LUNC -WE HAVE FOR- HEOISI Fine Cream Cheese ..20e Fine Swiss Cheese 30c Cream Brick Cheese 30c McLaren's Club Cheese 15c Just in Barrel Heinz's Sweet Mixed Pickles, something fine. Boiled Ham every day. Fresh barrel of Queen Olives. Grape Juice, the finest on the market. Crider Grocery Dallas, - - Oregon Falls City Hospital L. PFANDHOEFER, M. D. PRESIDENT & MANAGER. O. WOLF, M. D. SECBETARr-TREXSrRER. BUSS L. HOLMSTROEM MATRON The Hospital is Now Open for the Public Graduate Nurses in Charge Prices Reasonable Visitors Hours: From 10 to 12 a. m. 3 to 5 p.m. 7 to 8 p. m. When you are in need of Lumber, Lath and Shingles Call on us. We can make you a Bottom Price on A Shingles. Dallas Lumber Co. Dallas, Oregon m IP Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given to whom it may con cern, that the underalKued hits been Inly appointed adminiutrator of the estate of M all l(ii) Guy, deceased, by the Hon. County Court of Polk County, Oregon. All parties in debted to said estiitc ure hereby no tilled to call at once and make settlement with the under signed and all parties having claims wrainst Buid estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified to the undersigned, within six mounts lrorn tne date Hereof. Dated at Dallas, Folk County, Oregon, this Min uay 01 July, iyu7. B. M. GUY, Administrator. Sibley & Eakin, Attys. for estate. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice 1h hereby iriven that the underpinned a administratrix of the estute of John V. Keas, deceased, has Hied her final account in the county Court of the Btate of Oregon, for Polk County, and that Wednesday, the 18th day of Kcuteinber. 1907. at the hour of ten o'elock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court room of the said County Court in the City of Dallas, Oregon, has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections ui uiu nam unai account aim ine settlement mereoi. FANNIE L. KEA8, Administratrix ol the estate of John W. Keaa, deceased. Oscar Hayler, Attorney. Dated and first published August 20, 1907. Notice For Publication. TIMBEB LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878. United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, .. , , . June 12, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provlhioiii of the act of Congress of June 3, lhTS, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands io the Mates of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Wanhintrtou Territory," as extended to all the Public Land tate by act of Augut 4. 1WA William W. Chapped, of Kali City, county of Polk, Htateof Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No for the pnrchaseof the N. y. of the B. W. y. tw:tioii No. 10, In Township No. a. of Range No 8 W., and will ofler proof to show that the land ought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural piirpofcea, and u establish his claim toeaid land before the Begixter and Receiver of this office, at Portland, Oregon, on Friday, the anh day of September, 1W7. ' lie names as witnesses; William J. Booth well, of Kails City, Oregon ; Roy McMorpfay, of rails City, Oregon; tieorge haglcy.of Portland. Oregon; V. A. Lucas, of falls City, Oregon; C. Kramer, of Pall City, Oregon. Anyaud all iieraons claiming adrentely the atiove-dftw-ribeii lauds are requeued to rile their claims in this office on or before said Attn day of bepleinber, 1K7. ALGERNON 8. DRKSKR, Keguter. Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Ofllce at Portland, Oregon, ,L August 3, l'J07. Notice ia hereby given that Adua H. Phelps, of HoskiiiM. Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to make final live year proof in gup port of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 14270 made on July tt, mr, for the Northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 9 south, Range 7 west, and that faid proof will be made before the Clerk of Polk County, at Dallas, Oregon, on September U, 1907. He unities the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: William McLaughlin, of Falls S-''" City, Oregon; T. E. Phelps, of 1-alls City, Oregon. 