Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, September 10, 1907, Image 3

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    Polk County Observer
E. E. Williams was a Portland vis
itor Sunday.
D. J. Eiley went to Falls City yester
day on business.
John Sweeney returned from a short
visit in Portland, Sunday.
Miss Bessie Muscott went to Port
land, Friday, for a short visit.
Hon. J. E. Sibley was a business
visitor in Independence yesterday.
Many Dallas people visited the big
hopyards around Independence, Sunday-Police
Judge L. D. Brown went to
Portland, Saturday morning, for a
short visit.
Mrs. Walter Nichols and Miss Ethel
Tooze, of Falls City, visited in Dallas
over Sunday.
Mrs. M. B. Stafrin, Miss Anna and
Chris Stafrin returned Saturday from
a short visit in Portland.
The Eev. H. L. Pratt, or Portland,
conducted the evening services at the
Evangelical Church, Sunday.
Everett Wilson, a former student of
Dallas College, camefrom Corvallis,
Saturday, for a short visit in Dallas.
Hon. F. A. Lucas, the enterprising
dealer in timber lands, was down from
Falls City on a business yisit yester
day. Cleveland Birch, a plumber in the
employ of Guy Bros., has returned
from a short visit with his parents in
The Willamette Valley Electric
Company installed a 15-horse-power
motor" in Bay & Stoner's new feed
store, Saturday.
Mrs. B. Casey and daughter, Helen,
arrived home Thursday evening from
an extended visit with relatives in
Eoseburg and Woodburn.
W. C. Newsom, manager of the
Falls City Electric Company, and his
son, A. J. Newsom, were business
visitors in Dallas yesterday.
Miss May Anderson, who has been a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
L. Gerlinger, Jr., this summer, left for
her home in Minneapolis, Friday.
Salmon are now said to be running
freely at Newport on Yaquina bay
and many fish are being caught. The
run at Yaquina this year is said to be
later than usual.
Mr." and Mrs. J. H. Hollister and
sons, Harry and Claude, went to
Portland last week to attend the
fifteenth wedding anniversary of Mr.
Hollister's sister, Mrs. W. F. Brown.
J. S. Cooper of Independence has
returned to his home after a brief
stay In the city on hop business. Mr.
Cooper says the hops in Polk county
are of an average quality but the
growers are hesitating to pick in some
cases, because of the present weakness
of the market. Albany Herald.
While visiting in Dallas, Sunday,
Walter Nichols received a telegram
informing him of the critical illness
of his uncle, John F. Hyde, of Toledo.
Mr. Nichols left for Toledo on Mon
day's train. Mr. Hyde is an old-time
resident of Polk county, and is over 80
years of age. For many years he has
been County Treasurer of Lincoln
Alva Morton visited in Dallas, Fri
day and Saturday.
Eoscoe Ballanty ne went to Portland,
Friday, for a short visit.
James Harris made a business visit
to Sheridan Junction, Sunday.
Fruit Inspector J. B. Nunn went to
Monmouth yesterday on business.
Dr. L. Pfandhoefer, of Falls City,
was a business visitor la Dallas, Fri
day. Miss Eebecca Gates has returned
from an extended stay in Newport and
Glen Elkins has gone to Spokane to
take a position as telephone lineman
in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Lynch returned
from a visit at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Vlggers in Portland, Sunday.
John Munson received a very pain
ful injury on the head last week, by a
blow from the crank of a hop press
that had gotten beyond control.
Miss Josephine Armstrong and her
mother, Mrs. C. Armstrong, have
returned from a vacation visit among
relatives in Corvallis and Eddyville,
and a trip to Newport and other sea
side resorts.
The body of Charles Jones, who was
drowned at Klamath' Falls last week,
was brought to Smithfleld, Sunday,
and interred in the Brown cemetery
near that place. The young man was
a son or John Jones, a well-known
farmer of this county.
Chaunccy L. Crider, proprietor of
the White Front grocery store has
offered the following prizes at the
School Childrens' Industrial Fair of
Polk "County: For the best loaf of
bread made from White Eiver flour, a
fine $8 parlor lamp ; for the second best
loaf, a $6.50 lamp.
