ffi Polk County Observer A. IIAY'J'KH. nut on Ast ' Kf Tr. lrfrimi""- J i f ay to build up rnht '' t"i''- Dallas ll to pat- NO BACKWARD A ftiti -n for an ordinanee tintf the riding of bieyel-s on the Aidea-alk of Dalla is being eireu Utfl and will presented to the city council in the near future. For the creditof Dallas as an up-to-date and progressive town, it is to be hoped that this petition will riot le grant"'! by the council. The repeal or the eilstirig ordinance would be a decidedly backward step one that would benefit only a few people and i neon ren i' noe many. Dallas tx-k the I'-ad In abolishing the bicycle nuisance many years ago, and nearly every town of importance In Oregon has since followed her example. Sal'in is about the only town where the custom is still per mitted and right at this time the citi n i.t th( Caoit,1. backed by the daily pa-rs, are making a determined effort to iut the bicycles in the Htr--t, where they Wong. Only a few days ago, the Statesman prinV d an editorial , severely crideinning the practice of riding whe.-ls on the si l-walks and chara1'ii.iijg Salem as the "moss- ba,:k town of Oieon" for permitting, "KiXTiiding wheels on the sidewalks would doubtless be , , , i . . appreciated by a few business men. It would also lie bailed with delight; l.oo.r,rr r,f inline iioodlimif". wllO. 1 caring nothing for the rightsor safety of pedestrians, would iiickly si'.o the opportunity to make the sidewalks a raee-coiir.se. The business men would ride carefully and would end' - or to iejieet the special privileges given them. The idle hoys and girls would race up and down the walks, jingling their bells in the ears of civil (.edi'Miriaris and niakingtheiii eves a nuisance generally. This was the state of affairs before the existing ordinance was passed, and thero is no reason to believe that It would I-otherwise if the law .should lie repealed. II ari effective ordinance could be passed limiting the privilege to husi lies men only, there would probably Ix) no objection from any uarter, notwithstanding the fact that a bicycle is a vehicle, and, as such, belongs in the street. Put an ordinance permit ting certain persons to iice and for bidding others the same right would mine under the le ad of class legis lation and would not be north the pier on which it was written. An attempt to solve this problem by limit ing the px'ed and restricting the privileges of the riders would prove ineffective, as a dozen sjiccial police men would be icijuircd in enforcing the law. Even then, tin' people in the outlying retddemv districts, where the miisaii'v is always the greatest, would be without protection. Tim Oitsiitvm lielicvcs that the present law is a good law. It believes that it voice the sentiment of a large majority of the men and women of Dallas when it expresses the hoMliat this law will not he changed. As far as the H'tition is concerned, it is more than probable that the greater nuuilier of signers are men who rare little about the matter ,me ,iv or the other. Petitions are easily obtaiind now adays; one can get a etition for almost anything. The present council men are nearly, if not all,e.ericticid oftlcers, and they know the utter worthlessness of a petition as an i expression of the leal desires of the' pmple. How many times these C 'un eilmeii have had some ,ne take them around the corner and whisper; "I sign. s Jones' p-tition yesterday, hut I hopeth.