-iiirnica to Dusky Btauly A dark skin becomes f,isiii.utini4 when delicately soft, imdersiirisJ with the radiant glow w'lich indi cates ahealthy, active skin. Robert ine keeps the skin refined in quality,' keeps poresfreefroniclopfjit gwaste and stimulates the tiny capillaries to contribute the color which charms in blondeandbrunettealike. Robcrt ine is certain protection against tan, sunburn and freckles if applied he fore exposure to sun or wind. Spreads like an imperceptible sheen of gauze overskin surface, forming; a 8hieldstimulatinE and preserving a ui.jji.air, iusii i us oeauiy. fir a fru idinflt tf 1 Ju 3? O 00 Payg Ior the OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, vour subscription to the Observer must be paid up to date. Subscribe now. " s"f mm - p m 1 Red Clautf Elotsom on Every Bottle 1 L gJJJ Xo. 4 Xo. ft M Xo. Xo. 1 Xo. IS Freight Freight Freight A. M. A. M. P. M. Ar. Ar. Ar. 8:30 11:46 4:15 7:45 11:00 3:30 Pass. & Freight Freight! 1". M. 1:45 P. M. 5:15 Stop No Stop No Stop! 4:47 4:42 4:30 Stop 1:00 kMM 60 YEARS Vexperience 1 - Designs 'MMI' Copyrights Ac JlnvntiA wnMno . kni ak . ... r,.J.f.lT V'? l""on fre whether an ii'.'.' n. " EI5bly Putentahle. Communlcn i V'r:cVLC2,lflde"tla,--"NDB00l( on Patenu tent free. Olneat aimtirv f..r n ...m. Calcklf ucertnln our opinion fr wUlrnr an Patenu taken throuBh Munn " tptcuUnotict, wl(houtofaarge,lntba - . - - w ..iri ITTflffff A handsomelf lllnntrated weekly. Traeet rtr ealaiion uf aiif eclenilfle loornal. Terms, ti a I Y.:.!2?r SI- 8ol4bjra!! newadealera. MUNN & Co.38lDT.New York Branca omoe, gg r Bt. Waahlngton. D. C. Cures Backache Corrects Irregularities Do not risk having s Disease Vnr.a . , T,r,rm . "icmunc can OO more. or Diabetes For Sale by BELT & CHEEEINGT0N, Dallas, and M. THOMPSONTiiTrJFty. jv2,fm''rz?zi9 j?r"-