Jesse and Walter Barham and
their friend, Curtis Anders, of Kenne
wick, Washington, arrived in Dallas,
Sunday. The Messrs. Barham will
remain in this city with their father,
A. J. Barham. Mr. Anders will
return to his home town after a few
weeks' visit here.
County School Superintendent H. C.
Seymour visited District No. 35, in
Spring Valley, last week. They are
building a new $900 school house,
which will be the finest in any
of the rural districts of this couuty
when completed. Mr. Seymour says
that the children in that neighbor
hood are active and enthusiastic in
their preparation for the coming
School Fair, and stand a good show
to carry off more than one of the
Charles Gregory will succeed W. P.
Dyke as agent of the McMinnville
mutual insurance company for Polk
county. Mr. Gregory came up from
McMinnville and took charge of the
office this week. Mr. Dyke will be
transferred to Washington county,
with headquarters in Hillsboro. He
will also attend the Oregon law school
in Portland during the winter. Mr.
Dyke is a capable insurance man,
and has doubled the business of the
McMinnville concern in Polk county
during his stay in Dallas. Mr. Greg
ory, his successor, is a pleasant,
courteous young man, and is sure to
make many friends in his new territory.
Kalph Adams went to Portland on
business today.
Gus Woods, of Portland, is visiting
relatives in Dallas.
Hood Craven was a business visitor
in Portland yesterday.
Mrs. a. P. Hhriver returned from a
short visit in Portland yesterday.
Jack Sibley left today for a six
weeks' visit at the home of his mother
in Fairfield, Illinois.
Willis Sim on ton has sufficiently
recovered from his severe illness to
take his place in the store.
In a runaway near Eickreall, yester
day, Mrs. Henry Brown was thrown
from the buggy and severely bruised
Mrs. Fred West Is visiting at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. A. A. Launer,
Mr. West will arrive here tomorrow,
and they will make their future home
in Dallas.
Mrs. Sarah Potter and daughter,
and John James and daughter, Mrs.
Sadie McCarter, of Portland, visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Col
lins, Sunday.
Mrs. George Muscott and daughter,
Kate, have returned from a six weeks'
visit in Iowa. Mrs. Muscott's brother,
Will Courtney, accompanied them to
Dallas and will remain in this state
for some time.
S. A. Ball, a prominent hop raiser
of the Ballaton district, was in Dallas
yesterday. He says nearly all of the
nop men in nia neignbornood are
picking their crops. The yield is
much lighter than usual.
Eoswell Shelly, a former Indepen
dence merchant, is now located in
business at Carson, Wash. Several
months ago, he sold his store in the
Hood Eiver valley to Harry Con no
way. He still owns his fine tract of
orchard land near Hood Elver.
The Hood Eiver Apple Growers'
Union has sold its coming crop of
Gravensteins at $1.50 per box. It is
said that M. O. Lownsdale has sold
his crop of Gravensteins this year at
$1.60 . per box and thus upheld the
standard of price for the Willamette
Valley apple.
Conrad Stafrin and family returned
to Dallas, Friday, from an extended
visit with relatives and friends in
Nebraska. On the outward journey
they passed through California, Mex
ico, and several of the Southern States,
and they made their return by way of
Colorado and the Central Pacific
states. Mr. Stafrin says he found no
place on his trip that he preferred to
this state and town.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn O. Holman
attended the celebration of the 60th
wedding anniversary of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Holman, honored
pioneers of Yamhill county, in
McMinnville last Friday. Mr. and
Mrs. Holman were married near
Bethel in Polk county in 1847, Dr.
John McBride being the officiating
clergyman. Mrs. Holman was a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn O.
Burnett. She is now 77 years old, and
her husband is 85. Of the ten children
born to this union, nine are still
living. No deaths have occurred in
the family for 47J years a truly
remarkable record. The old people
are enjoying excellent health and are
spending their declining days sur
rounded by every comfort of life.
New Arrivals
The Bee Hive Store
In Hosiery and Underwear
New Line of
Douglas Shoes for Men
$3.50, 4.00 and 5.0
Dress Goods and Waistings,
New Plaids, Etc.