- council will not giant it. You see, Jones, is a g,m, friend and customer of mine, and 1 didn t like to , offend him, so put down my name." This is the way signature to a peti tion aie s,viitcd not nil signatures, but many--an. I it show of how little worth a ("'trion is n,.wa lavs. The first bicycle ordinance in Dallas wa passed in the face ,.f a large remou-ttaiuv, an I iiisid,. ,.f mouth many of the business men who had riding wh.vl expressed tiieir lieany approval of the law and the L-lo that it would be ietaine.1 on the city statute b.ks. O,,o d.iv a o.um-ilii.a:i saw a iceklcss Voting wheelmati run again-! a baby carriage in froi.t , f the l'h;i.:an furiiiture slore at.d t!.r w the tmv o.vupant h-adl .ng to the sid. waik. ' A fe days later, an ..M gr-yhairel mother r" "II the ar the n ni ..;; ti ,u.tkt r--:u Or irt-o All Humcrs Aw injure mti, rs whul, il. vkin. livr k.Jivy, vi ,.u.r orgin, camK,, taU. U ltb..!it h, ;,, I'tni;.',-.. 1. -... tllJ fnp tio.ru. .., ,.f ,s tut tirvJ flYUnS) li.-m tun.,, f.tj ,.f i,:J Mi., dull h.j! :1 -T ot!H f !-vu! V arc due to Um. Tl.t y irr rt-iuovfd I y Hood's Sarsaparilla ,n l:5U! !-.!liJ Tt:. or ,:i ...... STflP. rffty" boys t pass. At the next, council inwtiripr. the present bieyd ordinance wa introduwl. It is safe to say that no member of that board ha ev-r had cause to regret voting for it. ' Court 8trft is rapidly becoming one of the principal business thor oughfare of Dallas. The Ohkkiiveb prwJk-ts that at least two modern briek buildings will be built ou that (street next Fpring Dallas is growing more rapidly than at any time In lir past history. With all this growth and development, it seerna a pity that her principal industries the sawmills should be eomrxdl'-d to close down on account of alack of ears to move their product. COURT HOUSE NOTES it.mf Interest From the Records In tiie County Offices. i:eal estate. Dallas City Dank to li H MeCallon and It K Williams, tract in block 9, Dallas, J L Collins to William Uorley, ioi ; in Dallas, $1000. j G W Siefarth to A F Courter, 50 j acres, t 8 s, r 0 w, icooo. Mrs S J Vernon to Sophia Hasting.", land in Monmouth, $700. O O McCl' llan et ux to C F Elgin, land in t7 s, r C w, fl. C W Matthews to O W Lloyd, lots in Falls City, f 250. Corinne DeLaittre to E T Frice, COO acres, t 9 s, r 7 w, $ 5000. i.- t iTir-i. to V. K Snauldiutf. C00 ! aereu. t a s, r 7 w, $00. J W Kirkiand et ux to J51anciie liaker, lots in Independence, $425. " ; BUSINESS LOCALS. ayUsr. 0,;Ilti9t. Office over Wiison-s Drug Store. Da.las. Oregon. Sheep For Rent, I have Cots wold ewes to let out on shares. SAMI I'.I. OlUl, ItiekrOall, Olf. 8-UO-tf F or Sale or Rent. Clarendon piano for salt) or rent. Apply at this office. H-20-tf For Sale. Choice fresh cow for sale. Inquire of W. I). Cai.kins. Hell Phone 458. tf Wanted. Fresh eggs, butter iind young eh iek- ens wanted al the Dallas Hotel. We a-3 tf will pay you cash. Cider Apples Wanted. Chler apples wanted. For partic ulars, write Ingham Vinegar Co., CI Albina Ave., Portland U-C-St. Prunes Wanted. Prunes waulc' by S. P. Delivered at his dryer. He highest, market price. Kimball, will pay y 3 Gt Prunes Wanted. Will pay the highest market price for prunes, or will dry on shares, II i:nicv Votii, Dallas, Or. 9 3-lm For Sale. mares, each weighing Inquire of I. A. May, A team of 1350 pounds, l'owcliffe farm Jtell phone 451. tf Wanted. Prices on :iu tons of gooil cheat hay and 2t MM) bushels of oat, delivered to our mill. Dm.i.as Li miiku Company. 8 20-tf To Let on Shares. 5 ewes ami 25 goats, I have -j:, ewes ami 25 coats, which I desire somebody to take and care for on the shares. Address,!'