1 ' ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice to Creditors." Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been dnl v Htmriintf.i a.i,i,.ia,... . -1 ; estate of Peter Wheeler, deceased, bv the Cnnnt v Court of the Htiite of Oregon, for Polk County, and has qualified. . . Ail ITtAriUiTiB. htivltifr nl.ln,. : - - . i - . . V ' r dkiiuii iub saia estate are hereby notified to present the same duly vcrillcd, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, at his place of business in Willamina, Yamhill County. Ore- (roil rip ul I tin ntfl... t.t k . J .. .. j,...., . .. ,. v , VIIC n,ui; viers oi roil County, in Dallas, Oregon, within six months .. .ijc u.vo ill tliui MtHiee. Dated and first published July 23, 1907. PALL PUNDMAN, Administrator of the estate r. ... . of l'eU)t Wheeler, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the nnderdened. as administrator of the etau of Ann, dweased, has filed bis final account in the Comity Court of the Htate of Oregon, for Polk County, and that Saturday, the Klst day of Augukt, 1907. at the honr of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at the i-nnrt ........ i n,- said trinity Court in the City ol Dallas. Oregon, has been appointed by snid Court as the time and place for the hearing of objection to the aaia final account and the settlement thereof. J. V. hMlTH, Administrator of the estate of Ann Hylveater, deceased. Oscar Hayter. Attorney. Dated and first publiabed Anguat 2, 1907. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, l-7. Lulled Htate Land Office, Portland. On-aon, .... , , , May l, ifi. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of tha ai;t of Congma of June a, i;a, entitled "An act lor thei-alecf timber laud In the hut of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and WBrhinfrlou Territory," al extended to all tne Public Land Htate by act ol August 4, IWri, Martha E. Barley, of Portland county of Multuomah, Htat of Orevon, has tliu day filed iu thiaofhte her sworn aiatement No. 7l(, for the purchase of I lie Weal of N. W A of Sec. No. 10 in Township No. 8 8., Range No. 8 Weat, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for it timber than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 17th day of September, 1W7. bhe names as witnesses: William J. Bonth well, of Falls City, Oregon; Kerris A. Lucas, of Falls City, Oregon; Knvmond F. Marquis, of Portland, Oregou; John U. Uagley, of Portland. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-descrilied lands are requested to file tlieir claims in this ollice ou or before said 17th day Of September, 17. ! ALGERNON 8. DRESSER, j Register. HAGAZLIIE READERS SCSSZT VA.0AZIHX beautif yll iCoatrakd. food atoms ad wtxiaa aljout Cafiiofnia aad il tU Fm WcA CAK5A CSAFT davatsxl satek avaatk to tlx u bstic HfMo(JcSioa) ti lh beat l el anxteur aad proiouj photograpltcra. EOi.0 OF A THOUSAND book el 7) page, coauiaioa 120 colocad photographs oi fn tjg pacturexrat spots ia CaUforaia '' tad Orcgoa, $1.50 year Iz.oo year Toul ... $3.25 All for . . . . $1.50 Addrass aU oroWs SUITSET UAGAZIKE Floed BuikW Saa Fi ROAD UP MBIT, Why the City Resident Gains as Much as the Farmer. BAD ROADS AFFECT MARKET. TbilelioTr who mates a prartlfo of n-alUo for thlnps to turn up usually a-ota turriftd down wllCU thtTft l jtD to be done that Is worth tha doing. In planning for the summer flowers It Is well to ro!tiOirer that a few choice Tarletiea well onrei for furnish vastly more satisfaction; and delight than a raft of the soruu ruhu Product That Would Raach the Citiea if the Highway Were Good Are Held Back and Go Into the Handa ef the Speculator. In many respects there Is a certain amount of crudeness In