Men's Shirts and Furnishing Goods
A Reliable Place to Trade.
I. 0. 0. F. Building, DALLAS, OREGON
W. T. Belcher, of Falls City, was a
Dallas visitor Saturday.
George T. Gerlineer returned Yester
day from a business trip to Salt Lake
... H. Hirschberg, of Independence,
was in Dallas, Sunday, on his way to
Hon. John Bones, representative
from Yamhill county, was a Dallas
visitor Sunday.
Mrs. S. F. Murray, of Tacoma, has
been visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. M. D. Ellis.
Wesley Young is slowly improving
in health and hopes are entertained
for his ultimate recovery.
Hon. J. H. Flower returned today
from Sacramento, where he has been
attending the Irrigation Congress.
.crank Uilliam, or Pedee, was a
Dallas visitor yesterday. He and
Mrs. Gilliam have just returned from
a trip to the upper Soda Snrinsrs
where they have been staying for her
In endeavoring to stop a runaway
at the Willamette Valley sawmill yes
terday, Richard Walker, the driver of
the team, was thrown across the
wagon tongue and severely bruised.
His injuries are not serious and he
will be able to resume bis work imme
xne uriner building on the cor
ner of Main and Oak streets has
been thoroughly renovated and
Improved in various ways since the
removal of Bay & Stoner to the Iron
Clad building on the next corner. At
present it will be used as a store room
tor tnis season s nop crop.
The postofflce is to be moved from
its present location to the lot on Court
Street west of Silas Orchard's real
estate office. The lease on the land
where the postofflce now stands does
not expire until March, but Postmas
ter Coad preferred to make the
change of location now rather than to
risk having to move in the muddy
season of the springtime.
Smoke the Leader cigar.
Swetland & Son's Famous Ice Cream
at Ellis's.
Real estate that's all. VanOrsdel
Try the La Fama and Leader cigars.
You will like them.
L. D. Brown, for Abstracts. Notary
Public; typewriting.
Ralph Adams sells furniture for
less than trust stores.
Come and list with the hustlers
VanObsdel & Babham.
Ask your dealer for the celebrated
La Fama cigar ; none better.
The Observer office wants the print
ing you are particular about.
For the best cigars and freshest
candies, call on Horace Webster.
The stage fare between Dallas and
Salem has been reduced to 50 cents.
Patronize the new barber shop on
Main street. T. W. Reel, the proprietor,
guarantees first-class work.
Legal blanks at this office.
We can sell your farm or city prop
erty. Butler & Donn. 2t
Apprentices wanted at once or imme
diately after hop picking at Mrs. Ella
J. Metzarer s millinery store.
Smoke the La Fama cigar.
Legal Blanks for sale at this office
Everything for that fishing trip at
W. K. Ellis.'
We can sell your real estate. Van
Orsdel & Barham.
I have on display a nice assortment
of "Spaldiner's" sportine eoods. All
guaranteed. W. R. Elus.
The neatest Ice Cream parlors in
town and good service guaranteed.
Give us a trial. Ellis' Confectionery.
I have secured competent help and
am prepared to do all kinds of quick
repairing work. Horse shoeinar a
specialty, jjnng your worK to my
blacksmith shop, next to Lee Smith's
Cyclery. Cal Hutton. tf
Real and Personal Property.
1G0 acre Stock Ranch, known as the
A. Siefarth place, mile west of Oak
dale schoolhouse, has 40 acres good
farming land, balance pasture and
wooded land, finely watered by run
ning springs, fine large house well
painted and papered, good barn, best
water on earth, high and healthy
location, fine outside range for stock,
place all fenced, will sell on good
terms, $1000 cash, time to suit on bal
ance. Price only $2500.
100 acres of good land, 40 in culti
vation, large new 2-story 8-room house
old barn, watered by small streams of
cold water, fl.ne fruit in abundance,
close to school and church, only $3000.
205 acres, 2 miles of Perrydale, Polk
County, 60 acres or more under plow,
about 60 acres stum page, well goated,
balance fine oak grub land all suit
able for farming when cleared, all fen
ced, house and barn, plenty water.