. D. Phil l.irs, Dallas, Oregon. u 13 tf Public Sale. A public sale of horses, eattie, goats, sheep, agricultural implements, household goods, etc., will lo held at the A. W. Lucas farm, one mile north of Monmouth, on Thursday, Sep tember 2if. J.J. IUsskii.. !i-i;t-2t Public Auction. A public sale of livestock and farm ing implement will be held on the John McCullofh place at Sheridan Junction, two and one half miles east of !iatlston, ou Monday, Septemlier 2:t, at iu a. in. Five lunch at noon. ''13 :!t M. D. Con n i!. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost evervtv p-Jpeis is suie to iy who know io.k'.s thf r.fws ( V.c w.-n.ierful i::cs ir..ni. ty Vr. lih'-.t'i's Root, gie.it k ir.fy, i: or IT l" VT - f f)V U f0' It is tht i:'.i:vr:iol !!-. nine- titer yeats of so:e::::!:o i-sfaroh hv Dr. K. ir.'r. the f:r.i- nont K;dney and bUJ- c?r sivoialis! a"J is wcndetfuJIy successful in 'p-cW'V c-'-ve Ue back. k.awy. bUd&r. u.lc t'-.d Viu brs and Piijhis Disease. huh is the worst form of k:dnry trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp.Root is not rec oirmendedfcrevetythTg bu. if vou havekid ney, ler or Haider tio .ble it W'll be f u-d lust the remedy yo.. need. 1: his been tes-'ed in so many ways, m hosp'.al otk. u, ri:va.e praot,oe rr.or.C the helpless too poor 'to pur chase rei'.cf and has piovrd so success!'--' in every rase lhat a special airanKe:ver.t""ria's been made by h.ch aii leadeis ot this rarx-r ho have not already tued it. may have a samp bottle sent free bv n ai'. a so a book teu.rg nice about Swamp Root and bo w to :nd out if you have Uinev cr bladdei doub'e hen wrmrg rc.ention reading this generous curr in tr.is paier and f- u4i a.iurrss to Dr. Kumer 1 Co.. Kirg havn, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and dear s::ej are sc.d by '' good dr-ogj-sis. Goats For Sale. Twenty head of good goats for sale. F. J. CoaI), Dallas. 9'G-tf' Cows For Sale. ! Ten head of dairy cows for sale. 1 li. T. Fierce, Dallas, Or. 8-30-tf Wheat Wanted. New 1907 National bicycle with coaster brake to trade for wheat at 1 market price at Lee Smith's Cyclery. 9-3-tf $100,000 to Loan. want to loan $100,000 at six per I cent on improved (arm iauua iu xum eountv, in sums of $2V) to $5,000. 8.2o-tf J. L. COLLINS. , . i i : U.-.I1, Prunes Wanted. O H. Cobb & Son are ready to receive prunes fur drying at their Dallas. Will buy or j 9-10-4t I drier in North j dry on shares. Apple Wanted at Salem. The Gideon Stolz Company will receive shook apples at their factory, naviriL' fO ler ton, hauled in sacks ; I cj - sacks returned. 9-10-15t I Help Wanted. ! Wanted, competent girl for general I housework. Modern house, 'family, good wages. Whs. small W. S. Ahheh, Carlton, Or. 9-10-tf For Sale. j acres of land belonging to the Embree heirs. Located J mile south ! of Willamette Valley sawmill. Apply to John 15. Embree. 7-23-tf For bale. 37 acres of good land, fine location, on county road, one mile east of court house. For particulars apply to S. It. Kennedy, East Dallas. 3-C-tf For Sale. new, story I Wodern, new, story and one half house, near Fostoflice. $l,o(jo cash; j balance, terms to suit purchaser, i Address, I'. O. liox III 1, city. 8-lH-tf For Sale or Let. Sixteen ewes and l(i ewe lambs, thoroughbred CotswoM, on the Ash Grove farm, Monmouth, Or. C. Wr. Lr.oN.utn, Prop. 