the different phases of our physical condition. This U imre apparent la our country roads than almost any other, says the Motor News. The system of road building has been faulty as well as costly. Much expense has been put upon the common roads year after year, and still there are seasons when most roads are In an unfit condition for general nnni-fw Tills Is not tlie fault or DUr- j pose, but of mode of treatment. Much , of course is due to the newness of the country and the constant demand for labor and cost in making farms, build ing bridges and otherwise atteuding to what mar properly be regarded of prime importance. As the country ad ranees in other respects the uecesslty for good roads becomes more Insistent A few thoughts upon this subject from a prominent citizen of Michigan may not be amiss: "If the common rinds of the country were brought to a condition that would enable farmers to market Uielr products at all seasons of the year, tne cost of living in town and city would be greatly lessened, and discontent among laboring people and the operatives of industrial con cerns would largely decrease If It did not entirely disappear. Why and bow I are the two questions which must be answered. ''Present road conditions compel I fanners to rush their products to mar ket as soon as harvested and when roads are at their best, since by wait ing a convenient time they may not get there at all because of bad roads. This naturally- congests the market, forcing low prices, to the great detrl ment of the producer and without ap preciable benefit to the consumer, be cause the average family In town or city buys only In small quantities at one time, say a day's or a week's supply, What is the result? The speculator, finding prices low and knowing that In a little while the bad roads season will be on, when competing products will be kept from the trade centers, buys up the surplus and 6tores It away for the day of ne cessity, when he can demand and re ceive his own price for his holdings the stuff for which men toil, which they are compelled to have at what ever cost. And when the citizen in towns the mechanic and operative of shops and factory Is forced In winter and spring to pay exorbitant prices for those articles of household necessity which went begging for buyers at low f x 11 t a xi.. pnees me preceumg inn ue ugures lue Walla. Pmn ono mot. ! ti,;. Increased cost of living in comparison IV hall , 1fWJ,, ' h.,ii-i; ... ., v,u.j AH the seed oats should be put through a fannlus mill and subjected to a strong blast of air. T!iii will re move the light and shrunken kernels, much chaff and weed seed and as a re sult greatly Improve the quality of the seed. A lady who has had experience with recipe recouiiaeaia filling aa egg shell with Ipecac to cure dogs of the egg eating habit The doped egg Is placed In nests which the offending canine Das been frequenting, and if he gets the dose set out for bim he never raids bens nests again. He may act aa thousm he were going to die, but such appearances are deceitful. He cornea out of it all right, but sadder and wiser. .. With hay selling delivered at from but $5 to $0 per ton, a price that pre vails In many localities, and with the all too prevalent method of stacking It In the open, under which from a fifth to a half of It Is practically spoiled aa a result of rains and exposure to the weather, there would seem to be one line of farming which offers room for considerable improvement. The situa tion, which In many cases cannot be got around except by stacking under cov er, would seem to point to the advisa bility of reducing the area of meadow land to the lowest possible point audi ievotlng the land thus recovered to the culture of corn. The change suggested might render the building of a silo ex pedlent, but It is taken as a matter of coarse that every progressive farmer has this Improvement In view In use not distant