Only $18 per acre. Il5u0 caeh. i
years time on balance at 6 int.
40 acres, 1 mile of Dallas, has a
good house and barn, good orchard,
well fenced, fine spring water for
stock, ideal fruit land. Only $50 per
Many other land bargains too num
erous to mention.
320 acres good saw timber, Benton
County, cruised at ten million, $5000.
160 acres good saw timber, Tilla
mook county, will cruise seven mil
lon, $3500.
One good sound workhorse about 10
years old, gentle and true anywhere,
good for truck, will weigh about
1500 pounds. Price, $150; refused
1200 in the spring for him. 48 or 60
head of good Ansrora coats, about
two-thirds nannies: 4 good milch
cows ; good set of plow harness ; one
nice yeaning mare colt, black; old
buggy ; wagoo, eta
If you want anything come and see
me. I have a large list of farms for
sale Also agent for lots in Levens
Third Addition and Ellis Addition to
Dallas Ore.
Yours for business, H. G. CAMPBELL.
Are You Talking Through Your
" 1111 11 '"" 11 " 11 nimnwiiMHH
- i
) ; .-.
I - '
o .
We are; or at least we are letting our Hats do
the talking for us.
We now have on display in our window our
early Fall and Winter HATS. You will agree with
us that it is the finest line of HATS that has ever
come to the city.
HATS from the swellest Dress HATS to the
modest street HATS.
Great assortment to select from and prices
that will suit all. We have taken great pains to
select only the very best HATS, both in style and
finish. Come in and see them, we consider it a
pleasure to show them.
Don't Forget Our Next Great Saturday Surprise Sale, September 14
1 1
Falls City,
Legal blanks at this office.
We have parties wanting small
fatms; perhaps you have the place
that will suit. Butler & Donn. 2t
Pali Grubs
and Butts
Suitable for Ax Handles.
Highest cash prices paid, de
livered, or f. 0. b. cars.
Western Handle Mfg. Co.
Dallas, Oregon
Suitable for sawing
into Lumber. Give
quantity, location
and price asked.
Dallas, - Oregon
Care of Observer.
Rockers and Morris
Ever brought to Polk County is now on exhibi
tion at our store. You will be surprised to
learn how low the prices run. Your inspection
cordially invited.
Largest Stock on West Side.
Under New Management
Strictly White Help.
Big Sample Room and
Special Accommodations
for Commercial Men.
$1.00, $1.25, $2.00 per Day
Educate Your
Daughters at
In addition to its natural attractions,
thischarming city has the advantage
of being one of the principal and
best developed towns in theWillam
ette Valley, and the state capital
Vnitno- T-arliPS who receive their
loung i-aaies education at
chool, therefore, may receive not only
a thorough education from books, and
the accomplishments resulting from in
struction in art, needlework, domestic
science and music, and association with
their instructors, but they also acquire a
poise and culture in manner due to
privileges of observation and environ
ment which Salem, more than any other
city in Oregon, affords. Complete cost
for tuition, board, etc.. is only $40 per
half session of ten weeks. Music, two
lessons a week, per half session, (15.
Send today for new announcement.
Academy & Sacred Heart
Salem, Oregon
Wake Up! Get Wise!
Come and See Us
We have some good things
to show you.
At the Right Prices.
IS Dallas Shoe Store, Mrs- nor' 1
14 Clovtr BImmhb and Honey Boo m tvtry Bottle
The faa-
is n
Rough Lumber
$10. Per Thousand
Can also furnish
Mill three miles west of Airlie
On Pedee Road
The Olds Gasoline Engines
I handle the "Olds' the best Gaso
line Engine in the market. Just tho
thing for Wood Sawing, Pumping
Spraying, Feed Mills, Churning, Etc.
Come and See the best gaso
line engine made for farmers'
Ed. Diddle, Agent
Dallas, Oregon.
w Dr. King's
Jew Discovery
FOH Colds 3 JgH.
oa J20STET nzrxjNDED.
Real Es
New real estate firm in Dallas.
Farms, Ranches, City Property
Bought, Sold and Exchanged.
Exchanges in Portland realty a specialty.
Cal! and list your property with us.
Office, North Main Street