'J-3-4t For Sale. Cotsw Id sheep, sired by imported rani; also, Angora bucks, sired by choice California buck ; all registered stock. W. M. Elliott, Mutual Phone 122;, Dallas. a-C-Gw Farmers, Attention! We are now prepared to furnish both Hough and Dressed Lumber of all kinds to the local trade. Mill located one mile from Bridgeport, on Grant creek. Polk Coi'nty Li mukk Co. tf Address Falls City, Ore. 72 CENTS FOR WHEAT. Our warehouse is now ready for the new wheat crop, and we are in a posi tion to handle your wheat better than it has ever been handled before. We will pay 72 cents a bushel for the new crop. Come and see us foryoursacks. We want your business, and will guar antee you good treatment. DALLAS FLOURING MILL, Sweeney liros., Proprietors. Beautiful The lots in this sightliest Addition to Dallas are now on the market. You can buy them on the Installment Plan at $20 Down and $5 a Month No Interest or Taxes Make your choice early. They will sell quick. Call on H. M. BROWN, 0TELoAoSN Electricity for Lifthtinp Is only expensive to people who are wasteful and careless. To you, who are naturally careful, it does not come high. It is ivoiiomical Nvtuisc it oun U1 ll nil sins or k;,lp h'riM thett.ni.tation to lot light burn whoa wne lothor of lijilitinp ami adjusting. In some homes u'lit bis liinoiinr r. ,-mU-......... .i.i. l lr " ".s not luviltsi to tho olivti ic liirht bills liinoiinr r. ,mi- Vou can prol.al-ly pot some kin.l of " artiiicial li than ol.vtnc liiiht. hut J.vs it saw vou unvthin.' i; "",,ui" oin ami rroreaiion oi waiis-uiars decorations and couui protiaiiv 'bablv save ll .loll.ir toirr.. but, t wouldn't bo economy. It tV n OH VOU SIlVi" I lilt aimmIj vili.vmi:ttk valley co. kates- v' . . ''.'''ln.v, tlat per t tier o.. n.,: 7r . ,HT ?rop over 10 drops : droi.s in.. ,..r .jr.... V.-: b or ihiwcc rates him. v nt tl... es.. V 1 UK 'Snii proposition to vou. phono to us. we im never to busy to talk business". Willamette Valley Company E.W. KEAKXS, Manager for Pallas. 0MuanTrtrtvt'3 l"tnonhoftheCouuIIou rhenes IV11 m. 3 S t s s t 8 . ( ... 1 1 inn There- ... . !ir l i.r.-f s mcaiciircs. tho 'aVer-M wlch print every Ingredient ;rbLo-u.m..iH,nthe tUcwr.p t ( -s -nd :-t -! its correctness under oatii, arp daily frying in favor. The con dition yof"4 l'ierce-s medicines is i cpn r rrr.l f.illv ".on li is f..rmnl;e. h;irj T Trti,.- Ili';r lit'" r.Kiil..i .-Tirines is kiwwn uiew mer:t STSkmal principles extracted from na tive foret roots, by exact processes original with Dr. Fierce, and without the use uf a drop of alcohol, triplc-rciined and i chi-rnieuny !.re giycer:n uem!,' u:..-u stead in e;:tr::ot!ii!j una prescry.ny i curative virtues resiling in me iuim 18 em ployed, these medicines are entirely free from the objection of doinsj harm i g by creating an appetite for cither al- j . .. . - ... !..; - fnrmnr H cohoiio oeverufres oi u ..,...... drcs Examine the formula on their bottle' w-rappers-thc same as sworn to by Dr Pierce, and you will find that his Go)den Medical Discovery,' the great, hlood-puriiier. stomach tonic and bowel rculatur the medicine which, while not recommended to cure consumption in its advanced stages fno medicine will do that) yet doM cto-e ail tho e catarrhal condi tio of head and throat, weak stomach, to-i'id liver and bronchial troubles, weak iiin-s and haii!;-oii-coe!,'hs, which, if neg-l(.;-o d or badly treated lead up to and (is'tiiy terminate iu consumption. Tiike the "Golden Medical Discovery" in time and it is not likely to disuppo.nt you if only you give it a ti.oruwjh and f,:ir trial.' "Don't expect miracles. H won't do supernatural things. ou must excrei.W) your patience and persevere in its use for a reasonable length of time to get its full benefits. The ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's medicines are composed have the unqualified endorsement of scores of medical leaders better than any amount of lay, or non-professional, testimonial?. Thev are not given awiiy to be exneri inoeted with but are sold by all dealers in medicines at reasonable prices. Fir Wood Wanted. From 200 to 500 cord3 of dry fir wood wanted. Apply to Salem, Falls City & Western Railway Co. WOOD FOR SALE. Until further notice, the Willamette Valley Lumber Company will sell slabtfood at the following prices: Fori1.