future. Legal blanks at this office. CURE YOUR KIDNEYS Why will people continue to suffer the Htronies of kidney complaint, backache, urinary disorders, lameness, headaches, languor, Why allow themselves to be come chronic Invalids, when a certain cure is offered them? Doan's Kidney Pilia is the remedy to use, because it gives to the kidneys the help they need to perform their work. If you have any, even one, of the symptoms of kidney diseases, curd your self now, before diabetes, dropsy or Oright's disease sets in. Mrs. L. Hod8on, of 717 Aura ht Pendleton, Ore., says: "I just as en thusiastically endorse Doan's Kidney Pills today as I did nearly three years ago. Thev relieved meoi Kinney irouoie which had bothered me for a consider able time. There was aching pains across the small of my back and down through my kidueys, which wore aggra vated by colds which settled in the buck and loins and caused an awful lamenecs. This was my condition when I begun taking Doan's Kidney Pill. This rem edy banished the backache and pains through the loins, regulated the kidney secretions and removed every symptom of the trouble, From that day to this there has been no recurrence, and I give Doan's Kidney Pills all the credit. 1 consider them to be the best kidney remedy procurable and recommend them whenever the occasion aches," For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,Bufiiilo, N. Y.,sole agents for the United State8. Remember the name Dunns and take no 'other. Ivy vw- 1 LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. A Jennings Lodge, to. 9, stated communications, Second and Fourth Fridays of each month. G. L. Hawkins, W. M. J. C. Havtee, Sec. Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R. A. M., stated convocation, Firs First and third Fridays of each month. Oscar Hayteb, H. P. U. S. Grant, Sec. Kf aomi Chapter, No. 22,0. E. 8., stated meetings becond and Fourth TueB' days of each month. Mrs. Maqgiic Hayter, W. M. Mrs. Lib bih Muir, Sec. I pvjprv i it uv it vii a 11 11 . - 1 Woodmen of the World. and grows restless and discontented The resident of the city Is the gainer by good roads Just as much as the farmer." Tuesday evening. A. LONGNKCKER, U. C. W. G. Vasball, Clerk. jtflistletoe Circle, No. 33, W. C. W., VAmeets in their Hall, in the Woodman building every second and toortn Wednesday. Mrs. Helen Greenwood, G. N. Mrs. Nellie Tatom, Clerk. Knights of the Maccabees. Missouri and Good Roads. There are 125,000 miles of roads in Missouri On 10 per cent of the mile age, however, is carried 00 per cent of the business transported. While all roads need to be improved, the largest need Is of course upon the main trav eled highways, says the Motor News. The cost of good roads was estimated at the Chllllcothe convention different ly by different speakers. Largely it was a question of material available in the various localities. From Boone county came a report that gravel roads were under construction at $1,700 a mile. This was a conservative esti mate. After a dirt road had been put In well graded condition It could be kept In good condition, it was demon strated, by the use of the drag at practically normal expense. It is not to be wondered at therefore, with Its demand for a new constitution and for Kodge No. 144 Meets Third Tuesday the training of good engineers, that eacn outh Dallas Tent, No. S, meets Second and Fourth Thursdays of each month in I. O. O. F.hall. Mark Hayter, S. K. Com. I. N. Woods. R. K. Twilac Hive, No. 28, L. O. T. M., meets "on Second and Fourth Thursdav after noon of each month. Mrs. Kittie N. Miller, L. C. Mrs. Rose Fidler. R. K. Fraternal Union of America good engineers, that the convention adopted a resolution favoring legislation looking toward the more general employment of the drag. "The best road material," It was decided, "was men and money, cash taxes and competent engineers." The state board of agriculture