-FOOT WOOD Slabwood, green, $1.25 per cord tit mill. Slabwood, dry, $1.50 per cord at the yard. RHOItT WOOD. 10-inch Block Wood, f 1 75 per load delivered. lG-inch Kindling, dry, $2 per load delivered. Cures while the Horse Works. Good Tor Man or Beast. The V. CSturtevantcq. HARTFORD Conn.,U.SA For Sale at FRANK SALTICKY'S Harness Shop Dallas, . - Oregon Fairview llii'kl v turn-..! .-.IT n-n.. . 1 . i .,. tiouars jr month. :ht for less money wheu it limits de ruins vour eyesieht smokes increases iionat-.lt. .1.1 u-.i. v.. - 1- ".::. ..... yo5 wre b oa,i "in -Residence on meters. rwr month month, I6en 5k RATVS v u: il1 - ,51' vr Kil,nvatt up to 10 drops ; al.1 " V l. uarors; over 40 -.. 1 " l ' vl " to explain call on us or ' COMMON SENSE e fsmost i--' lligent people to upe onTy COAT AND TROUSERS The Two Piece Suit grows more and more in favor every Summer. The man who thinks he cannot dress well in a Two Piece Suit will change his mind if he will Come in for a Look or Try-on A man has no use for a vest during the heated term and these suits are made complete without. The coats are well tailored and will hold their shape. Well cut Trousers with turnups and belt straps. In short, Suits that will make a man look well and feel comfortable. s Serges-Worsteds, Cheviots, Homespuns and Crashes are the most favored fabrics $10 $12 $15 $17- These prices will buy style, comfort, durability and all 'round satisfaction. The Uglow Clothing House MILL STREET, Collections! I have opened a general Collection Agency in Dallas and am prepared to do collecting for any person, or firm, desiring work in this lino. A reasonable commission will be charged. Your business Is respect fully solicited. L. D. BUTLER, Dallas, Oregon. CORNER GROCERY Located in the Wagner corner We carry a full line of Staple Fancy Groceries The Best that money can buy. Also a nice line of Candies, Cigars and Tobacco Highest market price paid for produce E. BOYD & SON rhones : Bell G3, Mutual 314. to R eady IN to to to $ to to to Our big Fall stock is ft .7 . '.lS J " "vii bpeciai attention is called to to to to to to Marquisettes Silk Warp Poplin Knebyoulah Mohair Prunella French Voile to The ladies are invited to call and see this fine Dallas LEADERS IN MEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHING It is not Economy To do the family washing at home. When you figure up the cost of water, soap, starch, extra fire and time, and most of all the mess and trouble that it makes, and compare it with our price of 6 cents a pound, washed, starched and dried and 25 cents a dozen for flat pieces, you will see that you can't afford to wash at home. Send your washing to the Dallas Steam Laundry Phones: Mutual, 197, Bell, 203 arriving" dailv. and is now . . wiuk w ioit iii Hie vcijr to our magnificent line of Tnmrw for H Serge v Plain Suiting Chiffon Panama Chiffon Broadcloth To See Is to Buy. Mercantile Co. Successor to Ellis & Keyt WICHAELS-STERN riNC CLOTMINO GOODS DALLAS, OREGON Don't ask for a Good Barber Shop Find the big pole and walk in. We treat you right. Lynch SWisecarver Main Street usmess readv for vour inspection, i K utoi giauco uj. inci vnaiiuiac. ' line of suitings.