Is planning to follow up the Chllllcothe convention with other conventions in different towns. The good roads cam paign In Missouri Is on in earnest. W. J. Wagnjjr, F. M. ' Mrs. S. E. Morrison, Sec. Knights of Pythias Warmion Lodge, No. 96, K. of P. Meets even; Mondav even in b In W. O. W. building. Visiting Knights are welcome. W. H. ItOY, C. C. - H. L. Toxey, K. of R. S. Cut Glassware Silverware Yout friends are getting married; give thenl a handsome, high-grade present. Also a full line of OPTICAL GOODS C. H. MORRIS Jeweler One door west of Stafrin Drug Co. VANORSDEL & BARHAM Must have more Farms and City Property to sell. We areturnlngaway men every day for want of places to suit Perhaps yours would. Come and list with us. We can sell. We are making u p a new list to be sent East. Get yours in on this. Will sell on email commission. See us. J. C. VanOrsdel and A. J. Barbara Dallas, - Oregon OCCIDENTAL HOTEL High Service and Low Rates , C. W. NIXON, Proprietor, Corvollis, Oregon. Evan nn Grandfathers- knew,.,. . oALLAiiUo SNOW will do. A CONVINCING PROOF of Iho worth of a modlcine is the curna u CURE ss& USED SNOW LINIMENT 10 YEAix V. L. Settle, Richmond, Mo. writ- mT' rtify that I have used your B Z TL 8 to . cercuy mac i nave used your Bnow T ini , 18 years for rheumatism, LukT fX lm and in every caso it lias rendered immti. .ek' etc-i and satisfaction." "eroa immediate relief Avoid all Substitutes. Three Sizes 25c Ste i , BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO 500-502 North Second Street, ST. L0UK m Sold and Recommended by STAFRIN DRUG COMPANY m C A A Mm!. - COFFEE TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT CLOSSETfiCEVERS FWTUND. ORE. ) MAKE EVERY COUNT- nn mMtr hour bad the weather You cannot afford to be without & TOWER'S WATERPROOF! OILED SUIT ,0R SLICKER When you buy look, for the SIGN OF THE FISH A J fowe CO SOOTON US A Eft CANADIAN CO t OCONTO CAN mm 1m HOLLi&TER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Modiolus for Easy People. Brings Golrtea Health and Ksnswed Vigor. A sneclflo for Constipation. Iniilirastlon. lAvm nd Klrlnev Troubles, Pimples. Eczema, Impure Blood, Bnd Breath, 81iiR(risli Bowels, Headache snd Backache. It's Itoclcy Mountain Tea In tab lot form, 88 cents a bo. Genuine made by IioLUBTKR Druq Cowahy, Madison, Wis. WLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE l ; I You buy from Factor) faf- Vj' Direct. Therefore our W lpr'ce are lowest ul , lift .VVtTrrrrrT 10 3" ST. PonriAHkOft TIMBER-LANDS PULLER&ELLIOn Don't fall to call or write If vouhntA have timber to sell. ,M-uy0l!11 Office in Crider Building Dallas, . . 0bboi M. OLIVE SMITH teacher ol PIANO AND ORGAN Stmlio, Room No. 2, Wilson Btok DALLAS OREGON " Sallowness Ii&urud 9 to Duskv Deaiilv A dark skin becomes f.n(ii;::ii!,. when delicately soft, mn!crsinj with the radiant glow wl;i i imli ptesaliealthy, active skin. Kolicrt ine keeps the skin refined in quality, keepsporesfreefromclo;;;ii,gw;iste and stimulates tlie tiny capilkiriesio contributethecolorwhichclwrnuii blonde and brunette alike. Rohfii. ine is certain protection against tan, unburn and freckles if apj.lictl I. fore exposure to (tin or wind. Spreads like an imperceptible sheen of gauze overskin surface, formings stimulating and preserving a delicate, lustrous beauty. TSVnTf.V.7- SI W . SL $2.' 00 'raystr tbe oBSERVER and tne w eeKiy uregumsn onoyear. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Obsebvee must be paid up to date. Subscribe now. Mlehiaan'a Road Pronrrm State Highway Commissioner Earle or Micnlgan report that during the seventeen month bis dc'Dartmeni: tan been In eilstcnce flftj--two miles of stone roaa bare been built In Michi gan, In addition to thirty-threw miles of first class gravel road and enoueh clay gravel road to make ninety and one-rourtn miles. The total value of ail the roads constructed was Slftt 177 The state has paid for completed roads JOV'C, and the value of the roads pending Is $77,082. The widest piece of road constructed Is the tnr, tvri from Lansing to the Agricultural col lege. New Road Cement. Experiments in England have howa that the use of a mortar-llke cement In road building will render the highway more durable and almost dustless. This suggests the adding of a new phase to the eternal conflict between horsemen and motorists, says the Slotor News. While a smooth road of adamantine surface would be Meal for automo birwts. it would be Injurious to horses. The ultimate hope of the motorists, then-fore, seems to be the crowding (rs of the home by the motor vehicle. The finding of a beef carcass badly infected with tuberculosis on the cut ting block la a not distant country town caused the council of the town to pass an ordinance requiring official inspection of ail meat offered for sale thereafter. The action taken is sensi ble and Is along a line suggested in these notes some months ago. The operation of the new federal meat in spection law tends to prevent the ship ment of diseased animals to the large packing centers, and the likelihood of their being slaughtered and retailed In the home market is thereby greatly increased. A. 0. U. W. Union Lnftu. No. uWMua irsa 5' i i mi t i . na .rnira Wednesday ot each Mjs month. H. L. Fbnton. M. W. John E. Smith, Fin. Crystal Lodge, No. 50, D. of II., meets wHrstand Third Wednesday of each Mas. C. G. Coad, C. of II. Mas. Ed. F. Coad, Fin. United Artisans. rremb!y No. 45 meets First and "Third Tuesday of each month. Willis Simokton, M. A. I. 0. 0. F. V Friendship Lodge, No. 6. meets every Saturday evening in I. O. O. F. Hnll 6 W. L. SokhrbS, N. G. W. A. Athks, Eec.Sec. fjsCreole Encampment, No. 20, meets "Second and Fourth Monday of each month. W. A. Ayhes, CP. A. W. Teats, Scribe. 13 Imira Lodge, No. 26, P. of R., meets lhe first and third Vvl,..1I.., each month. Miss Evasgslins Hart, N. G. Mas. Clarici Sokhrkn, Sec. rrpnn Assembly. No. 5i. rta r7Trv F!"7.n 8 p- n-&t L o. O. F. liall. iHiucf? ceiprhbors welcome, Fhed R. Rich, Speaker. Lydia Campbell, Clerk. rirp THE NEW IDEA r LJ L-l mm the BowsSs tZJ THE 0RIS1RAL LAXATIVE n Fl C0U6H STROP I WAND ,Red Clover Blatsan Ever Mit m for CoHdrea L-J For Sale by Druggists. II 11 iif. ttwiTia SALIM, PALLS CITY & WKSTERN RAII3VAY COMPANY. TIME TABLE NO. J3 EF1ECTIVE FEBRUARY 1, lOOT. NO. T No. 9 No. 11 No 1 No. .1 No. n ! Freight Freight Freinrht Freight Freight PFrght A. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. 7:15 11:10 8:20 Lv. 7:34 No Stop 3:39 Ar. 7:38 No Stop 8:43 Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. 7:43 No Stop 8:48 Ar. 6:00 9:00 1:30 7:65 11:50 4:00 Ar. 6:30 9:30 2:00 Ar Trains Will Stop on Signal Only. No Atfeat. STATIONS : - t ' DALLAS ':. At. TEATS Ar. " 'GILLIAMS Ar. BRIDGEPORT Ar. FALLS CITY Lv. BLACK ROCK Lv. No. Pass. Freight A.. M. 9:80 No Stop.lNo 9:02 8:57 8:45 No. -4 Freight P.M. 1:45 Stop No Stop No Stop 1:00 NO. O Pass. & Freight P. M. 5:15 No Stop 4:47 4:42 4:30 NO. 8 Freight A. H. Ar. 8:30 7:46 No. 10 Freight A. M. Ar. 11:45 11 :M NO. 18 Freight P.M. Ar. 4:15 j:30 Dally Except Sunday, : Schedule Sabject to Chaat Wlthoot KU Groceries and Provisions WE carry all the leading brands of Canned : Goods, Coffees, Teas and Spices. Also a good supply of fresh vegetables and fruit in season. .-. Croekc-ry and Queen's Ware. SIMONTON &. SCOTT Pallas, Ore. OSFIELD OLD STAND &3& i ! m j - n m u u i y if ki asceruim oiir oi ..- Patent taken tbroo? J y,, Scfen ific A handsomely "l"? li enlatioti of "W8?, aid Mall T '? Tin four months, U V-T 1.. I & Wj, wsWMii-- CuresBackachs Corrects rrreffuiarui" i m j " vi-1 ii i i-i'M : ' "-rTLuM Will cure any case of -KMnw ri- fr.BrightVgl2-- - hevnnrl ih r.,Vl, t . "uuu - ... n;aliete3 J vaw Ui mcQicine. no medicine can do more. For Sale by BELT & CHEHHEuGTOIT. DaUi3, and II. THOUPSON, Falls W